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Show Councilor E. Snow was fearful by cotton caterpillar aggregate that by acknowledging two or three families as a settlemtnt, the law To r later I be Cabinet. be made too stringent and might oar 15. The Commercial of the KkW York,Washington drive sheep herds oatare special Advertiser's now places Chandler Territory. Wateringaccount and Sargent of peobecoming scarce on cabinet. enter the soon will ple settling on the quarter sections 1 tie carfaxes Msort along the streams. Councilor Cluff stated that his body of the late BcewJlo.--T- he constituents had sutiered consider ir Wnn Kua. Professor of Chinese ably from large herds cf sheep L the Harvard University has been cropping off and treading down the ncased In a leaden casket and 6ent herd s rounds close to the settle to China. rr.eats, though there was abundance Tammany Xapaalfeaaa. of feed a little distance away, and 15. he wanted a bill passed to relieve lammany toes Albany, the people of this imposition. over to the republicans in both Councilor Smoot narrated how houses of tbe legislature. The three many people in the south had been Tamataoy sanakm voted with the compelled topend thousands of do republicans and adopted a resolution, lars in frequently building dairies and the Lieut. Governor will now and then pulling up stakes and re- appoint the standing committees. moving the property miles away on Chas. Stanford Nominated . account of sheep herds starving the uorned stock of these dairy mslltu rZciiNECTADY, 15. Chas. Stanford turns. was nominated by the republicans The motion to strike out the word to All the vacancy caused by the settlement and put in tho words death of Senator Wagner. "town or village, was lost by 300,-OOObfl- fng to gain possession of our Territory and Its Treasury, and attempted by men standing in the position cf At xnram baxvt, roca o'clock. ltepublican statesmen, who have become blinded by the dost raised PRrSTXD aJTD PUBLISHED BY against Utah by schemers nnd biHE DESERET NEWS COMPANY. gots. We must confess to some surpriee that Senator Edmunds has allowed CHARLES W. PENROSE, EDITOR. himself to be so iufluncetl by his co adjutors In the committee, as to and Feb. 13, 1SSS Champion their Wednesday, un (states manlike vagaries. The carperule forced for a season upon t-bag LEGISLATION. the South was bad enough. But there was some show of excuse for it Wk pubHsh the bill which in rebllhon only just but down. Senator Edmund yesterday worked Butthe is a Territory over which here o bard to advance upon the calen already exercises u, h sudar that it might be considered be Congress that no law can be enact pervision fore its time. It was originally in ed without consent of one mar the traduced by Mr. Edmunds In the Its own and any law t appointee, Senate, when It was referred to the acted can be set aside by Congrt e j, Judiciary Committee, of which he while within its borders there if is chairman. It was there amended, security .Senators Logan and Davis being greater peace, order, laes to life and property, credited or debited with the prin-c- i lawlessintern erauce, loafing, pal changes made. Those' amend and want, ness, pauperism ments are given in quotation marks, and more genetally diffused prosper so that our readers may see the ad than in any other Territory in lit ions and changes made in com ity the Union, and yet because a few mittee. By arrangement made in adventurers cannot political the Senate yesterday, it was to come Control of the ballot box and gain the for hearing. up y whole lecal government the Treasury, The first section of the bill is very ) to be revolutionized, the princi similar to the law" of 1862 on the of the suffrage and of majority ples same subject, but substitutes the are to be stamped into the for "bigamy." rights word "polygamy an mire, oligarchy is to be set up The second section, which was add- within a republic, and the business ed by the committee, makes cohabi- knd general material prospects of a tation with more than one woman a Terri cry are