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Show DESERET EVENING NEWS. TRUTH i i i BY TELEGRAPH. ru wtjolb nnoti FOETY SEVENTH - tW Putt TUr, wttk NEWS SEMI-WEEKL- a,pioo jp, 1' : Y. I tlx month I tare mouth, NEWS WEEKLY. mv WtOnetdap. yar with on nthreemonth, mouth, : olIl! ADVAXCE. ('.irnnror Noiitti.nd Bass K River. Vance then made a speech on the tariff. He deplored the burdens of the high j rotectlve policy, which-fel- l with greatest weight upon the agricultural class, and did more to retard the growth and impair the Made from O Ape Cream Tartai - No other wealth of the South than any other mikw suofc Uht, flaky hot cause. Ereparation reads, or luxurious paatrr. Can be eaten POWDER Absolutely Pure. nr from heavy lndiiteetible fcod. u can try an urooera koiiL BuiN Pcwdsb Cif and Job M tt WELLTIR . Co., Importer, and Jobbers of AUD GOODS, DRY 3Xt 33P, 3&jj 3.M, 3J8, 30, UKOADWAT, NEW YORK. I'rrrdman. If. iXHlritljp, BATES, REED fit COOLEY Jobber of aud IqjI ortej. SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Ii.cludWw a full and complete line of and Domestics, RHnAiWY Prints, Ginghams 143, S4V S47 St, S3 and W - I.TWART) STREET, K W TOSS i ll". ' HEMPHILL, HAMLIN Ca & CARPETING, HIKETS. Oil CUTIS. S 89 Our Orr-ft- MATS, are kept by Z. e ETC, BROADWAY, ZNTEIW C. YORK. Draper, Clark & Co. HAT WAREHOUSE. M A 63 IlKOAIMI AT, ud Ifi6 A loS I'KONBT STREET IfE'Wr YORK: W. FABER'S A- - I IHTICIF5 Bl MAT UoM nvnn o. held, r- -. IK. ESe.i i iHriSTS. MATERIALS. AD AT i., nnd Pencil Co.. JP.au Kabbsr 0mmIm, Iiad Pea. dIU THOS. &RG&LL Mi:'S i CO., at Mtn.ifiwtt'.irr . BOYS B W R !: m tl HI'iH I CO & AND I'KAIJBHS IB LUUglNG GLASSES EVERT OF DESCRIPTION. 0. 577 IIKOAbn W, For b. 41. transportation of nassenKers. from inspection and license. Morgan one red a resolution, which MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, was referred, requesting the President to bring to the attention of the BTJCtf GOODS, ETC. government of Nicaragua the neces for arranging by convention for sity Martlion 2O0A Ntreot, 203, 218, S6. the final settlement of all unadjust ed claims existing between the dly United States and Nicaragua, and of E A1 UrVTICLE OF RENOWN citizens of either or said governments Ad against his government. I tl . journed. FlIBMM'S PURE REFINED USD. HOUSE. Washington, 14. Wllleta, from the committee on Judiciary, report" ed his bill, to prevent persons living in bigamy or polygamy from holding any civil oilice of trust or profit in any of the Territories of the United States, and from being dele- Kate to Congress; placed on the House calendar. Orth, from the committee en for eicn atlairs. reported adversely the resolution originally offered by Rob Ouce useJ alwajy-- desli-cId the future. inson, of New York, calling on the Attorney Uentral as to whether, if Jos. Warren Heifer, Alonzo H. CorN. K: FAIRBANK & Co. nell, or Charles Carrol should be arrested in the British Umpire, without having committed any crime, I'orSBchvI. f. If. J; and Its Urancb the lneliah government by sus ll n ces anil Toilers Generally. pending 'the writ of habeas corpus dly could lawfully detain him on indefi M. 8. VanPeuskn, Wll t.KlMEItT. nite suspicion will out trial, or with out the rleht of tho United States to P. P demand h is release. NvkMPv rfl JOHN v. nckinkw Robinson, of New York, desired to debate the resolution, but the MANUFACTURING Speaker held the pending motion to lay upon the table was not debatable. :The resolution was tabled yeas 117 and nays 104. Orth reported adversely the re so lution requesticg the President to communicate 'all correspondence H. II !Z.ji!4 MIGHIfiiNiE. with the British government on file in the State Department, m refer GI3IIOJVC3-0- ence to the case of Connor, a citizen Our Coo-i- are ket by Z. C. M. I. lis Branch of the United States, now imprison in Ibu len itory. SioilS ajjd nmk'r