OCR Text |
Show His last .. KVENIjSG NEWS.. uuceil. inev prove raiiJPuMshed Daily, ji'itWaya Kserpfril, rum g'ct.nci. At rRINTID AND BY PUBLISHED THE ...... official acts, should to be too last,- On. ibe ttrt streaks , .- of (iladsf roe conclnded thi House wouKI BANKS. ifoUo . its usual custom in refraining M VI it ski:t CON T.MVIM were ot from the 'tran&actrca ImjIbi bulordinarv his'credlt In all future his own will be held to tin .Hi'! to restlrae lotie uytlyrWicked. to h;au estray the noes, and he would move that the be parcel. l.e.: e at Te::-.- l re'varilcil. U. S. DEPOSITOltV. lime, as his retirement would be in the when the suniwasatout oue mmr hieo. OT.nff, be hojd the people did begin V flfohse, on rising, adjourn until Friday Watchmeu over lb yoj,vf L3 p.m midst of a struggle for the niaintaln-anc- e he concluded hes had better ovtt twJ.tUMM UlU tr. Andersou ttoer ofa about mile to and The Ifonse Commons ami he camp, keep the wolves away: tf ponce, and in the interest of the southwest, and tlier (lid howl the more; yea, Ifouse of l.ord have adorned until try to icet assist-WO OK TirttEK DKSERKT SATOXAL HR 1. ': 11,1 11 KM. KVS H temperance ami sobriety. ance. Mr. Anderson willingly sent hiaj fore, some of them did froth at the month" Best Friday. (T.j.t . ..t. Aditri-t.metliam mxiI Since the foregoing wa? written son ( le to help.- JYteHthey British consoLs have fallen '. since; rttf becaf nud'thelrbowjtug ifoth euutiuuc to thi IRON UKSKK . NKH t'KI'I' E. Y. iM) LAKK SALT 1I and ialoOin'.'about in hour, davV the.clotfn!f of the niarxet this afteriH dispatches have arrireu bearing the huntingMr. ftnt thit vUe rnn nnt- thov have noon, Anderscfu found the Ikiv Iv Ha t uriail ii.s repiuulloii through lb news that Mr. (iladstone has resigned. vouusr PAID VP CACIJ Al, us on his" face, as If asleep, but lie was heard theiowl aforetime: but it acar- - Th TrtutMlt i ot ll e enmpouud Slid the vl:'.u. the Bwr IrlNkers. The particulars indicate that his seiHcleHs and ;peecbless.- ', auu.itbo puiiti cth som who hare not txperience In. Sl'RPI.l'H, 11.1m touic Is pOS.lL30d which ol s I V NO I.. Al men The two rnoici bore their compauion. these things RltTKtii.lt, defeat was more a triumph than (ireat surprise is expressed at, srov- l .!n t. Mil for to thr unJfoN to with M.rlt hss paed the Mty lor ll imc the camp, hearts ernment. It was expected thatautf Nevertheless, these things must If S. Euaaxux. .1 it it I. In Suit ijtkf Viiivum C.( anything else. , lie rot.s out amid dressedheay to.bei.1. MxA.nder- him ami would be l :. I'orilla, w.u 4 v fort made lionet lioiu Wm. to last put IM preIs. on.nlht m every t..):i-oiiiv fur rl ihe MA Kilt in.rird jmum, !.:,' t," ;.;or.-- Kiid his lirenieut is son started a big lire, while Mr. Peter- - j Hear ve, the children of the Saints: vvnt the t Increased duties n. A II AMU. 1.. h'uukou UULk, iiuve Mllh Hoo-v.maiil ii people .lOHM OoflbiU'ss the proudest event of his son. with all possible dispatch, Jumpel Cim ft child nut t ili'.r in I ln. ttr. nuil upon beer proposal Oiostrrcvaa trMAMT, and wa but there spirit, 1 uo Idea use. W. Kivaa. ot Sail ll Wm. The remtils on some srot 1t? his horseaml rwie to people burn ly the that town, would life. I., s. Iln.ta, Cuitaf, oU. ti.u overturn the cabinet.opposition :t !j "I libit; lertt-to- t . I i!"'hot anl Ktne. sm);9a7K trj; lone' was rumored ' Lake t It T. Jas. Aet Unt.1, no time, sent word t t!;.i Ivor's pd'f--'l siiiettdot be upon your breath?, as extremely doubtful whether the Dissolution of Partnership. les, will fi ti. run noses against smuiaaa mttrreiers couiu resign ana leave uncuts. He then got a light buggy; amf, tanyu MiU. CAPKT8 ORATORY Aunt Jaue Woodward with him, they not be blackeued? finished so many - important matters taking mini 11 DR. HENLEY'S CELERY, BttF made all possible sued to camp. Can ye be like the Liberals, and enter elatinir to both home and foreign af TJ'XOW AM. JMKN r.V !lli:K f!Il.s. Itetet" JLv the -: Thosk who hoard Mgr. Capel's lecture lltai exwas esta, there life the fairs." heaven into ef more kingdom quite untoward than lore existing l.twe..)i the Oq arming' Nothing AND IRGN hist night, pronounce Itun a finished tiuc.t, death bavlug. ensued in about,' Verily, verily I ay uato you. Nay ; the present crisis could have occurred. an iter the Hrui iijluic .( Mimli A P. took bis they whoTJr these things shall not find Apparently alter nieu of all parties are of Ihio day dlnvolvl bv mutuid ',n.-ntorator. Theeixvuniur - I'.'.st. Added twenty minnt?s aw awaavr W mm tor restoratives, etc. a nestling place in Abraham's bosom. that government should at The buinut will lie wru-- fin Leaita, Of great value as a 'I onic and Nerval ; to his natural adaptability is a brouc! departure The supposition is that the boy took They shall go to their owu, where they opinion least remain provisionally, that Is un- Iht Kber yasin. Caoe, who nill ncxutiie h.'I Iho imu The ttsslstauce It kIvos to Weak Nei o liabttiliea of lti lirte tirm. flu.! .Il.et til after the general elections. education, and the most careful gene- sick, andthe"lying down, went to sleep, sliaH "guaw a file." and ln to lhe l.tle tlrui. lilood.as well its to enbei .u dbu havv rain and het, which many more things that have a-- Makes OaUMttMi, of government has defeat the ral (sultiye. Ills htle is easy aud and that ."nit i.ak Cltv, t)i. f!i t:n PtMd al fell during the night, chilled him so taken place might be written that are ca a on tint d be overestimaUd. the general Kidneys, depression proiepUj gracefil. Tlietc is no forced effort for severely that death was the result. May A. 1 