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Show The Plying DutchMM EVENING NEWS. VVIAj TORPID BOWELS 1. .; I y ni I lining iuOi"ill r:ic- 1 -. Tli : NITY. f Kraclatlon ol food, of temper. Intvapii M.nd IrriUtkllitjr ferliMgof hv-i- K Hume nei(lrrtr(l nl'. Ilinluru, Jr'lullrriitK Nt tbe fj w, licl)l cnlorrd Ilol rinr. :ik.I in:u.. tb- - uvl u n i on .lii thnt tl.c l.iver. if ti tlv !i I.ivt r iiiiMlK iiii' Asme.ly f the Jury as llie '.;iand are now eiupanH-iinquest for th Second ,J ii.lici.'il District of tbis Tcirttory, ami upon you devolves the responsibility if all public offenses couiinitti'il in juto the district and triable in mi court-and it becomes my duty to ive you in charge such 'matter's and intoniiation as may be proper to icuide or aid you in the discharge of your duties. la the first place, I desire to call your attention to the lact tliat the peace and tcood order of society largely depend upon the irruiid juries upon the manhood, intelligence and integrity of the fcrmnl juries, they beinj; the medium throuirh which the enlorcenft'til of the laws can lc secured. Without the Jurors beiuic faithful to their oath, he criminal law would he a dead letter J fjtherelore, you should fail in doln your sworu duty, the com nvu uity, as a whole, would suffer. The oath w hich you all have taken all to ie fearless, just ami requires youTho obligation is that you impartial. will diligently iii'iuire into all public offenses in this district tliat you will indict no person throu'-C- malice, hatred nor leave an uniiiilicUd or or affection, etc. tlirough fear,tofavor be governed or influ You are not enced by friendship nor enmity, by affection, love or hate, nor by public sentiment nor private desire. The eyes of the whole country are turned toward Utah, to see whether the people of this Territory Will be obedient to the laws anil have them enforced. The people of the whole nation feel a responsibility regarding the enforcement of the laws in this Territory, for a Territory is not like a State ; a "Terthe qualities of ritory has none is of It a mere creature ol sovereignty. the Statute, and can be mde or unmade by the general government at with a Mate. pleasure. It is otherwise Private Judgment as to whether a law should be obeyed or not, is forei'-'- n to our government, as to every other, and the plea is iesa excusable iii this couu-tr- y than elsewhere, because our Is a child of the people, find the people make the laws. The will of. the people of the nation is expressed men wilthrough laws. When fully disobey and defy the laws they set iip their private judgment against the constituted authority of the nation and against the judgment of the whole people. This cannot be allowed for a moment. Government would be a farce if such were the rule. Such in their nature treasonare teachings able, whether put forth by one man or many, or by any orgHin.atfon. Jsio man can be a good citizen, a patriot, who will lend his ajd or countenance to such doctrine. Patriots love their uphold its laws ami country and gladly authority; and no" jnan or set of men, nor organization that obstructs the execution of the laws, is friendly to the government, nor patriotic ia senWhen good citizens are timent. counseled or instructed to disobev the laws, or to aid iu preventing their duo execution, they unhesitatingly repeal and repudiate such counseling or instruction, ami assert their individual manhood, and refuse to be the instruments of designing men in trauiplinir upon the laws, or in helping to prevent tUeir enforcement. In every Teras a ritory aid except Utah, the people the government in enforcing body, rthe laws. From Utah alone does the anomaly appear of a general hostility to the enforcement of Federal authortli utleinen pS4d vry4-- - i JL . TI'TT'S i'l Kidhave no fajtiHl. 'J In ir fn 1.111 on Ilic iiiul kin nlso prompt removing neys all inui ilii'i tliroiiflt iln i: I lireo o t'llio synfi'iii , piTMiuc-inppC-tltsouinl di;- it ion, voKulur slool.-- , a clearhkiti iind u vijjoroiiH bty. TI'TT'S PI I.I- - cause no imuso'iO! iiin;; nor e wilh l;iilv work, fuitl in e a pcrleet v?iv5r : "nmv-'eagtr- H c, r - ry' TEED TO IB""5"- HAIR DYE. TUTTS GHtt ilvtu on - Tho Lightest Draught Sulky Plow Made. Is far the constructed and easiest handled Plow in the Market. simplest by to MALARIA. A NT I DOTE :o:- - For Sale by HOWARD SEBREE CO.. at Bain Warn SALT LAKE and OGDF.N, UTAH; WEISER, CALDWELL, MOUNTAIN HOME. IDAHO. Depot, SnOSHONE, tis4w AViiiHKKits to a ciingvl (.i.osKY IIlack by ii sinirlo ajplicntiOTi of tliiH DTK, tSoUl ly Irug-(fit8,oent by express nnrcceiptof $1. Sold evtry where. OtHce, 41 Murray ct .,N. V. T2XES. MINTON'S PLAIN AND KSCAUSTIC, rnb!ic Buildings and lwcllio)ra , Glazed and Enamelled Tiles for Mautel. Hearths, Wainscoting, etc., and for El tenor Decorations. Vox EL IAS 1 a. h Niw York. MORRIS, Importra Ageat, ill-wi- COJCTE8. Temple St., ITat, 8. L. CWy. dm eod It KENNEDY'S VHO IS J U ACQUAINT ED WITH THE CEOCBAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE ' M.nneinam , iaCflU .' v vy" 1 " Ls lr' mui-l- WILi llltlj wis FQR hi OYSpn 1 1 i: MtLLEK : You tlx-Hear- " 4fta, KISTIMCT. WKII OF FAIJSKHOOU KANATK'AI. maiiu- - HK WEAYKS A WAHPEU WITH nee !. thir ti. f Apptit, llDH'tit (O.livr, Sirk.Ilralari-.n1lir lon (o rxti-tloofanrrraliiij,acrIvotly or mled, - bokk-man'- s THE SKCO.M) .ILHKIAL OF - 1111.