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Show i i., 4 .. .. - . r - - - . O. iTOHT! L-.-1 p;iiiMEfiii t . r ' iunnici(TiN InUii- - T. at. Health Crepe ML. iiiBB Orrat Central Tow Short una Overland Boats, with its connection Emi and west, the i fc.ft -- I. A. (vsioiU.)'..r jArrlrals and toepartarcs of Hails. riii DAVID EVANS, Presiding Bishop oyer tbe three last named places. 11i I mm his TnrV T. TB Harrlnvtanu N Alptna, T. J. MoOaUwaa. I E. HARRINGTON, Presiding Bbbop1 OTer the two last named thb 'Scrip-- I Hi Didn't Want an old man, and he tion.a Heorwas conaactors paaceDoara had bit stuck in his hat. He walked into the drug store and inquired: "Hare vnu arot tnv arood whfakeT? (StmmOmt. RAILROAD. ..n ju WDiiacjui I T?IT. WUCI TTi ,TMrtwi!diJtjnanMtt urtA vrSjHrH. Ciuff. ! Secretary of Sunday Schools of We ber County. f . 5 PACIFIC - ... - .... rami F MONCili Li Teossy, ITHB CHICAGO, ROCK iSLASDh ft rftel?d"A6,ll EVENING NEWS. tlAlLT.DAOS; ' h Throug-- mail, eaiiy.... vv. WpTTl -8 Aita, dairy -Parley's Park, Bie Cot- 150pm tonwood, and WaaihiB' TussaajTr,.Tharsdajs'and ' Sahfrdars .....soa p m Park City, dalTy extrpt fun-da- .... . y. . . .t. ... ,r..5 co p m Summit Sod Wasatch ' "Yes, air,? replied tfif gentle 5(1.,,.. places June 20th, 1876. and manly druggist. a Pleasant Q rore, Joba Brown 8 40 p m, . half "Gimme .......... plat." Ne D" Wsa. Drinshnrw. PyrtncTllls a doctor's huiK "Have Rich you got prescrip oounty, Tuesday Trork ; JEWELER. ETC., epaalahoMos BrD Snell, I via-- Tbe health or tbe people ia eood. tion?" .....8 40 p m rtMsttowa, Babt B. Pav day and Fatarday falea, to tafora bis frlaada tUi he .has TBGBKMOVBD TTP and lalcmd DRAWN Rock a Parson, J. 8. Tanner. wit Wehave anebt D except Moinet, or Morg-adafly.".r.".T,8 40 p m county,' JL to I Bantaqnla Ward, Oeerra HaUiday. had one death onl this sprine. "Can't sell it, then, sir." Jury At rtfc Davi9tconnty, daily-- . Chicago, 1110a m bet-- 1 in session; must be strict. ' Over-- 1 AaUomJ are to Pestrfti JSbrtA r rco Door be Uur th mute crops through HORTGAGES C0HTBACT8 only earryina TANNER 8. la promising Weber county, dsly tu J. (Opm Presiding I Bishop F0A&I0I7 tad D02XESTI0 reUaMe and dose An land ter than for years past, somewhat KaO, maki'v can I get a doctar, sad- Where Ordcnemi-dall11 40 a m k over pm and Salem. i Paysen -I raoPZBLT ABRiiracp bt HAST Cache and Box Elder coua- f,r I damaged though by the late frosts inquired the aged Inebriate. w Wnv 'Ooseetti aaos ke rr about the middle of May. "I'm a physician, sir," winningly Witk train irHrln from the West tH38fany..:;..i..:8opm AS. I CI W. druggist. Oormne the, STAYJlEB, 40 a m ad it I 0111 meetings are rather thinly responded