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Show EVENING NEWS. FRAGMENTS. ; Too much Jam at the Theatre last night. ,.j a eegitlaii dearth ot bnslness la the Xi.;; police court yesterday1. ; hundreds of people are passing .ugaen lor tne Coear d'Alene country. Jaues N. Nolax, Indicted lor grand larceny, pleaded guilty and will receive sentence on Monday, The box office for the sale of tickets to the Mapleson Opera season, will ' open da Saturday at 10 a: A btbanokb while walking upMaln street yesterday; fell In a fit and sustained some bruises on the head. Is the case of the Teople vs. Wm. P, disJones, the Indictment was missed aad the defendant discharged. " Letters atthe business office of this establishment for William Sharp and Samuel W. Potts. Call and get ' ' " . them, j A select necktie and apron-partat the Salt Lake Music IXall ' time is night. A Jolly, ' " "expected. p ' Tnj' cjise of the People against Brlg-- " hamfEobinson, for grand larceny, is proceeding this afternooni before Judse j x.;u ... s j to-d- ay n.:' - to-d- ay " y ow ed - . - Uunter.i j . Two cases entitled M. II. Ilill vs. New York and Utah Milling Co., were dismissed by the District ' Court to-d- ay ? on motion of plaintiff. R. indicted for grand John Gillespie, . larceny, was yesterday arraigned 'Judge Hunter and pleaded not guilty. His bail was fixed .atjp00. for Ws appearance. r i Tira members of Mr. A., C. Smith's old notation class will not be able to on account of ,the room meet But they , being preylously engaged. '"will meet at the same place, alder's music Ilall)' next Wednesday evening... Jons R. Gillespie, Indicted for assault with deadly weapon,tc., was arraigned last evening la the District Court, pleaded not guilty, andlhls bail axed at $1,000. S. II. Snyder Is his ' . P counsel. Kate Homer Claytox will deliver a lecture m the Walker Opera House next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, the auspices of the Temple of Jioaor. Subject "Things seen and les-- be-;,J- ore ; ; - i - to-nig- ht, -- , ; un-U- er . , ons - - taught," Orders i.were." Issued yesterday the District Telegraph Company, by pro- hibiting the messenger boys from entering the rooms of any bagnio. This Is a wise provision and reflects credit upon this company. About, 2 o'clock this morning two officers, while passing up Commercial Street, saw that the door ol Gallagher's restaurant was wide open, and step-- f ping Inside found the money drawer open and empty.: They braced the door with chairs and made the place secure .before leaving. It was the work of burglars, no doubt. v A cheap lunch can be had at the children's ball In the Salt Lake Theatre, on Saturday.aa follows : Ham sandwiches, and sansage rollsr5c each ; queen cakes, Jelley tarts, cream puffs and rice buns, three for 6c; lemonade, Be per glass ; Ice cream, 6c; candy, oranges - ami apples, etc. Ladles and "gentlemen .caa get other lanch If they, wiah, at rery reasonable rates. . , - . . i LOCAL NEWS. 1 XOTGUILTaV. TERTTCT UTTTOt CX6E OF T&E PEOPUB . VS. GEORGE H. 8TEEI. r Titnndjij', x -- The trial in. the-- esse' of the People against Getrg4 H.'Steed indicted for assault I jrlth intent to murder, closed yesterday with the bringing In ot, a verdict of guilty, and toe defendant was thereupon discharged. The result of this trial has been looked forward to 'With much interest, the com being one in which the defendant had a large amount of public sympathy, as being, in the minds of those who" claimed to be best aware of the facts, "more atoned against than 6 Inning." ... Jhe cause of the assault which iook place on; the h of 'April, il883, :was that George H, Steed believed the tnan whomheehotto be the seducer of his wife, and furthermore that Kennedy alias White, the person assaulted, had threatened his (Speed's) life." The facts la the matter, from beginning to end, are as follows : ; J Mr. Steed, who resides "at Farming-to- n, left there early In 1883 for Arizona, leaving the man Henry Kennedy, a tramp, whom he bad taken Inland