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Show EVENING NEWS. THE BIBLE AND POLYGAMY. PERSONAL. KOTICE, have this dav sold my entire busiuod. George Q ..Cannon returned earMar. , 1884. '. Last evening the main Hall ol the from the East, where he has been on ness to Grant. Odell & Co., and Monday, succes solicit for as them nestly my Ptlvata. Twelfth Ward Assembly Rooms was Jiusinesa, yesterday. He ad- - sors a continuation of the very libera with people who as- uressea the congregation at the Assem patronage heretofore accorded roe as literally packed FRAGMENTS. agent for the celebrated Mitchell sembled to listen to the discourse an- bly Hall TesterrtiT iftprnnnn : Hon. JlfflH TT TTart la In tha rtv nn Wagons, also standard agricultural one drunk la the Police Court nounced to be delivered by Elder John aou macuinery. luiptciucnis hU way East to attend to the ' . Nicholson upon "Does the i Bible .' L. B. MATTtSOX. y. .coming J THE LECTURE IX THE TWELFTH WARD. j' J P-vl- Whira for four weeks crowded the Bosh Street Theatre, San I raucisco. California, audieaoa. For tws aighu sad one Matinee only. .; i with delighted Friday' uhI Saturday Kvealngs and Satarday Afternoon, x " to-da- will MWHIifS" on t!i3 8th aCtUeTliPatre. Theke are 4.V) pupUs ia the East Bountiful Sunday School.lH . t" f synopsis of yesterday's remarks In ' h the Assembly Hall will he where in thi.ii Issue. ; i . jELDKR founI else- !. M Joseph E. Taylor, of the of leIdency the Stake, delivered an interesting address in the 18th Ward Chapel last evening. Thk! rhosa McAllister combination arrived in town this morning. They present "Rosedale" at the Opera and "Ingomar" toHouse! to-nig- ht, morrow evening. t)oNT forget the Sunday School Union Injecting at 7 o'clock this evening. lit is expected that President (jeorge Q- Cannon, the General Superintendent, will be present. A pkivate dispatch received by Brother C. J. Thomas, states that Mrs. Margaret Miller, wife of Brother Thomas Miller, of New York, died at : - that city yesterday. at half past 1 o'clock, In htr to-Lich- x, by invitation of Mutual Improvement Association, will deliver his lecture on "Britain, past and present" in the fourteenth. "Ward Assembly Room. Admission free.' All Invited. . Vestf.uday, at the regular evening meeting, Bishop Richard Brimley was treated to a'genuine surprise, when, In behalf of a number of" members of .the Fifth Ward.Counselor Frank Turnbow presented him with a handsome family Bible, as a token, of the esteem in . which he is held by the donors. Elder C. W. Stayner, the 1 '(jung People's f . i ; . IXJCAL NEWS. Automatic Window Fastener. William Pearson, late of the 19th factory, has invented a contrivance In the shape window fastener, of; a 'tvjjuch does credit to his ingenuity and if it gets into, use', wUl doubtless, become very popular. It works with a lever which allows the window, when raised to any height, to stay fixed with- further action, and the simple reversing of tha lever' brings the win dow down asain. lie sent it to Washj for a patent. ington Wfird knitting M ty ingenious self-acti- ng -- to-d- ay, - , : . iBook ol Mormon Pictures. We ' are requested to state that, in addi-- y tlon to the cordial invitation to the ! . ienerai Authorities of the Church, jak(.v Wards, Sunday schools and I others to attend a complimentary ex-- I hibitiiu of Brother Klrkham's Book of Mormon evening, fi- all thoise pictures, invited are requested to take N their families to the entertainment as r. well. (The exhibition vlll be Riven in t the 13th Ward Assembly llooms. The same hall has been secured for Wed-- i nesday evening, on which occasion half the' proceeds will acrue to the I ward Sunday school. Poors open at 7, 1 ' - j vcbminence at 7.30. j Follow -mas-- : of this contents of table lag L' azise for March 1st: The Hardy Fisherman, (Illustratej; by J. II. Independence ol the Mind, W,; lloaliii' the Sick, by W. J.; History of ttie Church; Lord Nelson; of th&Times, by the Editor; Topics I ron tiray, by J. O. ;Editorlal Thoughts : A i' Summer Day, (Illustrated,) by Chapter for the Little Jlomespuu; on Ones Essay Sunday Schools, by J. Night Scenes in a Great AiLangtoa; by KtMinon: Travels in India, by 4'ity, William Fotherimchaiu; An Incident the Khine; Admiral Blake Among the Pirates; Interesting Incidents; ion Prospers! All is Welt, words by JO. It. JSuow, Music by E.' Stephens. 