in Ireland. Or ton stated the pa dly f ed pers referred to had already been for a resolution ol & RAY, the House.by previous The House refused to lay the reso di:ai.i:ks is lution upon the table, 71 to 19. A motion to recommit the resoluLEATHER AND FINDINGS tion regarding the imprisonment of Americans iu English prisons was asu shod m.fvrcwith an amendment to in carried, II KKKV tiOOIKS, M U MIX. elude the names of Michaei Hart, H. O. Mahoney and John MclSury I.ItT, IStiM, l ie.. El. O'ConnorV with SHOE STORE FilDIHES UNO SUPPLIES, Tlie apportionment bill was taken up, but tho i .numeration wa so Whuietuile Hiianriirtnrers oo:tt great that the House adjourned. YOEK. diiS i. -- AND- CniCACxO. WORLD-WID- u, CONFECT ONERS fcerwi-.ill- OADWAT, MERRIAM Lv stKcncrrBiw or j n pi i5TFGBMFwSWU8 JOBBBiU CASASTEAII y TURNER i;or noil .Maeliliti n Npeclally. r.v CHICAGO, PECK BROS. & CO. j'urr inJJ s CLOTTTTNG. Hi' STRAW HOODS TBY IT! CLARK BROTHERS. lo.-tn.r- ly AJII) JOBBBBS OF tKUI ACTOBEBS Hats, Caps, TRADE. YORK XLH Mrmitatt anti-poiyga- Kt.ITH BROTHERS Printing. BooK-aisnuAF- FLIII awarded the floor upon it, deferred his remarks until Edmunds then asked for a vote upon his motion to take up the bill, and after an arrangement which entitles Call to retain the floor for his speech on pensions, the motion prevailed,; and thb bill was taken up and laid over as the next business in order after Call shall have finished his remarks. Kdmun Js said he hoped the Ben-at- e would bs able to sit it out tomorrow, so as to dispose of the bill before adjournment. Bills introduced: By Call, to ex- pmtit vsn1a nf taaa than 9& inn a nn th water of the United of Book H. Co., New York. nuioo tsade. Joa PiiiTjic Office for the execution facility AU Klutto iRMtupeiior - Upon the conclusion of Vance's) remarBS, the pensions arrears resolution came up, and Call, who was lite result- Sold only fear of the hy nyspepnoB without inile tHrwu. 1 m ha IB n 1.76 W IX TERMS y to-da- ri4i4uAd , rpy, anti-polygam- anil-polyga- M DE3ERET . motion of Kdu unds to consider the bill out of Its order was defeat ed, 29 to ill , and consideration of the Hie calendar was proceeded with. Upon the expiration of the morning hour the pensions arrears resolution came up. Edmunds again moved to proceed with the bill, hut said he would not a9k a vote on the motion until several Hena-tors- , M ho had given notice ofy set speeches on other subjects had been heard Unfinished business was then informally laid aside, and Slater sx)fce upon the importance to commerce of the north w. st of the improvement of the Columbia Mry IWriiy and Saturday . wltfc Postage, jwu-- p'W CONGRESS. SEBATJE. Washington, 14. Tho ejt DESERET x 15 Il-ii- fuller Palmer, X XjZBBRT Y. LIKE CITY, UTAH TRBlTOBl, WEDHlDAY EVENING, FEBBCABT HALT NEWS. EVENING INT i. thould he now go back to the people, he would undoubtedly Le re let ted by as large a majority as be fore, and the result w ould be rather to add to his power and lopularity in the Territory. Should he, how- ver. be first sealed and then by a s vote be expelled, he could not again be admitted to the tresent House, if precedents are roi- owed. nor probably to any subse quent House. two-third- lrl.li Prisons. Tho resolution reported by Orth in the House asking for in formation as to the cauae of im prisonment in Ireland of D. A. O' Connor, gave rise to an interesting discussion, whit h at times took a personal turn. Robinson, of New York, in commenting upon the ne cessity of the American Congress taking some steps to release Ameri can t itizens from Irish prisons, took occasion to make some reflections ion Robeson of New Jersey, and that gentleman in turn made a bitter speech, in which he applied to nobinson the epithet of "demago gue," and intimated that be had been mendacious in his statements. The House was in great confusion throughout Robeson's