befriended, at home-- - with nls family, Kennedy then giving the name of Bob-e- rt ' White. . j , The hnsbaad returning . from . the south, where h& kad been, on an ex ploring" expedition; f6&6d"Svhat he considered conclusiva jevideucc that Ms wife had been led astray by Kennedy In his absence. lie" therefore; took steps to obtain a divorce and succeeded. Kennedy left Farmlntrton and came to :Salt Lake, whither theS dij vorced woman followed him. CiMr. Steed fdrresponded with her and desired to makesome, arrangement whereby be Bboold pay her so much to take care orthelr children. an appointment to meet her at the depot in Salt Lake to eotuplate the negotiatlons, 1and ha him self cameiarvvn to the city for that purpose.". The woman did not apnearand Mr.JSteed returned to Farmlngton On getting off rthe train, he saw Kennedy standing on the hlfl ust above the- - station. The latter began abusing Steed the moment he saw him approaching!- The sight of the villain who had crept like a snake into his bosom the hand that warmed him. together with his insults and the memory of the threat which he was told Kennedy had made "upon his life, was more than the outraged husband could bearr, .Drawing his pistol, which he had worn for protection ever since hearing of Kennedy's murderous threat, he shot him threetlmes, once in the back and twice In the thighsj but did not inflict Any aerlous wounds.; The wounded man was taken to the Catholic Hospital In this city, and pending his 'recovery was faithfully waited upon by the faithless wiferaa4 as soon as he was well they were married. Two days laterV they separated, for causes we dp not care to mention, and Kenne dy soon afterwards disappeared. I 'The next act In the drama was the prosecution of tJeorgeil. SteedJIor assault with intent to murder. We are informed that the person who Interested himself ukwt In this matter , was our chlvalrou3,pure-minde- d Governor,' Eli H. Murray, who it Is. believed, was not a little influenced in his course by the supposition (a mistaken one) that Mrv Steed' was? a "Mormon." Zera Snow, assistant to the U. S. District Attorney, prosecuted the case against the defendant with much vim and spirit. At the trial," the ormer wife of Mr. Steed, who, it is said, now thinks more of him than ever, appeared as a witness for the defense,' and testified that Kennedy told her that-h- e would shoot Steed on sight.'1 Mr. A S. Snyder;-assisted- ' by Mr, ' Charles E; Pearson", and handled the case tor the were able and energetic throughout. , wt 5 He-ma- - . - aixi-stun- g j . ; ' GHANTD. o'clock, the' facts'; - 1884. evening, Friday, ";,,' .William W. Tatxor, Clerk. . A Blow. Farmlngtou had one of her old fashioned blows on Tuesday evening. There was no particular dam-ag- e to buildings, but trult trees were broken down, tipped over and knocked tflbout promiscuously. Our informant is Brother Jacob Sillier. , iSchoel Charts. Mr L. R, Mutchl Western agent for the complete school charts of Iveson, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., of New York and Chicago, has an advertisement which may be seen elsewhere in these columns. We have examined these charts,whlch treat tersely and clearly of Phonics, Penmanship, Drawing, Arithmetic, Geography, U.S. .History and "LI. S. Civil Government, .and consider them excellent and Just .the thing for common schools. They Are made-o-t man Ula fibre and are evidently very durable. , The New York Evening of this talented lady, says Ttlegram Oerster. who appears with the Mapleson Opera company on the 6th of March, at the Salt Lake Theatres Mme.Gerster created a perfect furore In the part of Adina, last night, at the Academy of Music,in'lisir d'Amore." U bhes&ng alt thediillcult music of audDe Berlot's 'Prendl,prendl" In a most magnificent- manner. She was applauded again- and again, and was hailed with Joy and gladness almost, by the large audience present. The other artists were better than usual, and the whole thlug passed off .H happily and well. , Don-Uet- CONCERT AND