to be jeomisdemeanor. Comparison of the flourishing and impeded, under the two sections will show that the au- pardized are some men that there pretext thors of the hill consider that if a therein who marry more wives than man lives with two women and is one, and proofs cannot oe procureu only married to one of them, his of- sufficient to convict them! fence is less than that of a All the special legislation now be man wno marries two women fore Congress in either House points For ne wno cohabits with any simply to this piece of infamy. The number of women, whether down of polygamy is but married or single, cannot, under the putting the pretense. That will not and bill, be puuished by more than be cannot by any such three Lund red dollars' fine and 1m schemes. accomplished is to band The object prison men t for six months, while Over this Territory to tha minority man wno marries iwo wives may knd give them those chances to be fined five hundred dollars and control of and fleece the people gain Imprisoned for five years. This is Which they cannot possibly gain putting a premium upon irrespon through the ballot box. If morality sible cohabitation. In the case with Is motive power let it bo shown the smaller penalties, the women in the some earnest measure against and their offspring may be discarded all forms of immorality, and not when the man is tired of their com make the paltry pre"polygamy" pan v, having none of the responsi- - text for coman industrious robbing Duity attacning to marriage. But of commonest the of munity rights in the case with the much greater citizens or the last remnants of and is penalties, he under a marital con those liberties which by the territrace, ana in the cases aimed at EVENING NEWS. anti-republic- an ANTI-MORMO- to-d- ay -- pro-misco- ua course. anno domini eighteen hundred and "eighty-three,"ar- e hereby legitimated Sec. 7. "That no polygamist, bigamist, or any person cohabiting with more than one woman, and no woman cohabiting with any of the as aforesaid persons in this section, in any Territory or other place over which the United States have exclusive vote jurisdiction, shall be entitled to such at any election held in any Territory or other place, or be eligible for election or apr r n tmen t to or be entitled to hold any office or place of public tru&t, honor, or emolument in, under, or for any such Terri'. ory or plate, or under the det-critie- United StaUs. Sec. 8. That all the registration and eleciion offices of every description in the Territory of Utah are hereby declared vacant, and each and every duty relating to the registration of voters, the conduct of elections, the receiving or rejection of votes, and the canvassing and isreturning of the same,or and theeviother certificates suing of election in said Territory, dence of shall, until other provision be made by the legislative assembly of said Territory as is hereinafter by this section provided, te performed un der the existing laws of the United States and of said Territory by proper persons, who shall be appointed to execute such offices!and perform such such duties by a board of five persons, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, all of whom shall not be members of one political party, a majority of whom shall be a quorum. The members Of said board so appointed by the President shall each receive a salary at the rate of three thousand dollars per annum, and shall continue In office until the legislative assembly of said make provision for Territory shall filling said offices as herein authorized. The Secretary of the Territory shall be the secretary of said board, and keep a journal of its proceedings, and attest the action of said board under this section. The canvas and return of all the votes at elections in eald Territory for members of the legislative assembly thereof shall also be returned to said board, which shall canvass all such returns and Issue certificates of election to those persons who, being eligible for such election, shall appear to have been lawfully elected, which