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Show TBTJTH AND LIBERTY. VOL. XVIII. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TERRITORY, FRIDAY CHICAGO TUADE. ST SCALE .CHICAGO YO IV TRADE BY TELEGRAPH. It K PB CO. 16J S. Jt&crton St., Chicafo. t Ton Waron Seal, $40. 3 Ton, $50. ' 4 Tom 60, IVemm Box Included W8TKKM UNION TELKGRAI'Ii LINK. . AMERICAN. ; THE HOCKING VALLEY STRIKERS. 210 lb. Farmer's Seale, "Little Deteetnre" Xoi. to 25,3. FORGES, TOOLS, Etc. Whether Germany's annexation of East New Guinea and neighboring THE NEW CIOVERNOR OF was the result of an agreement with England; second, the terms of MONTANA. the agreement, if such exists; third, concerning the possibility of extending British protection over New Guinea, MAYOR EDSON OF NEW YORK so as to include the shores from the RETIRES. East Cape to the German line ouoccu pation; fourth, whether, to counteract Gertaan occupation, England has deTHE UNION PACIFIC CROSSES ter in ilted to occupy the islands strategically commanding that portion of the THE MISSOURI. Pacific? When these questions have been answered the colony of New South Wales will be prepared to corMontana's New Governor. with the other Ausdially Poc:iiKKKPsiE, N. Y., 31. B. Piatt tralian colonies in taking whatever Carpenter, the new Governor of Mon- steps may be necessary. A numtana, left for Helena NEW YEAR'S IHSPATCHES. ber of representatives ol all parties batle him adieu. News from General Gordon Ife Still Is-ian- Best For Made for Light Work, $10 ojd. Anvil and Kit of Toole, $10 Urn bu4 mh; dol.g idLira Frw. YlM. o4 .thr Fwn Ilfr. USB THE BEST! r f II IK RK IS NO ECONOMY IN BT7YENXJ 1 anything solely beraune it is CHEAP, nr at but when you can get the "Tt"n at the price of the poorer article it U clear iv to vour advantage to purchase. Fairbank's Tine Family 2 JS S to-nifr- the very lest In the mar .re If von have anv doubt as to thin fact; tat. undoubtedly Striking Miner. try tlic So;ijis a oil you will lie convinced. Tt.e ave made of the finest materials iwul pi ejarod skillfully WHITE i.K'F.sinir, MAM) KD, OOI.DKN WKS1', OLD UEIUU.V, 1I.HAMBUV, KfAMSH C4STILK. EXTRA. AHEBK'A FAHILT. S:ir.plea of any U. ft. our Soaps always of. fui uiHhed when Ueo.rert. N. K. t AHUlANK 4 CO.. YaXIIKUSKS, OhicaRO.Ill. W.W. JOHN C. NEEMES f.KIMEKT. & CO., i w mwi min CHICAGO. are Vrftood? Kent h;- - 7,. C. M. I., im Branch y iu the Territory. d ins l r UZA'ItD POWDER Offlw, a t I'lne M., Kew Verb. 2? O "W X) IB Jrl I TT eat - B. W. MEKRIAM & CO., DtaUrt in mnd OP E VERY DESCRIPTION. Broadway, SAIE FOK RIMLIS, RLASTtsa, KENTUCKY FA I It Wn-A"- , lVCIT, V r.i.v.crniv, fusy.. to-nig- ht. New York BY Z. C. M. L URINCKERiiOFF, TURNER & CO, iOO DuRie Sr., BTw TrK. Kfannf.tcturers of and Dealers In Cottojt Droid aiilln. Sail Duck, " Wood berry 'Tui.iiEui's" and otlier favorite brands, all Hard, Medium and Soft. numbers iiU CK FB3 DVERAU5.BlDE.fiB0WS.CH THE ! . SBH to l.V) Pottos Canvass i. he Car, Trunk and wide, for V.,ron CoveiuiiTB, Apnns and ior other purposes, constantly In store and r.imlc to order. Afconts for V. S. Buntinft Co., "Standard" ind "KaKle," bythe Case or less quantity. TIicko Goods can be obtained at Z. 0. M. I. of all numbers u complete ctock of this Constantly on hand well ku.iv. u aiid jusiiy celebrated C3- - pon-dera- 23, 32, 'fcjres and dealers gcuurall I Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength aud wholeomeness. Mors economical than the ordinary kinds, and c.'iiinot lie old in competition with the mul. titudee of low. lent, shorv weight, alum oi phogphats Svfl tm,7 iu t'ant. ROTAL BAKTNO POW- ikk C . l: Wall Street, New York, LOOKING GLASSES CONFECTIONERS, ii. HockiDg Valley Hallway and Coal report everylnj? quiet iu the Gordon's genuine seal on the back of Valley this morning,, thongh they ex- it, dated December 11, spying Khar press the opinion I that there will be toum is all right. A dispatch has been Kome trouble and say the de- received from the Mudir,. stating that monstrations last nijiht failed to take an Arab from El MaboT camp, reachactive form for the reason that the ed Dongola. He affirms that El Mahdi's strikers roet with such a strong force havefgathered in force at Mi- of guards where they expected to make followers hours' march south ol zanclneke, their attack. They consider the un Onjdertnan. 