'Juvenile Inst ructorf" 1 Is tUe ' ia i ' " President AVoodruff's Itlrthday rela- Anniversary. The family and tives of President Woodruff assembled lit his residence oti Saturday afternoon to celebrate the 77tjx anniversary of his birthday. After the party, which numbered about forty, had partaken of an excellent dinner, President Woodruff made soiae very interesting remarks relative to his early experience in the church, atul giving valuable instruction and exhortation to his family in relation to the work of God. ' Short and appropriate remarks were made by various members of the fami ly, all! wishing Brother Woodruff long life and many happy returns of the day. . la which desire we heartily Join. The other morning while John Dunn, of Tooele City, an J James D. Stirling, of the First Ward, were gong to the depot in Messrs. Daynes & Coulter's yvasroii, they had a narrow escape from being killed near Latimer and Taylor's planing mill. The horse hied at a telegraph pole and crossed the street car track, breaking the front axle close to the wheel. John Dunn Jumped out, Dayues & Coulter's teamster was thrown with great force against the horse's legs and atterward upon the ground. lie received Internal Injury from the fall. After he fell ihe horse ran on, one block south. The goods) In the wagon were scattered pro- -, jnlscuously, the fragile portions broken up into smithereens;' ftunaivny and Smash up. . ? Italian Opera-- The management of the Salt Lake Theatre, having tele. ; graphed Col. Mapleson with reference to the strength of Her Majesty'9 Italian Opera Company, received the following teletrrams:i Denver, Colorado, March 2nd, 1SS4. Messrs. Calue and Clawson, Salt Lake j Theatre Gerster's success here Immense. All places sold out for Lucia dl Lammer-luor- e. Moudar Likewise. Tuesday fit Cheyenne, where seats are lo each. " JUPLESOX. Denver, CoL, March 2, 1SS4., Cjine and Clawson Gerster great success here. Lucia r. 4 cast as everywhere. Humors to the contrary ridiculous. I leave arrive Tuesday. C. II. Dittmanx. V'lveusame to-nig- ht, .A Good Result. The Tabernacle Choir committee herewith submit to . the public the following financial fUtement of the concert and ball tfren t the Salt Lake Theatre on the evening of Feb. 27th, 1SS4S Total srross receipts from sale tickets, including admls-- i oa of spectators to the f5S8 circles, Total expenses of advertising, 12 orchestra hire, etc., 1104 Net oroceeds. At a meeting of the choir It was decided to donate two hundred and fifty dollars to the B. Y. Academy fund, and that amount has been remitted. This sum In excess of one-ha- lf as originally Intended! was willingly donated, the net results being much more than anticipated. of i ! ! S Salt Lake City, March 1, 13S4. Again has the Tabernacle Choir, one f the most popular organizations In the community, sustained its reputation lor generosity. The unselfish course of its members Is proverbial. sanction and sustain Polygamy?" People from all parts of the city, xepre-sentlng various shades of opinion, were prescnt,and a large number were, on account of the crowded condition of the building, unable to gain admittance. The speaker made a few introductory remarks, announcing that'. It Swas not his purpose to advocate any particular form or kind of marriage, but (to exhibit and explain tha position of the scriptures in reference to what was known as tha patriarchlal or plural system, more' commonly denominate! polygamy. He proposed to take the affirmative side of the question, and forthwith plunged at once into the argument, which occupied an hour and twenty-fiv- e minutes in delivery, the audience maintaining the strictest order and listeninz iwith unabatlnz atten tion. The argument of the speaker, which