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Show ' - .- EVENING NEWS; rrMay, 1M4. a. T11B CLAWSON CASE.! A JUKV Stevenaon James . McTiernay; O. ' was called to take his place. .Mr. Mason was questioned and, said ho had Jut returned from ore weeks absence fa Alta, and had read but one paper in that time, and heard little or nothing of the trial, and was conscious of no bias.-- " Tie was passed. Mr StevensOsi had heard the case discussed and had formed and expressed an opln- ton ; as to guut or innocence, which could not be changed very ' well. He too was excused on being challenged. Mr.' Mason passed as to polygamy and eohabltatlon, and was swornV 'making eleven jurors passed. . Xj'L.'Dieldnson-wadrawn; and be- B4 questioned, .admitted having read a n I heard of the case- - aud formed an as to : Its merits, but had no opinion e prejii-'!cthat would affect his Judg ment the presence-- ' of sworn evi dence.- - ' Challenged for implied and actual bias, ' auccesslvely.. Both chal lenges overruled. Further questioned, he said he was not a Mormon, but his wife was brought tip as one and had relations in the Church; he lived oppo site Governor Murray ia the Seventh Ward, and did not believe in polygamy or plural cohabitation. Challenged peremptorily by the defense and ex cused. William Showell was called, and claiming his privilege as a U. 8. mail messenger, was excused. Vf: A. Pitt had "moat decidedly" ormed and expressed an unqualified . i j ', ? opinion, anu was excusea: J.:M. Richardson was excused for the fame cause. William Jacobs had uortoed and expressed a qualified opin- tlon, which It would require strong evidence to remove. Challenged for implied bias; challenge denied and ov erruled. Challenged for actual bias ; challenge ' sustained and JSror ei- caseo. jamcs. Anderson- $vas ex cosed, for a similar reason. 'James Glendeunlng bad not formed or ex pressed an opinion and was not conscious of any bias, and did not believe in polygamy or plural cohabitation. Excused on ground of' i as to residence.' ', Thomas Smith had beard I) ut little and read nothing of the case, and. had not formed or expressed any opinion; he said he did not' even know of the late trial till .the day before It went to the Jury, lie passed as to polygamy and cohabitation. Challenged as to and challenge overruled.: Juror W. H..H. Bowers was. challeng ed: neremnnrilv hv the. defense! ob Jected to as the juror had bee J s worn, and objection sustained- The panel of t he jury was challenged by the de Mr fense. Challenge overruled. Smith was sworn and the jury was then complete.' They now stand as Our report of proceedings in "stJ Clawson polygamy case. c!ose4 4st evening Whue Mr. C7iT Varlan, as- -' ststant presecnung attorney, was putv ting to James Fitzgerald, a Juror, the questions as to ms belief in the right fulness of polygamy and plnrat cohabt itation. The juror answered these satisfactorily (in the negative) and the prosecution passed him. He: was afterwards peremptorily challenged by the defense and excused. Mr. Bar-- , nett, Mr.' Denhalter and Mr. Fowles were then examined by Mr, Varlan and passed by him. Mr. Bennett entered a challenge against Mr. Fowles for actu al bias ; sustained. This now left five f in the box. ..-Mr. Bennett now objected to the last threejurora, and the previous three being sworn and interposed individual challenges on the grou id that these Jurors were not on the Jury list of 200 names for the year 1881 ; nor put In the Jury box, nor drawn therefrom; bat that each of the Jurors was selected and euiumojed by the United. States Marshal for Utah Territory on an open venire. Overruled. Mr. Bennett objected to the- Jury be ing sworn. Overruled. The following additional names were then drawn from the box : John s 1 FRAGMENTS. V - , i Sobkrt L.Taylor, for robbery.waa to-MnUocad to th Penitentiary dv ior taree years. wu "Miss Chester" , well rendered by tne West End Dramatic Company at the Maslc IUll last night. 