-.- tkxt of judge to the ciiargk liY. GUAM) Jl and DISORDERED LIVER. kroin tliesf. sources Unci- lour! lis i Marcla 10. Tnrsdsy, i ll, gov--emin- MINERAL WATER. REMEDY IN THE WORLD! Rheumatisrr Constipation, Dyspepsia, Sedentary Diseases, ETiliousness, Kidney Complaint, , Lung Diseases, Imoore Bloort 1LER PROfWETORS i CO. AND SOLE MANUTACTURFJ7S, - OMAHA, HEB. KOCK ISLAM) AND PACIFIC !ir(CA0, irY icireat Central Line, affords to travelers, br reason of It unrivalled geographi--a- l position, tb shortest and best route between the East, Nortneaat and (southeast, and iie West, Kortawest and Southwest. It is literally and strictly true, that its connections are all of the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Pactne By iis main lias and branches it reaches Joliet, Peoria, Ottawa, I Ji Salle, Seneseo, atolime aad Rock Ilam1, In Illinois; Davenrtort, Muscatine, Washington. KeoUity, Atlantic Avoca, kuk, KnoxTille, Oskaloosa, Fairfleld, Des Moines, West Ijberty, Io AuJuboa, Harlan, Guthrie Center and Council Blaffs, in Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton, Came un and Kaaas City, in M'.ssnari, and Leavenworth and Atchison in Kansaa, and the bun ted of cities, villages and towns intermediate. Tha eingr tha SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GROCERS When you retire to your Aom, select one ot your number to act as clerk, to keep a minute of your proceedings and to take down the testimony of witnesses. It is necessary that your foreman maintain absolute secrecy as to what may occur in the grand Jury room. You are required td keep such things secret, nor must yoa tell how 'any one of your number votes on any matter that may be before yon ; nor are you allowed to give any Information as to whether any particular person or class of persons lias or have been or may be indicted. To do so, w:uld be to give warning to those charged with crime, so that they might escape. No one ni ust be present when von vote on any subject before, jou. The IMstrict Attorney can be present to examine witnesses but neither he norany otlicer shall be present when you vote or discuss matters before you. The bailiff will always be at your door to attend to such official duties as you may require of him. 11 will require twelve of your number to lind an indictment. A less num ber will not do. You are to make your own adjournment from day to day, except that your linat adjournment can only be by direction of Court. Uy our statute you are not bouud to hear evidence for the. dehave information fense, but when fir reason to believe that evidence exists tliat might explain away the charge, jou can send for the witness. Kvery case that is within your own knowledge, that is, th knowledge of tiny offense, it should be reported to the grand jury, and If either of you has good reason to believe that a crime has been committed, it is your fluty to it to the knowledge of the grand bring j u ry An act of Congress the Poland bill requires- you to examine into the care of persons in piisons and iuto the condition ol prisons in the district. You are entitled to free access to all such piaces. Under the same statute it is into every case of jotir duty toIninquire ollice, whether the office corruption be United States, Territorial or local. Statute read to the irrand jury.) Now, iceiitlemeii, these matters cover the grounds generally of your duties. The details in regard to particular offenses jou can learn from the District Attorney or from the Court, as you may desire. The Marshal will conduct you to your room - - W an inflameil "' by-la- ad -- FLORENCE KNITTING SILK "GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," . On increased A A . Sutriano .) W . h'rri i'ii ... M.-lr,- , iiranoevitle Price A Several Inferior and ilHiigeron " siibiti lutes " tor "Hie genuine " llm lnnl's .i.l lursdlf . and l'lioHh:ti' an; being ofleiiil anil we hereby tin' ile.ili-rullit' I will or using hem, Ms lh". against buying same r fleet uion I Ii r sys not roiluv the i ' Mini ih. us Die i'l'iiuiue " er n nigreili.'iits in a. line of them are In lit allii. Soiii.' ol these " sahnl ilulos " or iiuunlnnia which !iro simply I'llule I'lionphoi iC iilClfi'ies Willi die digestion, uhile Ihe " n it i o e " llm sfoni's nol only t nusi s no iniilile wild lin- digestive oi guns, I. ut ins i i;il assists in their action. One preparation that is lining oileif t tur P m fchle, by the giillou. coiitmns Mela I'tiospfioric Acni. wlui'h are ile clnireil i.. lie ',. lilies I nutlKiliiy to be poisonous. 'Ihe Mine prci u alion alio coiilauis Chloric wln-l( 'liloi'ihu is a of compound .rtil, " I lursf in J' " eout;iiu neither of these iu (rredients. Tlirss " MnlMtitatciH " are llnfcl lo '(, i - . Johnson, jr ' ( liHuiberlain. aisjis oiH-ycd- ftS , I FLORENCE 7 -- - gp? trderville 'alireah, iyr f - THE- SIIOTTXEST OUT LINT? Most Direct Houte fill ro THE EAST CHICAGO, Topeka & Santa Fe . 