BALL. tx"-- huiatioj? to . Last f" J friGnT''Af faib.I V j The Grand jConcert and Ball at the. A "Theatre last evening, 1 given ! by the Tabernacle Choir for the' joint benefit of itself and the B Y. Academy, drew o,ut pse pt th "jlargeat assemblages of the season, too large in fact for the general comfort. This circumstance, while it did not Interfere with the buct cess or the concert, .which was a splendid affair, had an opposite effect upon the ball which followed, it being then discovered that the crowd was in excess of the dancing facilities, and some dissatisfaction was quite natu' ' result. the . rally fact more than No one regrets this ' the commlttee,"and though they have been severely censured, there are some things which can be said in their favor.. One is, that owing to had 'the the agents" T?ho seiling of tickets In the various wards not making their report, in time, the committee were unable to f learn how many had boen disposed of and to calculate accordingly; . The committee had no intention of overcrowding the ball, and they much regret any dissatisfaction that was caused. They claim the assertion respecting the Issuance of large numbers of complimentarles, after the financial success of the affair had been assured, to.be an Out and out falsehood. As to the lack of refreshment also alleged; this we "know to "oe" Incorrect. An ample and delicious spread by whose" name 'is a' sufficient of . its excellence, was pro- -, guaranty vlded at surprisingly ' dheap rates, and If any one went without it was not the Taultof the commUtee,- Who did ;nt such" thlngs gratul-totisl- ' agree to furnish " r" .' The music- by- - Professor Thomas' band was excellent and elicited much favorable comment. The concert ended and the ball commenced promptly at the .hour advertized, w p. ra ., ana notwithstanding the discomfort overcrowding, the whole s thing was characterized by much good nature!. In relation to the number of tickets issued,, the committee, fir tne absence of complete returns, estimate that not more than 000 tickets were disposed of,' including llS'compJlmentaries to ,'the Choir, etc. This would account ;iot 1,200 people being present at any ,one time on the Coot and la the first circle: The second circle, open to spectators. was offlylrtTy filled, while the third circle was entirely empty. . t 3 : -- . . - Arrested for Kxtortlon. The Grand Jury, last week, brought in an indictment against P. J. Gorman and C. B. Whiting, charged with the crime of extorting money. The Indictment is as follows - The said P. J. Gorman nd C. B. Whiting, on November 12th 18S3, unlawfully and feloniously, did ' make threats to accuse one Simon Grieve, Jr., of the crime of larceny ,and '.did then and there, bv fear and threats, extort and obtain from said Simon Grieve money to the amount of J100. Both Gorman and Whiting were, arraigned yesterday and plead not guilty: ' They ,vere held for trial In .bonds of - .- . 550O each. ' Artesian lra Well Company. Wc from Apostle George Teasdale" that the good people of Nephl have "The Nephl Artesian Well fonjpany," and have Just ' received from the Pelrce Well Excavation Comartesian well drilling a " pany, rig. It arrived last week and the of the company, with their superintendent, immediately set It up and commenced working to gtve w a wiai and get acquainted with Its powers of J. labor. It was their first trial, yet In one hour they drilled ten feet, which, coni side ring they were all Inexperienced hands, certainly speaks well for their .future labors. It is an excellent chine and they are all sanguine that a corresponding result will follow their efforts. . , The company have secured the agency- for the Territory of the Tierce Well Excavator Company, for their excellent machinery, and they hope In the near future to have to .ecord the success of their work In Juab County,or wherever their labors may be needed. The officers of the company are V President, Wm. ;Paxman; Directors, Charles Sperry and David BroadheadV Treasurer, Langley' A Alma Hague. John Elnkie