1 : 1" A fair attendance. Tmefamoay 18th Ward Mutual Im provement Association resumed ior the winter last night. The name of "Lily Clawson" Is not on the roll. I (The regular meeting or the First Quorum of Elders will be held in the west wing of the 14th Ward Assembly Rooms, evening, at 7.90 o'clock. ' The University of Deseret closed its Two hundred and drstterm students have been in at- -, twenty-tw- o tendance during the term. On Monday at 9 a. m., the second term begins. Ax abominable Jiud-hoexists on First South Street, between 4th and 5th West. Robert Cre, ol Bountiful, waa pitched out of his wagon while passing there a few days ago, and stalled wagons are a common from the same cause. At yesterday's little blaze In the office building, as the rag-ta- g element were rushing up and bob-ta- il ttqnlre Wells lane, a man asked excitedly: "What's the matter? Is It a fire?" No," exclaimed a satirical wag, "then's deputy marshals tryln' to , serve their subpoenas." Au witnesses for the prosecution In the case af the People vs. Hewlett, the two cases of the. United States ?s. Peterson, and In the cases of the U. 8. against Ilenegar and Fowler; and all witnesses in the Clawson case not In the box, were this morning excused till further notice.1 This is practically a continuance of all other polygamy cases for the term. Officers of the lflth Ward Y. M. M. I. A; for the winter season of 1884-President, W. C. Burton;' Counsel brs, F. W. Morgan and T. Lewis; ' Secretary; B. F. Ilowells, Treasurer; William Bo wring; Librarian, W. J. Hall; Music Director, J. W, Ashton; Programme Committee, T. C. R. A. Ure and B. W. Ashton. Griggs, ' Meetings are held at 7.30 p. m. In the i large, upper room of the school house, on Tuesdays. to-da- y, le ' eye-so- re nt Ex-potw- . S: , LOCAL NEWS. Fire Alarm. The Are alarm sound-.ie- d shortly after two o'clck "John Pitts place, in the Sixth Ward, . was on fire, and the Brigade started for Uhe scene of the fire at once. Owing to the lateness of the hour we are Unable to give any details In relation jto the damage. to-da- y. f s " n, Jas. Clasby, J.B. Grif R. AJff, fin, Wm. Bredemyer, Phil. Kipple and JohnKnapp. Mr. Cunnlneton was excused on. the ground that be bad formed an unquali tied opinion as to the guilt or innocence j : 3 Beware. We cautiptt our readers that a fellow giving the name of A. S. Newton, Roberts, Robertson, Jenkins and other aliases probably Is now pre- -: sumed to be somewhere In the 'eastern of the Territory. He was --last part i heard of at Park City. He Is swindling himself to be . people by representing ;an agent for Butteries' paper pat- -; tTBS,ajul obtaining money in advance. for an outfit of patterns, etc., to be subsequently delivered. lie came here from, the south and has victimised people ia Provo, American Fork, Payson, Sandy, this city,! Ogden, Echo, and Park City. So far he has eluded cap-tarhis victims hot suspecting . the swindle nntil he has left the and several vicinities it was to seize him. He too ; late has flaimed to be an agent for F. Auerbach & Bro. of this city, but they know nothing of him other than above stated, and do not have any. agent travel on such a business ; a representative of theirs, or any other firm, would have proper credentials. It is probable ,that he, may reach intoWy. pminic, aud become a bogus agent fory. firm of thatTerrl-jurome Our Wyoming and other ex flanges would do well to copy this Item, so as to guard the public againstf arther Impositions, And enable the olHcersof the law to arrest the fraud Wherever he next attempts his nefari ous bus iness. Or-mon- non-reside- nt non-reside- nt, f d, 3 substituted. On exam all three were excused for ination having formed an unqualified opinion as to the guilt or innocence of the defendant. jl Three other names were drawn from the box, viz. S. C.E wing, Geo. Decker and Jas. Ashman. " Decker was excused, as he Was not a taxpayer. The! name of A. Ourwlts was substituted. Mr. Ewing was excused tor having an Uifquallfled opinion. Mr. Ashman the same. Mr! Gurwits the same. ' Three other names were therefore drawn from the boxj vl2., James Sherlock, J. C. Conklingand J. Pease. Mr. Sherlock was immediately, excused on answering that he had