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Show ',",il,,MM,'',M,wM,MMIM'' """: r '' r EVENING NEWS! education; ocenpy'1iigh:tnoral plane and are an intelligent and. exemplary community. ; . be.-a-- These hypocrites aaould,,iibt At 0f K O'CLOCK. A ' V aureus to hare Mormonianv "stamped oat,"" as tliey appear to be, because If PRiMTEtt AND PUBLtSMEO BYVrHE j this were done a proline source of DESERET NEWS COMPANY. financial proflt would disappear. o etabar 4, 18S4. i , People s ticket. FOR DELEGATE - TO CONGRESS, orticei-nolders,w- JOHN T. CAME. bo . SELF-CONVICT- OF ED LYING TRUG The dally Slanderer alias Tribune, of this city, cannot or will not state any fact in controversy without' either a boat it or so mlsrepre- squarely lying .n ( n ... I. Vn. .LUC UCUCblVU .UivUUbo lb lUJb KUUUj to the same thing aa a he. This mora lu, in replying to the remarks of the -. t- - , f'V contradicted This in the Slanderer own report of the, rs matter. . It"Is; there shows that was ch Hanged for Implied biasV and the challenge was overruled.That ' be was then challenged, for actual bias and the challenge waajverruled.""Its V i Report saysr Zane4-- I overrule the chal"JudgeIt appears the Juror is too lenge. anxious to be relieved from duty." A recess was then- - taken-,- until 2 o'clock. 1 i . In the report of the afterilO0n proceedings in the same sheet after considerable business had been transacted it says: . J. J. Farrell. J. T. Beers. B. E.Fitz- irerald and Charles Connor believed it was wrong for a man to have living ana unaivorcea more tnan one wiie at the same time, and were all passed for anti-Morm- on al non-crimin- Mr-Bee- 'J ',' . METAPHYSICAL Harder...... Manslaughter.......... - 1 20 2 17 1 Burglary. ? i ' 'f i 41,402 40 22 Mormons, 22, or 6 H to every 278 40, or 163 to every l.ooo. Had there been aa many voters in Utah County as there were Mormon voters the criminal roster would stand thus -: . i 8,402 Mormons, 22 563 J or kM 3,402 1 non-Mormo- ns, ; non-Morm- cause. on non-Mormo- ns, Here, then, the paper which declares that Beers "was discharged upon mak- jug his statement"; shewing actual bias, in another part of the same issue reports that he was passed,": .When writing for inside matter the scribes of that mendacious concern should examine its hinder parts, so as not to convict Itself too plainly of lying. The A 'v same report any a "The defense exercised its first per- -' emptory challenge on J. T,- Beers.'1"! Thus It appears from its own columns that. Instead of the Jorof Beers I being discharged upon- -: making - his statement, challenges- - based" on .that statement were overruled, he wasac? the cepted and passed as a, juror' by : prosecution and the. court, Just as ire said. But afterwards it appears that the defense exercised its right of 'per- emptory challenge," which neither the prosecution nor, the court could deny , and only on that ground was the Juror excused. The Tribune has become so reckless in lying that it continually ; exposes and refutes Its ownp state u ' ments. S V. One more Instance will suffice lot y. We exposed the Tribune's y false charges against hi Jtrprii lo did not decide according tion. une jurors aiiacr eetoeaijii tea plained on the trourid that Tie "bVrtted large herds of stock, and was afraid -- - -- i the "MprnKmsmonld 1&re-m-b has been proved that the taan own any stock 4nlTrritory.si. doot that another jurer was "The reason, stock-man was because down as a Eut has been :such tor several rears -- past, and men who knew him well Lad never neara oi ms gifing p we "ousr ' ': ness. article oa la the flame A little further i jtsays: re- marrame for nis irigiu temperament and excoriating analysis of men and things. He would analyze, speculate and criticise on his mother's grave. One can see how his race could pro duce a Blair, a Karnes or a Camobeil. but how that cold, calculating, unsentimental people could produce a Burns, a Thompson or another campoeuis ' one oi tie mysteries. ' 13 S 2 i ;PKOVO ' in November 7th, citt votes were polled for Caine, 90 for Van Zlle.. or i' gtol.. The arrests of criminals for the year . were as loiiq wa : " Non 1882. 711 - 1 : Petty Larceny Misdemeanor Profanity ..............M'nTsM'm's 1 ;1 o : . Vagrancy....'.............. ....... zt. mtoxieaiion.... 2 2' 6 o 14 Selling L,iqnor....i......... Assault ana Dattery........ i 2 Disturbing the peace SCOT, who is a deputy sheriff, and who is 6 Larceny Assault and battery Blot at strikes.... .Housebreaking. Assault to commit murder,... Train wrecking f to-da- on tk court. ii, 1 . Nkws about the passing of the Juror Beers by consent of the court after he had confessed! to an opinion against the defendant which the Court'con-sklere- d actual, bias, the , Slanderer said: t . ''The upon making the state- -, jaror a fact widen the meat wad News must have kuowo. but It could think of no other mean through which to throw out its dally sneer at the f : 1 non-Morm- o 2 Mormons 47. or 68 to every 1.000. W non-Mmons 83. or 922 to every ,aow, ji Mr. van - zue naa naa as many, supporters In . Frovo as Mr Caine. iz : 711. f ana if tney were as criminal lawless, as the 90 were, the . r &lenda would standi 711 Mormons, 47 or 655 711 And when we take into account the comparative grossness of the crimes committed by the two classes, the of Utah County, like those bf this city and of every other county. and village in Utah where eity, town they are to be found practicing their should hide their heads diabolisms, fortbe-evils from shame they commit as compared with the Mormon people whotiJ the inOrcJrabid among 'ttieip, so 711 ot . 