certificates shall be the only evidence of the right of such persons to sit in such assembly; but each house of such assembly, aftei its organization, shall have power to decide upon the elections and qualifications of its members. And at, or after the first meeting of said legislative assembly whose members shall have been torial system are already so greatly elected and returned according to the provisions of this act, said legis abridged! lative assembly may make such laws, conformable to the act of said Territory and notorganic inconA BILL. sistent with other laws of the United States, as it shall deem proper TO AMEND SECTION FIFTY T1IBEE concerning the filling of the offices HUNDRED AND FIFTY-TWOF THE in said Territory declared vacant by to-da- "Mormon' plural marriages men are bound by the most sacred covenants and ordinances to care for and cleave to each wife as much as the other, and regard equally the offspring and necessities of both, yet the marriage Is to be punished by heavy penalties, and the eohablta-tatio- n without marriage by light penalties. In all these penal statutes against extended marriage, it will be seen that their authors are careful not to touch the great and widespread evil of prostitution or occasional libidinous intercourse. The term cohabitation is applied to the living together of a man and woman, and in law criminal cohabitation Is net to be presumed by proof of a single act of intercourse between saVman and a woman not married. If these pretended prude were really in earnest In a crusade against immorality, they would strike at the centre of the evil. Bat they are simply lighting a religious ordinance, or a cere mony which is part of an ecclesiastical institution, "an establishment of religion,' the "free exercise of which they want to prohibit, con trary to tne spirit and letter of the national Constitution. Hence their fines and penalties against extended marriage, and failure to punish and illicit sexual Inter cases in which such marriages have been solemnised according to the ceremonies of the Mormon sect, In in any Territory of the United States, and such issue shall have been born before the first day of "January," -- O REVISED STATUTES OF THE UNIT ED STATES, IN REFERENCE TO BIO-AMAND FOB OTHER PURPOSES. this act.' o if. f UTAH LEGISLATURE. CKXTMOIL. Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1882, 2 p.m. Council met pursuant to adjournment. Boll called. Prayer by the Chaplain. the-Coun- cil same purpose. Councilor Caine presented a petition from 68 merchants of Salt Lake City, praying that C. F. 19, the bill introduced some time ago to enable persons to collect debts under the sum of $75. was read and referred to the committee on judiciary. This petition was signed by nearly all the business men of the city, and included among them are, J. R. Walker, S. P. Teasdel. Cohn Bros.. j. vs. wuuer, vjr. pr . uuimer, H. ti. Schettler, Godbe, Pitts dVCo., Scars A Liddel, C. R. Savage, Angus M. Cannon, Hardy Bros., Q. W. Davis, Joslin A Park, Barratt Bros , Adam Spiers, Solomon Bros. & Gold, Geo. Romney, D. James, L. D. dr. A. Young, Cunnington & Co., Barnes fe Davis, M. H. Lipman, etc., etc. Councilor Smoot, from the committee on claims and appropriations reported back the petitions of W. I. of Sevier County, Clark, and F. Kingston, of Morgan County, who had asked to sums of thev had paid into the money Territorial Treasury, but which had been paid Q0IKCY, 111., 15. The Jews here are excited because Solomon L. Zahlkopf, a Russian Jewish fugitive, who rejched here three weeks ago, has been spirited away. Shayer was last seen with him, and the Jews say he was an agent of the Russian Government, trying to extort secrets from Zahlkopf. Johnson Elected. Albany, 15. John on Is elected clerk of the assembly, Tammany supporting him. 