andKelteaf-dany..l. , BANPKia OOUNTT. r,.rr v mb u mw su , v v I stawuuvw w ti J V tt aT ,srrBk jsFiaTss!3BrkTSBrM daho idui . avuuand at ontana daily. t,a4Q p m " I r i iI duii nmary yuoiio tcuuiii uh I a I Fountain Green, B. Ik Joknson. arent. Ho is also mauarer o the Otah guwi muueute is pre- you ail .ir,T acnpuon." . . sntK .n vmt itrnnTAiu. Eajit. North I meetings, JJoiso City and I alii nor and toe DeoDie irn rAvlviBir I Moroni, Q W Braaiey. mlcht." And tbe Doc Collection and PumhMinv ItMer; Ms t. t.atiufr. -. HRdTf.TAYLnR. aiik oonimra or daily.,.. ll .10 a m Amaem Tuoksr. Palrrtsw, w. AXMBXBOViX, h kw rb most i GEO. soknxYwout a preecnpuon iate mainerence. V wrote renttr iior Diana, Nevada,4 Wtl . r.fufaraissflda PJ.R-- 1 irom ' Ore- W. . .. I . s . g. Usuat I IIV1UM California, I PVtassnt, wwuun, UrW aselay.' A. msnrmTi lunm TT.I anu I. jnaraj ..J a 1 ounr wws t nnraor w nanjounwiQi Prints. . w wAwntSlfaf nww Mill . . t winrei ckhm, wifhsait r.irMr.v,M-nwwri K2 J ', I Aallwi.ilMifiw Paring- Qtr, IMerlokOteao, -; i etc .. .... .. .. .... ..11 40 a m m nnw Kn1l. nw :roB.and tarssn. Men's irumcnii. He filled a snug looking Kerth of Post utsce. Box ust, salt Laaa PwrWiM, braim, KairaUJaaibUK. organized Young along v mw OpMr.TcoeTe, uui between Stockton, Ja- tan Company aiteatli c & I Jo K. Haraa. nested a City. Mutnsi Immwremsnt Ronlctv.fnim lltio with ae.Vi.-.;- . we are now 1 , . OMAHA and CHIC AGO. Hivuvt Building, jlu GaaniaonJ. cobClty, j S0p m i Jtonracia m Mana rnu rmtamit. we.- me young . men Varetta, John Bartholemsw. . , . to cerresponu . .or the. label on ir, numDerea aumuaau a niasbanLCatiyatv aaiiy.aao rHfUa erltk I which vi j m - a IViaaxvu rTC.b. V.am. ana aVniUt From Boavcr and iatormedl--: wto U -p- ar, Prn-- f our line at. the Lowest, Rate, and 4 Pi.', i JUAB COrNTT. ate points, dally. v . . .Jl jco.p m with dispatch. I and Utah Central. its prosperity. Our meetintrs are nmirked in the most basiness like Ploche, Star and Sab FranAiuf rtcau au4 Ferelrn J0EL GROVEB,Preeiding Bishop otoeo dUtrioU, daily: .V.. .1 w p m talnrd for iorent6rar very, orderly. Questions and an- - Way imaginable: va aoiiar ana ai wmfcttejcCMmr7ne'1S! Iaad. R' Xehalrs prior as tow. as thass sjcJjUmDer. iona.JeliaW.Bawa. Bt. Georffeand points south f sweraontheprlncinlesef the goe--- half, bUlllgieS, Coranv reliable arency. Nsohi,oMaaoaltCreJftJoelGrovvr I. T Ganeral Paaseni'agenCchicagt). . A dollar and a pel. and short lectures are conductof Beaver, alternate days 5 50 p u . , Invited wtsr taventorts and Tit i Xeran, Ktmer Taylor. J'l : I resDondeooe ed in a lively manner. The officers .afnnlt.riHl customer. wfcto tboee who have bad their inTenttoos Hugh em Riddlx, Gen'l