was delivered with clearness, force and earnestness, went to show that men named as polygamlsts In the Bible were the grandest and greatest characters that figured in sacred history. Many of them were on terms of comparative familiarity with God, who in Ills commandments to them never intimated that their marital relations were dls- pleaslngto Him or in the least degree contrary to the Divine will, when their practices in that connection were in harmony with the'. principles of equity and Justice. Those men were, notably in the case of Abraham, spoken of in the Biblo as having' kept the commandments and statutes of the Lord during their entire lives, inferentially In relation to their marital system as weR as their course of life in other respects. It was held by the speaker that if Patriarchal marriage had been contrary to the Divine will, the Lord would have signified the fact. , It was shown that the Lssue of plural marriage were in numerous Instances held in the highest esteem by the Almighty. Interference with the plural marital relations of Moses by Aaron and Miriam, was visited upon them with the indignation of the Lord. The speaker also stated that laws were incorporated In the Bible for the regulation of the conditions liable to arise under Patriarchal marriage, but nowhere was anything like prohibition of its practices enjoined. It was even under some circumstances made com. , pulsory. The speaker dwelt , for some time upon the views entertained by people professing a belief in tha Bible who considered the Issue of plural marriage illegitimate. They , were shown to b from a Rible standpoint. The sacred book provides for the ostracision from the congregations of the Lord of illegitimate offspring to the tenth childthe generation, whereas ren of occupied polygamist3 posts of honor as the ministers 'of the Most High, officiating in the "Holy of Holies."- - A great many people professing to be Christians were pleased to designate plural marriage as a barbaric relic, suited to the dark ages, but unfit for existence in later and more enlightr eipd times. The speaker read a prole phetic statement of Isaiah not yet d, which pointed clearly to the existence of polygamy in the future The conclnding portion of tuevargu-meu- t. was devoted to proving that the plural marriage system was not abolished by the New Testament dispensation. The speaker admitted that polygamy was denounced, by Christ, but it was of that specific and obnoxious .kind, denominated by Dr. Bacon 'consecutive polygafny" the putting awar of a wife in' order to tako someThe argument another. times used against" plural marriage, supposed i to prohibit Bishops and Deacons from having more than one wife was demolished, and tlie passage was clearly shown to be an reason on the other side of the question, The words of Christ when lie informed the Jews who sought to entrap Iiim that IX they were the children of Abraham they wonld do 'the works of Abraham, were quoted, the speaker holding that among his prominent works was the system of marriage practiced by him. The prophetic words of Paul to Timothy, to the effect that among the crimes of the latter times would be 'forbidding to marry" were read. They were generally supposed to have been lultllled In the enforced celibacy of the Catholic clergy, speaker asked whether, in view of the fact that the object aimed at was the prohibition of the Bible system of marriage, the prediction was not further fulfilled in cer tain national enactments for the pro- -' hibition of the more extended form of tjie marital condition. It was argued that Christ himself announced that He had not come to destroy but to fulfil the law and the prophets, included in : which was the patriarchal form of marriage. Elder Nicholson do- -, , In concluding, no u need as hypocrites without a glimmer of consistency, ministers of religion who condemned and called for the obliteration of a system of marriage so clearly sanctioned and sustained by the book upon which their doctrines and dogmas are professedly .founded. The position on the