'Republican" Board Elected. Chicago, 15. A Washington special says: The following boardelected under ownership of the Jle- engrossing. The House of Representatives no titled the Com cit that the bill amending the charter of Grantsville bad been passed. It was then read and laid on the table, to come up in Gorhain. Frank Hatton; F. B. Con ger, William A. Patton, Root. G. Dun and George Bliss. The new names in the directory are, Frank Hatton, of Iowa; First Assistant us oruer. Another message from the House was received, stating that a concur rent resolution had been passed to print 2,500 copies of the report of the Territorial Superintendent of District Schools for distribution among the officers of the Territory the Legislative AssemHy,the school officials and teachers in each school district and for circulation abroad Also referring the recommendations concerning changing the school law 10 committee. The House bill changing the boundaries of American Fork City was read the second and third times. The Council bill for a charter for Nephi City, was read the first time, and After benediction by the chap Iain. The Council adjourned until Wed nesday at 2 o'clock. Postmaster-Genera- Wm.A. Patton, l of New York, representing some New York capitalists; Robt. G.Dun, of Don, Barlow & Company, and George Bliss, of New York, a large capitalist and active lawyer, a lifetime personal friend or Fresi dent Arthur, and a man who is supposed to know more of the secrets of the administration than any mem ber of tbe cabinet, and who has been appointed by the President snecial counsel to take char ire of the Star route cases. It remains to be seen whether this paper will par- sue this same course towards the Star route prosecution that it has from the beginning. It would be curious to see a newspaper of which Geo. Bliss is a trustee and control of stock of which he is supposed to have acquired, Racking tbe star route prosecution of which he is himself chief. There are those who say it never has been the intention HOUSE. of tlie administration to press the star route suits. Evidently General Tuesday, February 14, 2 p.m. The Speaker being absent Mr MacVeagh is one of those who hold Fa; r was elected chairman wo tern this view; possibly the course of the The consideration of the report of Jtcpuoitcan will solve this problem the Territorial Superintendent of District Schools was resumed, and upou completion z,ouu capies were ordered printed for distribution, etc. . n i;i: were presented: By Mr. Attwood from Mr. Geo.C. t'aek and 227 others residents of Mummlt county and one from Jos. mack and 83 others each asking for an appropriation of $1,000 to ouna a wagon road from Park city to Chamois, Uintah county. Read and referred to the committee on highways. Mr. from the and c mm it tee, uponways means reery F. 44 H. to amena tlie Complied Laws, re portea mat mo committee had amended the bill and recommend its puwago aa nwultd. . Accepted The committee on nri, i.it.,-. by Mr. Preston, the chairman, re- pui ieu oacK n. i . as, witti amen recommending its passage. Aciepted. . Mr. Partridge from the committee on irrigation reported unfavor ably upon the nassaue of H. F. o. providing for the recording of vested water rignts. Tlie report was accepted and bill rejected. Mr. Lee from the rules committee presented tiie following substi tute for rule 81: "The title of .every bill shall express the subject to which the same relate?; and if a bill proposes amendments to the compiled laws of Utah tbe title shall contain the compilers' it m monuments to i tie laws cmuuu, slnv-tbe said passed the title shall contain compilation, the section t hapter, and date of of the approval act proposed to be amended; if an amendment to the charter of a City, leference to the act incorporating such city shall be sufficient." The rule was adopted. Tho committee nn ways and means reported back H. to F. menu section ia of chapter49, 18. nuuum auicuuiiieni, Accepted. The committee on agriculture, by Mr. Preston, chairman, back a bill to appropriate thereported sum of i,ouu to me use of the D. A fc M aociety to erect suitable buildings on tho cast half of wiiin ..,.. Councilor E. Snow presented a petition from citizens of Washington, pray lug fox m appropriation of $5,000 for the purpose of improving the road