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Show VOL. XVII. CHICAGO TRADE." NEW YORK TUADE. UTAH i TERRITORY, THURSDAY EVENING, FEB RUAt BY TELEGRAPH. f ESTABLISHED 1350. Palmer, Fnller.& j cf, SALT LAKE Co.; xtTiii coyciirsa., NE5ATE. propa-gandis- mi m of ltepniroi'M awn.; e . ILL Dawef;fromth KIXDS CF Won a ' j WAsnnrrjTOX, 17. j d -- - ;2S, 184,'J ster; Arizona, G. II. Ouryt Montana, In using terrorism against the strong. or navy bctdftf-t- ! e United States Martin Maginnis; Wyoming, M. C. tie repudiated aitiUatlon with, coiui-u;ut- al war, and was army e igass-- la atterward Post Utah, J.T.Calne. He svmpa- - the inilitary. naval or.iCiv.il pecret niceof The States which will nam mimVrs t iked with the socktie.; the so called toiifcderattf NtaUsi, hall revolutionary of the committee within two days are In Europe, Ireland be appohslod to any position in th Alabama, California, Kentucky, Min- was benefitted thereby, bat national- army or navy of the United S'V" ' -- s nesota. Nevada. New Jerscr. nml Ohio. ism, however extreme, was not neces The House committee on I n "I.iii 'afThe States and Territories from which sarily linked with nihilism or anarchy. avreert to report fnvortil Ay members will be selected by the com- lie tltDU.fl the conspiracy wa active, fairs hn- bill m itu wa.'nt Morrill's for the mittee are, Colorado, Kansas, Maine, but added, experience was valuable to of KU kspo; the of tlieir Imllnin mis01 the lonner Nebraska, New Hampshire. Rhode Is- prevent repetition and ,11. diminished reservation la Kau.-utland, and Vermont; and Washington, . I. A. . i ,.... .il . Bt.'A the to rera.valiof the triH :tiieAIudi Idaho, 'ew Mexico and Dakota Terri- arrival of the transfers of men be- - j erntory. tories. t longing to the third or active section of "The committee will organize Tues dynamiters, who have been toltl.- to U 'Kw York. 9T Thu eo..f.-ri' offer the next attempt. One of thera j nfllclala of the prisons throughout the day evening next. ljrl. WZSTHUf tUlOX TBLkaBATH NO.t 82. x. Orpus, eUSOL Gcaiujrnco. .wiiii. m - .. IRSTRUKUTS. OrsmanotJLt Sr. t ... y .i committee on Indian affairs, reported .: Wholesale Ua rtvfictu rcrt cf f a?TJiirGKirii5r,:-favorably the bill for the allotment of lands in the I)iittfftnt severalty to the Indian, of Apothecary . TROYALriCt SASH, DOORS AND V NJ Umatilla. "'Was ined h's new ilao In be ( Id I J ihi Van " offered the reso' Wyck following atjrw, ootsaomrt erSeoisid SrH h ana rlil ; lution for which he asked ISsH Btrrau Ike ffitrist are orrdiah. invltm iT)tttc3-- " Immediate ijZQttt consideration ; riveortptkan Orvtullj ouuiuuded. JfamUU, retc; Church FlnUh, Stain, " on That committee-the Eeinlved, Is from II u Halo, &csv orkj one iroia country iM'iran v. Tliocouf.-rciK-Atmlr Hailing, JJaluetert, Xewelo, Eto. and ' ' are ' directed 1, postofflcea post --roads Patterson. New Jersey: one from was gotten up hv the. 'National Prison 1 - -to Inquire whether I' at time the MlXSKiPOUS. TrttjUH3sr any xnfvt.ils New two 111. from .and i (v "A sociat io n , a nu t a te-York, nc Brooklyn, vera! j.asr Western Union and ' Baltimore Ohiu from points In this State and Dakota Texas.' They are believed to be pupils tions for th "HOM THK (WMTBY tKslt. purpose inof ieaiuing.'tho Onr Goods are constantly kept m Rtock by fXRiS Telegraph Companies, or any officers report the roads generally blockaded. of Mezerof. .The other Irishmen under view of the olticiaU Lnku msr situation, and those Junius hrl the Salt T Dealers in to; or the larrcit Lumber regarj of said enteremployees OUtCOln! thri All I'urmdl.in watch trains of companies, ('ornelius CuUiinereEagene reform needed la prisons and aiU. "(j Mill flml it l. Iliclr advnt:iKe to cull ul Alt. ed into negotiation for City and Ojrden. Price Lists and MoultUii-the purpose of Pacific from :St. Vincent were cancelled Davis, are, and Case v.: It is believed that . Whiles Kiujiloj lut ut lilU.t, No. MK U It K s) books sent tree upon appUcatlon. . .L'.iilJ iill said makas ssThe or consolidating i u postofileeappropriktionst , , , companies, Second tioatli M. yesterdav-, dlOsly dynamite is made at Montrough. It isthe which lhcumatism,Neuralgia,Sclatlca1 ing a combination for any purpose. , HM nation by a smxl man owtk. the manufacturer is reirtstar- prepared Vining, supposed ly au(l After debate, the resolution was re- ofChicago, v comlaomacas. Liunaaoa. was Hsasssas. Mekacka. Asso-.iafull considered bvtlie L.lne SMDHtion the Western Vf ed as an authorized, chemical student. wauled ly a male t'ook. ferred to the committee on postofQces tlonthis morningTrunk issued an order re- - The measure under which an authoriz- mittee, appropriates H5,7 1,1110. The MM SiMfc ' i.v and post roads. f al STAR HORSE SAILS, estimated revenue for tbe iwxl Is ..aca. tne to the .MB ill tnura awtitvs r.iss w ancing ircigut rates both ways ation Is necessary ' WESTERN MEAT; MARKET. Blair introduced a bill to extend the from Is 17,104.000;. the .amount asked Chicago and St. Louis to all Col- raakinsr of drnamitc.