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Show - EVENING NEWS; Friday Jnftry r--- THE ' ' SEVKXTII DISTRICT SCHOOIj qukstiox. y r tax BEFORE THE' COUKT ON ITS MKEIT8 2, 18S3. The case of L. S. Stevens et al vs Isaac M. Waddcll ct al, Involving the FUAOMKNTS. validity of the school tax levied in the th District of this city, came on for There were about five hundred hearing in. the District Court this on the Hot Spring Lake yester . morning. day. Mr. Varian asked for an attachment Charles Wilmjx was arrested res forWilford Woodruff as a witness, terday. Too much conversation water which was granted. Chas. E. Copeland was sworn for aboard. the plaintiffs, and testified that his Tiikkk will be a meeting of the Salt residence was at Tooele since SeptemLake Fire Brigade evening ber, 1883, he had been a Methare at !.:. Ail tlie menjbeis requested odist mission schoolteaching at Grantsvllle to be present. and in Tooele. Made application K. II. IlAiiftY, Sec'y. to Mr. Garner, one of the Trustees of the Clover Creek District, for employUxor.ft the auspices of the Tweiity-tlrWard Sabbath School, an ment in that school, bat did not obtain for the bi;nfit of that or- It, the question ."For what reason do ganization, will come oft in about two you know?" was objected toby Sheeks weeks. Most of the programme will and Rawlins, as immaterial, irrelevant be enacted by members oi the school. and inadmlssable, because what was said or done by a trustee or trustees outside of this county had no bearing on the conduct of the school in quesLOCAL, NKWS. tion in this city. Krozpn. Wc understand Asst. Supt. This point was argued by Messrs. llorner, of the Denver and Rio Grande Sheeks, Varian, Dickson and Rawlins. Western, hid his feet and hands badly The Court overruled the and frozen on Wednesday night.betweeti i"'. the defendant's counselobjection to excepted V. Junction and Kyune, a station a lew the ruling. miles cast of the Junction; he was on continued : The reason a velocipede carat the time. He is exwas that I did not belong to tie MorWe have not mon Church. The trustee. pected to arrive Garner, learned the extent of his injuries. seemed satisfied with my examination as to qualifications and gave me a Mantl "Mortuary ICeport. Gforge recommendation to the other trustees, Braithwalte, Sexton of Manti, sends us but Just as I was going out of the frate the following mortuary report of he called ma back and asked me if I Manti City, for the six months ending belonged to the Mormon Church. I December Slst, 1884: 'Premature birth, told him no, and he said It wu use 4; lung fever, 3; old age, 2; dlphther'a, for me to make any further appl at ion 1 ; epilepsy, 1; not reported, 2; come, because it was not their custom - emto his death by unknown hands, 1. ploy teachers who were not of jtheir Total, 14. Females, 0; males, 5. Total, faith, that they did not employ any other persons except those who were fur the year 34. willing to teach their doctrines. A. A. Leonard was the next witness. A Sneak. Yesterday forenoon a man entered the residence of Mr. Wm. and testified : Lived here since '76; had Kossiter, in the Tenth Ward, with what been employed In teaching school; held intent we are uuablc to say. He tried a certificate of qualification from the to secrete himself behind a door, but county board of examiners; made apwas discovered by M r. It's, daughter plication lor and secured the school Fort in this ronntvwno cried out in aiaric, whereupon the at Union ruffian seized her, but she succeeded in was engaged by the Bishop of who was ' also a getting away from hlra and ran. to a the ward, trustee. and me If I was a lie asked aid. George Laoey neighbor's lor I Mormon. In sneak I was tcok the that not. I J.W. Keddington' replied charge and landed