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Show RELIGION VS. SCIENCE. Mm. t'AIEf.'s I.KCTCRE La4t BVKXINO. A largo audlence'uatbered lu the .1 iid- , 1SH3 Opera Houe last evening, to listen to the tllscunniyif f tiid question, "I Relljrien opposed .to Ssiencer" by the KKA03IKNTS- distiasulshedvCatholky lecturer ami LD, IKTlOO it)., 1.J.0O. writer, Rt. Rev. Mgr. T. J. were n the stage with the of Jorclau are The wptTs rlwr speaker, Father Seanlan, Gov. Murray rapidly.' aud Judge Bennett, tSl this city. Gov. Dn.l'iKiiaad JuJe of Murray ! ntrod needthe lecturer to the 1'rovo uro in the cUy. audience Mdnsdsruor Capel tbeir;"began his let- Two more bicycle- bnvr roceally arwithout notes, aoeaSLlnjsjInacleiir, ture, from liie rived, f al instinct aua . ptea iuk. jane oc ..voice, the rfubject Under McKay Mt on n vUit lie held that was of paramount importo MftLo thin morning. tance tp uiajrkiad. .That In relation to matter, inen were somewhat simiS.was tUl.-- i moiulu tiui'J $'10 this lar they seemed whan thtsir Tor illftturijing the pvace. bulos.- waa supposed t be iu a bad to exwar, Uiey had not TnttClir Council will hokUheir h amine into 'their' account promptly; ular session this evening. and when, arter niucn sunena, tu; i Capel-'Ther- e ni; i Daii-iib-rr- i - - . cou-tideray- on CoMiUS-iio.NK- This morning comBrlckclust plaint was entered before Justice Spelrs, by John II. Fi'eeinan, charging S. A. Ksnaer with eraezzleraent. Freeman alleges that Kenner, as his aent, disposed of- - 10,000 brick for the sura of Sl'K), and; then appropriated the inoaey to hii own u,e. la answer Freeman Kenner states that him for serwas Indebted to and a vices that attorney, after continuous dunning, agreed to pay the amount in brick, which offer was accepted : the attorney says that the sura received from the sale of the brick was less than the indebtedness. 'The case was set for hearing this afternoon. Deseret Hospital. Cl.-i.R- to-waa- i. tue-coura- go ' was made. trtev found a credit. This custody, eharediagtv,iMaaoc.-tMrj. Passky with ilrunkcn iiess and Tascraucy feeling existed couceniiu;? tne itivesli-irntio- a of Christianity and scluulillc y it received Irutu.'5 MoCoKsicK & Co. was declared by some of the best, of two cars Ilaiiauer ore, value J.X). men that science was la opposition to Bible truth. "In" making this declara(. (iEORiiR Df.n.vu was placed In jail I tion as it men hid thenselves druiikenof a on Larue tins mornim;, a wall of paper, wera.Vitte'hLBd of thoroughly and were fearful Qie troth.- This was investigating 1 I.. K. Mah I'ineaL' arid wife, oi to examine Those are spend ill:; several days iu Salt the iawi bf'sclenr-e- ' lor fear It would not untitled to ortrureJhrin.were respect. . The speaker declared that received there could be no opposition between Wki.i.3, F utcio a Co. y revelatloir necese lnrs ntario bullion, value, 8cleuceandreliirio:,as sarily sutaiueil the truths of science. VU,.'n;ti.4::. There was a distinction between reirelelatlou and .science.' Reveiatlo:-- . SiLVEit ((Uotillou-'- . corrected daily was arivento the Rnirlish gpeakius peo to Increase by Wells, Fargo & Co.: NW York; ple-- B their own language, tlielr frnowladireoi- - ftod; yet this 1.07 ; London ';. (". As, for lanenae was not scientific. if he were to ask. a person to There were three sleepers on the Instance meet hini at sunset. 'he & 11. (i. thronjeh east bound would, m&ktt a gross astronomical ertrain this morning. ror, yet would convey truthiuliy hts idea. So inspired ianscuac- was not a wfio a lotouimlltt-l J. Cm a n, s'ientlllc b:ok. .Because of the man 6f expnfe3.ston.fc some were so fooltery at Fuller's Hill was leleased on ner as to satjiat .tne nrsi cnapter o! ish oi costs, jli.iVi. phyuieut Geuesls, or t;lij statement that the sua Mrs. Ssvajs'bkw.i, wlio was in)ure'd stood still, bhould- hot be believed. the Scientist that ty a gravel tr:ilu yesterday, Is feeling earth was but one In a jrroiit. phuu-tarsy atom. rjBTOiT lQ aroumi the sua: the considerably better .Ji ted stars" tvere i.lso centres of sys Dkmiai.tli.'.