no taxable property in the Territory. The name of S. J. Nathan - was substituted. Mr. Pease was excused as a The fifty names In the box being now exhausted, ;tbe court 'ordered another names. open Venire for twenty-foMr. Confcling and Mr. Nathan were both excused for having formed an un qualified opinion pn the guilt or Inno cence of the defendant. ADDRESS. This left nine in the box with three JV THK PKOrlE' TEUITOkUL em peremptory challenges yet to be exer -, tjlak comumi. cised. The Jurors wer put in charge of the Marshal and the court adjourned tio th Peoplt 9j Utah Territory t tlU Friday it 10 i.m,;Sd; 1 ;The ekctioa to be held November 4th, 13V or Delegate to the Forty-nint- h : Friday, Oct. 24, issi. Oo&gresa, Ik one of aunsual Importance Six minutes - past 10 o'clock waa In ibd political significance to the peopto dicated by the dial in-- the federal -- r . s v ot Utah. ': room this Vnorning, as Marshal Court At no time since the organization of ' pronounced the traditional Ireland the Territorial government has there Hear ye, hear ye j! tud the tribunal existed stronger reasons for an .un of the Third Judicial District was anequivocal manifestation of the full nounced to be in 'session . The nine strength and influence of the People's Jurors obtalned-yesterda- y were called The friends of free government and found to be. PJiy.themselves and draw present, y, as la years fiqd were : then made from the ings an unscrupulous past, opposed by names it open venire ol twenty-iou- r faction, composed returnmade and Usued last evening, fs true, of anj laslgolflcant mi- able at 10 .m. y. The panel was our population, yet nority of defense on the the first by ". the , challenged ' establishing ".of aaine, S4kiBc by as venire' of the open: grounds subvert to 4J Jbeg1SlaUveConsialsslon additional the with ground yesterday, ''and abolish the forms or free govern- that the second lopeu venire was still ment ;tnd , wrest from the people the isthird was this venire when out last semblance of political liberty. sued and returned ;open the but challenge That faction whose only achievement overruled. .J iuithe past has been to seek by mis- was and Fred. Bastlan, John the slander and representation were drawn and called np; Madeira B. a with of, pestilence ttfce Hub fai Mr. Bastlan had heard; something of wofae than death, now has the conversation and effrontery to invoke yoor the case both from In the court two from Stands being present Uffragss for a' candidate who did not know that but three or times, to the dedicated a npOn platform an opinion that you are unworthy the ht had formed or expressed was He as merits. its challenged to, who candidate A boon of suffrage. " j seeks by the vote of bis fellow citizens for implied bias and excused. fcf the a of acid waj Mr. Eechtol had heard to Obtain power to deprive them right to vote ia certainly an anomaly to little of the case,' and had.fortned ind AJrricau : polities,' , and ,the idea ia exprvswed an opinion conerntnUf it,He ' pelariy characteristic of the minori- accepted hearsay evidence.1 A ; Mr. Varlan: "Are you in the habit ty taetion in this Territory. to 1882 tor of Delegate of election .K the doing tbatT'v; ! Witness $ J don't know that I ,fm," Congress was rendered conspicuous by rQ. MTott Wot to get 4?dotf tybni" the trst under the operation IU ! BU u: J ii i notwtth wduld and lawV, dmeads ' otiiih a of dUframehlsement banish that Pros.: Just now, "Well, the standing Party, the thought from your mind. vr Would Tyou large portion of the People's eandltfate of that party was eleUd by be guided by sworn testimony" lif this anlainiost.unprecedented majority and. case, in preference to rumor and hear. evidence?'