- - The Instructor year time for the completion of the rail; for Is bythe common Is orado named man .r:i.iw?j,i a to be to the lepartment " ' ' . Burlingthought Brady POLISHED OB fcLUED,' .Twir.MS tsir. !Vi:t-roads west of the Mississippi Elver to ton & points, Missouri Mver, Union Purine under the alias of Xlnsr.. Tso orother-hoo- d the appropriation for the enm'M ir. which grants of public land have bee and Denver .v t i i. Rio Grande roadi. The meet at the' Jtne Oornellle, line year lsu,4SH,iao. Will Iiolil a shoe on Longer than any XL made, and which have in good faith following reductions to take, j Ilonore. Avenue Victor Hugo.makilace 1 8t. other. We guarantee oor Sails New Haven, Ot., z7: Hent Khode ' V or een prosecuting the work of construe -- ImmAHlfiliilv . I In are .lucidt C r.. scleriod are rumonKl Is Keeps Jt ajwtll arrangements lias frow be Equal in Quality and depositod ifS).)ft.J reeoiv tion without .the. forfeiture of , such class. 70c i 3d class. 53c : 4th class. 67c : ing for a new liusslun loajj of ji,o.W varloa 4 sourt:es,diii ii...oii.bi.t ' DKEF, MUTTON, V1CAL Ai I'OItlf , f T 6th class, 30c; class A. 31e; class II, rouoies. grants. i u j r Durability to" any made." . his at theixa.vhcal bravery itisaster, incor-Porato 64 2nd SUV3 JI S 1, S. Z Ct 1 J . 4 or Tahiti has arrived. ; f f BCT7XS3 wmosA iLapham Introduced a bill, to ic. The , 28c; class CSlo; class 1), and awaits permission from Nc rrTavy Made from the Best .Norway the Yellowstone Park Kallroad. above sums to be deducted! from the . jQueen . rtrrr-- r Tbe NUuRllen lu Kondan. "! Folger to distribute the rnoner moiou .KTATinWKPV I est'offered a resolution, which was rates quoted In the Joint through f Iron, Finished Already his on Itexter. To the fore .MllllUllljlM shipmates nt-mmt,. i ym to. agreed to, calling on the Secretary of freight rate tariff issued Feb. . 2th . trrihkUat, 27. An Arab boy sent with stall a possible adverKO. decision bv tliv to drive, by the- v the Interior for Information as to whe- This reduction is made to meet the a letter ' to Takar returned bearing .Ttliodcrii--li:Lieut.". ;.l Secretary, 111 a &. lease been ther had of made was He iSt. of he rates cuttlne Sau of the Louis marks any part usage. ays new nnifornis and blantets for eveir norer arlss. A marrel ol UNION IIOItSE NAIL CO., Ttf Stonecutters ami Kailders, purity, strength and wuoleeomeness. More of the Crow reservation In Montana to Francisco line to Colorado points dur- - taken a prisoner at TakSr; that town man on board. i y j. economical thjin the ordinary kinds, and any person or association; if so, the lns: the oast two weeks. The offlc.crs surrendered on Friday last, and "the ' cannot be cold in competition with the muL. extent of such lcaseupon what terms of the Boston; 7; A stop has lccn pnr to TtnbUmt MoHumtnt. Mtnteit, Ir.n Burlington & Quincy, rebels intend to llylit iu three lines, Its Utattes of 'law 'teet, short weight, alum 01 made, aud by what authority of law it cnieagoChicago, For Sale by Z. O. M.'l.-aiiAve out 4, Alton, ana Atchison, iopeka of lie recent on rear Issue the British as tbe the of t the gilding M. cRsing ' . powders. had been done.--- . A Santa i'e, stated this afternoon that troops advance. phosphate t ranch Stores, piece by the manufacturer o cheaD dl031y y Sold only in cam. IlOT A I. BAKTKO POW- The Senate resumed consideration of If the above soitii TtMtK nr, 27. The rebels lost 1,300 Jewelry' by which the coin-Iwas reduction ordered made to ... , ; rRoi'nikToa or. Suaklm, by 19 WaU l New York. Street. Co., jEK jhh .:' it OppoeU Aemhtg ilulL.the bill to provide new cruisers for the the Western Trunk Lines Association. tn the recent fight with Baker Pasha. look like a Tl manu gold piece, 4 CHICAGO SCALE CO. ; would at once meet the same. It Is stated dissension' exists every- facturers readily agreed to Niirn'iidcr rSXTXXa s'ai Bayy.'j TTTil. I 2 Ton Wacon Scale, $40- - 3 Ton, $50. l'ae debate was ' participated rTin b they to the United States olllcers all the where in the rebel ranks. ' j stolen Papers, AFiGAU & CO., Jones of Florida. AlcPherson, Hale, BexIncloW JHOjMS-f- '. Tort :A fight took place on the Ber- samples of Jewelry jiiajle of tliiide- Gockrell and jBeck. The latter critl-eiz27. Chairman Sprin benine ber tulles from Washington, road, ;' ; . llannfacrurcrs of r.. ': LS?F;-C.S- ' V.if Just. Veiuoved to his new and coraiuodl- the management of the navy ger was in a high state of excitement tween the rebels and friendlyhere, ca. to 25 Tbe "Little tribes. 