12 They repeatedly attacked usual demonstrations at this timea9 Onidernian, but have been repulsed an effort to keep the miners with heavy loss to from breaking from their ranks to Mizanclneke. Gordon, upon and going to work, as many of learning to came, Arabs Bedouin theni have decided to do. Early this the wellsthatdaring- the night, senb an morning several shots were fifed at. armed boat's guard to tho. wells, caus- Happy Hollow, but without damage. fdng great suffering amon tbo rebels, . many of whom died ot' smallpox and Retiring-El Mahdi therefore with New York, 31. Squire, the new dysentery. drew his armyi tq,rf$Doara, two tutys commissioner of public works, took march from OmWerman, and several theoath of office The maytribes subseqaentlv deserted him. HI or's office was filled with politicians Mahdi told the principal cbieis.fckat to march .against! the Madrof up to 10 o'clock. Then a collation was served, and the crowd went away. Dongola.. The; chiefs prbiesl readiness to follow if El Mahdi would charm Squire made a speech, in which promised to perform his new duties off the bullets o the e many bv leading Veil re- instead of following 'his troops. The faithfully. Congressmen-ele- ct signed as park commissioner.and May- next day El Mahditold the chiefs" that or Kdsoa nominated Jesse W. Powers, he bad seen in a dream that the Mudir contractor, in his place. Mayor Edson was a saint, against whom it would be notified l'olice Captain Steers to take useless to Htrlit. This statement caus charge of the books, papers, etc., at ed great alarm in El Maudi camp. wan his (the Mayor's) terir of midnight, Korti, oflice woiijd expire at that hoar. This not an inch square. The paper ..was notice gave corroboration to the rumor rolled up about the size of a pin and was that President Kirk, of tho board of Sewn in the seam of one of the mes aldermen, would assume the ofllc "ofn senger's garments. Gen. Gordon ct actins? Mayor and appoint a corpora-lioinates Kl Mahdi's force at from 20,000 counsel at noon, when Grace will to 80,000. . oecome Mayor. The nicssemrer auusunai tn a recent. engagement, one of the enemies' guns The Montreal Kx-ehan- Utinvjactureri of MASVFACTUllIXa 14 Wat-.iiin- . $10,-oo- Z. P. M. I. and all the principal For Sa!r in the Tt i iii y, and it. ii. IXAWSO.V, AkcbL fl'FG Dame-street- CO., ttumfactursr$ and Jubbtri of PUMPS AND FIRE ENGINES, f.r Mate '.iiHIil fp i:iim,w. it Ill t with lilt' III CM. jllf Kalis-factio- n meet ralej. Qjck ' ; Agricultural Implements, WIRM, tij and jriv , rSSCISQ, Etc., Etc. M1TB SECOHD ST.. Sf. LBDIS.-HD- the mm Ask Lead IMpe and flj-f- l I.fmi, Umm Pipes, I'lamlters' nml KU'am Fitter' Brass tJoo.J, Belt, lug-- lloae antl fuicUlng. FENCE WIRE, BARBED . 'or iale fcy 7. branch stores PECK BROTHERS & CO., . ManvSactitrtrt s SSISSI PUTE1 W3BI FIIUTE1 IB 4 STUM. JOBBERS IK SAPON FER the OM Reliable Concentrated Lye for t AMfLT SOAP MAKING. Directions aaeh eaa for making Uu4. 811 an 1 Tullot ttop qvkekir. Xl ia f&U m tight xmr ami erren(rin. Aiucyvax In rsxs'A kalt unn 4 Robbery. 31. The Montreal, police author o ties believe the recentrobbery of from Lefevre's Jewelry store, Notre , was planned and carried out by Jones, the chief ot Amcricau burglars. JSouie years ago Jones was sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary for robbery, but, owlg to his health and influence, succeededjn getting his sentence commuted. I,efevre was foreman of the grand Jnry that returned true bills against Jones, and it is thought the latter put up the job for satisfaction. Jones was the head of adrwt and desperate gangs of burglary in New York and Chicago, fie is said to be an extensive real estate owner In Chicago all made out of his robberies. Randall In Nashville. Nashville, Tenn.,' 31 .Randall and