Sup't, Chlcaro. r)aaBsteadeorlsreooies. v. 8. also are the miste?'TTeTecti all of the society and dl pateht Orrios, i Ain't that pretty dollar p in dally, exeeps Mondays SKVIlOt COUNTY. nW the business, but are'deter- for:( ?Ads our price- -i .It.8 Codar Yalley, Fatrtlea axtd AMO ' mined to succeed. .. and fifty cents for the K. THURBER and W. H Tintic miniDS district, ;". Brescription i; E. 8EEGMILLEH. - I . Uaie.sr.an.4-- . JOSecn Jrisner. i'resldent; JOacnh I ll won M a Pdtns Jlnlnn " Tuesdays, Thuisday land ka Presiding. 1 V wlck I II II I lfTf V ?F3JZS!?li Counthe Fl)aBBaandasL Duncan, 5 10 p ui "Yes; well,, replied Everything In the Building L1n. 8aturdaj.. u pauna, rranun cpenoer, M. mewart. becraUrr. lA old duffer, as be slowly but-- 1 ill ILII I U II U :o:- WH err s aayei KiohneUj SeecisXlsr, DXFAKTFaBS. f1" I am your oroiner in toe gospel. I toned up the half pint in nis OTer-- 1 your inrentieav w9 win make ncamin- aMonroe, J T Useabee, -- Through jnall, TTHTII. furtaar ttisa. tralcav jrtl toa? ..6 a m rof fJsonbee. daUy Hi) as fellows: U and arrive at Osden daily 'Mi wain ........b aOvioeand uonit wiui uis wnpuuB. atUck1eTeforHon-M.'ri.Le7Parley's Park, Bis; Cotton... intSfl k.m. ti rf fiiaaTrTTtoCSeZ bau a dollar," and he v Wn Pacific and Atlantic, , .MEADOW, SMrfeQund Millard County, Thurs-dajB--- f' ? t ; n ; y .. i 1 DRY GOODS, l ... bbb. ... .i a -- w a. a I . s"-f-,"- j-llij tT I 1 : 1 1 - - m , the-article- T1 .. M 1 wr -- a I I aj , , Idaho-City,- . f ,Vt- -. i x -- iwi ; VI - -- . I I :,Q15.i"C.?TEfrl , , mm V- - I..-,- '. . . iur - .- - : I SASH & DOORS uaiS CO , , . U. P. R. R. WHITE GOODS . ;rr 5T3r" rors.-r.e- - -- SO T1 ' Plain Mid Checked JACONETS; Striped, Checked and Plain Wftviilnot be Under told. 1 -- and colored; ? ; Swiss and Jaconet-K- eta, etc. ' BROIDERIES, ..... " ft v ' Uttt ' i.. mm r-- 5 n I 1 " II MO CHILDRErS UDIB, IISSE? SHOES AND rv UtnU and Hoy1 A- t. jrJl'JJ3 1? I Oek-Ts- Ao waica vi orrsn PKICEI AT GREATLY REDUCED " wl - a : uiijua. w uif nd other. ct finally lh ttimirttt VlMi r&nirA rmawt1 . . being then at an iutoae ot. about sea. and at half-pasix un. ..... I I -- f ti 'j y.'.l 'if TUB ITT A 4. A W :.i " divide Ues Ogdeo ?ri.A j VaUey.-tb- .... I 1 00 UELMIID MORRIS'5&;ErANS Saitlake Shops. BIOCX WEST flowers, TEKSV F W1LIE BROS.. Pass, and Ticket AaenU J. U. KeCt7IXOVJ4H( ' . - But OABaratManaeer iSirtiW , i' ij !mpXf. The Latest Sty lea of HATS in every variety or Shapes and Shades. Men's A Boys BOOTS eV SHOES, in different wradea, at Bottom Figures. We' carry a Full Stock of NOTIpNS, CUTLERY, SOAPS, HAIR OIL8, PERFUMERIES, . Eta, etc., etc 8 a.m. to 6 Sunday, 12:30 tn 1:30 pirn. Money Order andgteter department frem 9 a.m. to 5 p m. ; t , Mtside door opeolfxomBajau to'lO p.m. ' ' J".'f. SIOOtlE, Po9lmaUr. Pinto, aiohard Boainsse. Bebron, 0. B. Crosby. liuxtnur. oooNTi'; kbt ada; MOUljflWGSCTC, ETC .e-r- fi . rfiSJ - - A. NICHOLS, Presiding Bkkop, BOOKS WORTH RBJDING. Box Xklereox Dtat , 0. C Hnsklns, x t- ;, t i; -- Book - W I WBBBB.OUUMTy, UTAH. 1st Ward, Oeden. F. A. Brown. 