27. Dutneie Berlin. av: over statement and to a the the discoverv thnt of norili of the ft. Jam. Some the Just cut latter their yards, referring way BOYS' so 'Minister Sargent has eoinproaii.seKhti14 Howl, wnere lie will keep a full auU ; of the Admiral 'that'' on one occasion bundle of Star route papers, sent from through. aTwo thousand men gathered his FORCES, TOOLS, fco well selected stock of ' - "' government that If the latter dueii '' $30,000 had been charged to the wrong the Attorney General's office, lias been from tribes numbering 10,000, wish to for Light Work, $10. Made Bett . not Forge embarrassment it h' C2l 401b. Anvil and Kit of Tooh. (10 The friendly-tribe- mustwish further his ship, he said that no one could, tell but stolen irom his committee room. The come in dispense with what that' money might nave-been scrSh'ess;, , bundle includes the papers in the case rvtiJ desire to light if supported.; i! yl'f f ...... For the purpose of given to Dorsey to take to Indiana. ; It of Gov. Murray while be was United Khartoum, 2. Vitxs and ithr Article. ' Blwmt, Anvils was a Shame the government could not restates 'Marshal of Kentucky. Mr. reassuring the well affected ana overAnd KverylbtMsc Is IllslJse. BP Keduoed Fritt IMi t re. ' i build its own soIds but had. to srlve Snrlriirrir savs he does not know what coming the disaffected, two aruuxl' u.C&pts Ben. Finney of the. Orrmjual I M . f ttie l. ... JOBS, E. CO WIlES. I. work to favored oontractors.lt was other papers theft; vtfrtvhut he thinks steamers, under. .tvhite.iuagswUr as-- 1 Court, St. Louis, Mo.'.' writes:' For a vice in the ad minis t ration, dishones- they are the identical' papers upon cerid the whitfi Nile under tha coiu-- I three winters 1 suffered wto'nti!v'iSTith U. S. TArDEC9ES, Wk. Leimert. inmauagement, connivance and col- which the new York publication mandof Col. Stewart, who will distri- rheumatism St; JaoolNr O 1 Was ty & BRINCKEgHOFF,-TURNElusion between contractors and officers oi i last Saturday was based He is bute freCly lien. 'Gordo'u'a proclanitt- -i an l sevi-i- i or eitrUt appll-- l JOHN C. HEEMES &C0, of the government, that was our trouU-tion. If attacked, the crews will be in cations curcd.anev?'" very mad about It, and Is free to ext lOO JhuuaJit, J(ff Tork. v':.:"" press the suspicion that some official a position to defend themselves. Mannf actnrers of and Dealers In Cottoh ble. fv-MANUFACTUEIO "f Vest said bat few moments jftgoi who Has access to the committee room 1 , SiJU Duck, " Woodberry," Draid Wills, Uairo, 27. The advance of the Eng"I'olhkmcs" and other favorite brands, all While In the corridor,' he had" been ap- has been bribed. . He will bring the lish 'on. Teb', was. commenced beiore Lumnbers Hard, Medium and Soft. Two hnutlred ami pealed to by an officer in the navy, an matter before the House tomorrow Messrs. Cat ne and I'lawtea have the ttonor to innonnr that Ihey old personal friend, saying: "For and ask for an Investigation. V IH TEE BRET fifty men were left at .the garrta) 'tf OOCR FOB 0YEHULS.ELnE.BRCW3.eH God'a have catered Into arrnncrisests nltts 'loset J. II. H ' Vest, 'vote for this bill." tor loo Triukitat.iand a force of 8,e0O advancand Disaster. 13 14 to all numbers of Depravity Caistass ivrrro Vest told hint na waii mistaken ; It was 1 MICB1C11 HESSE, ed to the attack, lfra. fetpected that ' ; !!, 31, 32. ft inches wide, for Deck, Car, Trunk and for John Roach's sake he iCiM. The 12l : SrV A the battle would be fought at about PaciJ WInncpes: special Wagon- Coverings, Machine Aprons and had nothing to. do with it. man named Ryan was arrested o'clock in the morni ng. A naval H tor other purposes, constantly in store and Almighty t'lunfle to order. r T . ... When the steel vessels were put np to ior navinrpnoiisnca nvcrrcu iar camng brigade Joined Gen. Graham with two n . There is a growing tf,rv-,- r. only Boach. and Cramer 600 recruits to "tEeTfontler service at Onr Goods are kept by Z. C. M. I.. Its Branch Afrent for U. StTJuntin? Co., "btanoara" competition urn could ld for them underthe terms of Emerson and along the International anxiety in Cairo about the result of the r riAT- by the Crtedtleas quantity. Stores and dealers generally in the Territory. and "Easle," IrOHI-fr.KlltK.UM , These Uoods.c&n be Qbtained at Z. O. M. I. the bill, . . ' border, and shrninx the name of the expedition, and less confidence that the s .... titwi'js . ,ei Sr? d 103 1 r discussion of on The be The black the will tl'.e tore.