him in the City thintc there was a special reason why I was engaged. I had relatives here Hall. who were Mormons, and they recomt mended me as being a man who would Very Light Mortality. In con- not do them any harm. Next made apwe learn the with City Sexton, versing that the total mortality of this city plication for the 5th district school of during the past year w as 487, being 190 this city, and was engaged under similess than in 18SC, 31 less than in 182, lar circumstances. The matter was disand 9," less than in ls?y This showing cussed by the trustees and myself conis very satisfactory, especially when siderably, and finally I met the trustees we consider the increase of population and the Bishop of the ward. On his during the la.t thred years. Another advise they employed me, saying as I noticeable feature is the great Increase was not a member of any church there of adult mortality ancii the correspond- would be no danger of my Inculcating ing decrease of) juvenile mortality, as doctrines of a different kind from compared with previous jvears. For theirs. Next applied for the Seventh District thi total mortality instance, in was 5s2; total adult; mortality, 217; of this city to Mr. McLachlan, one of total children under live years, 2l8. In the trustees, that was in ,1880. Was There were no objec18S4, the total mortality was 487; total not employed. to tions or recomunder childrenmy qualifications 2G5; adult mortality, live years, 173; the intervening years mendations, but he said there were other applicants, and that they gave the corresponding. preference to members of their own church. Tenth Ward New Year's Sociable. Next applied for the 12th District; The good people of the Tenth Ward wa3 asked whether I was a"Mormon," and led by their respected Bishop The trustees put that school up to the New Year's celebrated Counselors, lowest bidder, and I was underbid, Dlght, by having their annual partv exNext applied for a position which I of their clusively for the members V ard, and had one of those good and was informed was vacant, in the Cenliappy time among themselves that tral School at Ogden. Received an eneau b looked back upon in years to couraging reply from Mr. Staa-forone of the trustees. of Went tome, as or.e of the bright times their lives.-- ' Besides enjojins? them- up there and made a formal selves in tli dance, the Arion Society, application. When I reached there the Sunday School Choir under the aole aud he learnod that J was not a Morleadership of Brother. C. Woods, and mon, he said ths matter was referred to John Taylor and they were awaiting some of the members of the Ward, those assembled with so;ne his answer before giving a decision in very choice music and sougs, which the matter. An answer finally came from him referring the matter to Mr. appreciated by all. Brother Wm. Fuller also reviewed Shurtllff, the President of that Stake. the past history of the house, which, Saw Mr. Shurtliff on my way down Judging grom In strict attention paid here; he was on tile same train, and he iilm, m jst have been hltfhly interesting talked so favorable that I began to to his heaivi-3Altogether they had make preparations to go up there, but am :n? themselves In a day or two time afterwards such a tomaketheiu wish snch occasions 1 got a letter staging that they had decided not to give ma the posioccurred cfteiier. tion. Stanford stated the reason it had Another Sociable Gatherlaj. The been refrred to President Taylor, Kood people of the Second Ward had a which was that there had been a Genvery interesting an I enloyable "'ew tile engaged ia one of the schools, and Year's" oc& gathering yesterday af- that the Bishop had advocated that the ternoon. At the close of tlie niAl people withdraw their children, and he