lfKi. not written, (or it Is not meet to tell of Stock Exchange . It. Mlflf. A. " Koexsale lv all Deslers ol Drugs, Deceased was a trustworthy 'and all the tilth and abominations that are effectjehenco there is au abentre of hllKlt t Iw Am Ir!Oi View ef Ihe KMamftoaw and Lbinor at ne Dollar a bottle. young man. ; lie was., committed by these, la the great lty HVtremes. Tne gesticulations are moder- ahighly respected member of the . The Prrrutam' list; wew. Quorum; Journal Ba iiir avnt we iIimI BAHir wl Ill.!X, ate, there H no abruptness in the an active participant in the Y.M M, y, They areMlkened unto srseelninz pof. on the defeat of comimmtla!; A 'o . frr ttttt of the voice, the gradations A ., under tlte which of wherein Is cast all maimer of offensive the govemmvut last nteht ou the auspiceswas f A Iron Kairnel ' . ta condnctert oftors, and the stink thereof the funeral great? budget, says : The deleat was due to being the reverse of Rurtde't, while remarks ;n. afterrt this and more stirred the are Consolatory tie. of the usinsr yea, in the action Parnelllte ref is word they up,' every distinctly uttered, being, were made by Riders O. Despain, llUw Tart, of theystluk, for there U no to uphold the cabinet from which they theyreater l.ettaaa A by perfcf articulation, rendered audiIn their intent. aud L. Neilson. oroxen purity out received notnmg promises, A procession was then formed In the ble in eery part of a largo building Sae aeSUt t!4r tm aud from which Ireland could They make Incense to offer upon AI J. KI M)AV HCIIOOli P A I. SHKKl'S. Urass band, yoimg altar of liberty, and ita.copipouad istje ; order: Ot nothing but injustice, as was expect without vocal p Ira in. So far as the follow!" fore l KM ovem-have r tbe in air 1. M l' IH Jut 'l M men atv! youm ladies ou foot3 of tlie a stramwfiaixturs, yea somethiug after shadowed in tlio I'tRIN Kx f attempt to ! !! r--, gifted penttemati's stlc is concerned, i mpnivemeiit rti.ksRl'l r. Jr." Deacons, this manner: Yea, take the venom of again saddle upouproposed litnasain O WM Associations, the Ireland aiylifiaj iniquitTil. Map in Un nt 11 Mlv .iK the Judges, the corruption of th mi ji appeals more forcibly to the educated quorum, members of the cho'.iv Bishous provisions of the crimes act. The OLD STAND OF NAYLOR BHDS., nllaaHl 'naftlktaaa; Ua tamailry. Hi!.!.of llisloi y, !)..' ni.ifct iiirti r, a very the concentrated lie of the and rtrtued thau the masses, who are, opric, hearse, relatives, and result oi tue vote laat uight wilt cause hii it inailP, anil the lloly .unit a the purltv of the harlots and Karl Spencer ami his lleuieuants il Hi tlm ON THK STATK ItOAl), large eoncone of peoplo;- - followbig iiii.lnv at the .lioul.l in ri as a rule, predisposed to demonstrao Ttu toan t'taii tn SnU take Oky rpremains to their fat resting place of castle to quit Ireland, leaving behind whoremoni:ers. the oil of eladm-sily aim T rl i il.T) - It. IV. atMt Uta f a hiutavtr .I'liinr tive oratorv, of the florid type. Vet theToo mueft'praUe canaot U I. Mil A vea. ar ttnW Sllitflli; the Inquisitors, the secret acts of the them the memorv of au administration gj prepared w Ttirk.. Oia wril kuo Cool . ,l the Heat Stvle, in hort Votii.e. ana snipes, the so It soap 01 which was prominently noted for coldMgr. Capel's style ls far from belusr Rrother (icorge Peterson for his IndePEMBrM'S 72 MASH STREET i.erih-latiuailaullr by ajftda spotters i to those young :t.Liberals, the auarelfr ol vouujr blooded brutality aud frigid aud caicn Tlie soul ot his fatigable exertions, alo nuiw lalo Sell ljtu I'tts .toowm unlmpassiouud. Miat.-tHhim to aa men for the tiiat assisted search, frun Hum Ltakota aail oxKe Lit tig Injustice. democracy, tp which add the consis aiMiubliMK- - Oier-Ileaelatertorlit;. iiowevcr, is comprised more missing lad. aU Uaaa Siul iwm .'..id U"!t. A. C; Smyth. ' tency of the press. . P.rmSH.iil jf me- m nW'l af a i. iiied titiualf in its Intensity than in outward i tha DR. ELLEN B. FERGUSON, and can ye wonder that tht luceuse X.eea. IV. K. ll in N lurtl.tlY tna Mr. On the whole ItTs quite makes a stench that is sickening iu the M. Ds Lessens has been! ti aeUior.' hs 1'akis, the knowa J' oot t. K K N E U)!ll HA M OFFICE A Vh nostrils of the Goddess of Liberty ? r Tuow.of tha wed tiwfu OXK MORK SHOT. lilt is i un it appointed president of .the exhibitlou captivating, and it is a decided treat t Ii phone 61. ay 1 STKr T I. in New Y'rt (.'Uy !tori Yea, she la sick nigh unto death, and Of UN. listen to him. her last throes are those of intense In .. lo; v tiuui?,, a lutM m' 'HaK t HlloNH'I.KS. I'HAlTKi: . f smi attebli'iti ii'. t ii to ,CATAltll'l Kil l The axitfMHael IBiettrltlaai and her end eometh. for she t'uh. au ike Ilu. Auiu SHECTS. & aony; U lUvat-itic .So-- I". THU'ltl fur taaar ara fosuaaalvr In cannot "holdout," and because of ttiiji W.dEtei, us how it is." "L'rt aii.l Port. ot iKa York "lt, iImi ii.J l.CMIS ii nU. t V.ilien. htw KXiLISHlAi'S OPINION. Srrjor to aeedf he M ill, Liicr cat bu luuu.Hviu mo u ara ottar y v Jit: that hUw-'je. Is tkore aWdavtua thutr Uu( It reporte! rxiH.v, Whoso Is Uc will UDdeiMnd tlxwie that a heart to hath sec: that' be ol .1... io. in Saw Vork l ikva and niuv loo. the Tories la the cabinet cafe will, and prepare hmself ..Therefore, 'l'hc foliowinx extract from a letter understaiul may understand. lli a. things tt.,tOutB. lr. Cottuiioa ..Ouuti.umiiUu ref use to accept offlce. If this reslgir, li.o uutlii- or "MedU-a- l vc- "H For behold a certain paper, even the let the mtll continue to grrxhi. which Broth'jr O4V11I Januis ' be true, goverumeut will then finish