subject was- so sharpfy defined that they were left with the alternative of denying the inspiration of the Bible or admitting the consistency, from a religious standpoint, of the patriarchal system of marriage. Those who made no claim to belief in the divine authenticity of the sacred record could, II such were their honest views, consistently oppose and declaim against that marital system, and the opinions of such were entitled to re spect, so long as they did not resort to oppressive measures to" enforce their Ideas upon others. For his parti the speaker considered that men and women In relation to this and all other subjects 'Involving the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,'! should be left untrammelled so long as they do not In the practice of their opinions or convictions curtail .the rights and privileges of others in the same pursuit. In the course of his argument, Elder Nicholson made appropriate quotations from the Bible to sustain the several w' ; points of his discourse, . . s . . aon's emigration. rrealdent W--. Budge la kw from tae north. About 18 Inches of snow in his country. &tr. John B. Bartlett, business mana ger of the Emma. Abbott English Opera Company, accompanied by Mr. Fred. walker, made us a pleasant call to oay. His company, fresh from their triumph in San Francisco, will open at the Opera House, in this city one week irom vf promer David o. Calder. accom panied by his wife, returned from their nine weeks' visit to California at 10 o'clock this morning. He looks nd Is, we are pleased to say, improved In health, and we heartily bid him and Sister Calder. welcome home. Utah Sugax for sale by S. P. Teas del and Hardy Bros. & Burton. Proof Lamp Chimneys and Lamp Oil oi all kinds at the i mnmings No. 00 First South Street,City Store, oppo- iui uic j.neaire; Skniob and Rand REDVCTIOX 1ST COAL. Rock Springs, per ton. bv car - - i. $c.oo load, Itock Sprbigl, per ton, at yard, tiJM Jtock Springs, per ton, delivered, 7.00 itea t.:anon, per ton, by car load,- - 4.M - 6.00 Ited Canon, per ton, at yard, Red Canon, per ton, delivered, -- v ft.) weuer, per ton, by car load, - 4.60 - Weber, per ton, at yard, Weber, per ton, delivered, d24i "A. - : ' j SJS On Sunday morning, about 4 o'clock, a .gentleman residing In the Fourth Ward of this city, was awakened by a noise in the yard, and on getting up and looking out of the window, saw a . lah j , 2.' IA.TJC3-I3:I7EI2- . loiular lovrices, a.m. i'x", fiOc, .T5u-inr- ' - ope Tviiisnoro; o iijoxjE roatire Bgagemeiit for one week only, to commence March loth, of the renowns! Q . ' - ABBOTT ; ' - 1 QHAJSn) OPERA. COMPANY. The aot popalar aag anre fal Lyric Oriraniatloa In Atacrloa. now playms aver knowa in Hu francltkro. rottowwo iLiutTiiioi'S'iRTisTS: aeoeMTal engagement f tlie most . coarostD or tut Abb4, BawwaM, Uladto, Sffolaaad Nlaie. lWlnl, XvelloanJ TarUaptetra, Broderlek, Alleat and Cawpabello. . de , If ASCtt WOXDAY. " 1884. - aSTIEW C'antlle. IX TUC rOLLOWIMO BRILLIANT BKPERTOIRK: 10th the Uoreoa OH-- I TUCRSIA V Uounod'i Grentett Work I ental Opera at aitataj Tt'KHL AY Three Iniua IXiuuaa. Mla-atax- t KKI UA T Llattfa rVarl Navoy. - j SATt'UUA Y VerUi'a Urvat Train" Mmmtm BriAe WtONESDAY f M.frr i ar - "3TEA. tJ ......I'auM Uu....oraaaar .. Itlralelll KotwithsUnding this extraordinary array of distinguished Talent, and the Kiior-mW- a UxpeaM atteadiag the Kugagement, the prices will be a follow g : 8easanTickeU (for Opera), Orclieiitra and Klrst circle, $10 0J ami f oi l AdmUatoa. ft 0J, f 1 At), 0or.ta. 9Io extra charge for Itewrved Seats. Tickets now oa Sal at Moore, A Ilea A Co's Dru-- ; Store. ee lint Huapended. O.Mi-cra- t I -- : semi-stupidi- ' Laflies Hisses' anfl CMliren's Sloes, WAIiKEE BE0THEES. ,:y;,yy M'ru--., .I- ty, .jr!. ! , OVERCOATS, GLOVES, CAPS, BLANKETS, te WINTER CLOTHING, . . . "" O? ETO. t O. , . . AT SACRIFICING PRICES; .' : THOS. W. JENNINGS, ful-til- e "; 100 and 103 Hast Tomplo Gtroot. : TALKER BROTHERS. i : : at the Auerbach .'