speech, and on its conclusion, several gentlemen were on their feet with points-oorder. There was a eood deal of feeling manifested, and some angry but parliamentary language passed between Randall, of Pennsylvania, and Robeson in the controversy as to who was entitled to the floor upon resolutions. to-da- f Pablfe lands. The Senate committee on nubile lands discussed at length a resolu tion to instruct the Attorney Gene ral to defend titles to western home- teads which are claimed by railroad companies to have been included in the land grants to them. This resolution involves directly lands included in the recent decision of Judge Miller at Omaha, but Indirectly it touches titles of many other homesteads. The question is whether entries made upon land in cluded In railroad grants before that laud was formally and Anally with- drawn by the government are good or not. Senator Plumb stated that he knew at least 500 cases where this question entered into title and that there were hundreds of other cases. The committee did not come to any conclusion. Oi1 1 expectations. Scoville la back from Chicago, and is hard at work on his bill of exceptions, which he thinks he can prepare in a week. He will then return to Chicago till the case is argued before the court in banc, toward the middle of April. He peaks cheerfully, but it is plain to ne nas small bope or securing a new trial for the assassin. Use Caswarie. Caaal Senator Slater delivered a well prepared speech In the Senate to day on the subject of the need for liberal appropriations for the im provement of the Columbia River. He gave a concise description ot the resources and commerce of the Co lumbia basin, and brcuaht into striking contrast the great difference between rates or freight on the Mississippi River and Krie Canal andthose charged by the U.egon Kailway and Navigation Company. From these statistics he deduced his argument in favor of large appropri ations for the speedy completion of the canal at the Cascades, and other improvements, to free this region from the grasp of the present monopoly. He also specially advocated the improvement or vaquina ay, with a view uf making the Oregon & Pacific Bailroad, now in process ot coustiuction from fat harbor, an effective competing line. Wage ol Letter Carrier. Tho House committee on post of fices and post roads agreed to report favorably Bingham's bill increasing the pay of auxiliary letter carriers from 1400 to $600, and providing lor subsequeni advance upon promotion to f sou and $ ,ooo. ttegular carriers are to come from this class, the new men serving first as auxiliaries. to-da- Krys-hanofsk- y. Arthur Hooper A 43 MAIN STKEET, MATERIALS. L U V.B K Uls BEHMIM 7 IU I." i r l.J )'. nahasou to ily. So. I BEET. "1d & CO. SHOES. GRS 11. Corner Cir'.j. 8TKTKT, BRINCKERHOFF, TURNER & CO., 10 Puaiys ftreet. New York, Maiinr.icvireii nf Bud beaters in COT. 1 hi 1 1. UK it, " ir.KWberrv," Drutt lliiU, l'l'wllinuak" and ther favxritt ifarrf .Afotfum and Snfu briii.ta, all numlxr HHfflSOJtaiUS.BlBE.BaeWS BHIITHESBfl CASTAS of all numbers HI 14 to VJ Inches wltle.for Trunk lck i ore, tvffi and t,.fs. Mach'ue other puruuaus, coustaLtly lu store Aprons and mad Co orh'r. Av.t t'it V. R. Runtlns Cfu, "StandanSr and ' Fao'' tht Care nr lam Tbe. tiouds can be obtainedjtvmrit at tr ni -- lr l'inih, Stnir, llK-rt IVtsw, Stuir ltailinu, UfanUter, A'ttrr., tUc vi- ofert'Jrera of I.Ht and SASH. DBDRS MID BUNDS, U intcU. .'miff, dly HALL BENEDICT, f ho:oAl Ml tUal eUSly ff CHICAGO, ILL. rc constant iy kojit In r oulers In Palt Ht'fk hy the lar8t"-Lumriet f? Price Lts and aurl Ourlcn. Ijiicm frw upon appUcaUon. Moultiiug Ilooaa seii w com i Ar '' Our- - floods 1 illS r SIM jBRSE POLISHED ! ULUtO OR sc on : .isvv tliin any a otber. Wtr tluamiiKv) i.ur Nails to bo Fnal in y)x ly anl DuraUllity H any made. WiH bokl si Rert Neway Air-Hiby I he Iron. rlnl.lie.l tm drlv. HOUSE UNION For Pa'-- b Branch Storce- ? NAIL M. y COHPMT. I. and MS FAVfKRX TRA1MS. c-r- tr powdbr. r-ii- j ia Note and (M FiraisMfli Goods. . Grrooery j SAiiT P. O. Box 974. ha -- 0O lake crrr, tjtah. j S o? mobx 'sjn BMswan-- s ksHaasa H s j GOUT half-bree- ds sub-committ- . 