2d Robert MoQuarrie, 3d .Joseph Parry. North Ofden,5H Wbeelock, Plain City, I W. Shurtiia. Mound Fort, David Moore. '. i. Lynne, Daniel Thomas. Slatervllle, John Alired. Harrlsvttie, David Bawson. ...... Marnat. John Hatventen. West Wsber, John L Hart. Kaat Weber, L 8paukUn. South Webe r u. ooo. River Binaham Kden , Joseph Ferrln. W. A. HunteviUe, Hammond, Hoasieryllie, Ollbert Belnan, t'z j oarri :o:- - i : i ? .. Bean, L2S. ; ict.roa Moroeee Qilt, iM. Tlio Volca of Watalsf. j la. Itorjeoo, 10. Epeactr1! Letten. ' Cloth Embossed, too.' iX desirable) of tbe we A mulUtUilei5tcHl(Jreii,ra4 wondered rwhefe they all -- eame bpaiiieM, prop?rtle In the tl " Cloa ltobeased,l.l5. ISSUED FBOy tDE PRESS, from, were there with smiling faoesfclly. ,CentrU!y located on and holv books to irreetus. To re- - let South Street. tWoUloclta "lho lloTS)nunont of Gtd. "the interesting : features from IlSUlac sind And dallv order such i.ieces as are cord-a- ll ' Stiff Paper Covets, 80 cents. not in stock. Sheet Music corner. " lw" ""7 WUT. P""w I Emnerinbi sent to all parts of the I 8,'J,,,r"l t?Vko2ireatlon. r J ; ' fCIMVUBVIO Htm Is1ll-rI""J DAVIS COUNTY.' ' Territories at Pub- uewspsper limit; hence , we must . Usher's prices. j KaysviQar Cbriatopker Larson, is Paper Covers, JS cents. ' ' i ... iJv W. ; aifj Bern. abreviate, aad aonfine ourselves to i'FanauiftoniJohnR. Bmith t (Vsntreville, Wm. r! ' only a few words or comment. avnnunn. a neon uaifa tue DlYtdt Authority. 3 , The-schois under the care of j CAH til': Charles Wright, It 6 BO AN COPNtr. Superintendent who appears to be well adapted for Presldlnir Bishop PETERSON,' the position, and deserves praise w c Mountain dreen, Sli SpaaMtof. OF ALL KINDS. for his indefatigable energy and u. o. reierson. weosr iumj : r ' C ' were Iav MsrOcco, L80 BmHaeeaS, rontstlninir Twenty Hoema perseverance, too classes an Jesse Haven, o Enterprise, . 'tlii'tJil--- ; thoroughly trained j In, iheologv, I ln complete brder. 1 Size oi Cataclica for Children, ' Oo.. 8. and seemed to Uke pleasuw in T L. - txwavf vswla Oliver Oltaon W. G. SMITH, Preeddlog: Bishop. Sontherly : St V Paper 70rers, S cts. Cloth, 80 cents. i Milton.! Jens naneeruo t"i lift , . Hravinmrd'a Soaia, fSeheraaer, I blCre their parenU and the visit- - f itf svnd ten jroda Westerly unes. n. uttleton, ' i Ab TKIBKIia asaUy sussi .if wmj - I V... r5' o.l?n ireten MUU wsuvane, .HI .H ana maAmi niwlMibul in I . Ub. Vd...J.W.M i' u ucecfvo it v i )p J , .Half Calf, 1X0, Vi on ITand ATd1v TtaViraln. muw swwiuv praise I T acnooiparucuiary j mvih, r" for the amount pi mionnauon they T" Nona Btorran, vnaries 'luroer. y-" or to CM?ydsn, OeorgeKnlrht. had gathered.. At the close of each 01 premlae, 9t w.h f a A ,'LiHii.i ... 