Is the " "S superintendent. " or-fiani- zed 600-fo- ot offl-ee- ra ; . . Bailey-Secretar- tit COHNBRp T H EIR S . MOWABB SEBKEE CO: :, Kusst at the Valley House. . ; ' Hfc.nry Matthews arrived from Kew Orleans this morning and Is stopping at the Valley House, i i ' , 2v . GeorEs W. Thatcher, Esq. of Logan, ' Is In the tity;', f Apostle Mo.sea Thatcher Is down n .a call this gave ,ssd 1 aiternoon. ' '- from-Loga- -- '. Oranges. Dtah Sugar for sale and Haixly Bros. & by S. P. Teas-d- el $ lIAVXfINAUGtJBATllT ' j Barton. fj'Tffnfl 1 OUR GRIIAT DRY GOODS . Proof Lamp Chimneys and Lamp Oil the of at kinds all City Trimmingseo ;s ' For the closing Winter months:' btore, cot. First South street, oppo-- . site the Theatre. Sekiob Rad. i No Such BAnCAIIIS in Dry Gssds ad - ...... IS COAL. . Rock car i The bill Springs, relating to the procedure of - per - by- -- 40.00 - ton, Probate courts in the settlement of es Rockloadr Spring!, per ton, at yard, - .50 tates and In guardianship, occupied Rock Springs, per ton, delivered, 7.00 the attention of the House of Repre Red Canon, per ton, by car lou!,- -' 4.S0 - 3 00 Red Canon, per ton, at yard, sentatives this morning." """ Red CaD on, per ton, delivered, - 4M Weber,. per ton, by car load, BEDCCTI03I i.iq.. .. Isffi ! "vwXtlx tfm& iXD COUD BDiDERS. i. .t vMvapni sum imi a run rw mhwwww ssaua ! draft u n ordinary Salt CHAM riOM at light weight mrDEB, very ample In coDatraclloa aat guaranteed to do prfrt work. i , 5-- aoa' iM ..f." - ' : jtrcAaae, which we tcrtl offer until ' further announcement ; , BUSINESS NOTICES. HTCBEBiHElV U03T. f Farmers and teamsters yon can re what? We eive it ud: butfivou will call In the Studebaker Branch la bait Lake City, ana examine that large nanasome ou painting yon wul no aoubt be able to eaten on to the foil of the 'artist.' This painting meaning was done by the . decorative painter of tne stuaebaker Co., at south Bend. and wtll at once convince the visitor that this company employ none but artists in ail tnelr departments. The is seven leet high by three picture and a half, and la descriptive of the work of this celebrated company. Weber, per ton, at yard, Weber, per ton, delivered, d242 .: t mew ariuAu uvudS. , e nave just- - opened. some very choice Laces, In Escnrial. Real Duchess and Valenciennes Medicea ITf v ;.: 1 and Oriental. Cohh Baoa. . . I 02 1 v SSET-TIOAX. Pioneer Loan and Building Association. Three doors south of Postofiice. O - in Kid Gloves 38 at mi .L. HAKD700D and WAGON MATEBIAL, ' tJsM'f de - - . ! - 1 - COI3tsr BROS. - - '.,CENTIt!Alj IIOUSE, SALT IAKE ClTTfJ UTAlli: - ; t. Branoh Houses: - Odan, UUh; Shoahane And CAldwall, Idaho. i i . Bl RooSinx matt. UIIDER CUT RATES OF FREIGHT. RECEIVED ALL : Proof, Cheapen and our l9usjKaA'sB S3xarrl3r on XXsaaxct. laAa-v- s r;-? v rir ; . . Carl-quls- t.- I . dtf.-ji- 5 HAY . j order at all hours. - . tSSM.WS TIGER ! - s ;. j O-r- Will ret you a good meal at the New York Co flee House, Market Row, opposite Kimball Block. Call and get a nice lunch, 'roll, of tea or coffee. Dinner from 12 tocup4 p. ui. Meals to John Ci Ccjtlvr, has an Immense ; .: : John Broadbent, watchmaker and Jeweler; organs, accordeona, conce-tlna- s, etc., repaired. South Temple street, one block west of Tabernacle. - ' ' , , 8TEEL JPX.OWS' ..-.:..- -: ! ' Bargains East home-maTempla St., AT YOUR OWN'PIUCK Fringes and Fassementerlea.... ................... stock , ' : NOTICE, of , V Bargains in Buttons. t ;; woolen goods from the Provo Mills, I have this day sold my entire busi- for sale at low prices. ' ness to Grant, Odell aj. Co., and earFor Imported Beds and Bedroom ALL WE ASK IS, COMB AND BEr CONVIXCEU;' v nestly solicit for them as my succesSuits, stylish and cheap, go to Koreusen sors a continuation ot the very liberal -- ' ' A , . ; . CarlqnUit. .i. me heretofore as accorded patronage v , agent . lor the celebrated Mitchell v OEORUE BAVILLE,' Wagons, also standard agricultural Manufacturer and dealer In all kinds of Implement and machinery. Boots and Shoes., Customt work- - a B. Lat risox. ?h. ; ft rr. i. i i 21 R 2nd . specialty, Call and see hlin-aSouth St. Everybody has whims,- v . .'