pwty left the Maxwell House at 10 o'clock this morning and proceeded in carriagesto Vanderbilt University, where they were cordially Tecelv-e- d by the facnlty of that in ftitution. Chancellor Garland received the party, and introduced Kandall to the professors and students. Mr. Randall then delivered a on education to the students, speech and was followed by Win. McAdoo on tho same subject. At night Randall was entertained at t he Hermitage Club rooms by leading members of every shade of political opinion, with a most elegant reception. James D. Porter Is president of the club, and leading citizens are members. Mr. Randall left on the 1 o'clock train for Birminghon, accompanied by a committee of escort from that city. Removal to Council BlaBa. jl rt'. L. M. ROISEV Holds the Fort. 1. General Wolselcy received Cairo, a small piece of paper, with General Columbus, O., 31. Officers of the JESTIX drim,u.t; JKWH,, PLUMBERS MATERIALS, 7i Bwkmaa Street, Refer by permission to David James. Salt Laks Ci- t- acg B 3 Council Bluffs, 6 31. The officers of the Union Pacific have determined to remove all their interests from Omaha to Council Bluffs at once, aad to this end they have ordered ;the construcVL--' 0 STAR HORSE SAILS, I tion of yards, round-honand for the accommodation of their shops business, both freight and passenger. rOLISIIKl OB BLUED, NEW YEAR'S DISPATCHES. ' Will hold a ehoe on Longer than any o'.her. We guarantee oar Kails Cattle Periahlnir from Cold and 4o be E;Hal in Quality aad Starvation. Durability to any made. Bozemax, Montana, 1 Reports from the stock ranges are of a most Mds from the Best Norway discouraging character. James Dedo-witcIroT, Finished Already 3 who just arrived from Madison the to crive, by County, says the snow is two leet deep on me jevet ana tuat catueare actually UNION ItOIiSR NAIL CO., to' death. Similar reports are starving In from the Judith and Yebrought CHICAGOllowstone country. Snow has fallen to a great and the absence of wind For Palo by Z. O. M. I. and iu HEMPHILL, HAMLIN & CO. to carrydepth it away makes it next to Imdl03 ly Branch Siorca. possible for cattle to get grass. Pil CARPETING, grim cattle are far worse off than the natives. Many tine herds will b om FIGS! CIL C13THS, DBliSCETS; Ml. ETC. KSTABLIstlED ISoO. pletcly annihilated, If the cold snap is S42 A M BUOADWAT, repeaieu. Redaction In Rate of Teloarrapbie 2STEIW "Z"OX2IC & Co., Dlnpatebes. Our Goods are kept by Z. O- If. I., and r New York, 1. The announcement its Branch Stores. H',.oetal Harvf 'ctnreT$ of of lower rates on the is. and O. tele attention graph lines attracted among y. men The Mutual SASH, DOORS A.D BLKDS, V. B. Wolfe. W. J. telegraph B. Pattok, J. Wolfe. Union Company now announces a further reduction of rates from New York as follows: To Chicago 15c St ihu.-rManlU, ifun, Flnih, Stair; Louis, Cincinnati and intermediate 20c., to all offices in Mass., JUti'iiiff, ftlutcrt, fttfrrlt, .'. points UMIIEO. Rhode Island, Connecticut and to 111. ' Philadelphia, Baltimore and WashingManttJfoctHrers of and d, oZers ta v ton, 10c. Our Ioo4 ar ,on(Jintly trpt in Stock ly U s, se ill h, " Palmer, Fuller - to-da- Wolfe, rattoii& Co. St-ni- CHICAGO, ,; itaa larireat I,u:nir leali?r in Salt I.ke a and Moulding aad tJgdea. Trice Puy Uook ent free uoon l.i-t- Kiipucauoo OF a TjT. KXISrtDS. JlOSly FOKEJG If FACTORY, 139 LIBKRTY ST., Retail Stort, 118 lef Arson's Meat Market. PETERSON & WEST, BTJTCHEES. IJT SAUSAGE Fan: S A SPECIAty. Trade Kolu iLed. Order livTcicphon Wfcar, KUr kOUTH oTUKKT. HAYNES ( f JEX & SON, Steam BoHet Makers, mi m mis, qiiui lEnus. mis. m. r. Shop, IH Blooka Ecatof Depot, O. Bor. 625, - Salt Lajca City. ffmtral Repairing Don Promptly. Katar to SAy Wtk M by us wZb plsasora GEOiKl. SCOTT &C0. , LLaa tm .. VooaZ i:arKirriti ar JOHN V " Hill Findings, MkETs' aiii Blaclsmitb TdoIs, RAE. A Co., For sale at 7. P. M, I., Oodbe, PHU A Davis, Moore, t; f. Pulmer A, Co.,Bj-ne- s M. Si. ItGeo. P. Teaadel, A'lcn A Alf, A Co., Caiioinxtoa ft Co., Clark. Sr;t KidrcOite Co.. Sears A Uddle. IN