monthly f:it .meeting held in the was compelled to dismiss school, aud School House, all repaired to the new before he employed any more Gentiles he wanted some higher authority than Meeting House, where two tables, runown for doing so. his i iie whole length of the large hall, ning Zerubabel Snow was the next witwere seemingly groaning uuder the ness called. weight of substantial food, delicate all Lived in thii Territory since '01. sweetmeats, and tempting pastry Am a member of ths Church of Jesus and by n judgment arranged ltU taste matter of Latter-da- y in had the Christ who bf3Urs Saints, by others the good we are called Mormons. Have no ; charge. After a few. words of'.wclcothe by doubt the books placed in my hands Brother C. II. Basset t and- - au im'pres-Blv- e purporting to be the Book of Mormon blessing on the food by Bishop aud Doctrine and Covenants are auIVtersou, ail proceeded to pay their thentic and published by authority of earnest respects to the .waiting eatables the Church. Those books are acceptand with vigorous appetites, as evinc- ed by members of the Church as aued by the rapid disappearance of cakes, thority as representing the creed of the Church. pies, sandwiches, etc. After dinner was over it was found (Vols. 1 and S Of the Journal of Disthere were several large basket-ful- l courses were then placed in his hands.) cf the good things remaining, Have seen those books but never which wet at ontx distributed among owned them. Have seen shorthand the poor of the SVard. leporters present taking down serThen followed ai address by Bishop mons, know Geo. D. Watt was such a Peterson, remarks by Brother reporter, and suppose these books to songs, recitations and music, be correct, but do not know. Altogether making one of the most ento El(The letter of the joyable occasions ever experienced by der S. W. Richards Presidencythe first prefacing the "poorest Ward in the city." volume was read to witness.) I am inclined to think it was report"On Ball." The performance of ed that way. One of my charges to a .this highly amusing comedy by the Jury may be in there. I have no doubtln my own mind that Home Dramatic Club at the Theatre on New Year's afternoon and ulght, the.books are authentic, Have frequent drew out two large and ly heard people cite from the Journals audiences, bent on being pleased and of discourses. Have been a subscriber running no risk of being disappointed. for the News since it was first pubcomedy by W. lished. Discourses have been pub-- : The play is a three-ac- t 8. Gilbert, author of "Pinafore," lished in its columns. As to the mat"Patience," and other libretto of ter of discourses, I have do doubt iKuie of the most popular ooinlo those were published by authority of operas of the., day. The plot, while the Church. Albert Carriagton was at lender, W Jnterestlagand as funny as one time editor, C, W. Penrose Is ifbw. Identified a volume of the Wssitfjr It can be. Th dialogue sparkles with wit, and, with th Kituatioos that oc- News. cur, afford3 abundant opportunity for A. L. Griffith was the next witness local hit. This was taken advantage placed upou the stand, lie testified loudN and pro- that he came to this Territory as a of by the players, aud teacher and located at Ogden, longed were the laughter and applause school where he now lives, being engaged in success-fmost The provoked. thereby business there at the present time as a was the allusion to the ''Judge dealer in produce. He applied to Mr. Joseph Stanford for the position of from Idaho.", in the 4th Ward: school and The parts were well distributed : Ifr. teacher was engaged by him as a teacher for a Mr. as as "Levibond," Spencer, Wells, period of nine months. At the time of .engagement witness was "Trimble," Mr. Young, e."Uebble-thwalte- securlng.thls ," asked If be was a member of the Morand Mr. White' as mon. Church, and was given to having the principal understand that teachers also belonging to them male characters, .rid doing that faith were preferred. He taught Messrs. Barrows and the school for three moot h, and at full Justice. of that tinje expiration Owen made the most of the small part the he was, to use the witnesses allotted them. The ladles were Miss own word, "let off," notJidlth CJawsoa as "Mrs. Levlbond," withstanding the fact that the trustees to him that no bad Jlvetf jirs. Birdl Cammlngs as "Mrs. Whlt-jie- y acknowledged up to bis part of the contract, This and Miss Florence wasinl7!. The first (lay the school as tUo jcqald "tferklns" and "Miss Opened with him as teachor, one of the the trustees called at the schoolhouap, They f ully equaled pe Coareey.' about opening with prayer, and gentlemen In their portrayals as far as spoke told him If any prayers were said at had opportunity. all thy. must be "Mormon" prayers, they The concertjlncidental to act second, and he responded with the declaration ' was eJlentt Mr. JJlcrson's tenor, solo that be could not makn a "Mormon" M the time of Ids dlsmUsal and eocor.e,and th Quartette by Misses praycrY irom the school,feethe trustees stated and Louie Wells, and was of fthetr faltn, that they wished Agnes Olsso to preferred ''Mormons" Messrs. Whitney and Spencer, which that they in the schools, and that was the was also encored,' being Fffrltable vocal teachreason they Rave tor but dismissal. only J. eras. Didn't remember ever being requested dramatic per , We cannot say that the to the children that to teach It could.be anything construed as being sectarian in Jtorraance was without defects. the nearest approach to It showed plainly the laek of rehearsals, character was when the statement by one of the presentathe In this night respest but trustees that if any prayers were said tion was a rast Improvement oa that at the opening and closing of school bey)S8fbo Mormon prayers, The Cf. the afternoon. sk-iter- a st enter-taiuiue- it, The-wttne- to-da- ss y. - -- - . l.Sf-1- - d, eir vt-r- e . ' t Alc-iireg- or, good-natur- ed ul "Mor-eoole- y" , Ileb-felethwalt- e," - - ! -- - i so far books used in the school-rooas witness knew, were not sectarian books ; they were the same ' books used in other schools as were Part of his of the Territory. from schoof came the pay district, part from the public fund- nd as tuition fees. The part he collected Sunday building was nsed also for; he also school and meeting purposes bad to give up the school during fast was told days one day in the week ;toheclose the that it was customary schools on that day, and he followed the example set. A. L: Kendall next testified. - Have lived in this Territory about 25 year, for the last 7 years have been teaching nntll this last vear. Received nv edu cation principally in the Deseret UniTaoarht in the 4th and 11th versity. District schools in this city for 4 1882-years, also taught 8 months in Pravo in Held a certificate of qualification from the board oi examiners of this county. Before he received that certificate was asked if he was a Mormon. Was sent to for by Prof. M. H. Hardy, to gowas Provo to teach school there. It In Customary to holdonschool every day fast day, the first the week except month. Ws bapThursday in each Mormon Church when tized into the young, and wis considered a member ofthe Church during the time he taught school. The proceedings were in progress when we went to press. PXtOVO WOOLEN (iOODH. m, BRO. Plain and Twin. White FIunncK; Plain and Twill Ited Flannel. $ 4 Plain and Twill Gray Flannel. Sheeting, Linsey and Flannel. Dress Flannels and Limeys, Tweed. Cassimercs, Blankets, Men's and Bo)V Socks, Misses' and Ladies' Stocking, etc., at : J. G. CrTtKft & Br.o.4 No. 48 West First South Street. 