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Show has been made in the tirlffrtTl KEENING NEWS hi ''Our people have taken no especial interest in politics, and our settlements ftiUimh4d Dnily, Sundays have no political significance.., Tae Except!, citizens vote for men rather- than AT rOBI O'CLOCK. ' party, and we do not bind ourselves to any party. The Church takes no part in" it try to conelections, nor does f PRINTED AND PUBLISH ED BY THE trol votes. The - Bishops qulet-y';atell the people to go to the pollsmerely DESERET NEWS COMPANY. In order, to vote : as; ey please, but do not wransrle over political questions. We do not hold it to be a matter of fellowship as to how we CHARLES W. PENROSE, EDITOR. vote, as asserted in the Tribune article. Ball said in that letter that 'President Smith received $600 for the settlement vote, in 1868.' It is an Infamous falseMonday, Mr. X, 1BS4. hood. I never took any side in the . , , campaign." say your people are not desti"lou TIIK CASE OF MISPLACED tute. Why did they appeal to the KenI ... I: SYMPATHY. tucky Qlub of Denver?" "We have a few people from Keni Ix another column we print an account tucky in our settlements and the of an Interview with Elder Silas S. deeply regret that any appeal was made to tne people of Denver, as they are not .Smith, which appears in the Denver ! . . In need." . Tribune. Brother Smith is a gentleman Tour people did not call for help, .'..,-.then?" well known in these parts, and we be "There are drones In the settlements, lieve his word will be relied upon bj men devoid of pride, who will not work persons of an classes and creeds who but will beg. There are but few per;have the pleasure of his acquaintance, sons, though, that would ask for charThe Ve allude ajrain to the subject of the that made the appeal j ity. are not people members of the Mormon movement in aid of the San Luis Ta; Church. Some have been, and, others ' lkie apostates, because It has been atf-- r never have been members." VWhat kind of a climate have you?" tatedlnthis city in a public, meeting, "The climate is as" we are where the utterances of thejDssEKKT so high up in Sanuncertain, Luis Park that we .News were commented upon. At the have to look out for frosts. But farmFederal Court Ilouse on4 Saturday ers understanding their business save no difficulty in evening, a Ismail assembly discussed 'Will you notraising Tribune sometell thecrops." the question, and was addressed by , thing of your county?" v Miss Kate Field, who has taken an In- -' "We have good farming lands, "and :' terest in the can raise and vegetables in large people alleged to be sufgrain quantities. There are three Irrigating fering for necessaries In Conejos Coun-- I canals out of the and three y, Colorado, The lady referred to this more are being dug Conejos, to out be supplied j paper as though our remarks were apby the Kio Grande. Our farms are en on account of We irrisration. to closures, her, personally. This was a plied have one of 900 acres, another of 640 alstake. We had no thought of allud-- 1 acres, and another of 2,200 acres, as ng to her In connection with thlsques-- . well as many small ones. We average Ion and do not doubt for a moment i fifty bushels of oats to the acre aud twenty-fiv- e of wheat; Potatoes and her announced willingness to lend her that we raise are garden vegetables in aid of suffering humanity.. equal to any in the State. - Our ctods. influence ware very good.?. W are read at the meeting a cer- -; PROTECTION FROM CAITLES' taatr'jearj Tim fid rf nnr fnnrttv ' tillcate given to William L. Ball, 8 lml-- . ? THIEVES. Thankinsr President Smith for his ' jar to those given to all the Elders sent kindness.the reuorter withdrew. rhn- ' we noted the Ox that fact Friday on missions, certifying that he was "la ver inoune, Jeb.m. all? faith and fellowship with the three cattle thieves had been captured L'hurch," and recommending him to in Arizona by John B. Stewart, son of he consideration of the public as a the late Bishop Leyi Stewart, who waa 'man of God," etc. It is dated Janu-- ; probably accompanied by ;dne or two try 5, 18S3, and Miss Field argued that others ti The thieves bad committed f PER WKSTXftN CNKM TELEGRAPH LIXE." pecause he was a man of God at that the depredation in Southern Utah," and the ;v data, he could not now be such a per- - were tracked to the place where '' ' ' ' son? as described by the Deseret capture took place. " LATEST BY LIGIITXIXQ. This Incident suggests a means by STEW3, which she said had "branded ' ilm as a thief because he had the man- -i which Utah can be effectually cleared -' Washixotox. S. Ex Postmaster lood to assert his freedom and inde- of cattle thieves. The capture of the James three young men mentioned, yesterday Gen. Springer that pendence." It would be telegraphed inconvenient him to It Is an error to say that this paper was effected through the operations o( appear on Tuesday in the for Star route Utah the Southern Stock' Protecting investigation, and the latter postponed accused Mr. Ball because he "stood ap for Independence," and it is