-.the adjutant general victorious. district.' followed further ly English ; '. null restore; an Irish Catholic, and cor- troops is same Suakim have ieen found in . h at prisoner subjeet.' j.i ' j of l;t; Id ..'BEH JwH AS ARTICLE OF tensy The debate then closed for the day respondent of the Irish World. He Is communication with Ahmed Baroildi, iBS5EU ft UW1 HUinGTulllG IB. , t wmeil. Fena to be connected under" second command with in Senate Osman and the the supposed adjourned. and other Al'l'UKO TtHt Mannfcttirers DaIn ian organization Minnesota and Dlgma.. Admiral Hewitt has forbidden I 1.l:k. the -n'- ' - 'I'liminiids otrsBi. kota, but tbe reason of his action is them to leave camp, and hatr. stationed lx FaiibaiA's Pure Refined Lard. so li not the gunboats Decog and sphinx their clear. Investigation 1XCLC DIKO fin t c. 1'ai'ii'nv UVZAsmuaTOH, 27. Morrison, chairtokin'r lo it. Deadwood, 1. T., 27. Harry Tuttle, guns command tbe eanip, with orders HAY-FEV- E tl'c man, of the ways and. means commit- wounded l'it'clt.'6tt value. IBQ3 HH3 BHAS5;W0DQ UD HiEBHE SCREWS. was Stonevllle in the are there flrc.tf On Thick occasion uill he performed, Dotrizeiri Opit light, any to;open symptons . a.. ' NOT A I,II1'1T1m sxrKK tee, reported a resolution directing the taken from the hospital at Spearilsh of mutiny. A fi w 43, 4S. if 47 Chamber St., and 21 anil of the the i JUade , St.. 26 Treasury and Secretary 'A trrnlmtnt to,lpf9rm S3 masked reiire. menand ast 1Uoro'yh Gen. the Gordon Soudan nteht y 9 J hanged. a reports TT1rtrr fill cure. AmvalJu lo nsu. he)id for cir House, how much money Is mow iffthe San iranclsco. 27. Tavo wOmen this tranquil, and is sending 300 invalids Millar. , lVire ot oni, by. mail .r tu United " the States.'trnder ' r, ltegen-bergeTreasdryof A.-D. L. down the river .r morninga horsewhipped New Britain, OomujV.-SELY HKOT11KUS, ') provisions of law it is there re Four Turkish Iron-cla- ratories attorney; liege go to.thej S, Y. a r prominent on yor bmim by Z. C. M. 1. and Branch Stoics. what :frurit, ci.v' UllxUw tained, and how much, In view of the was Red hundred Sea Street Two Kearney walking Monday. Egyp current receipts, expenditures and le- when the pair sprang out of a carriage, tian laborers were at Trinkltat pressgal liabilities of the Treasury, can be performed the deed, and Into the service as hospital bearers. " f G. K. SHERIDAN & CO.; applied DIPHTIIKKI.V: ' at this time in liquidation of and drove away. The cause is said to edj The : at the Chatham convict guard Kdjrardo tiu.ii ...jatffnorUALABSt now of debt the paythat public part be expressions 01 tne attorney resent- prison was doubled last night in conC$ T&SlZASi Stf.; 2TSIV TORE, Aston.. A TAnSHAIJs CASH Ml IXUK laleo M;.......nisnor able without embarrassing his depart women of into his the intrusion an the of r the that iku't-ling Oil sequence cure " will KalnaosMlo.. LUMRABBELI.1 l'' it! inIiiiii!jiik ...,...........Mta-aroent. Adopted. "MOXTST 'YEBNOJf made by the Feniaua ilieiia at the Mardl ' Gras ball last attempt would beexpectation lla uiuHt iu.thi.".iaiil iiirm. ....Jaia-sMMArtnro BIKLKTl Le Feyre offered a resolution f orbld-lo- g soelety V cJiw 1'or sale at evvry drujf.uovu. to liberate Invlnclbles. night. flctltlons dealing and gambling Klrnor Dtt VAUCHKTTT The steamer Cuban from New OrMoines. 28. United States sec Des One u& ntteayt deaired intht fnirt. American farm products,- affecting the ret Service Detective K. M. Stedman. leans Jan. 27, for Liverpool, was Allan.. .... VALLRCA ... Xllt ,. ,. :. market valuo of those- products, and together with A. J. Allen, a deputy U. abandoned the 15th Inst. Her engines ' (I to the committee CANVASS. onjndiciary a .t.. directinga 01 iieon, niaue a raiu on were broken and she was full of water. Lucia. marsnat CTF.LKA Oaosas UERHTtR d. ...Nbm. c Co., ALL WIDTHS COTTON. ATX IAItK KEI IKVOVSHII!i; prepare bill prohibiting the purchase Kellenton. iowa, last night, and cap The crew has arrived at Lisbon. (Iter Ant appearaace.) .1 ASMTow or saleol 'Wheat, corn, cotton, provi- tured one Dr. Tripp, counterfeiter of J branded J. IX T. Mo. on Hie horn, rODE3ZEO-A-C3-BseUsU.' K. nee to the and of prime necesor other articles f. flndmr retnrnniK sions anyone A of counterfeit that quantity place. .A'rREED COOLEY, ! sity,- unless the actual transfer of these BATES.; 19th Ward.or leaving iuforuiaUon ut its Branch Tor Bale ur tools and metals were captured naiphong, 27. A dispatch1' "from Bee.ley tlJ.t . Director of the Muslo and Conductor, Uonses and Dealers Generally. articles or a warehouse receipt accom money, Signor AROITI. He was brought to Des Havre says : Mlllot Brieae will start this oftice will be suitably- rewarded. him. with ' ; of 'Jobbers dlOS 1 bill also Importers jind such action; to Moines March , last Bacnlnh. attack Gen. 8th, night. Janies government Interference as Chlcatro. 27. me uaiiji jveies, Min Negrier is leaving Uaidznong earlier .StiTcS& 'Fancy jyry Goods, will The Orrkestra ass f'sores f Her Hsjerty's Ofra Kaaasera t'saars. sf Oaa Hsairrt. the price of these; neapolis: ifvajrim: A report, Is received from with 0,000 troops and will close the give stability to ' J T . i a commodities. OITIS T ', . a be IncladinffafuQ tnd complete toe of ACRES. Or GOOD FiRMIMi Kidgeway, to-a-neignoonog vmage, tnai Langson road. It will necessary to . t il Cox, of New York, and otheri ob-- ! snot ana auiea nis disembark the troops to capture tho 3J10HTY about eight miles U. liercn ErlntJ, Glnshams, and Domestics, Ject died I was this For Information with he whom fortified water from Cat the also river right. recently wife, eity, Song posts S43, StrUroadway, 90. 