'iSd Ilirf ii,t CALDER & C1RULESS recitation, aeach class of females, Hon8aotlnf a Specialty. smairehd-grownrwaconducted ' fi. IfcvtlatUm ,on) Genial, MctTriage G1LBERS0N, Henaef erriUe, Chaa, Biohepa, tq the" organ; where; the exerciaes I .Ti-.- 'v-.Jit! m,. Bliar Asver. acno, iu-t a were closed With, spng. and In 1 Vaftei,,'etc:J Coalville, W. W. can av t ww-rf.. - , ? . av 1 me uaeaei-omcu-, unlonvilfe, Aionao Winter. s mmi ; ' see ioiudow t k Covers,' SO cents. I-- V Stlg Paper 1 11 I 1 1 VI C . A 1 1 Hna.sen were as to We Cptoai oreanUt. GodbeV ed Joseph IV HuHdlug. sorry I dloi, lM ' U J - I S Vv B B W e a B w we1 learn that PrestF AI Hammond. SaiB. IU WM.' W. CL0FF preside over who Jbas cbarge.ol an lxiteztsiiog Morran Count v and the above' 1 jinTnal of Dlscotirtisv Vol.; II. class pf "silver grays," was not r-Fans, watasa, : Ave Wards io Bommlt Co. in able to meet witn the School on to, a. aaxoar, joaa r. oauan. i q Le that day on account of slckhess. johw Do normon SAMUEL F. ATWO0D,rPJWUl. - His counselor,' 'however, ; David m Jm . k TWa.n 1 m .; -- ' t Cmmm. a v ln response.iothe call bell. isia I McK-7-t g 5 r k ring,iiianop., oJ u 'twf I - thzf$,l THE MUSICAL kaoat One iDeieret Carriago O-- HOTEL - sfii9J!f : it ijm TT r . k, Vir 2T I 111 r-- -- ' t I rJ-- ' u 1 1 4 executed in the Highfest eea ?JOJlCt kock rr?jUUZL Art.BtJLiJJJt ortne ':;.Oj.J. rices, at theDeseret NewsOffice " we6 ll. Rkjhril-OlaevVwakiro- ! ''.; Mi - i lint I Wanship. Jared C. Roundy. Booknoru AAwfn Will. tU .rwKSK&sSiS'. we need iacareelv-adstmcung did .weil.:foT that thev' the varv Dresence of tbese two men aa teach- -- u i rYiei. .00: i Kamas,vW. Harderk Parley V' Park, Bphraua - rAoUa it appeared f:' .'c5UeeWpr; !,. t1 Sny. tHf"4 a 1 it feriftti Psami laaroeeo 1 Ji dia " I -- 1 wn.w a vv r' j-- sa fc i t liIi f 1 JWorses letiJr ' 8.' J; LYNN, tttpt. ..t RocKy fountain Fills A v ALTJ A RLE XEDICIN2, From Jfew taiid Etnre Med ' usU Plstptar recently dbs"sterf3sl ilt thf Rofky Ifonn alua Ti) it-- -: itv '()MiWUtMtet lt.u 'tII'i H t( A JUJLEL . YVE3E1 cx. eariMef uWlrr-X- I ! V JBLJB. 