not Association, which Is composed of the examinationontill Wednesday; appears Thursday, i. sood reasoning to maintain that be- - stock owners of that section of the spencer on Friday, and A. M. GibIs Mr. Richard . Bentley country. cause he was considered worthy of son oa Saturday, ,a.4; confidence In January 1883, he must be PresidenVMr, James Uulrus Vice- 4 Hon. and Johnson, P W, worthy of confidence in February 1884. President, 3. The- - snow storm Montreal, All that we said about that Individual secretary. The names of the other offi caused much damage in eastern Canwe have not obtained. It has ada. Many houses along the St. Lawfas to state one of the reasons why he cers were almost buried- in the snow, vas; excommunicated; namely, that a board of directors and an executive rence the had to make their exit occupants funds for the the further applied to his own use the tith- committee, p through the attic windows.' ' ance the of the of. Association j object donations for the ing, St. Catherines, Ont., 3. Peach buds poor and ' Tielief Society money, facts that are being supplied by the regular contri- throughout Ontario were completely not disputed. To Illustrate this case butions of the members. The pro rata destroyed by the recent severe wea- we will refer to one In taa days and payments are light, but amount to a iner. Bcdaeer Sbot, experience of Jesus of Nazareth. ' lie considerable sum in the aggregate. ' Pa., 2. Early last evenThe working of the organization Is IIazlktox, chose twelve Apostles and' sent then ing while the streets were thronged,' a out as "men of God" to preach the conducted with admirable thorough- tragedy occurred at the corner of and ness and precision,, officers being em Broad and Pine Streetst A young man tjospel. One of them apostatized named Win. Nichols was betrayed him, and while ' he was plan ployed to track and secure the arrest aged 28, near ' the entrance of nlng; to deliver Jesus to his enemies, of stock thieves. .Not only is this the standing s Shatter office, when he wasSquire ; that man, charac when but case, any tnr solicitude suspicious Edwin Brother as. a well Judas, pretended ters are seen In or near any part of the known Englishman. When within four fpr the suffering poor, and the scripof his victim Brother made ture says It was "because he was a section of country within the purview paces some .. remark - about settlias i thief and carried Athe bag." - Now it of the Association, every point is In the difficulty that existed be no reReceiving yould be a very poor defence of Judas formed of the circumstance, In every tween them. he drew a revolver and Iscariot, after he was cut off the place stock owners are on the lookout sponse, tired two shots In rapid succession. Church, to bring up his credentials for thieves, and thns depredations upon The first shot taking effect in Nlchol's are herds was man doubtless cattle he of "a prevented. Kren;when God," right arm, the second entering his head Some idea may be formed of the at tne ear. Jirotneras walked a short und before he proved himself a thief, down Broad street until the prove that he must be still "a man completeness and dlspatchwith which distance excited crowd np the err of stop cases In of cattle the murderer. took excellent character." Miss Field, the assoclation acta lie but was cap who is very shrewd and acute; cannot 8feallng'from the' fact ihat so soon as tured at the corner ran, of the next block. fall to see the application. the depredation committed by the par- Nichols can't recover. The cause for the murder by Brotheraa is jWe Wish to say once more that we ties arrested in Arizona was known, given seduction by Nichols of his niece men in the employ of the organization the have po controversy with those Beatrice Eleanor Rugg, an 18 year old persons who desire to alkylate were immediately dispatched to every girl, who came to Hazelton last Octo- .We have Intended no insiau- - point of "Otitlet from the country, for distress. ' ation against them. If they choose to the purpose of either Intercepting or apply means that might b e used to as- tracking the thieves. The result proves sist the really needy,. in behal9f. .per- tne effectiveness of theHvork don V by sons who are not in the situation that these agents or detectives.' A TXAXT I C DIS h3 been falsely described or highly We believe if the rtock raisers of It. TEST T HAN PATCHES. colored, .jthat .Is not our affair. We Utah would, in each section, combine 1,000 Steward. did wish to caution them against and .organize associations such as the 3. The authorities offer a Loxnox, which and one consideration how under placing that means in unworthy hands, reward of 1,000 for the detection of stealcattle was formulated last June, was liable to stick Instead of where It the authors of the dynamite outrages. . being distributed to the intended ob- ing would soon be an evil of the past. Soapleioas Hlraa(ra. position" Is. strengthened; "by the jects of charity, and consider that we' This Two Irish Americans who reached were perfectly right in giving that fact that the present