1-- 14 non-Mormo- ns, BbsalmaiWMuVdefs. SAM-M- or mons; manslaughter.!, non Mormons: riot at strikes, 13 1 and 2 Rftnons;'jwin-wTeckiag,2, All these are murderous I elemental and all except two tby non-- f MOTnions,and these two were incited to rips oy foremen, t ,H tiie majority (Aiormans) were as mons) Of Utah are, the police forces of onr cities and towns would nave to be Immesjelr,. Increased which would greatly add to the expensiveness of our swell, oar municipal governments-an- d and seriously threaten the overthrow i i . a i tin wholesome which ts so rand moral compared with and elsewhere. mon" society here : yorexanrpie?'- - It is seen brthe Utah rCounty statistics that mons" were arrested Ave for murder, 13 for riot, and one for two 'for attempts at train wrecking Total 21. -- non-Mormo- ns non-Mormo- ns, non-Morm- on 1 1 ' . NEXT IS ' . f! , . know-nothin- gs 1 - antl-"Mo- y anti-"Mo- ; man-slaught- er, Bs ' non-Morm- f anti-aiorm- on or the; Romanist religion, slavery and other issues. The fact is there li more prohibition in democratic States and districts under the local option law than there is anywhere under Here in systems. republican tne press republican tried to make poor bewildered temperance folk believe that demo cracy and free rum were synonymous. Finauy tne temperance men saw through the flimsy veil of republican hypocrisy and they started candidates on their account. Now the party organs are charging the prohibitionists with aiding democracy. They even charge democrats with alt the sumptuary legislation from Maine to California. The same way with religion. They used to howl about the danger to from an alien citizenrepublicanism to an ship and a servile submissionsame relien potentate. Now, these publican organs that used to traduce poor religionists for their belief, are cringing, crawling and begging for the vote of the alien religion. The same way with slavery. Good citizens have been gulled with this bloody shirt bnncombe, until they saw the mockery of the spectacle and are now earnestly working to bridge; the awful chasm made by the fanatic on one side and the stubborn obstinate on the other.. So the republican party is now like the disinherited spendturift, endeavoring to live on Its wits." This was in substance ' V. j 'LOST. prfcaas . - warded.4 w which they at , , r11l he ray9nll , ANNUAL MEETING OF THE of the Utah Eastarn Railroad will be lielJ ,at the Company's Orace, salt Lake city, utan Territory, .on Friday. November 17th. 1S4. St S o'clock P. m., for the purpose of electiaf directors for ! tne ensuing vear. T. 8. McMCRRAT. Secretary. dtd Salt Lake City. Oct. 16th. lSfts. . , 3 r - hls , -- ; h-- r . . - -- rr tolt-gi- on a.: 5 ' -- - i' close-flttln- flsoi5; BEPARTM EXT OUR .. JPeterson'8 Meat Market. PETEKSON ,& WEST, BXJTOHEHS. Miitfea aud Triiuutlng Onr Onr Ladlea'ClalhandFIaiWlsDept Impart meat, A Omi; Table Ubnaa assd Haafa Faralslv I , Hotdy and, Ulot Uepartaat, iar Oar Cloth sad t'aaalmere nepsrtmt, Oar Kali WsoleaiA and Conef 1 ....... Ira. ai a - V partaa, , : ,,;.'"' artsnet,i.:,i!,OnrlJtwaaidliWPH"': Onr JaerisMS and 9tsaalta j'BMlerwv Uur Curtain aud Drapery Deaari " f ... Oepartnaaal. 'I. J, 'A ' . jMoveuies irom ursi nana i Are constantly repienisnea wun vne and sold on the lowest, possible luargins coiupa.We with fair dealiDtf. Company all its Brandies, at Wholesale and Retail. J1ILL1ERY in A vrafc- X a I T : Oalt . I'i I ' '' 1 ' I I. '. ? , , - ... A i N ' - g- .. '. ; , '- - sw , Oruec, etc..mmSavor arasaaa.' " . ' CALDER, Executors of the' Will of Dand O. Calder, ax deceasea. V Mall Order Solicited and Honorable Treatment Guaranteed, a Fruit j t . . ) Dr. P,rlces Xupulln Yeast Gems, But Orr Baa TmA BY OROCERS.'f FOR SALE M.VEE BUT ONE VJUALITT. ' j V ii WE ARB NEVf RUNDERS0IJ). TOTWrrHSTANDTNG GEORGE THUR GOOD'S breach of to ns and L( to his old r.uito- the invitation he extend'promise T I Wld Mg UVU, VUk Ul. gUVU Will HI to return our thank the Globe Market.desir to tnem ror their uuerai patronag In tbe past, and hone that in the disposal of non but CHOICEST MEATS to retain their A' patronage in the future. SHERWOOD BROS.,' t dtf Opposite Z. C. M. I. Prico Ba kins Powder Co., Chicago, III.' MKCW St. Lou la. Mo. Dr. prices Cream Baking Powder .'.' DAVm-ti- !; --Aall-catelr .. j;, .,,?' .,; I3a..hfi EStABLlSiIEl) '' y." ..." j i. :. i,,,:. i ,WK DR. FOOT, ' Jr., of New York,) Sslbv Cahteb, the benefits derived from - 49" Office hours, 10 to 4 and Hating been afflicted aU my life with Sercf oL. tmj ytra aaemed saturated with it. Ml 1 eanteaut in .tchea, Ulcers, and Mattery Sovea, all ovr my body." Mr. Carter states that ns was entirely cured "tythe use of A Tin's f?AK9Ar arilla, and 'since 'iltebn- tinuing its use, eight montha go; lie bjur ' lad no return of the scrofulous symptom. All baneful infection of tba "blood are promptly removed by this 'nneqnalled altera- ' ': 1' . rBEPABin bvi- i BE to 8 p. m.--a . Cbromo ana. remal uu veiormiueB, etc r - : j cated Baths, etc.' . b-aaraate4."Wrlte for list of mumoauua, cireuisn, ete. Hu.nnnw, Vityta made.., fhreaalugicai Chart given Cloalagi aat thla aatlra Une of Iatdla, aliasea and. Children's Shoes. , - Ill 1 LE3 PEICES 'TdAN mnrt FRUIT CROR1884 s ij. . 1 1 and. our Oallvery Sarsaiauxa has Leave gddreta will over forty years been recognised by emW Wagons fr i c' t. - ' call. lent nie4ical authorities aa'tha most pow. erful Iblood parifler in exnuauee. It free SHlPriEiiTS FIBil THE COUIlThl the yats ion U ifaul, hnnsaav antietia Axk ZUl ,i - vw at aaai t Italian THOS. fW. CITY PAT RO NO bV :j' MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SH0E& . a healthy and a t WC ai 1 , Etums, Bloteb.es, 'BlnSrorm. "fa. mare, Carbaaoles,: Balls aad Kraptloaa Highest Market Price paid for of tba Skin, are the direct result of an all,. Kinds, of PRIED FRUIT. toneare sute of the blood. tXo enre these diseases purified, and restored to Jt.' 3$- - Y);0 riEV STJJCK OF FURNISHING G00D$,::: las,r .J m LATHBT TEASDEL'3! i... I m ! -- and all scrofulous diseases, Sores, Xryslfw. EVEE, WHICH WILL ASTONISH THS: i NATIVES. , 18B4 0TOOXC Tuia'a"! AT Book-Vee- , J t 9TXXXr milE SECOND TERM OF THE PRESENT "X; Academic Year 'of tba University wil 27th at negtn on Monday, October an. la . . ' t OF ' DESERET. m- t.j toe'bioM V. Ladles' Grain, Ooat Jjaarleaa and Frsaoh Kid, High, and Low Cui Shoes. Kid aad Satlm Slipper, at Sacrificing Price, aa I , .' 