.1 yon want a Shave, SHampoon or If For Home Made Cupboards, substanCut In the latest style, call at to Sorensen tial and cheap, go . . - . " , . ... Lige's Barber Shop, next 'to Cakier's new building. Whims, whims, whims, A HAG1C POWER. t . Btnr A FABX.' ti fton-e- t A Agrat mt Wark. We pride ourselves on havlngr the best list of Farms for sale. Cotne We were surprised the other day to see us. - S. W. DARKJC A CO., and learn that certain individuals In this Real JCsUte Agents. CM city, who had for many years yielded to what was apparently an Inevitable CLosnra out sale fate, were startled from their torpid ; condition of J i f UKE TEA STORE, i 'i into asft for bargains in Tea, serting their rleht to "fife. Iibertv ami People looking Coffee, Spices, Yeast Powder, extracts the pursuit of happiness." , These par and in fact every thing in the grocery ties naa oeen oouua by an influence as line should not fall to attend the closing powerful as it was incomprehensible. .. out Bale at the mfw Tea store. Good They knew not the cause, yet thev ..,-Japan Tea 2ft and- 80 cents per pound, were victims to the result. Thev were Black .Tea 30 and 40, English breakfast enchained but they could, not discern 50 and 65, May Flower In cans 40 cts, oy wnat means tney naa Deen manaclchoice Garden Tea 60 and 65 : all pack- ed. They had long sought deliverance age coffees 13 cts. per pound and every In vain. Their appeals to science and low figures. the knowledge contained in books were thing else at extremely Remember the . place. Salt Lake Tea equally unavailing. At last, relief store. No. 53 W.i First South opposite came It was not throutth anv action d . of the President, or of Congress, for MarketEow. .jr their trouble was not of 'a political :. character; Neither did the Governor's UOESrOBD'S ACID PHOSPHATE ., Message relieve them, nor anv action im ladlg-esttan-. Marked "'f or It was new of the Dr. A. L.HallFalr naven, NJ Y out of their Legislature? power, and foreign to says i "Have prescribed it with mark- their Jurisdiction. thev were sud' ed benefit In Indigestion and" urinary denly and effectuallyYet from the released t troubles." ."and on 7 bondage they suffered, placed the equal scale of human bamslncss. SOLID COMPORT, ''What was their trouble?" Is what our readers will ask. They bad been ren Consisting of 120 Steel Springs; on a dered helpless bv that universal enemy to to clean, light rauie, easy handle, They had not walked durable and cheap; nothing like it for orrheumatism. moved without puln tor years, the price ($5) ever put on the market. andeven on the strong recommendations of See tat Sorensent & Carlqulst's. . , friends 44 wbo had been there," they Britannia, and were at once reA BEI.IARtki FIBST CI.ASS DBITU tried lieved and radically cured. Britannia , ; i. ..GIST. is what did it. It acted like a magic Will always recommend to his custo- power. 1 his secret agent quietly j mers pure and reliable medicines. coursed through their veins, removed There Is not a .druggist In this great the cause of the trouble, liberated the recomcaptives from their doomed condition, country who does' not mend ; .. and now they congratulate each other on the accomplishment ot such a tri. Bnwb'i SaraafMuUI' ' " " ' ' the acquisition of the know " ' an pandellyn with umph, andwhich .,.,-'-.'.'"s time by they can at any comIodide of Potassium, as the remedy ledge, tne resist encroacnmenis oi ineir : that is curing more cases of . mon foe. We could give the names of 1 . 