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Show J torn O. L. ELIASON, Jews Deseret . THE j CIMUiO, Slontlny, ROCK ISLAND September 23, IS76. Anlmnl Mow Fire lioaliw t i lre. men. Line Short Iowa Central Great TMIE Bouto, .with us ootiK'tins h is the East and t 1'hii.aii:liiiia, Routt Mult n amd Sept. 7th, J ST' Practical Watch & Cloct Maier, Shortcut, QidcUst7th Btt 4 ? h'di'k'r Dcacrct JTcws: $ if It was thought that thedog-eta- r s Via were is over; but tliat tlte hia friends; that bo ha.i Dcs Moines, Hock Island and iu tlte aeendant. and that every BEOS to inform to Chicago. dog has hia day, is evident from Two Doors AVfth "f the Deerel Sational Orer- - the attention they are attracting The onlu mute carrvina the lianK, land Letter Mail, making cVc and rcliaW just now at the Centennial Imposi connections ct T22ZVXFZiX3 STREET. EAST tion, lnereare -- - uogs Here ou d209 exhibition! What a harvest there With t n r.m from the West bj pound-masherOr, Central and Onion Pacific Bailroads, and at would be for the GEO. H.TAYLOR, T. IiATIJTER, if they should be impounded, what , IAVIl o. CAI.niit, JEWELER, ETC., Editor and Publisher. , lti Pacific and Atlantic, . , i- duii-dav- thf-rtg- : nn-ltrlni- Uoadow fee etotu not Newman programme ws Oak Cre-FIMiDUS ELDERS A5D ', omitted. Kfcaoeb, Cuibert It will be remembered LuaiLercr or Hi a Oinren of Jeans Cbrtt of tho llouso adjourned Secretary l.ttr-liSilnt. ish complained that nia depart JOHN U. MURDOCK. v i .fling ment had been badly crippled by of hlJWARD 11UHTEK Democratic reductions appropriaBiehop. tin nr.A intlmatul that wuww tfwa..w It-- Murdcn k. John U'lil,of of Iho Church. BTer, l'iesidiig Pihop the country" would sufinterest MlorTlHe, James McKti'c b fer materially thereby. Thi3 utter WILLIAM BUDGE Prwidiu? IKON COUNT V. ly useless employment of an mor not Bishop. consulates Smilh. oniys pector Taraoaaak, hows where and how the people Par wan, W. H. Dam. eerye?vsnlHenrjlwis,ucarLaiei?csIlalio " C a caste 8uwiuii.S Hum good money goes but also ;; deal of light upon Secretary tish's . u. W. IT. DAME, Presidio- - lih'v Dalruip rntpjtt sicalnst ilonsft eennomv. I Ortd, i eter Jensen. over the three lat uamt d pla(,,'. "ish, however, agrees with Grand- W. ma nix in tne opinion mat "iu Biawtmrfon, owr. ajmcnV iacr"eh, O.Heary would be one of suChetnet3oiiu s. Hum, Lun;. Cdar election .of Tilden .i : i i.i run liirni, uvruni ki.i. VYV-i"B.J? Ukecsf tab "r'"" f'ANK COr NT V jos-aueiMii hi-- - gXtf" fifS!!' . (i, PAPER on. "t ? tae Rocky Mountain Country, ASD TH& PAPER .OP THEtPEOPLI -- COUNTY E0rLE'.-- tjr C0NVEN- - " . l, Lonjr Valley, Howard O Six nt ' Ulpovlale, J .me Mt Carmel, Israel Hoyi. Kanah, L. John NuttiU. i: John-Pnr'..lohnoaia, A F Siuilhsou t'tuu from a, S':oinn Amro!1 Harrisburit, V:H s l lu'.., t Washinjrtta, J. W. Kivi-i"Jt. Oeorre, IX rx MoAriliiir. Santa Clara, Edward iiu-Ptna Crvt O. H. reasonable. KlaeksitiitliiiiK In all its branches. Carriage Xa i ii t i ii K7ni,(l Trimming done in y. LINCOLN tHNTY, MA m Clover L L Wood, Panacea. Luke Sj; iiu? a liuk.-l.c-- pitt sir? o, PORTY.WAYM a superior manner. If orse Shoeing a OMAHA TRADE. . l r.,-- f i 1. M. KTIKI K, bt, Jooepb, (. lllall, f.t K 535 an 1 ju ' FotrKv.il!. St , O.nalj.i. Nable Iron M'orki 'f1l. N,-J- tr Acent MASON ' J.-- i, ST. LOUIS TRADE. Groetrs Wholesale JAMES, U speeialily. STEELE & JOHNSON, Ha-iit-- , V rivc E. Valley, Win. J:i,w. Pinto, Richard KolMnaov Hbron. O .s r ISX I 3CO or f iTr ri HAMLIN oro-- . .7i-h- Kim IRON FRONTS far BUILDINGS Sah, Shvittprn, Wroiht an-- Cast Ir,i stair anJ Jail Vnut. nni:itiir, A tH aceut for tto Metal t enter P.eve. I'.rk Atrtinr, ".i.;ST. 71 sr. 11:1: i.oiis RefriiEiateT &WtolaGnUirCv rs? a .KXOtlVl Self-Labelli- a m -- i to none. Mucoittl stylo . n in, Vnrm Viigoii to tht ui,iiv al iiaraiiteocl. f!u-i- n Cars built on short not itt'. It impairing done in a WASHINGTON UH'NV e; le-si- , vnrringc. lunvy ol work and mnlci", .,.. Kocknll. C N. Smith. UK-M- Men Jon, lleury " remainder of this letter, and con gate, as follows in tho county cincts DANIEL a DANIELS, P, "iiiitig sider yourself MOULDINGS & FRiHKN lucAly tlog "thru ma Li.