1 'S QI CE I DE3Z ill SOLVED! 61) VAITIIi ONE DOLLAR -- POR- Hcnooi-txMB- a. LOST A REPAIRED. y 7 to-da- y: We Offer for PIF DAYS, from JANUARY 20th, OUR ENTIRE STOCK to-nig- ht, CAPS AND GLOVES LoiiioflBatoflltali, to-da- w m mi mm, Groceries, . We keep on hand a Choice Stock of Fine Japan and English Breakfast Teas, Choice Oolites, Sugars, Spices, Currants, Raisins, Jellies, Jams, Canned Fruits, canned Flan, tuc., in net everything needed in tne household. Ton will do well to g've us a call. Orders by Mail will re ceive prompt and careful attention, nhfuii to-nig- ht, Si Building, SAL1 LAKE CITY, 1-- 8 te character, likely Leffiott & ffljers Tstecco Co, without any considerable dissent, and we hope will so commend itself to Congress that it may speedily be iTfi II4ICH. SlrtOCE, Blimi, MlEI. come a law." tsswsju Tbe Cob tested Heat. The committee on ejections of the considered the m km fv 7. CM i. and Brtnea Store, dly House, .. Cannon-Campbe- ll contest. Another for St CO., session wasat appointed EJUS morning, which, it is expected, a dfclsron will he reached. Opinion ManJ&crurrs and Jobbers ot eenerallr exDre3Fod is that the com mittee w311 report in favor of send HAZARD POWDER! psbps ing the election bacK to the peoplere-or . fW .. L tan. a it u doubt, ui u such hdnrt a stock of lbl ""!Tt Pin House. will "e.i known Bod be the accented stty Msnbratad port by woshibh nfi"ii Bra, Many of the rest lawyers of the Jsr Hm and JPaeklUft, are agreed that the tact of Can twdy S4sr v;, k bwi'CKT uiflb, AQRICULTDRIL IMPLEMINTS, s polygamous record is not good non r.Atrx, duck, rsro-Ete- ., ground nncu which tbn House can Frnr. ri i.rrnrc. rrsK. Wire, j?ar6M FSre, legally deny him admission, while Eto. JHT rWfasiaa by z. c. . . and an tbt is quite within it the House to expe prWV) fr-- hi the Turrit or y, acd by i isum. m aMTi) $CC0 ST., ST. LOWS. va .mat account...n m. urgeu. j H. CLAWMI, yRTJMSEY - cents up. Calicoes, GingCan be found Dress Patterns ranging from 6 hams, Cheviot., Sheetiugs, Muslins, Table Linen-- , Toweling, Cot ton ad e and Flannels in gteat variety. Also JLace, Ribbons, Embroideries, Hand kerchiefs, Uloves, Jluchtug, Hosiery, Corsats, Ktc. We would particular. ly call attention of the Family Trade, to our st9,0. dly F.l dredge DRY GOODS AND NOTION DEPARTMENT to-nig- ht ' Ms, Dry to-da- y lesalo taunrdcturs of Springer. Respectfully call the attention: of the Public In general to their New and Select Stock of i to-da- luot B. A. Needham. NEEDHAM & SPRINGER GOLD CHAIN AND LOCKET, NEAR Charles W. Stevens, formerly of Intlructir Office. The ft ode San Francisco, died yesterday at 165 lll the JuveniU oreatly ohllae and be sultablr rewarded fcast Twenty-sevent- h where Street, by toavbur It at the JuvcnOs Instructor dfS he has been living for the last f mr Office. months with his family. Stevens was a civil engineer and master me chanic He built the first locomo ORGANS Black Ct'a Band. tive run in California, and superin TUNED AND tended the building of the first rail ORGANS CLEANED, Also, Accordoons, VtoHqa, Oui- Secretary Kirkwood held a second road turs and other instrument. in Oregon. conference to day with the Arapa tV Reliable work and moderate charaea hce Indian Chiefs. They had listen Failures. Office at Careless and Croxall's Music Store. ed eagerly last week to the Hecre d 61 2w MAGNUS OLSKJN. N ew Orleans, 14. The follow tary'si remarks in favor of their set intr failures are posted at the Cotton they said they tlement, and Samuel H. Buck V. S. DEPOSITORY. were convinced that such a course Exchange & Henry Hutz, of New York, would he to their advantage. Black in Co.. commendam; Henry Legendre &Cat, principal Chief, asked if they Son. and Henry jn , Mar tiro, all cot- DESERET BANK NATIONAL could havo houses like white men, ten future brokers and buyers, who if to which Secretary replied, business through the fu HALT LAfiB CITT. would build them for them transacted they room of cotton ture the Exchange wiiiic. inn. v, ould be the selves they furnished The rules of the Cotton Exchange MID BP CAPITAL S200.00C WASiustiroN, 14. Represent necessary materials. Secretary to be kept up from margins live Willltf, of Micliiaau, to day Kirkwood stipulated, however, that require aiao. to day, consequently a failure submitted to the House the bill they must not erect their tepees In day any firm or individual can only (VM.S. H. nmPKR. PrMldanL heretofore agreed upon by the front of the houses, and use tt e 1st of fL loss on their dealing fLpREDGE, VkavPrsat, House Judiciary committee to pre ter for stables us had been asserted en'ail i. JKnisinuo, losses these stated It js vent persons living in bigamy or of other tribes. These Indians leave will not exceed f85,000 for the three JOHN SHARPLITTLE. polygamy from holding any civil fir Wyoming in a few days. jOTBSSBCK, firms, thougo the firms themselves office or trust or prr.nc m any of ine Vatlawfal Crlincaii. and tltoir cuhtomara imvo dcniuUcsa l'errilories of the United States, and heavily by the decline in future Secretary JroJger has, in a com lost from being delegates in Congress the past two weeks. Ala meeting KCEiTQ IEPSSUS Nftfll II K113I to finance Senate the rauntcation Accompanying the biil is a report of brokers at the Cotton Ex future his views at which; declares that no jrfon shall committee, submitted those present under the authority ot Congress 'ength in Beck's bill toof prevent the change assume to all outstanding agreed certification checks by contracts of Samuel Buck's hold any office who violates a statute unlawful at to does The national bank. Secretary, is demanded ny and that Justified which will pre prices, closing day's bill not the of this think passage of civlliza the positive sentiment on tne mar in view, as he vent their being thrown tion. In conclusion, the refiort says will affect the object .. ket MIt matters not, in our Judgment savs the question of what constitut would have lIOMHUty. that this violation is excused or de ed unlawful certification fended under the guise, of religion to be submitted to a jury. There is CmCAGOj 14.The determination Your committee recognize tb already a law in the statute books of Palace Car authori the Secretary doee tiestheat Pullman fact tbat this hill falls far short of to this effect, and Pullman workmen at bill can Beck add any th ir ebons shouldthat 1U cents per what it he country justly demands, not think theto nay and that in many respects we, as specific force it. for rides to ana from work into day Pew Per of Entry. representatives of the nation, will Chicago, has aroused a decided feel (LlifJTJBJX) fall Inrour duty If we do not proseof hostility. com on ing committee Hcufe The Austin radmore to a 26, Friars, London, cute measures looking A Dark lieea. merce unanimously agreed to ical treatment of an evil whieh has report on the hill intro man Athens, Qa., ll.'