4-- 4 4-- 4 4-8-- - 4 -- ' Owhijf tu contomplatad h-he.- " THE WOBHIXGMEX UF JTAII been ensauU in the Tobacco-businesHaving for the last fifteen years and studied the wants of the working have I class, prepared some Smoking Tobacco, called " Spanish Clippings," which for purity and price is the best offered to the public. The price is within thereach of all as It is1....only fifty.1 centsw per pound. . ai. urucn uy ujuii vuuuLrjr SSam promptly to by tended Lkvy, Cigar Manufacturer 171 & 173 s Main Street. dtf 00 EXTE.MEAITE8ATI05S! KOC?II OX TOOTH Instant relief for Neuralgia, Toothache. Kaceache. Ak for KOUi'h on Toothache." 15 & 25c. CO O Iu the nnnnjjeineiit of our Dpartiner.ta, TO 3. I & - WE s STUDE BAKER'S Ore Wagons, Sleiglis, Sleds, Delivery Wagons, Spring Wagons. Carts, great Of wing B ROS. f of EAPS Below Cost' E o 0 GOODS -I- T- Which wa wil Sell C2 Faqncs, Dolmans ami Newmarkets; Velvet Wraps in Silk Kusslan Circulars, Dolmans and Newmarkets; Berlin Newmarkets in Cloth; Dolmans, Circulars and Jersey Walking Jackets Newmarkets and Ifavelocks; Children's Plush Velvet and IB Li d.il-!a- 1" E ery Itf-hui- ! H u-- JZ IV' ' FOR LADIES OR CHILDREN, B Shoes, Carpets, f Gurtains, Millinery, ' Blankets, , I j H 2 other Goods - in our Line, lolesaie a either ; or Retail Before you examine out SUPERIOR GOODS AND BOTTOM PRICES! 1 FULL. AUERBACH ani Coats! NEW ARRIVALS. J Dress Goods, Hosiery, Laces, Oi- w inter Goods UNDERSOLD. Silks, Velvets, 0 o NEVER CLOAKS to-da- ITT f iNYEAR CO o H W w qu-ilit- IwMte, CHRISTMAS ft s DEPARTMENTS J) X Bolow Oowt! 'X,lii 1 1 r WE ARE UNDERSOLD. "i , A.1ST3D NEVER s, ... O Pi WE AIIE Fluch .'-t- dm 'ess Regardless of Cost! BELOW COSTJ 1 1 -- STYLISH , j ' Matter What the Sacrifice May Be. No - 0 QVH Entire Winter Stock NEW a. Heft-U8sne.- OKFtli Farm Wagons, Express Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, COH'N 'nl-- COMPELLED ARE TO WE HAVE TEKTI THEM No Cathartic Pills now manufactured will compare with Crowu's Liver Pilis, Vegetable, and pleasant, but purely sure in their action. All dealers sell Brown's Liver Pills. For the blood, .use Brown's The Gardner The Examination. For Scrofula, use Brown's case was resumed this morning. David For Rheumatism, use Sarsaparilla. Jackson testified : I knew the deceased Brown's Sarsaparilla. d&s Gardner by sight. Have known Hill Full lines of Seasonable Boots and ever since I can remember. Have Duswko'h. known Nellson by sight about two Shoes at months. Was present at Pitts' garden Christmas For Our Kntirc Stock of r.:i1u-syour Gifts, call at ami Misses' Wraps muat on the 1.8th of December, 1884, when Joslni and Oe Cleared Out, Park's, the leadiug JewelHill struck Gardner, and Nellson took ers of Salt Lake City. a hand in the fight. The trouble began "KOIWII OX PAW PLANTEB. about 11 p.m. Saw Hill knock Gard,:itid streiiztlienln, improved, ner down. Saw Nellson push both f.bePorous best ffr Imekaclie, pains in chest l'.vi ry tLin.2T in lliis departmeut is now. offered men out, after Mr. Gardner got up. neuralgia. 25c. 4 While Gardner was laying on his back outside, I saw Nellson kick him. Also U.iCI STAI, t'OXH I I I'ATIOX saw Nellson kick him as he (Gardner) Is a prolific source bf misery and a it looked like pretWas standing up-V lilt Stock is still Very Large and consists of illjj, giving rise to Headache, naiiy kick. hard ty Dullness, Foveis, Nervbusuess, BiiiousU'-ss,'- ; The attorneys for the defendants Indigestion, Seal moved the defendants be discharged. foisoniug of the Ulood, "etc. The bitnauseous Liver ter, In alt.s and drausrlitrf medicines,usedpilis, Krocatlo Various Styles ; Lengthy speeches were made'. to formerly elicve the sufferer, only