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Show EVENING NEWS. Mrcti Tuesday, lO, 1S83. WMTIIEU REPORT. Time. Ksr. 'I l:er. Ilum'y. Wml. March Dth. S .m 11 p.m. n no 30.2) March 10th. 11 a.m. 7 a.m.' 30. IS 41.2 74 :j S.K. 30.1S 48.4 4( S.K. N.K. t'y. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Wentlier Min. Tern. ?A.l Max. Tfinp. Oo.'i TMti Meiidiun corresponding with 12 :S3 rii.1 " 4.iu., and 4 :o and 3:33 a m., sail l.uk'- n ue local time. WES. BLAKK, , U. S. A. Corporal Sig. '. - Co-ps- FRAGMENTS. I. Kin quotations, per firm. 110) lbs. $3.70; payments fall due on Z. B. B. S. Monday. Co. received McCornkk one lot Crescent ore, value $0,000. The names of grand and petit Jurors fur the April term, will be drawn next & to-d- ay Saturday. Sii.vf.r quotat'oii.s corrected daily by Co New York, l.OVU Wells, Farsro London, 4'. Wki.i.s, Fakuo & Co, received tobars Ontario bullion, day thirty-titrvalue j;,4S.1.:W. & ; Thk trial of Al. Afore, of Franklin, for .stealing Mr. Brown's overcoat, was continued at 2 p.m. Tun floors to one or two of tue stores on Second South near Main street, are bciu brought down to the level of the sidewalk. session of the District Court lasted but little over an hour, most of the time beinsr spent in giving the decision found elsewhere m full. There was born to the wife of J. L. Whytoek, a son, at 0.7 a. m. oa Sunday lat. We join the many friends i.f th proud parents in extending congratulation?. The conjoint meeting of the Mutual of the Improvement Associations Teuth and Eleventh Wards, will be held in the Klevenlh Ward meeting house this commencing at 7.30. 1.ix LoKrrs was arrested this inaruiiii! for assault ami battery, on oiiipl.iint of Tuoinas Daniels, a guard K. li. W. depot, whom at the D. i.ofi us knocked around considerable. A line of tit' and costs was imposed. Ii is stated that a mail carrier dropped a letter addressed to Mr. tie.j. Thatcher, ami that It :ws picked up and delivered by a friend to the owner, who found It to contain a raii for 1k. This is a too "free" deTo-da- y. y' i livery. Tuk l'atience Opera Company will at evening at 7. intt ulder'.-- ' music (Mace. A full attendance is requested, as several matters d considerable importance will be It is expected that the proposed excursion north will be decided upon this occasion LOCAL NKWS. Saturday, two boys residiuf in the Sixteenth Ward, went Mshin'-- r iu the river Jordan, down near t.u Hot Springs Lake, and returned iu the evening with tbeir catch, w itu hook and line, .vio ilsh from four to eia;ht inches in length. They say the fish Fish Story. 'bite" -- On good dowu there If Lee Dhd- from Minnea.?o, or Jlis ham, who came to Utah sota a number of yeirs children be living, he or they can learn something of advantage by enmmgni- with W. H. Crowell, Fair atiu. ll iveu, Stearns County, MionesoU. Tttw Mulr. The "Selma Mazurka" ts the name of a piece just published by i'edeisou AUtous, of this city; Prof F. W. Kojahw is the composer. The mechanical work Is d in? by the publisher;', aud the piper is of a line iiual-it- v For sale at the aud is home-madmusic store, price 3." cents. . e. Disgraceful. Last evening a crowd of boys assembled around the door and of the Presbyterian in the ante-room tnirch on Third South Street, toward the close of a meeting bein? held there hv a temperance organization, and in uoodlninism and makini; remarks to those passing out l the bnildins;. A recurrence of such ji seeDe should be prevented in the ( ed iutu;v A IMstol Shot A ripple of exeite-9new is cause i about half past four o'clock yesterday afternoon, by the of a pistol iu the Palace ihirp report Hotel. A crowd soon srathered around th'' place, r. h. re it was learned that no ut damage had been. done. A irentleman was handling a pUtol, when it was accidentally discharged, tue bail passing throuh the back of a chair, aud into tuc wall. Narrow Koupe On Sunday afternoon, a child about two aud a half ears of atre was utaiKiiu? in the wa'03 du Third West Street, when a team