2g f R ), -- . . w-- . V. . BOOK AND JOB I . . V A rirrs 1 are liis-liof- ii T E E 1j -- 1LS, are (f . jbB FEINTING l . Jr. .X. a M ot Art ttrod-wor- u -- sulworlliy K J Culler Johnson P K It Kobinson U .11 Johnson 1 . Alvin II e:i lo n II. 11 M Jolly U , W K.plni. T W Smilh J W Sea ma n It S. KaHult, . Mi .n Home Coal Company, c. Rin. PIONEER - bootVshoe and & - r iv.,.,,. HAS BEHOVED 4 - u. No. aVaXT lAKM COTt. i 6a Market r Row, , tj 2. $e4 - "rat,..-l.,..T.- " " ! ' - "- ,' ,. ,1 VI I .iio 1M .1 I ell I' I u. in, Mm II ,r-- t I M llm,. I. ,l.i, .1. In,-- ,. i, I '.I II Poll Ih, , o. ,,, . Is . .V.llioi i ..I.,, i I ii ii i, nisi, III , II loo I H. P 1 i.in i.'i I I ii IhIi ..I, I til i e.l i , ,1. I, . r llllllll, Ill lull,,,., 11 - i I'lllK' ,,, I. n .lei , 'i I I I .1... I i ., r Ii. P 1 I, ie. i . ,i.l III. hti. f.'l. J,i'. I.i s I I II 11 tin I,, i. I,,- l . .1 V IhIi. I ',l' l.iwei.l - III bu M sy,,.,,., Hill - ci- ll M. Al I Hi in I v li I V I i iw ii lil holt I'.l Mill l I ring. Mi it V i l.buisou. II lenl i ie-- ,. , II i i Mill " ) Ira' hut . in in i ... i S I I II initio s.'i SI (,,, ,, pi , lirif Hiii.I, Mot,. .',,,',, I hii.l II.,,, St i.'ex'ior. SI ll. hi l,V.,,i. t'l. rtl, II., ihv tn i ii 'own, .i i Sjirnitj till'',' I em I V II C:iiiii. n III li e Inn l I. ,l,n I' ll ki I I,, I. ..i I, in ' P I I ' I i .Ml M ii i . W.o.U Ie mil I ii i, k I I i 11 I .1 . :i I I i,. o. i,.. I Pugli I ii. bl I l.tsngei l i I alii i:enI I' I N Mi,, nut 4'i.iml. roiiln. I I - h A liii nl.m tlWi l liom.'i-.I I , Chn r. Na-nii- I i 111 .1. l.liif-.ili- , I I III II Pan ecu .Ii.llll '. .I'I K I V 1' l SI .loltcs ,l'ob! U ' villi hlH I m V S Simla P i, i.l' , , Aoi i ,1' T - 1. I r.ol.v i. II I ll.n pi in i, in P I 'info, ii i n ,1 i I I i r V.l mi- . I i eii. -- i' i llul.l l,,;,l, I I Ii lb, II. VV i I'n' hiK lull,;.. ' P on, i; i: ii nimi M m s e i ii Inla I - I In Hi'tm M'o.- - 1 l is I Asdsossa. I'ssalj, STAKE. ti, I I t Hliliiiloii 4'otmlv. li lei I I P I I . Wi'utt J ST. JOSEPH STAKE, Jamil- - H trl 'III II J.elm, Menu .T. K. Jones K. Piiiiiri-- . . . . .'.i.T.H Pnptioo 7 rji. tf? Vfrerson Mi Doiint.t Sf ,!,,, Millars! Ii.iniel Thoinon. J Uoblciii,, M ('oun-e- l. A. Meadow Creek Alt ( Veet . Srspio Aim Kimball II I'.enncti ... II hristmnoh. .Peier ncleroii. lhoneis Vale. ( I'm I! COli t.' hll lli'ill ii. SMITH IKchard Kry, Suinuel r i mice , (roirien, S'orth, Morpuu, South PeJersHm f'orlervillt. Fad,. ....... l'urteri ille, ll'rf Mcjryan- Hntnnel Hit A. 1). J TOOELE P. Hale. O. Pui'klUiOB. ti. 1 ( flieri ii Oett',. . Muhul Mini Creek Preston, J'icerdale Snmttriu St John, He it on Hlughi naa County, Mmrion, Pangmitck, Panfnitch, HISHOrS. tTaluert kins;. M'mrd Hmrd,.... . O. Ilavia. ...J. 11. a. C;barcbs Plata Cossnyk t'taH, Wlha Kingston, PAROWAN Ialtoa, ,1 lah. I hnnil John, I 're- - iil.nl minsc I in s Inn ( WARV. Aliine jlafiKwi 'ni t ,. Cedar fort T VV J. m. isnl) lsllol l Cullouth Mi Pi onilev Meiincll Win. PiM-e- . T II litlei. M . Ill I st. 'Tanner Parson John r w n Pleasant . ,. I'i n nk n i'oiiller, P K. Protto llrnch.. . J. P. H. Johnson t'roto City, Urd Wattl ' " M.i-lrsPmto Ctt ii. Second Hard Mv roil Tnnii-- i . Prora City, Third nr. . I K. Iloolh. Proto Citn, fimrlh Haul, Pel. r Mad-Protto Citp, fifth II aril... Salem I Santatltiin Spring lake..' .Sprinprille f . Kvsuh. ..l.cnigi- - Hallliln) ti l Snell. .Mamnrl iwnhavv . . Nrpbi Parkai ! Ktssarw 4'aialy. H.ivtd M llliiun. . fork Hrmvith allen, WaaaA-l- . t'waalj, I tan. s AIIKAM HATCH, IVesident. T. H.fiilca. Counselors. II. H. Alexander, WABt. Ctslri, Counselors. Charleston, Ifeber, Hrber, fast West ...pen ta nn n Chid. N. D. Van Midsnav UeMubvrg Wttodland Mountain Biaiiova. . Ill-lil- Mnrd.v k. R. tf. IHihe. t ( leg. airowrr. Henry Moos. VI W. K. Nullall. I'lMfali Canary. Jerrniiah Hutch. Ashley SALT LAKE STAKE, it. III s,n,, C WASATCH STAKE, ,. A. ulge i I STAKE, A. O. oMOOT. STAKE, Cedar City, I ant. .....Hesry P. Willis. ....Was. A'oworra,.... ... Wat. K. Jones. PamffOonah,. Pttrosoem, first Ward,.. .Wat. C. MituboU. Parotrsut, Second Ward,. ...Jao. K. lialley. S. C. Ilulet. Smmmit...... thUl ho' .1 ritasant Bisiiors. WABDS. llV Mill 1 Mo i"W I'm I UTAH m. I pp r Moss II III II Mnrlin- King. Cnaavty, A'tala. TtlOS. J. JONES, Pretidvnt. alorgaa iUcbai'da, Jr. I I. CI I VV VA 1'rriwon Iran Edward ... el Wa. J. Henderson. A. P. Schow. Seth Jobnson. .'yocond y lie . Oarfialol Coanty. llaav. tsrst .. is 1 1 U.v"dCa,''-nr- 9 Canncnville Ksealante Hittsdait nil, clot tlonhen Lehl PANCUITCH 8TAKE. J. V. CROSBT, Ja., President. WARDS. I 1 II II I luH, T. Wilier. Umewefl. Thatcher. H. II. Wllaaata. N. B. Lewis. Orjot d ts, lulernin. Lee, lirantitt tilt J.akerieit SI. John 7ow e 'ill loaAtaw M. I.. J. H. Mound I id leg A . I IhIi. nt K. T. CitH r. ChriterlirJd Marnh I alien .ii i, VV Pre-i,lc- Vrii ( 'rn Harvey Innn. Ijeinan Hvde. UI. Hatch. Oeorjro Itumuus Rasnmaaen. W. C. Parkinson. Peter Pros e Jonah Kvsns J. r. Harrison A. A. Allen rrrrfie, i'rimklin, I.. ' STAKE, Alios. Clorrr vuuselor. HIMHOIM. J. 1). Jones. Clifton niinli, W One:la Caant, Idaho. WAlil9. ;IVV jr. unc. P loofU I iihbI), II , IVovv Krnv ii. - .Isnies at'kaoti ii H) anilait. . 