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Show whole cosamand. annoy our troops, and caused lifle a circuit of tho for two hours. An v. was Fhovel Virinir to be rapid ithihe only dug pits to cut eff Lieu- made was was I been had which Attempt brought. AI KXCIPXXD rtTr.LlSHED DAILY, SITJf DATS had charge ofi , placed In charge of one, with two tenant Sibley, whorear PUUB O'CLOCK. of the col- - j men in it, on ono of the ridges some led horses in was and while the umn, just approaching; village, overlooking V I D O. CALDER, another was advanced to a point camp, but they failed. CDITOR AND rCBLISHXR. A battalion of infautry of iour beyond, which served as an outOf corrfpanies, under Major Burt, galpost. difficult several had carried Most ceased of tho fir!iliir' points lantly September 23, 1876. ?lonlnjr. of the Buttes, charging the mountwhen the sun was up. . At four o'clock a second courier ed indlans on foot and pouring was tent back mounted on a strong from the crests which they gained Indian pouj', to hasten General a terrible fire upon them. About GENERAL CONFERENCE. Crook. Two soldieis and myself twenty Indians were killed oil this The detail for this service was not OKFI'.KV.I) MY were no volunteered to go, and one of the etdeof the camp. The cavalry did there because made larger, Semi-AnnuConference of more horses in command whose former was selected. The village equal execution. Our skirmish The was about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- strength was equal to the rapid was occupied by the soldiers, but line around the camp Mills not until the Indians were driven six miles long, and as evening fell Col. it required. marching -day Saints will be held In the was in command, and I accom- from a steep hill commanding its the flash of guns was still continu1, D, a final v. in was ed. was The which commenc-Fridalittle his Butt, charge, Major safely force, booty approach. this Tabernacle ia panied city, drove the Sioux over the highest into two battalions, under inspected and removed. at 10 divided October Lieutenant Crawford was sent ridge occupied by them with ringLieutenants Crawford and Yon with nine cavalrymen to charge ing cheers. The casualties on our Lenwitz. wVlnok a.m. with wearied three them, the braves holding the hill- side in these afternoon fights were Although BRianAM Youxu. miles sides, and while he was making a four. days' marches of thirty-fiv- e Privates Fitz Henry, Ninth Inescape each, the detachment left camp in circuit through a hollow to Daniel H. Wells. the evening in a thick mist, 'which observation they opened conversa- fantry, wounded in tho leg. interfered seriously with it3 pro- tion with our interpreter by shoutSergeant Scribner, Fifth Cavalry, Z. C. M. I.. Cut Loaf, Pulveiized, Granulated, (our importation), J:vu Boasted, Rio lloasU-J- , gress. Frank Gruard, the scout, ing overtures to a truce. Stabber, wounded in the thigh. THE PRIMARIES. & M. am of Fifth tired 15." "M. Private a and was "I storm course. A Dorn, fightCo-t"C. American Co.," its chief, said, Cavahy, A, American C, Belcher i' guided Rica, Mocha, etc. ne ing; have had enough of it this wounded in the hip and arm. were and several halts Orl-rn- . a M. I. Z. racine. C. Central A. New TMied, and specialty, This is the evening when the voters cessary in order to consult the com- Summer; want to go to agency The spoil of the village not useHe was interrupted by ful for subsistence was distributed Gunpowder, Young Hyson, of each precinct assemble at the pass; but tho clouds suddenly broke again." We the north star appeared. approach of Crawford's party, auong the men who captured it. English Breakfast, etc. vaiiou3 places of votiuz to elect and the at one o'clock. The storm who went up the mountain cheer- Its provision of meat and fiuit will camped the next day. About ing and received a volley. They support the troops until we reach delegates to the County Conven continued from the main column killed two Indians with their pis the Black Hills. The lodges and miles thirtv Clear-id- e tion. All Totcrs who have the