canie aloni, the driver apparently not uaviiiif swu the object in UU tft)'. Fortuualtly, as the team approached 'Jose to the little boy, a large dog, with whom the child had been playing, ran out, and apringiug at the horses' heads, caused them to turn orf just far uoiiidi to pass auii avoid what would iji hern ise have been a serious accident - nramtttic Kntertalnment A dra- matic eulei tainmeid, by au amateur .j)iJp:iuy, mostly from the Seventh rcprcsctitir considerable talent, will be given iu the Seventeenth WaivJ, Sixteen were killed outengineer. right and one badly crippled. A correspondent to the Sevier Valley Echo gives the following account of a suicide: Joseph Bertelseu, formerly a resident of Monroe, Sevier d County, but latterly of Cayote, County, committed suicide on the 2nd lust, by hanging himself in the stable ol Mr. Nicholas with two silk handkerchiefs, one of which was his own ;the other he had borrowed from a young lady the same evening. The cause given was that he hadtirfl a sudden love shock. It is said he has had twelve similar shocks before, and he hal said that this should be the Gar-liel- last. Utah Jersey Cattle Breeder's Association. The meeting of those engaged in promoting the interests of Jersey cattle in Utah, was held, as per adjournment, in Auditor Clayton's ottice, at 7 o'clock la.st evening. The committee which had been appointed to draft a constitution for a Jersey stock breeders' association, made their report, which was accepted, and the following constitution adopted by the Court District Proceedings. Baruej C. Ilarvev vs. M. V. Davis t al. Dismissed as to defendaat Cun- ningham, but through default of the others a decree as prayed for Was Brothers. Telephone Co. & COAL, ! COAL ! COAL dismissed. The Court announced that on Saturday, March 11, eighteen names wilt be drawn from the jury box for grand for petit juror, and thirty names jurors to several during the April term. And Still They Come. The latest gift to the Deseret Hospital Is a set of w indow cornice for the parior, given Sorenson &. Carlquist. This is a timely present, in view of the fact that some handsome lace curtains were among the things presented to tuat institution by Mr. Teas.de! yesterday. to-da- by y Who is next? -- Elder Samuel deliver a lecture this Historical Lecture. W. Richards will : j CO vice-preside- vice-presid- lr I : a s J. Gunneix, Agent. MA TX prices. Ek-ctrii- i) . I- - -- oc-.cas- . Pi-iiu- V i -d : Fkiiu Mkdi$ixk-C- o , Prop's, Cleveland, Ohio. ( ATIRKII O' THE UI.ADDEU. Sttmtiug, irritation, innammatioa.aH Ki.lnvy and Urlnarv Complaints, cured "v " Buchu-Palba.- " l. in i in; i 1 STRIP OF nt Al.L THE UAUK. To captivate the popular tastt and surpass all previous noefforts to please small amount ilu; palate, requires of knowledge and no little si ill, aud when we remember that the very at r cable liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, Is as benetlclal to the system, as it is acceptable to the stomach, We readily understand why It is the universal favorite as a cure for Habitual and other ills arising from Coustlpatiou or inactive condition of a weakness, the Bowels, Kidneys, Liver aud Stomach. Sample bottles free and large bottles for sale by all druggists. Z. 'J M. I. Drug Store, Wholesale Ageut- -. Sah lAke City. ft" Parties desiring " A Sore Throat or Cough, if suffered to progress, often results in an incurable throat or lung trouble. ".Broteii'j Bronchial Troche?!' give lnFtant relief. ?t'TTr- j J trr 5 STRAW AxNl) "F5 F1UM. Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas-ato the Palate, acceptable to the Stomach, harmless in Us nature, painless in its action, Cures habitual Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred ills. Cleanses the system, the blood, regulates the Liver purihes and acts ou the Bowels. Breaks Colds Chills and Fevers, etc. Strengthens organs on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample Dottles free, aud large bottles for sale by all Drug Store, druggists. Z C. .'M. ILake Wholesale Agents, alt City, taj L. D. Jk A. l Ol NU Have removed their fine stock of Shoes to 118 s. East Temple St. " NEWS PRINT, BOOK MANILLA TliJX smssHensa STS.. SALT LAKE CITY. FULL two-thir- Silk Circulars, Brocaded Circulars, Ottoman and Jjadies Ladies9 Diagonal iud liasrkct-clo- ti Circulars, Ladies Dolmans, (listers, Walking Jackets, Sltairis. etc., etc.. Children 8 llavelocks. Coals aud (J Isferetts, Ladies and Children's Underwear, Knit .Jack- DEATH S. Newmarkets, Thomaa Wakoman, of para lysis on the morning of March 10th, at the n'Hktenee of his sister Mrs. Wilraot in the 17th Ward. , at Ieceased was t)orn April th, Straford, Eaaex, England. . He was baptized when a boy aud emigrated to Utah in ISfU, was a faithful Elder in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter dy Suinta. He wu stricken with paralysis six yeara ago last .Sep., since which time be . has been an invalid and patiently bore his affliction without a mar mur or complaint. The evening before his death he appeared a well as usual, only complaining of a pain in his sida. He slept well the night of the 9th, and wm heard to be around in hU room about 7 in the morning'. Hi.s sifter heard him making a strange noise and went into hix room, when he immediately passed away withont any apparent pain or struggle. from resiFuneral at 2 p. m. dence of Mrs Wdmot, 17th Ward. Fur-line- d ets, etc., etc, t"This during the topuichase at siK h exc''ilinxly Low Pi entire line of garments Is reht ut uiuutli, that ladicH will Uixl it decltlediy to tliolr udvautugs bow, even If nyt ut ided for imiurdiste vin. offi-m- l K flne-flttin- well-uiwd- aaJ Coals! ARRIVALS. U-- K Dolmans NEW WALKER BROTHERS lS-.- PlnmDers. Tinners. Eas ana S Hats, Caps, Blankets & Clothing LOWER THAN ANY SEASON, AT OTHER I T T TS II, S . mn to to przjth riiimblngr,GasFittiiipranc1 Stonra ITcatiiijc; U1 jrR-- m Tliiuingr, Kooflngr, Guttering, Etc., TEASDEL'S! IN ALL City Water ITS BRANCHES ON SHORT NOTICE. Pipes and Fixtures put In en Reasonable Terms Call and Examine our Stock of Plumbing Supplies, LARGELY ALL! DAVID JAMES & CO., AT PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. Dock. At the residence of her daughter, Enphemia (Irimths, Konson Ward, Cache County, February 22, 1 85 of old age, Agne Dock ; born Augast 9, ISIS, in the town of I'nisly, Scotland ; was baptized in the year 1842, and came to Utah in 1963, with her husband, iiobertjDock, who died i years ago. She leaves a son and ali that are now alive of a family of 14 chil ttren. ifill. Star please copy. GOOD FOR 0 MKN'S II III Mi: II I'llH IA Gas Fixtures, Water Fitters, FtS. 67 ISTo- - ZMI-A-i- STBBET. nr SW TKUtPHOKE OOOIUKICATION OrrtOB AT AND BJC5IDKNCE. FOR EHTABLTSIIBD PILIJ9. AND AT cured by using these Pills. G. F. CULMER & BROS. CATIXOLICOX. Urrat Remedy for all Female plaints. This Hediciae caret Female A 1B7G WINDOW GLASS THE LARGEST For more than Forty Years these valuable Pills have lten known and used. They act mildly but thoroughly. Bilious Disorder, Liver and Kidaey Complaints, Headache, Constipation aad Malarial Diseases art Com Weak- Most COMPLETE STOCK KUIl FALL KINEST AND IMPORTED WINTKR IN THK CITY. BULK, Fit 187C. :o: AND ANI ness and Nervous Disorders. 1'hysieians se this Catholicon In their practice. DOMESTIC Enquire our NEW PRICES before Purchasing Elsewhere. ;iiIJrens Panacea. A safe and all Child GUAUANTEKP. surrrxas pleasant remedy (or ren's Diseases. Acting as a tonic it is positively beneficial to every child that takes it. mt-- Send stamp for book to Graefenberg - - AND ' I f Wc 4 ' ' Co., New York. 7.. C. I. KU SALT LAKE M- - 1 PRICED J TO I'ANTINGS. WIOKMpeN. DEFY COMPETITION sssnios iisiss ana Kales for 8If Mrssnrement fwrwar.lctl ou 8TORE. AGEWTO. sA CITf, UTAH. ..iipis sppliesuo. TAX BALK. ON THK 21 8T DAY OF WIIETtKAS, 1884. School District No. Seven T), is Salt Lake County, ia the Tertot TAILORS MLT UAK IHsh, duly levied a Special Tax ritory and upon the property of D. O. against iMcsinson, ia rata