1. Scrofula, Tumors," ' the parties, but will wait; a .future Kidney Diseases, Uleera, ' ; r time; , Iiheuraatism, Cancers. Bolls,: ; Constipation, Erysipelas, FIDELITY BENEPIT'ASSOCIATIOH Sick Headache, Salt Kheum. Than anyther Blood. Liver and Kid We recognise the great financial loss ney remedy known. Ask your druggist mans' family and business sustains in the" to show yon (formula printedon his premature death and know the each bottle, and use no remedy for the Strong desire to provide against such a and Liver the Kidneys but sacnuce. !ro. ; Blood, the Brown.8. Sarsapaxilla. This Manr men only need protection for a " ' sterling few time their fami remedy Is sold by In - and lies years durinsr the LakeSalt and business arc wholly dependant Druggist Every . In ttealer Medicines Utah. Jn on or ; to them every bridge them over some ; Ask them of its merits. new enterprise they arc perfectly willI HOW OFFER TUXIK KKTIU STTOCK or CUOICfC AMD Alwara Reliable ing and able to take and pay for proIf they could get It for Its preFrom bites, inflamed sore eyes, burns, tection sent when actual but eoat, compelled bruises, cuts and old sores, cured at DES31KABI.B JNEBCUABTDMB Oi ALL OF TBEIB BEPABTMENTS two, three and even pay in addition once or your money refunded, by your to reserves for this four amount, times warranthe is That positive druggist. on do It, and so carry their every; box of Brown's they do notwhich ty placed no one should do. The Arnica Salve by the Brown Medicine own risks Benefit Association meets and Manufacturing Company. Onlv 26 Fidelity every need for such by collecting only , cents. . r , the present actual cost of carrying the risk taken and no more. They do not ask Whlta Pine you to pay or trust them with such a lean recomend. Burks Balsam for coughs and colds. sun annually as pays all losses and piles W. RrOooDwrx. Qulncy, HI. millions of dollars in coffers, but to ; Burks White Pine Balsam cures cold pay only your mutual share of actual occur and in exact pro- losses as every time. Your druggist has It. cts., Sortion tothey Burks' White Pine Balsam-- 0 your risk. Recognising the , at Z..C, M.I.L .f . between the practical and .V the theoretical, we have adopted the Sudden" changes of weather are ?ractical knowing full well it will meet Throat Disease, Colds, he approval of business men. The productive of Goods Ladies1 etc. There is no more effectual relief Fidelity Benefit Association is a purely W Children's In these diseases to be tfound than in Mutual lifeInsurance Company.the onfee and the use of BrownVBronchlal Troches. ly expense Is a membership ASTD actual death losses. Members are Price 25 cts, divided Into tour classes,, according to ' nVCKimm ABHICA SAI.TE. age. lass A Includes members from IS to The greatest medical wander of the 34. class and cloaks, class C 50 to CO. world. Warranted to speedily cure class D B60 35toto 49. To. Admission fee In CutswUteersSalt either classes A or B Is twelve dollars, Hums, Bruises. -Sores, Cancers Piles. same Uheum, Fever C. or Dlflfteen dollars. Certifi. Chilblains, Corns, Tetter, Chapped cates in be Issued to members in any Heavy Cloaklnga will Goods Woolen Plushes, guaranHands, and all skin eruptions, ' ' : ; ' such for one thousand or any classes or ' I ' i i t In cure every Instance, ' teed to ' ' five thereof not exceeding ' multiple as ' . t5 per box. money returned. 25 cents Store. desired the member. thousand T ' by For sale by Z. C. U. I. Drug SJiZAWXJa. Members are only assisted in the class (Klftn, IADIK8 WOOL LXED SOOES, and then to which they belong only It Is one of the pecularlties of the when a death occurs In that class, I' American people to devote all their when an assessment will be made on to without In member snch class. time to business, regardand each surviving mtk tnr: mnnT luxitk " "" Members have sixty days after being ' IKWMil ..! ,M. ar assesseach lives which, to a notified death of ruined, pay fame, many nr. 'ft,: i. ';!,f.,.i.r ,;; with proper attention and a timely use ment. Death losses will be paid by the ':. of a proper corrective, eould be saved. company in 90 days after notice of such i?Aa-o-s2- For this purpose there Is nothing equal death. '1 2PXaTrrwtx3c; reIt All assessments Will be collected and to the "Prickly "Ash Bitters. lieves the svstem of all Impurities, pu- Said out at the banks In 'Ogden, Utah. rities the b'lood, and. by assisting na' Bevans, general manager, has all-Milllneir ture, restores original health and written 348,000 during the last three ilftw months for the company. The plan ..