Gruard discovered indications of tols. The wails of the squaws who debris were then burned. During and Breakfast Bacon, sent a were the the few were heard Indians hill hidden the in an of Indian who the Four CrosM night and village, J. II. dough an I other lend Blackwell's Assorted Pickle, proximity Ace, public welfare at heart, shots into camp. This morning the Clipper & Bright Navy, as we were approaching Slim at intervals. Pickled Walnuts, Spanish Olives, e ing Hams, the success of the People's Buttes, and we halted on the taUle The pack train was led into the work of destruction was complet- Grape, Circassian Girl, 1: And Spiced Beef, eb-Currie Powder, Mushrooms acd Walnut village and loaded with t,000 pounds ed. Many fine robes were burned. Silver Brick, Goldeu Crown, land, concealed behind a knoll. of Ticket, should be there, in their The in a The found dried Indians aud meats fruits while little were watched indulged Indians Catsup, Bl.ickwell's Durham, Caprice, itsp3ctive precincts, at 7 o'clock in thev were herdincr their ponies, of there. The lodges were full of sharpshooting with no effect. Anehovie Paste, French Cat,!, ctht-r( and cock. Meeryrhntim. Tho column took up the march, robes, bead work, deer the city and 4 o'clock in the which there were great numbers; splendid John Halford and WorceMenshiie Bull, but it was doubtful how many and elk skin?, guns, ammunition, with flanks carefully guarded One vnum. Sauces, to of of the ke. Sioux But Colonel country. pturibus braves were in the party. saddles, against any attempt trophies Ihiudie Marmalade, Epps' English Cocoa, Mills desired to attack them at far more significance were there. recapture the prisoners and ponies. f;r 11, and all for one. Hr ?if;ist, Diuner and Dessert Knlv-- . Two companies of the Fifth CavPmUee't Salad Dressing and Deviled once; but after a consideration, fear- Col. Mills took from a lodge the stron- guidon of Custer's cavalry, the alry, acting as rear guard, surprised Forks aud Spoons, Ment of all kind. ing the band might be much twicer of a small body of Indians who ven ger than it appeared, he determined overcoat of a slaughtered Bar Spoon-iLadles, Tongs, Soup Sugar fJEWS OF THE DAY. to wait until daybreak. Every the Seventh Cavalry was found, tured from their hiding place, sup Cnstnrs. Fish and Pastry Knives, ,, to prevent aud several saddles of troopers kill- posing the camp deserttd. Seven was precaution Shocks of earthquake at the enemy fromtaken us. ed on tho Little Horn, while the braves were killed. discovering flvansville, Ind. Private Wad Jen wa- wounded in Charter Oak, Monitor, We marched back two miles, and horses in the herd bore the mark of the leg. Russia determined to carry on bivouacKed in a pocket formed by the devoted regiment. Bathbone Ranges, Locket, Bauta Clan, iY two canyons in the deep mud, and, the war. was i oi led in march twelve Matchless, Startle, French Dwarf, CEKT1FICATES 01 LOVA LTV. Some of the wounddrenched with battering rain. The mtde The peace proposals. The letters which I quote, found ed squaws were left among the Iron Age, and fifty other popular kinds. digested. Collision at sea, and loss of plan of attack was fully and ':tinu(l Tomatoe., IV.c, String sinl Yon on the bodies, are an Ironical com- ruins of the village, where their Lieutenants Crawford life. on Lima Beans, on to were friends Indian will fiud Lenwitz them. mentary get positions policy: Aid for the yellow fever suf- - two sides of the hollow which in killed Jack and Table and Pie Fruit.