98, and M Leonard Bingham, from the committee on vorced, and then killed himself. The and seventeen similar positions on tbe apply tn i MI LAX DO OrrbMtrs sussl Pataspaosto.. .....S First Clrel,..... ......... J.rUATT, & Hjers ToteccoCcia'y i Street. trouble arose over the possession of Hanoi road, postofflces and post roads, reported 3SLiil W "STOItKZ- at lllHtorla'n Ortire. dnJtw Into and 1 ns4 S.OO TsOrsrsTirelo, .1.A9 Second Ctrcle....... ..S prevent the ase of their child whloh the .coqrt delivered adversely the bill to mail !. to advertise to the custody oi tne woman- States United the Manufacturer if tlu noxlons medicines, food and .com- il: , ; GENERAIi Hot sprtngs,2T.--Lora- n, AD31ISSI0N, TWO DOLLARS. rruit,Lanu- ; HELIPHILL, HAnUIl S CO. on i Laid table. the assassins T BUIEr TELECISA3IS. the four v and Allison, pounds, Ing J5TAH. 74.' - ' -- j SLED5E. CLIPFE8, SEISTCSE. r The Ilonse went into committee of. committed without bail for murder on $4.0 Each, Boxes, $30 I Stage. thA wholfl. Cox. 6f New York. In the the nlntn, were taken to the peniten CAI2JPJETI2TG, AT F. RETIRING FP.OM Omaha, 27. Adellna Pattt and party "A" 8 I OOXTEMn. , And other Brandt of 1 offer for sale my , business active y. ithotiltnin.nMniumlalilIL' nKt in a arrived car were from r Office 1. of Box Sale ISSt. afarch at kock at 10 a.m. for xney Little Seats, Bervs4 open Saturday, MSIS.: ETC. eMste at Kaysvule, eoasistina; of a irrmt FLDQH Elf CLOTHS. CH3SSETS, fnirton & Quincy real St. Louis over the Burlspecial Gibson moved to strike oat section tiary tendered an ovation by a number of en two run null buhrs of with freezes), (never shall States the to IAcnvcr route W. and Jan Francisco. house, burn and eirhty-Creprovides citizens before their three, which . 543 A S4t.r5HO.iDWAT,: of land, all of the disinfected cat- -t Harris, editor of the departure. Horseshoe, has I sVri'Frahcissor s?. The committee fenced 0TE. Farties in the f oantry, by foraardlDg tbelr money U Mr. Wra. A. Hosslter, pay for oue-ba- lf Vor Sale by Z. C. M. I. and Branch Stores. with Cedar I'osIj, Lnmber and l'oles. ', ' JiffX Lns. denounced the murderers and the ac- of citizens appointed to obtain sub- Come and eee. For full particulars apply to ,'. Salt Lake Theatre, will have tbelr seals reseried on Monday, March 8d. The beat " moved to amend tion of the committee who: notified Hatch, of Missouri, the , '."."' scats to be had. nil Ir( '!.''- ."J for the aid of the Ohio river .. "aoiW:trErSEn,'; CJ. words: "into-an- him to leave the city. Harris express- scription by adding KavsvUle' Tavis Co.. Utah in collected live sufferers, $5,200 d4w' or oe whole ILRMiSEY MTO CO., it Branch Stores. r kept by Z, M. I., and the section and other State foreign es contempt for the party, Territory labor. A thousand dollars each r to the clause authorizing the continue to publish fact" in regard hours country,' was immediately sent to Augusta, Ky. President to prohibit tfae, transporta- to the assassination. and Jobber cf About ; Manufacturer twenty Middleport, Ohio, Jeffersonvlile, Ind., DUHHAM,: BUCKLEY & ICO,, tion of cattle out of quarantine la. the additional men were made to leave the andPortsmonth, Til, Ohio; The bank teleor district. committee" y, of Agreed, the FIRE AND order PUMPS " by ENGINES, State, Territory city was . service free. r ... graph of and Jobbers one importers at the point of the bayonet. Every f MUM I -: JLat Pip and Shet Itui, Omm Kverhart offered an amendment pro-or witness 4 Toledo, O., 27. The case of Robert forced to leave was a material ; or no ksmI Bteatca State orT vliiinir that a Territory Plambera trial for loran. Bally, colored, PJps. Brass shall be declared la quar against law of 1S40, eirl contrary to the marrying Louisville, Ky., 27.a A Courier-Journ- al took white part thereof ds, Belt. . same or tne if which Governor the a fine of $ 100 and. three that of tells imposes ' antining tragedy special IIos and IahLla;. lac ' tothe President . shall Oiflclallv certify Wo baro rooelvod MversI car ioadi of in Marlon City, Ky in which months imprisonment for a white per''T "Pi WHITE GOODS, that he is satisfied from ft thorough in- Jilace Clayton and Washington Burke son, to marry one of negro blood, or K.OVC8, Tinware, No. 810 Broadway, dangerous were killed and Lawrence Clayton vice versa, was tried here y. The Agricultural Implements, vestigation that na disease to lue animal Industry, exists. Xdopt- - fatallly wounded, and Floy Burke" shot demnrrer filed by the defense that the ;.I M" Fiiidin-- s, EI2TCX WISE. BARBED WZBE. Tbe tragedy origin- law was unconstitutional Wider the arm, tbe BRADLEY. tnrougb