running over the Black Ridge, in the soothern portion, of the Territory .similar to the petitions presented to before for the ?MTtm lynterlous Disappearance. vote. The bill passed its first reading and was referred to the committee on engrossing. The House bill providing for fen cing orchards, stackyards, gathered crops, and town or city lots, and Keep sucn rence in repair, or forfei the right to assess damages or im poumi stock trespassing, or doing uamages on me premises, was read and passed. The Council bill providing for the ana collaring of dogs out registering siue or city corporations, was read Shepherds' dogs are to be exempt from this tax. The bill was read and referred to the committee on t. Y, Be it enacted by the Senate and Howe of Representatives of the United Mates of America in Con. section fifty-thre- e great Assembled, That r th hundred and fiftv-twRevised Statutes of the United States be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows. namely: l.Tery person who has a husband or wife living wno, in a Territory or other place over which the United States'have" exclusive Jurisdiction, hereafter marries another, whether married or single, and any man who hereafter simultaneously, or on the same day, marries more than one Woman, in a Territory or other nlace over which the United States"have" exclusive jurisdiction, is guilty of "polygamy" and shall le nuuished live by a nne of not more hundred dollars and be ih;u imurison. meat for a term of not mart: ti five years; but this section; ehali n t extend to any person by reason cr any former marriage whose husbam. or wife by such marriage shall have caen absent for five successive years, and is not known to such person to be living, and Is believed by such person to be dead, nor to any person by reason of any former marriage Which shall have been dissolved by k valid decree of a competent court, nor to any person by reason of any former marriage which shall have been pronounced void by a valid decree of a competent court, on the ground of nullity of tho marriage contract." Sec. 2 "That If any male person, inI. aI Territory or other nlace over . a a. wuivu uib umieu estates nave exclusive lurisdietion. h its withfmore than one worn an, he shall be deemed guilt v of a mix. demeanor, and on conviction therrnf Shall be punished by a fine of not more than threat hundred Hollars r by imprisonment for not r.ore than six months, or by both said punish ments, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 3. That counts for or all Of the offenses named inany one and two of this act maysections be Joined in the same information or aa-rertst-hat W Jehn Sand berg. a And raw Peterson, A. Wannberg. WALKER Furniture Sbop! We respectfully invite the Public who want Furniture to call at oar Shop, one block west of the Assembly Hall, and ascertain oar prices and examino our Home-Mad- e s, Furniture, such as Wardrobes, Book Cases, etc.; in fact, everything fn the Furniture line, and be satisfied that a good article can be made at home and prices to correspond with imported goods. tery We also Repair, and French - Polish. Good work guaranteed. VSchool Furniture a specialty. Give us a Call. P. O. Box, 1200. eiDe Meyers IZtsT CURE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN. UTAH'S FAVORITE. LICITIIK WILLIAMS' POOR MAN'S FRIEND. Z. C.M.J. General Anents. Salt Lake Gitu. I itAl l ih it J. w. H. WILLIAM!, Prop'r. d73 sw m AN Corner Firrt East Street, iw. I OgxJen. UNDERSTANDS or iron mast Furnaces. fee j'uuainfr Tbooaaa 14th Taylor, THE I Ward, City. e A UIRI FOR GENERAL our Dress Goods Departmt CASHMERE, I I Salt Lake Citv. I ALBUM WAN TED. W11U insr WE HAVE BLACK AND COLORFD e ihrir-rin- COLORED Silica, satins, Satin Dol.j oii, nrah Silk and Safin, Plaid, Stripe and Plain Velvets, all colors. CURE. DOCTORS' TEEEOE For sale bv all dealers OUR Can be found all the NEW SHADES of BLACK and re-Varn- O-IJ- C- , Silk & Velvet Departm t Cap-board- CATARRH nnnT ir rr dnu ntH ITOtTSEWORK VIEWS The SECOND EDITION of these Beautiful Views of Salt lake OMy