7J.1.1 "I Aiethods or Trettroent-llomcppat-hy. Eolectic, Electricity', Magnetism and i Medl at i 3B at Boat's make. In Ooat, Xmerlcan and French Kid, Sandals, Ties, etc.Lalso an endless variety of ' A the University Building-- Beginning classes in al! the studies bf the Winter Course will rnwo good agents wasted Wo. be organized as well as classes ia w. JTirst South street. Call at once, injf, Zoology Medisval JL History; Rhetoric ' BVKM 4 ROBERTS. ' and History o(.( EiiKlub Language, Tele srrapay and Spanisb. Iiesldea these,. ad vanccd claaae in all the studies Of the first ternr will be continued, except Physiology, ACRES QF NO. 1,LAND. NEAR political Economy, and Ancient History. SIX Tbe department of Deaf Mutes wUl still Cross Station, also near school bouse, with good ltrick house with 'six be open to receive pupils of any grade. For roomaaood cellar and granary further ... mot. u ..uu eooorate .I lafornuuioa relative to the school. En .r..m nm I., thft T.tr manri. to JOHN R. PARK," apppry i.lr. For further partlcnlars apply to ' 2 dAwle i, President. i KAN. . , wood's Cross, Davis Co., Utah ' d&sftre .. . 1 i UNIVERSITY ! CD Of William XMaease f Sold by all Drnggints: $1. i a bottlea for Ci : 7 Main St., between 3d and Sd South Streets.) CONSULTATION FREE on all Nervous. ;' :::-..-:- Mast. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, ,; :' f '. Full Iilne of Misses'. Clilldren's and Infants' ' located permanently at Salt Lake City, 4 C- - Ayer's Sarsaparillai, tive. ' Author, Lecturer, and America's :; Greatest Specialist. "iof ,of Nashville, Tenu., . v f 4?$ AT I W I -- te and trehgthens hloodrentovca all traees f mercurial treatment, and prove Itself a eoniplete nuutar of all scrof nloos disease. "rin 9"1 H .orta. ! oomm iwwini ago was troubled iwitb t sores fceoiaioas (a leant) on In' iiau war oaaij swollen aad - inflaiMd. 4 soi-euiscnargea large qoantitia of toirenstve matter; -- Kiecr remedy I tried Avr.a'S SAIUAfARttT.A. I now VllL.:br of which taken three bottles' aitU that tha sore ara toealed! sud uy esmtral aicnha greaUyiimprovad! '1 By . Rail recalvod at the depot . Has a Our own wagon visit dally for (he benefit of shippers ; at tea aid esUbli - hroent of Mis Nlli -a' A AND RX5PXNKTJ - e"-- v j UOUPIiSTD i . fC-Q- , m- OK Tr And respectfolViriTftes ttj.i'i her s -- A " ' a ' 7' '. "' hto, and the nub tcaeneralivle' rail..,.., r w J 1 S 101 '"Tt No. tl.rsalt Ttetn ..4 ' a. Nw Tore. vvr ' i!xx ix-ajc-ii iriad I s a-- a JostVeeasved from q' sVi'i CoUbrook, with. rt t I; t 1r O OP MILLINEBY NKW, SS MAIN -- 4 ST. awTirnw medicine has done me. j ', Your rsspecifnlly,- - Mns.'ASS su, New. York,f Jan 24.1S8Z ,i.lt Sullivsn J rs-- r f; it"g, ' " . 0Buk A c ?ERS03;8 OWLNO TERRITORIAL, Air aersaas UUmted ara lavlted SfiT1 5 ramafaiing at' to vail on Mr. O'Brian; also on the Slst day of October P Kov. X. P Wilds of 78 East MtbTatrwT Naw York Olty, who will take pleasure 2filL!?J?.roclm " diately In tetirrlng to the wonderful esicacy'af "y law required. .co,,t Ayer's Sarsaparllla, not only 1st tha eara l9' Cf X1 of tais lady, bat la his awa easa and of VUh, mi? many outers within ala Itnoalga. wV "T Pwon neglect or refuse to pay taxe on or before tbe 81st day of Ocio- ,.Theoll4aK)aTi wrfrojfBoia tkrald: B. W. BALL, of Jlochetter, JfM., LaIiiVMuW,!J th assessed, it rke,JuU Kth? personal duty of the Collector to levy .;A noon enough r I, 192: " if j taxable r th & pay the Uxe HaTlnjt suffered sersraly for soma year eoVulnd vllh Eczema, and having faUad to nnd relief, proceed to sell tie same," etc and .ront other remedies, I bav mad nse, during ' n ,,",, '1 ror'NAT. JONES, tlie ast three month ot Area's Saksapa-niuu'Collector 6aU Lake County. which has ffeciBd a complete cure. i I consider it a maguUicwjt ?.c?' Court cnnty remedy for all blood diseasss." City, October 20th. xSa! . dtf ' . t i.f there-wfL- TTTKJlI v i v . r in itn s 1 r L" i VIKTIR IN.UniE.CrTfrW ' .FINEST IMPORTED i "f;1076. - is i TTir STYIaEs FIT tax-paye- il ,;' ' . AMD ANO - . 6 DOMESTIC Aye rT6.Sarx5apari la stbaulates and ned vitality. ., f it it IneoRir aratly th cLvmt blood msdli cine, on account of iu concentrated ftrcogth, aud great pover ovtr 4aju--, , ;,lst j.,, i is it W if OFEBCOATIDGS ' Vworkua'nship.u:; QUAlXAJiTErlD- 1 tie Gout, Catarrh, Oenaral TJabUUy.aad all diaeases arising from aa impoverished or corrupted eonditioa of tbe btood, M a weak ' 1h . i regulates the action of the digestive and asMnT!atir'.'orgmN,reaea- and strengthens tli rltal force, and apsadily eares Eheumatlsnai Neuralgia, Xthemna. it rr,t. - IT tiJTiior-"riAniiET- ! : n Oppet tha Hooper a X3drc4ga E:;iui;.'i:3; iHuVi Bloc's." n:::-i- , a m airiiiir ,, - w - 10 fiT. , . . s i i , '"'"' , as trfe'best la the Kocky Mountains. Orders comlujr to Still nialnUlns its lead us from Denver and aa far st a Keno,Nevada We warrant every palrwe sell. street. f a; r .,.. -' , i I ' ,. ' .y Hat aud Cap, Boot, Shoe sad Dor Ont's.'Boys'j aajt Children's Clothing, ar J tUi Estate of David O. Caldcr, dec sated. Hubber and Furnishing Udpds Departments areUiecomplete our styles i newest, materials the mosirdurable and prices a lowest In the city. .' s, . GENT'S SUITS TO ORQEB at tearing of !5 per per cenr.and We XfOTICE IS ITEREBT GIVEN BT THE warrant fitmake and material. Call and convince yourselves. nnderuiirneU, Executors of the Will Jof David O. Calder, deceased, to the credi, . o A . tors of and all persons baring claims against ' A the said deceased, to exhibit them with tbe i V Kobe In Great Variety. necessary vouchers, within ten months after and. tSST BuggV Sleigh Blankets, tbe first publication of this notice to the said Executor at tbe store of David O. - 1 i Calder. 