& Bro. F. - ROW OFFEB TIUCIM C9TIKB STOCK OV CHOICB AJTD ' - H0WA1B SEBEEE CO. ' DEaiBABLK MEBCHAHBISX IBI AXa, OF TTXKXB DKJPABTM ESTTV er - - jl ALL AOTTTAIi - , cmora rejpers, aw& ,CBLAMriOBr Self BIKDEE, light ia weight and draft as an Baker, rery simple la construction and raaranteed to do perfect work, ordinary( : ii 2 ' ezi:s. AST ciiTiriTiss. siicle etc. yf-- Plows, praft. Strongest and beat working Balky Plow made. Can be naed aa aa Old Uratt ground plow or gnarauteed to work well In the heaviest sage brnah. , Heavy Cloaking and Plushes, Knit Woden Goods, SUAWXa, BKISTS, aVABIZS WOOX. i.1 . l&M - to-d- ay U3XD ci (So'i EXa17-2Z10- D IE3 Mi y , Seeders. Broad-Ca- st Fla. Lncern, Etcl Largest nU in tha Territory. Complete Hardwood Ilank of rire and lightning Proof. Cheapest aad Best Boofllng made. X7U"o HAVe oxxsr OoMBon's ALL CECEIVEO KIZEIlljl CF3. CUT LT-TE- n on XXancl. Dupply HATES OF FREIGHT. . CitTIlAIi HOUSE, SALT ULKE CITV. UTAIf. Cranch Housest - Odem, Utah; 8hohon 1 313 O 3D QOODS, lOOTO. and Caldwell, Idaho. FEBRUARY. 1884. BELOW COST 1884 rEASDEL'S Our Stoclr cJ CACPD23, laZItfl 3Z3IET,' -- Cv:r Shrss, . Curtains, Shadc3 and Furniture 1 ABE XtW ad CCXCS.ua4 TTUX E3 ECXD rringcj TZZTJ . CCTZTZZ H-L- tcr C:pts, Umbres, CfinJcets, ..r cd CwSsc.r CwtitSf CtGi cz2t y Li Ccill Sc!3 lcl c.J I'ir L(ncd FwJ st r Prices. n - :os- StWaA ZCg-ijtyd?- in Cc!f end Pep Stca dw . . MAIL Qr.Dir.3 HLLEZD A7 nZUC " r- - CHOCERY run-roun- d." ; t7a zzjTzzz zr.:.:zz..:.zz, F, DEPARTMENT X3 TDLLT ETOCKED p..,, V-m- ' V- - I Crl'-(- ! V. -- f i.:-Tc- . y- - HABD700D and WAaOIT LIATEHIAL, Tbe Stock ever and Most Winter G!ovc3, Cccrfs, Clcnkcts cr.d Quilts, iE3"33A."V"5T Drills adjnsted to sow Wneat, Oats, ' Flowers and all nillincry Goods, iEIITS' MID B0T5 CVEEGCATS. FOQ The only Ferfect Self Dump Hay Sake made. Grdn z;mzi Perfect Force Feed. Can be TZ0f , 1 ti Trtaph KSIQTM, fcl d; U:Sz.1 Eli P A.NOTT WZSTCrOi 4 ds -- juiuiile mm mis. 3j3JijDASsr jSxj3EC3T fur tri::.::.!::ss, coii.:':is, ulsters a::d cloaks. . - - , Winter Goods sucli as Ladies' and Children's Furs OLIVER CHILLED C MOLIKE STEEL VL 6 WS :" . md coud bhders. Cirr Howls, only two cog wheels, Ughtct Draft. irJLkn7'. baat JTMOirr front cut Mower aaada, COBBaa 1 ; , o catra Box Oflioe opaa for salo of Beverved Seau, Marcli Ciu, at 1 . j rharr for Heneryed Seata. HolBsea, Mott Haverly........rToprie'or I M. M. WlieUn...... ........ Agtn 11. Haia. C Mutt Untchiaon Maaical Direct r .alanafer J. " r .' . 73c, ll.ou. . . H 1P. HOTOS OP Bautif ol Oostamea, Bnperb Uanio. Brilliant Effort. CEXTSI. ' Bart llavefly. Mr. m Gould, Agent. Will get you a good meal at the New xork coffee House, Market ltow, opposite Kimball Block. Call and cret t nice lunch, roll, cup of tea or coffee. Dinner from 11 to 1 p. m. Meals to wMta- - i i ivHir.is 6.25 6.00 order at all hours. Tin n RtAnrtln.r ttsa An. . ntTaM be! ng chained, was barking vociferous HONET TO LOAN, v ly and trying to get at him. The gen Pioneer Loan and Building Associa tlernan went out and asked the man tion. Three doors south of PostofUce, dtf what he was doing there and what he wanted, and was told by the strange ' What Is whims? visitor that he was looking for a place John C. Cutler, 3s Fist home-mato Btay till aayllght. Templa St has an immense stock of "Thl3 Is a pretty time to be looking woolen from the Provo Mills, around for a night's lodging," said the iur saie goods ai low prices, gentleman, "but if you'U wait till I get a' light, I'll see what you Iooklike.' Suits, sty lish and cheap, go to Sorensen He then took the man Into tils house, BtrucK a light, ana was horrified at the - oeorcie haviixe: appearance presented by the stranger. Manufacturer and dealer In all kinds of His lace and head were bloody and Shoes. Custom work a seemed almost beaten to a Jelly, and Boots and Call and see him at 21 E 2nd specialty. his clothes were torn. Ha seemed only South St. half conscious, but he told the follow Ik you want a Shave, Shampoon or ing story:' can at in tne latest He was In a saloon the night before Jiair cut Barber Shop, nextstyle, to Calder's Lige's With three or four men, strangers