-- i deli very, team took a tems ail parts o I one mljrtily cosmos, hor runaway on Fast Temple Street one great home. Sixleeu distinct or plauets had been discovered, aiid tuli inoruiUK- .No tlaujae was done. morer might still- e, - If Instruments The Burton ft. Oardner wish to employ could be safllclentry improved. return aud .movement$;;Jlsappear,au;e canvass to two or three Rood aiiects of heavenly .ipdjps- could also be tor the sale of sewing machines, llejre. precision. All these were the faets of tiatore, and rellszlon did liot inIs a chance for tho unemployed. In vestiiration is in tlir o to-da- - wiio-feare- --. d to-da- ( forty-thre- i ! W I pas-Heng- -r I The Board wish it understood that patients of all creeds arc eligible, ami will bo admitted without preliminaries or delay by simply applying at the building. As the Hospital is not iu as good a condition iluancialiy as It is lu other respects, the members' of- the Institu- ri y lo-da- rs - - calcu-latedtwi- & BCfT CiOODA. ft Bro. Agents for C. Cutler John the Provo Woolen Mills, are receiving 8 urine Saltings, Tweeds, Flannels, Shawia, Blankets, etc., in large qaan-titifrom the mills. Wholesale and retail at No. M Hooper ft Kl dredge Building. es HER AOTICC TO THE tfVBLiC. If you want anything In the Furnl-nitur- e Line or any repairing or jobbing done, call at my old place of business and oblige, yours, John C. Sandbxbq, 101 W .South Temple Street, oppo-sttValley House. ! e H. J Hill, No. 28 s. West Temple St. tf Teacher of piano and organ. roa cusap rvaiiTtKB REAL BARGAINS Da. Huudtr'a Celery, Beef and Iron, restores lost vitality. IN Go to P. W. Madseu's on First South, Street, 51 and M East. fii es t piles rtx.es III 1 1 NEW & STYLISH GOODS! Sure .are tor Blind, Bleeding and" It- - hma Piles One box has cured the wort aaes of u years' standixt Mo ca fcced suffer five m uutes aft,' usiru William a mdiau Pile Ointment. IU absorbs tumors, allays a' U as poultice, arves instant itching, rHf o the for Ptie. ttcniac else No id b, private art, uothlng twJ mailed on receipt of irugisra 60c vudal.UU nrf'e. For sale b 7. C M I Drue D pi- ' KhAitEM Mai:ci.va Co . Prop's, .. ties tn White Gooda, Embroidered Robes, Ladies1 Brocade and Silk Capes, Laces. and Embroideries, Hosiery, Corsets, Carpets and Upholstery Goods, Ladies and Children's Shoes, Gents' and Hoys' fl'iihing, Hats, Caps, Etc., Ete. Cleveland. Ohio FCJRXfTf JK : CUea First ; ,fc...L I Dr. Hknlkt's Celery, Reef and ? is the best Nervine and Toulc and L cored In many cases where ot-remedies failed. Bulletin, April 1 5. Dr. WKNtKYs Celery, Beef and lion, gives strength to mind and body. PATHS LADIES' and MISSES' Full Regular Hose, 25c pr. pair! h .A-.lx- vfi tatTlea' and Children's Straw A COAX! COAX, I Eats, at 300 pieces CHOICE STYLES 15, 25 COAL! terfere in't he least 9iill their examination. But this was not science these worth double.-- . L. GOLDBKIta. were facts. To see she law on which Lyons, whose gifts were much appre-- c Jackson, at the Woods Cross .Station, these- fiicjp-restwais of la ted. sent by Bancroft & Co., California. No science, and tboae. who beglnnliMr underst.jcd A lot of Lace, at 20c. per dozen, worth double. laws-BABY CARRIAGES Tne scIentlstA. laws in mme wre these known that is ouch vicinity. of nature had notchaned: they were Ki re Shortly before 10 o'clock last At DCrwooDXY's. A lot of Children's White Embroidered Pique Dresses, A balky horse attracted considerable the same to- day as o.ixw ago. The: night, a fire was discovered in Mr, jears 1 in vane Iu had or not Uall this erta veijcht, of east the City attention Just at $1.