aggravate the progress as we go to press. lisease and sicken the siomach. All Made wh6 are alilictf.d la that way, know the inare We Carelessness. Wanton of a ruiuedy pleasant to importance Cloth formed that on Wednesday last a r.hc palate, harmless in lis nature, and Also, beiielicial iu its action. The trial ; young man of East Mill Creek named truly of syrup of Fis ivel1 away Smart, was on a horse trying to scare ootlles Misses' of our charge by enterprising. some children who were in the road tie Irujfgifcts. Z. C M. I. Drug S:ore, Cloth Coats. tVbok'&ilc Lake Cilv. Salt Ag' ids, before him, by pretending .that he was .l is It be can all that that irovo going to make his borse run over them : o:- r. Lar'e bottles at llfty cents or One little fellow, the son of Brother 1 For sale by all druggUts. Amos Neff of that'place, dodged to the but side of the road to evade the horse, Weather Strips at the animal at the same time turned the Diswoodey's. same way and crowded the boy against PILES I PIl.t.N TIE ENTIRE STOGK OF CLOAKS M I GREAT SACRIFICE rii.r.s ! the fence, seriously lnlurlng his shoulSure cure for Bleedioc and liliud, der, whereupon the lad's eldest broth 1'iles Une box has cured the er seized the rider, pulled aim from worst 'ases of 20 years' stain bug No aft-i.ned suffer live m uuU-Hie of jrocds which we keep Mn-- fo well kDOwn to the pubthe saddle and administered a severe isiajs William s Iudiau Pile Ointment lic, it scarcely becomes mccssarv for ; In suv that notiilii ' lut FIRST-CLAS- S chastisement. Young Smart disclaims Its GOOUS will be offered at this It KM iltKABLK SAIjJO. tlis.iil.'s lllaya ltchiar, all blame, as he states the horse was aj poultice, t.uiL.or.s, pives instant relief he warned the for IMIes, that and the .uly unmanageable, itching o' uotiiing else Sold by children to get out of the way. The private parts, aud ou mailed Uuggists receipt of matter, however, will be settled y .ri e, 50c ud $1.00 For sale bv , C M I Drug Dept by J. B. Fagg, Justice of the Peace In Fkaziku Medici vk Co . Prop's, that precinct. t'leveiand, Ohio. CLOTHIKG RETAIL BITTEBN District The Teachers' Notice. to their interest by examSchool Teachers of Salt Lake County Will find it handsome line of men's, my will please take notice that next Satar- - ining boys' and children's suits, which I sell from two to three dollars lower than dav. at 11 o'clock a.m., In the Four same can be purchased at any other teenth Ward Assembly Rooms, will"bej the In the city. Call and see goods house Teachers held a meeting of the County ! and prices. L. Golubero. Association. The following excellent programme M. T.. f!mnm In ira nnnnaifp Tiavirl has been prepared for the occasion : James & Co., will give 85c for Jurors' Witnesses certificates and Audi1 "In what respect does good teach and tors warrants. Mr. from counterfeit?" differ its ing A. S. Geddes. 2 "What is proper COAL! questioning?" Miss Lizzie Cutler. Best Weber Coal, loose, per 3 "How can it be told when the air in ton, - $C 00 -y Best Weber Coal, loose', per the school room is impure?" Mr. II. - 3.20 G. Bradford. 4 "Recitation," Miss half ton, Best Weber Coal, loose, per Sadie Tripp. 5 "Practical illustra1.75 quarter ton, Best Weber Coal, sacked, per tion of how to teach drawing in Dis- c.75 trict Schools," Mr, I. M- - Coombs. ton, Best Weber Coal, sacked, per 0 "Practical exhibition of how to half 3.75 ton, use School Apparatus in our District Best Weber Coal, sacked, per - 2.25 quarter ton. Schools," Mr. Chas. F. Wilcox. Best Pleasant Valley Coal.loose, "Select Reading," Miss Lizzie Smith. per 6.25 tqn, 8 "School Cabinet and how to obtain BestVleasant Valley Coal.loose, Mr. David It. Alien. Every teacher it," - 3.25 per hsuf ton, In the County Is requested to be presBest Pleasant Valley Coal.loose, ent. Friends of education are cor- per 1.75 quarter ton, dially invited to attend the meetings Best Pleasant Valley Coal, sack'd of the association. AT PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. 