to new building. him, and after drinking together, they A MAC1IC rOWEB, asked him for money to get lodgings. which he gave' them, and afterwards A Secret A(ul at Work. took several drinks at their invitation We were surprised the other day to He was intoxicated when he started learn that certain Individuals in this for home, and the men offered to ac city, who had for many years yielded w wnai was apparently an inevitable company him. They went with him were star ilea irom tneir torpid several blocks id then set upon him iate, condition of into as and beat him, robbed him of $130 and serting their right to "life, liberty and thft nnrflnlt. Af hanntnoaa ,; ' Thauafui.. left him upon the ground. ' been an ties bad bound Influence as by After recovering ho wandered about as it was Incomprehensible. until he came to the house of the gen powerful not knew the They cause.yet were they tleman above mentioned, Mr, Stephen were victims to tne result. They but discern not could they Durant. The Injured man gave the enchained, Dy wnat means tney nad tie en manaclname of Fenton Sutherland, and said ed. had long sought deliverance They he was a son of J ndgc Sutherland In vain. Their appeals to science and After ho had wished the blood from the knowledge cqntained In books were At last, relief equally unavailing. his face, he slept till daylight, and camel was not through any action It some then,- having eaten food, was of the President, or of Congress, for taken home by Mr. Durant in his bug their trouble was not of a political Neither did the Governor's gy, Ho said he thought he could character.relieve Message them, nor any action men who beat and robbed the recognize of tbe new Legislature, for it was out of their power, and foreign to hhn, if he should' meet them again. their Jurisdiction, vet they were suddenly and effectually released from the bondage they suffered, and placed on the equal scale of 'human happiness. Edwards. In Samaria, Oneida Comity, "What was their trouble?" 13 what our Idaho. ,! February ' 24Ui, 18S. Esther, readers will ask. They had been ren beloved wife of Darld Kdwards. and dered helpless by that universal enemy rheumatism. They had not walked daughter of John Evan and Rath Price, even moved without pain lor years, born October 30th, 1812, in Aberysgyr Parish, or and on the strong recommendations of Brecknockshire, South Wales.' menus "woo had been there," they Deceased was baptized at the age of eight ycarakremalned faithful to the truth, and lieved and radically cured. Britannia died with a hope of a glorious resurrection. is what did It. It acted like a masric This secret agent quietly She leaves a husband, two children nd a power. mrougn ineir veins, removed J circle of relatives and friends to coursea cause of the trouble, liberated the the mourn her loss. captives from their doomed condition, fifillcHniat Star please copy,", and now they,eongratulate each other on the accomplishment of such a tri- urapu, and the qcqmsitLan oi tuq knowledge, by which they can at any time BUSINESS NOTICKS. resist the encroachments of their com mon foe. We could give the names of NEW NPK1XU GOODS. We have Just opened some very the parties, but will wait a future I choice Laces, in Escurial, Real time. Duchess and Valenciennes Medices and Oriental. Cohx Bros. FIDELITY BEHEFIT ASSOCIATION We recoimlse the ereat financial loss Everybody has whims. mans family and business sustains in his premature death and know the Whims, whims, whims. strong desire to provide against such a sacrifice. men only need protection for a oirr saleSTORE. sjalt fewMany closixuLAKS time their famiyears during the TKA lies and business are wholly dependant in lor Tea, bargains IVoplo looking on them or to bridge them over some Coffee, Spices, Yeast Powder, extracts new enterprise they are perfectly wiu-lnand in fact every thing in the grocery and able to take and pay for pro li ne should not tall to attend the closing tection if they could get It for its preout sale at the new Tea store. Good sent actual eost, but when compelled Japau Tea 