J. JI, dly s Muld row's amendment confining the ated in Lawrence Clayton makimi s$me fourteenth amendment, the Judge disEtc., ta. or.ration of the bill to the disease of Improper remarks to miss nurse, a missed, holding thatstUe law aid not 15 IQ3TH 5EEDS3ST., ST. LDDJS. M3. only was adopted br daughter of the man Killed. The father legislate in favor of the whito race; PECK BROTHERS & CO., pleuropneumonia a vote of 100 to 73.and the son heard of the Insult, and imposing the same penalty on the per.1 -i 'i i I , Eta uf 'sT j t'l of Missouri said he was aatis-fle- d-- tried to make Clayton apologue, out son of either race marrying a woman; Hatch ' " amend Manufacturer of was sustained was of the found the adoption of these twothe failed. Young Clayton guilopposite. Bally Sell at 7 tele sala Prices ta all si ifxra Ysr s. L. cm, eiBcl- monta wrtnlil titterlr destror by his father, and the two families ty and was. given the full extent of the ii i ISJSS 1 PUTEB WUHX FBI KITE!, filS & STUX encvof the bill.- He therefore moved; armed themselves with pistols and laW.. . ; s i i strike out the fourth section. Arreed TTHET' J5MBRACK TIIE CELKBBA.TED, .', tbe tragedy resulted, The III ' . ' ton Th la swtion authorizes the Presi runs when Tallafero Washington' ' J0BBEE3 Ef killed were most respected parties tcoiored) tvtlfled before the Danville ! dent to quarantine the State in ,which citizens of the county and the hoads of committee -CSy. Ho heard tbe exists, when large famlies. Tbe tragedy was particicontagious todisease PLUMBERS MATERIALS, the on the day of the riot, and make provisions for pated in by four members of the Burke shooting such States fall with family, two of the Claytons, and the hastened home where he remained unira extirpation, or to RENOWNED ; ElSPOEIUM COOKS, TS Bsekaisa Street, til the wan the best AXE la tne following. morning the plans of the Commissioner of Agri- shooting was general.. It Is not known White-me- Monday LETTERS. TOLD TWO IS came his , to house said and ji j AtkfrE.CSlnunoasItXES Who dkithe killing, AND AN IMMfciMaB UNB OV t r :u A wri? had a telegraph dispatch for him. an they itin-TEHThrockmorton moved to strike ont 27. Alfred Shender, ' Chicago, Salt but he did not bad David want news to James, Refer by permission any the enacting clause of the bill. Lost, boy, died late last night enough the door while- - the rnoriTiiESori after in great agony irom Tern Want Um Best mXEEJP LakeCif. no democrats had threatened Th. dehata continued all .theConsld-nyaropnouia,. lover, to carry the V " Gmttemen: yij fathsr resides a OScrof35C3sT1. , was rather noon and f was bitten by a dog In January last election tbe use of. firearms KEEX . SUEAn dreary, Ask made? t. Ho us. been a groat suit erer front if neby bill of coaetoded. the eration being while returning from school. oa KCTTES DOCBLE ASCII PMKO will tell j vhat cessary. The witness boasted of his ula, and the inclosed letter it to Boston, $7. A Are occurred ht the committee rose and reported SSr.Vfn Ualivar etovoa In any jart sf tbt Itj, m( tbam up and marvelous effect ' ' aal take otner. 115 Federal great fight the dayf the riot, Raying : i at the House. ' the in ; OSee, CS Tine St, ICew Torkv building . was fnarsDtro twl'afactkm. "Mattahs bilious for on & the amend very gittin was anestlon first Street, occupied bv Nichols Dupee, de 'Squire and be took watah." Th beat solid Steel SHOTtM and of stock this section. Pendln'f a the Cull- ted' ExiniM car Larga Stack. fourth, memto on LOWER hand is .The it complete loss, merchants wool tliia thought, SIJIJIOXS Constantly SPADES are made by PRICES; ;E.er, celebrated , action the House adjourned.and a joint will be heavy, though the. ngures are " After careful eonsideratlon of the . ireU known and Jnstry HAKDWAEC CO, ST. JUOIT1S. to was caucus announced Democratic facts and tae obtainable presented by F - '; notOmaha. In his ease? VtMrfk his biood rmwt 27. The victims 01 tneex- - me attorneys argument? take place immediately. 1'erriinan Havehad Don't fail t call tor SUKk1."s , . represenuni j ,. i'f 1,, contained tbe humor ICrt at "teast tet ..... were Chris. Madscn, and thft rtvaL i for yesterday ploslon WEED Ispaheche TIZFLE, aspirants H:CE13rE r scythe. form in not " tbe t2d It .'i hvt m." ." except ULASTtyO, KEStVCKT show, IVa IKarhlfvft.lliahinVil mi" v m. ADney, j years j a. r " ', r t: i r..alrX'.U. "i; agea iu.mwiuj, VCCK it; It U far BUPEHIOB ta anytnlatT try, ut a scrofulous ante on tae wrist, nalil about JO.