has arrived, and are redaced in price from ALPACAS, TAM1SE CLOTH, PLAIDS, STRIPES, And all kinds of Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, II , OUR Xs Tlets. to foots, each. Just the thing to send to friend at r nil. dlataaee. The Album contains SO exquisite views of the mast prominent places m the dry. The Wasatch Mountains, with letter press of each view. v NOTION DEPARTMENT well supplied with a Full and Complete Assortment of el t MMiwrviucrirn, amies anil voiioi all ve, Sixes and Qualities. i.'JrOXdDatlTOS, LATEST STYLES HI :ra. L. .UOIdborn'B. mr :rA Sr.ni a The fourth section of the bill Is an and 3rd i act Sta. m if attempt to make into law that which in the mam is now the prac LOST. tice in the Utah Court). Already it has been ruled here that a man who RED COW. BRANDED A INSIDE A circle on left ribs. The tinder win hn PRICES either practises plural marriage or ry wKroea oy Dringmr her to D. B. Brintoo. believes it is right to do so shall be a, " WlUWUMJ. excluded from the Jury In a trial for I threogheat the United States bigamy. The section goes a little PROPOSALS WANTED. for foots., post paid. further than this, and excludes the toother counties. The committee I Agents Wanted. man who cohabits with more than favored the amounts prayed for be WILL BE RECEIVED UN- pUUPtJSALS Tor a ui iubt. tout, one woman, or believes It right to do sultabte placed in the appropriation bill. ti. building . j AmJahruit sen svt . unaui so, Whether the section passes or The committee on municipal corAfi p. o. Box in. not it will make little difference to bill filed porations reported back the House dTStd bill granting incorporated cities cera ne committee on count situation. Senator Edmunds 1. - - -aJ. and his colleagues are probably un tain powers, with amendments; also Mr. Hatch, reported adversely upoij the House bill amending the char- mo pomum or wm. (A .11 edlciae, not a Drink.) aware mat Federal Judges in Utah and WHOLESALE GROCERS, IMPORTERS AND King ter of for the Fork others, creation Spanish of a and the new CONTAINS City, " OF "uwicueii u ie law to such an HENS' BOOTS AND . House bill changing the boundaries uoumy Accept ru. JOBBERS JaV FirTERSh lhrnul u.nMnu. SHOES, HOPS, nCCIIU, MANI'KAKB, of American extent, and therefore imagine that Fork City, without - fteady employ. ine committee on claims, by Mr. u i?ryDANDELION, V iv wn JxtC'lt InlHUi they are striking a heavy blow at reorose, approved of the report of Sec 4. That in any Sr??i.!?n. amendments. Axp tHV TV REST AND IlEST MIJCI,Q0AJ T W.?ramittee on d72tf com rei6ner t Booth.spedal on mis, TiJt or ali. otuiu Birria. agriculture "polygamy." It la for bigamy, "polygamy, However, 1.111 t punea oacK me (Jouncll to be juror ana witness fees in the Firnt discussion cohabitation," under any statute of strain hoped that from oneirics sheep vAurr, and recommended being herded near Manufacturer. Affsnts and Wholesale Dealers In WANTED. All niaeasetof neStomach, Ilo'rcls. niood. upon a citizen's right of belle will sue united S ates, it shall be suffi- to settlements, with amendment: mat me eame be Bpread upon the am ITItr cause of . to j .ver, umu as cook, unnn viom challenge Urlnurj- Orxam. Un.,. Kill per- alan be elicited by the section, and that cient ix. to reno- - minutes. Adopted. urn reiaung liuuoc Sl en;ant;saaiKi especially A pply son drawn or summoned as any a jury- ing lots and immediately to Mrs. Locia Cofcn. t Female r 30th Comnlalnta. Also croon, & claim lis of n upon gathered wlthmt wai J will Articles out She conof man or talisman, first, that he U or grow sontegpod Council btli In rela derson, JIIN BROTHERS of iron countv, IN SIOOO COLD. has been living in the practice of amendments; troversy. for relief for services rendered in tion 1 uogp, with Dry Goods Store. Will be wM for a cae BJULBT1NG et "POUTING JPOwnrcns. oro j. A a i they will not r i "or Unlawful .iTbe committee amendments. The seventh and eigth sections on judiciary re- ioia-iP'JKmy, belp, or tor any recomins committee Ihjurtoua cohabitation more than found In with