45 and 47 First South Street, Salt i , a i i; n tne county or suit iaae. iae vy ' Wholesale buyers ncd not be tola that pur stock lu all the above lines is Dated at salt Lake Clty.Sept. 27th, 1884. JAMES SHARP, thelargest in toe KOCKyAiountains ana mat out. pricest compete aii.1143 ! viL JOS. E. TAYLOR, !" . ea. ". of Latest Styles la all desirable falrlc ' Shows a most Beautiful Assortment NewaiaraVts and graceful Ku.sian Circulars are the ludln The ol Ladiet' and Children's Utuineuu to season, and oiff large sales styles of tbefall glve.ns tie insurance that our styles are correct and our price early In the f 'h most reasomable -o: V K', - racMttt av tms ...h j mat-ress- '" . , Flavor They Stand Alone, , ,oi A M Our Zadtes' (ind Mteses' Cloak Ifepartmtht JTOTIOB. j, r.4 .v i - ; VELVETEENS Velvets ever made, positively superior Ut The best substitute fdr Lyons of color. Inspectioa invited, far no lady them in durability and stability' should buy Velvets, Silks ot Dress Goods without nrst exaiuiuiug aud pricing ; our superior stock. 4 n NOTICE jTO CREDITORS. . 1 OF THE ASSORTMENT JfTJLT ;. H.NTD1OT tire that the annual meeting of the Stock holders will be held at the Ward House of West Jordan, Salt Lake County ..on Monday October 87th, 18M, at 1 p. nr., for lion or seren iTustees. Traaanrav for tbr ensuing; tWO years Sad for tb transaction of such other business as may be brought before the meeting. wtl JESSE, W, FOX. Secretary. For; strength and True mi, , . ' THE SILKS having Us uaiue wovtu - STATIONliRJ . BLAGK The very best in the world, every second yard into the falvage to prevent counterfeiting. .V ruarar vjmon. Blue - MIRGUERITB CACHMERE THOS. E. TAYLOR. if Af- iTHE CELEBRATED- - V I Tmm - r ; - j NOTICE. aaa aataraUy aa taa fralt ft"' " BY TiELBGRAPH AMEBIC AN to:- T stockholuers of will south rrHE; the take no JL , Jordan uanal Cakea, CraaaM, XTMiaiaa, Jtcc, : wiiTiur ctio TOuoiiK Eastern vttaea. ! j a tm i - ' ; TaalUa, Xi i to-o- ay aajr FULL STOCK OF LYOSS VELVETS & PARIS BROCADES v ' A t high lis Twenty Dollars per lanl A."; itt m He said: "Judging from the head lines adorning the frontispiece of this aiscourse aenverea oy lirigham xoung, Feb. 8f 1807, it is' supposed by a repro- uueuon or mis sermon tnat a feel Lug of ridicule for the j Mormon Churcn can be excited in the bosoms Of these logical Gentiles. Afcireful perusal of tills discourse even as re produced in the Tribune of Sept. 21, 1884, fails to discern anything ridiculous or inconsistent with literal tural Interpretation, or even' scripwith sound common sense." "If you do not believe it cease to call him father; and when yoo pray, pray to some other character." If there is any man of ordinary common sense or with even the most superficial acquaintance with the who can cavil at theEnglish orlanguage accurlogic philological acy of this sentence, I would like to see him. Such a man would be an interesting specimen of eccentric development in humanity. Again he says; "If any of job do not believe this, tell us how and what we should believe. If I am not telling you the truth, please to tell me the truth on this subject and let me know more than I do know." If there is anything dogmatic or tending to the absolute in spiritual rule: in these words it Is difficult by any construction, interpretation or rendering Id see where it is. - Snob, is not the heard from the ortholanguage usually in his oulDit. With htm dox Christian ; ... it would be: lf yon do notlbelieve neyou are a vagabond, Tascal, a scoundrel, hell is open to receive you. and if you dare to question my authority there is the rope and the lash: and you shall get your and great portion..meI. am the it Is to God owes his 'lam, on majesty earth,' This Is how the food divine from Kalamazoo would 'unburden himself, and his I benighted followers weuld see nothing extravagant in his blasphemous 'flatulency. ' Taking a philosophical estimate of all sects In the Christian world, the of biblical language given byexposition the Mormon Apostle is Just as consistent and more acceptable than any given by the Kalamazoo divines. , It is true the latter taiy feel aggrieved at likening their conception of their God to a mule, but the simile is happy and appropriate. Kalamazoo theology is a kick-n- r, f 'or the biting, slanderous one, and its followers cannot escape each other's ibuii wu ii u nvuuci we iaM OI the KUkeany Cats , has not long since m uciaueuiuieui. Uu ' . ,'f of the Alderman on the sermon and editorial published In the above mentioned paper. It was received with universal approbation. A good deal of conversational debate was indulged in on the subject of religion and its duties, obligations and requirements. Its relation to politics was also discussed. The 4at German laughed at the Salt Lake editor's alarm as to the growing power of Mormonism. He characterized .it as a mild type of Monomania or Mormononania, sthe good German laughing immoderately: at bis own pun. He then told the story 6f the Jew who fancied that a thunder-storwas caused because he eat some pork for dinner. It appears the Jew liked to indulge in a little hog without the world being the wiser. But as he went out after eating, a terrible storm arose and in this he saw the manifestation of an angry providence This was the