-5- each, worth double. EA.C1LE SOFT BOA P. Wiilett's candy store, on First South though. in placys the surface h i morning. The .stubborn animal pre- form, 's at Ellas Morris' of A vast menwouhi Only number and ot bells depot, the the Armory ferred laying down to working In har- changed A lot of Silks, Satins and Poulards, at 45c. per yard, make believe that certain sctentiilc Street, Store, 32 S.. Main Street, . near by sounded the alarm. It was Z. C, M. I., Salt Lake City. theorles wejre tbe laws of nature. This ' .some ness. oiposlte worth little time, however, before the double.; claim was Incorrect. Forty vears aMessrs. F. Little, JohnSharp, Jr.. scientists cldliced there were tlve di.s- - lire brigade were able to learn the loW. JIADSE.I'S FI9S S1TOCK P. sources T?bm which the human A lot of Black Grenadines, at 10, 25 and 3c. per yard, J. U. WaUer, W. S. Oodbe, H. W. itlnut"1 of the Lire, thus causing a few Of Furniture at 51 and SS First Sowtlr had sprung; now they claimed but cation Lawrence and V. 11 Sharp will return race When firemen minutes' ar Street. the worth double.,, delay. three. The theory had chaoKed, and he from their trip to the Osceola mining believed it would further change, uatll rived on the scene, the roofs covering science would be compelled to admit the A lot of Lawns, 20 yards for $1.00, worth double. dlatilct this eveniDg. or FIWS. store, ilrs Romel's milll there, was one xranl source from neryca;idy own PleasNature's trne Laxative. A. Geo. and Meeara.' store, armory The casi of the Lehl Irrigation whence all mankind have sprung, li were in the A lot of Vord Piques, 20 yards for $1.00, worth double. flames. Several streams oj ant to the Palate, acceptable top&'n-lealso been held that the atmosphere Company, appellant, vs. Stephen Moyle had Stomach, harmless in its nature, which was surrounded earth the were soon on water burn playing the, in its act Ion, C ures habitual Ca et al., regpondeuts, has occupied the miles In depth, and that ail vas A lot of Men's and Boya' Felt Hnts, at 50c. each, worth bejond Biliousness, Indigestion and attention of the Territorial Supreme a vacuum. Bnt now the great astron- - lag building, and the Are was quickly stipatlon, ills. kindred Cleanses the V system, double.- omer, Normau Lockyer, of London, brought under control. Court most of the time purihe-- the blood, regulates the Lrvei an Are a The In makes assertion will that boldly originated transparency, aud acts on the Bowels. Breaks CotCTs Wednesday, June 10th, overthrow this theory. He declares within which a lighted lamp was shin A lot of Boys' Waists, at 80c. each, worth double. Chills and Fevers, etc. Strengthens Ulumiaat-.of if sun that the the.light is the day set for hearing th appeal on in front of the candy store. It had organs on which it acts. Better than ing, some be submust the there earth, bitter, nauseous Liver mcdiclnes.pUls, A. lot of Gents' Unlaundried Shirts, at 65c. each, worth the motion for a new trial in the Caa-uo- u tance cooiMunleated to the building, and the salts which conducts that light to tii and Sample bottles and Musser unlawful cohabitation earth, a" di'stanc" of S3, 000 ,00 J timbers between ths ceiling and the free, aud draughts. aU double. large bottles for sale Iha laiea rif natura ' vmc.tn unroot were doubtless well ignited druggists. Z C. M. I Drug by cases, Uefon the Territorial Supreme mlta Store. JZZ, .r7.;:;tV,t Wholesale Agents. calt Lake City. 18 c ourt. ' away Science is a kuowledg-- of the before any alarm was given. Most ot laws bind were that the of the and facts 'j taken out together goods t property of the Sjster- DooLiTri-E- , meones were ei,i STOP THAT COftiHL nature; oui snenimu aafetv. BDd tVe tntnl lr will late John Doolittle of Wallingford, science, were continually changing they Bv osuig Dr. Frailer ' Tnrost amount to on about which there $1,501), man died at last someiimes saiu noi Conn., Saturday raorning lueyiwouiu Lucg rUlsam thi only sure cor for no is insurance. not vet did what they understand, the residence of hvr dausjhtor iu Cedar Coughs Colds, Hoarseness aad Sore see tne tact of tneirown Some and uncalled-fo- r critl- - Throat, aud all diseases of the threat Fort Utah County. She was very old tney couta lungs Do not neglect a cough. HXut (evident ou the and belat; almost a centeu&rlau. It may prove fatal Score and hunstance had teeea defined by scientists as principle that everybody can improve dreds of grateful people owe their TnE tinh aauual commencement ex- mar in wnicn property, quaatvor acci- on his- neighbor's method of doing .ives to.br Fraxier's Thioat and bun .led In dent res'des: and that these resi ercises of St. .Mark's School will be Balsam, ud no fimiiy will evx-bbusiness; because they did