SPAIN dlt7 BIG STEAI. IN CYPRUS. ., TO OUR PATRONS Va are bow soiling wit fayorita Beer la Four and Eight Gallon Kegs, and $3.50 Each it 81.75 THE FAMItYPEtADB; j . TQ IV Orders win be promptly attended to 4d delivery made to say pari ot Ui City. MOIUTZ & MX' CULLEN, rsOrSUTOX. More EarUio,uaJce Snoehs tn SpaJav' Madrid, x earthquak shocks wre experienced yesterday at Vilez, Malaga, a city of 13,000 people.a few miles from Malaga.' The shocks were of roach violence and many houses were utterly destroyed. The people, terror stricken, abandoned the city altogether and are Dow encamped outside the town, and, the telegraph station has been removed ont of town also. One thousand houses at Alt ami are in rulns The work ct searching the debris for the dead bodies of ,vlc4 timsof, the disaster was vigorously! prosecuted yesterday, and daring the day iy2 bodies were recovered. Shock? were also ieit yesterday, more or, lees vn pro severely vinces of eifewneremroujtiiou Malaga and Granada, Tbey oc curred between the boars of 7 and V a. m. There was farther loss ot rlfi and property at Pertana Jtio Gardot VinnlUand Alfonatejo. It is estlmat-edthat the total number of persons killed since Christmas la 2,000. .The town of Albooaeros la comoietelT de many people perished. stroyed, and are several local officials among whom Subscriptions for the relief of the suf- erers have been started , in Madrid, rne King sub Malaga ana Granaa, rv ; t r scribed o.ooo. la Madrid, 31. The shocks yesterday disastrous Grenada and .Malaga were very and attended with much mortal- s, f J0SEPHE.TATL0E t of UTAH. ; 16. 203 FIRST SOUTH STREET Ej TELEPHONE No. 70. 19 to cmt ironoK that i rims have not changed my place of business, X - (either bare I any connection witlt any r Heavy Defaleatiea tn Cyprtra. ,ther firm, bat can be found night or day .t the old stand to promptly efficiently h Londox. 31 Advices from Larlnca. It all order eaitrusted to ny care. Order answered bjvelurn train. ' Cypms, say defalcations amounting to 250,0uo hare been discovered in the - SEXTON '3 OFFICE tn om revenue 'department. ; Many of the " " t - - l ; ; i . V More Victims Reported.' Madrid, 1. Shocks ol earthquake continued to be felt at Jaen, Malaga, and Viiez, Malaga. Benamaragosa Several severe shocks were' felt at TorroronNWednesday and Thursday, destroying more buildings. The town The was completely abandoned. church at Terjae was damaged. Ser vices are now held in the open air. Three hundred and nity corpses have been discovered at Urenas Del Key, and 230 persons are now suffering from At a meeting oi me premier, injuries. ministers of finance and interior, the senators and; depntiesx for Granada it was decice and Malaga held to adopt raeasares for the immediate relief of sufferers and provide shelter and provisions for the homeless. A national fund' has also been opened to which Government employes, have been invented to subscribe adays pay. The land tax has been remitted in, the suffering districts. A committee of the principal inhabitants has been formed in each town to distribute the fund. It is reported that the Government will loan 3,000.000 pesetas to be used for the relief oi the inhabitants oi the amict- to-da- .1 y, -- eddlstlrcts. A Revelation tn the Religion of the fx A COMPLETE STOCK STYLE, FI1 STOKM AT SKA. Through the kiudness of Sister Mar11. Pratt we have been permitted to publish the following letter from her son,. Milson 11. Pratt, who is now on a mission to India. It is ted ian Sri'.EKr, iiAXtiooN, B. li in uia t,' November 4th, 1S84. Mtj Dear Mother: Through the blessing of the Lord I am having thi; privilege of writing to wLoia I otij;lit to reitjeiuber upoa you, "this day mure than trpoff alf others. Twenty-fiv- e years have passed away since 1. first beheld the light of day. now in Sister Cooper's house iu aiu Rangoon, and Brother Will. s is lying down to reat a little after writing a letter to his wite. I have this day received a great blessing under his bauds. I Have also assisted iu blessing Sister Cooper and her sou Arthur, anc. we