German's estimate of Salt Lake editorial talent as represented by the Tribnne. Juxics. RKMARKS OX , A MORMOX P1SCOCRSE ' Goods Department eontatns Oar Mlk, Hatla, Velvet; ehalcest pradoeta of be Europeaa loom and Is proaaaaeed by tourists as the fcaraeat and Beat between Chlraao , Me la H .aad Saa sraetsca, aad aa 7 1 IF I ' ' THE RUNNING COMMENTARY the r A--- . and Salt Lake papers whether Mor mon or Gentile are eagerly perused and wnat is better both sides are per used with a critical and acumen hitherto unknown analytical in these matters. Charges preferred at either side must at least have a semblance of probability before being entertained The old story of a woman told me that a woman told her Is no longer accept- wadnahang a dog on all the hyotmStical evidecce ail the modern orthodoxChris- tianlty could furnlsh.The Alderman had tneisait Lx.e urunine of sept. 2lst 1884 and was Just entering into a disquisi tion on a sermon reproancea in tnat paper from a Mormon source. 't Express,! . WE CARRY 1TTEDXESDAT EVENINa. OCTOBER Vv 23nd, a roan MARE, a little white on left hind foot, branded with a croes'(Church imnHt a ahonldcp aad- vented on thiarh. ludistinct J on left ribs, and on left resembling Jb combined. thigh alastbrand soen she had a tying strap on When with baiter neck strap attacnea, snoes on, Give infurmation at this office aad- be re st wnisr, Finax souxu '''' . INVESTIGATING THE AFFAIRS OF UTAH, klg: S ,; 'I ; atU Freaeh 1. i , " t r For every on of our numerous Departments. 1 " K T"y , h "b ' antees satiafaction. - Vi' MILLEB BROS., f iA i proprietors. f . Mill Creek WardAJS. L. County, UUh, Oc as saw im tober lotb. 184. , A i t; mm. by Freight and la) rejbetjpt, -- SAUSAGE A SPECIALTY.. Family Trade Solicited. Order by Telephone 111 - 1 ' .!,, - THE PASTRY - , i LATESfO : NOVELTIES " v WCXPOISORJ IN an We are daily Mills have been through thorough prepared to do all Kinds pair and are -now Cuolom Grinding made a of CrlBdmg: . f 'hnnninff dona at all times. I). .ni.)rir. H. Allen.' Son of the late well known Miller, D, R. Allen, is running the mills, lie ganr 2 2X11 V w MILLER'S tilUA KNOWN AS THE rfiHE rea JL THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC, ! necessary-misrepresen- - commenced to collect according to law.' 67 Main Street. -- . ed -- - m'ww4bi,f , :v;"1"J .in iUERBACH ui;u. I9iuajsxa.u ALL PERSONS Iaris. are requested to settle with me immediately, or proceeding will be , an to-da- ,rlaty . " v- . ae. " n't .' - ASSIGNEES NOTICE. . f iami-Tyr-T- will sen write to T. Farmington, Ltan, - . - 1 - 344 "We hareuothlBglo take back, no-- LATJEST Bid UGnTMIXCl. thin? trt reuret and Bothlmr to explain wo of those said iuroH, away of what uily-band, moreovejtrWe are suntaloed fmen H. D. Ccoke L the best and most conservative aWASuixoTox, 24. made assignment to of the city.? Horace T. of the law firm Camming!) The falsehood aboat this, (ifOf c f -Of Cummlnge A Baker. Mr. Cooke ' not be denied, land yet it takes nothing says this action Is taken In order to owif we ad tht 578 protect the interests of all concerned back ud ha tnoth'inj to ' explain until the firm can arrange for resump3.402 Mormons, making 3,680,the to the after flouuderlng about In the' para- criminal product of the Mormons and tion or payment, j . i,;t. and now wants combined would stand graph we have clipped A a j HUUoc I FrMI in j the fMss aasn the public to betteve-thain the city sustain ftrfiwrulifaL-.3 Mbmphis. Tennl, 23. There Was a g caiortnurderH! f heavy killing frost last night, the first h nooas aooumftns private jiuaus aaa i jafor manslanghter. , P of the season. It was general through-o172 lor not. shameful assaults upon gentlemen in this section.'" The damage to crops 2G for attempts at train wrecklnz if any, will be very slight. The cotton the discharge of a swornuty. brc A U7 instead of Only 21,tke direct fruits in the botton lands only, may possibly never was a more' unprincipled paper ox lawlessness. be affected by cutting short the top published on the face of the earth. What enviable lessons these flirures but the lateness of the season growth, debars serious Injury' to .the mrjority teach! . How proud ;the Latter-da- y. of the planters. staiiaucs oaiots snouidieoi pvettaese antl-M,,j the : and how shame-lace- d Another Cable Fer. ANDPRAYERS WANTED "American gentlemonconspiratorsshould be U men'! forsooth PREYINQ-DONE- . Government will Ottawa. 24.4-Tthey were ., every sentiment the sum 6f $140,000 in estimates qot total strangers to are pay of shamed That they the coming season to lay a cable bewholly withA troM.c': naraerr wi Xerf 'troTii out the finer feelings of humanity is tween Nova Scotia and Sable Island. around ,.tie country lndlf putablyO apparent lov all who York, is traveling Belt TetophesM, in the Eastern States, 'making'' money know them as they are known in Utah. JtUSTOKICC examiner in Wastiixctox, i4.