It a ttro aoa. ur. a. u. tooiti, aud KUNlCI.Khv js Trib'tne, doth howl a howl, and it : Taesx-aalatall bills ig- the t eclved from a relative of his ; supply measure, drop iud lr. fiCHS'if T. aoota, NK II Al IS THK KtK h j huwleth long and Loud upon the: nr. roots. Jr.. wlil koseartsr aleaya tot VP Mill, lltlill INTKHKsT which strong opposition Is mad, and llK.l'l Hi t of hunt uni'H laud, will serve to show how i aug of the people; yea it sallh: ''Tue fcV. KL aattsc is dissolve. l.ioy the luiuabi, Willed tt Ii MtMrtli'd, bl I rtl lutnuU'll. TliM HitnilBtw t ba hea eeee Uwt not will tula ttie people abroad are Impressed with the great mass of the 'Mormou' people Is lnv-niiU-- i Ke44(Bea. in liariK piiv-jft kra ..tiJv fcerarer lioti and bet of ai In and this nation by composed lgnoraut foreigners, t'uuoty. AImo hi mwlili :tui spectacle presented Claris tone has lust anuouncedl to inV be. cuvu!aiJ, by laawrUnaiaa el children." 'There haw ilever Jet i...il feme. laoil, taken lure the outrageous and unconstitutional their cae ttxiTC, Ji'.la UrMf iru-r"ur tlcnl-i nti.t ri:s KitKux imon- fti.KuaAeM lis it. Pa ri lame ut the resignation I Uu f telehrttttMl been a 'Mormon'" school, worthy of the rnillinr apply In pt viaaj of See fae Utat aa aa eubluet. efforts which are being made to sup- aamu of school." y. t'lMiMits. aaawinail kaa eoat na And many other thliiflrs of like "rinln j urn (. i up., I un; U'xt.ui, I'MVU Uu. 4'aielaarex and hU futhw" resaiw. . iaiM'Miift press "Mormonlsm :" dllti lJiiMlev,lleHperH, Mowers, ln Tliute ture, cau be seen, which cannot be doalKny ftartaer rtOa aaeta iuUJ of Ul to the wardin ifAURju, the M your part Special globe, appreciated by the reading.la matter, "Turning MX MttirfSUKU. iAiitKa I.AirMT Mini HmU Baa vceue ll by t.ne4o f pne Is tempted to ask, 'What has behospitals have been assigned for susFor it came to puss, that in this great tmu. cases t of come of all the line maxims the found IU The cholera. l.ak authori pected land of ours, once upon a1m&U'-&ea'- , OMtSttDuM CtkUetoM Y I HON WIIEUIj Katflo rec.uii, bavlai& bifujautloB af ers of your country put in the Declarties are visitiug tue poorer quarters oi t man and though he had books at htadl-tn eouoauaJt to :,lalutiB .the to Err ation bf Independence?' Aud what Ms arose, disintecthe Her. John were truthful eltyVnd w Torosto,9stteudlug that Jpreached command, W. Irar. SALT I.AKK I'lTY, mmmrlmA a kiine K has become of Constitutional law In books; yea, books that did give the In the Metropolitan Church last ulght. tion of the houses. Vessels from Ctty. to all Utah? 'Eiuul and exact justice I tune teiruis 10 cbaAaix Dr. lita.t fwu During, the couxae of hhs remarks He Valencia are ub)eeld to three days, t W,IU,t Hllteracy.ot ;V,Obo,otR people. CALI1MM.1 fjKKWERY H"BUe ,U1 unit teHsktaaUr aal1 aa mec, of. whatever state or ' peruaraulim; at other Spanish ports! f w.lar And in all this vast number none referred to the coufllets of ancient aud said or and France. cltl.w Italv t.eruian uutnnUim nee said he did uot political, suasion, religious irr rauked so high, in proportion vp modern, time,-anus, Jefferson. liiceiit events In Utah their numbers, as the people' ""who think thert wouTd eVer be auetaer cou-fli- Ve"ssefs from Valeucia: 6r. . B. FOOTE. Sr., or Dr. E. 8. seem to point out that American rulers dwell in the mountains. Kl and PORTIK, UOKR though Vrmmem totnee tttm FOOT?, Jr., ximl Maaas. tin "Treaty They of have forgotten all this, or at were more that could read th'e United States' might have to rtght . a a ay Vrk. there 1 Yea, AN1 l.exlerlwai KSTAn WUUiJCAXJC aud the Canad-ra- n . a utspaicu irom Tien t. leat only trot it out 011 the. 4th of July, and write, and were not excelled in In- to uproot aMorjooulsm lMius, v. ta nii ot fcy lenei ' roumiltadua Second when they f.erve it up with a lot ot telligence harve ko draw'tho sword .Tsin state Ilia l the treaty of peace be- - i. Vtrrtt, VTire Door Kaal lulglrt by" any; for "lilstoi leus" mu. from A'j.a Street tl4l Yankee, tall talk and buueombo about hath told of these things. against the faltering Prettcb l'Apacv tween Klauee and China waa signed freedom, etc. Don't say anything Yet tnis great man of the Tribune, which had Its hands at the" throat of (o iymore to me about the boasted freedom careth uot; neither doth he scruple at the Domiuloa- - Government. The of your Republic; but hide your difalseliood. .Vow be-tt knowu unto the preacher sdiuid hi wrton to bis minished iieads and blush for the na- people, that many aud divers ways words, &nd the eoagregatloa, someH. BAKRKTT'H KIfURMOl'8 tion which violates the fundamental were resorted to, in wider to thing unheard of In the Metropolitan 1 am UA1LROA1) 8HOW8. uo ( principle? of its constitution. obstruct the ways of learuUig. Yea Mturctt, vigorously applauded. . defender of polygamy ; Indeed, 1 think blocks were thrown Intbe" way, l a accordance, with advurtLsemeot f It cannot be defended 011 any grounds our beautiful man, who holdeth power, iWATSOX r aVMrvwhl. l.a hmm I Km i. The Prealdut y whatever. I think it ought to and will did by the wocti ot his power j close the Chicago,. ' bo abolished; but 1 fear the American money bag. 'Yea, he would not consent appointed Fredellefc U. "Marsh C a I ted .and Builders Hiates Marshal Jor tb Northern Dis n way or use people are not golu the right srmfceis lor. to tti .erection about it to train their ends, l'ersecu-tion- , of hl certain place of learning. Yea, trict et Hltnol.