? th opposing faction nearly demoral- say -- Witness : MI believe I would, but it ized,' as manifested by Its recent feeble would require evidence to remove my effort at reorganization. . ' j y- We call your attention to the fact present opinion. as Pros.:- We deny the challenge.! that the issues are the same to-d: viz the 1882, were perpetuation la JadgeZaneiTIs it a fixed opinion thiyj .y-of re fovemment In the hands of thent yonhTerMJ; . ' -esUbllsh-memajority as against the Witness : ','It is not much ol an opinbf the worst form of despotism ion ellher way, but it would tequire in Ith,: hands of tie rainorttf, dlSerent 'evidence to "what I have The candidate of tiie People's party heard, to remove .it," 4 has been tried In the position, and Las " Court. "He does not seem to have a prdved himself adequate to the The objection is .overfixed ' of every duty and responslblUty rule d.'opinion ' T i y ss pertalalng thereto ; he was unaalmouj-l- ar to the defease atl by ExcepUd by rtga-inominated for Overactual bias; ' convention of the People's Party; ruled.challengedlor '. y . him elect to by our duty It is therefore an Increased majority In proportion at Mr. Madeira had lonssd anda jopinloa Mtrald, le&li to the Increase of population from reading th.:Tri admln-ist- er and it would require a great deal of time same the at slni 1882, and Urrlble rebuke to the evidence to remove It. He was chal akaia lenged and exco3If MrrBechjt4lwiJ diKtlsm hamplonsr 1C 1 ttien ewornmatiag teo' jufortkob- TxissAtrre)vrtaaat far By the People's Territorial Ceill tglned thus X. uy Committeei 'h Vj t. f were then drawn, Mr McTiernay was Joh JbecauseJ to pbjected fjixo. McKsuit, SecYv ! e, " ; I i well-kno- -- t-. - ur J to-da- i ion - laMcTiernay TP-Maso- and.-excuse- t;rQnrT,0ct14884. t. Mrrogiyfiaea, mwmm mngcr -nare.peirir IVi 'W . V- CORNICES. seasonable goods i r 1 . ! Every Bep't Eilliiig Up i i hf Rbofing.l'apeiv.! n gentleman resldlhg in Ogdeh at the time, says that he had been dowa for several months with inflammatory rheumatiam in- its worst form. A friend sent him a bottle of IBritantiia, and he experienced such immediate and lasting relief from its. use, that he inow,- - although two yars have passed, thoroughly well. This, with other testimonies, as to speedy , and permanent cures, would certainly warrant a trial of this celebrated preparation. Z. C.'M. I. Dmg Department Is the Agent for the medicine, and sells it both wholesale and retail. It appears to be not only perfectly harmless, but in fact is saki to be a general tonic to the system of the patient, building up the strength while it removes the dis dL't ease.' All, IIOXE MADE. ust received from the mills, Wool J Battlnsr. Linsev Shectinir and a full line of home-maWoolen Goods, also Socks, Stockings, Trunks, Brooms, etc., at y iTrTxi.ir.u Xr nan j. IiSouth No. 48wlklrst Street. Opto- sue uinwooaey s. mm ' v 'S DESCKPTfON. j , " Plalix & Fany Caslimeres, annes,p ueiges, urocaaes, siiks, Satinsj Silk tVolvets Plushes, Gros-de-Liyo- ns, v i AND THE CELEBRATED I 1 " Elberon and Neapoli tan Velveteens, - " EVERY pY, . CEILING ,"5 r' 5 I :r. AtMTHB LATEST POPULAR SHADES. IN i liECORATIoks. I SI licla Sacquinga, BmUet FlamcUf Ladles' l Cloths Cochkco Suitings, Repellents, Plaid Jplanneti? Shaker ITlannels, Operas, California i Madras, 4 " . , A$D A FULL, J liJK OF ALL p-- i .'Hi- Etc Cantons, Etc., Stajt& Twills, Frelxce, Lin8ey$ ' '" ' ' . ' '' '"i V ' ' ' ' ' ; ' ? u ! " f - cx, healthful amusement continues to be well patronized both day and evening. The splendid Star floor, the choice musie oy tneupera House Band, the best quality skates, rented; so cheaply, and the good order preserved merit the success that the place has achieved. h bv is it patronized best people of the city, and noobjecr tionaole or disorderly persons are oer- mltted to enter or even to stand aro anct . wie premises. The proprietors deserve the thanks of the and patronage and respectable ladies and gentlemen of the we are and city, glad that they receive . Open from 10 to 12 in the morniucr : 1 to 5 in the afternoon, and from 7 to 10 ini tne evening. 2? AXI- :. WB Bnrton H COSSITINO -- i '. OUB JLAEGE OF t't'l . DON'T BUV WITHOUT attutku r'Hiticalar OX?i , . luvitej.to our i Xrtl2S . !. land Suit Bep't. SdWISQ ' IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF AN. I, (jardner. Manufacture all kinds of spring beds. 