--T-he on the "Mornxmucstijon." r3he oj In the patent office in the celechief erates BlB ;ias capa4tyif anXcIal.o brated telephonic interferences patent ease here, sustained the decision of the Presbyterian mlsslen. According OUR CHICAGO LETTER. the examiner of interferences in favor that jhas reached us, to information of Bell as to the issues of B. C, D, E, she tells - ; pitiful story about the JL'XICS rCRXISHKS AX rNTERESTrKO F.) I, J and L, and have reversed the CORRSPONDEXCS decision as far as it applied to issue G, Vpoor degraded Mormons," and asks n (whictr Involves I the principal feathe prayers of her audiences for hap ture of the , telephone) which was icuooi iota J owc$ sratf Utah.: less awarded to McDonough and which Of course there is an appeal for examiners In chief have decided in Chicago, Oct. 20th, 1884. i all with this associated , Bell's favor;,' . , money pathpa, I and she not only asks tor; the irs jn 'celestial last rnoul Wi in a i of the people but preys upon thetoby In, out of Mi ec8tatie,and Jnsplrational theW y Jatajjathlesj npoa I; bod meats tiaia: operating vi w a,;gAA.; IXOSE MADE.' Sh6 asks for I misrepresentation charm her in all ? view But Having bought the balance bf stock THE MORMOX PRIEST SAYa J money to support the mission, schools f ItespUingreligion of j John C. Cutler, and replenished w&h indulgent arms. klesesag i stat-: here, and horrifies her hearers by about it, and my faora athe mills, we are now supplied rhat la my opinion full line of Home Made Woolen That hard little anticipated the condi opinion her friends In Utah inform her t Just as good as to that nte Is ing yours with y. ' tion If in of Goods, blankets, yarns, Jeans, tweeds, Chicago religion to are lvou if and is '."Mormon" missionaries of same the you; that by letter one offour opinion you attended and were be i dress flannels, plain and twill flannels, present as satisfied am." I will,be are deluding poor glrls of ; the .old Monday morning ministers' conclaves, If ever the eolden precepts, - ''mind misses and ladies stockings, men's and countries and seme in this to come to h wnnJri .1thr hkva to alter , his Con- - yoarown business, and boys socks, trunks, etc. and shall be .pursue your pleased to see old and new, rwheni theyrartlre. centiona of Ireliatoa o flnttA' taef defi own happiness" were more at this Territory practicalMost 48 W,- 1st South St. " ' patrons No. word. the for people may ly or more beautifully inculcated than of ' nition 'the Elders make , "wife-show- s' worus soat dtf toe si undetstaZKi ABro. V v J. religion In these aimple-worde--I wouhHiketo ' not and ligature come from the same root. know where. The Tribunt them, whatever that may inean.JI' ? has a done I , m!.' r; adds a double binding very sensible She asserts that; , : in publishing this i But the orenx.re Bsvfesi 4k Gardner . jteabars;, to the former word. It will then be sermon, and Ifthing force after carefulit all The Mormon men sit around In seen thatrel Igion and licentiousness are ly the Mormon-eate- rs reading don't "take a Repair .i kinds of woven; -wirei, . dts idleness supported by three or four both logically and etymologically oppo- tumble" to themselves then nothing ,C. j i" in .1 ... nf i' wives the first as drudge, the second site terms.; One. Implies restraint, make them . understand, , yjiless it The floral decorations on the Sacraas kitchen slave, the third lady of the aooexauonij kumperance ; reason, can) be landsilde-- or in the earthquake. dehouse, etc., all having degrees. All ludzment and all the attributes o; exhaustion of the mineral rcsoarces of mental stand in the Tabernacle, these men drink beer which has to be humanity which go to the Improvement signed and constructed by '. George and new by the women; and exaltation of mankind : the other ..a. perusal oi toe Hamlin, for the funeral services of the kept fresh eauoria; neaaed s lord- is very tyrannical and the. impltes wantonness, laxity. Impetuosimurdered Elders W. S. Berrr and John their are made afraid of ty, and all the base kinds ;of qualities 1 Glbbs appeared ' so ' pretty and creatures II. AN APFEATJ WfiOM. tZAVr poor ' that I photographed the same. them. And then the thousands of poor which go to the debasement; destruc leads one to thtnk Unique, that the paper must anq to perpetuate theuneducated children growing up In tion ana aepravity oi me numan of the on xne Aiormonism aione. live article above Elders, I thoughtmemory Utter is the "reUgion" of the Is that porignorance, would make the slavery and ache mi lear average cnieagOHUvme iwnu ume cringing hypocritical confession traits of these martyrs would be con your heart shouldfpr thenuvMy , and for tne tnat pray pernaps pity At one of these. Monday meetings any friends, we republican party sidered in their place etiwreathed In d we ape thing hut the salvation of souls, the may soon expire, and that the paper thtS floral emblem.' Consequently I poor Utah and her people-anwell aa not doing our part la the Held as work- -' proper way oi iiie, or tne auty ox man, conld Just adspt itself to Dem- applied to Mrs. W. S. Berry: of Kan-arr- a, lead them Is discussed. Iron County, and Mrs. J. H. would seem to ocratic necessities It auotes the re ers of God to not do more to f life.1 r :; j to ways be the dominant theme.and in scurrility publican platform to show tia party- Gibbs, of Paradise. Cache Conntv. ana vituperation tnese gooa a lvines spirit. lias anynode evr seen a Ke- fort the portraits' of their husbands! ' Manv other equally absurd false wara caucus pubtican platforea that did no have a f which tuerJTOiakindly. resnonded to rival , u - sir religions proscrtpove pianx'oisome Nw7iYprkTTQhlcgo hoods are D7this")?ron inTafl eisMrVin The1 intemperance amy. une time it msy De a witcn. an that I copied from was found In his VBoston. doleful whine,aiway'accompanicr of the a uaaker,' a JioanUt 'or a Mor- pocket at the time of his death; That language, the total disregard of other aid financial for for the mon. When th Democrats nt in a cf J. II. Gibbs was botorraphed with with an appeal ail the proprieties attending religion m tha nnnlllnit haraitriat.ia tt plank ft is generally for reiMoas tol- Llder W. H.Jones, ithe missionary that man mission work, which she com one timailwr its de escaped , These photographs are now eration.