-i-- A colored in the last 50 years entrenched it- duced favorably Ueorge, of named Salt Ixihe City, Utah. Representative by on Thomas Bmeal, living self in our political system. We Orecon. to create a new custom dis Dillard's plantation, Uuerney Coun this with to supplement propose that part of the Oregon, ooaet ty, was suspected of stealing a horse. other propoeitioua that may perhaps trict ofbetween t anu oairaon Tjist lying night a mob broke open the tittrl7rl apltel. elicit opposition, ss too radical, but Hi vers, with Ttiisiaw as in iwr and whipped him tin which, in our judgment, are abso- ofentrv. Thexaquina bill has also been en negro's cabin, the stealiog pud viibtcrtbed 4 arltal, lutely necessary; and these proposi- dorsed bv the Secretary of the Trea til he confessed tcok (he men to where the stolen tions are being considered by the and its passage Is practically horse was tied in the woods. The committee. In the meantime, we sury, Shareholders Liable assured. mob then hanged the negro to propose this measure, which is prac Uncalled on Share. black limb. to pass Nandtrlcb Island Sa-r- . tical m Its AMERICAN & Co., K.tr have the privilege of fending our Hawaiian the into ports An products epidemic, strongly resembling tree, and in return they have the the plague, recently appeared near privilege of sending some of their Sauj Beulaugh, Persia. Foriy products, Including sugar, into our deaths are noted since February 8th. ports of entry. The .treaty is a RcslsUag Collection. harmless enough document on its Madrid, 14. Aty, a meeting of face, but if it was not concocted in tradesmen held fully 6,000 the Interest ot Sprocket it has been were present. They unanimously turned wholly to his advantage. I had almost given up hope of de- resolved to offer a passive resistance collection of tho. new license fending the New York sugar dealers to the and as a last resort, even to alagainst the monopoly, when some tax, Senafrom San Francisco, low their goods to be taken. gentlemen whose citizens, by the way are not tor Caroacho, minister of finance, benefited by this peculiar hind of persists in exacting the immediate free trade, informed me that refined payment of the tax. sugars wore not imported into San Recreate .1 R3.0OO.ooo. Francisco prior to the treaty, and 14. The Manchester, that what was known in the marconsul's report for the year end ket of the Pacific Cpast at that time as Sandwich Island sugar, was un- ed Sentember 80. 1881. of trade be distriot and the refined and of low grade. This gave tween his consular a decrease In me a suggestion, and upon examin- United States, shows dec! tred exports of over $8,000,000, I found about the that statistics, ing 90 per cent, of all the susrar import- or over 20 per cent, as compared ed from the Sandwich Islands since with exports of previous years. the treaty was of higher grade than 1)1 ami what was then known as Sandwich Island sugar, and consequently was St. Petersburg, 14. Gen. Governor of Orenbuig, liable to duty. This hill, if it be comes a law, will subject all refined and Privy Councilor Teklinotf. of the ministry of domains, have been sugars imported from the Hawaiian dismissed. kingdom to regular duty, and the importer of every pound of refined Postponed. sugar heretofore reported free under 14. is said here the Berlin, of theItCzar the treaty, will have to disgorge." coronation has been post To the suggestion that in the event of the passage of the bill, poned until September. wprecKies would import nis sugar Printing OiHce Bui in unrenned state and prepare it for Ont., 14.The Na Nktjstadt, market in this country, Mr. Hardy tional . Zeituna printing office and "That he but he do; may replied: will then have to lose the benefit of the residence of tho publishers are the machinery which he has erected Durned, on the Island, and the cheap labor which lie employs! there, and he- sides, freightage will be greater. If Great 6raM the bill passes, I dp not think the; treaty will afterward be very profitable to the sugar monopoly." REMEDY It Is understood that Spreckels van has a lobby at work, and that every flUn 1MI Sal C ESEUIUTISH. effort, sparing neither time nor expense, will be made to defeat the bill. It Is believed that it will be NEURALGIA. buried in committee if possible. SCIATICA, aooi" The Lincoln Club celebrated toLUMBAGO, the 78d anniversary birthday night, BACKACHE.. of President