'reen Hlier Sninin in oiini.', tune. 4 I '. I M.-i-l hue Cbn t J.iincs ('.liter. ONEIDA STAKE. W.D. HB.r.RirkS, President. S. M M I T'.va hjiIiih Anderson. hrtile Turner James i:rri(r..i I. K Porter - VV A I mil fliM'l li'ii'bcn- VV I t Inlsh 4'onnl) M - ,!,,, - .. Pari f.m-- t rVntitl'iji I. K. Hall Kh Whilenr s s l I Moiifo' mlei s. s MvvoihI l no llollnberg. P K M. Pa. c siki'i Mephen llopkiii.. enterprise, WiMon s III hub .( fall I .aii.l.t. 4 Ijili.n Bisilr. John RIH. WA I - (oiill-i'.O- II k a mn: fStn llol President Connsclors. . cil ill.. i tlli '... llniTi'i' 'larnlgi' Klu- Ii i 1 - ,1, ii m Holi. PeiHi I n fi i'i. II. V Hi Hni 11 11 STAkr. y i, Knninill Parley MORGAN STAKE, Morgan Ceasly, t hx i I W Park ' W. ..sitimnel .,. ci.i'i Illack I'ho... Iv 'Hliistei i: Mi n ns N. . SUMMIT .'). Iitou riff ton Hi j III H e.l k h I - manors 'ijlore Ihddun AatosA, I nrli- ( ( John i . . l. WABliK. Dexrrei M .l..i . rii ,l,n . . 4'oanlr, I tali. ,' IIP ill, P l lllM'lllll . fmi. 77ii hvn,. IIIVCKI.KY, Piesi.iLi.l . J llol II Mel II M . s 4.riliiim rmiali. Central, Curin Umh.i rr"!ih,Hi. iiiiariu., J MILLARD STAKE, otil. 4 n s ii o. 111 VV i I. i oelilae 4 A ' i.l 1, I F. MACnONAI.I), PncshKsd H. C Rogers, 'OUUMtfidl'i. I'. I. Hobsuii, M'AlBJ. nisnois ( Alma M Mcw:ut . I.AVTnV Pie-,,Win Ii .lohii.on, .i,i, ',,1 J II Msi loo :i.i. HKI-K- H ( MARICOPA 8TAKE, KLarlcia County, Ajalzai.M. -- GEO. v. I UUI1 Jimd.',noji so-U- oa WEBER COALt i.i ' 1 Ii I. ! .i - s. If.. S l ,li, i i, I. im.irl I II, in, I, ,i, II ill Jl.lt ' iflnll 7 ' us LINE .... ill, l.'JT SMUH, lYsaideait John ( ouiise oaa-I- . ,. Kiishinun, Hi o.. Is nt HTRIiois vvaitns. Moon Comty, A.I. Fumsworth St. Joseph, J. II vaKiehnnls .Nel-o- u I .sunset Kial Allen lonto J'antH . .1 . S i In. I,., ' - ' LITTLE COLORADO 8TAKE, ; . DESERET JEWS PUEBLO .... . ' II I r I Ij W A par fee ,1 " ' 11 .1 Coins, A'.' in. ii (,7l III'IM,, -, i BlsliolSs. A'oni'A, j i r.. VV I'll HI I: r- .hmnt Ctuntl, . SQ ( .Woccairtri, . 1 i fin. lie' i i: i i i i mil.. It. "l'a lor, P. r. eiln A .'ig;l.'ll l' J W II;.m - Tlion,Hs tjifttdale, I si i i Iii y.'u l.eii.s. I I all. Presiilcut Ju hums. Jt'hmtim hatmfi Lre' 8 t trry 4 -- Sl.kr ruHitli, t't STAKE, FncUiry - n K II. Warnci .Havid t dall f 3 Hr2 n;iiMTli iv TV' . . It WonI.I.KY, K H y i;... SEVIEM S1AKE. tin-ti- liana laual), (tali. W '1 I. Vl.n-,- n,u 7 !. cc3 g -- . KANAB -i I'e I .1 I ST. CEOHCE Hard,. Hoi'.-foril'n- ," - ,,i,i n, Jlrllrriir Y f'-- i H'ard, Seevnd ii f - s,hii. ,., i ' s, r, thi i iii Sfiriuu 'ilu bishops .John I'.eck ,N . s ' ('ouii'-clois- . Klnier Aciti, r ,ritt III-,.- ,, Mm l'icriilciil Lecuit, Mima es ! nt I'lettiii ill .l.oi'i t. .'riu, JuaO, IIQRSFORD'S ACIO PHOSPHATE .1,1, .Ml ,1 I .,,.. . WAHDS. UTAH OEKTTnAIi tali. Use n Ilenning Ki cil i .1 harlc.s i'ulsipjo r K II sii wnri I. S Ilea, h taisper l 'hrisoiinseii ...Ja.per Kobertson i.eore KrHiitcu hMiit. Spei ry. roH II il ii,i, Ki i.l I ',, VV 1. JUAB STAKE, c; : . Miutcty . NEW M. M ....iu -- i i ,.il':i-,,iM i.l-- W II il-- ru .17 ou inn l A I VM. PAXM.VN, Joel 1 ,1 ov or, - XrLXXJITl.ZV.X CAKI), FEB. 'it, 1885. , Sl.iiin-i.- - Bl-li- Jtit tttiyton nine Ii, i I.o-.o.i I LO ,11- iii Lei I . i ' eil on ,n ii I , l.ell:m Mi ( Juab t'ouuly, KOUTJB3. post-offic- OVV I'll- ( - ' n t , !.'(', . s I II :i. Sra Nfiln. UL)S. ( of - CHICAGO ln.lt D'o-lt- l Mi i I t, I. A Kc KV President. I Oraiigu Seely, ii f'l. 'i s llasinus Jusievscn. I 'on ( SUUSTITUTES tt h EMERY STAKE, Enirry Counl). the un.--li lis. ' r ' ane ling iliront, I . Ad Hie ii n ncriil in n"o J Ihe iJh char. .re is .n'lltl erimpanicilsen.--a a liui itiDir lion. Tb ere ai I ALBERT nisiioi'.s. Y. A N.ble A N. Ili.l.lcn l: Jolin-oi- i ;.( W illi:iin-- . 'clt'i Isiiaivi hi Krnest Teiljcn W " .,r. - ' " linl .l.ii: J II siiiniliiii ii l. Jul ' C.r l I: DANGEROUS ' Arisous. Inh. ui I i Norwrro Cwssnty, II I i I i lie n Jam in Noble f. T Kagcr Ptcaint.n, I.i Ii ...,i,l.,,, I lliKu rul) in n , i ',. tlu'hn spasm-- - S. I'm ...Hans Hsn-iJohn John ''fijZor rlifeliiX, fro Ray-fev- er nil, nt atlm ki nl beadaclie, water anil ninann' l o i n. llavlsu is a rrnw-l- loi mleil on a sjreaiudiatcnosis or tins di9e:i' unil ran s correct depended upon, fmets. at druggit.scm. Oil els. mail. Sample bottle bv mail Iy fi. X Kl.Y 11KON., HruvKlsIs, er IIi-- . .S'r 1 '21st I . ill'dl'l, i. .1 t '.nr. . S! . i'i ' I; ; lbuck. (0llllM.,or, Miinn, lllis. r It m 4.iiiiIv. 4 M SMITH, President h'rasttis llrber Aroifiir on i jTV MES V N i :i ' . 