Legislature has London from Southampton, Feb. 12th caution. And our remarks, . about the passed an excellent law In relation to have been traced to the Waverly Hotel Portland St. They arrived Feb. 20th, disposition to help the people ol Colo- the. care, hording, branding and pro- and on the 25th. They are believed rado, simply because they had left the tection of stockl The tendency of the to beleft the authors- - of the outrages. A : 'Mormon' Church, were intended, as measure is to make the way of the cat- portion of the valise, containing the are tle thief more difficult and thorny. infernal machine found In Paddingrton intimated, to apply to those who ' In been has discovered their endeavoring to use this Incident in the This Wise law provides against all per Station, room. ; settlement of a new region, as an oppor- sons driving stock belonging to other i Prlaee Napoleon. off the range, rendering them tunity; to, vent, their chronic spleen people raris. 3. Prince Napoleon has de uialnst the "Mormon Church and Its liable to lndictmentifor grand- larceny. No "running brand" will be- allowed. eided to postpone his American tour. institutions son Victor he intends to send to or receiving 'any His n the early settlement of thl Terri- Persons disposing of Roumania, to (serve in the Roumanian without stock animals, by purchase, , army. , .,, tory there were real cases of privation " or receiving a written bill of IaMlLyaamt ProtMt. ' and hardship, compared to which the rivingwill be guilty of 'a misdemeanor. sale . "close times endured in San Luis valley 8, The Porte refusalso that no edConstantinople, measure The requires the French ambassador permission .are not a mentionablerclrcumstance. ; shall be '. killed un-i- ll to establish at Beyront a French colT?-da- y there are people In ne wlyopened neat cattle branded ; those en- lege on thgroTind that publta Instrucr distinctly of counties of Utah who have to struggle tion would Interfere with the " in slaughtering cattle, are, re- - to government. 'The minister rights sent In of dis- gaged La against frost, the Inconvenienceincident f&record detailed an indignant protest to the Sultan. quired to keep tant fuel, and many difficulties ' formlda- - latlon to each aalmal ; bills of" sale are more new much. country, In, given and received when any Til4 than those that surround the people also to be Is consummated, anqthe hides sale of THE CHILDREN'S BALL. Jor whom aid Is asked; but they would rea to are keep required purchasers 1m;1 ashamed to make a fuss about their BEACTIFPL AND BKIIXIAXT 8PEC- cord of " the;' 1 articles - purchased. condition, and would gain no such Butchers are to retain all sympathy as is unnecessarily created hides of cattlerequired I at i letfst seven days Much credit Is. due Bishop H.U. not are because this Instance, they after the cattle are slaughtered, during Clawson and his assistants, for the Latter-da- y postates, but simply which time theyshall.be subjectrto able management and splendid success iSaintsj who dd not pretend to charge Inspection. All persons others of the children's grand ball and enterpublic "their trials or failure to make a fortune are required to keep tainment, given at the Theatre on Satbutchers than Sa a year, to the Chnrch of which they hides under similar circumstances for urday afternoon and evening. ' The are members. a period of at least twenty days. No ball commenced at 2 .o'clock, at which his hour a vast throng of children,: accom person other than .the owner' or reIs permitted to or employee agent panied by their parents or. guardians, THE WOOL IJfDUSTRY, . ' i move the hide "or pert from any animal had assembled. 4 are Courts hold at found dead. The County As early as half-pathree It was The meeting of wool growers should they deeriut nec found necessary to. closef the- - doors the; Continental liotei on &aiuraay, empowered, to Saturessary, ppont one or more detec- against further admission, as the asallusion to which was made in Violations of the stock sembly inside was becoming too larg discover to was attended tives en a En ix News, day's authorized to offer for comfort. Not bnt what there was are also wool laws. hundred a They prominent y about and wool dealers of this rewards for the detection of persons plenty of room for the children, for grower consideration whose especial. amusement the affair region.and the proceedings were Inter- violating the'act ntilet a such with ii$ followthat to was arranged, but there were too many The appears of It full energy. esting and . acV as has Just passed grown people present, a alter were resolutionscomprehensive adopted ing stock and the. protecting Legislature, Ilowever.thongb; regretting that some speeches from several gentlemen: more ex- had the all associations covering to be turned away, we were glad - IT&erUa. We,' the wool growers of see that the little ones In attendance to in posed portions ofithe Territory, Utah Utah and Idaho, being assembled in this may soon free herSfelf of western des- got all the dancing and recreation theyt convention, and representing most one of the of the fgenus cattle thief A important assemblage to peradoes application of the means desired, and if the grown people adr of American Industries, an industry thorough mitted at a nominal figure were enerwhich we have devoted the best in in this article wouia soon uncomfortable from designated the in our of lives developing gies the most trying make this part ol the coantry a place U Was fault. 