uisirirt, amounting to payable on tbs 22d day of November, akicb said lax has not been paid, and 14, has bona duly certified to me. .Nathaniel V. Halt Collector Lake Cvanty, Ter of Jones, riiory or i un, wor collection. Therefore, by virtue of tbe authority vested ,ia we. as such Collector, I have levied upoa the following descriled propof lot four erty, to wit: The north faulf (4) in block forty (40), as plotted In plot "A" ot Salt Lake City Survey, which w ill be sold; or so muck thereof way be aecessary to pay the Taxes aad Costs, at Public Auction, in front of the County Court House, &a)t I tke CKv. on the 0rt day of April, 1833, at o'clock M. . TtlAY NOTICE. DltAlj;jSf P.o'ioiM JOHiON OR THE ONLY 1 CO, GENVINK Pleasant Valley, Anthracite and Colorado Blacksmith Coals : REDUCTION rN PRICE ol the L o: WKL.L.-KNOW- ANTHRACITE VOAJ TI :o:- - Pleasant Valley and Colorado Coko and Charcoal. HOOD AND PIO IRON. i "TTT'HERE A8, Olf XJIE 4TH DAY OF y V '- alareh, tSsa, I received Iron William Blood, a certain sorrel HOUSE, with white face and with a bob tail, a small white spot on right hind foot and two white spots on back, no brand via ibis, about nine years old. Also a certincate signed bv Edward Kd- monqs, setting lorth that the said animal was found trppasctug upon Win. Blood's enclosure In Kaysville, and that th amoaat of damage is one dollar."" Notice is hereby tva that if said animal i not claimed and taken away, aad said AND WOOLliN AGENTS i 1 CITY. REMINGTON, ,j V. JONES, HATHAX1EL -Collector. County Collector's Oflire, Cosrt Hoase, Salt bake City, Atarch , idea. . - WORKMANSHIP IVERCOATISGS i SIERRA AND PLANING MILL. Tracks. OsL IlITlBEIi 1SSTJ DEALERS IN "B r- . IN st-x- Whttock.-- To the wife of J. L. Why took a on ; at tt.7 a. m. on Sunday laat. Wakeman BARGAIIS ) N B nf FINK CLOTHS, Yirrc Havlnjr disposeil of the entire lofore carried in our Merchant Tailoring nep,ntiixiit, to Messrs. H u. Son of this city, wc respectfully refer our former patioin t, tli. ui. a Suit of Clothes. The Bkst Salve 'iri'the' world foi Cuts. Bruises, Sores,1 Ulcers, Sail IbJbbVssO Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetteri Chapved Hands Chilblains. Corns, and aii Skin Eruptions, and positive cures Files,, lATIT, ShlaslM, Uonldlags, Frames, Doon, Wladowi, or no pay required It U guarantees Blinds, Wood Pumpc, Packlnf; Boxes, Builders to give perfect satisfaction, or niouej , . v vn,., O. HMdwsrsSMs elcbtSs OIAJ8S Etc., Etc. on tvtandea Price 2oceats per p.m. Monday .the jfith day of March, in jutysviue city, imvw For sal at Z. C M I prig Store poena a will at said time and place WOOD TAHK county. 'Of ALL DCSCff IPTIOWa MAPK " TO ORDCR cr eatdU.T., animal tor sale at public auction, B. Sons' Caps! and sell the same to the highest and best fr, Douglass Bny Muaer, so. csa so eausry- tn amosjat at such meeting shall vote la cum Cough Drops for voiir children Claimed, on said certificate and all costs. ' firesent statistical they are harmless, pleasing to the taste ed thoslartd send a" the sack expulsion. J. LAYTOJJ, Article 15. This constitution may be na will cure their colds.; D S, nd which were reoeJr Clled for; Cit y mnnaneperj u ,vt; irw-jpfrah SlMsl Ml or a p.'O.'B. altered amended vote eTery of drop, . two by ejt., jMtypviw vht ,si m tia sin, eSk thej tfaould forward ihem IromeUiatelf ix. U1PRECEDEKTE1 Ladies Winter Goods! DEPARTMENTS ItaepseiiM. in- DESERET NEWS COMPANY, CORNER EAST and SOUTH TEMPLE em- ss DUlt I'ATliOXS. Our Good! i will not lie any of the above, are liis(-cla- Children's Suits, in Sizes from 3 to 0 Years. " Itoys' Suits, in Sizes from 10 lo 12 Youths' Suits, in Sizes from 1 i to 17 " Men's in every Desirable Style. Overcoats, Duck Goods, etc., etc. WK COXFl IfHXTLY (i I A HA X TKE Si VISE AC TO vited to call and examine our Stock and Prices? before purchasing elsewhere. BIETH9. Entire Stock, Ahich is very larjje and braces everyihiuK: rarritMl in a Clothing House : ?i are uou spt-cd- Sweeping Reductions iVi 1:11111 $500,00 Reward . Rough