25 and 30 cents per pound, to pay In addition two, three and even Black Tea 30 and 40, English Breakfast four times this amount for reserves M and 65, May Flower in cans 40 cts, do not do it, and so carry their choice Garden Tea 60 and 65 : all pack- they own risks which no one should do. The age coffees 15 cts. per pound and every Fidelity Benefit Association meets thing else at extremely low figures. every need for such by collecting only Kemember the place, Salt Lake Tea the actual cost of carrying the and no more. They do not ask store, No. 63 W. .First South opposite risk present taken d Market Row. you to pay or trust them with such a sun annually as pays ajl losses and piles millions of dollars in 'coffers, but to nCCKlEJi'S ABJTICA SALVE. your mutual share of actual The greatest medical wander of the pay only Warranted to speedily cure losses as they occur and in exact pro world. to your nsK. ttecoguising tne ISurns, Bruises, Cuts, Ulcers, Salt portion Piles, difference between the practical and nheum, Fever Sores, CancersChapped the theoretical, we have adopted the nhilblains. Corns, Tetter, knowing full well it will meet eruptions, guaran-or practical lands, and all skin tne approval oi business men, ine teed to cure In every instance, Fidelity Benefit Association is a purely returned. 25 cents per box. money Mutual lifelnsurance Company .the on 1 or sale by Z. Cf M. I. Drug Store. 7 ly expense is a membership fee and actual death losses, Members are tlLOBE BAKERY. divided into four classes according to holiGo to the Globe Bakery for your age; Class A includes members from 18 to day Candles, Cakes, Fruits, etc. They low 84, class B 83 to 49, class C 60 to 60,. at can le had pure and wholesome, " ., class D 60 to 70. Admission fee in prices. either classes A or B is twelve dollars, A KEMABLK FIRST C1VA.S9 DBtG same In C. or D:fifteen dollars. Certifi cates will be Issued to members In anv 6IHT. .. such classes for one thousand or any Will always recommend to his customers pure and reliable medicines. multiple thereof not exceeding five as desired by the member. There is not a 'druggist ia this great thousand Members are only assisted in the class recomcountry who does not to which they belong nd then only mend when a death occurs in that class, ', Bnnrs'i BraprllU v when an assessment will be made on and Dandelion with each surviving member in such class. Iodide of Potassium, as the remedy Members nave sixty days alter being that is curing more cases ofuotitled of a death to pay each assess ' Scrofula, Tumors, ment. Death losses will be paid by the ,. , Kidney Diseases, Ulcers, in so days alter notice of such company KhcumatlsrQt Cancers. Boils, ueain. Constipation, Erysipelas, AW assessments will be collected and Sick Headache, Salt Rheum. . out at the banks In Ogden, Utah. paid KidBlood. Liver and Than any other C. H. Bevans, general manager, has Ask known. your druggist written 346,000 ney remedy the last three to show you the 4 formula printed on months for the during . The company. plan no use each bottle, and remedy for the will bear a close investigation .and Liver and the Kidneys but stands upon Its simplicity and merits. the lltood, r.rown.s Sarsaparilia. This sterling For further particulars see circulars or remedy Is sold by ,' address C. II .'Be vans, Ogden,Utah. Every Druggist in Salt Lake and a a 2m. " In In dealer Medicines Utah. every of its them merits. Aik BETIEESEXT NOTICE. Always Sellable I WarrulcSt As I Intend shortly to retire from the From bltes,lnnamed sore eyes, burns, bruises, cuts and old sores, cured at liouor business, mv friends will please once or your money refunded by your take notice that the. prompt payaccounts will be esteem drufrgist. That Is the positive warran- ment of theirAccounts a favor. Ion? past due, ty placed on every box of Brown's ed Arnica Salve by the Brown Medicine hereafter will be placed In the hands of and Manufacturing Company. Only 25 attorneys for collection. cents. .uespecuuuy. George A. Meears,1' Salt Lake City, Feb. 14th, issl. EXCITED TIlOlTSAXDS.