-'-Thends the bitter like Mantel, huu Uitumaiil4, a Jd especially Illegal persecution, after the place was greatly under way ught of a certain element ol the demo- oftrnetre, fer that Ma time isf 'lymbttotci, auJ Jleartti Mon'. MaateJa, Hone folks mar will inn stamp It out. Kducatiou lu did he on diver- - occasions, prevent the cratlrpart. urglnf a loml spplhvwj Um aproachlhr. ntdflrttfr pleasure" oj the anticipatory jt .aM social aud political economy Is the use of shekels for the completion of named lcGarljtl for Iho plaee. t. ism we can take Itrtgbt ft a for rt,.bt, only means in my mind that will the At4K,lU Hal!. .building. til Notwithstanding OppatiU ait tne ami now runt is What with oa; clear it away. aiopfistira wm time, people felt sore, they put tneir hands . i liutotM th, 1am iImm. Vvuk- f 'tlii K!iiu X'.lm takin? place In Utah, cannot fall to In their money bags ami brought forth . wa like to t to anticipate. dethe. and retard progres materially the' toward shukels.'aiid grew" place wnen wear oserealudulje. auen a In May ultedi velopment of reform. ' gst by fire comuletlou. it: as seeing tlte larg est and greatest or tea treat at And in divers ways have schooLsbeen uie iMi-iua- i Bhow on: in other or, are earth, waste word,tl dur luUirtered with, yet they coiUlnu U per cent, increate la toe Sew United Monster EDITORIAL NO I KS. J Jngian sama n&anla for teu years past Barrett'; bold forth especially WITH Shows. We are 1 tie Hullerfn reminded of Its remarks that this coutlna Ward,, And men of learning take great oust One of the strongest and inis the our columns of fix comifi,. tncrease Nmm frt of through ms t.Moh th vrtiinir hli how t loss riirp -1 trxebausev, every time w pick, lip a pointed passages lu th.- iMWe hif-ivoInsurance rate wltballtneKlrttlu?ftref tture;butthey newspaper Some of the editors so of a literal .resurrection of the body Is n jt masters 01 ne tih or njrurin, A4nt, wild over one feature of the show.,som uato the V llguriftg b Job's declaration (Job nix, &), "1 like Ya,r Atkfasv bver enolhr,.' all axrevlajr that th thai the iwutlfial 1 "overrule the tuo'ttoa for a. United Shows, forming lu all one, la tha know that my Redeemer llveth, ami l,3i0 are more thaji Xi,(KX. yesterdar T .... , new iriai in in ease 01 TJ wuverlos, greatest show In the world. What J that lie Khali sMtid at the latter-da- y For Uiougii tbl may have beeu convicted says matt be true, ''doubt IU not Wight, Madt son. of the murder of Llllaa everybody iimn- upon the earth ; aud hough, al ter my taught In Kentucky, yet In homaaea'.' to. th contrary ai mimi 'iiiii'i mi v this to iu Lull day. A; CO.', M.XVYA1 -, beTt tt. SCHSfTCK Is skin, worms destroy this body, yet In undoubtedly Mlek. For thouim there may be ignorant Marbleixed Iron and S!at terers of yond question titat Its arenle eshlbl-Uo- a ' y fieli shsll I see God ." in view of foreigners in the laudv they wottld-- uH msmI URtTEK. dealer --Ss : as 12! in Yor. ts the bettever wonderful XASTEUI givea.lts do such an tguoraut tiln us'thU.the strong opposition unions the t)QA.TK . FtSCT TrtlAIMtNOS, Pactl"icine 'xiUE. Csnlrmi 87; dps, steiurerotis arena comprtala(( la all -Jihe . incmumii, u. T etc.. n 3 ft iSorthei Chiistiau sects to tlio doctrine davs itertU3UH, 5w yjgv''yiu.-v" Lojji'v ..star, MH performers, led by the oeliold cerlaiu men ol Judeai, s BeelMrreO.. 37 n, :. f a literal resurrect Ion, It need not the greatwere called to do many wonderful New 5fork Ceafiirf. Ki V ; est bareback riderltaihleeir Ur revs' A(cutft,l;eep a cnmpU-tWtT; Maeatta who posiliving, And to . called tlte the multitude learn late i' Ute above geods that woiks. surprise anyone Oregon Navlgtloc 71; Traacouti- - tively rldea hia last aeaaon,. havlun eoatsfilly on Lund, a even aud .pubjlcajps AND revisers of the old script. ires have tfieiu Ignorant, " actullf retlred.but waa upon tishers.' .Ht. Lout .and ban Fwiaciaco, itl by Mr. Barrett to Rive aprevailed W, lrU farewell managed to cbauge th? force and that thfjr were Texas Pacific, 1 ; ITulonPaciflc, But it came r ; under a princel? aaiaxr.- Iu rwninr lueauiug of this passage a unmake It wise, even to the confounding of docFargo Kxpress, ; Westeju Union, Ll most CiM conform to liietr peculiar Ideas. Here tors aud jud:;;s; for they, spoke .with and cage of ststiug of countless-de' ' & I Tttm the way thev hivt! ma le the New powiwr. rare iiTiug wuu annual, uamiwig Urlktn. ol so In this our daytbv these Kven were : I never exhibited before Version read "Bat know that my noraut people- Know raoec than the Plf TSBCaa? . The new develop which, tne in lea elevated Redeemer llveth, and that he shali learued of the followers of ttreyr6ioe, menu In the iron strike were all anywhere museum andworld; arand racing carnistand up at the last upon the earth; for they would stoop to no mean thing. favorable to the trlker. Two more staire, val like scale of haice magnifareo, firms have algned. the scale, and the icence nmsti claoior rabble the? Uowbert, with its menajrerta and aranlc aud after sly skin hath been thus DAY DHTH1N0 and make much of the fcltiatiotfof Hugo jji$4o. uia city J wwcix were wonders. In a word, H la nndoabted-l- f from man noes with the $ ore add started who vasterdar. for marginal (or yet matters, they we what bar said above what all Am firm not belnt able are idle swalreufjSug) my flesh shali I see Ood.'" strain at gDats and onbe trted say; "The greatest show la th to secure enough uea to keep them la others a Caoipiiell; but U came-t-o pa Aside from doctrinal considerations, low known world." It is com ing, and It and operation. The JEtna mills, which th that hecould hot be nbwerfal loeomotivca Ihe insertion of the little word "uu"o because of this therw inswallowed, much gmuibiu