'Black Cashmeres and Twenty are .Uifterent 'Styles and Qnalities ot lll.ACK GOODS. Orders for Weber Coal from Home Coal Company taken by Telephone We are Showing the largest Stock of SILK VELVETS in Town, in ,111 shuae, eu4 m Ulact, at Extreneiy Low l'rice; either by n. jumwooaey or at yaru, e OUR Prof. R. Al Vitthausr, M. DV, Medical University, BnffoiO, N. Y., who Is the highest authority, says that "Calcium Tartrate (imProDerlv called .Tartrate oi inline j, aavertisea as tne lime found in Baking Powders is derived from the wines that produce Cream Of Tarter. It is a constituent of the crape and otner irons, ana is absolutely barm i U2 m i less. SIIK i ' As STOCIC IS ALWAYS TMK And Best Assorted in town. Coatai: New-Marke- ts. fv VELVETEENS A SPECIALTY. Buttons and Laces. Trimuiiiig, in usual s qoalitr and assoi-tmen-t, t Oi iTIIQTihptmolit neaiiyrM aiifi. u oui &rjjDuaiuuoui A s m.m.ittm A M. k Via V AAVAV J Meu'ji, yontlis!! lihaiCIiUdroii'rf Saltg, Pants, Over-' " coateuick Goods, Huntingr Sults-etc- . Children's School and Silt Suits,. ai Sfieclaltv. 7 s f i 1 I ''' T "J" '".I 1 4 1 t r .1 J' lf' ft I - i jtARQlT j ''''; 9 THE 'LATEST STflES. -- Lime la Baklna Powttera. - AND 1 i In this department .Wf Bavc the.Laraest Stock and Qheafat parmeutt w f W v aver offered, , f ' "' ' As ilfaal we are hhowing litany novelties in tliia Line, Flain and ctripetl Bispn Ciutha, 'Freni-.riaiils, Aimuiei, Oorkscruvrs, Cheviots, and a fiill Line of French f We have Fifteen IHstiuct Qualltio Suits Tritots, I.Hdies' tlotliK for Tailor-mad- tek ' "I - MES'MES'&CHIlDlffSELOAKS IS ALL 01 JDolmans, Circulars, ' i- - ' I, (fl GREAT 'VARnCTT. , J Magnnli-eii- t . . "S SEEING QlTR SUPERB STOCK. ' ALSO THE Ail IN WE ARE Brocade, Velvet, Plush and all the Leadings Novelties new this Season in Cloako, Dolmans, Saeques. Newmarkets and Russian Circulars. ;Also a complete assortment of MISSI suitl tllll.lHtl A'.H 11. t MI SACUUES. HAVELOCK9 ntl SEWMARKETS, the I.aipost Stork we ever carrnjU ia (bit Lino. I.Ale lrleea Klylm, Flu bowli, STOCK. ' v " STOCKtOF - . Celebrat'ed Maif sville and San Jose, Qal.; White v" and Mocd FAJflLt' BLillTKETS; V ANNOTOCEMENTI; iiavk aacEivEP h Whitt3 Wariketi Bcunia and Mottled, J - , 100 Pairs Gre Blankets at $2.50 & 3.00 pair, 200 Pairs Grey Blankets at $5.00 pair. " oomsr Bros.J Cloak i Nandberg-- SPECIAL BARdAHS I1BLMKETS 50 Pairs Famei Whitft Rknlvftts nt, 2 50nair . i i - CD 37 39 41, and 43 First South Street W, Salt Lake City; order-.lovin- , - . . p3 Wall Paper -- ... Jf A'iVS i; Turcoman, K APPLIQUE AND NOTTINGHAM de .ina.i at tho lowest price r. 1 ; ,. ; . ( ' X ,t : ' BlanketM and roniTotts. Flannels, tock is . ' ; This ' very large and contain j r. ' , j ' o- everything required, : . 1 leua.i-tnient- Blind,-Bleedini- i. lar-T- net-.W- i f . ltfen'sHea Mediiim an4Iigait. Boots, 1 1, a-- : 5 iiuuB-.cijm- -- ,C0NGEE1SS; J COif EREKCE VISITORS!! pAITERS)AIiMDRlLS:iEtc. 1 :;Ait . BOTTOIJUGE S SHOES. r i ' l1"? house siaIoters, i:tecnq RUBa3ER BOOTS FOR Ml'SSES and dmDREIf. - ;( W . axrti i COMPLETE ' STOCK. .''"' A A 'I I 1 ill II ft I I I IIII Til K ' -- imd;; .. ., T1TITTAT4 ..cimT I I 1 ' , IM VTJlJb AMD Seask'stede ' If aA 77. - ;1':-;.--- - ' ' , 7 v mnnTTIV Ilia I ' ' lowest all? vreA uoousr .... i yP?iyf?ARTMENr -- ? wlt-nessw- 5 aiiii as oy f . . P ; t 4 from Crpef, ir a , , , Fine A Vie 7 r 11 .Tapestries and Tlireriflysir tv?.; aH-- f' 4 t DOWN TO THE COTTON AND HEMPS, ii J fA j'i m 'V7;.., AS LOW; AS 125. CENTS PERsIARD. 7 . rt 3T ' ' ' I ' ' I I .1 i i "f '.. 4 I V: .. 1:1: LINOLEUMS, OIL.CLp.THS, 1 Sarsa-parilla.- . . ,re n4J . :JvIj "' lvea TUECpiliN and 10EQ.UIITAINS; Silk and Coiitcd Farritt CT'O 'CI.' corii." i !::FBi:!SESiMSHES;!CiETflIIIlS,rETC; ! Rough-ontCottgh- irwuisc. - wU-ne- ' WElTIIER STRIPS, ) ; dis-chir- ge daily Arrivals NO V E LT I ES . L AT EST , like-W."- ! - JVell StbcJzedSWith the A ...- . t IDZHI.A.IEtTIMiTq? COVERINGS. ..-:-- f : "o ! -- -- ay EACH . on ; .! - rev-oiatlon- ii ".I . to-da- unirn - Kid-ne- ' :j- .NT- ni n. . j . j t!at'l H f - . ; - r- , - pro-poslU- . ; c j ! f-- ' nxnh TIT Till TTh . PILES! PILES!! PILES ! 