-- , scalped Captain lVren?. Spotted Tail Agency, an was the Tillage before its inhabita from Tnbl.i mile Pocket aud Ameiieau Indian and the column Oysters, Clams, Salmon, S.'i.lim, Jan. 14, 1876. Recruits distributed around, ants should awake. Their men of all grade . during the engagement of yester Cutlery beThe bearer of etc., t dis a to were mile's Stabber, be dismounted thi, aftemoon. Tweed is to land at New day Saddleis' to Trimmings, this will travel agency, tance from the village, the horses longing York. Captured Indians say Sitting Bin Builders' Hardware, to be left there in charge of the north to visit his people. He will has crossed the Yellowstone, and Boston wool market. SeBest and the return to this within Largest Undertakers' to wero Comprising agency ninety that the other bauds are returning Furnishing-- , etc.. etc. packers, and the troops Ceecher threatened with of- advance '.vest of ecen without ever white Stock disturbing days, lected to any on foot. the The Twenty cautiously agencies. captured fensive mif&iles. " five mounted men were led by man. If ho need any little thing, horses have been distributed among Chicago. lose not will to it Political nominations. you by giving Lieuteuant Schwalka. Lieu tenant persons engaged in the capture of true. is him. This the village. One formerly belong Ten Broeck makes the fastest Bubb was to remain in charge of F. (.'. BOfCHKK. the mules and horses. three miles on record. ing to Custer's cavalry fell to your l'oi Mining, Sporting and Blasting, hic Win i kstonk AOKNC Y, correspondent. The wounded are During the night several alarms Attempted bank robbery at occurred. in was aro well. o'clock all all on At carried D. To. T. IS doing They unequaled in strength and reliaFeb., Pittsburg. Policeman wounded. detachment the and mule litters furnished with readiness, captur To vn:s J Idaho Jill, Al. Winn, and formed ranks. In profound darkAny Cntiti St bility. All sizes on hand; 1 ) rxpi.v.N ed furs and blankets. Ac? York Nate Hanson convicted as charged. ness, i uniftcrs to Acjent: "j lb. kegc. and rain it advanced slowI0:roM. Burden's Horse and Mule Shoes, Tlie Indians at Fort Sully re ly to fog the position of the previous This is to certify that Charging .V. W. and Star Union Horse Nails, fuse to be disarmed. Kill Eagle evening, and there halting, the Crow, an Indian belonging to San-tee- 's threatens to kill the garrison. guide baud, is a true man to terms went forward to find the way Cut and Finishing Nails, Never make a boast of : Hrules and Cheyennes join the hos- to the village. After waiting half of treaty and uses all his influence Cedar aud English and American Steel, or insubordination, the Tubs and Tails in Tine, tile. Sitting Bull marching on the an hour he emerged out of the ob- with his people to do right. I cheer( 'oinpi and other "UtenplN, fort with a large and increasing scurity again, and we again moved. fully recommend him to favorable fact itself is bad enough. Sheet, Tire and Bar Iron of every , InCommon,' Union, Julian and Blanchaid iir.g Kitchen , force. General IJuell thinks ho can After a second halt the mules and consideration of all. hi scription, Churns, Yours respectfully. thrush them. horses, with about thirty men, of Platform and Counter Sealer, Oak Well Buckets, Stamped Ware, Butter4MouIds, A. Yellow fever at Savannah. A. whom I was one, remained behind, , Howakp, Meat NEW Peach and ADVERTISEMENTS. in zinc P.rHsa, Copper, etc , J.ipauiit I and "Globe" and Choppers, Apple Washboard;, "Boss" United States Indian Agent. Two more Molly Maguires while the main body advanced. At etc. ToiM War', C:imp Outfit, etc. Anvils, Bellows, etc., and tin. The couriers sent to Crook met the first sound of firing we were to convicted. him on his march. He hastened Terrible suffering from yellow advance rapidly, but cautiously, FOUND- and if the enemy proved too strong forward as fast as his jaded and lover at Brunswick, Ga. we were to in the llth Ward, some secure hold residence and hungry troops could come; For "VEAItiuy Xo yellow fever in Balti- favorable H abont ten days as, a watch, which two the relieved. until ilesh of horses has days point more. tho owner caa have by provioff thesatne There was in these arrangements been issued to them for food. At au-lujr ror advertising:. iaj (3267 Winter cautonment at old an anticipation of another E. W. EAST. disaster noon the column appeared and Fort Reno, Captain Pollock, Ninth like that which befell Custer and gladdened the eyes of Colonel Mills infantry, permanent commander. his gallant Seventh. The waiting and his detachment, who were in I C E ! N O The Hell Gate explosion. in the chill, wet darkness, straining stantly expectant of an attack by AMD MORRISON PLOWS, CANE AND CIDER MILLS, CORN SHELLERS, BURDiCK HAY CUTTERS, AND MEM THE 26th QUORUM MO LINE REPS OF rpHR Thousands of people there. All the ear in vain for the sound of the the Indians in force. Firinar' had 1 cT Scventlos aro requeated t to in r:is-e- .i 14th Ward School-houson Sunnay ALL OTHER TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS REQUIRED IN FARM, FIELD OHHGARDEN, ori'quietly. A complete suc- - fray, was full of dread, anxious sus- ceased, except occasional shots tho et.