'bni' Territories, ofdespite a desert country and a to which persons belonging to that dis- their own. Itnobody's itllliculties be la future well, might an industry which a climate mountain of the kind which we nope to .m.n Im'.st mpntt) i until to reputable class wuld be glad to -jgive things i fW see, and believe they will be beneficial lav It represents in the aggregate wi.fcr berth. millions of American capital, empioy-'lto the little folks to make the rates of thousands of American citizens ana a little higher and even all admission amply supplying the American market; cdixRAr6 ; siorjions round, giving the children the first exclusively, and then limiting the C., sales the cianeer which threatens PEKSJDKNTaMirU,";0' COSKJOS Indignation of tickets sold to guardians. number NO AID. ......... , XEKD FEOPUK . . SAYS, HIS laisi i to ball itself . ; ;K the But .Morrison '.??)' troductlou of the having continued from two bill in Consrress in which a runner re- A riXK AGRICttTCKAL COUNTRY AND Dancing duction of 20 per cent, on foreign wool till six p.m., at that hour the first AS AirN'DAKXJX Of CEaTN ASD . othib grand.march started. At the head was f FRoprc?.. east which if It became a law would a drum major in full uniform, followed Morruin mewooi absolutely i?. S. ffmltlu of the of this country; pvwuix Thereior, inuu srinv iuvuv-by 24 little girls,: some of them the .. mucn inas .oeen tiniest little toddlers Imaginable, arat which so R'tnlrrd. That this convention here a cnnntr. the colors of the Iris, and 1Q tne oxase " Mia iox the call yi indorse with heartily pi:ra nf hnvtnrlana rayed in all Denbeautiful silk banners.' in three wool the of growers carrying meeting.u , Vfawh mnt that xv in i :onios uouniv tor i i jt. oriental standard bearcame two evenThea at the ILarLiuia, our support to that was found herewlth pledge vu ers, followed by aa ; elephant,' with a i n aval nsaaH WAV ine, by a i rtoune reporter, anxious ifsbirttlnn h SiiTtt f iij out somethlnr of tie condition of keeper, and they by two horsemen, n i t Thi us at the Mormon people in on cuuniy. to represent this convention from several after whom blundered two huge giants. . .4 In 1 1 n - r After a short conversation tn mut asked: The elephant," on teaching the south, the reporter topics, . your people as destl- are of the hall, knelt and ; received a end restor'Bishop, the we request XcBolred, That Hindoo rider, aed tlcn diminutive o f atioaoi tnetariH "There are some poor people' said Its ncne suicrtor "but stately tread to the raus'j c f Smith, SUva of Odcn, and E. M President . i necfssaries cf Le, the :an' band. or the c food , This , march . was Lail. who was former- repeated , three i tUaea, with ad Weller, Esq., of this city, were I think that Mr. one of the settlements, ly a bishop In "the delegates to attend the teatares, dsrlcg "the evening. athies of th cpoa In the City Ilallon two ' was thrown f The elephant perfojrnied.-an4.th- a, 1.j.i Trio reporter. Conven13S4. The ani waa ruthcr MM. horsemen ram a race, and then, xoagat j uA i the 12th of March, be an Important I think Lis object was to harm the set-- a tournaiQ'Gct In which one of them, tion l expected to Interested In the t'pracnt anl ie coucry. is of persons ,neeti2T rfAtrim..:il to VA In fcof-s- and all, was skla asd carried off beUken .' lteiastrV.anJiwia ;' the tWsts of county, acJ will ketp on a litter. to a rressure was the notable"' feature A tils to aiJ - 1 tf for the restoration of Sir on Congress attachment wLlch seemed to ed money in the titrationcoTnpanies.,, strong 1373. ta'-iof riderand Jfcy ftch'j, exist botweeamch about ti your poilticsr" "liow at the redaction which U eriiest ::.Vi' Wrt5l had a depressing effect on the wool trade of the West; The dealers feel it as much at least as the sheep owners. Large stocks tof last year wool are now on hand la this Territory shipment having been dalaved Vmnw nf low prices in the East. And if a f nr-ther reductlonuls utade, as contem plated In the Morrlsson bill, the Western dealers will be in a bad fix while the producers will have their pro flu reduced to a figure that may be described as next to nothing. Sheep raising has been a very profit able industry at some seasons in this Territory. At others great losses' have been sustained through the inclement weather and diseases to which sheep are often subject. But under the pro tective tariff formerly la operation the ousiness Was quite remunerative. How much of a reduction of ' the tariff the western wool industry could stand we are not prepared to'say.'but' it IS clear that with the sweeping change now proposed In Congress, the business of wool raising for exportation would be v - ruined. Whether or not the rain of this in dustry would be compensated for, by benefits that would accrue to the great mass of Jf citizens from " the removal of the duty on 'Imports, does not at present appear. ; Some freetrader can perhaps demonstrate this to his own sctlafactlon if not to that of others. However, the interests' of the wool growers and wool 'dealers of the Western States and Territories are in volved In a retention of the tariff ,lf not In its restoration to the fisraresdsf 1S67. and it is in aid of that interest that the Convention will be held in Denver. j : ; i ! nd -- , . -- ,5 i - A s BY i i ELEGJIABH; iMERICAHr.1 : i lotpel. -- i . ; Mac-Vea- gh Ex-Sena- tor i . - j - . . ( ; LEGISLATURE. . . -- -- - .." -- ' - . ' 1 v . V , . 