owaers confidently expected to hare reaalrea four maey trains of car to bring It. h iiih, mea this weeki aqd the new text will hot generally be re- of yea, It shall come to pass ruaalng4y on June 13 and 13, of many shall gnash are still closed down, but it Is claimed Yoa can see It here a. ui. anil 2.10 p. iu. Leave garded as iu good taste, since kUuhI that the teeth and tui u. City at June jprov (t ait Adul-tloane ww al in operation by their howling u y. w. " J.tJ ai. ul Arrive p. ". conveys the full meaning' without it, coutltiuously; S. ELDUKDUti, Supt. ilgnaturen to tb amalgamated they awaken the wolves la aheep's and to any th;; lca-;- t It is an inelegant clothing, who cling closely to their tile scale wer thoaa.ol-V- u Iron Sundsrd Ftraa. Mw ' ; , Covbl JEllfton. West Va. ; leaders. t . and Xall 500 superfluity. the stock and Having .puTchasod eU NDAY TRAINSt men, and the Reeves Iron Odd Yea, be it known that divers Wolveswill of Mr. II. O. Steaxa s, in the Leave City at IU a. in. uad M p. in. Co., ox Canal and goats are arrayed against - AbraOhio, emplorlag YorkNew we are Candy Store, preThe money in the United States ham, Isaac and JaoobiFor,- br y ) men. So far Ltiiit wck. four Ann. S.M p.iu. ud 8.0U im. Arrive " to eater to tue public taste, certain leader of mea did Itave aigned tiie scale ana th strikers pared a, mmIu nnnlhsrbT our Treasury was counted a few weeks known," n.l Tiwrt,ni itare was And f wai' exceedingly. qn the greatly eocpyirafed. to- wla a good ago, and, according to the--, report, the Sabbath f attention and blSj, Williajr waa share ol public patronage. i !wise!'-Yresult showed the cash to be only two somethlnirday, tbis Abra in Oc Adults, ?Usv6eVBM. ' h Itottad Trip, cents short. This is certainly a satis bam wa.s a idniitr; he committed a New V0Ka,9. R.Coarerse, prea "' . 5 aud under over 10, Cblldren. 2tc of ; even the crime crime, cohabitation, of ident the Firs National Bank o( factory iowiug in the matter of keep ami thereby was.guHty of adultery cnevenne. T vominT. President of the ing the accounts, but though there may with his wives; and not only Abraham, Converse Cattle Company, and leading ' New Stock at not have been any actual stealing from but David, Solomoni amf many others;' cltfzejn of WyoQnaV Dutwoodey's). Given died this morning men were these b ot living' me avenue itotei, 01 paralysis the vaults the Treasury, there have and, be they r i uta Etc. should Seliools, n. nas puntsUed. a. wonvcrae, been been abundance of fraud in the matter Howbelt. the chief Jadge has not yet ain ot National Jflrat txha; of expenditures In the various depart Sresioent; ruled ot tneir cases, yet nevertheless ever since Cheyenne, w. w RITKU, pa. r. FKXTOK, raents of the Government. Secretary the law must be magnified. its organization. He waa ery wealthy, Sci-- r. DooULTLB At Cedar Fort, Utah County, v. a. r. iiath a decree liepn Therefore passed largo battle and property Utah, between 1 and g e'clock .w., Jna a. if Whitney lias lately been investigating and lie ls:enhlned' to having Abraham, interests upon was one of the here, aud some, of these in the Navy Depart so:Establish ei dosouojnort. even at this tiuie, by principal stockholder and director of im, UulU Atva 1Mt1, rbc of the late Joha HJtsraausnsD 19C1 meut, aud has already demonstrated this learned (?) divlim, for the bowl-la- g the Omaha Loan and Trust Company. iXtolittle, ef Walllagford. Cna. must be kept up lu regard to tlris He leaves a wife and one child. His .. .Deeesaed was. bora wear Albany, la the JOHEP1I E. TAYLOR, that there has beeu some rather ex wife question. be remains f will taken for burial to State-eTTew la tensive crookedness In the charges for great U York, .helr-shil?9Jf obd D And whoso thtnketb to claim J'&ree Miculxan. th former Chare in an early day, sad immigrate te with. the father of- the faithful is uoue 01Rivers, repairs to the miserable old hulks uonverse. .airs, 1861. Be in hha Utah aettle in the an Ui Ward which constitute the"Americau yavy.. not wise, for McNicce hath expounded,' of thi city, Where she resided antU tae JE"or Instance, the Mohican has been ui'j law. Comfort ye comfort ye Mhe chlklreti Nkw rotti, B. A London apeetaiti death of her. hosliand, staee wkleh tha sk for tfrihum born of plural women! iiehold ye uie 101 says: "uiaastone (roe to ItM lived if her daughter at Cedar Fort. undergoing repairs ulch cannot help the way ye came Antp tbei night to Balmoral to plaee his reslrna years, at a cost of fwo,000, funeral, aemcea were aeld is the aaet-ia- f therefore ye shall oe oiameiess; iion in ine vineen-- nana, it t now Theneoae, world,our wold have built three ne.v s...ps of yea at Cedar Vert, last SanAey after-eoa- , a be shall in there film, eyes otuievea tnai yie conservative wll whiaa tae bey wee antpped ta equal si zejaud character. Anotherhalf that we see uot the .manner I Ar 01 nee. jirromiaeat w memeers are million has been expended on this eity.snd ra interred ha ta city esias 4 birth, lest reproach be cast upon fe. urging me leaders to do o. "which lias been four years unkasbaad. Yea, purity (? doth eater larjrely lato try la yenlaf , by tk aid of and the milk ot human kindonr dergoing repairs; nearly a million ha nesssouls, in pus ministerial pan- hatb not ef SoaMk. At. the reaMeae exeebQva. com4 been expended on repairing the ;ffr7jH,R-Tv t the cream taken off It. fnittee of thiWelera l&ito 41 J Stobba; Kayavllla, Haf Coesty, Cult, ntaaafaeurarand Dealer In all over a million in repairing the Therefore we Jiave great charity or graph Company JS985 Ana Seveaea. aed S9Tajtrt.lt reeommeadeif kinds of 