-i- . afternoon Tabernacle after from next, on tho meeting-the west side of at 5 o'clock raviue pense. of busi sharp, for transaction The dawn had not togun, when the village, where it was supposed ness, The Servia-Turkis- h war. ny order or tne Freilent. r-a iimnVeil at lw'st ruling nites. a a white ISTrt. S. wounded L. de lav. d2 0 Indian Orders will receive prompt attention und soldier, patrolling hill, City, Sept., 21, single Fast mails conference. to a termined sell at full his life dearly. espied horseman coming Making crooked whiskey in gallop toward us. It at first appearDuring the morning soldiers had ed to be an Indian, but proved to been killed by shots from the rav vinegar works. be Captain Jack, the scout, who ine. General Crook determined to Earthquake in Illinois, Ken said the fight had begun, and we catch the Indian alftfe, and caused ana last Indiana, tucky, night. were to advance as rapidly as pos- the interpreter to make a promise !1C ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock Armistice prolonged eight sible. We dashed forward through of life to him. Bullets were the i holders of Z:on'a Mercau days. THE the mist and reached a round top of only reply. Soldiers posted behind ti"o Institution will the Old IMMENSE &HRIM OF HEW GOODS FOR be at hell British ship missing. bluffs, from whence we saw flashes him on tho opposite bank had pour- Tabernnole, in this city, ou Thursday, Oot Ship foundered in a hurri- of guns a mile below, while now ed their fire into the ravine for 5th, 18T6, at 2 p. m , for the election of o.'li- and again dull detonations reached hours, but still the Indian's gun cer3 for the ensuing- year, and transaction cane, sixty persons drowned. FILL TRADE. The disturbances, South Car- us against the breeze. Here we met was not tdleuced. Passing from the of such ether business a- may bo brought Gruard and a private, who brought ridge to the village soldiers were befor.' the meetiii. olina. order frem Col. Mills to despatch saluted by bullets. Troops were of t lie Bo;i d f 0.r ct ,rs, .A general insurrection immi- an to General Crook imme- deployed below the mouth of the By order a courier T (i. WKiiBElf, nent in Algeria. ravine to make the approach caureinforcements. .v cretary. asking diately, Hostilities recommenced at Two men volunteered for this ser- tiously. They crawled, with load- 1Trt. Lake City, Sept. fait Deligrad. vice and galloped off to execute eu gun.. iiunei alter baiifct was Sir G. Woolsey and Sir T. the order. We then advanced into sent over their heads from the the valley under fire. The fusilade depth of the ravino aud the' le Stepstone sailed for 5outh Africa FOH RENT. Release of Spanish prisoners. was continuous, and bullets came turned but did not silence the the from nearly every accliv- The excitement pio;oi iluough the rAVI3' CltONK IIEF.U SALOON, OI'O THEY WILL TAKi: To THE HTORK, Steamer St. Germain lost her whizzing of the ravine Theatre. Owiiij? to my re J 6iteto the ity. A low lidge hid the village camp and the mouth rudder at sea. run moval wholesale 8th nusiness in the of a crowd. Sev from view, and at its foot were became the fcui Ward, the abovo place Is for rent. Very herded '200 captured ponies. Gain- eral officers joined in the siege, the suitable lor a Keanwrant and ( rouk I leer was beor any other bu&ioess. Gas, water, Are now opening the most Complete Stock of us fire the hun the Parior, by stronghold approached upou ing ridge EDITORIAL NOTES. plenty or i corns, gcod