'iv CREAM BALM mum - eSectxuUlyclean- me iteau 88tanhnl or virus, healliiy causing erretioB. It allays iilamM' lioa, ttect I lie nasal passage ironi auaiiiouia colds, complete fy heals the sore and eK of taste and tmell. M APPLIED with restores . tk- FlXGSB. Thousands on the I'acilic A- XOT A LIQUID or SNUFF A row applications - relieve. , jL thorough treatment niil eure. , - Agicftable t use. bend tor cir ular. IVire M venti iy mail or at diw-?tsELY U1Z0TI1ER3, PragprisU, Owego, n, uileod&w . V, , J j .r over-crowdi- ng, 13 A GOOD Cook. Call at Mrs. Travis, opposite ' ' : , City Ilall. . IIIAVE Ef so-call- : J u re-iTR- sri ror . ap-!oln- ted dl-tio- nal con-TJenv- er. -- ?!-,- a -- m.isrif? -- S Jl t-- - .Xj fa.) '- - f - JJ7 XXoquette, v:; ;;rv :r X DRAMA, ' '! i 8nui C, 1KLS FROM THE COUNTRY DESIR situationa and those reqoirina; help ing riU find it to their advantage U at lira. A. U. White's Employment OHui, No. 34k. d U Second South St ; cll MEETING OP STOCKHOLDERS. ANNUAL MEETING THE theREGULAR stockholders of the Itullion, Ueck and Champion Mininar Company, will be held at the company's office in this city, on Mondayf March 3d, 1884, at 11 o'clock a. m., lor tne election or tne oraccrs oi tne com pany. brk-.f- GEO.r.isconfico. -- DltUlIIl - ...v - narjlTOeJroiSieel, O. ID TJ IE3 , IF1. 'nl 1 1 S l:::3 sr.. s. l tin, ini :OUKTY TAX SALE. J. la, l ;, 'I ' ' TURKEMAN GOODS. . Roversablo Silks and Plushes, ' Polos and Cornices of Xatest Design vNl SV3 WALL PAPERS ' I - i ... r '; And Decorations in Great Variety. OU : ' Cloth, Linoleums? . And General; Jlotise jYumisItings to' . JPlease the most fastidious, at J fw J 1 IlfllTUTITSIII ELITNAGREM - S'IIOIZ.. OG Are Sole Agents for the Otto Silent Gas Engine. EVITAREPO i A f , DAVID JAMES & Co., Are Sole' Agents for the Garry Iron , Roofing,. ... II. S. ELDREDGE, Supt. DAVTD JAMES & Co., acres of ground. A very large, Have In stock a. large supply of Iron, ue v greenhouse Was built on the ground last Fall and is now in good working order, Hose, and" Lead ' Pipe, Pomps and . filled with plants of all kinds for spring sale, Fittings. such as honse. in and basket J-A- . , i , -- bedding plants great variety, and at moderate prices. & Garden seeds, pure and reliable, in bulk aa well as in packets, in great variety and at Are Sole Agents for the Haxton H. moderate prices, also peas, beans, sweet corn and herb seed. B. Smith, and W. II. Warner Steam All floral decorations made to order of live flowers, for weddings, funerals, etc., Heating Apparatus. such ,as wreaths, crosaes, anchors, hearts, pilbn-setc., also hand bouquets, table bou& quets, etc. Fresh flowers preserved cheap and perfect by the embalming process, so Are Sole Agents for the Hartford they will keep for many years. The largest stock of fancy baskets, everlasting flowers Glass Water Closets, and keeps in stock and ornamental in the the Hellyer, Hygela, Zanes, Jeimings, Frnit trees, shade trees andcity. shrubs, and White's Sanitary Closets, all ol cauliflower, celery, tomato and eggplants by the hundred or thousand in season. Orders by mail or express promptly which are first class. to. attended Catalojrne free to all customers. Visitors are cordially invited to look at & thoreenhouse, Residence in the 'two-storhonse on the in stock the Latest Keeps Improved ground. The Denver & Kio 15Grande street Plumbers Materials to be found in the cars pass by my place every minutes. " DAVID JAMES Co., DAVID JAMES Co., DAVID JAMES Co., to:- , cab-bag- Eastern Markets. DAVID JAMES & Co., In am pleased tI annonnco that my Now Bazar will be opened on Thurs- DAVXD JA3EES & nU, laxga force of Plunabeas, Steam and Gas Oj Hrr. ass IWers, and prepared to do Plumbing steam Fitting on th very latest, Improved plan9 as adopted by EasteiB cities, and solicits the continued par ronage of the citizens of this city and. Vicinity. is REMINGTON, JOHNSON & Co., x AGENTS FOB THK ONLY GENUINE, RELIABLE rAVTD JARfJSS & Co.,. . . ' aii, Spt-cbtlt- AND Ortlers IteceiTBa .! - I HIIIXCiI.E, ' t I'SAaVES, C0XSI6NOB M.MIXtJ, IMCMETS. IUKUWAUE, nCXTICV " VLl, BILLS PROMPTLY Ti YLGH, FISAED 1131:3. : Late Latimer, Taylor d Co. O. R Baa C29. . .. mum iD Brock Vrih mi fCSTS AS3 PIS (Ef ' .... . 0? ARTICLES Welg't. ilhi't a to " ........ Ogdea, April 9, Council Bluffs, July 15, 'i Bum Francisco. Jnne 4, 'S3 Council Bluffs, Marcfc 15, 'e8 CoancU Blntfs. Feb. IS, '8S... Ogden. Jaa. 1, '83............ JunctioaOitr, Joly 6, ,8S,..,.w..... Coancil Binds, May 10, '83... ...... Saa Francisco, Aajr.a, 8J, ... Eeadiag.KoT. U, '63,... OgdeiaJ JqnV Y,'7.'.'"r.iy.'.l'."Z Vtah Centntl rhark, rS Utah Central caack 4cC- t- parasol, 8 Eundl 15 4:1 : i - WO uro-'- )ll r ? $1 OL 3 17 H 0 Manti 'k LsU Coancil Blofs, JTy 1, '8S Cooncd Linn, iiitf 27, 'ti,.. wo r. 2 35 ?i 4i 8 w; Vi 4U j 54 00 1040 40 oa ; f "' ' ta... IZourAitu Z.C.M. I., y rth 13, Lowe, Jane ), 'ti,... . i htwrT Co., Jane 14, 1L bobree, July 25,ta, 1 -- operative- 1 r Copper Lett ilinirg Company, MarysviUe, Yeas Kaasen, Jnab, II. C. Petersen, Jaabr K. Memrnaa, care city creek J. ai. V. oeia , J oao, 1 Handle baflalo robe, Lonch Lacket, i. 2 Bo Bdles bsdding-- Box I blacktagv.. Bag O sped IS CBoxesflanpre . 1 15 $ SO MO ..! books... Box irrlnders, l Bdl wood.. fewina- machine........, ajfou tniiubl.. fi 60 55 " 26 I.' 7 00 , : so 1 10 1 year amonnttng HO - to one UolUr and twealy cenU remain un- ..... l i POSTS. Tbrefire.i. WTr. Ju'dd. Collector of TooS LUnOEH. ot the authority vestele Cwuntv, by rirtue f An Act of the Cedar rbaral-TimmmTiarl- mv caetnrt. 1 Sack marar, 1 Pwnp lrm, 1 Land slide, 1 Land slide, I Box personal efforts, 1 E41 wire, 1 Box cntte, 1 ed ia aae I y tiie t rorxwons Cil. Blanket trap, l Mem book. 1 l air overalls 1 Jum of 1 fcox C. m, l ltsee lL wood, Icialatir,; JcAPbIyAftofto the Territory 6 EM hhirt. 1 Can- )Iar41bf-t14 Hatter Spoket, lort& Levenue iwue teenf 1 1 ejt overalla. iPacUre fcracieu, 1 Package bhnd flsturet, M Lip Btoci, Umbrella, 1 aliBe aod tonttuti, 1 Knap- t.Aa I u.,5, vre rInsattia io ta and 1 aeTeral , riell. .' for t'e 1cm:. rr cf Utah sack, 1 Pair orershoes, abkawl.1 Pair OTeratoees, Old bau i proved February n, ed sa!2 FaKed May, (Vrmtiesi tiiereti," amendiueutsl have thereto, au4 . trmm aaa ; i - !,' .1 t' - following named property, ' 7 Keys Jacob City. 175 I've Ktrby Hoose inUtah HOIZS1S CHcBple L.. JtCoM Silver Beef,. ...... ........ SIX December ?S,lS32...i. litharge.. KTXailTK. . 1 1n-60 .... ... 1 30 Territory, JwwkB. tl A twhic an,'will be wM,County, 5, pr 1 Bundle rods and tracker much thereof as L. A r St. board General George, J., Agency Chicago Seat Company and loot,. u, 1 Plow wheel, 1 Boll sheet iron ... the taxes and costs, eaver 25 l t may tee meoessary t nayfront fire........ ot nh Kirby Bramon EnUUT Can ttaA y to Knit a S.e!iree, 0 Rakestk ks ... . unl'tli.l aair.tv 5 ; araaika, ................................ 1 Knd gate ... . 8 .. Couwty, oa tha tOchinJliM tninutc. K.P- m 10 . City, 'i'ooele K,,., lree,-j.f.i 1 a il, at o'clock p. ............. ilartiii, A. 1J maris, tlBt ci bree,... .....rr t Mch bolts...... a marks,. . . ... . .. Vw; ) . r. cii4or, 4jrrT. t' iI.rO. iiCjjcuf, Jbeputr. CALL AJSO SSB IS. ce, Court AasMr and Vol ector's 1 Bundle bedding.., 1 45 20 tr. N. PailNrav, May 11, 1S33, Jtahell Veal, Frisco,, ' X 85 It Xraak.,....... ....., 12 ii n Wa a i km Lm. U. C. cucck Eirby, CEDR TZ' . -- cet, tn itt, 1 Lii-- y Af-rs- " l ..... vov Co-op...- ... , -- tj J I 1 i " ' . .r . v l. co-op- -- J; ' Hat box, t black hau, 1 Led leather valise, TL Brovm. Taylorsville t I Ui 6 21 125 ira , V ' . 60 i Tin ' M 4n ' i beddin(f... 1 f ;4 WW ....... r sondx ies, 11 ltd 4 S5 10 to., .SO MAatKH. Bundle M fttt i r. acid. . ho '.: n litt Boxes c. c. nut. Boxes raiainx ...... W. T. Onleman Co., notify Clark Ixtxes, raisins......., Co,,....f. 1 Oaarter W. H. KnUer. Halt iLake lioi hardware 1. Maxer, care W. A. liu. Overland Honse....... 11 Box elotlilnBt....... Uoxea book Pub. of Boainess IMreltory, Malt Lake W.H . Kedmorse A Co., care Weednaia A Comp'y, Marked W. H. Rogers Bundles w. pajcr .. Utah Soap Manofacturing Company, Bait Lake,. . 1 BUI dry 4 Empty kefs i ra? is a co., bait Lake,.... 1 Trunk II. A. Keid, Halt Lake pcraonal f Hei ts 11. A. lieid. Bait Lake Boxes ereonal i nuct 1 Box harness W. B. Pratt, bait Lake . ... . 1 Kejr W. sau-- e 'White House, bait Lake, 1 B. Mattiaon, Bait Lake... .... 4 1 Box adv. pamphlets,.,........ 1 Case books .. .' it. u. uann, Kalt Uike, .. .A. Carlson, Salt Lake .......... 4 Sacks and 1 bale rags ..... H. Bamberger, gait Lake 1 Crate S 8 Mand W. W. BaileT. 8alt Lake 1 Box hardware....... .....W.M B. Brooks, Salt Lake 1 Cask muriatic arid .......... i. Mrs. J. J. Arrastronir, bait Lake 5 Trouks personal effects... Mrs. J. J. Armstrong, bait Lake.... S Boxes II. II. roods..... C. Wilber, bait Lake 1 Bdle "o marks,. ........................................ 1 Bundle, 1 sack. i. 1 .............. ..................... Trnnk , Basy Chabat,... ,... IVholesale Commission. BJud'V, AYaVbot Oil, Boneotli, tcocx ton for siock. J3T-A.TX03- Salt Lake... J. .Connelly. r.. s l . v;oieman A uo., noury i iara K. A . Kale, i tm I isisaUss" Uall BalMist. o alek OTATION. PATiT LAJX23 Council Bluffs, June 7, '82,1. ..... Sacramento, Dec.4,'82, " 't I Kel ton A nruat lV'U- Mtlfur'l, July. 13, 8a,... vjwvacu rtiuiisiuiy trs,.. ....... CoaacU Bloffs, IMse. 14, 'at,. 1 naif OGrXX2Za Coc4lilVAprU"i6r'"J !Daah Fork, klav in '. and Manutacturm. E025E! 4 WCOCEECE iVClVnl BITS. X0. 