are enjoying our privileges in the Church as" well as We can in We meju to" tins' heathen land. exercise the gpower we have within us to bless and be blessed, according to thespirit of the Lord. 1. wrote Jut belore leaving Calcutta, and I stated that I A' as coming to Rangoon, but 1 did not say that I was going to have such No.;l2-4- 0 t mm mm SUITISGS A TRYINfT AND DANGF.ROU9 VOVAGft as I have had. But now it is all pass. ed. and I aia here ii' safetv. We left 011 Thursday morning and disgot down the river aud a shortbefore tance oh the Bay of Bengal a very pleasant evening. We night. This bay is noted, however, for iu a state of fermentation in some part or auother, and as I was taking a bite of breakfast, the wind began to blow and the rain soon began to tall. The weather got worse and worse, until late in the afternoon, and the native passengers were nearlyall crowded down below and the hatchways closed over them. The storm got came on, aud "the worse as darktiess sbip pitcluxl' And- rotked- 'dreadfully, scaring the poor natives down in the hold almost to death, and come a rush to thev made out trying to force the hatchways, which they could not do. pearly all were very sea eick and their on board prayers and callings and moanings were most pitiable. The awnings were tarn-of- f aud ripped by the wind; an iron chain to which they were tied was broken in two places, and the iron railiur around the ship was also broken. The waves washed onto the deck almost knee deep, and the luggage was sliding from side to side on the ship as she rocked and pitched about like a little toy on the angry waves. The fact is, there was pa-sse- d being-alway- - P Uadly Run Down. He was going along so slowly that his shadow seemed to be pasted last to the sidevvaik. Somebody said he was lazy; but he sadly said he .vas doing the best he eould, and his trouble way debility caused by long dyspepsia. "Then why don't you '.akc Brown's Iron Bitters," said a spry neighbor who was passing. "I was run down badly; but this Bitters did wonders iov me." Mr. Tho. Jones. Newark, Ohio, "I was so debilitated 1 could sas, not walk. Brown's Iron IJittcrs cured me." The agency for the sale ol the Pleasant Valley coal, mined by the U. ('. Railway Company liavins; been replaced with tne Union l'aeiiie agency in this citv, 1 have accepted a position with that company, aud respectfully solicit from my frieuds a continuance of their past favors. I will be found at their yard frOn .1 tnuary 1st, and can offer Rock Springs, Pleasant Valley, Weber and Red Canon eoal. ; , 11.. I. T'ITrns; A ""l'lc ''""11 mvXhV, auj links f.r Have you called on Barton & Co. within the last week? If not you' should not fail to do so and examine their styles and prices on underware, as they are closing out their stock in that line and have reduced their to the lowest figures. prices line They also have an elegant which of fur and sealskin caps they are quoting very low. And as to their elegant styles of clothing and you need only examine furnishings, A HARD LOT OF PEOPLE their stock and prices to be convinced are dealing fairly with the on board, who would not receive the that they and are desirous of Gospel, because I had distributed ficople, tlrm on the most legitimate tracts to nearly ail of them aud they had set their hearts against the truth. business. There were bad women and a bad man Ilome Cured YARMOUTH! BLOAT-I- I. taken into the cabin, but I was not E. Fyson's, offered the least assistance although ERS, at 40 Market Row. d and all soaking wetasfrom head to foot, my things well, and my food lost. COAL I COAL I COAL ! Well, every movable thing was lashed down to the sides of the ship. Two Rock Best in the market. Spring First-clasby which the guards or beams (spars) s coal, and the cargo is taken from the hold, were Red CaQon cheapest. thrown down ,in the fore part of the 4 WBii--Taa old original, from the shin, ana Kiuea quite a numher-Tr- t urass ureeK mines, sheep and goats; many died also from Coal Department' Union Pacific Bail-wa- y being thrown about