not burst In witboot waa no under,"':4iid-InThere substance. it after once using it, and litre the rooms with water, but given on the afternoon and evening of of that substance. It was like the its marvelous power It Is Monday, June 13, for which occasion Irfshman's dehnitlonof matter What as t.ae flames were confined almost enmt up in lirge family-bottleand sold a fitting programme has been prepared. Is mLUer? Never mind. What is mind ;' tirely to the roots, considerable prop74 ents per hot small 'or of the prlcn Me : Fop C M I Drag Dept The exercises will be rendered chiefly No matter." That was all that was erty was saved by the water being diknown of substance. Men had also vocal and the include and rected by pupils, only to that part. During the declared that they could not accept l D.i. HssLXY'g.Celery, iteef andiron, Instrumental music, essays, speeches, in God. Yet all truth was ete- progress of the tire In the Armory, the cores are two Dyspepsia and Indigestion. and had rnaltwo an four, always address by Bishop Tuttle. oi "Powder" was raised, and ere etc., and " been, always would be, to all eternitv. cry ated a of considerable stampede, but it We had a cad this afternoon from The infinite was also grasped bv the FOB (JPHOLSTEKT, CSlBPST, CALL AT WHICH Mr- W.N. Bibcock, General Western mind every day. There was no end to was soou found that there was no Or Window Blinds, go to Pe the division of a .unit. The knowledge room for alarm. The buildings were Madsen's. & . GOODS the ARE of Northwestern SOLD BY Chicago of the eternal , aud the lnfinke were Agent i Rill way a road with which the people withla mortal reach the tacts of na- the property of Mrs. Dodge, and the re remained when scientific theories mains will be removed. TJIIS ttFRXMG of this Territory have always had the ture We would call the attention of gone. most pleasant of dealings who Is were Revelation was the making known of A Worthy Home Industry. Among readers to a true family medlcliia. paying this city a brief visit. He was the will of God the presentation of a Browa'i Sarsaparilla aad Dandelloh, home Industries which are specialthe flood of knowledge. The world had with Iodide of Potassium for the accompanied by Mr. W. B. Waters'," ot progressed In artificial light from the ly worthy of the support of the public Blood, the Liver and the Kidneys. Jt Chicago. We trust they will enjoy dipped candle to gas and electric light, tne wooien taken the front rank of Blood mauuiactures occupy a has lustly has their stav. yet these were far "beneath the light of the formula printed op Purlflera, Is Wool one of the prominent place. the aim Revelation was as the sunand Is heartily endorsed, each bottle by When you use medielneBf light over and above all. It unfolded staple products of this mountain the truths of. God. Scientific men country, and Is likely always to con- Physicians. the best. All oar medlclAe bay only I.OCAIi JiKWS, woukLnot say the people could not sell Brown's Medicines. $ , 'have another knowledge, an order tinue so. To sell the wool In rts raw dealers, lew k Recovered. the last be to state During taken out of the Territory apart from the intelligence of man, beBrown's Arnica Salve will cure days B;iup Preston has been quite stowed through the goodness of God. and manufactured, and then buyit Burns, Cats, Bruises, or Sofa, Eyes. bad beeq fodljsh la thinking the dAsT Warranted. Indisposed from the effects of having People Bible taught science it was re vHatlou ; back again lu the shape of clothing of eaci. various as that caught a cold. His aliment was doubt- and tho kinds, well, might Just Jd.ea .ot. revelation was A HTAttrUXO BISCOVKRT '; 1 less aggravated by overwork. We are connectedvery with the soul, with religion, aud better, be made here at home, Is a Mr. Wm Johnson, of Huron, DakL pleased to be able to state that he is whs abo ve all the facts of nature, and ruinous policy, which has been pursued writes that his wife had ben troabjdu inovod side by side with science, never too convalescent, blnr around long. But there are other reasons with acute Bronchi t la for many years, in contact. God gave