on Coughs," for Cousrhs, Cokl, Sore throat, Hoarseness. Troches, 15c. Liquid, 25. Ask for EBWS Manufacturers and Dealers . and od'ect a beinj? clearance, we have deferniined on munuf;u-(iirod- On our VII Boots and hue shoes. , CLOTH READY-SHAD- E T. PAPER! PAPER!! MAIM 8TBEET Will be occupied by L. D. &. A. Young. IS - it o nun on rui'ftHS." C. .V To make room for Spring (Joods which , IIS 8. No. 1 s STh'EET, OPPOSITE Z. SALT LA.KE CITY. JJ'TJEL. DuNioRu'n. dim SALE OP As wk are going into the Boot and Shoe business exclusively, we will close out our entire stock of Hats, Caps and Gents' Famishing Goods at Cost. Call and examine our prices at 1 . .li-- jr-Mte- r to-da- y, '.n.-phei Pn 3 ! GLOBK BAKERY. Go to the Globe Bakery for your holiday Candies, Cakes, Fruits, etc. They can be had pure and wholesome, st low ed cle a Mi February Social Offerings i Go to J. G. Cutler & Bro. for PRO VO WOOLEN and OT11EB HOME-MAD- E GOODS, Flannels, Linsey, Blankets, Wool Batting. Socks, Stockings, etc , No. 4S West First South Street. i ng KPS CD Wasatch Corner. Office, ! j Weber, Bock Spring, Pleasant Valsold ley and Red Canyon All the Coais in the Salt Lake market. Our Weber is from the celebrated Grass Creek mines and we are mining better coal than ever before. No otlwer Weber this market can compare brought to All our coals are nicely with it. screened and cleaned. Coal Department, Union Pacific Railway Company. A. BROTIHRS WALKER UNITED ORDER MERCHANT TAILORS. j BEXEJfBEK. L. D. &. A. Young are removing to lit. South Main St., where they will continue to carry a moat excel lent stock of Boots and! Shoes. fIX" butter-produci- 311. Skixs, Burton BETUKNUD TO THE OLD STAND. Will be paid by A. G. Bechtol, of the Opera House Bar, on the return of his on business, wh'.ch was lost or stolen the ntifht of the Are, October l.'Uh. That popular resort is agalu open to given. The case of the people vs. John Nel- the public, with A. G. again on deck, is a sure guarantee to the public son et al, on appeal, was dismissed on which that tha stock therein dispensed Is motion of the prosecution. The action equal to the best in the city. A. G. Bkchtol. against William Marihugh was also -- " COAL! COAL! COAL! We are now selling the celebrated Pleasant Valley and Anthracite Coals ; also Charcwal, Coke, Pi Iron, Wood, etc. Send vour orders to 147 Main Street, next door south of Barratt XOST, STBAYKO ;OR STOLEN evening iu the 14th Ward Assembly Rooms, beginning at .7 o'clock, on (Hi)ecta. TUe objects of this association are to bring breeders of Jersey Farly Church History, and incidents cattle into communication; to advance from the lives of Joseph Smith, Oliver their common interests by the establishment of honorable and fraternal Co A'dery and others; also the univerrelations, and secure the benefits of sality of law. and united action in bringing into prominence the merits of Ukwakd offered for a lost dog. See this breed of dairy cattle; to colled J information and dittaeininate knowl- advertisement. edge concerning this breed, their upon the dairy, and value, for REJIOVKD. the improvement of cattle devoted to this purpose; believing that the proL. D.&. A. Young, .Boots Shoos to gress of agricultural iuterests of the lbi S. Main St. Territory demands a more intimate FLANTEK. Dlllvltl O knowledge of the value of farm and dairy products, aud that the acquisi!', ro is ami strengthenng improved, tion of such kuowledge will lead to it best lor backache, pains Inchest t the more general introduction of this sxle, rheumatism, neuralgia. 2;c. breed. Uiiii'jists or mail. .Viime.