by thia violent Company. tempest, which was A. J. Gunnell, Agent. A REAL CYCLONE, Office, Wasatch Corner. and into which we were going deeper and deeper, when the captain ordered GLOBE BAKERT. that the ship's course be changed. Go to the Globe Bakery for your holi1 think the storm soitened many day Candies, Cakes. Fruits, etc. They but I was can be had pare and wholesome, at low hearts. I was not wet and cold and weak from fast ng. prices. and had also done considerable praying that the Lord would be merciful Orders for Weber Coal from Home unto the poor wretches who really did Coal taken by Telephone not kuow what they were doinsr by re either Company by II. DInwoodey or at yard. his truth. jecting No. d (Yard telephone 309.) 1 went about 9 p.m. to the engineer and asked him if he could not do some thing for me. He took me into the engine room and gave me a cup of tea and a few crackers, and a place to Sleep, I began to have more faith and hope, spent most 01 the night m prayIN PASTRY er, and the storm began to abate ; and I went tq sleep for a few hours, IF when the fury of I felt to thank-Gothe storm began to cease, and I thank ed and praised Him in my prayers for His long suHeringagd kindness. It must have, been a little before, or about this time that BOI (IRE 684. CO.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. HAVE JVST RECEIVE i Lioads Of mmEE! CONSISTING . " mer.t forwarded on application. COOP. Dusfokd's. A I. Barton, A- - S. Geddes. TP"B.-'BBTON- nccv nnMDrTiTi 1'. O Goods Hats, Caps, Gent's Furnishing ' J; B. Toronto. x snw salt lake citv. CO UN BKO'S Offer Lheir entire stoek of CLOAKS tnid 'WRAPS, BELOW COST. This part of their slock must be cleared out, no matter w;hat the sacrifice may d (it be. , at 'ides i Williams. OF BED ROOM AND PARIOE SETS, Etc. WIIICII WE OFFER AT REDUCED PRICES. Our Home Patent Folding School Desks are the Best and Cheapest in the Market. P. O. Box, 1200. SALT LA KB CITY, UTAH. -- WE ARE NOW OFFERING STRICTLY PURE SPIRITS OF sea-sic- k, TURPENTINE, RETAIL WHOLESALE OT C QUANTITIES, AT MO PQ1SQM PRICES AWAY BELOW the MARKET THE East. Rome, 1. The Papal Journals state that the Patriarch of Constantinople repudiates the religious authority of the Czar of Russia, and prefers to abandon the Greek rite for the Latin THE SIUP'VcOURHE WAS CHANGED. rite. The Patriarch is coming to Home. The Vatican authorities are preparing The next morning I was told by the to gwe him a solemn and pompous t e- - spirit that it was through roe or my ceptioa. faith and prayers that the ship was saved. It was a great blessing from I thought that whether I the Lord. got anything to eat oiMiot I hoped that BRIEF TELEGRAM. the Lord would take he gjjlp Rafely Tn.dav the London Ti.mi cplhratpt into port. In conversation with the chief engineer he tQld me about the its cen ten nary birthday, the course of the captain changing Governor Raul rex. of Wnshin-t,oif she had gone on into the saying ship, she would not Territory, leaves San Francisco for the centre of the cyclone, East have stood it. 1 asked him if it was and A fire at Evansville, Ihd., yesterday often they met with such weather, replied "No; probably once Iftl two destroyed property valued at $200,000; he or three years," luouiauue, iuu,uw, "How did the captain kn5w which The schedule of Westcott 4 Co., way the cyclone was going?" Taallla. Lean, Orange, ete. favor bankers, failed,' of Syracuse, N. .Y., "Oh, by some calculation of hia show assets 37,O00, liabilities $175,000. own." to the the credit I But and gave Lord, eatcly as Mtwrally as the rralt front The Continental Express, a to the captain so much, although 1 I Vnlea taey are wade. has been Issued at Dresden, It Is not , not tell him so. For the only English newspaper published did Strength and True Fruit About noon 1 was sitting about the in Germany.,' Flavor They Stand Alone. bow of the ship with Hans. Paulson, a . A V '"- - mrtm t VMS meeting of the national committee Danish missionary, when his dinner of the Prohibition party and a confer- came which he could not