'l'lilMl STAKE, 1,1. I! M .. .ben .loi '....v. nl ' ii :t I e 'I Ik'l' I l". V t wi'ir n iii. fIltiii ii -- l I ii ,.... Siioi.!.' S - 1 Iu Alpiitr, A mity enliarymr.toiiis. CtiBreClI 'III ion of ftOZrl3iltli. HAYFEYTRfj - Apavrlsr CiMsnty. ult., t he assembling of an number of teacher and trustees, aud the appearance of others interested in education, showed .that the organization is one to be appreciated. When the constitution and .bylaws were adopted and a permanent established, the following organization n j.. programme was executed: lw found at miJs fouolalust, te aue Classes composed of members of Una of tlwlr cltea wenin conducted; first, gramsociety i CAM. for " mar, by L. J. Kobiiuon; secoud, geogIIURSKOKK'S," nail TAKE raphy, by ('. T. Barrett; and third, fill OTIIKK. NKVKK SOLD IN HI I K oral elements, by Miss Anna Clark. re o A w line Ten Times Greater ity. Here we have heard for years Select reading, by Miss Kate Chase. every time Subject llow to organize a primary as it Is fsrailitrly called, offers to traveler all tha advantages and comforts Incident to a past the cry of persecution sought to be enforced, school, V. i R. Clark. Recitation, by mi Tin if in minims cmbiiu? certain lawsthearelaw jnontb trark, safe bridges. Union Depots at all connecting points. Fast Express Trains, Miss Athali Miller against pol especially eompased of COMMODIOUS, WEIX VKNTIIATED, WELL HEATED, FINELY VI" Yet there can be nothing wromr in (Jhas. C. Hyde, who had boon elected 4 j lERRD and EIGVNT DAY CO. CUES; a ha of the MOST MAGNIFICENT sueb laws ; they are upon the critic for the occasion, did his duty CARS RECLLVTNU CHAIK PULLMAJfS and latest built; HjUT,jN designed stat ute book, and the Supreme Court well in reviewing the exercises. The meiting adjourned till March tandsonsent PALACE SLEKTINU CARS, aad DIN1XQ CARS, taat ara acknowledged by of the United States, the highest tribuA ' nal in the land, says the law is constiHth, at 1f"a. fn. ; and air went away arc sa.l people to be the FINEST RUN UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, snd iu tutional, if, therefore, you obey your feeling bent lited and well paid for rtiica superior meals are served to travelers at the low rata of SEVENTH FIVE CE.TS oath antt seek to enforce the laws, j ou coming together. cn. PRESIDENCY W IIISIIOI'S Yours ml v, be charged with persecution ; nnt iniy TH81E TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and tha allSSOUKJ RIVER. C. K. Ci ark, Sec'yis a cry not to he regarded by you. it TWO TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and MINNEAPOLIS tnd ST. sAU1.. Follow your oath and let neither praise da tbe famous nor blame influence your actions. OK TIIK F.ach one ol you is responsible tor A in is iiiiiiseii and no one else (lie Miserable. responsible for you. Let your actions he accord' If you want to .be miserable, get Organ ized Stakes of Zion. a new Una will b opened, via Seaeca and Kankakee, between Newport Jajuary ingly. stomach and digestive orgaus iu v4s, Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and La Faye.le, and Council ill ufs, 6 1. Paul, In the discharge of your duties you your bad condition, ami let them stay so. Min ea polls and intermedials points. act in a double capacity. Vou art lor fiet your liver out of order, and be PRESIDING BISHOPRIC. Alt Through Pottrngtr tarried on Tort KrpretM Train. the United States and also for the lellous and sallow. But if you want the States these duties are to for more detailed information sca Maps and Folders, which may be obtained, as banish the mlserables, take Brown's irAf. rilory. In But ritESTOX, I'rmidlMfii ttimhofyou have cognizance Iron Bitters, for that will tone up your Kftjiaiale. well as rvkst, at all principal Tickat offices in Ui United States and OansAU, or of of offenses against the United States digestive T. IHhton, , Robert liver correct tleAause It is smooth and durable. OUU,tlols. IE- - ST. j'onr il.NO. y. C'ASliiON, R. CABLE, and agaiust the Territory. First, as to and enrichapparatus, JOHN, vou r blood, and make you used are no U?cuus Vm'l 7lc4 ssd VfV snt the United States offences, vou should bright an I hearty. The liev. W. B. poisonous dyes Tict rrm'i mud P mural Uaruxtr. to obtain au artificial lustre. inquire into all violations of the stat-r.tThe indicates the I'i esnlent'o udJies. Smith, of Gialtoh, Mass., says, "1 in regard to the mails ami P. K., Presiding tlder. beiietlt from using derived great, Ilocause it Is soft finish and easy and postal affairs generally. You Brown's Iron Bitters for a low state of to knit. should see to it that there Is no tamperBecaiiM It Is the only Silk that ing with ni&tlsln this district. Absolute the blood." BANNOCK STAKE, in riiads is necessary, otherwill not streak or fade, or be- secrecy the mail sjstem would be worthat er Weath Blarhsm I'auDly, A'tah. Strips come hard and wiry by wasliins; wise less. The mails should be safe for all Dinwoodky's. T. E. KICKS, Ire idt nt. Because kinds of matter allowed bylaw to be sent. The grand juries should see to it that no infractions of these laws FLORENCE KKITTING SILK should be passed by without invest Wahds. Ilisnors. a Hearer and the guilty parties indicted. H ib ... Abialiain Keittord. 