0tn, inasIn wedlock, those loru ' 11 plural same tne tue and of r ii ; the amount aoath sad payment I Otatpee; on, the much as days-- ; percent they have already been bom 4uirveiiy uiviueoa. covebeb J.. In eash of these cases and we cannot a, Dtruuc, Kearsauc. Paeeaaed waa bJra la Tettaanaat, reform theirMrth r'yet has In been Middj4ex,jgpa;Ud.4a. 17ft; tatlgated enough expended repairing we seek to reform them af terwartw, j JOFTIIS 119 CASKETS. the old vessels to build two or three tVukta Aogast, 18tV; waa a eewslstoat. CHAPTRB XI. , earaetta4V haiable latter-da- y aatat, and neweuew. The ship, however." which. .. aasnraae and A tail line of roFn.X ITHX ISUUKsiSt died aa sk lived, in And It came to pass that the reforma- - J.ATRr takes the premium Is the '1 e.mteaiiei. on tion to assume shape, yea it was 'tea ot a glarioa resarrectioa." " " " ; kept eonatanlly on hand.Kid Gloves, Cfiambray Indies' Custcrs, which the Government has cxponded, takenbegau hold of by all- t he Liberals by 2." UUi, Btar 'Copy. please aad Ordei those Tte ftefea e Tetepaeae for repairs, :,200,0O!. Secretary Whit the scribes oi the. Trtbus-b- y prompt Telegraph siaatl14 Mmm' fllla-end Catch on Straw Hats. in ministerial garbs, by. the Afiw.At Ceda City, Ire Ceaaty; tJtnk, .lyBod ney appears to be In earnest in his en clothed lea praaetTad tn tneir nararal con women of lewd fame and by men and May 8ltvl!, Sarah. Jae llgh,lX of eutien, wttaoat extra charge. ' deavor to ascertain whero this money those who keep pitfalls, etc; Ji Loxdox, a.Tba Cabinet Council; Ur ,J9. Tiff and jdaaghter ot asnael a T OFKX DAT AKP NIGHT. has goueaud what there is tashow for And they waxed great la numbers,' canvenest at noon, ana was in session a SaikvieM bora aat4 War RoNta, lived ; Maty Ifshraary i Liph la fastswy and endorsed and ail said la o'eloak. that until uaderatood It. Apparently the Navy Department they l.lisitnaxfon waaIt th o ron rh ) tl t And dtatf-- fsatnXal Latter-da- y atawtsk leaves RiNrt. or ana me th Dru done ttiev nalatj that r has been alkbid of financial Chatt se rl bed lor our j unites, One and a naif MAOka of Thaati . ick country.-- . yen the dossed and It wa decided tbavta flaw 4 kaaaaa,' end tear chiMran and ' ntany TS " '., , Moss, swallowing up alt that was country of the Rocky Mountains. me on Telepkeae (m 01 . ueieai last trleads tanteara in niga " 1 gDWABO T. TAIXOH, Svn. wereiiae iucuer in r a ra tradget tt W5u1d be ineonaisteat for; poured into It, and remaining as la.taey ' e Lost." wherela U salth. "Better members of tb Cabinet to renala VfiKa.Lwoot; Ar .TSoele Cttfi OflW la same batldlag. d fenea's repf hungry at the end of It gorge as at dii rule lu hell, thau erv in neavepj Vi Kmger InrOiBfe, and it waa resolved 6a Satnrday; May autk, 189. KtteabeU A the beginning. therefore tney aia lay sal manner 01 tnat tneir r eaigaatioua oe to no r est sua gUweod, is her TOtk year, a died ta fatt traps for" the ieet Of the yftungs 'ye OueenatoaCe. This decision of the faith ef the Gospel, aad ta th .nop X a they did publish broadcast arp4tfna CaMnet caused a feverish feeling on . SAP FATALITY. Coat."" called "Ueformers Principles." For. the stock exchange, and consols de- glertous renrvtio eatsted these are while clined RuMlanfleeultle belt known, 8ldr principles FOL'XTAIX UhKEX, rFlLa.rAt'Toele Ctty.oa,Jajae Id. 18BB. X 'lower Mi lot th prvlnclal in very olden time but. they had alum old aanpate Co., J uns 7, 1885. wUeef ruiUa raier beam ... ' Has ea Uand end for aala a Tfcefiweak 1 be red : yea tn a deep si amber, until the In financial eaolea eljaa i aio the Aajront 13th, tela, lac W Inter Votum ParUh. Editor. Deaertt &ew z markad V pious of hads arrived in -the' grcatJ circle 1 stock of t, . OLD STAND. ;' TO WOSt. ddcltn tne naibrae ;...:' bond. erksabr, Kjtiand Ooapel InKoveramejit A aad weearrence ; hawpened about Now when the time was fully com to ia w Cudt U isca. dted aa 'Zelirht miles from this place ( on Friday, oudd MtAlaelaya I the war cry,:beliod alhthe sect had Uvea; ftna U ta faith. Co at. the ath lost. One Mails C. Madsen, a and united la this taltag. Gladtoaa a few minutes after four abe parties were promising young inao, 17 ears o are, did set up a plaintive note o'clock ;tfit afternoon, entered the who was employed by Mr. Geo. Peter- ofAnd they over , JFipur tintl. the ' sins I?) of tb,e"city House ot Common. HI appearance sen, was ett in charge of herd of of walling beloved the this wa yea, west, thatxt.aflrminaa jclty, ' sheep, while the latter went to town on saying: VJIow oft v6 ToItT.bve BarUaED 1IAY He at once perfacttr proceeded to ' 'T , 'T . business. On returning to camp the we like make wbuld OP STOOKHOLDKEfi THK the fiesk MERTINQ you, yea a A and entered lato yotr speaker's . next evening about 7 p.m.t be : found it nnto Chicago and other cities ot Uw conversation-pvtth. ; Telranrph Com pany Mr. Peel, During will oftieWUeIerBt deserted, but could seethe sheep about east, but f Therefor" the Of- tl?re.dcot-4bjM would not." Htytert ye wa the Premier conversation of a mile away. On go- we have decreed that -- iJdte em ITtah. BilCOSS' LEADER fcit.I11 CHIAU ! beP polne, sotn. Ifaa, atCty,a. roc ai aatarday. ahMtl llral.'nli ye akatl Darneee ing there, he could see uothlng of the luted. Yea we have the assnranco of it in., Tlee PrealdenW cheered ,by Judical member of si dun ' . Mad a Jreaident. ai eletiiia TreajMtrer-nnyoung man, but begau to think It quite aid from' the Judges: aqdfrom tlw? loudly espreeaiy tor ear trad.,. ao ne rrw.n IM uotisw ta Mine ) abowtX blmsell aerretarr. over to Mr. chief ruler, and also tha beautiful man hi