-Arti- cle 1. This association shall be called the Utah Jersey Cattle the world Angostura Sitters, Breeders' Association. and invigorator, imappetizer 2. The ofElectirc Officers--Artiparl a delicious flavor to ali drinks ficers shall consist of a president, and cures dyspepsia, diarrhiea, fever and live directors, who, with and aroe. Try it, but beware of the president and shall counterfeits. Ask your grocer or your constitute. a board of managers. for the genuine Angostura, Election. Article a. TUi president druggist manufactured by Dr. J. G. B. Siegert and shall be elected an- & Sons. nually, and at tb first election under the confutation the seven directors Til!; IIOPK or THK NATION. shall hoeo in two classes, two to Ciihdrcn, slow in development puy, serve one yearind three to serve two and delicate, use " Wells' years, and at each subsequent election a sutlicient number shall be cboen for Health Reuewer." two vears to till the board, a majority of whom phali constitute a quorum. A NTAKTLIJiU ItlM'VtEBT Article 4. A secretary mi treasurer Mr. Win Johnson, of Huron, Duk., shall be appointed annually by the writes that his wife had beeu troubled board of mauagers. Article T. All elections shall be by with acute Bronchitis for inany years ballot at the annual meetiug.The board Mid that alt remedies tried yavo no of managers may till all vacancies in permanent relief, until he procured a of A'm;'a New Discovery foi their own number, or in the orlices of oottle "oasunipt iou, Coughs and Colds or treasurer, to hold office (wlrieh secretary a magical effect, and proouly until the next annual election, or duced ahad cure. It is guaruntil their successors shall be elected pernianeut cure to all Diseases of Throat, anteed and qualitied. or Bronchial Tubes MetiHys. Article t. The annual Lungs, Bottles Free at & C M I Trial the be of shall association meeting 6 held at Salt Lake City, on the 3d day of Drug Store Large Size .00. on when that falls April, except day The extraordinary popularity of Saturday preSunday, in that case the Cherry Pectoral is the natural vious, at such place as tha preceding Aer's result of its use by intelligent people annual meeting shall designate; an years. It has indisputnotice shall be sent to each member by lor over forty ably proven itself the very best known the secretary twenty days previous. Article 7. The board of managers specitlc for all colds, coughs, and pulmonary complaints. shall manage the affairs of the association, under such regulations aud reMy Son aged nine years, was afflicted strictions as the association may from time to time prescribe, ami shall call with cattarrh themse of Ely's Cream W. E. special meetings of the association on Balm effected a complete cure. the written request of ten members of Hamman, Druggist, Kaston, Pa. the association, for the consideration or discussionof any question of special Voi Nii BnoTiiKKs are getting in a interest. larire stock of the ever popular "Do8. The president shall Article mestic" sewing machines. Two carover the meetlntrs, and shall preside have a loads were and two received general supervision of the affairs of more cars are on the road. Give them a the association, and may call the board call. I 2w of lnauagers together, or at the written request of the members shall call the AS i:ail TO KOl: SilCAi'IAU board together and ordtir tue secretary Edward d, of Han isbuiu to give the notice of such Hun tings at Ills., says- 'Havin.' received so mud least ten days previous. lii-iLitters, I feel i; Ditties of Secret'ini Article '. It to let sufic; dig hutjianit. duty shall be the duty of the secretary to kucnv it. Have had a i unuing sere ol keep a minute of the proceedings of my leg for eight years ; tny doctor each meeting of the association, and told me I w'Hild have to have the bon of the board of managers. He shall I or scraped used, hi amputated issue all notices of meetinus, receive stead, lb re leg of Electric Bitter.-fiu-bottles aud refer to the board of managers ail seven boxes Btiefelen's Am let. applications lor membership, receive Suhc, aud my leg is uow sound an' the fees and dues, paying the same over well " to the treasure r, and take his Electric Bitters are sold at llftvtent.-- a for .all money paid to hlro. Hereceipt shall bottle aud Uucklen's Arnica Sjlveai .'5c qualify himself togive information upC. M I. I.ruji on topics pertaining to the breedinx of Store per box by b be He shall furnished Jersey cattle. NPKIMU TIUS with the the association "Herd by A. J. O. (.'