1 . - fJlsTBKM, nan tbesv mouotaiu .search tmoof ui in the dieeiwery, uot alleys tafr reuwe ct aisny bew rarletiveof planb-- . but.of new sieuiea, sotiieof which hs re wourierrul mediclnait ewrwuver ' proweruvk. , it toatlnned exprriuicni tw-i- t vntiw l av- ' breueae knewo ana thus irom exvracu r. piU these newly dlsotvvered s - plauts art- ij -- - t'uc-M-- enaiauM8eeV.r '! ta.f utieu lrer; pains, aii acLt., anv, art mUlli many diseaeta, ealBwhle more reveuh-H- ) in' DY8PKP8I A, COMPtalTo, . INidtiKjim. of KkVkK, JADND1CK, and all UVEU ce aW COLIWa IJKINAKi ailMir 1 RiABL RH EC U ATI SM. Cl I8T 1 VKNE-!- . , OM(-11 AltKJWKA, HBAKTBDJIN,' . : MBASLBS,. for Poairvtao ras Bidw,;- - . and for many atcer ds"aeee, sdki all of BlLIOUbNE6i; aad .jUl30KDBK;i 8TS0MACH. , .J-!- ,. On orders aoooropanled by the cash r postal order, I will send safely . b um.l, : art tor oeuts;lduseo pwuialQ,l Jxdf'PllB 1 rross box. f3t4. hoaes. aUAO: al j . IVSitKl 4UifP as. aMntbl'M. jnM PALEST l - i.. 1 mm - : .- JTJST -- r to: t0 1 irrnr?!ri rnnfr-'JI'IIII Tv.ln mm- w t vfti t3 B itnalrlni? 1 PS ni Tri . S :dllWltfX I-I- weu-eviae- loa.t -t- J ' m ls5 - r'' ii-o- 5ia2S? l'cod s Aiex.J-o3.Sbi- b a i 4 .--4 it.-''- if - j tt'rill cica Crrl- - &-CD- , mm i . - wwr iamilj a 1 - LDtxir ,T j Mir3 u ( ' i elr-CkM- t ifrT.Ti r a ajaI?:ea-- . Wdss. C;atrJanjor li.t.. j W. R mt 1 w azs. I t0:j3tfiiar4 Tihwrl-D'bTr,; a .iMiJirii, wsas "4 ..v.j v JOHN jaavr inm i ar: SOUTH CTnCETf SCCON 0 fniBtjbn.XW-enii;.. PTjTx O tv.' see tneae men wiuing 10 enlist Babhath school aa teachers ofr But why reirard it aa-a-n --anomaly T 10 t-- d ara td 'ari'aVlHsmrl of t.hd, iniAua nf th4whooLiHow of Del fl : t m.rn.-r- a Office and Yard, Half Block South -- C-7?-s it' sir Hit C3 . ! OCX' " ipsf l :e3 ;rvo' ;- . Cst uYagJ Kgjfrt-,rif- . jPn.int.ing n rlt Kill . i:?l-u;?i'-;,-T"- ." : 'T..'00. i 1 ' L - - r. .' , s 17 . iocuiao ana uoYenanu ftr ts Press.) ' jf ' LORINi FARR, rreaidlng Blahorv ' of Cormdn. ccd CHt.Utra, f.co iJiMof a rr.Kj aioWa;' WlilarU City, JUf W. Ward. At Prist. Brtgham Young. .1 dl5 !,...,. N atU Thomas Ha per, Bear Blver City, Wm. Nesisy, Mantua. H. P. je Brhxham City, Alrln Nlci Calls . - l i: -- , . JOHN R; HASLAM, -- ftaoib. SIlUlAgle!, TT7 ITVl "Old and youar are here assembled ;; j On thlsTfcribtM festal ! Kdward Jtaasaav faataciaraa Pine Vaiiey. Wai. Snow'. " BhP. ,""" c ) n rMalad atyJardelTMnlelsJTnstdaen,.TdaV Samaria. 8amui Williams , , ,, Cherry Creek, J. D. Jones, APPbT tO e : '. .-- deneral Delivery c pen from: 1 . . i It Wn- - , The Great Teacher of the? trhlverse t 'Marriage, ItTioa beneath hia dignity thought iA" V"" 1 3d I M xioUoa-lhTittl tii I ttraaiavuie, nmauMwast ones; t f tq i&avoni Wtij I. ai 1 .i wS I thaviittliklren Vt?Uini.5 RlTTT.,?lm ftnflin nioJ to tha tdeomeiintA hiei forof such A BOOK or .1 3oT sr.fi i 2f1(Q u viJ d f m ' am vu (u.