1. V. Canyon, 811k THVrNS LEAVE SALT Lil.E DAILY. AS FOLLOWS Is manufactured at the P. fc. Counterfeitiujr the money ol the llutlou, lieorgeIi oss. I U Uv hi c Cedar llutte, . Thread works in the world, is an offense of which !pou have Natls. country Nrlh. itmig (;(insr . P. K. tu a E J K a.m. ;i! 1. Milf.nd 1." -' Kvsns, ti.iothi p.m. Eagle Hock,.. ipre-pri at cognizance also. K. K Jnrdine. 7 0 a.m. I .11 p.m. Juaii ! !'! e. m rc Letaisville, At atten.Sj revenue laws The ii your F4ILLS. SILK THE require W CORTlCEll! eckes Sidnev Lyman, r- tion, and you should see tliat they are W W Parker. aa follows: a- - Fissensor Trann irnv.' in .b ill Lake, Parker, I violation 'shall and di'y that every T. K. Kieks, r Ute:burg,... ... I A f From NMlk, From Morth. and the be Salem O. II. II. HarriH guilty parties BEWARE of IMITATIONS, an investigated 10. 07, a.m. 1" 1 "i. Milford ExprfSf at at Fa. ifl.1 Eiin--. .t uiiw alaili'i Uwcns. P. NaiKf Cnct indicted. .1 6.4M m uali at h J at p Ati iiui. I.pr. p.m. Express John IVinalil ou 'Won, & Polygamy or bigamy M ill claim your , T. fi. Smith. VTilford, attention. I call your special attenKr.uht- Triini ie iv.- Ht I.aLc dsdv, rept Sunday, f.r North at 5.J p.m.; for tion to this crime because it is far more ul n at 4" :.m. in this Territory thau anyWJ JOHN SHARP, prevalent COPE. f I; srl la Ms origrtnal naxt only reaaln BEAR LAKE STAKE. in Christendom. I do not else where t. (ienoral Supi'rintcndet. ,eiicral Freight an I Paen,'eiKolttlnr SHk. inclnde Turkey inside of Christendom. VM. Hl iXiK, Piesidunt CNsr latest Book on Knitting (Wa. 4. proBy reason of the prevalence ol this, 11. Hart,.. J. on vt recti $ent thrtt attitude of towards crime and its deliant CouivscKir futelg iUuttrated, 1 cetU tUimpi, at the George OMiiond, the government, it Is your duty to 4 -make searchiug investigation into the faSSKSSMsl Bear iJtk ounly, IJalio. I "I i f- Corticelli Silk Office, numerous violations ami bring the am WAUI18. lllsllol'S guilty to justice by indictment. Our I A V, ritrhl Bennington be into to ought brought Ii Territory u o J beme Kiiiiil, P. I. ST. I.OUIS, MO. OF Tilt P, IVm. Hnln( harmony with the other Territories and m llluominotrnt m States ia this regard.' The loathsome .. Wlll'OA Cottonwood John Mock effects you see as welf ftss Hare C. SAMPSON, ARcnt as I do, ofallthUrime, A. I cwis II. Ueoraetoirn the arotiud you. It pollutes :K. N. Austin Liltrty whole community. The very low toipj . MonlfH-HeSHinuel Matthi . IS VIA THE of morals throughout this Territory is .V fllLWAUKEE and ST. PAIR John Kiimer, P. du mainly to the prevalence of this Peler lensea (trid crime. It drags men down to the .Win. West Ptrtt H'ani,. Pri,Seiond Hai tJ, Uobei t Price level of tbe beast, teaching the rising Paris, "vcr aBl. "T IX A. M. II. is Pre.don l;lll n.pli aim loftiest to the feneration that St. Charles J. A. Hum live a low animal life. Whilst all the 18f s new running its FAST civilized world Is trying to elevate man BlBKhKai 4 unuly, Iilatio. TRAINS daily fra-- . and to develop the intellect and the Sotla IHiiiel Ijoi. I. K seeks m Springt, Hhis dmnecU tn Union Hpc at only heart, thta vicious system The to develop man's animalism. at I Is 4 Mint , litafia. Omaha and Council Bluffs, whole 4nstltulion is revolting to every , Hubert raider (iarden City,. idea of purity. It drives women from Lnketoim r:i Nebi'kcr to the harem and seeks to home the l linl.'il! . Ueadotcviltt, Joseph WITH TH1 SLEEPERS PULLaAifS HAGX!F!CEHT her elevation. It breeds in. . ...... McKium n prevent Hnntlolph,. Establishment. Printing a and W. II. I,e t long cest, seduction, adultery Wovdrnf,.... . T;f.A WD TBI train of other crimes, such as perjury, Denver & Rio Grande Rail'y to to conceal and which are resorted shield it. Dealing with such ,a jnou-stroPISEST IIIIIS CtBS II Tit BIILI BEAVER STAKE, I TIE UVER AMD ITS F0RCTT8NS. infamy is a serious matter and Beaver 4 unul, l lah. requires your most earnest attention. XKW unlawful Its cohabitation, eompanien, KTKRT DESCRIFTIOW OF tlfta hacmna a aatabliahail far thaS t! J. R. MCRDOCK, Piesiilont follows its train. The latter, unlawful laroer tMtftiofli n dlwaaa to which tha kaaM Tf You GoinQ East, It Splendidly Kiptipped teith Joltu Asliwortk ( uar.seb.r . f amUylaaabjMt aria in ibaflraS rlaoa (mi cohabitation, is different from bigamy M. L. Shepherd, i and polygamy ; it does not require any w aw TO oaiy u largaat, out as tna Sam lloaa oaara-ta man went Xna BMat WARDS. 7ULLMAN SLEEPING CARS, Its aa vatMaa blood, marriage, and the fact that iasportaoa, Tha to tha heart, i asm throne h this rfraa. aad CHICAGO, MILWAUKKM, polygamy before the law of 1802 or tars J II. Joseph AdmmsriUe, AND FANCY Into n its paoMtre tha Impurittoa,as also tha sanations PLAIN' 1882 will sot shield him from the conV. I. Wiiile Heaver. Hrtt H ard. . ara nwi asiiy tor liisloaaawaM as for a which ; to r Or any point beyond : ' . I. X. Stmtb leaver. Second Ward.. to assiat la UlO ranowal of waits Bsata Klegant Day Coach ca, f csthartie sequences of this crime. aa. are ellmlnatad. Fromtblait taeaatlyaaea iieiiiiomn l.lllcvwhiLi' llreeHtdlt the people 4f rial tcorernment and Th ' oat cat of to that tho Urstiaiiabia to a ard.r K. !. Taimec JUilforl.. You e? irrnatnr or Inaa aztAu4. and whan thfa amm lfc la Going North. FLJ the nation are in earnest m regard to impossible Jaiuoa Mclvuibi. AintrtiHil,. to for falfllita it of pnyporr ptfioa that are determined and these crimfs, TOall obiocUoasbla matter from blood. rteat MallrosMl EaliOLS; H ontes wua is too such offenses shall cease- .