usual place. . Hia venr possible that he had gone wo ease tne t Ing years. erve'darie; was about" half a Is on our side. Jotfey's camp, which " ' V:- ? hi admirer tMncned to vr. . pouoAlx, ' .,, mile away. While speculating on the Now behoH in this once quiet city and the chamberenthuse 1 becretaxv. . with rent waiaJrl cause his emof probable absence, an where peace reigned, we bare estab- chew r after tcher, and the ap-. att Ja take Ctty, ttk, l35v; Mr. . .! .. i ploye of or tux Joliey's came up to puralJ manner of iniquity.. Yea, w"e' oration. At last a chase sorao necessaries, when Mr P. lished ,c8-,ahave harlots blnshvnot who Mr. fr4dswtia; la arose, deference, S learned that the . boy had not been to that they do.. Yeajwe bare traps to the greeting, nd said th Cabinet on CELEBRATED VYf.l. - HUME the other men Both camp. the all for of instantly alWrlug young; aaeiabllnx kind, set-owere I ; t. u,ct. ppwrn.iv-- . of dawu. making f be iuale known until tbe 'a ,.4..:i , recuwip) suvrteu u. .. $l?mn -t-he-search! VW1' fer ???? jcrit dar ! hi KIHTOK. , - iit lcs." ! t sco.nu the tnngQus .developments pro- -' !tced by the-antl-Mormon" crusade iu - - i t v trl4ai. hL 1 . m And rro-luc- i M tmu. t'liiimiii tiaia, ed , Ar-- - al--- so p dt -- . rived condition of mind than such creatures exhibit. Their attempts i.i.ire than likely to be successful under xlstln;: conditions are born of un-.- -t lulteratad malice. They have not the shallow excuse of being anxious to the laws enforced. If they have a nn!nal membership in the Uhurch iheV have.wlthln themselves the kuowl- dtje that they are workluf?lntlie dark aAlnst principles that they outwardly profess to believe to be true. They take to the resort Vi.ihe traitor ol the neaklii order to vent their personal against people towr.l whom doubtless bear some private iiiy have uo Their actions iiaJe. teture, belli of the quality those perfornie't by Ueruo.na, perpv-- i i Ur1 for the purpos'6f Kloatlirg over iu' misery it may Inflict upon the objects of their hatred. AuJ Into tiicjiuiblstrom!ol perplexity they create, ple aalust whoui they cannot even iutve a landed ground for r!-- ? i, ir V. - I..-- - l s K- ! li o" 1 s. demon-stratlvenes- iced -. - 1 sx,-ttklii- j mm in Tr' ierlallf I . iic-i.irv- I i . se A-- N f re d rs gge'.i Miscreants of this most despicable type lmitflue that they can ' screen the'uselves forever by keeping the of their perfidy within knowledge their own bosoms. They are In this or. a par with the assassin who, inspired with u cravea fer of meeting an antagonist , creeps up behlmt hlui under t.Uti darkness of night, stealthily stabs 'HI iii in" the back', retreats to his thinks place , and hiding secure, because no human eye hut his owu h4 witnessed the deed. has the saylns been lyitJiow oi vtrrlrted that ?' murder will out." "'It maybe imagined that this comparison Is a strong one, but it Is not Inappropriate. As betwpen tha treacherous sneak who would underhandedlyt -- 1n that denotes the lowest grade of hypocrisy, seek to as ml his brother to piisou for practicing what he conscientiously believes ta.be correct, and who would consequently bring distress upon women aul children, is not riany notches higher thau the treacherous talcr of life. Indeed, it is not lmprob-abl- e that the; extinguishment of a human esjstence may be the result of his vMaluy. Tile acts of such characters together with their own identity wlil toubtlN8s some day be brought luto the light. The anouyinous sneak Is more repulsive thau the slimy snake that drags Us slow length along, and shoots H In aolag so venom at the passer-by- . it but carries out the'uatur of Its belli?. But the reptilian specimen of mortality departs from the order end luteiitinn of his exlsteue, iiitcttded for nobler purpose, aud barely imitate the lowest forms of lite. Traitors have been held in abhorrence from the dJys of Adam to tu ed oot-uly- ll lfr ay the contempt with whteh. T.bearf viewed Is not conflired to the ranks they desart and agalust whom they turn. The teellug Is shared-- , bythowiwho Usneflt by their baseness' the sentiment being universal In the nuuaan breast that no traitor can under ba trusted, and, any circumstance ot uiost pitiable all.hj cannot trust LluH self, and his already contracted soul shrivels at the contemplation of the fearful fact that he Is au abnormal afloat on the oceau of eterproduction Without a base upo'i which to nity, cast Uia anchor of hope, the cable of which has b?eo cut. i NOTICE! ce m - ii- - , Fortlio JKKKINti &'o. Junior Twine I - -- i.riu-i.l;- !, or write for prices ure terms. c4 7Anh?ans,; ' m& A-- liest. 8t !'.-- ta : - WAGNER, reaha I y HEN It 4vt ' Jlav Hakes, with eitlier i i, ln ;i!ni refi the d r l i'w l Extras for same, and - n-r- fbrol. iiori-rtpi- "i 8 ALU. FO . , 4V AP It. ;. NAYLOR & PIKE. S t, to-da- U Oi-ata- south iemplk 1 I .a Utln epiaiiy -- mm r -f r . y -- man,-whicli-salt- Htcfrf; fc . I ifIj, ". . - so-call- -- rclB. At, Norttn-weater- I IV au . Otr-&M- -ia- Leads the Market com ETE fa-:g- . I G. M. Ball-roa- -- XH-8e- - z imo8., t- u, AT STOCKS ILillVIifS, 3L o , ' o-p- ii LOW PRICES! RAILWAY. 