7.00 per ton, David R. Aixex , Sec'y Best Pleasant Valley Coal, sack'd - 3.75 per half ton, Best Pleasant Coal.sack'd Valley is Mortuary Report. Following - 2.25 quarter ton, the City Sexton's Report for Decem- per Orders Screened filled. promptly ber, 1884: coal and full weight guaranteed, Accidental .1 J. B. ITurster, 1 Asthma (chronic) 70 E. Second South Street. d 1 Uluod jPoiaoning (inflammation of bladder)... . 11 Cystitis Gent's and Ladies Holiday Slippers, LOWER THAN ANY OTHER Cirrhosis ; 2 selection at , Dunford's. elegant Croup 1 Convulsions (infantile) SEASON, AT , 1 Debility, geueral, A clear saving pf 10 to 20 per cent, 1 Debility, senile, saved on all goods bought of 7 Diphtheria Joslin & Park. Kutentis, inflammation of bowels,... 1 3 Fever (typhoid) 1 Fever, scarlet It We D STot Sell Out, We Will 2 Iff art disease t. lie SoI i Hernia, rupture. You are respectfully Invited to the Iterohorrnge post partuni, flooding. . ., 11 Lend poisoning..... Great Closing Out safe of Books and 4 acute.. Lung Disease, Holiday Goods, at the Art Bazar. 1 Anamination cord of spinal Myelitis, fciVerytning is going fast. Prices will 1 Neohria, Urlghfs disease be surely low. 8 Old age 1 C. R: Savage. Paralysis, general., Sarsa-parlll- Cm " Dolmans BRO DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS ! BOOTS . flats Gaps, Blankets & Glothhg 0r TEASDEL'S! KheamatUm (inflammatory) Suicide pneumonia Tjphoiduterine Tumor, Not reported Tpfal 1 1 4 . 13 Joslin I.....'.. Under 1 year - to 8 years 5 to 10 years 19 to 20 years Over 20 years THE UfATIOX. 4 8 1- make S Park's. offered. bo $500,00 Reward 16 Will be paid by A. G. Bechtol, of th.e House Bar, on the return of hi Opera of th Unifed States, business, wh'.ph was lost or stolen on Utah, IS; other part 2; England, 9; Scandinavia, 7; Scotland, the night of the fire, October 15th. 1 ; Ireland, S ; Switzerland, 1; Poland, lj That is again open to popular resort Walegj 1 ; unknown, 1. the public, with A. G. again on deckr E. Joseph Tatxor, which is a sure guarantee to the public Cltv Sexton. that the stock' therein dispensed is equal to the best In the city. A- - G. Beciitol. SfLVER quotations, New York, 107 X; ' Loudon, 49. ' . HO SOAP OIVEX AWAY " Spanish Clippings " Smoking With Wkll8, Fargo ft Co. received Tobacco, aa It will Bell without premione lot of Minnie Moore ore, $5,37& ums, and as for quality and price it can't be beat. Only fifty cents a pound McCoitNicK &1 Co. Irecelvcd. to-d. Sam Lew's at one "bar Stormont, $2,060; one lot Cigar Manufactory, 171 & 173 s Main St, Great Reduction in Prices. CD ... - their selections for CHRISTMAS. This sale will cononly befor. a tinued limited time, and some bargains will LO8T, STRAYED OR STOLEN. S Trtm. STORK, and' Health Renewer." We are offering special lnducemeuts in every thing in our line. The largest stock of Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware in the West, at & 42 .? of appreciated by the people of this country, we hava decided to give all a chance to call at the OLD RELIABLE RETAIL ; , Children, slow in development, puny, scrawny and delicate, use " Wells' 1 SEX OF DECXDXNTS. 