1XD DESCBIPTI0X COirsIQXEE AID MASKS. TnfU and X., July ao, 18SS 1 Box emptr IxkttlcS.. P. 8. Ganberpr, Ogden. ... I K. 4 Co., Aas-ns- t 1 Case 11, Allreail, Ugden, Mjmoir W. D.,aBf. 91, Is,..l.J7tV.miIl W. IXinston, Oa;den, ............................... 11 lloll blankets ., C. J- -, Aug;. S7, l&U, J. Wm. Bdl saras. Bervic, Ogden.... D. Uob, LKsC. 10, 16182,. Nellie Untchinsun, care Prof. JIatton, Deer Ixxlga S Boxes apples lt Ooi (tractors illi III I. cly pw T.s, mctfratng Orders solicited and promptly filled. Telephone connection with Yard and Oflkd. TAKD OPPOSITE D. A R. G. PASSE9fGHt lEPOT; Offira, 137 Walrt St. a-t- HOt'I.ntSGS, j .60 the iro4la sasssl haUla darrlid im tttm anbjolnod Hat will be aol.T at Pul.lle t Um fjtati Ceatjral Ravirwmy Csmpsar, at $tm Drpot, In Kalt Lake t il,, to lti auaa. mt the ttUrd day or April, JS81. sOe will k a at 1 AJfC COra, 3iaral Frela;lt and I'un(-- r Aml. Xtiee la kstsby trivn aU tat rjrelIit n sdrasst MMr lw Asaatiass. SIKH. smmI PLE1EIIT TilLET 113 CCLCC'CB Teleplrone. . IMJOKS, - 8. Sale of Unclaimed Freight MALrAv. BLOCK EAST OF DEPOT, XmITII,-- ty lslas - , At office and Workshops, No. O Mala Street, or residence PIAISriXG MILtL, k.V.fBER, - . '; . - j ColoraSo Blacismilli Ccals. nave in stock a l.rge assortment of Heasit YaUcy, Aitacils Tin Plate, Sheet Iron Roofing, and Galvanized Iron, and are prepared to do all kinds of Tin, Copper and Sheet REDUCTION IN PRICE OF THE RELIABLE ANTHRACITE COAL, Iron Work. Stove Furniture a y. . t Prices, a Have ; , Low & Co., Aie prepared to lay Water Pipes from the water nuflns on short notice. day, October 4tli, with everjIhingNew. Xew New and finest Pnotographlc lore in the West, Iar New tioods of all description. New ideas. A ew frames, restartling ions In dact Hooks and fancy goods, ttircomeand see us. Yours . for Art and .. the ast the past winter. iAvrp' jrAbies . Art mi Have in stock the latest designs in Gas Fixtures, selected personally while ANOTHEri HEVnOVE! v Z C. e, Flower SeedsIOver 300 Kinds. Uamifactur TtmaitdCovm TTTnKBEAS.TIia TEBRITOSIAL, ana County Taxes asseased to f Schoolfor to the B. , f Iace Curtains, Are Sole Agents foe the Jackson Ventilating Grate, and Fire on the Hearth Orates, Stoves and Mantles. TTriS1 BUSINESS PLACE OCCUPIES NOW Tc:b, ETC y - Florist, Seedsman and Preserver or Fresh Flowers, Ntqves, ,Tlnware, ITIIllVFIutllngs, r.::idlS . DAVID JAMES & CqV c closets, liau, bath room and three verandahs; with cellar, hot or cold hydrant water, lawn, bearing apple, pear, cherry, plum and other fruit trea ; also a good bara, stable and granary of S 000 tmshels capacity and a cellar nndrrnealh, The lot is 14 feet front back , attnated in the most by los rods of town, ami will b sold at a part aa the owner desires to fro south. bargain, Title perfect. Also a few good business locations on Second Street, opposite the Post-cflic- x Address J.- - 11. Miuiinean, Logan. dJUwtf i Utah, . Mi ! ' DAVID JAUES & Co., GEO. REYNOLDS, See. d83 2t ; , fa-To- rs CEILIXC,! IOO AK CITY, OTAn, A GOOD TWO TN BUifv bouse. Wllh S rooms, besides .4." ' ''! and Tap Hugs and Mats, Cocoa and Xiapier ' Matting. ... TnE Situation wanted by a rood man cook. Situation wanted by a Female Cook. SALT!- - '111 Velvet n, 1TOTICE. T 0;3EE d i all Wool,' Smyrna, 8AXDBEBO A BUBTOW. l Keeps a well selected stock of 4s Sn4 SOUTH ST.. 8. L C1TT. i5t ' , i r, Jiloquette, A S I CONTEMPLATE RETIRING FROM HOVAHD SEBREE GOUPJiliT. active business I offer for sale my S real estate at Kaysville,' consistingf a grist mill with two ran of buhrs (never freezes), INCORPORATED MT house, barn and eighty acres of land, all HAVTNQ Salt Lake and aa well aa fenced with Cedar Posts.Lumber and Poles. my trade la Idaho, hereafterOgden, will tie known Come and see. For full particulars apply to aa HowaAD main office, Oompakt, . JOHN WIINKL, Salt Lake City, Utah ; branch houses at Og-deIdaho. Shoshone and Cldwell, dsAw Utah Utah, Davis Co;, Kaysville P. 8. The undersigned continues to manage the business, no change haying; been made, except to consolidate for the purpose of carrying on the well established Bain ana Agricultural Implement trade ANNUAL JfEETLNG OF THE Wagon rigorously than it has erer been done of the Utah and Nevada more before. llailwav Company, will be held at the ComHoward 8ebree Company starts ont with "Oflice.salt Lake City, Utah Territory, pany's former attaches and the bright proson Saturday, March 1st. 1884, at 2 o'clock p. all the for a big trade in lStM, pect m., for the purpose of electing Directors for Thanking friends and patron for past the ensuing year. and hoping to merit a continuance for C. E. WUETELE, Secretary. the new Company. : HOWARD SEBREE. ? Salt Lake td 83. City. February 4th, LUMBEB YARD BEEF, BIUTTON j VEAL & PORK, n, super-visio- a jj:,tr."WBSTf 313 ICT. , XJ XX . Tapestries, Tliree-PIs. , BUGS AND MATS OF TIHE INCREASE IK ofCOXSEQUENCK bus incus beyond my personal enthis C. : j ' ! . Insraln and Extra Supers, AT BOTTOM PRICES! . , :..;V : Eody Urnssclat, C IIOTICE OF , Velvet,'. op s MEAT. MARKET. ti. f-- -- I1AVE IN MY POSSESSIOX. WESTERN I.' - FASM FOB S ESTRAY KOTICE. t Lt CARPETS .ZERO! IR X5 , Sandbetr, bare W. day I, J. O. Burwith tered into a ALT?!