- ' vizor. .':,. ., t, XT'-- ' will bear a close investigation and A torn Id liver, a stomach out of order stands upon its simplicity and merits. apparatus ' weak, ; and the For further particulars see circulars or itiiTS' f.::o cQY's'cvEr.Gcns; digestive brain in consequence of these disord- address C. II4Bevans, Ogden.Ctah. .', d 75 2m, ers, over sensitive to exertionanaor to tne any unusual circumstance, formula ior a " crana" is compme. KETIREMEMT KOTICE. ; Pills' wlu rouse up the liver re- Gjovcs, . Scsrfa, Cfenkcts end Quilts, a K a fnnt lAn t vf tK U tktrv t "Asr I intend shortly to retire from the rerav friends will please and bowels, the tried brain will be liquor- business,that the prompt paynotice iievea, ana tne neaq resume its wontea takement of their accounts will be esteemlevet, . ed a favor. Accounts Jong past due, . ) . VWJ. It Al 'v ..S flVMt III .' "law txDearrxD bixsjuku ii4, hereafter will be placed ln,tbe hands of collection, ,1 r iwAbout thirty "rears asro a prominent attorneys for ''hm . Respectfully1,, i'A mil William name of Dr. 4 the by ,m A. physician Meeaes, Gkokgk Ja. Hall discovers, or produced alter lonj . Salt Lake City, Feb. Ji-- h, for experimental research, sv remedy; and diseases ' of the throat, chest, ihiun wKlrh wa nf unrh wonderfnl ' " efficacy that it soon gained a wide re-w 1'r iu uiut cuuuirT. , j. uc iimk putatton GOOD GIRL FOR. GfcXERAI. HOUSK Blis Dr m.iVm.- Hall's the medicine T n vt rrm nasi Jw h am am Iks work. Apply to Jin. f. A. I'aacoe, let kU PAIU " sutftf" W, rirrt J. HSjst West and Second Xorth streeta. relied on as a nx&edj and positlr fcuxe LHTOl-liLISIOr CQUSU8. CUIUS J StocLiuvt ' . irS2XS. KtTHiTiiS. SUSIE 111 tSEEli SISILI PLCIS,' ETC. ' ' ' ' S.t ; i , , ' ! - ; "a j": lit i ."A Silks. Ottomans and Brocades..:..;..... .f......' 1. ' .... at rnsl" O- -VJ X W fcS, Brocade and Flain felvet ...AX COST V Ca Rlushea and Astrachans..J.U..i mmA; .....:.....'M.AT LFJSS THAN COST JHL elveteens.: COST I ,..,.......t.....AT Black and Colored Cashmeres...'.......... ............. ......I. ..AT COST l 3TT7T"P JDITUZJE EA3CE, ' ' Our whole Stock of French Dress Goods... AT COST onlv Perfect Self Dump Hr itake mada. The ' ana xAuiesAT LESS THAN COST L cioaamgs U waierprooi. ! Broad-CaGrain st Drills InsroYed Fianneis, Blankets and comforts....... cost Seeders. Truimpa ' Table Linens, Towels, Napkins and Crashes........... . ......... AT COST . , . r u. w Eta. waoat, Oat,, Merino and Muslin Underwear ..............U.....'..-...:a- T COST Ii i -In CORSETS manv lines will be closed out at... finciT KirTfrinrp All Knit Goods ....AT LESS THAN COST J f Wool and Cotton Hosiery .,,.......l..i....,..AT COST i heal Furs, Wraps of all deacripaons, Skirts, Shawls nd Hantwood Plant of Co.n,l,Uu S!ock !er ,B lh- san TS2ir',4C jTerriior). and Jcrseya.. ..AT GREAT SACRIFICE Neckwear, Laces, 'Embroideries. ...........r..... ......AT ' COST. ' ' A. Oocl, Agent. What la whims? .. OLIVE Jl CniLLISnk MOLIXE V) 5.25 6.00 - CID - - . t XxKaxx-ovoxxaosAt4- ii- T. nlr , '1884. ',.!."!' . FEBRUARY. 1SS. -- . - LafeMsses' aii at tux salt serai-stupidl- - ty, y- P ? iai l.i'A .4 iii t ' v ' Oyer ShcssJ Rubber Eoots, Itatrellas; Blankets,'' - OVERCOATS, GLOVES, - 1 ' '; vCAPS, ...BLANKETS, - s .None Less.. at Pcpiilar Prices. Stock . . GROCERY j io it.Zl zz AT SACRIFICING PRICES. - - J Floor; v;., , ) Chcsse and .hV.'. ' ."). - .' " 106 and 108 East Temple Street! . la stsit Dcvartment . v. tou . - ; . " 4 '11 IS FULLY STOCKED WITH Provisions. mi f -- : DEPARTMENT Butter,1 Eggs, ii'i t THOS. W. JENNINGS; - to-d- ay . 