-h-o vou have not the odium of its Lake City. Salt authorship. A SPXCIAl.TV. tjt x- Ma'ad Precinct, comprising the City,IautclI)an!e.3,i"u'! iat i. .t The animal show n ingUiy ap I'irst1st, Paiuana. Samut-- Wiiuaiur, ,. i 3rd, 8th, 9th and 2nd, be Wmlersvtif ,1. 1. breedeis and not Jf'etcill fanciers, by Cherry Ci e preciated Wards 10th Bishops' YH LARGEST CIRCULATION a keen ladies manifest even the and 4th, 5th, 6th, , SOUTH TEMPLE STRET B interest iu it, shown by their amor Second Precinct, P.''Hi:i Bishop. AND . . ; 7th, 14th and istu lilsnop a 'J A. NICllOL-rsome of toward ous demonstrations s AVards Half ftl .. rt xt but of lepot. t,,l-o JAT PAPER JV TBI Portar.ac, have these little lli.s, the pretty canines; ville, J. C 17th aud Railroad Ucwjr, IVwej Third lttth, Precinct, Pennsylvania been kissed and fondled, and their , 1 S.RHTO.ir. . Calls Fort, Thciua-10th Bishops' Wards ,, Bear Kiver O'.ty, Win. ISeU-yajlor & ft loner red tongues have licked the Later, d 20th Celeb rate run the and H. lsth P. Fourth ,, Precinct, Mantua, Jenseu, 0211 w27 mint from many a fair, perfumed t ards Brigham City, Aiv.ti. N.v.h-..- , U. face. The din of seven hundred of FifthBishops' ard. W'.llanl City, Precinct, 11th, 12th and howling, i PULLMAN PALACE CABS these yelping, barking, l;Uh Bishops' Wards, or every age, Wr.ItKli COUNTY, UTAH. whining quadrupeds DAVID 2 House Precinct, Sugar sex and breed, sounding every note Mill Creek FKOM " 3 LOHIN FA nit, Presiding Bihop. in the gamut, from the honest 1st Ward, Ofdca. F. A. Brown. 3 DESERET 1EVS VEEKLY watch-dog- 's sonorous bark to the Big Cottonwood "" Ud Kobort MeVuurrle. 3 Chicago to Baltimore Cottonwood 44 South .Kl of the lady's poodle, Tarry. Jceph yelp 1 petulant " U II Wheeloe, North and Water Ofrdcn, Steam Gas, Fitter, 1 AN makes it lively for the Quakers of Sandy W. ShurtlitT. L. " Plain City, West. Philadelphia. Un Tuesday Draper Mound Fort, Imvid Moore. 1 " Respectfully announces to the public that Lynne, Panfel Thoraa!. there was a taste of winter, and the Granite he will carry on the business of the late 1 Cottonwood Little iiatervir.e, John AilrtM. firm of Mitchell k James, and trusts, by delicate dogs were uncomfortable, Silver 1 ': Harrlsvi'iie, David llawsun. strict attention to business, and small prof! of their luxuri West Jordan. Without Change MarriHt, John Ha'.rer?Ui?i. shivering in 'spite " its, to merit a continuance of the patronage West Wrfer, John I. Hart. ous wrappings. so liberally bestowed upon the late nrm. ; i 1. 5?:i. 5:13 E&st WeU-r- , South Jordan at vnbMd'aed Every Wednosda p.ui. A full line of Black and Galvanlz-Iron Leavlujc.t IilCHo Dally There are at present in ihe horse-- North Jordan " South Wil.fr, P. Ci- - k. x Pipe and Fittlnira keot iu stock. Hose Pi pe IJuKai-Kideilorty-slRiver Dalo, iaur-r" This route is especially desirable for show two hundred ami and fittings for same. Agent for Kurasey's ::x. Ji- - fli of which one hundred Herriman animals, celebrated Force and Lift Pumps. Pumps business men. as it gives them an opportu" F. A. ::d. lii:: Hur,tvU:c, t are from Canada, Bingham Philadelphia, New and seventy-si- x nity to visit Pittsburg, repaired, and Pump Fittings on hand. " ,(.er; ik''nai. York aud Bostou, tho bast markets m the OnBrighton FURNACE WORK mainly from the province of ROOF1NU, Pleasant i ieeu Ask for Tickets fit Pittsburp.FortWayne tario. The Canadian exhibit em i I J. Col'N i v Galvanized Sheet Iron Cornice Made to order nnrl Pnnnavl vnnlii Central