- ton, who will, with myself, constitute the ae A Call and Barton. of Finn Sandberg TJIORTY ACBE3 OF GOOD FARMING os. Ail work ana orders promptly attendof ed to. JL1 land atwut eight miles south-wes- t this city, with water right. For information and place of business, opposite tA atirtlV 11 next door West of y Valley Honse, No. 106 W., IkOLANDO PRATT. Oo op, Furniture Co's, Store. at Historian Office. ds&w lmo P.O. Box, 60S. . One 7 or 8 year old sorrel MARE, blazed face, left hind and right front feet white, branded JK combined on left thiprh ; she has a 8 year old colt and a yearling colt running i with her. 'One; 2 year old- blue roan FILLET, right hind foot white, some white in forehead, no brands visible. j away within ten If not claimed and tafen sold at public aucbe will from date, days tion at the Estray IPouqd in this city, at 10 o'clock a. m., the 10th iast.- KICHARp PALMER, ' LMStrict Ponndkeeper. Cedar City, Iron Confcty, March 1, 1884. -- ! TJIE OBXAT COUED JUT - UOTICE. r . m-aas- try ih A- Box Office open Friday morning at JO o'clock. Prices, ft, 73c. and 50c. No extra price for Reserved Seats. 1 , in.himnu -- i MY .. ed i K And a. Powerful Dramatie Company of ' i. - r 3 O XJ CD EC ; - LADIES AND GENTLEIMEN ' , rOSSESJOX. j One brown Horse three years old, star in both hind feet white, .brand reforehead, 6R on left thigh. sembling If said animal is not claimed, will be sold on Monday, March 10, 1 M, at 2 o'clock p.m. at Henefer J F.stray Pound. - JOHX : , PA8KETT, ;t District Poandteeper. Henefer, February 27th, 1S84. . - W 2J. JEt ; ESTRAY NOTICE. r- n- - SUPPORTED BT THE EM1XKST ACTOR, ; . . - .... . it ELI ABLEI WOMAN" WHO A st - """" ""j -- ... BOOTH, To hit new place of business, Third South St., Aro. 240 W, 2X blocks west oClift Bout. . j Sapport Laskdiag . -- - Lata - BROWX IS NOW OPES TO BUY y and Sell Cast Utt uiotntnx, xno. a E. First Sonta Street, the Old American daw Hotel. " . t : OEUDWrXlT -- a. Ilouse met at 2p.m. . Mr. Clark, from the committee on enrollment, reported II. F. No. 03, amending charter of Spanish Fork; H . . No. 58, amending certain sections of the Compiled Laws, and H. F. No. 30, incorporating Park City as having been enrolled, and this day forwarded, Mr. Stanford Introduced H. F. No. IK- amending an act for thC'rotectioa of Keepers oi note is ; reatmrst ana secof td times and referred to the committee on uJudiciary. Mr. Howell introduced II. T. No . 67. 103 7 la ws of repealing section of 1876; read first time, chapter second by title to and referred the committee on 1ndi- ciary, Mr. iioweu lntrouuced li. v. No. 68, amending an act providing for the es- taousnroent ana support oi district schools; read twice by title ami referred to the committee on education. At 2.15 o'clock, adjourned till 10 a.m. Monday, March, 3d. f 1 In the Council this afternoon Messrs. Taylor, Grant, F. S.' Richards; and Hammond were appointed on the special Joint committee to memorialize of in4 Congress asking for a committee ' ' .1 "''".' vestlgatlon.' No. 43, on Probate Court prorH.F, cedure was debated, amended and ::;,"'. passed. .."",;.!'.'"' : In the Hoaae this aaarnlng the Council Joint resolution to memoralize Congress, was adopted by a vote of 13 to 6. In the afternoon Messrs. Morgan, Stanford, Thurman, Boyden, Clark and Howell were appointed on tne special Joint committee for that purpose. . ' Mr. Thurman introduced a bill for the payment of Jurors which, nnder suspension of the rules, was read three times and passed unanimously. -- '.. L; . FOKEIGJf. ; ll -- . - MISS iPHOSA McAX,I.ISTER, ot : " 'tq ed V J;:,' 1 GREAT REDUCTIQWS ! THE' PEERLESS EMOTIONAL ACTRESS, also-create-d . kind-heart- c. z TALKER OffiBA HOUSD, animal he bestrode. Not even in death could they be separated and each seemed to be a TeritabieTpart of the other. The knight who; was killed actually 'slid inside of his horse, and refused to be comforted or withdrawn. It was vefy affecting. Another point of special interest to zoologists was that the elephant "belonged to that strange' species having human feet and wearing men's, trousers. This excited much comment among scientific men present. Then came the Chinese tumblers who mnch amusement. The ball closed at 11 o'clock. 5 A happy time was had by all. Bishop Clawson arranged the whole affair and war ably assisted by members of his "family" and friends. other The performers, who took part in the programmeaslde from the little' ladies who are altogether too numerous to mention, were Messrs. S. H. Clawson, 8. B. Clawson, Walter Clawson, Fred Clawson,' Seldon Clawson, Washington Young, C. E. Dallln, Ed. $loan, Samuel Barratt, C. II. Barrell, Samuel Barrel!, GeOrge Young,Earnest Young, Wm. Grenig.r.The ,Thomas band supplied the music which Was "i excellent. ,; t All. did well and are deserving of credit, for the entertainment was Just the thing for the children and, in its line, an unprecedented fine affabr ' (',.. 1 |