1 ta lra -- - Iffffl Stiipeldoua-icotlectlon.eoan to-d- av des-troye- non-uni- on la to-da- NEVADA m .l, y, IRIS. On and After Thursday, 1885, Da-uato- w. II. em-ployi- TUK ENGLISH POLITICAL. CRISIS. The sceitein the English bouse of I'ar- tinment ve9terday was most extraor dlnaiy. While la Rome repects It was, on account of the docwlon reaclid on the 4uestlon at Issue and the, nproarl-ocharacter ot the Rproceedlngs In cited by the result, discreditable and undijrniUed, in one aspeet, at least, it w.i not destitute of Jtrandeur. The itremot to show that the venerable .Premier was started by the defeat ot ttfe soveromeut does not harmonize with hla remarks, which clearly the . ohow that be anticipated almost He plainly outcome. ,..,wnosticated the coming of the con wrvatires Into power,- tell lug them they ibt when thattheevent transpired would regret precedent they were as establishing. He accepted the not would and or dfeatb," uneof "life cayy the opposition Should tliey be ictorious opoa it. The fidelity with which. the; great stateman and the Kdaori ty cIubs to a convktlon of right with the probability of defeat before them wu the redeeming feature of the spectacle. They would rather be oa recede l1e 'than the losing bej?r from their v position aatnat The - struggle was aud splritB. In some respects one ot temper-auc- e against drunkemieas, but victory perched upon the banners of beer and It is a notorious fact that whisky. t treat JJritalu'a local politics are more or less governed by liqoer men, and the same element appears to be geton the ting a tolerably strong hold la It queer government.. general feature of the question decided yesterone f the day, that Sir Michael Bass, most extensive brewers In the woTld, voted with the minority. The result of yesterday's vote on the hplrlU will question of taxing beer and revolution . doubtless cause aTKUtlcl and pracAccording to English-ideresign. . In tice, the ministry should Into power of the rolng this event and t e conservatives, the country would be likely to assume a more rigorous attitude in her foreign relations. This will be decidedly the case If the Marquis of Salisbury, should be tendered aud accept the .Premiership. He beschool of longs to the Beaconsfleldembodies a which statesmanship, upand the spirited foreign policy," at all holding of the honor of F.ugland would hazard. Such a development be almost fu re to Increase the prospects of wr With. Russia, which, under the milder regirnuoItUadatonehaa been declining. Tiu prospect .U Increased which li. by by the popular. aenHnient, bo means ayerse Jo a ,war, although of the people such a geaersi condition 1 ' 4 a mnmt. inniulOUI. Should Mr. Gladstone step down and out at tbis - Junctdre It will "probably, on account .of t hla great retirement age, be a permanent V from' public life, ! "whicb he ; ta navu w service don ft much ever. pro. tba ioantry a inaa any tion ua to-da- BY T E L E G to-da- . . -- s isrno-rau- . lue riK 1 i - I -- : . i:n4y Tf-bHii- ( hini-s.-- Dr.F00TE,SBnior, -, B1 Wm.-Kirb- !M.-- red-haud- 1 . 1 1 ' , to-da- a more .- 1 , d 1 a 0ir. . I It tj difficult to conctsive I j 1 iiude.r-iKUe.l- d, rolatlon-lrl- nn I nam mm the anonymous sneak. A few of th box tons Bhnots have, wp rnrfir-inshown themselves. We hope and believe their uiimber is small. 'i'Ueir moie of traitorlsm consists of to the District Attorney unonymou communications, Riving 'talledf ijiforniation rearUiuK l'r- who. are alleged to be living with iipir wives In plural I'larrUe nt - l pre.wa'-,'aa- . I .4 a P. i- I 1 1 NOT! ; I "iilET AXONrMOUB SNKAK. i lm I" - cotf-tbui- a. Jiiun. I , - j mmv.. ,i'fn:.T I - . W. A ; Bj Thy Merits Thiu Art Known! I V DESERET NEWS COMPANY. CHARLES LOST. - i ng tovr, - -- - - FAKE: - - . .. '.' '. to Special Kates Wavds. : . to-da- mmmv bo? arrivals of goods; - -- PicreerlJndeilakerof Itah. - EVERY DEPAETUEHT BRISTLIRG mum DRI f ! a vw the-Omah- ar aaaaaaaaaaaavn h '- Shn-uHdoii- h; tais -- to-d- ay aaf . mn m cian . Lea-Ob- FOKEIOX. TKAX-VA1X4JF- Low Prices Cropping from even iShdl'l .. li U4 - Not Spasmodic but Perpetual! -- . ta-ra- tons, - ' G..:l:ms,CrtV!:::I T - . . - n. nm a kr NEW ABBIVALS AT Rt y. - Ios.--oat.- -.' s S! - s -- -- GEO. , ea. , v jBe - ' I mm j - la la; - ' - '. GROCER ES, Provisions; aud FEED. ' . - J..: 1- three-quarte- rs' 'ilt .4- . a THE IlETUIlira) , UrilTED artOER tlERCHANT TAILORS; r a J ?'r;f.v d alf-ioaa- '- to, ea - 'OAR'LOAID. Pi fof-arfy-thi- r B! na ; to search tody totbonght ther for the missing and maav are fallen, and this causeth under obligations a dutiful ASNUAu. UkKTLXU llr THA but ' nP freT t twelve onr hearts to rejoice, for we are ma.k-t- . .oommaaication to tbenbrnlt nf Queen (cheers). rnBH o'clock 'X- Kbaranoiaera ot aion a uenentIt zniiu- p.m. no trace of his ing progress. ;. jr would be It pramatnr on hi part to whereabouts could be found. The oiety,wUi be held ia the C r. Hall, But in order to cover 4ip .our sink enter iafco particulars concernlar the c r .k.- 3tty, ea Taeaday. Jan ofCot'V. 1S8A, cloud had been gathering for some holes must we aloud natare-.of with of th parpos cry crime, electing that, communication t lust at t P-for tar 'oreBtalsr time, aud It was now pitch dark, with a loud voice rear, ha&rlair re afflrer agafnsjt sioior Would thereby ;JIeJ bow;" aay, ilowever, rain aud sluet falling heavily. . Both, We natch the un warv. other v aavu aaa muacnua tne that as on iormer occasion, a law porta, la mea, with sorrowful hearts and mlnda And It came to pas that "these thing days must slaps befor . th result of hnalaeas as nay be brought.i befor Laden with unrest, concluded to give were wereJ their and outftla; - communication could b arrived matdoings performed, up the search for that night, but rise published in the papers: b'iioralL-rat,Bo-" as to b mad knowa to tha wUh early mora and continue It. , Interval Mr , JJBrtUSgT IU jor mauy oi.trir-cicint - : - --fj - -- - auaii-uot-.iiiu- se SAlEMON! ; - -- Jl - - - . - Xew Pack. Just ArrlvecU geo. f. nnoouti, 04, ZIAIN BTZtEJCF, OPPOSITE Z. C. M . K3ALT TjJizm OITY, XirEAJIX: ' ' |