29 Females.. AGES. Mnles THE HoPK 1 Having a few goods that wo think will be g PL, CO CD l 1 Well Stocked With the LATEST NOVELTI ES. CD pa . to-d- ay CURTAH POLES, WEATHERSTRIPS, ay -- Crescent ore, f3,l00;? two cars Ilananer tulllon,5,190. For qaefql and 'substantial Holiday Presents go to , DoiwoofcET'a. . , BUSINESS NOTICES. ' On January 1st the favorite pleasant Valley Coal, rained by the Utah Central Co., will again be found at our yard, and 'we can then offer to the peotheir ple oi Salt Lake and vicinity pholce of the following Well known Coals t Rock aprtngs, pleasant Valley, Weber and Red Caaon Coal Dept. U. P. R'y., Do. For Chatalaln Watches for Misses, Silver and Nickel Watches for Boys, call at Joslis & Park', eOKNIOES. ' Al E DM THE BEST. GALL Roofing Felt, lalreins. - CnriitniM and Hew Year. ha.o'A ' EARLY . ... "Stearns, of the .New York Candy. Store, is oh hand with an immense stock of choice candles for the holidays, This being: the JOth year of our Am stay in Salt Lake City we are determine A.J. O cnn klx, Agent. ed to show a larger stock than any previous year, not only of our own, DOMESTIC PLUSHES Am manufacture, but stocks selected Iron) Reliable! Warranted! ' Always most 'the of manufactures large East; sore Inflamed Frost bites, eyeB.burns, good pure wholesome braises, cuts and old sores, cored at People wishing will be sure to find them at the ajto once or your money refunded by your candies New York or Store the Candy warOpera the is This " positive druggist. House store. ranty placed on every box of Brown's ..... , IT.O. Stkarss. ' Arnica Salve by the Brown Medicine DECORATIONS. and Manufacturing Company. Only 585 ; s , toSts , SYBUP Or FICiS. cents. Natnre'a own true Laxative. , Please ant to the Palate, acceptable to the WESTprELp, tyasf .f Feb, 18, 1882,' harmles in its nature, Co Gentlemen! Stomach, Dr. J. C' Ayer in its action. Cures habitual pain Cn-About live yr ars ago I had a very had less stlpatlon. Biliousness, Indigestion and cough and tried several remedies withkindred ills. Cleanses STT.TT, the system, out any relief, uf til I was advised by purines the blood, regulates the Liver Mr. Whitney, druggist of GoBvenjeur, any acts on the Bowels. Breaks Colds N. to wy, your Cherry Pectoral, and Fevers, eto.- Strengthens which I did, and before I had taken Chills on which organs it acta. "Better than half a bottle, I was entirely cured. bitter, nauseous Llyer' medlclnes,plils, salt and draughts. Sample oottles . ' CBMtfJCS; MtACBBf:. bottles for sale by 4U free, and large Turcoman, : : C.. M. f Drug ritore. drnggists. ; ESDLBSS TAJtlETT i Wholesale Agents, rait take Cityt 43 CD APPUQUE AND NOTTINGHAM Of endless things la different colors at CQ C. J GCSTAV80ST8. ; Costs nothing. Call and see them, covem. sTOf . d& Dr.- Frazier'a Throat and By using " Lun Balsam the only aura care for COAL ( 9411 FOAlVf .Coughs Colds, Hoarseness and Sore Root Spbjso Best in the market. Throaty and all diseases of the throat YaIXEY from tha W. A and lungs. Do UQt neglect a cough. It may prove mines, v fatal Scores and hun-driWeber The original, from ; the Grass of . grateful people owe their Creek Mines. lives to Dr Frazier'a Throat and Lung Red Canyon First-clas- s coal, and BalAatu, iud no family will ever be the cheapest. without it after once using it, and disCoal Department, Union Pacific Railcovering it marvelous power It la up in large family bottles and sold putthe way Company. ' for small of 75 cents per botA, J. Gunxejx, Aent; 37, 39, 41, cnl 43 R:st :;ji-!5r;late City., tle For sale price V, by Z. G U I Dreg Dept, Pfflce, Wasatch'CQnifijj' -- ' m CEILING JENISTINGS . O. H. BIGGS. WALL - K. SqKAB. ( COVERINGS.. : . . - v Shielo, Madras, . v f pr " l 5 ? f 1 - - , L -- ". , j - that ... , , "'- -. THE ABOVE HOTEL WILL Bfi , OPENED MONDAY NEXT, OCT. 27th, vl , : tbU Hotel kaabea fitted up la' all ita appolntneutewitli a viw ia - r . - 4)ejuaa0. .,...-,i . t lha popular . TEIitSOl.GOcall tosolicitert, DAY, 0.60 v PER aro aatured folJovcd ; Aecorjiiyr to Ueaoq ot room.' ",;?..!( - : - - ' C0RNI3 A U ly UfacUoo to CUP wh-- lUe TIIOGS will b h guet. 3 OXX23-jrV-X- l, TIURP SOUTH AND MAIN 613 ?ALX LAKJi CITX- - V |