shelving, came nearer for a time, but well dreds of eager soldiers under the cellars, counter, table, etc., all ready. Apply at by our skirmishers com delusion that they were to seo an once. Jcnx P. Davis. It is contended, with much restrained Indian made the village. The attack prisoner. manding how of reason that a double reform had been accidentally precipi Hitherto only single thots had ALIi KINDS OF had advanced come from within; but suddenly political is badly needed reform tated. The troops for two miles, there was a volley sunt through the double column within the party, and reform with in came when within sight approaching troops, which caused they nt the party. of the herd of Indian ponies: the an indescribable rush away from -were frightened, and rushed the spot, and the wildest confusion Ever ofl'ered in Utah, ctundfrtiDg in pait the ;s ew ork Herald says animals was full toward a The of lavine hurricane like the reigned. village. of a slander telegraphed cast and accident caused a change in Indians, who, after the first charge To WIIOM IT MAY CONCERN: west from Salt Lake "It is alleged The the method of attack to be ordered in the morning, had fled there to Numerous complaints having AM) GIVK YOU THK Choice Fall Prints that the Mormons have determined immediately. Lieutenant Schwat hide. The volley wounded Private been Pisces 5000 to officers of made the the to convict Lee for the good of the ka, wnn ins twenty-liv- e men, Kennedy of the FifthCavalry. The a forward dashed at Newest Styles Dress Goods siege became more tragic and earn City, of the large number of ani- 2000 thundering of ia no but if doubt there Church; est. Captain Munsou was foremost mate running at large within the anu close heels of the upon gallop, his guilt wo see no objection to his the ponies, swept through the peering over tho sleep bank into limit?, trespassing on and 500 Waterproofs and Ladies' Cloths conviction for that reason." crowd of lodge?. A strunge sound the ravine, when he slipped in City iuhabit-ant- s, otheiwise the annoying a was heard, produced l3the cutting through dense bramble and found -- Ben Hill is said to have 4i said, of Plaid Dress Flannels the attention of the owners 500 the lodge skins with knives, himself among the Indians. The dry Foil Til KM. !n i recent speech, that the boys ueu was narrow water followed of the of all such animals is directed to and deep and by quickly reports u ' who were killed on both sides dur guns, anu the Indians were seen hidden with brush. Several war the Plain and Twilled following extract from Revised 500 face banks the downward riors in were and this war late worth the all fecrambliug steep the up lay tug XLI. and had built small breast Ordinances, chap. 2000 African races that ever lived. More into the gullies, with yells of dis trench, Heavy Brown Sheetings across it with mud and roote TRESPASS, AND CONCERNING ANIworks may. fools they to fight about the negro, " Hardly was .bchwatka well out Behind these were a score of 6quaws Fine Bleached MALS RUNNING AT I.AEOE. 1500 The San Francisco Clironule of their range than Crawford and and children. Some of these were GOODS Yon Lentwitz's men opened fire, wounded, aud the mud was drench Sec. 2. No "The Indians, as the original and horses, mules, 1000 Duck, Denims and Ticks their balls riddled the teepees ed and bushes spattered with their sheep, goats cattle, or alshall be hogs of at have the country, proprietors before their occupants were fairly blood. lowed to run within the least a right to subsistence: and awakened. Owing Munson gallantly seized a squaw, limits of this at large to the precipi all such an- 1500 Pairs Elegant Corsets and City, iiue we have taken their best tate attack IS on Lentwitz had not and putting her papoose on his imals so found may be taken up by AT Woolen Men's lan .h, exterminated their game time to secure his assigned position back shoved her out. One buck any person and driven to the 1000 Dozens Hose on the further side of the creek, was lying on a dead infaut. Mun and the owner of said aninnd restricted them to