5 Stop. "WINTER" CLOTHING, - -- ? and Hair Lined Sols' in Calf, and alspinble Bpqts FlII JStyjplyll Spring : ; ; t-- Baat Gossarneicats, i'ocl Rubber and tt ," 1 y will alwara - And aomoihln -- .. r New at . - ; - . '. HBU! - t'J .. I.. ' - High. Council. ThetHlgh Council will meet in the. Social Ball at 7 "February 29, de OBAXCES ASIDLtMOaU AS. Benedict, agejjt pfjthehosa McAllister Company, is registered at of Cutler Bros; have another the Valley House. i ';. those fine Valencia Bernando Oranges: and v H. Kr Tammany, of Denver," U.a also 'best- Messina Lemons diw v y, " y. - fj-o- PERSONAL. F.Breanan.of Pueblo, it registered at the Metropolitan If? J. H. Leo card f of New Yor arrived . . tWaaAl ,. It? & Ho. 70 7. Second South Strcst, S. L City, Utah. - ' PLUMBING-- - AND GAS FITTING, Steam Heating and Ventilating. ' JLT COST ds CITY WATER AND GAS INTRODUCED. INTO EUILDING3. s " : . -- inter A.IIi ACTTTAli such as and vrvi Furs ' , fur tri::::i::gs; colqiis, ulsters and ' Knit . I..''-- wiraroD, fT ' ' -; o Goot 1 t i a. V-i -- i I r 'j v A u' ' " , '. t 1 ? ' , . tl j ... - Winter I t :. " ' i r t, v.f Jiif .'V ..V J.i i..v.i v , ., - J .., tt ,i- r fi.. 't :.r A' AVS a. ItCaayUlU m aavirto,y - Li T . t ! i ' " -- . - - ; 1 - 4 BROTHERS. w Our A .: - of CARPETS, " ' .;,. . i . - . ' . . 1 ,1 -- ' . . Curtains, Shaded and Purnituro .,. ill cxxoick,'sm4 .- -: i Tnr jca wm. buc cria at rccr to ll CO., 3Btj&24lll rii2:. " Tv ' . ' ' Balag aboat .1 Tim? iCT rf . .. " - i ta oaroM taanMlTea axolaalTalf ( tha - J - r.:A!L . onssns uvjlzd iu:::oHi:ro3Ts. ;J' Cth,I ;a e i i ".."i. - fi .tf. ii. i J SI )Nr -r t U - ' : t P. A C0-,'SS- j s . cf CrcaryiYrTlctj. -i II i '., - cca'..'AS2, iiBsa tct :i i' .1 A Ulantct-j.-,- latest fKcf cities. '" cz-- lefa, -- 1. ' tr :' ii II"-dkercL- tOt- - I - J" Inilc.nccry rstry Goods, GUk 4 -- U. r .... - t CCaTT7c!ry, cibr2!2i2r;cIl?tIio trw, rr.si ti fi(n f rve T THS rOLLOTmo Nct:cr:3 l&t ms-Clum- sin-pi- at ninucni i2zz. . . tan . . at CZXt9 rLTLMSlUXQ r MV U - to-atte- nd fe-b- - V V'"U 3T: - . ! . - i. j.'j vr,.-- D- - v. J if : - u .. HEAVY P IE O E Q O OD S, ETO. f - r i ; s . . ' riD'cECEiui'MFs! " city. 4 v. 'irxria, Flowers 'and - 'v I - - O r ;i't' 1 f CO.1, IT A R Y DEPOT, S AN : tem of cutting and fittinar, dreasmakiDa: and tailoring, at reduced figures, at her - - " " yen u orvMv. ' Commission Stre, ha if block south at ou c n xcixjyio v&iiey iiouse, .u. o., f Street. ' tSalf at Jftiaeat fM-tl- i mt tmirwr tm ; at the Metropolitan yesterday; ; i tei2s nail mujtfi tr. Kate Homer Clayton is temporarily inmaklng Wax Fruit or Flowers,, caa ' o- . ; confined, to her room at the Continental oo o in tne tujumc w ciwum : reason ol lUnessj j by jTThoUsata Cotntnlssion ' . and Zera Snow, Assist Judge Twlss holta k jiH TlriTv for voiir rin . J V IV ' ant U." S. Prosecuting Attorney, left ImrtCoarm ttlt, Liquid Cakes. Fruits, etc.' They Iftfxt& day Candle?. a can JftaTsfre C3, JJortKUit, .Ummtabt for Beavee Cttyte-da- y, at low be bad piire and wholesome, ' " !';" sesskn of the Second District Court prices.-;"'" which begin Monday next, n from Catarrh r 1 Tiu r t rom cold in head ttfc HClnS.Esqr., ra tr e past year. I used Ely s Provo yesterday. Cream Balm, liave recommended it to. CJ rtaao PpyT til. Miss Julia Anderson, of Ogden, 1 fnPV. It WOriea UK v llanS 1aWoi.j nauc I ftJMi Woiie, Insurance Agent, l rlnceton ' visiting friends in the Metropolis. liia I FltXU Charles Brown, of San Franciscorla iiaSaas tm Kty, at tha Continental . aATKfo rarjsAWTV .,K a Lirs Duncan Mclnnls, Sr.. is in the city. Mr. M. & . AKlson, Ilutchfnsoa. Eatts six 'BQMsa BAxrkx zsGtirn. Trial iiouu W I! with coenected avito business attending N -- ;v DUcovery, for Con-Su- is Kir Dr. of of the re guest his firm at Bingham, andjls vtlon which caused fcUa t ira-cu' , 1 t'ja SMt m j:te::t,:r. Can lara-- botti thatcOKpIcUi? car-the Whlte'House. a ifftjtea Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McCune are 'in ed tim, w uca Doctors, cZa. e cf tha cltte YiW frota Sia- Tranclsco ' AstLma, Brew Mt is, 1 . oarr L"s j 'lo their fcomf ftt.JJephi.,.. and t Thrcit tz i Coub, Tr.U la.?.- Ttel.ts rJ W. .Latier, of Baltimore, r w r t . . 1 ; A tier bach & Br 6 F. ! J. W. FARRELL. .! .r c ? i ? .r- - Esmcp's iiirsfH tries:,JE';ii::i.ir::;.iT. , .. ;, AT BAMBERGEIJ'S. |