revelacoming tried gave nV actively engaged with the duttea ot his tion and as It and science were both than the fact that we are supporting vnd that all remedies ho -Bormanent until relief, 7,50. procured & trues? they could not'confllct, office. and enriching other and distant comVottle ' Jfcjaad been Ktna'M New of. Dr Discovery idj: h charged that the to the of interlocal neglect lonsumptlon, Coughs and Cold, had opposed science, and munities 0Q -pro-- ; 'Exponent" Improved. The Wo- that; If was destroyed - revelation ests, why.the policy alluded to should (,'hlch ahad- a magical effect, and i gnr- cute, man's Exponent his commenced upon would cease; As a representative of be abandoned, one of which is that tucea permanent it iteed to cjre a" Di- its fourteenth volume, aud cornea to the Catholic Chorea,' the speaker many of the goods which are Lungs, or i'ioiif!.' . denied that there had ever been any us lu an improved appearance, being Trial Bv imported are positively inferior in narestriction of ofthe Investigation n Store.,.-,.,-;run printed with new type. This nvjblca-tlo- ture's facts, bat that the people were quality to those which are or can be prfl. Is eminently worthy of th sup' warned against accepting scientific made hero at home. Who does not Ayer's Sarsaparllla Is a hbrhfy coal X Saints, whose theories j' the Catholics had never op- know that a large proportion and to centra if.. u port of the Litter-da- y ted extract of Sarsaparlflay and; posed, but had encouraged the develrights It defends and whose doctrines opment combined roots, of science: Many of the most tiit? manufacturers the most profitable other it "exposes" in so able a nanner. .We Important f jw (entitle discoveries hai portion of the cloths and yards made vita loaiae oi irotassiam ana iron; n it scorf ulous diseases I ben inade before the days of wish the paper an Its editor unelsewhere Is "shoddy?" Old blankets, Its control over other medicine. 1 any Unequalled by the when Church .Catholic bounded success. was the ruler of It had been stockings, aud woolen cloths genersaid that Gaillleo Europe. TO bONK sckapiSo was opposed, but It ally, are purchased, at a trifling cost, jur was only when he used the Scriptures worked over, Edward Shepherd, of Harrlsouri addiwith the Something for the OUI. Folks. perhaps as evidence o his theory, that the old Ills., We learn that arrangements are per "Having received so muci ohuroli interfered, and required him to tion of a little wool of better quality, benefitsays: from Kiectric Bitters, 1 feI it fected to elve the Old Folks of this city keep.s4tt3pt1iUual regard. The Bible into goods of .. various kinds, and my .. .' duty to let suffering humanitf pi aud uelghboroood a tree excursion to was no proof of science. The Cathooff upon an unsuspecting pub-llcknow 4t. Have had a running sore oi palmed BKATJTLTDL . BSOSTMXNT OJ lic Church no claimed in for. say leg infallibility Block Kock and lin lleld oa the 2:lrd of years; my doctor the genuine article?. No. eighthave no right to Interfere and had me I would told' science, have to the bony of the after or . dealer ever-- , advertises scraped or leg if' June, the day anniversary m tnose matters. Revelation and na- amputated I ased, Ini the birthday of the late Bishop Huuter,a net be in ODDOsltlon. it was "shoddy," and, yet it Is a three bottles of Electric Bitter: stead, fact that it Is ,uMiifAttfrXiittBi and seven boxes Bucklen's Arnks Hupt. Riter having fjoiierously tendered" ott.lv men's thebrles that differed on Mgr. Salve and my then announced Capel that, over all for tree transportation seventy Wednesday lg Is now sound mm. slvely In various parts of , tat . United if the people evenlni, the is as that of well as States it In he a Klectrtc would are sold at fifty cents age. Bitters deliver lecture expected years throughout Europe. veterans from Tooele and Urantsvllle the same place, oa tho snbtect of ''Our Utah manufacturers have nereryet en- a bottle and Bucklen's Arnica Salve at Latest Styles, Coat Back, Vest JFront, the; Other VYorld." He gaged In this fraudulent , perjjot by Z. C M I. Drua will come and meet thlr old friends