R. R.. whieh can braces some gigantic specimens o Cbri-- t Total.. Railroad Ticket ;vsvi';:e, all obtained at be and Soldered regular Fruit Iyt u. Top at rt". Hew. Fartninf ton, In the West, at the Company's Otliets the Percheron breed, and these i4u.. ; 33 49 Inches. U Pae Honey Cans a Specialty in their Season. OODets CnLreviuv, Wm. K. oui.ip 43. West Madison SU and at Depot, comer tract more attention from a large Piiniaiy meetings for the election Warehouse and Workshops, West Temple Madison and Canal Streets, West tMao, I ui number of visitors than do some fluntifal, Auou Call. to Conven the of street, County delegates cago. horses, smaller but more valuable F. R. MYERS, SuOilGAS COUNTY. in the several Opposite City Hnt Mnrket. EIGHTY COLUMNS Conspicuous among the trotters is tion will be held Gen'l and Ticket Puss, Agent. at d 117 P. O. Box, 306. .S. Ed Lake of Prince Salt from I'F.TEION, Pieslding KWiop the Koval Harry County, precincts Mountain Orcen, F.'.l SpauUint . ward's Island. He Is seventeen the usual places of holding elecrun, J. JH. MfCULLO tt'i'ixr City, C. . Peterson. Goneral Manager. Lands high, five years old, and was tions therein, on Monday, Sep Jess Haven. Closrlj Printed Reading Enterprise, wnn sired by Prince Marry Liauy tember 7 at L"th, commencing Hatter. Dexter. Among the heavy draught Proi.liog stallions is the Canadian horse Dun p.m. Ill Salt Lake City, and at W. U. SillTH, Milton, Jens Hansen. Donald: 'he is a collossal animal 4 n.m. outside the citT. Said dele Littleton, J. H. Uiies. 1O Conu-a Summary of the Newa of tfce pulling the scales at 2,260, which is gates should receive credentials Kichville, Glasnio Wa'.dru. and chairman bv hundred or the six dulv I five will signed leave or pounds believe, jist Portervilie, Alma Porter. ITNTIL further notice trains Horn VToic, TuUigraplilo, Agricultural, West Portervilie, Thomas lirounti. U aud arrie at Ogdeu dally as follows above tho weight of tne neavies secretary of the meeliug electing South Morgan, K chard Fry. IJCAVC u J ForetsnCorrospondeuee. Miscellaneous, horses. There are many other horse them. North Morrau, Charles Turner. 10:20 a.m. several GRATES the men and iu filiD press.. The in Daily Fj leading appearance, Croyden, fililllElS George Kuight. distinguished 6:0i ! and Foreign News, Editorial Mixed have won at precincts who support the People's for the . pricesrr, they P:;1 Freight in srMMIT COUNTY. on Current Events, and otner iairs. 10 see mese piuuu Ticket arc invited to AllRITE. HAS ARRIVED AT lowerful. rrancing animals on cp.rrvimr out these suggestions and Chi. Kleheno. p.m. Henueferville, Daily Express 6:40 p.m Mixed heir daily parade, arrangeu accoru endeavoriog to obtaiu a full repreKcho, Klios Amr, 2:15 W. Y. ClaS. J several & CoalvUle, p.m. MORRIS EVANS. reight ug to classes and breeds, moving sentation of voters at their rjuionvi!'.B, Alorio WUur. v;th made at eonneetions mar of to nieetiu"is. Ogien strains nreciuct round Dally the s:l.-wOr VUK FIRST PRESIDEJC1 ring Uptou, JoserU Huff, ten. Central Pacific K. K., and with Utah Cenis a superb and inspiriug By order of the People's Central WM. W. CLUFF tral road for 8a It Lake City aud ail xiuts ial music,Uov. preside- - over oi t'enn Committee for Salt Lake County. Hartramc, in Southern Utah. de At Bryan with stages for SweeiwAter uti itxw Twelve Apostle. vlvania. is an exhibitor . in this ... Moigan County and the r'mjvo David O. Caldek, mines. wlnle and ivirtraent. Yesterday, five Wards in Summit Co. road Pacific with Chairman. Denver At Cheyenne and driving two fine and spirited colts for Denver, Central City, Georgetown v'!u-Tiii:oi McKean, all points In Celorado aud Now .Mexico. arouud the ring, one oi them be SAMUKL F. AT WOOD, Prcid- At Omaha with Chicago and Northwestt standard Household Journal. le his Secretar. got