- Yet there is Dot allows it 10 iiua toraoan, eanrioa tha boea lolanos lutvs :The of walctt raiiavea. In the t'oosiLry, Issnnrtaia: to saotua It no desire todo injustice anyone. ST. PAUL or MIIfRKAPOL.lB, With ' latum " B DR. a. F. tMtRUAN'S ELDER STAKE. 7 government and people of this country blood thetv'liolesira .r .w PBICKlfASH be thm l BEST crimes these EVOUTK, tha Tala www that would O. wnan lrw.ident Kn prefer 4J.WOW, SPEEQ SIFEn! CfiHFfliT! LDXQHT: noonsaa ean BITTER 8. K. given up wilUnsrly by the people who adand rop.iriy perform Its i'ho a mm r..nlt u'S Counelovi. o J. ruoctica nnrawiini EXECUTED PROMPTLY practice them, but if they are persist fof etodr. oxporfai'oS CMcaio, Haranke and SL Pan e nt and fleflant, there is no, way t to do sappnod Wlto rURK iroeaioai resoaroB lead branHaaaf Ika. Mials auintala Isa EUs r t'asiaty. Ulala. but to make them give up the. odious QtTICICEST TnidZHJ Ilk J. iissuUH. Mw wuioi has been luanovu. WAKOS. jLiTOrbaoomra tllj Tie government aisMoes. practices. XSaritOaator, aad, To the Missouri Itlver. airo is VTs-iimild and very slow, bnt the day. Is not ImporUattnd sttooaas Item- - ftirtr dig. Srt Jensen rw .' BO 1I8 xN. si asrsfsi lleinrv lingcv far distant we hope,when these crimes Brigkatn CUf, Urtt flari Oinaad tasulAt.fcW MlVcUrUJ.. Jr., Akciu. l'.i. ftox, hriakam Ct. Second a ...Mviiti M, UoU will be things of the past, and when in of balOK inoiaiaar-Ksatylr G. Fl.YNN, W. F. WHIT. .A. Madsen Brilkam. OUm. Third Ward x US) i Utsn shall be able to stand forth a re- oootinaaiijr 7ii,.Salt lake City. General Agent, Wnrd Julin Welch Pasa. A Ti'k't 1ft fourth Tlio Gn. VU, Hrigham hands the A of clean with Best eon deemed Is .out. UraatierW. Territory, Style Itl.karhtr Iftatl , Tnull En J. C. liewey salivas and itttHfvillt and a pare heart, and not be compelled slipBf.a, unmte erect,. a V. DE&RAfi, Traveling Agent ritbtsadea aiutier Ithat oiaaa We shame. head its for to hide . w. forever a. Abraham Hun is k or a t. Mtnnevute bckrrtxXh h. oakpkntkr. laa-jOrrr. Pram. ...... law agaiaat er teltlea. BICTZRSI ktSSP.H.S MamtttM... ...P. hare tu this Territory Oca. Mim gar. leases Sis. Pass. Afssl no SiekBtoni Aorta, ........v.v . . ... i .'I box. Harper. incest, no law against adultery, OFXJ. H. HKATFOBD, foot I. T. OlAKK, that Pmr law Ii. no ValUy Mdefuam t. nch.Sallo'w law a?ainst seduction, is br taaar 'CURES Aaa't 0a, Fas. Agent Vea. Bap 4. M. J. Ply month, oompisxa fiiDistASLsomir vtoleat on the subject of marriage; notwithtf V. C. Ilnrfkm Portaae Brantlonsl ta In the you delects laws, these ............ ......... standing A. tioodlVRe aacin.ato aad SnutcvtlU, BOOK-BHsTTDT3S- ra can do much to rid the country of ,the of Three XIVKR waakaatas Hilt, U A. Perry. theinab their! I. E. Zundek low practices so common ill about us aqra Washakie,... xavorlsoat '. KIDNEYS rtcUtfija H'itlard CUf,.... . licorpa VmcetA flUIWTiMnj Bitters acta arenaed la) AND STOMACH- Ca sty, Islasta. The Territorial offenses include- reqairM (hwlaa aa dfraettr to murder, maisslaiurtiter, arson,, hqusassist aafre thaUrsr, NeeirvilU,.-Hoc- k i- - fWO. 11 ...Wa. Keelr. CKidaora. break biffj robbery' larteny; etd.f call UmAl la lelieriiut .Isaac T bora. Creek,. ail pt an and: order to attention (Stoaaada, i. BOWKIS. a ' your sjiecial TTVTlTn eccumpla7 dtaawaia. DRALKU IX Hi horse these; and t steatinE, to cattle ttons. and la a una are more ' conmioi ithan tUc i otbers :rakibrUto rotfecty its nu latoall CACHE 8TAKE, secure ana takthe Life must be made COAL from the Wasatch mimi,rs onl ing of life mast be made; very hazard-os- - Btrsasta ""mem CsnstrC tiataT aod Viiror. IiaaSBM As to cattle teUnjr and hone Vo aU tbe All DRUGGISTS Crismon Mines, thslsalsaa I T 8 BRANCHES inbe IN All, to deeply laaronrdlsl. complaint, yon all oughtIthem.-stealing, fa CO, CARD, (Presidoat. of this kind ana is. as We? nave than Coalville, Utah, terested i rRtcclDouAa stopping la no ftasilrtnkaa Merrill, :';;BW; acre hundreds of thousandof i i - Ursen Smith, S by ebudroa ' aoaita. land that can be used for pasturing, .waa AT TUB ilfflOPS. f WAKOS. ; j a BITTER 9 fICIfjJfAf.H there in mountains ; the ;but especially rar ant at aod aa lotoxsoatiaa' liaiaia.a snerlt, .Alma Anwom.-.- ' .......... Harris. Price. DUrereI ....5.00 per ton. Pi- Is no I on th range. aad belaa purnli vemtnblo In IIauudimII. euk. safety for stock Fraaa his Old Stand to ...JobsCT. Jardiae. At jard ad ae all Uinos with bwoeflouil rvaalua. It la sot CClarkson,. ,...8.80 M hope-tha- t yon will do attlt your power eiaimod J. aa Ijtrsea. 