RelaUona wltli business, so thoae- - who desired to that roquested A of tlsne from this city. spleudld Braided. attend would do him the kindness to be far as we have learned. Tneir fabrics -- -PHfTaiciAJsa. Is anticipated, a the commitpresent la time, that there might be no are genulnernd if they cost little i poijLAit wused by more sometimes than ,lmporteif"arti-cles- i, tee tu charted spayu no palm to make Uaaooy&ace to the audleao commenceto;aTrowlng'lenMCnd'ron ill sides forremedles agreeable to the entering after the the excursionists happy. It will now persons the difference s more than comof the lecture, which Is to bs ment ms tf.ste well as beaefleial in effect, audi ' be In order for the generous-hearte- d the leading physicians, and droggistsj precisely Rt Q'ciocJjI pensated for by the etra- wear to be r to obtained from them. to hand lu their contributions help gladly welcome to the list of new rem-- j edies all preparations possessing real! A case in point is the stocking-.tradeout the committee. Full particulars merit and a pleasant taste. It is now A Rich Mr Last Display. eyealag will shortly be published. We are safe in saying that thousands of admitted by an who have tried the J. W. .Norton, lata manage? of the jfevv dollars are new remedy, which Is having such as the by of spent this people Home Sewing Machine house "at St. sale Syrup ot Figs that it A Belligerent Soldier. Last evenTerritory annually for the purchase of iimmense' the a from Ea3t arrived most' the with Louis, Hall agreeable and efSeacoan to came the a messenger City ing imported stockings, while goods of a preparation evr of of work ar-lAFgeAumber sent to be fancy an samples much'better quality and fully eqitalin want the best of discovered, tud asked that officer all Liver medlcfnes test a soldier who had maie auassault done oo that machlne.whlch are on ex- pointof style, If" not .quit so low If) ana. purgatives, syrup of figs is Choice. A.riai ootues free and. iff on one John D. Crocked, la au alley hibition at John Daynes' store price, could be made by experienced Mw-wail uxUKHiStS. m. AJ endless 44 Thafantbroi The ? Cheapest IXAri ever and alojst vyaiv.iwi Commercial off Street, running naatftactnrers right In our own , wnotesais Ageata rrasene .chenyie, the request was complied with. Ttr X v.vwere We A. shown somesain, - and exneedle tancy work appHqneon th place searching policemen, plea yesterday by brother Georg found that Crocker, who had baen. hibited oa 'curtains, bed spreads, pil- Knighton, of the' 19th Backache, stitches in the aide, Lana' Jtard, of Jadiea' tlon A hose manufacttrred called out of his house by a negro low kipjLiantfs.--c .and, aurena ot tbo bowsls sr al fromTnat-rlhim by ox a disordered state of. the deslga--l- t symptoms ,' auh wefthah, had been struV a savage blow 'sll craayqullt Of obtained, at the' Pjrovo Woolen digestive, and assimilative organs, . ua the side of tb head, and rendered a qudt may bj said to have a design which can be to that and excellent be really appear promptly thoroughly admiration mills, p&'QtyfflitfSiQjJ&t. Catlar-tio use Insensible, and that another person corrected tha of bf Ayar'a both in quality aad style. Ther were la all jhs UTEST EFFECT CHEAP. rom tie ladies. " Kzi . PiUsP As dinner pllla, and as aids named Brown, had also been battered, i ; . .. " fmade the. upon to ;Tutaeknutlntina oo have dlgeatlonrthey "!,0a ifcitablelfflmedlately latront of the chine, ne has They equal. by the soldier, who gaw his nambeen arsf lag on the cnre.eoasUration. II. of Cam- - entrance as M. storels a large' book bttslnees for some Murphy, time, and not with pauy D , Sixth Infantry. Murphy-ha- filled with samples of cording, ' felling, standing the prejudice lCKX.I3rSI AKBI1CA. against home-maa and and into 'braiding, quilting house, gone U Bkt Satva la'lh SAlTIt, plain sewing ' goods, his tnaaufactuwa are worU Idi - -- is. Bruises, Sorei. Ulcers Ball don by the Jfew lKma machine, on the officers knocked at the door, wh In popularity. Ilia last Juicura, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped was opened sometime after, buV fabjics varying la freight from