unmanageable, ChiHock and Island I'acUie, ern, Chicago, ing Bishop. and Quiucy, liurliugtou over the tongue, and fell, upsetting cago,Mo.Burlington C. Koundy. Wansh'p, Jaw! Kiver In Neb., Kansas City, St. Joe he vehicle ana tumbling us oecu- and Uo.'kport, Edwin Bryant. Cue of Ike most desirable River and Council Bluffs railroads, nd Missouri As an Advertising Medium, to reach th Chief the and Marvhant. Abraham Governor Peoa, the HESEHET SEWS WEEKLY line of steamers for all points East lants, More 11, John K. Iinon. f the Bureau or Agriculture, upon and South. araier, iho country people, and all ':Ussef bnsiuess properties iu the Kanias. W. Harder. for sale to all points east U na"k-in- the irrouudr the latter was consul City. Centrally located on Tickets of too community, it stands unrivalled. Parley' Park, Ephraim Suydei 1S76. Vv Wednesday, liouao of McCornick A: Co., Salt Lake 20, Gov. but IIartnuft Spt. Kai'.roa Ticket erably bruised, 1st Sou lb. Street, two II looks City; also at Union Pacillc otli now. anu on e berths in Ogden, at which 1 CO RLE COUN'Tr. sprang to his teet unnurr, Bank and Office from IX FLEX PAGES AND EIGHTY received the congratulasleeping cars can be wcurnl. gentlemen with JOHN L. KOWBERRY, KIMBALL, TUOS. $.l.fi5 Postage, Puiding Price, COLUMNS or READING. tions of President Grant and ex Emporium corner. Gen'l Ticket Agent, Omaha. Bishop. U90 H. II. Clirk, Gon'l Supt. r.v ADYASCX. Secretary of the avy lone, wn F-- T. on Stronj White Ran Patir City, W. F. Moss. nrnRent." ivurn ' . Moeea Martin. - l PineKanyon, in: nun a Tooele On y, John Kowberry. Vesteraaj tromcompeuuM-mauuiac or 1'arllH.l Tuble t'onttWilliam Jeffrie various ire engines Orantavllie, Diseourse EiderDison Pratt. Bt. Johns, G. W. JturrlJire. ! tones took place, very appropriate Fires in thebyCity. Jordan. Jame MUSIC Ceatreviile, Iv when the city is full of llieme llcuuiou. Vernon, AMERICAN Ihe Indian Campaign Virtually Over. TaditvW. an pans oi m Peep Creek, Rdwiu Out Little. Let Her F. 8kul! Va'.U'i'tR. Knowiijn were visiting the city lorty Thorn Mice, We are constantly lvceiving ive companies, representing tn Peotiish FarmersonRuined byMission. Indian The Deseret News y WASTCH COUNTT. J Whipple Aew nishop tates of Delaware, Containing Twenty Kooms Iateruatloaal Rifle Match. AP.HAHAM New HATCH, Pivoidiug York, Pennsylvania, lrgima, in complete order. Size 01 Expedition. Lishop. Connecticut, Indiana, Massachu Terry'3 AS IT T MoiAh. Freight Report lor last tlve rods Southerly lA)t setts, Louisiana, and the province Railroad Heber (My, Abraham Hatch. U.S. Marshals and Elections. firemen's The rtcotia. ten rods of Nova "Westerly and front Midway, Henry S. Aleiantir. SEMI-WEEKL- Y ISSUED FROM THE TRESS, Commission Peace Meeting. Indian Charleeton, John Watkius. pageant, parade was a grand front. Wai!sburyl, Wm. K. NuTtl". to paes a given Clonds In tho Sky. hour an be ill The abore properly And ilailv order such pieces as ivre point. It is estimated that there Sioux Going to the Sweet G rasa Hl'.L. a at sold Apply not in stock. Bheet Music TUESDAY Bargain. was 5,U00 men in me procession. Grasshoppers and Their IVpredatious. every p.buhi SALT L.VK11 COUMV. of tlie to PeJro and the Monuonites. all Bent to or on parta the premise, them were the remnants Dom Among 3. L. City, Jos. Warburu n. 1st SATURDAY A Ward, Pubof A Nice Stato at Thiuga. Territories of some old Philadelphia tire Com SI ,, James Leach. Cottcmvood. C. M. GILBERSQN, 84 lisher prlceti. JaoobWeller. panies, with the superannuated Two rays' Meetiiurs at Big f perry. itb I, Harrison and superseded machines or tne U. S. Marshals and Their reptiUYs and n a Sheet 2 7 3 9 Inche H. Hk W. dth&6th, Boom 3, Electionsthat u. Thoi Wm. Tth appears ,, good old times. It , 151.. im- Fires and Destruction cf Property. E. F. Slieets-8tdl52 8th ,, Godbe's nas maue out nuio Building. invention iV& A. OLFJINS S, Woolley. f the Situation. provement in firemen, but the gilt Sherman ofon Wells, A 8iieir, 10th .. Fxpriss on Farpo & Robbery 11th Alex. McUfca. and burnished engines of y THE CELEBRATED DOUBLE EUSTIC L. W. Hardy. tho U. C. R. U. 12th are in marked . contrast with the Cozg'u i'rinUd Heading Matter D. F. 13th Woolley. Drownod iutlie Jonlu'''. I Thomas Tayior. primitive extinguishing contriv- Man Hth OF Ii. T. Burton. " 15tb ances. As the old volunteer and The Iceland Mission. Frederick KnU .. heroes of a hundred long Tho Homestead Law. ltit Coiitaliu Telegraphic Heports, Home and 17th John Henry Smith. Elections At Oliver ,Iitsoii A Co, S. unpaid fires, and almost as many Dutiea of U. S. MarshaU atCircular. forgotten L. IX Younir. lstB ,, roifc'gn Correspondence, Agricultural, do A. H. KaioiK a. Are for aMe by all dealws In Ntntl Ilralnard's Sons, Seheruier, club and brickbat fights with rival The Canadian Iudiaiu. lth John narp. nifcstlcand Foreign News, Editorial Articles onery. companies marched along they Siir&r Ilouse Ward, W. C. &. ol Paekarapo. convenience of those who may Peters and olhcrs, always were greeted with an almost con- A New Zealander'3 Idei Villaire. For the UnrhtOB, A. H. UaMgh. Ciirrent Y. wish to try them, Sample Cards, containing of applause. The Col. Mills' Attacks a Siout ovation tinual Oouonwol, Win G Voj ijr. Wf be 15 will sent of one each the numbers, by on MiilCreuk, iieubeu Miller. of their more Building Utopia. Baud. dan and memories mall on receipt of 2o oenta, South Cottonwood, J. S. Lawhoa. Great Jordan. AivhiUaM lrdner. youthful days seemed to be revived, Tho Wt & Co. Trial. Leo Blakeman, South w;;;o.- ."rvek, 1. M. Stewart. for at every convenient place they The Ivison, Taylor CARELESS le. & PRESIDENCY OF THE FIRS1 fClLDER Preaching in the Tabernai 9miled "technically and deeply." 138 A 140 Grand SI., Nevr York. Letter List. pr Toaer, Win a nrinhur; Vlrjen, John Parker. Dunoana Ketrral, Wc G.t Soda Siraiji-- , .Kueph U I 'h(v. Fo.kiiiaa, I' Oxford, Ueurg p. 4cx, Clifton, Harvey Ptxon, ' Frauil.'u, Latajfito Hatch, Weeton, Alexaiuler Allen. Mound Valley, ltob't William " l'u be vc.V'tati. SuxlCj, Clartstoa, Sltuon , U'.riiew-uow. " Newtou, t. ' Lewis ton, W. H. Lrwis, Richmond, M. W. Jierriil, lux-ki , Smithfleld, Samuel Hyde i'ars,. Kot't Duyut-i- . -uornil, tt 13. ist Loiraa, B. M. Lew. :a Wanl, lli nry lal'.ard. " Uobert LMvidson, ;;i ' 4tll '."'iioniaa 11. MniiU. 6th " fn. HyiJe, m. ii. Haiuiuond. I ruvidciue. MllMlio. O. P;ikln. Hyrum, O. N. LilJt'iHju'st , ' Paradice, Orsou Smith, Wellsville, Wra. H. Maviehn, " 1 VAGOM CO VEHlCLtoBDiLTTO ORDER . Bishop. Lumber, Shingles, Tkroil Kauarra, L. W. n.indj-I"aev. Harmony, W. Beliavue, J. U. Johnon. vm. i; PHESTON, Presiding -- PRICES GREATLY REDUCED H, SECOND SOUTH STREET, to-rr- . Rantkiph KaiidalphStowfcrt, Tfoodrut. Henry Almy, Srai:rl P.Ke. Wyocvnf Trrr. ErrtnM'fi, Wm. U. lie rloa, " if 1..J C CARHfAGE meetanwvtUA, 1 I TI0N. With all Fast Express Trains, East, North necessity for tne l'mlauelphia Dcgof one of the lor capture and South. berys, rn-l-L3 I KMKAL CUMMITiEK The most elegantly furnished PAu- - these vlogs would involve a law into out LuR SLE&JPISQ Salt Lake C'ountv, For ever used on any CAtiS HAVING REMOVED aud illustrate and run by suit, legal dogma?, Building, we are now railroad are now built, owned Lake City, Sei l. Salt ol the the ijtegants1. dogmatism prepared to furnish everything in this Company between If one of them should "die like a Ticket. our line at the Lowest Hates hii OMAHA and CHICAGO. j the Voters of the rcojjle ' it would be n lit subject for with dispatch. Tiflrpta tn all Eastern Cities via dog,-of them is a A Convention for Salt Lake this favorite route cau be obtaiue-- at all doggerel, for