eat, and was Pritee Co.,' Baking Powder ence of leading workers wil be held in about to send back, when I asked him Chioas-o- , III. 6U Louie, Mo. was 10 me have I for let wwtM or York 7th.it, New needing it, City, Jan, and he gave it to me; while he went to Dr. Pricts Cream Baking Powder "' Franz Liszt, the planist.wiH pass the the side and good natn redly tried to ' USD winter in Rome. IliseyesighMs a great '.,"" THROW UP HIS BOOTS. deal better, but he has been lorbidden Dr. Price's jLnpaUn Yeast Gems, to read or write much. I demolished his' dinner with relish, Beat Irryv Hop Testst. of Mr. Ellis acquaintance FOR 8ALBBYOROCER3.; .The.bark Lena, from Bqnth America I: raadetheand he me took very kindly Wt H VKK BCT ONE QUALITY. lor .Philadelphia, wita cigars, was ateron, Wrecked December 27th on Hog Island down into the second cabin and gave bar daring thick weather. Eight lives me a part of his supper, and the next uh breakfas ; but tbo 108t.,J- partaoffuss morningmade ''. and told the cap waiter TiPbite Pine tain that I was down in the second Eareka, Nek,' 31. The county bank has suspended. No par- cabin, and I was soon ordered to leave ticulars. it. Mr. Ellis felt very sorry and said if he would pay for me, Ne-York 31. A cocking main took he had the moneyHe advlsedlme' to tro bnt he had not. clace near Flashing. L. I., last nisrht. and see the captain and I Went accord? between Long Island and New Jersey ana -i tqia mm tna,t was blrd8ior$l,uo0asideand $100on eaoh init, had . been any sorry that there Dattie. jbigni oatties were fought. New trouble with Mr. Ellis on mv" ac Jersey winning five. It is estimated count that 1 had the misfortune that over $10,000 changed hands. to lose my food during the storm, aad kindly shared bis own with me : Washington, 81, The President will he had that 1 did not stay in the cabin, button be assisted at his reception by the wives of members of hlsCabiaet, the deck, and didHenob wish to impose asked: c. What are Mrs.wGeo. F.. Edmunds, iMrs. John upon the ship. von doing out ncrer Carlisle. Mrs. Justice Miller. Mm. g, I told him,-- and then he said in a tice Field. Woods, Mrs. half sarcastic way, Did yoa Mrs! Senator Lo Js3a,B4athford, gan, Mrs. uen. nenaap,Mme, Jerome ever hear the story of Jonah? lie was Bonaparte the Misses' Frellnghaysen fleeing froma ludgment. lie was over storm, when the barba by wWfr prominent iq taken f., rians east lots ana tie was . fqand opt, rrasningion iue. 9UU cumesseu, auu vuey . It 1 n n s.a etl mn t orl that. wivtft id. t.UM UUC1I 4. decrease of 400,000 in the public debt xnitsw rim orx&abaBjD. nave been eceipis I said, He went ' and 'fulfilled ToM light and disbursements heaviAr than nsoak Tbe payments; on aocount of mission, though," lie reviled yes, but went ' In a Jtf FuBiuus suivuut w oyer $3uu,uuu. l ne ferent . from what he expected. United States Treasury mailed Now", ifwav we had thrown yoa ' overboard we mleht not have had such a storm." 1st on Government .... Januaryswn&vnM a. (IA. A. A securities I remarked "If It Jiad not been for Miv aiuuuui us ,wSI Ik. l,vs,i4. me yon might not nave such pleasant now.. Th beartnjr of .r of the weather rrm r tn. Vannr.a . WhiMfevllltOroat Inrepresentatives ordered the waiter to : rive ed extension of tlmelor the payment of me some sea biscuits, but,. I told him I not bring me tu on in oond, to nave was not .hungry aand he need in taken place atwnisKj hurry to do so, as I the Treasury Depart- them, or be ment has been postponed until thought t coma get aion?untu t reach ed ltangoon. The captain; then said, ,Oh, y6u ITon.J. II. Kinkead. the . new mv friends have been regaling yoa again, ernor of Alaska- - has arrived in the have they?" ... , He city. jhas been acting under the "No, sir, they, have ' hot. I replied, taws recenuy passed giving to Alaska Mr. Ellis gave rae my breakfast.' -J a povernmehtand finds' thi in several He said, "Perhaps Mr; Ellis meant to 0,taparticulars Congressional action is pay for you?' needed to secure their efflcuncy. He he is a poof mqn." I "Oh,no, replied, wui remain Here for some time. 4nd he continued? to-da- j MlLSON.tl "f ALL KINDS of PAINTER'S MATERIALS At Bottom Iigiires ! G. F. CULMER & BROS. -- 8. j. Lnra, 8it Lake. LITMBEE BRTCKXLV ASSt DEALERS IN mm EXliigACJTS - J. wiJc" I SIERRA NEVADA LUMBER y. ly, ) K. "ST-sVIc- AND PLANING MILL. S,V V Frames, Doors, Windows, "fMonldlnffs, Pumps; Packing Boes. Builders' . H;are WOOD TANKS S;11 WelhU, GLASS. Etc., Etc. Oft ALL DESCRIPTIOHS MADE TO ORDER. STAUi BjtTIliyc II.l. Bloelc ...M j SPECITJaXXX. 