the steadUfgaihing rom Z. p, M. I. wks tor almost a Hands. Chlfbls.ina. order Corn, and all Bkla was and out the to thickest ot woolen thousand dozen.' If Other staa4ta'j;' lightest gauze Murphy had sud posltivfty urea Piles, Check Nainsooks Dotted Suisse, Eruptions, Organdies, dalertwre back in an alley way. When he 'saw ulOtH, And, not content- In confining to follow this pay requrrea ii u gnaranteec ;oo ' and then Victoria tak Etc, example Lawns, Lcvms, satisf Piques, or Bishop moe the give he machine Its' action, had recogulred him, to perfect that the legitimate sphere. pains to push the salerof the boxne-ina; Pric cns iter funded;. Is a aiMsisiBia and bjx, i on his hand of koard jsi jilece his i rylairtsample lilp nearly pocket, if'1 placed article In to .that tame forward, at th-- sam i time draw--In- g a quarter of an inch jhlch, sewed to the which "la. imported, preference and If especially : .. l v.--. i :OUB STOCK. 07 ' . tb bof - The atitehes fa , . a revolver. Taa otuer. struck. 44 It y have a. Sore Threat, a Cough tne public would study their own aad r a cold, try a. U. DougLkss 4 Sons' him but inlssed, and the ia&lp$ 'wKfwm .PJTH Is U fttMoiBtely thxlr nelghbora' Interest sufficiently t Capsicum Cough. Drop; the art all could that la. bItieM took ta his heels; mtouslill prfecttta tt' v " ortf aik for and " purchase .leaaant totba toste, perfectly harm- desired?. v be the of Iran alley goods rather than those Which cap, but at the eqd' m aad will surely care you. . made abroad the community would ot s&wlng will be are 5 against a couple ot officers, who took on soon In be Ina fair ; X'' for Way Mxa nr. becoming exhibition daring .the - whole "week, it. bim tn charge. He was takea to the. ' the and several I hy sold out ray Interest 'In the, and the, public are resuectfullv lavltf d dependent that have beeu established Inenterprises our midst City Hail, but was released business of the firm of Baad m; rnr see them. . ue oenent 01 sine people generally, 1 furniture lor hoars after, Mr. Slegif being security fivaitind berr , Burton and Gardner, but cptrs s."r t I:' auii now which have to !S. reek-Jess struggle fofal trade, which Is my ereat capital, ana r for him. Murphy is said to be a 4 9J existence v. would nourish precarious tjt a and many Rule Jail expericharacter, prosper. . . r- IJexay- Tcrser, Wm. Stevens aad ant AH ence might do bim good. Tne case Brother Klnghtoa's place ot bast order. "Larson Peter were each kaaessed ftefSls-.stMfor Tastobe tried efre N.iJeeond Justicepeirs West . St., mh ruinlturt jACtory ICS W.r South Tkzx Ward. thlaternoon, . Jrutiktnneirf, thlJ mornln?.- John C. lLurDBJto.; pie Street. for Henry Is a box of books 2000 Silks French and American Dress Goods, Novel- PRINTS, I p?r Yard. Gyo. s th ! nJy - ' SUITS r-d Fi-n-- -- BATHING and 60c, woriii double. We are now selling the celebrated A: lot of JjidieA and Cliildren, Pleasant Valley and Anthracite Coals ;' Hose, at 5, 10, 15 and Charcoal, Coke, Pig Iron, Wood, tion are reminded that the annual also etc. Send your orders to 145 MaJo ?5c., wortli double. membership fees of one dollar each Street, next door south of Barratt ave now clue, aud should be paicL Brothers. Telephone 211, A lot of Ladies' "Skirts,, at 35, 50, and 75c., worth double. 'Sells, Bobtox 4 Co. Contributions from other sources wlH A s7W XKFT. be gratefully received. The inmates of . A lot oi Ljadiea' and Misses' Jersejra, at 60, 75, and About 75 of those Handsome School the Institution have been gladdened by fre queut and handsome floral presents Suits, fora ages from 8 to 13, at 9 to 5 $ 1.00. worth double. Dollars suit, still remain unsold. from Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jennings, Mr Tbey are worth doable the price, and A lot of Ladies' Muslin Underwear, at 45, 55 and 7Sc., S. P. TeasUel, Mrs. Grow aud Mrs. will be cleared out thU week. - - meeting of are not all full yet. - lsy-e- A the Board of Directors t the Deseret Hospital, was held yesterdaj afternoon, at which considerable , business was transacted. The medical," financial and other reports for the month of May were read and approves!. Tbey showed