not one ticket oilioes of the Union Puetiie Uailroad phebeian dog; they are tne descen- County,, to elect IS delegates, to reand Utah Central. of along line of illustrious the county in the People's . J J. aiwe- yvir Tickets read VIA ROCK dants ancestors, having in their veins present ISLAND. Convention and trans- strains of noble blood, their owners Territonal . A. M. SMITH .. . at SUCH l'iu- ouiei i.uujium figures in the ael General Passenger Agent, Chicapo. valuing them This is a sad penning; perlv come before it, is hereby called thousands. Kiddi e, Gen'l Sup't, uicaso. Ilrnn "AKD 6ui but what cau one hope, ven by to convene in the County Couit the most dogged euort, to make of II .use, Salt Lake City, on Satur- In a subject V Excuse ine for Line. such the Building Everything expletive ofsn dav. Sei.t. r.Oth. at 11 a.ui. Said Cars to fasMmlon City omitting the elegant e; "uog-gonCouvoution will consist of t3 deleyour childhood ALL xist or yourself doggedly to the allotted to the several pre- SASH & DOORS tit l KMORT, , L-- - o? iyi'ii iu iv. F. AKMSTF.ONQ GEO. BOMSEY joo. wAi.aBR, A. lei-n- . 4.1 r ! PIONEER DfS T CORRESPONDENCE. RAILROAD. PACIFIC ... l: ENING NEWS. RAILROADS. V , CAR LOAD TON u Lnnif-STi- U. P. R. R. Bi-ho- p. FOUR HIGHESi MEDALS AMD A. Diploma of Honor CEriTENNlAl REFRIGERATOR. Arti-..::- c . 1 A 1 te SUPERIORITY Catented Mareli 51, 1STS. The Beat aot made. Uitaratu-Cheapett Umgerator an.i to be to be free from awrat, Cild, dry and (nod. Buy no other lit mh-them. yv.u have p'ff'' S. FOR SALE. : Ill g Deseret T IX - HOTEL SHEET Over the llvnt ..TlaLrr ul all 'Coiiiilrlen, nt the treal WORLDS EXPOSITIONS In aud Viennu nt nlo, L.tnr. Austria I hey are ithe 011I3 Asuerirau OrRan uhlch ever received hut award lu Pari, Tdv 1S07, i any Lhiropeau ExpoIliou. They are uulverally ack- uowledged bj M nslelau to be the Fat' luauufaeturera of !a!et)t trouth Wooden Gutters for ea aater ctnJuclars, ao. never They are six tune or ruM leak and than tin. cheaper and will lat as tuug as the hoiioe ui Ii a ' A'm Solid they are built. Mold I rictnre or, Uarklag. e. F1CT0RT 726 PARK AVERUE, ST. LOUIS 3Xixie5 THE MUSICAL STANDARD OP EXCELLENCE ,orriciAi. ... Publications 1 O-'- to-da- Medium it offert .31.88 with Postage,... IS ADVAXVE. oxr o o;k." "77r Another of Consu- lates." The cublic has not forgotten the John P. Newperformances of ltev. A dM)K or man, chaplain - in - ordinary at the republican court. Known by the somewhat irreverent line or 'Grant's private parson," Mr. New man attended to the spiritual wants KNTITI ED of the President so satisfactorily that his health having broken down by the constant toil in this touch vineyard he was appointed "inspector of consulates," and weni on a tour rouna tne world ai a sai- OK arv of eisrht dollars per day in gold and all expenses pant. lie was also allowed a private ecretary, with a ! salary of i2,5uu perto annum, iins ins wile, ami nosition he gave thus showed that he knew how to keep a good thing in the family Comprising a collection of letters written by Preside ill After a prolonged absence Mr Newman returned in perfect phy Geo. A. Smltli and members of his party while sical condition and excellent spirits traveling in Europe, Asia and Africa If he ever made any report of his "inspections ." it Las never been iu 1872 and 1S73, published, or even heard of; but he collected material lor several trashy books aud lectures, which have been peddled cut for his own ex Is for sale at the Deseret News Office, Dwyer's Book Store, and at clusive benefit, j 11 a neeuiess, oi the office of Professor Thomas, East Temple Gate, at the following course, to remark that Air. JNewnian was strongly In favor of Graut's pr'fes for a third term, but being -33.00 Morocco Cllt, Embossed, disappointed in this he will vote for Hayes. . 