Uiem. menaeu mat the sum or $36 90' contain the real marrow of the woman," or that he is or has been commended the passage of the bill to oe Ak jfoor (Jrtjggtat for Hop Bitter and trr SUPPLIES, Ett tbe . name for of the the relief before cf of appropriated you family eleep. mo . Take . measure and very unhealthy mar- guilty of an offense "punishable" by change 3. oilier. WATSON BROS., Touenouse to r tone. petitioner. Adopted, and the D I C. I an flttfolatcand row it is. The. proposition to simply "either of" the foregoing trmiuihi.. ection amount to A was ordered be in received from message use the Druakoi.uesa. tbe placed of opiom, tobacco ana hnnHrJ House stating that C. F. 15, the bill appropriation bill to pat Utah into the political control OS by section fiftv-thrnarcotics. STOIEGHHEHS & BUILDERS. 0 of anny-the Revised Statutes , ros Sni Circular. aasSSSBsa of the minority. Not onry are the of the United designating pub!lo holiday.-Also, upon the claim of George M. had . All States, or the act of passed the House, ..U with amend- isrown, assessor and collector of TOMBSTONES, MONUMENTS, MARBLE men who marry or live with more jujy nrsi, eignteen Wlk. Co., Rchte. N. HT B'"''" hundred and ments. IKON ror uutn MANTEL?, y..if,. In tbe MANTLES, relief the In Our Grocery Department we SeU to women than one to be debarred sixty-twentitled 'An act to pun- GRATES Si HEARTH STONES. Councilor Cluff Introduced a bill matteruounty of uncollec table Territorial from voting or holding office, but am ana prevent the practice of poly- to provide for revenue for district taxes, recommended that thf rati in the Territories of the Uni- nine or Konth Temple Street This bill provides for li- Hon be returned for proper cer tinea- - aoawi nHUM ' the women with whom they live gamy ted States and other nlaces. and din. schools. ai.v vwav. PROPOSALS FOR BRICK. ou uuu. oruereu. are also to be excluded. Thus the approving and annuling certain acts censing peddlers, drummers, teleof bills: exptess companies, sewing Introduction Wa first or legal wife in a "Mormon" of the legislative assembly of the graph, machine agents, dentists but. ahd ny physf rancts, authorizing the of Utah," or, second, ( ians outskle 01 uu pncaie warrants under family, as well as the other wives Tffritory city the corporations, ssuuig believes he it for a to man audi natllWMnaa. net proceeds to go into the county oonua upon tne application of the OVERLAND HOUSE, and the husband, will be debarred have more than onright ilvimr lml tin. owner 01 a lost "J warrant. Refarrori " J ueneni from the elective franchise, while a (Qvocoed wife at (be same UrouiKla in ihla ;.. k 7L-Thra Boon South of n'alktr tl mat, I.."' time,' or schools. Peddlers to be licenan.! at. I. to the wavfl - and . . means mmmitto leDeW w It., msr live in me praouce or cohabiting prostitute could walk up to the pons 1a a r Kraaad u ,o mr. rummers to per tela30; liooth, make all school unji Miiil Brick. Si.. SALT T.ATTT! fTTV and deposit her ballot freely, and With more than one woman; and graphingyear, V A X 25; machine sewing pply to the erection cf the or oflered as a agents fc5 for the debauchee who lets his passions ny poraon appearing each - University of Deseret and reform company -- n and r challenged on sented, dentists $10, physiciansrepreat Lees Rales ih ran ri t and has bo familv ties or SKL buildings. Read and referred uiitr cwmnKxiiitjoos $10, ecoaa-ualoregoing auu wr Hoiise w me to f1". grounds, in iwusw to "j f on his oath as to erci a the City, be con a id- to rejrot any and all SSB comply juuiciary committee. y be questioned JJ responsibilities, can accompany her Tcpms ei.OO to ai-and the person II The bill cusing and ret?ulatTu? Dar- to tbe ' ,er advanuigeoua ana join in Her elective privileges. tbe existence of any Buch cause of so mfmeenor, liable to h the maniifar .n,i ..i. RltALS CENTS evidence oinut Five appointees of the Government may ble the amount of the license. The ul toten u W tUHUUINDll jer W. A. PITT, oA lhe H. T. BOMON, io lnt0 &ALVANEED IBON FLOUR and WHEAT