- And at nam tA the libor! among aeCladjniThese nfoiterai action ; In - this . ect ' it on sale at my gallery, corner of Third Vf them aajw toe aaenlU wiuu hUTOOuth cisive wasi designated "the Jesuit party. faouth Street and 1 WC fl pox. a certain after canaiaate's Main, r thy r- - 4 be mentioning t This editorial says : "in the treaenc mailed to any address at tte f j. As usual the natoei',What ..poie.tdo t ol such a man must oe. , .When "the and j under the feet c ! an alien ar l prices, viz. tax w, co ce 1 cc wing et of Utionand fabrications are furnished man of Mormon 25 cents: OoUP deedends' to such petty treasoraDie orgac'. i t...?: .creoscopic, fraud's i the' pious direct from here by leans asdrcentsi good in postage s: as this, it J no wonder socUUsa lam) Gentiles ar; t strife t "togett'sr Agents wanted in even- & who make "Monaoaiam" one of the and atheism are rampant. Religion is all Cfinocrat " 1'jden" as politics are agalpst the rCaa get UuT . &t. haropolltics rf7rmlFclubayou chief magnets to draw dollars from the . , i... t...i rate. v all other branches- - of aiike tha f t of t e a reduced who are Ignorant of higher than of 'C-people social ethical 'Phooto-rrtfher?s men scientific pockets meet When political sociology Carter, Sijets art thev do not stuitifTthemserves with I filiations of jurats ari the fact that the ' atfer-Ja- y J 1 this is frcii .Bepabl'cans. suge in a coBparatiyelr advanc V.. . lU'JJ. 1 J to-.- ! S1 TJ H tlS.'J.t..Vi.K .if 3 ss.ll .(.4 pre-emine- ntlj I HATE SEVERAL GOOD FARMS WITH water right, located in the north end of s tra-duc- er ... .. XAND AND WATER CHEAP. ' also a clerk, and who is remarkable for his spectacles, his adipose and his Socialism. His heaven would be im raense gardens, decorated with greens and marble-topptables, and copious iountains oi amoer-nue- a liauias. iiere he would sit with hosts of friends and all phases of the Franco-Ch- i- fa discuss mtaxA MiaAatlkn Ait m nina lam unsl a oi tne November elec prooaoie results tions, ilia Deuel ia that all classes should exist and be entitled to a live lihood. On the Hebrew question he Is but he will on the excluslveness and selfishness of the Jew. Then we have Americans, some emotional, nervous ana excita ble, some as cool as gambler': and as steady of neive an old Phileas i'ogg himself J To contrast a society of this kind with a church conclave cannot fall to be interesting. Politicians dont always taix pontics ; in inis iney resemoie pre chers who don't confine them selves to religion. When I presented myself on the scene a copy of the Salt Lake Tribune was in the hands of one and causing much discussion. Ever since the massacre Of Mormon martyrs in tne boutn, people are quietly talk-muc- ... ... . A GERMAX, non-commit- tal, ' i2 ... ftlOO REWARD anv Mineral aciu iouna in Salt a sunaay reaaer. ' j -Co's Malt Vinegar. Let ns eomnare this with what the t ke Vinegar Salt Chicago Tribune of May 28, 1888, says of Lake City, r. Q. Box 657. j uu wnen me commenting iiomanism, religions .character of the freeman' t Catholic .paper of Roman a Journal, atesnetfy for l4ta IHeae. New York City The Chicago Pope-eat- er " Dr. Robt; late President of aaya : "No true Freeman,' Jour- the Eclectic Newtoa, College of the City of nal would advocate the servile political New York, and formerly of Cincinnati, submission of us own people to the Haft'ilalsam nry Dr.Wra. Ohio.used and an dictation of a foreign potentate as many of his in practice, extensively alien priesthood. Slaves own journal bis now living, and restored patients, would be a better- title for the Pope's nse of this invaluable the New York organ. Its bigotry and su to health by can amply testify. He always exceeds anyinrog ox tne xma medicine, perstition so that said good a remedy ought ever known among the: newspapers of prescribed freely by every physicthe United States. As an advocate of to be as a sovereign remedy in all cases spiritual despotism and intellectual ian diseases. It cures Consumpof Lung nas oeen never surpassed bondage it all pectoral complaints. and tion, in this country at least." tne two uromios. wnicn Compare Is which? As to the democrats of Utah ewa ntlUa. 1 ; savr j and their principles they are irreconstilllngla cilable, according to the Salt Lake orScovlU's'sarsaparllla'and blood and liver syrup will restore tnem. oi , iribune$ report perfect health to the physical organizTHEY MAY GALL THEMSELYKS DEMO- - ation. It is, indeeed. a strengthening syrup, pleasant to take and has often CBATS. . vxi. itself to be the best Blood : thev proven So did ' the old purifier f ever discovered, effectually who rode poor father Bapet, the Ger- curing Scrofula, isyphilitic disorders, man Jesuit, on a rail, after tarring and Weakness of the Kidneys, Erysipelas, to used him. call They feathering Malarla,all Nervous disorders and Dethemselves democratic Americans, ana bility,' i Bilious Complaints, and an if the Tribune? had existed in 1854 they diseases indicating an impure condiwould nave oeen toe tar ana learner tion of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, canorgans.; iney say Jonn T. caine Stomach, etc.' It corrects Indigestion, not be a democrat because he is a especially when the complaint is of an Mormon. And yet they cannot charge exhaustive nature, having a tendency him with even alleged polygamy, at- to lessen the vigor of the brain' and ' tempted murder, nor any of the awful nervous system. , crimes with which Mormons are sun- posed to be acquainted. Yet they OLOBK BAKEBl. ; wouia extinguisu iorever in nis Dosom to honorable distinction Go to the Globe Bakery for your holiall ambition in politics. But the Chicago one would day Candles, Cakes. Fruits, etc. Tbey do the same to Mr. MacMasters. Of can be had pure and wholesome, at low the Freeman' Journal because he is a prices.; ltomanist, and, it says, an alien slave to papal superstition. All agree that nansoine hair is one of Tne most amusing ieature oi elements indispensable beauty's THE MORMON TRADUCER it in fresh-nesAyer's Hair