2.50 that Morocco, Embossed, ,We should have thought Newas fraud one such outrageous 2.00 Cloth: man's trip was Jenough for the 453 present generation, ofbuta evidently different Secretary Fish is of in opinion. The appointment Is discretion-arspector of consulates to him, and he has just exer cUed it for the benefit of a friend of his. a certain Arthur B. Wood, who Is now circumnavigating the TAKEN ON liberal terms globe on the same Nevman enjoyed. Wood has about the same amount of consular experience Newman had, and his Taspection will amount to no more like than Newman's. .Whether, ; . Newman, he takes n private to he a companion of his bed Takea. from t&" the Cit Cotton at $2,500 per annum, we board Clean Bags None but and People nat do know: but it is nigniy pro- Will p 'pHnM unut; tuDii vu it vuiivouftj auiii muij R. DAVID O. CAX.DE bable this important part of the Four -- :o- THE DESERET Evening News, PALESTINE TOURISTS rcuiisHau mvt.hr srsstsa, Pxocpt Sunday. Price, with Postag,...sio.50 IN ADVANCE. of Sheet, 26 JTJST PUBLISHED MANUFACTURER'S 88 laches on 32 COLUMNS. 1 Ua the Largest Circulation a tbia city ihe surrounding counties and throughout ike Territory, of any Xaily Paper. IU col umns contain full Talegraphio Reports, iaterestlng and trustworthy Local Items. l, Home and Foreign Correspondence, Ball Domestic way, Agricultural, Editorial Artiole on News, and Foreign rrent Events, and onoe a week Educa-tloriA- cermons of tha First Presldancy r-- am on AOctrUttna Vt&toa for Bam n1 toreian Product. It standi foremott mono Wk Wewapw w Wat. Clean Cotton Sags and UinySaCaS N ro subscript DESERET NEWS OFFICF; Tuea-lays- Poctry. One of tl Bot lamilj Iu tlie Worltl. Annual Sub criytivn 7 3. oil; los age, io cctvs. S'ngle copy, ! cents. sec-ret- arv DAVID EVANSjPre.-idiu- g HUhop over the three last named places. American Fork, I. E. Hit riu ton AND ON .V CAVEATS secured t'ilDBPi &G1KELGSS, lor tlie Tor r I (wry Salt Lake Herald, tmli SILVER, J Consulting Engineer, BOILERS BY - ' - T HYDRAULIC PRESSURE. Jtf Fnynes and Machinery erected and repaired. , and SIiopn. IDtii Ward, Fire Bloc a i ort vt Tabernacle, OGlr--e Pest Ofllce Box 518. r1" l.tt named S- J. 11 Caeba and Drx dal'y F.UU m WANTED, tr. Monti John R Maibaa. Gunnison, J. H. Horn. Tayette, John Bartholomew. to a .. r - ts, "( - m pm Coriuue and Kelton, d uly ..U M a in Idalio and Montana, ilally.. 8 4'1 p " IVio City and Idaho City, ... II ,U!'y Nevada, California. tre- - Il".4 etc otou, Ophir, Tcoelis Jt.x kton, J v t cob City, Ac ll.nirhani ConytMi, dai'y-....- S 4faiti From Beaver an dinteru t 5 ate uiula, 1U10 riochet Star and tSaa Fran- ciaco district, dai ly.... ..i St. Gooiffaaud pJuta aoutli of DeaTer.altornate days & Sauptte aud Sevier count le, daily, except Mouday....s u r Cedar Valley, Fall fle'.d and TIuUo nilnlnj ewtrlet, Tudays,Thurs.laj s and p WOOL! C'F MfRCHAITAfiLE CQQD aiiUTT. rOR'WB'Cn WILL BC TAID One-Uiir- J in money and two- - d DIPARTCaBS. Through mall, daily A'.ta, daily. the WojI, c . . t tf n ......S jo Parley's Park, Dig Cottonwood and Wanshlp, Mondays, Wcduesvlays anJ : Fridays. m Park City, daJly, except Sunt 'a day umm!t and Wasatch coun ties Mondays and Fridays I.Vi Ilich county, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.". I ja 30 a Morran oounty, daily 6 30 a Wf& Davla county, daily 30 a Weber county, dally...... .- -.6 .6 u m u m m a in semi-dall- y S 80 p m I IK Cacb and Box Elder coun8 Ji m ties, dally Corlnna and Kelton, dally....3 30 p u Idaho and Montana, dally. 