reservations, anu.tne 4: euect or a cros nre. there son had Uarely a glimse of the in- pound, be liable to pay a line 1000 shall mals " ladies' it by every argument of national fore, was not gained, and the Indi- terior of this strange Btronghold, not ten dollar for each exceeding then dodged back to escape the animal. morality and justice incumbent on ans who escaped in that direction and California Blankets muzzles of five over 1000 Pairs his anu head. as guns tnemseives secreted acted the Government to feed, clothe both hissed Bullets the of owners had so runBchwatka The all nuiuials ways, cap sharpshooters. and protect them from bad and tured the main pressing forward to tire. They ning at large are hereby notified that portion of the in id. but many ponies had escaped. A several times swayed backward the plundering white men." ordinance relating thereto will the fire of the Indians, and caught by the Sioux, who before Catholic Californians are ex few were &. be enforced from and after this was to ride around on the hills the roar of musketry like that pecting a big time on the 9th of began at Autietam. at the where will save therefore themtroops in firing they date, they lOO IMeee Kleganl October, a hundred years Bince the happened to bo most exposed. Baptiste, the Pawnee scout, dash selves trouble aud exj ense by imfoundation of the mission Dolores, Others were seen to canter away ed in aud caught two other squaws over the blutli in the west. It was and a young brave. They said the mediately complying with the law, a grand celebration is talked of -surmised they were going to raise rest would surrender, but when and keeping their nniin:! off pontifical high mas3 in the open the neighboring bands to their as quarter was again proposed they air by Archbishop Ryan of St sistance, and preparations were answered with bullets. 4tnd 75 Vents per fartl. ff ISO ANDUEW liUKT, A LOT Of GOODS OF DIFFEflEIIT KIIIDS John White, known as Buffalo Louis, laying the corner stone of a strenuously made for a desperate 'Marshal. City defence of the position command- White, a friend and follower of new church, military and civil Salt J,ako City, Made village until General Crook Buffalo Bill, was shot through the ing orations in Spanish and withthe UOih, 1ST"). heart. his column should arrive. Crawford Kogiish by General Vallejo and Lieutenants and Baptists just escaped a ball, to Bchwatka made repeated charges kill the savage who fired it, and John W. Dwindle. HT 1ST , SINCISC SCHOOL. which drove the Sioux from those scalped him in an instant. was from A was ceid lire meanwhile talk with which their 15EKSI.KV will open a tinging points 1" iho 10th Ward Literary lu- I hey botii made rapid the women who had been rescued. Mli.E. COL. MILLS' FIQHT W:TII THE annoying. And au unusually attractive stock of every description of on stltute ivcniofr, 2tth, Wednesday Sept. was of who to of One the hills them, wounded, explorations gather 1876. AH those desirous of ltarutntr the INDIANS. up stray ponies so that they should said she would go into the ravine lirst rudiments of vocal music can have the bo not Indians still secured by the Indians. In and induce the alive opportunity by attending this sobool, which (' viii on Owl Creek, soon will be held once a week Terms $3.5d253for tnese to and She had surrender. went, en many they pistol Dakota, Sept. 10, 1S76. counters with the Indians, and after led out a forlorn looking group. the quarter. Two fights with the hostile Sioux forced them to retire repeatedly. There were several squaws and two All of which will ba sold at prices that defy competition. occurred yesterday. A band of The gallantry displayed by both of bucks, one cf them named Black DR. A. W. CALDER, about 150 braves was surprised at these officers was splendid. Wolf. On entering the stronghold , Surgery. In the action at the village, there there were found threedead squaws FiUoic of the American Denfal floor. dawn, their village destroyed and OrFtCK Wasatch Hotel, 21. their ponies captured by a detach- had been several casualties among and one dead