1 Merino, Iiiiderwear and Hosiery,., Great Httention has been unitl to these The vKntv ia innrh : Sure cure! for: and than ever. fer Indies, Misses and Childi en can u found without Anythiu;,that U Piles i On box has euredthe worM ases tof SO years' standlne No. .jj.it one .rftfd suffer flvei m nutes after v KouAehecpiiiK Goods. linaiu s Indian File Ointment usinij. ' Talile linens, Nrpkinv Towel, Crashes, Curtains and Curtain Nets, Qmlts. n.i Its tbsorbs tumors. llavs itchinir. i. a poultWe. gives in.staut relief P e J tut ii'wit uc, fliive jusi peeu openva. All new auu tresli. par-- 4 Piles". itchiDg o t.li tor 'tuly else Soid by Oia I'llUKU ARE PAKTICIXARIT ATTRACTIVE THIS SEASON: private 'purts,-nothin- g .2 pw m. on receipt of . mailed 4ur irnggisrs ' ? 50c nid fi ,0ft ORDERS Ret'EIVE t)UR BESST ' ATXENf ION Proceedings in the Clawson case re pri.e, n or sale ov i M I Drue Dept sumed with the examination of Henry FRAZIKR jilKClCINK CO . PlOp'S.i Dinwoodey, who was again asked to .! Cleveland, Ohio. swear that the reason he did not speak Ux the defendant regardlnjt his rela Tnonaunti hay no. V Mr: T. W. Atkins, Glrard, Kan.. tionship with L.ydia Spencer was be cause he knew she was his wife. ;. The writes: "i never nesiiaie to recom-- : mend your Electric tBitters to my cus defense objected to the qqegtioa as tomers, mey give .entire satusiactiou immaterial and as tending to bring be-- i and are rapid sellers." Electric Bit are. ters medicine the purest, ana nestcure fore the Jury by indirection evidence known and will positively Purilv therr which cooidjnot bereacuaddlrcctljr.Thc and Llrer coruDliuts. question was withdrawn! for the pre blood, and regulate the bowels, No sent, and the witness was next ; asked family can afford to be without them. in If his interest in the outcome lot this They wlli8are hohdred ' of dollars ' doctor's bills etery year case was not with the defense., lie sold at uuy cents a noitie oy as. u a answered affirmatively. The first ques- - M. 1. Drug Store v tion was then repeated i 4 t - Mr; Bennett again ' objected to this In .ot ' the present low i and likewise to the citation of evidence priceconsequence Jew Goods Selected for this of wbeat tne lloneer Koller Miller Company have proportionately alleged to have been given by the witness before the grand Jury, as it was made a reduction in the price of their is not surpassed in quality ad improper ' line r of ; procedure, flour, which any article of the kind in the world.: to prejudice the f de- byThey tending are also prepared 'td exchange cause f In t the eyes flour for gooo. clean wheats (no other fendant's Cassimere Suits from $S to $15. with farmers and customers of the Jury. The rules of evidence, he accepted) at the, mill 63 North Temple Street,' s maintained, should be strictly observ- - r.ast. uuice :u ooutn Aempie a 4 I jien-- xioots trom $3.50 to 5. . street, ; s ed? particularly In a tale lpce this, surd&slia. WesUi, rounded as it wss by unusual heat and i Utah Bitters, cure chill and fever, excitement, and the prooeddrej it was cases in auowaoie oi omy tempiea "Prices, fa uJd?rwearj, .every variety, x t AlwaV BetteMd " Warrastnl! impeachment of witnesses.- - "f sore eves.hnrns. ' Frostbites,, inflamed Mr. uicKson, tn repiy, neia that they n , i j j lieing f were strictly within the tules of eyl-- nruises, cuts ana oia sores, cured a x i. or once njoney reiqpaea oy your dence and were entitled tp the broadest djrnggist.your ut. s.Av."0 ; xf Jury This is the positive war latitude where, as in this case, ' a ranty placed on every box of Brown's ' V. ; Ltoiits aintl. Shoes and Groceries! hostile to the prosecution j Arnica Salve by the Brown Medicine and ManuXacturlng Company. Only t They had a rights he claimed, to reach cent.. dfcs . evidence by indirection,' as by asking a witness if he did not remember testi ,W HATE TESTED TIIE-M.