BIN& th of course, enemies of the major! question Proprietor. reading. oflered! raised vsSXTn HRSRY DINWOODET, ka dtaSSt Siivet i. beneat Cart Tf.r.ni amend to and from Depot. were mci.t. of itmree tnousanu dollars a and this question pats 1 .1 wiiii tried by KWNIh the ebtwMeiatiou jf the bill the MAKUPACTTJKF.I) BY j Sak Lake dtj, January ISth, VS2. j The Houo bill givins )X)wpr to nwiw year apiece, are to fill all the regis the court. Bat as te th first iiifJJ of Wednesday "Lsjfore" challenge the my couuiiw to rwtraiu from afternotiti, 2uio. k. tration and elective offices, and to a . a . l. mentioned, lavauu vuaiiengeasnaii not be bound the run nine at large lietimlktiou. hold the power of seating or unseat te of ON H1B PREMISES, KIMBAL. answer if be shall uiv unnn ht. BLOCK. cattle aaU poultry,swine, and Offer! mg an members of the Legislative oath that he declines on the ground hora, TKt "a r.ro aleO lO F ""Ul, " answer may tend to aim! ' Vid?. f? He has received Assembly a raS- laUi n t? viXAo f HUTGHCR, out nate himself and if . shall an he TTIV ty And tills Is in a Republic Public ground; to B Y 1225 MESSRS. HAINES Sfj?!L uwter S ZZ'TZJ: Shop from I the Mast. from i taxes. Cltv BROTHERS, was JSL tc., the of upon AMXD0D8 I recommitted principles TO equal rights Dealer In ait klu.la c,t A. 3XT X SBXI3D TT X IV rjriBODOcE I CHIOS THJSGBATH I wtnmiuee on and popular riiprasasisslkm, and manv criminal l receive have wpotauoua. authorised which declares, as a fundamental uamru in sec- Hi C bill lo r strain thm Hm.i...i f .'.il kindwaeat v tlH BUaflBSaSn. trOD. AMERICAS'. of their ortwoof thte but if goone act;" that a "all principle, 3E3 cowonr three mllm LATEST of DIBPAT1 A PPECIAI.TY. upright nun ssrarsTorlthln IIEfl. menu derive il MITCHELL FARM & SPRING WAGONS their Just ground, he shall be reWf To 044 highway to and powers from the consent of the competent. " inu luiiea or anv .1.4 - " Aull.rcljKomj BUI Vm4 with istb naTatrrararrs rem issl ceutev resident is except within 77 I i "e governed !' One of the grievances hVrT the prior rts eratlea. Fportastltiaaer,. mms set forth in the Declaration of Indeself . vr tmm --n two "ASiusu-ivH- , WE wfilpatb above reward tor tauanT Mll- Senator wweau reasons as before two or u. for . the Tbraafaara o ,v pendence of this with Horse Fewer and Steam Enrlne-J!??0-? revolt, NewMaalDop act ot V :u s;,vb nonce mat be will TflTr rVl r v a 1: v vTr m BAaa... nn a amr.- .1 wgetner Ha" Kakaa. Gale t was, that the parent government UP I settlement- - ifirr'".. cninese bil wiu ue ChflM Plows ead Leek larer Hay Rakes. 1,1 had combined with others "For It three-mile so, glvea them a elrii i8,".. of pasture land, which was nnnecs" of wbich aod ccrer tail to gtva suspending our own legislatures and may afternoon. Coated. lira boxea. ooirtaScur a PiiUT sary. axe declaring themselves invested with cent for wte UyPrlSSSr UonnaJor Wells far wished nun' Blagcettoa. to aU us in cam power legislate for oppot tunlty and mdticement to be !Z! mtumtactiireAir by John fTtaVaiiP? Thirih. whatsoever." This is what to now 8m. 0. ieJO out to settlers, and knew of of Returns of area miV. ik- -. atssasiy enter oisa or polygamous cotton 1881 in wa e at average will alwaj ae marriages, mucn damage Doing done by advised by those who are endeavor. known m Mormon Price and mr ttsraaesij, iTasia in marriayes, sheep herds, aj million. Irflana tBaV.i? T uD.yji? ' BALDER Boata or Taeatre, aait juszs wv- - te SA. T 1 a m ex-asse- ssor or dee-exlpti- LOWEST! OOBSETS. I I . I I y xxuxt, HOP BITTERS. pTOTICE THjEY o u it Kid:i-y8,n- sub-treasur- OOBSETS. fa.'SSaa &5mL.V"JWtwm !. sn TEAS and COFFEES! Tobaccos, Cigars er Brothers! Smoking 1 1 a a r th..-i- i m 1 ; o, tl DEALERS ONLY! a ct S m "m . A j m. 7nT XKfi1; V? .... . mL-.- I1 as stotbs ENQUSH BREAD TINS, a Extraoriiary --- 2 stoves rbtJ si 1 TELEOR APR aTnbTlT! nZtC; ":1225.' htmferWrrri". ta -R-"--.!",, -- Twn ha j Mr'i. WOAIiXj hub. m t? -- .m i tmHLrf7J 1 mL . - J"" ?500 Reward! ?n " miSZl "rf trril JW. toSA"nJrtnehi nun i mm mm m BOSS SlOELS m mi mt |