'ovtHlle, but fardaransoaieRts of a etira-a. . ,. ..Hobcrf llaiacs. to make it safe to allow stock to ran the orcmM meotionad. It is a aoecitio and aa Hyde Part,. ail other M.Molea. CiilS i.a tasks aba ob the ranee . ee that th rallty .are eo BLOOU PAuk f or it, aad sivo it a Hjtrum,... . W. II, Lewis: druiii your ....................... dteitton. Indictment. lustice to bronffht by fairtriaL If hebju oonaoa baod. asfc thatU bargs. LEAVE ORDERS WITH rtt Ward.........:.Tl. it. Lewis. AoyDte, The offenses generallyyou know about. dared (or ran. Wtw4,...v..i Henry Ballard. Logan, few doors west of Price A CUra'a. wbr :- ' ASH : J n PRICKLY : is ail wiit;u BirrERSCOe, iiandaoa. TtcirdHENRY DDiTVOODEY, Lngatii Hart,.i.b.Atobrt come Into court can ' ': to as the laws.you h Jh'ourt X, mdk k will to ftis old Loaan, pleased ie or confer with " .the PistrlCtJHtorney. ItT. tCUI AN9 KAJA CITY, HO, Loftan, i'ith Hrrf,.T.........rs..AV m. Uydo " Ho, to a W IM Sth Btmc m vmbU ; aabOH "" ; Mr. Snow, " Lopan,TbrtM lfrrf,..,.........A. L. Sancbv, WIIY IS THE SALE Ol? JKSSK HAY FEVER Is a lypo of ca tarrb having ie f wr9). In in kf!ii-- h.ilwin I'i li'l- I'.ai li .SoxfA Sliotr I.tnr SitotrtioLi' TDrill oMMM ( vv ,,;,. rtm .1 llohll lM li.iwhi, . - ..I i SANPETE Pftl-ke- i tiu-- d, the day U'AIU.H AMISIC Ui.itTKACHKI!. clan.1 uialrui'tiiiii on Hit' or K. tiulf hloi k Mrs. A. to Smith, gan. Apply west of Temple Block, on Nortli Temple Street, or address Wesley K. Walker, t' Woodruff, Rieh County. CatarrH M . . , I. H. isr rr is X) hitn .1 I 'tjii ... .Oil, I' )i EASTERN ARIZONA STAKE. OK 1W.1. was read, the meeting V Journed for two weeks. PiirminyU'tt ;ii . f l' 1 .' ,: p Mini in. South Hiper. A tlit a'S;s Editor Dcs'rrct Xcrs: On the 71h ult., pursuant to a call from our County Superintendent., U. ll.Ken-uara number ot teachers and trustees of the county met at the west adolie school house, Farmington, and took into consideration the organizing of a teachers' association. A temporary organizationjwas effected, ami a committee appointed to draft a constitution and In an address, the Superintendent referred to the bcnellts to be derived from an organization of the kind, at the sVme time reporting favorably of schools ia tin? county. A prothe gramme previously arranged by the Superintendent was carried out, aud an interesting lime Was the result. Alter the piograunne lor ',e next m ctitig wa S it (o ( i.'l' li. -- l, i ( ill in I'niw n . . o-c- :tl -- ill.-t- II ii.i, H. I,., II M I ,,'.'.' ;,'. '. lenpHIII I . Ii, ... n ii s. null.'! rt h V , aiju It rti r. l I I; ' U. in .rif, II SO'ith 1 East,... iittitl Smith, ItouHtitul, H'est,. nt smile .lolo, Nell II Mouslev. mi. M. It.ie .1 . .s,.,,i, tats. 1 WlI.I.IAM It. SMITH, PrcsM'enl J W. Hess, s Oil Anson I ail, lllsllol'S WAKOS Proprietor. Ji-S- ,..' sliui'li(.iil V. I. Ill I. ( i..oi. I .'. I'I. n Month llj. I lah. TERMS Jl.Od. JLa aad Meals at all hours, 15 cents. .IfoN.'l.'fll'l DAVIS 8TAKE, Datta t'oamtr. Ii , W. II. Maughau Iti inloii I! mlel 1 i i ilroinie hlr r'i tit i ti Mill Cn,L Janliiie 11 V.I i; lis. . h'a'tl Mill il run t i.'rm y .V.t'i CITY flrat HOTEL, Nlrwl, T., March 4th, ent I 1 t'OIXTY. U. . Hellsrillr ; SCHOOL HtTTKKN IK lAVIM Fakmixutox, Davis Co., . It.-- Nail l.skc J. Crosier, ('.., llrnltiM IU.j l.ciilliiini kiilim.rc t; I., i Mi r. ll . IKmntiJul, Me. 144 1 1 . ....Kobrt .... W I., SmtthHrld 'J'rrtit'it, is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. y CORRESPONDENCE. ug)n. Pitkin :ins i'unk. .aiuuct I iblhair. U SI:) COl Rmilh. Henry Kncton I'anulute,. Providence, lU'hnwmi A Clear Skin j-- . Tsc Lnrftin, Seventh Wor4,. Mention, MUcUle Thin, binirhasa. rV, Lnka Cajsjatjr. riabt. OAKNOV. rVosldsat. WEBER STAKE, ' SALT LAKE CITT WABDS. WABDS. L. W. V .BUHOrs. First ffttrd, Josepb Warhnrton. tjerond Ward, Sajnael Poteraou. . Third Ward Jacob Weiler K"ortf,. Harrison Spcrry. ....y... fowrf Jforrf,... ...... ... .... h, M. T. edhB. farst,......,.'.V.W". H. Hiektalooptr. ....... ievonth Thorne. Hard,..... ...Warn. fbref. irard,...,.,w...lC.A.f.Hoolley. Eighth Xitdh Ward,,, ................ 8, tHf KlenenthITarl,......4, Hard... Wfbsr oeiny. I laas. mmTLfTr, rreidBt. ......Adam Speirs. Alexander McBae. ,...v... Ward IWlt ....;..,.f. B. C'won Thirteenth ITard,. ..........lilleB Atwood fottrttmt i Tboaiaa Taylor. Ward, fifleenth 'ord,.,........k..Joeph poliurd, SirtrealA ITord,. .. n. .... .sfrsderiik Kesler, arsafomfk ITarrf,.,.,..,,.....Jobn lingey. It. Wbitney. fiaheenth Hard,,. ....... A' meter nth Ward Wstson. Jtmrt 7VeansfA ITanf,.,, John hhsrp. L, Allen Ward,.. ....,.W. ; 'WAADIt. BISHOPH. ..- Kdt,. : ,. Uarrisvxl'.e, Hooper,................! sVMMtsfnJv,,. iTilbertlirlnap. ,.'. A. Ilaromontl..... ..JamesTbonjvkuW. - - i-r- Marriott,., Mound Payid McKuy. P. U. Taylor. fortr,.. gden .j. ....Hand Moors. . Tbo.. Wallaea. p . Cntrhelow. ; Ogdemi firs Wr......B. UllllMI-- l Uam.J U.lJ Wlnalow r'arf, Ooden, Third Ward . ... r uwiw nruiara Vgden, f onrth n am, Mrs s well, irWi . ltmin ,U. dtp,.. ....K. W. Wade" Pleeuemt lieie,... . i . 8aafonl Vtiarbai. AortA f J!irerdale, - j f ,i , Js A Allred- . . .v;oirJt7j..'.,....Mv.f M. 8 art " V ' I 'intnh, l. ....... J. 1. InHart if '. Wert Weber,. .i. trusoa...,. ......... i'....U,lL gingham,. ... - ' . , |