( Ta vju juia4A nuuuxjM '"! Jit v.. s kingdom of beav.B,'-1 still speaks Skuil F. s jnrenuaenajTv I s TaUsyB. Anowiron, j laaa fttJ A T mi i t 'i&s . v ftonea immortal h In )i 1. viunn nTOTH7rrATjrraaaefo;ti . J T nun u a w m t ih r w ri.tf- m i (. as-- ' us for a moment count the j I TFl?bniLt iajCl lj?aEJlli tet I i VewJ 2 it t d schoot-anUIS.O Ub uctoChOilt, coetref-tht. compare It t -, - v .! ajrrrrxaD Call anil Price t Our Goods ABRAHAM HATCH, tjrealdl ng a outi etaratly.y! e 14 I with, tbe result, ,If memory serves 1 XVafTOII' S tllO a III : 8 fnpea. nae right thejunount expended ftr IE jsz' i i.vt I 'r: W ' before Purchases Else-, W j v inam-uwiI -Bcoeol one was one 1 the 3 1 1 year during U T TavTiiaawira i;a7 ;,iaaMS. t, T..f A litoii:3,)(WW4 S ,n where. r Waif r i Charleston, Joaa waTtuns. ryf,l ....r.. - ' Waltoborsa Wsa i ' gether with the labors of the teach-. 1 Jss- esii MMiil Ol I COTJNTT. Stsio3 SAI.T IVAKB wliUnx beaut, at: aik times, on the rVl rrn nTOn CCCL. elrfji Ceve're. eenta.' Ward. 8. X City , Joa. WarbartOA. 8111. OJaJ ls 7. fJF part af the aupexiatendeaU. The 1 -- T .aa ah 1 ' SaHP1P4 James Leaoa rtaT ratS si i child lo'Et result clal odl COTS t-- . tIIoi nearly every lsjhat I foi 4 M I i .iJeeobWtTriiirtr, we were I itiuuuu ui Kuwi. w uue. tear ' j - mm. mVV U . I llUUIluvUg auvu nuuia I r, .'-- v IC t i UULXT.Y UlUUlClllSia II II . iw I a. .m.-. TT ia.rf..a-.a.-a'it ,w durintr the weekday are devoted ORDERS SOLICITED j H to I the stodieea :for the .Babbath. r.G.OJOL ft j xotmg. . , Comprialna a oollaatloa of lettsra wriUea by realdent I n anta jtnpeareu w v vn-nhc-ivj15- I CSriy 11th UraaC And 1 Whioh.wflI reeerre.lirxatAttrti 4 Geo. AJ SnalOi truti on neaxing inem recite: for afyio fircOXZU ncxiT?. nv i.d 1 i :4Ejasl JbJt-fcr3aivv); 1'fr t "( ' MnlitEu:laallandl eJi:U n.im: 1. Ji.it5.na-- s . "tww so well If their heart and., thouhtf C Oa5iTCiltirii.Ce :t t ltSr? ni i" --0-- s I W 1871 and l8TJ.J :Ii,iw,! ita wi in. not teen . . a s, 1. their had rlmmTXl? . ... a .JabnttAai':M.ivd,:L!wj---a a j.ai :U8thW:a feeder lUdsi 1 nr? IrKiiiltliir uae i r 1 is r I , .with .pnmpmess ! . . irS: a . a .alii I!ilwniirea .I73i'iaaa MtastewJ id I! " ink .i.l -- i CAIX Ca ADDRESS - Issatl 19th ai r A. tWl &2o&ekitaoA tits Boo of Mormon 0iii'Sand grown (rrom six years u pi. re-- 1 1 f rii n.T2 W .TP.. SI J4SiiO : cited pa i r.frt;Ca ;tTth-- M uvar House Wa4- 7i CvaJEbmosV fvrtrstoa, Lr 19 senta, a. 5lSev Oorera, wv iovj Cottonwood vab rodajfi l m 3aarJ at the following I each question jevery hand in the M , the nfioa "of Profeseor- Thorxtaai East Temple-Gat- e, F. DEDD11 LtoT CUaLoicrUakil e rasefjat rsaa:rjpteJ.A 1v weald class j .1 South CottoawooJ. X. tv, llai, v. ti beupjuMl avery tongua .Jdfe43:lX4 rlliiiliaAlrf I prfci Swe:-MO,J r" ... ( , v,, HliilAl?. f i i wss rfnroasw S' 1 i U.. fetewara.j . easer w giveviue inswsi- .