0p.u: R. JT. LTK31, ftsrstc THOS. V - H AS COMMENCED TO ' a? - INFORMATION. ' s ile-haa-tw- e HOUGH EXPEKIIiNCE. THE LARGEST 1 "f m SALT LIKE CITY BREWER! General Gordon speudjs J nixhls in ceaseless w itch, vlslllug tile .to see if every sentry is ou outposts the alert." palaces, with a gun mounted on each, lie always examinee the guns at daybreak, in or- -' der to assure himself, that they arc properly gunned and ready for action, lie then lies down and sleeps during the greater part of the day. General Gordon is described as cheerful. The men are well supplied with tobacco. Five boats of the Black Watch conat Korti, havlug signment havearrived accomplished the journey in shorter time than any body of troops that pre ceded them. The hussars were sent ahead yesterday. Ibe Great Calamity In Spain 60 bold-otrt- .' A. "Wi 11, ho was giving you what did TSQTJBXOISIIIEZD 187G- not belong to him." said: "He is unacquainted, lile mvself, with tiie strict .rules o jour I thought he, the Captain, wi s ship. no gentleman, or lie woul.t or could AND MOST not have found any fault under the cir1 cumstances. told him I was not a beggar and did cot wish to impose upon the ship. lie said, " Well.vou are the next door FOR FALL AND WINTER IN TIIE CITY. to it." 1 felt that I IMPORTED was, and although his FINEST 1876. words cut me, I was w'Jliug, if necessary, to be one for 1the Lord's sake jrn w' - V.. B3TM even all my life; and went and prayAND 1 hand.-ed that might be useful in His AND DOMESTIC in bringing many to the knowledge of the truth. WORKMANSHIP 3When evening came the Captain sent mm iwmm I my supper to the second caoin, aud took it, thinking that lie did not mean OVERCOATINGS GUAIIANTEED. to offend me, and that perhaps he wss not a very bad man ut heart. Well, my dear mother, 1 hope and pray that the Lord may continually bless and provide for you and all my fathet's family, and 1 now feel thas he; is doing so uud will continue to forever. AND Your affectlouate sou, srv to . COHTINrE. SEW SOUTH WALES DEMANDS i.. Tele-rrtp- s. tffiT, nu. iuni!i!i .l, 441 - was disabled . The garrison are able to IS; i - ti . Stoves acin ware EARTHQUAKES StrtH, . nanlwarB,Irop,SteBl, UirDERTlEHl if' ds -- Fairbanks Fine Family Soaps. If now celebrated all over the country, and in m every respect KlrntJy first clans. It is on the h.tnJs ami lats woudci fully My when living ued. We uIm) make the foliowinfr well known t am's, all of which ui e highly recommended Steamer No. 1, from Milwaukee, officials have fled to Asia Minor. Some a counts say the books have been de- Tuesday night v. it.ha ntfruber of passengers,onafter a stormy passage, was stroyed. blown the beach at Lndington, New Soatta Wales Hesitates. Mich., and Joseph Mice, nreman, was London, 31. The government of scalded to death by a bursting steam New South Wales declined seeding pipe. Passengers and the rest of the a collective protest to the Imperial crew landed satcly. The vessel will be Government until the following Ques- a totalloss, together with her cargo. tions be delinitely settled : First NO. 34. JANUARY 2, 1885. EVENING, . ow Jn. Mrs.-Jnstlc- e IS ENTIRE STOCK OF v pfi.ij. . r. r half-jokin- 1 1 CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, Z: 'HI V -- r1-4-' - rit..: - .. f .":.,';'. ... r .' WJA11AIJ1JJJLVW ' ' 4 . ; . t : a-- 1 '5? . , ,i .. f UUlillJ) ETC., AT . i Reduced Prices! I to-d- ay - i Ml, Sizes in Ladies . Elisscs I and" Cliildrcn's SHOES, lie-the- . I 'Hi. .,J . to-da- ...... y, REGARDLESS OjP ! COSTJ ? - : tag . AT -- THGS. W". JENNINGS.' |