Lincoln. Gen. Grant, McDonald Senator Emory Storrs, and Governor Cornell were among the guests. General Grant, in a SORENESS speech, said he never met Mr. Lin oriai coln till March, 1864. "I like the CHEST name of the club because it bears SORB THROAT, the name of the greatest man whom thla mnntm nir ravuttuwH QUINSY, . Mr. Storrs said Abraham Lincoln SWELLINGS was a typical American citizen. He AJTD led the republican party in its fresh, SPRAINS, vigorous, bright days, when it did not tamper with the wrong, and FROSTED FEET in its ranks BWHliHIffir knew no on ana was a cries ";iUo"j; it Itjiieers party sired by freedom and Bsjjjjjjjjjjjj .Jl I EARS. there could be no cross in such stock. 1 5KfisiafciH B.venue VIII. SCALDS, The WaeliluKtou correspondent or GEIfEKAL Msfr iiIh, the Mail and Express telegraphs: BODILY PUIS. of ways and The means will report to the fall committee on the internal revenue bill, TOOTH, EAR S llimiuuj BMpPBl They have canvassed the commit' HEADACHE, tee, and find a distinct majority ready to endorse them. In addition to proposed reduction of tax on dis Wl link. 'r All other Pain tilled spirits to 50 cents, they propose An to reduce taxes on tobacco and ACHES. snuff' to 10 cents per pound: cigars to Mo Preparatioa on earth equal a Sr. Jacobs Oil a $4 per 1,000: cigarettes 60 cents per a rxtt., si re, siarLB ana OHsar external tteroeaj. to 60 A entails but the comparacively trifling outlay of trial beer barrel 1,000; cepts per and every one en flaring with pain oau bar Cents, with no drawback, xney win re cneap ana poeiure prooi ok iu maime. commend that tax on all articles uuwtioks n uarra i.asacaocs. except spiritous, vinous and malt Nil IT Alt 0SUMISTS AM DEALEtS IS MECICUU. VOGELER Si CO. liquors, tobacco, cigars and ciga rettes be totally repealed. The Baltimore, Mil., U.S. A committee think the amount of re ductionwill be about $60,000,000, leaving 19,000,000 of an annual reve nue to be collected from the remain A O0OD SERVANT GIB. APPLT TO J. First Sooth StreeCttaree ing subjects of taxation. This is aoora F. Bambenrer. east or izu wara based on the estimates of the Treasury Department for the next ana fiscal year. 73. NO. 15, 1882. 'for jack .New York, 14. A Washington corresnondent interviewed Con intro rrrtsaman Hard v. who to-d-av duced the bill leiative loinecanu- winh Tcrinml smrar. The latter said: Ti.om w nfiOO aocrar i lautations in ih Sandwich Islands: about 30U or hioh rwlrir,Tixi to Clau. Hnreckels and in .various ways be controlled most if not all tho others. Heuau erected machinery there and crys-t.llizeil aiu-a-r readv far our market, and he imported it free of duty. He secured gteat advantage over " other Imnorters. who had topsy duty. In fact he own the sugar tradn of th PaHHo Hlnre. But Up on examining th j treaty with the FOREIGN t RUT AND SELL ST KRUNO EXCHANGE, Jiwy Sell Drmfss mm tit. 7i AretleExpmtlU Loni ),-1It la said on good Allowed on authority that in the event of a new Interest Notice of Is ject in polar expedition being organized connection with atterflpts to discover Leigh Smith, Captain Mark- - COLLECT 10HS MADE AT LOWEST BATES ham, who serve! under Sir George is ares, will have command. J again at hmp mn th The Admiralty office Id formed the Royal Geographical society that PRINCIPAL CCIiRE8PONXlNTS the Oogernment cannot fit a relief of utaa, expedition to go In search of Leigh will contribute but 5,000 Smith, New York towards meeting the expenses of a 'vanrtttrir-Ti.lntla nnoammSDU 1 private expedition, provided neces Cataaco first Hattaal found that its duration was limited, sary extra funds shall be forthcom and it could not be abrogated until ing and the arrangements meet B. AIJSTI1I the period of limitation had expired. with the approval of the Admiralty It Is a reciprocity treaty, that Is, we h aa-O-N Imi THE DOLLAR! W. H. YEARIAN & 122 East Temple St. CO., |