.," the "Island We would call the attention of onr Kegistcrof Herd s readers to a true such and peiiodi-calBook," Jerseyas family medicine, treat upon these subjects. Brown's and Dandeliou, Marsaparilla When requested, shall furnish tabuw ith Iodide of Potassium ' for the lated pedU'rees, such request to 4be acIt Blood, the Liver and the Kidneys. companied by a fee of one dollar. He has justly taken the frout rank of Blood shall have custody of the books, reI'tiriilers, has the formula printed on cords and other property of the asso- each bottle and is heartily endorsed by reaud his for servUe shall ciation, When you use medicines, ceive such compensation a miy be Physicians. buy only the best. All our" medicine, tixed by the association each t ear. dealers, sell Brown's Medicines. The Treasurer. Article 10. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to receive Iirowu'a Arnica Salve will cure and receipt for all moneys paid to hiiu Barns, Cuts, Bruises, or Sore Eyes. d&s and keep a correct account of all the Warranted. funds of the association, and shall only rrt.EN! PILES ! PILES HI pay out moneys upon bills which have been audited by the auditing commitSure Mire for Blind, Bleedin; and tee. lu lling Piles Cue box has cured the Article 11. The auditing committee worst ases of 20 standing "No shall be composed of two members of ' lie i,. ed suffer years' Ave m uutex .after the boat d of managers, who shall be usin., s Indiau Pile Ointment appoiuted by the president immediate Its ibsoit-- i.nnnrtf, illaya Itching, acts lv after the annual meetiu. Theirduty is poultice, irives iijistaut relief shall be to audit all bills before being the "n!y folr Piles, Itching vale parts, nothing else Sold by paid. it, Article 12. A committee composed of dud mailed on receipt of moists two members of the board shall also be Ode .ud $1.00 For sale bv . C ;M f Drag Dept appointed by the President iu a like meeting Ward school Louse on the evening of Friday, March lth. T ie programme iurludt-- the charming drama of "The harcoal Burner" and the laughable farce, "A Good Night's Host," besides The & harmonica and guitar solo, etc. performance has been received well in other places, and we doubt not that all those wha choose to patronize it in this instance w ill feel wIi repaid for loiug so, iu the enjoyment which it will afford them. The proceeds of the who shall superintend and jjcrforuiauce are for tne benefit of S manner, for all printing. contract worthy object. Memttenhip. Article 13. All breeders or owners of Jersey cattle, who are of the Territory of JJtah. Y. M. M. A. Conference. A con- residents having been approved by the board ol Mutual Men's ference of the Youug managers, may become members of the association upon the payment of a fee Improvement Associations of Salt of three dollars and such annual dues Assem-D- if in the held be will Stake J,ke of as shall be prescribed at each snnnal on of the evening ilall this city meeting, and thelailure of any member to pay such annual dues wjtbin thirty 3l0B4ay the 16th inst., upon which after they shall become due, shall representatives from various days work a forfeiture of all privileges and in a take will part benefits of such membership. A firm city association brief and varied programme. Reports may become members and entitled to of such membership, but will also be given of the condition of all privileges one member of such firm shall be the' associations aad appropriate in- otly entitled to vote, daring the existence desirable is of such partnership. structions Imparted. It rtn&t there be as large an attendance as Article 14. Should it occnr that any of the association shall be .possible from the various associationsi member with wilful misrepresentation both charged and that the Stake, throughout In to any animals bred or owned sexes oe included. In fact, a cordial by regard or him; any other act derogatory to either of all