30 a m Ikiise City and Id aha Cltr, Oden, thirds in our Factory Cloth on:delivery'of ... p ... X m eaturta)S.. Eot or ... o r-- 100.000 POUNDS Goshen, Wm. Price. d25 e68 s30 - JUAB COUNT V. JOEL GROYER.FresMing Bishop Mona, Jobn W. Haws. Naphi, alios da it Crek, Joal Grorar. Levon, Elmer Taylor. SRVTSH fYlTTNTV. E. K. THURBER and W. H: SEEQIII TjLER. rrefl.llng. Ppencer, Palina, Franklin Kichflcid, w UBMrmliitr, Monroe. J T Liaenbee, Annabelle Pprlngs, U D L!aonU Lm Farnswcrth. Joseph. A. Jos. L. Rogers. Prattville, GJcuwood, P. T. Olroyed, ' MILLARD COJNTT. ' , BUYING A STOVE, the beat proves to TN 1 be the cneapeei. m over Paysou and Salem. SANPETE COUN 0 1 Tan-ier- Fountain Grocn. R. L. Johnson Moroni, G. W. Bradley. Fairview, Amasa Tucker. Mount Pleasant, NV. N Seefey. Sprin City, FroderickOisau. Kphraim, Kanut " eteran. p ' dally.- tl rr.t- - Nevsla, California, Oregon, ' . p m 3 3 P C. daily OiMr, Tooele, Steoktoti, Ja- ' 00b City, Jto., daily... 30 aa tuin Arri.T-Binxham Canyon, dally SontA-F- ot Bearer and iuternidiate points, darty.tr.r. j For Plocbe; Star 4a ftan I a iu rrat)elaeajrt4-lct,dAUrr At Prest. Kriphani Young". n4 pointa For. 3. dltU soul of Baavet on alter . - 8 a iu , , nata days coun- Verier and rpr?anpete Saturexcept tie. dayl day.-.- . For Cedar kslley, FalrRold Stock BriTlWa4 Often leada to fortaB. art4 rtrao tatntar, dts- Bpeeulatot s aoouM cou or writ lor 73 parr (ilia ' book:, " Maa and Idioms of WaU Sweet. trlchs Tuesdays, ,Thurs- m Tla?TJM taiftcaiiiM kwrgi pnoea ror ' -. a u. and Saturdays-.days atioa Inform valuable " MlVr andother xoonam aaoat wrfUbla bouaM Stock. PrivUefea General Delivery tpon rrora a.m. mm in nuh: Ha hablUtT beron Mtn too. p in. '" costTBtooks bourkt ontmall mar and first p.m "Sundayt W:'J0 to Orders zMutd by pall ana toier rajJtt Order deaarttue and '.Money Register a lquratnot ratarra aaada. For from aJs.'to tp.m. - I" 5,;" ' ''' ' HICKT.rNO yO. OtttsUs door open tron a ta. to 13 p. JUllN Brok-- r. I TS rur.PARED TO EXAMINE AND RE- oort on Meam cjigiaes una oincr ma chine, y aud to test r VOOL!! WOOL! - Altoruey and Xotarj PubliL'. d 223 tVlen,seml-da!l- y l.rurrl A teal; - CHAS. W, STAYNER, V M. NG TON, Pitoaidiug J. Santaquin Ward.Georf-- Ilalii.l-S. TANNKR is Pres'ding Bishop Paj-son- direct with the HUINF.S transacted Per at Washington. son1? desiring Information or letters patent uo weu conauu io for inventions win Hti I wl Pleasant G rove, John bruwu' Springville, Wm. Lrlnfhurai. Spanish Fork. Gef D Suell, alia fi'iljwn, Kjb Sa'em, . , znVSNXORS. nn-.r-- t. 1 Bishop over the two places. PATENTS fr And HA o- . Alpine, T. J. McCul'ough. L. K. i 5 t p Summit and Wasatch and Thurs. days Kich county, Tuesday ,Thui- " 1 " day aud Saturday o. Morgan county, daily tl 4U u . , dally 8 o p . Weer county, d illy PRICES SMOOr, Presiding Iiihop. l"lOVO. First Ward, J. P. R-- JaJltLVin, Peoond Ward, James W. Iovetoa. Third Ward, Myron Tanner, Fourth Ward, H. H. Cluff. Lehi, lavid Kvaov Ctiar Fort, H. F. Cook. Fairfield, John C&rson. p 'A p eoon-tii,Tu.i- l - -- X A. O. 8 - Parley's Tark, Hi and Wanisblp Thursdays sol t Satmdars Park City, dal'y except fun-da- y SoI.D AT -. 'OUNTV. . mail, t'aiiy . ................. Vita, dai'.y 'ii UTAH r !( lhrouh s City Counoil Proceeding s. Editorial Notcs. Local News. Correspondence, Homo and ForeiRti. Telegraphio Dispatches from All Parts of the World. Notes of Various Kinds. Revlovsaud Notices of Rooks, etc- It H I V A 1. A -- for $165.00 - l sr ai an Advertising .upiri.r Advint'jee. si?. 9 Stops h Wago:.-Make.- I"n'4, And uuapproai bed ly any other of their class. Call and look at fttyle21t, with S d. .itl Il.'parlurca cf Mail. A11iv.1l' ei'.-e- tomtv-GeceralTart- rro. rrJira Sttid'or ifrrrfittr Hyi-un- r.-- New i'tl . 1S73: 187S. . Sponoorian PENS. STEEL ... 11 Ii, niovea monuiooiureq Z. O. M. I. THOMAS CAIiLISTER.Prefidlng Bishop. BdDla. Daniel ThamiV. Godar Bpringai oitoa Holdaa, PavtJ nans. rilluior, KJwtrd rartridgt. I JOHN K. IIASLAM, am " y .TO 0-w- 1 i $50 to $5000 vssr'iA ...... . :ai . ! ran t abmbs. : , f- -. orttr'orns. . 0 y 8vikrsfcd 11 oaMJuaiiWAii n. '' ', if. 1OORt, PottmuUr |