that during the uwnth eleven new patients had been received and nine dismissed, an I that seven surgical operations had been successfully performed. Tho visiting physicians :fe, Drs. W F. Anderson,. Medical SupuriaUudeut, K. R. Shlpp, Belle Ad'derson, S. O. F Potter, Joseph S. Richards, II. J Richards and A. S. Bowers, and the eill icut and agreeable matron. Is Mrs. One wetlical Jennie IJ. Whipple. Mv. H. HasUiu of Charles uludent, Sanpete County, was admitted. A muinljt'r of Improvements ha,v.e been in ide in the building, and more are contemplated in the hear future. Apartments for the accommodation of thirty patients have been tltted up, but - .mm wwi RKTHOMA! BUSINKSS NOTICES. R, K. THOMAS. ,, - - -- I Work-ingmen- . . - i SEWING MACHINE, - . trcp J to-da- " MAN l K.VCTUUED BY THE Household Sewing: Machine Co., Providence, R. I. ca ss ! I y. s j o I - X2 I C3' .2 i i i - o rt-lw- ( oe-ll- . ev i- GALL EARLY: SECURE BARGAINS! aev-.-r- $.&?fi,? - e g dls-covru- aii-f'iJe- ig 1 tSii5' s aiy2. the-eterua- l n"S in a m - C&3 rut - r- Fbr Real Bargains A2fl SEE THE PRICES BURTON, ithim Salt Lake Pajntand Oil House O. JF. OTJIIVXElEi Ac BROS., GARDNER & CO.; Agents, XOPPOSITE Z. O. - BEING Fin . IMPORTCR9 OF ALL KV$VS OF Lubricating, Manufacturing and Medicinal, OIL ! - - : to-d- ay . 100 Neatrand Servicable Boys' Suits, to 9 years, - $2,25 & 2,50 75 Jfon's; Fell Made Handsome age5 Catho-iicChuro- - it - Suited Men - Cassimere " Sacrilioe, - blood-purifyi- Cotton Cashmere at 8c. i Wool Cashmere at 12Ja Twills at 12o. '., Changeable 12k Crape Cloth at -- 0. ng " - I 1 Prot-estatta- 1.4-- iao .' 100 :. as mama-tactur- ture-ceroi-d well-know- $5,50 to Coats, $a00 & 2,50. er nnirof mm: 'H n, . were-willing- , IISSES' JERSEYS, and ng "lTi WW ; . " ir-yo- " to-da- . - GREAT VARIETY PftftpySOks atjSOcpr.yd. cerd in Ulah. r 1- . " including various LVlacliine, Oils, lOIMATffl SOfflBS, I!::,J::3 c3 - io-th- e d de -- f t " - Printed om-:e- r de '.-- J i if : iii in .mini - ; home-manufactur- ed T1ise-specimen-s aw 1. , . - ii ',. - l eMTPliS kCniivaU'ed! Fftesie;i.ni to Silo- asd kjxds or Cylinder Oils, Oils, Wool Oils, Burning Oils, Tanners' ETC.. ETC. re superior Mowrwe HACttun oia.. NMEEP OIL. We make a apecialty of tho follow ing brand., to which there are in I bo Market: CASTOR MACIIIR Oil. IUNPRHB VL1S1.K OIL. acne nkKnt,Hn OIL MUEB'S WINTKK oil, Extra White nB IIAIK OIL. NEHIB OIL. SftACHLiarB Oil. Illuminating ROYAIj liUBniOANTT. O. F. CULSIER & BROS., 20 to 25 K. FIRST SOUTH ST., S. X. CITY. MOT AGENTS FOB COOT ' WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OT MUSLIN UNEKWEARf (Our first shipment having all been closed out) and SEI1 GOODS AT TIE , we give yoa to-d- ay SAL1E BAEGAffiS, As tbe following prices will showi tl - . ' i CnEMJSK, at 85e., 50, Co, 90, 15, 1.35, i.65, 1.55. MOHT "DRESSES at 65c , 75, O, 9 LOO, 1.85, 1.95., UKIKTS at 00c, 80, $1 O'J, 1.20. f rRAWKUS at 35c., 40, 50, 70, 75, 85, 90, 1 1. 00, 1.15, 1.25, 1.35, 1.40. . INFANTS' SLIPS, CHILDREN'S SHORT DRES9E9, ROBES, CORSET COVERS, and LADIES' B ALBRIUOAN VESTS, at tb saute popular prices as oar last advertisement indicated. CORSETS! . CORSETS !1 We only have about 25 dozou left of our 60 cent Corset, (the cheapest irticle ever offered here) .valcu is included Iu this sale. We offer aa additlonsi ! 5 tS nti worm $1.25, and aootUer lotot BaU's Corsets) ai UJOQ, and a . J of Colored Sateen Corsets, worth JIM . u . WE ; I GRaoES T HiVU ALSO RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF WIlICll WE . AC3AI2V aFFKB AT S3cU. WE HAVE MAD'E XXTJOXX32X v , . 3El.X3ITJOa7IO3 to our tartre I f prices lu all our departments,' and we direct special attention Of atOCk . ' DE3kjSiS-'- In both Wash materials and in French Woolen Qoods , We are offering , GREATER BARGAINS. IN STXKS ever been known here. Our space la this paper will not permit us to quote prices, and we must therefore content ourselves by saying, Than have C03B W AlTX) " .SiB-E- 3. hare lately received a fine lot oJ. v. ? Embroldsred Robes, India Slutln, Persian. luatrns, til Iude and Silk Mull, xMnein , ilHiqH WE J.RE BFFEPifie IT VERY'POPULIR ''. JFHICES |