- , fying differently before another tribu "No' Cathartic Pills now manufactured nal or on another occasion,' to' what he Will compare with Jirown'AlJver PUia. now did, ii It was the intention to rre- -' sUre'fntherctlon. ilPdeaS ra sel S fresh the witness1 memory and f ollow FUIsh! Liver "Vi i .jj"ov i w jirowu'ft With evidence further connected by up ;.. tor the blood, use Brown's the question. v ". . . '.; '". For. Scrofula, se fBrqwn's The Court held that the prose of Sarsapartlla. FOr" KheuhiAttam. nse t Till 4 f si. tt.ii U3 the r eprosecution was . ai; ?wable, Brown's Sarsaparilla,! "V and the witness pera yrt j receat Illness lale'a mitted to answer the ' question, Dm voaoind. uoz to 'aoanr more i m his be which be r did to "tbe effect that bbi an .;u.il until . CiJi i.t it --fcA iu oTTuer supply ih,ti th" ,iaj-- i i erba Buena Bitters. silence' respecting tbejielfendanl's with Lydia was ' not due' to f hlsi knowing that ' she " was ' his " Wifa. Boron on for VLe 'wasext asked'if 'he knewyei i&AaiufoH bora .tfcro6.tr- - uoarse- where his Wife, Mrs. Annie Dinwoodey vwut"".'0vi: uns. rLiquid, a r. UI wa$,'and nswerect"that he did hot; he was also asked if he did not1 know to avoid-beinshe was hiding-awaflth and vigor and; cures Dyspepsia. subpoenaed. He disclaimed thit .also wn non-residen- s rv '' n ' , v Great Reductioh'in Prices;: ft'O tn CD TIIE KAV1I.I.XM skatIKU RINK This popular place ot cheap andi W. H. H. Bowers, JR. B. Wilder, A. Bechtol, J. W. M ason. ' Thomas Smith. The clerk read the indictment to the jury and the trial proceeded. Miss Alice Dinwoodey was called for the prosecution and testified. Her testimony did not differ from that giv en by her at the first trial r Henry Dinwoodey, being sworn, tes tified. The enly new things advanced ask-thiby the prosecution were witness whether be did not on a cer tain day have the defendant; deed to him a piece of real ,estato (the 18th Ward property of the defendant) With the motive of protecting the interests of his Florence. daughter, as against a second wife. ; that defendant had; taken or was going to take? The witness admitted the property transfer, but repudiated the motive suggested. He was then asked why he never spoke to the defendant about bis relationship with JLydia Spencer, and was requested td swear that he did not refrain from it because morally certain that she Was his second wife. He took the Informal oath" and was menasxeuiio swear mat ne uiu not admit before the Grand Jury that. that was his moti ve in keeping; silent on the patter. He signified his willingness to swear to this, and Mt. Dickson, his confessor, then desisted. Court took a recess till 2 p. in. 1 ; J. J. Farru,j P. E. J. B. Griffin, - John Knapp, I I , irMUPQIRTUIIID rOSt HAX.E AT COST I , A lot of Cane and Oder Mills, Avery Gang Plows and Coates' Hay Rakes. John W." Lowkll & Co., DOMESTIC PLUSHES Salt Lake, and Ogden. Home made and imported turnlturi at Sandberg, Burton & Gardner's,: opA5U dtf. , posite Z. C. M. I. ' , BCTAIIi CLOTUISO BtTTER!) Will find it to their interest by exam Inlnc my handsorad line ol roen'c buys' and children's tsults. which I sel from two to three dollarn lower lliau the Maine can be purchased at any other Call and see goods house, In the U. Quluskhu. and prices. j city. - .', t M - non-residen- ce Fitzgerald, Charles Connor, Charles Barnett, Henry Denhalter, r X IC". lit Carved Wood Mantels,- with Mirror' anu uraie, an complete at' i M. HINWOODRT'S dtf Furniture Rooms. Mr. George Dunford informs us tbst it la 30 years ago this- month that he brought his first stock of merchandise to Una city, &ad that he ia better' able to supply the people with Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps am) (ieuts1 fnrnishlni; Goods than ever before, and we ttdvitte his numerous friends tu jcaJl and see - - ' CURTALY POLES, jf d .jr. Mirr hnv' clotm1 , , of the defendant. Mr. All! and Mr. Clasby excused on the same ground. Mr.j Griffin passed for cause. Mr. Bredemyer the same. Kepple said he had formed ah unqualified opinion as to the guilt or innocence of the defendant, ;and Van excused Sir. Knapp was passed for cause. tlie same Mr.; challenge in the case of these jurors as in the case of the three above named Mr. Varlan then examined the jurors. He also passed the Jurors for cause Mr. Bredemyer was excused on the peremptory challenge of