to the standing of the association, tbe invitation is extended ex who are interested io tbe cause of board of managers shall examine Into the matter, and if they shall find such mutual Improvement to be present charge is proven, the offending memwill The meeting ber snail be expelled at the regular anupon th occasion. nual meeting; , Provided, That .commence ai 7.30 sharp. of the members of the association A number ot AaaocUtlons have fails BUSINESS NOTICES. half-burn- ed vice-preside- nt . Information Wanted. ar-re- ss west-boun- ut to-da- thifds of the members present at any annual meeting. Messrs. George Bridges andL.G. CULH:i CROM LATEST itXCHANGKS. Hardy were appointed a committee to The Arizona Legislature closes on solicit membership, aud the meeting adjourned subject to the call of Tkeo.a the 15th inst., after a session of sixty McKean, the temporary president, days. permanent organization not yet having Frisco is troubled with diphtheria. been effected. Three children of one family died there last week of this dreaded disease. Warm Weather One of the charLast Saturday" a member of the acteristics o! our Utah climate is that Montana Legislature Introduced a the changes from one season to anresolution before that body providing other are extremely sudden. The for the organization of the State of weather we are now having is warm Montana, and the election of two Sen- and dry enough for May or June, and ators to CoDgress. farmers are as busy as bees plowing Gunnison, Col., with a population and sowing exerting themselves to of 3,000, has seventeen saloons, three the utmost to get their small grain breweries, two wholesale liquor houses planted before the gronnd becomes too To offset dry to sprout the seed. The roads and three billiard balls. these, there are three Sunday Schools which but a few days ago were so miry An exand one free reading room. as to be almost impassable, are fast advanced civilization. of ample becoming dusty, and in the business Advices from Dimmit County, Tex., part of our city street sprinkliug has say that the sheep ranch of Kyan &. already had to be resorted to. Verily Level, which has borne a bad name for it seems that summer has burst upon a long time, being regarded as the us all at once. headquarters for cattle thieves and was attacked by eight Mexicans, Robbery. The family of Thomas Americans on the 1st inst. Manuel Keddington, of the 10th Ward, on Flores, the overseer, was hanged, and their return home Sunday evening, two or three herders shot and killed, discovered that the back door of the and the sheep scattered in all direchouse had been forced open, but as tions. No effort has been made to nothing seemed to have been disthe guilty parties. turbed, little was thought of It. Last Seventeen head of horses and evening, however, it was found that mules were recently killed on Ditto Mr. ketldington's trunk had been d pasCreek, Idaho, by a opened, and f70 in cash taken therein. a pocket - book senger tiain. They belonged to Dan-ski- n from valued were of and had also been Boise, Another trunk Bros., at 2,.o0. The traiu, being late, was thoroughly ransacked, and some matches were found on the traveling faster than schedule speed, aud a thick fog which prevailed at the floor, but nothing else of value was time, hid the animals from view, so taken. There is at present but little that little blame is attached to the cine to the perpetrators. TERRITORIAL ITEMS. "cut . Orders solicited anJ promptly Ulled. Telethons No. JU, conncrted with yard and offln YARD 6PI0S111S D. & R. t). TASSENGKR DKrot; Office 20 and 23 Sccoiit t ' South Street. - ptmirY Yoini blood i BROWN'S SARSARARI LLA A nd' Dandelion, with Iodide of Potassium, ? REMOVES ALL IMPUBITIES OP THJC BLOOD. . Keorrscts tfas torpid condiUos of tbs LJ vcr, aad renaovaa all sbstractloM of tk KUInrrs. -- f - ttt Scrofula, sttnnUoa,, ! ol irsjars'i reouwnai DartSsn six btfaa UsTsTSfsJs. as , . 9fm Ms4ioia .f. : s f iv. rnna i par aa4 Hiatus euulaUi, Ml I t i ssj C. . j j ds - j i |