-the magazine reachthe and has of John Interior 11; Still, Secretary ... , XLECTJtJC i . n': Xarket. ar Froaw a few sits whlehso as OF bad In it six and a half tons of powder. ed the conclusion that l'erriroan should arm i S02IK THE. LEAWXG . ' ... ami oeaxolatUiat be spread as I- - anJ all tbs prlnclpal was Steele tims.it owned the gradaalij it. chief. It jonnson, 8Y recognized by b principal All IIATCHJCTS and athss Tot assure he of south ass miles half bU and a entire body. .1 to cover you j ltallroodat located two Secretary Chandler recommends the terribly afflicted, and - KB. CLAH'SOy.'Acent. EDE TOOLS, POCKET KX1VES, --WAGONS an object of pity, wnea tie C The shock was severely leit tteecity. Medical nomination of Director F.M. 31 SCISSOKS sod SHEARS. beartn fire are Ik Hatter ail over tke town and the Kow, there depart Gunned to be la array Papers haaegaanslngyoarnedlerae. . Snrgeon General of the few nutn of his age who enjoy as good beal'Jb ;. tbs Trade Hark of KE5 KVTTEIX ment was called out. umicings uuit a Benorted Stolen. " 1 had the win MADE UT "' ,: as as baa. I soukl easily aajos City paisous are SCPEBIOB to amy otker. mil, from the magazine 'r ii ioc-two. in it doors and case. shattered his Abo , split in dows facts who In to would the on Senate committee claims testify Jemvlty if raked Tbe abovo Good TV. M. 1TIILXJP8.' Trees- were leveled and torn asana Yours Uuly. , beuator Jackson. lor the sub Altbonfrh tnudh Is vald abont tne Impor- canister, and wlUthe wboleaale Hardware Xseal' be grspe It the bill may medicine. committee, or reported a favorably tance were will uuuj " a ajot Lake and tue reiiet oi tae LitUens .National r WasHixotox. 2T. Democratic mem oranciie flesh, bs nevrif seriously possible that tie subject TAiui dlOS ly one head being taken ior Bank, of Sew Orleans. The claim is bers of the Senate and liouse. Senator human limb 30 feet qf note! claimed your attention, normost s high, the f2jO,oou, money taken by,. General a duty for no to state to yon die t "t I f i Pendleton presiding, met tit- Joint cau from stent Aimost STery person has some form of - i a were lor ever seen AVhen tM in the -cuy, rlble tor j veins. .... bis Butler, in the cus latent titer y? adjournment tT9 darived from tbs tne of poUoa r of opinion, as to the or a Democratic Congressional is a difference develops la gerofelens kr8, llccrs A appoint was bill Introduced in Senatd the coroner of KlieunaatUra, umtitin cormnlttee. "It; was decided cause of tie explosion, aud form the in w THE PLATroUM, WAfiOV, ALL SlZCS CF FARM WAGONS. Kraptien, w by Maxey to provide for the lin-V l")alfw-fn-. should name as a member Kent holds an Inquest , jurtm aixt Taj Hir th rjinf-or Oreante IMseas, the snfferlng tkst r.m lrli-vvmmWaffon. iwrmonn'anew Is terrible. Hsnc the sratitwleof thos3 of such committee one person for every ascertain the facts. The loss is noto. provement of the channel letween tbe jwerf" inrn, twM ie atoait. 'rwi ira ivestoa Harbor and the linif of Six months aro 1 wa completely eovrfe with tsiu tVKOtt, lle Tour Si lUjt 'yn, H Krr ".V etc 1 bs wlwlir aemo-cratic much beyond the powder and who diseorer, as thousands yearly do, that igii., State and . Territory, navmg 1 1 1.L; im r.ni i.n are die made Lb. luckoi y i k James IL 5'exlco. that lttrr'l,i .rioif. It ( provides seeind aih. rl, 4 a terrible humor sad scrofukroi cores. Th corners ai0 hss and rte; representation in Congress, sad ruand bodies and be aiih Kads associates authorized Alfred to and tenifiered; S7. Alma . .in, Lyons tnsoterabla sUifM-dan that the committee snouM seieet one S and led bl k. tncaatiirt Caa aantar : .vst body and ronriu jisld neatly of hydro- construct Jetties and other works for iteidrifc and ths uii cracked m as to causa Veneer State tender, boys, died every rniin'nir. hmnlnu'lr deaiirne and Oninbrd with Mine p'lbi.s alren la bud. rliirslsl. person as a member from the creation and permanent maintender-- ; cratie phobia, after the most dreadful agony, to no "'W e claim Warvn io tbe world. be.t auike the or n.i harirr Tprrttorv sprisf whenever carnages. i and ance of a channel &l feet in depth at the tbe fclood to flow ta snaay will thoronshly eradicate tits eTJ front the and from the District iae former was bitten Jan. il-and my Were moved. representation, I freat, My snfferlpcs mean tide between the harbor and high System. itAiniFA ef sba STUDiiBAivKu Am wU tet life without air as healtk of Columbia. An executive committee- the latter Jan. 31st. the gulf,, for which . Congress shall life a burden. ' I eomsteawed the ae , SiksaraauAJk fa April last, aad Lave wed Without pare bSood. CIsnase Um Uood cUa (lf three Senators and fire Jiepresentahim to Ou.XaT at agree $7,730,000 pay certain tlves, the eonditlon Ates"s gxasar arii.la. t'rr as tisat sJaco Iff the of times channel it the shall repiissrrf depth owi chairman who shall be Tte s '.