Mr. Varlan. This left seven in the panel box. Mr Bennett objected to the two last jurors being sworn. .Overruled The following five additional names were then drawn from the box : W. L Plckard, . L. Ordner. M. Thomas, A Podlech, Gnstave Schulte. They were Immediately excused on the ground that they had formed an unqualified opinion as to the guilt or innocence of tb defendant. f . . .wsre Five more u. tnen drawn from the box as follows: A. C. iirfxcr, W. H. H. Bowers, William Clays, S Hanak and E. B. Wilder. It was discovered thet Mr.. Hanak was not a taxpayer. He was therefore excused. ;; The name of Thomas Carter was then drawn from the box. Mr. A. C. Brixen, Mr. Clays and Mr. Carter were excused for having formed an unqualified opinion. Mr., Bowers was passed for cause. Mr. Wilder the same. The prosecution being satisfied with these two last Jurors, they were ? duly sworn. , ! Three more names were drawn from the Jury box as follows : Charles Thomas Dlmond and J. BT Burton. Mr. Ormond was excused as a of the ; district. The name of C. J. Carmen, was substituted. Mr., Dlmond .was also excused as a and the name of M. Bennett-Interpose- utiil TriAii'a I manufactured by myself and expresir for this market, now ready andoffered to the trade at lowest eastern w hoirr sale rites. Also a' fall line Of LaU. boots, sents furnishing gobdsihlanket4 ouuh auu srioves airecv which from the manufactory.'. impruiuuii I, will Mell to the trade at lowest prices. Or ders promptly filled. L. Goldb kru . t ' ' ' COEiF KCUOOI. DESUS.. , . We have on hand a few dozen of our old make School desks which we will sell at cost, and respectfully invite school trustees to examine our new Desk, which iwe claim is inferior to none, and cheaper than any .imported; sandberg, Burton ,t Gardener,, oppo- -, Site Z. C. M. I., Box 003.. !, uisrtf t . Cun-ningto- sr . . --El J ct ntrwk- - i - 7 BUSINESS NOnCKS wholxsals ;irrnxi BtirrestN Will find the largest and best selected : OBTAtKaTEXAMIXATIOX OF V I I y rmM 6 - KOVOU i PAI j Cure .1tarrhua rl AntdV TJlbrrfv Mrs. living at l tfcrnally for aches, pains,, sprains wa.next sworn;; . t r woodey'sr theuoxUtsia lor neuralgia, 'I have never seen Lydia were Spencer. I neadacbe, man or beast. so and 60c." -""i" do not know that there nights, during the time defendant and his wife lived t MrsiPlirwoo ieysr yciieni.he 3:11. inn KM fillno-- t lnviVm did not stop there ; I slo not remember and nervous, use " Wells ifftflth irrt Be- -' declining to tey all , night with Miss to the oo had hat I Clayss-- i 'ground ' " J j. ' wist in.hex bushaad'. tit stay with .Florence, abteaea-- l Xfu M-5M I, rok. Jwaxsr U ,tpes JC.jCslnkjt pe&ted his former testimony. John Cats rnises, Sores, i Ulcers, alt M..Xeun' was then put'on the standi kaeum, iever. JSoreev Tetter, CtMPiirHands. Chliblaias. ("orua nd all skinErnptkns,'-anpbrtvveV 'cures Piles., "Stxs--M.IHeleir ft or Honcisa do pay required . It U"anaraiitccd Wratney went" to' E4s j53iuiiml to attend the.,Bellf. Society Cdiferedce afiDavil Stake, QuartO-theld t that place v n i. Tax nieeUerol 1 tii'illgV- Council Pever. 1 r rocured a Lotti cl jLiy'g this evenlcjt at ih.9 Social . HUat 7 ana ir 9 cara ry jti dm-.- . if 4 r'.e i , ; CtaxUi . A-gi- t , , . f OK 'cramna- - COUcL 4 f j au V - n a nvs 'Mb.' 3; n "d. i u . 1 i iit rtqijedj' . i(f lj ' I a Are )n Id'- In .'A . : Novelties It 1 .0 v Hi , . I .J-- .) 'i'bl U c r i "i ,t t, .11 ;W,a 1it.y ti c .i 1 l:it. . ji.i-rj- . fe:J.' .eat.iI'.'.-KSU- . . - on L:i.wl ii .'.I ti.ii. I Ti.ii... t lLil.)( 3.i'H.l a! M.: 2 j.-t u. i:.l. 'i. lirr-f- Cl ,Xl.".l 94AJ Jia" - ;(;'i Lr.d.iv? . .... .,,....' u u I i ; .y, ; ivi ," i : ' jvi:i bi.i aoi jjlw .;-.- : I re .'.a: .r ;tJ.:i V ,S j i .it' 1 1 n- i Hr .. .''I : r. .. '.1 i. I , AND . , ' PPICESS ESTIIE I'JEST; ,1..... 1 .iii ' . r Mlx .lte. 'J ,.'.a'. f 9U JSt t .1 tat -- ; Jf .11 - oj Jri 1 ng o'!Vw:k,i jProi? JbAJJliN J :VA4 FHled,,UpJ.rlUi latest for thVFaU V AfVA?; .tUs-tnorni- to-d- OUR GENTS' FURNISHING i. a .- - ' P ! I . . J -t g excusea, :. )- -' I C ' . T .IS i - - i ! Q! 1 j:.. .;.;( un j ' i.- ; 7 j |