brave. American U244 ment of the Third Cavalry under our troops, as follow;: Horse or Iron Shields was found Col. Anson Mills. The main colwounded in tho abdomen. Private A Midburrv, alias " Wea horribly umn under General Crook, overHe was brought out and cared for; NOTICE. was in the killed a bullet by took tho troops in advance about sel," by the surgeons, but died this OF THE ISrn QDOllUM IHEMRMRSRS an arrow in and head tho body. iryiMng their Fal noon, aud about 3 o'clock it was The captives were twen 1 crx'DWTiwj nnll mof. in Inn CltV Are cordially Invited to examine our ttock morning. severe wounded Charles 4 p.m. Foster, at. tk-te 8th. attacked by Indians belonging to number. When nail, Sunday, in they purchases. surrendered they seemed to expect (1253 siw. j J.C. LIVING STONP, the neighboring villages, number- ly. Prcs ileut. N A A CH wounded. Jvir&wood, Sergeant immediate death. A squaw . dising about 500. wound BY MAIL! Augustus Dorn, severely covered her dead papoose in a tepee, PARTICUIAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS One soldier and one scout were killed in that engagement, and ed.Lieutenant A. H. Yon Lentwitz, and was a picture of intense woe. lOO.OOOIbs. of , y, O O said that Crazy Horse's eight soldiers wounded, one of severely wounded in the knee, at Captives wtbor on was side of the Slim whom died this morning. About village ror wbldt I will pmr tfc BlslMat Prle la rab. BUre-pa- jr u4 1 aud that some or their peoButtes, n Jemav forty Sioux were killed and twenty-on- e evening. r Ctetfe, TirtH, m4e eoMlattas Ptwtlai. Edwacds Glass, his to Sergeant severely ple had gooo band to were made captives. bring in the right arm. assistance. About, three their A FULL STOCK OF The column marched three days wounded toma tJ the tett Tailor in Corporal Ldward Mackeman, o'clock mounted Indians began to Having made tpecial arrangemmt$ teiih southwards from Heart River, a to Suit wounded. order to the ftrnUh t in cry itylc, cottlrg swarm on the ridges and attacked MtUllUU CitjtIam prepared ' through a constant storm of cold slightly Private William efDubob, slightly made i' strong from $20 to $30. the camp. They rain, with meagre rations meted forts to find a weak point in our Office of th Milte First South 9tret, opposite Townaeud Route, and at It Factory, out to hungry palates. Several wounded. erf PjnnjrUUry. of a nUl Colonel Mills took and occupied skirmish line, which had been Sttndfor horses were hundred worn-ou- t nlcO-XXZlS- , ON HAND ALWAYS dial and Circular estimate. JATVUna across the Specimen Hieaaao. making to thrown village, abandoned on the march, and on every point used by tho enemy THE EVENING NEWS. this day the famishing soldiers broke from their ranks to kill them, in order to secure the meat. General Crook despatched lu) men of tho Third Cavalry to guard the pack train to Deadwood City and load with supplies to relieve the troops.' The service was ex because oi me tremely Hazardous, multitude of small trails discovered to by the scouts, which all turned wards the Black Hills, and a concentration of the Indian forces upon the detachment was feared. A CONDENSED LIST j Staple and Fancy Groceries and Heavy and Shelf Hardware, al L II, WHOLESALE RETAIL SUGARS: COFFEES: ii ENGLISH SPECIALTIES: MEATS: TOBACCO: de-ir- . PLATED WARE: Parlor Kitchen & STOVES: , CANNED - SHELF to-da- y. GOODS: HARDWARE: GLASS AND QUEENSWARE: THE HAZARD POWDERS: HEAVY HARDWARE: WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE: TINWARE CranlU.-br.nw.'ue- Paiei-Vises- l'-m- Farm and Agricultural Implements, i f mt-e- e, f 1 iOTICE. LOOK OUT - TEASDEL'S WAGONS DRIED FRUIT! WALKS R BRO Animals it mining at Large. Staple id Fancy Dry Goods, Ill AiiRIFIi DilILl' -- TBMMSJL'S. ? sol-die- ts TAYLOR lein the-street- O CUTLER ARE! CLOSEIVIG OUT A. II 1 pro-oessio- n, Heady Clothing, Hats, Undonvear, O TIO 25 Per Cent. S SEASONABLE GOODS, oAtt and "m mm, Tho Merchants of Utah h.-fs-tro 1 ty-on- . . . 'J S ' T V00LLE MILLS. LI... WANTED. lay EltvliilUU STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES - thre-fourt- h |