Vigor maintains ... and luxuriance. , . is the Ingenuity with which he tries to make it understood that the majority ; of the citizens of Utah have no politiETCAXDEAS. : cal convictions, and yet this same 3d South St. Dr. Ira Lyons, labors as earnestly in endeavor : to the Utah belief that ing promulgate is contributing to .the furtherance of A WAE.KI2M SKEaJSTOS. the denrocratlc candidates for the E Springer, of Mechanicsburg Mr If the thinks traducer Presidency: afflicted with lung writes "I wasvon that nis nollowness and trickery are Pa. Junes. a re--at abscess and favor not seen even In some cases bv these eastern dupes who are supporting him riuKsif ti n tnalLiaa Skeleton.NewGot Dis- ne is wonoenuiiy mistaken. This is free trial bottle of Dr. King's me aid like the many other dodges resorted to rnirv inr Cnnanmution. whicn dollar a I that bought much so conngood oy tne party press to eaten or bottle. After using three botties,iounq dence a vote. They fancy that bv pre once more; man, completelyf senting the toleration and personal myself with a hearty appe-- I to armhealth, liberty characteristic of democratic restored wwl a in in floah nf 48 lbs," in the light of advocating principles, M C I Call at Z Drug Store and aaa aoetting in is alleged polygamy fro hnttia of this certain cure business, that a few votes can be made Lunif Diseases Large bottles aoout it. But the attempt is too gauzy for 3 $100 same game with They tiled this 71 - " of political characters or" abuses. Of th KkU Tji1c TruH of SeDtl 21. 1884. course polities should -e- mbrace-- the very charitable and kindly language tor wisdom of religion as well as the and they should knowledge of science, embrace the active- - interest vt the bu sines iman rather than that the officeholder should entirely control f In this present camtheir regulation, the preacb-ers- , it would seem thatall paignomceholden and adventurers of the nation are arrayed on one side, against the decency, conservatism and intelligence of the nation on the other. sake For the sake of humanity, forallthe for the above civilization, and Tbi following came to hand by mail: of American of the Republic, it Integrity is to be devoutly hoped that the latter Utah County, Sprixgviiae, October wilt triumph next November 2nd, 1334. It was after witnessing one of these Editor Deseret Neic$: noisy and immoral demonstrations one Will yon please decide this question Monday recently, that I resolved to the columns of your, paperr patronize in the erening one of the through Were any of the persons on the jury HAUNTS OF T Hit PROFESSIONAL POL1- in the Kudger Clawson polygamy case TiciAJf . i , i Xj of the Mormon Church? JBy members ,!"'- When I say that this place Is a saloon, answering you will oblige, JaM9 IIOIXKY,' you must not infer that "Junius" is on the voad to rnln; But he ("Junius") visits a tavern near one of the public :a decided" Is The No. The reply WBre politicians- moot ao questions put by the prosecution were buildings, Ttiis tavern is the headcongregate. of such a character as to exejudef rom quarters ot a number of local here and discuss the thepaaei of the- - Jujy everrmeinberof situation overmeet This crowd, the Church, belief In the (rightfulness llko the great their lager.represent; are they city of plurality of w,ves being made suffi cosmopolitan, and different nationalcient ground for challenge. .qr.. ities are; represented, and different religions Among the most prominent, of these local celebrities is an alderman, FACTS FOR ' ' A XAT1VK OF IRKLAKD. " MORI ; r THIS TRUTH SEEKER. lie was educated for the Roman priestThe following Is 4 ' statement of hood, but owing to some conscientious criminal ar- scruples, aid nottaaetne inn oruers. Mormon and rests,- from the official records of Utah lie was educatedlat Louvain, in Beland hex chief city (frovo) for gium, and at Valladolid, iu Spain. As County a linguist he is unexcelled in the mod1883: In 1880 the population of Utah Coun- ern languages, and he is at home with poets and sages of ancient ty was. native- born, 12,988; foreign the orators, llome. lie has developed born,4,t& total, 17,973. Of the 12,070 Greece and native born, 10,7 were born in Utah. into a kind of religiopUUosophfcai November 7th. 1882, 3,402 votes were personage, assuming that it takes all polled in Utah County for' John T. kinds of people to.umkeana world. Next Kagllsuman, Caine, the Mormon," or People's Party, to the aldorman comes candidate for Delegate to Congres,and who is a cierx in one oi, tne county 278 votes were polled for P. T. Van buildings. He is essentially scientific candidate for in all his speculations, if bciencc can Zlle, the the same office. .This Is U'tol. At be called Bpec ulative. tie Is a student Huxley, and that election both parties were fairly of Herbert Spencer, and cause ana effect lor at the polls. .Hence to Darwin, .lie is all represented the respective number of voters. If he noticed, a number of wooden- who were adults, as a basis for a sta leirired persons in a city, be would con tistical fcoluUon, I believe will be fairer clude there had been a if reat war not If he should notice a num that to take- the whole population, a long since. preachers he majority ol- whom are minors and ber oi wooden-heade- d would conclude there was no system In praccomparatively atic education, ana tnat tne country tice. f'I'ha rnnntT criminal trnMa fnr the needed an established church. Next comes a cold year 1883 were as follows : on CHARLES W. PENROSE, EDITOR. - - Dr.J.C.iyerv,Ci,U'.yi:!fr.:ixsi q11 bv all Iroii,t; Z ru - I HO':, 1 1 L,o Afv . i CtJ4 ; .f and. a .if , j 0u rB tw mZ , , , mTT m"' r-rZ7- 1 -- jrtTj ;C , !:sl ,. A"- J si;4 sf,lT7 ta at i W--- S a. a: a X s. mJLi f ', p o box -- l' : ? |