- Lavo be w to t!sww at be shown to have been Increased. ;",.;:'' choose Its chairman i:.'j,"'...'Z',TAksi) bt k of the campaign o( XZ BUGGIES f.V ' IItICEB TO AS TOX1SII. alfbsslsd. m,ad I -l jefctly well In every comrattttee. The Tho House on committee His the campaijm repM railways Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,towel!,Ma5s. rwpect beln aowabia to oo s good day's .that olanotl reand canals has ordered favorable centativea cT the Statescotioaitiee Work.' atl&owg years Of Many luquire : SoU by all Dra&rUis; St. six bottlMfor $3. are 1 1 era. on the mme a xaeiuber of lie bill, following ports appropriat Pjraasa waat has vrwouiit sash a cere 14 any ease, acd some vexson withnnoinl tn one use con cu.utrs p. ior inu;iua TT2 Tl. Tbe police are convinced ing tell tnem, as I have bsrs tried to t'.l yon,; THE GRAPX1I committee as agreed PiePaeih, truction of Use and IATra'a in. two daysr-Thsryland made Oci. baa advanced Vi Irish SAUArAfettta. , Cover, as follows: party blU " " i at the caaeus,!f their headquarters In La rope for Delaware ship canal: vereple'a Yonrt gratefn:;y, A. H, Oarta-adone .a, L3. ConsjctM Fails, ci rtsns:; ; provide? ' the of taelr dynamite Era V.V preparation aton: C, Vir. miliion ten f b vl :l : f-. AGISTS rOB THU dollars for cut, annsa'.ry years the na- for the o .a of ; - l schemes. KORTT SPE1NO 5T The M ; .Townseiidi.In-inspectors ..; P. dl W. IttinoK the improvement I.ove; S. permanent HJ tionalist colony includes representaIowa,-J- . Krie Canal, and to aid ia rn&intsinlng 7:ATV..SAWAAitlA- eerea Serovolav s, if. tucka"er! re on ,iin. Slrr!-elaU. C. Planchardj tives of three SMtinnii of -the Irish- first commerce of the ad aU Serefelow same the the WBOttULB AVD aBTATX. Iurphv: , :. publican brotherhood. TheFenians United fitstes; and tJ'rtnt'a ttil tto 1: Marv land, A. .t..Gonci rjj. : Tses, V Lfwrna, tectioa ronrorUes the " t4 James otti ll. .IL. Txneric?i k&rt-tl.r3;-ii!ia, ; s.pr. a.ous .l Icr LIQUOR DEAL' and cf and bin-en- s, John ! O'Leary car.-from I'r.loa ts i inJ It t! .i t e t' f.Iisia',T'i , liiL. Klnd je t A.' h'c?,'j cVocki Cisicf Otpof, cf t'.l ;a-- r General JfcAdoros. The last namei C ELI AC LS 'A?JTl( fAClTfct CQ'J- ?tii "ur1, "Territory, to ii. et jtsLlnioj : ',v c s..Jts 1 tiisavowa a of CE3UCTICM Iff the society. His '..' j'.u-- j tue s la Two - rure CaKf wlo pot 'tn - ' ' , ,.' . T r mission was to counsel his friends b1 tbns : 1 ow.l ; ' f'f" asyrva-Casrs of OtM Dosea Inch. ootxtWnM cX Vert, TT,'"1 bat it t 111 rLr'int'1 e if.1 14 t1 lh AoreBia fbsrry, ZinfnV4, Bafeta ' a- it"t. i a i t t'.-tiot Lis i. irr t reveal their acts, r''n'ii ir- ; j. jtr se, ii y 1. J. -a. , S. ivT.M, 11. Q. "Vtaro BraxdT. makfrr la at It bottom (3 ta I a tver n"a.rica c.r i :i:V ca they tr . H I.rjiir f''jr J. f rrtour; Ut-?t and delivered Salt tn Lake, ta iia waa cert:.! a tb allon) am? ?'. "; J. L.Kem; i.:'1 j, i r I jr tioi altsts aruired this view. Captain ry u ..Kb BO :i, j I tab, far Ten Dollars. i. to xxc A. t.A. sun were e&il n weak Jaitiied th L',, nto .'v ueeUl alven t cons t.au-rutloat 11. Jltcaserty iU4 iw t War to HC-- a tmxp ij." e.tlljaurroy; tl.sU tot;: larre uar3ias. v j M.DS, i.. and , 1 --o- : 1 j' - , i CHICAGO, to-da- p jip - u -- i. , ' . , sub-coiunilt- t'e. , to-da- fob;j0 ijULasr. -.- : A.-W- , v ; - IL-- i ! li-f- d I wr WEST; xx xa - . xi Tjrr;o 1 1 , - - I Absolutely Pure. - pcrtt-ie- 5 '. watson an? f i - i r ii " . I GOLDSTICRERl d i ... , . .r-.- imm - - y... - ' Cafl i0. I'-ea- to-d- jn ay .'a ed rXKH-tlve- " -- : to-nie- rht i.'- Ttuu-.IA- . -- CLOTHING, 5 - D s ; . ( - , ,; ' - s A 1 R i lEB THE 4 ; - 1 CONFECTIONERS; to-d- day-bre- ak 1 ay -- . - to-d- alM " ay . HER'MAJESTY'S DPERfl GDRflPRMY nine-pounders- .-- ; i . i . . FOIt ONE NIGHT ONLY, 1 m WORLD-WID- , t . . , - . --- J -s . lirwj-nsM- - tm-i-jro, i ds .- - . , I i 1 . j - - COTTON DUCK, .." P , j LOST. jr. jr. TAiimAJnL 0. j ..... - a sVosi -- v-- i - ' - I1 t BADE, ,fob sale- " , . Bouth-we- ay . -? Lipti . . . . - ' i . . 1 . TOBAOOO.'r' . ; : 0r L te a?tn ub'Tioiirs.'" '; Etc, - . STOVES RETAIL Hwre ylroo, -- . ',' ;. .i . sconced geo. to-da- . s .;. to-d- ay and Private j. to-d- ay to-aa- ' ; " . to-da- Jim Mim' COOICfA HEATI 11Q - . . 1 ; 1 - " ' i '. - ; '.' ! ' STOVES .- Wticiia lill Pnthsen r HARDWARE. " - BICIVIAROIC RAIMCEG, ; . to-da- A.fMVELOus. Story co-oper- ate ya s : . 1 eight-year-o- ld to-op- (r -- . HAZAED POWDER 4 '' Ayers Sarsaparilla,; to-nig- " i en tX Tosr ;: - r :'r -- " five-sto- ry . ; to-nig- ht. : . s . - S-' ! -- I j , t . ? I fair la ! : 5 ' The J-VS- yr AMERICAN, zi-'- itm, ... a STl'tES 0F j j SPRING . . THUIK OF IT NOW S5i-- -i j 1 i to-a- ay MBras. nv blcod-purifVl- Oa-de- n , sorof-tilo- es ; U-u- - I4.- ".. to-d- ay - to-d- ay ow n 3 human-Chicag- - Ayer's.Sars to-d- ay - 1 - , : ..mi - executive-eommitteo--t- . the icnE xmcs cr H. J. WOOLLACOTT, AuroIos, t - . ta POnEIGH. ex-oil- cio f- o. hats:&;.son, inruitta cosrmr, LAKS CITY, ITTAII. : - sv . . .mtui biio s. - e r-r- -- i xsira.i - . .jv-Iiware- ; ! . - Loul-mna- , - ConrF-lsicts- , -- ml ail fenr Utsg-worro- , Lo't-vTaraers- , s I.e 3 1 fc' N, " r-rt- oro vit-w- ? - llns: " i .- ?" Bmrtr'j"wtrK r . viir vji. h l..' ;lfri . |