- A1I over the land are going Into tesBirr a farm. tacy over Dr. King's New Discorery We pride ourselves on having the lor Consumption. Their nulooked for best list of Farms for sale. Come and rcovery by the timely use of this great S. W. DARKE & CO., life Saving remedy, causes them to go see us. . Real Estate Agents. nearly wild iu its praise. It Is guaranteed to positively cure Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, llay Fever, Bronchitis, C. II. Lewis, dnnrsrisLof Cedar Vale. loarseness,Loss of Voice, or any affec- Kansas, writes : "I have sold 'Prlcklr tion of The Throat and Lungs.' Trial Ash Bitters' for the past seven or eittht H rttlea free at Z. C. M. I. Drug Store. years, and consider them one of the size $1.00. Large i most reliable proprietary medicines I .. .. . handle, as is evinced by the continual in sales and the almost unin Tuesday We recommend Ely's' Cream Balm increase Gunpowder Accllent.-TOwhich attends their satisfaction versal cure a 4 Is A. Win. for called where Catarrh o'clock. about for, use." afternoon, . case cure. in roost a is it perfect Powell, aged 12, and David his brother, Peck Bros., Druggists, Grand Rapids, IOKSFOK1V9 ACID PHOSPHATE . aged 8, years, ol Payson, during m Mich. . TTeU Pleased. absence of their parents, took a flask of Dr. C. Roberts, Winchester. 111.. rETBOLXlX V. XASBT. powder from the top of the kitchen "I have used it with entire satD. R. Locke, Petroleum V. Nasby. savst safe, and "just to see tae powuer spar- editor isfaction in cases of debility from asre Toledo writes: "I a on "Llatfe," flask the kle. Doured a little from in inebriates and dyshad on a forefinger of my right hand or overwork.and and am well pleased with its few live coals in the kitchen stove. The one of those pleasant pets, peptics, a finsrer bee&rae In framed e fi.ee ta." spring of the flask being rather stiff, to a deereeThe unbearable and swollen to both in flask the held t. nrw rf t fc the eldest boy twice Its natural size. A friend ofTo poison a well nearly was looking tha while crimes. It Is worse younger the me hands, Uenry'a Carbolic 6lve, and fountain gave cf L'a for one's self and on. la twenty minute the pain had so as l to give me a fair or The flask exploded, nearly tearing off much subsided this has misfortune,i or inheritance which I had not bsd berest, . ... night's t his and thumbs scorching the boys a week. The Inflammation left t for fore ' was trtiiiii th Tonnirer bov badly the finger in a day, I consiur it a u: -- il ick cf tie symptoms, picks vn iese of valuable snide." neeii from tH 1 Ivd ginned In the face, and the clothing stream, aii restores appetite, strecstii both set on fire. The two ranouiw . What will stop rovcou: Mnfratnieht? aadhealUi. tae In rolled and doors immediately White CJ cts. line Burks, , Balsaia, on their IlroBcSilal 'Brown's fire TwcliMar gnow, extinguishing the "Tf,ntIUslcr i of in,ie writes a Ci. for the of lloarysefs , r lady, "is three times the man he was or Sore Throf t. They are exceedin-iclothln?. Dr. Greer was cai the eldest before he began to taka arks' White ectlve." Christian ii'orU. Lonuun. sewed up the wounds on , line Balsam for his lungs. ' i'ng.. boy's hands. Engviitr, clearly-legitima- TOCSa C0MED1AX Mr. K. B, Btsrrav. Mr. ftllalr, iM Jenmle Bnkdle, ....... Mr. WUIfaa Mailrrla, MlM Ammte Sari, Mr. riwric Oltrr. Mlaa VhU Us great Sucre atutnded CTo be presented here with the Rams attention that hn 1IHM rrrtermaMM ln The Saa Kraacisco CkrotHcit aya "It to tery funny and that wttle it.M John Broad bent, watchmaker and organs, accoraeons. conce jeweler; CITIZEN- SET UPOV BT FOl'E HEX tinas, etc., repaired. South Temple street, one iuock west oi iatcrnacie. ASD CEUBIXY MISTKKATKD. 1 ! ! Oomedy Ooxajsiway. Introducing Htw, Miss NelU AND ROBBED. -- OtlA. la taa Meuoal Absurdity Introdaclin - A TBI ICCMTElC j to-nig- ht, BEATEN Tt. :o: mrATtmrr ... rr-iie- f For Home Made substantial and cheap, go Cupboards, to Sorensen & , . 1 LAKE THEATRE. SL.X-.- T 1 63 In every Departme&t yoa will always f il c. .etMr-- j New at - |