- . M ju. PfWUlow I. A Booth; Creak, Ct4l j. j r at the jAXtV&e6f 'thaWaseaip, ft er a tr v K .i I Eawa LiilS (1133 3; j ltmffjAnd 3S frjtxrvff 'l,OU Morocco. Cmbotiwd Wholesale orlRetall i wi ... Clover I, I. Wood, DANIEL DANIELS, Prenidlng ' & -- Our SocJs ; Oj wtA8HJil,J COUNTT tieeii, Sotonion Anvsll Parrlabara. Willis D Fnnsr. wasalncton, J. Vf. Freesaan. PtlscArthar. favGsas7b. N. Ok reltoytlle, Jardloe, lenoon, Jttenry mianes. ; . FUnillSIllIlG v pVm. 4 raraoise. .John Cloth on delivery of the Wool. Publications GOODS j.i Israel Horw.-uwau. Joanseaia.'saKtaB jc Johnson, !0! tot otir Factory ride through a part of this valley. we finally .align . leaa , in a .eeautuui .. ml t t grove, situatea near tueouusairts oi tne Hunts vi lie. xiere weu reaiizea poetical eflusion of : New asMlxisic, it is MtCarni i - " Hyrum. l sheet mrsic ! fiu aa ta$ roil wbjch as this scene is, na . ; ftaokriUeJc.K.Satlth ' ! wn leave it and resume our Journey ltd perform our labor of love on this the aacrea uay. Alter s piowun . We are constantly receiving AND ' souI-insDiri- , Bprlnrs, Joseph 0 Coeiaa a; Idaho. rSJDMll, unara, ueorge v. niac. .. " . uurxon, uarvey uuon, Franklin, Lafayette Batch, Wsston, Alexander Allen, . Mound Valley. Bob Williams 6 larkston , 81mon 8ml th, Cache co, Utah. Newton, W.F. LIUleweoi, ; M '' M Uablm. jW. H. Lewis, " Kioamona, H. W. IserriU, v ; 8mithneld, Samuel BoakeUv,. Hyde Park, Kobt Dayoea, w. n. iiOffaa, rrssion, M 1st Ward, ILogan. B. M. Lewis, " .2d; " Ballard, Henry t 3d - " ' Robert Davidson, 4th Thomas H. Smith, " or That yester morn bloomed, wavlnf In the breeze." . Eaaarrilcnady: i 'V"' : BarBsaeonwViX Paosw nsiawns 1 B Tntiaarm . v Va A Brinraarst-JToar, viraea, jonararaer. Dunoan's Ketreat, Moass Olbsoo - .;.) " e " KANE COUNTY. Ter rWci'y in CalUornia, . - . rr rrass, Cedar City, Hsary Iunu M Bofla J r : rrkDruHeh, GfW. Bevy. I Sotitj-Fo- S9 p daUy...--wi.....- ,3 c, W. H. DAME, ..Presiding Bishop ovartbav three last named place- - WM. B.'PREST6n; PreaJdlng55 or :How stni the uoralos of the hallowed ew PhUadoipnia. nity to visit FttUburr,beat ttoyl lasrrets in thai Verk and Boston, tbe Mats is the veJos of rarat tabor, suaae East. I Ask for Tickets eta Ptsbairr,FortWayne BtOWDOyg - whistle aad tbe milkmaid's and Pennsylvania Centra K. iw waico nd i j.4 mnr. ..... be obtained at su retuar mutom ikm OAVes in the Westtt the Companyi, Uttoe, The scythe lies til tie einr in the. dewy 4V west Madison St. and at Depot, corner wreath u. Of; tedded MmowOM ana ianat evreens, wni cub, aalnck-- . with faded raoramoas POUNDS - uirmoutS - - Oresoa, 4. daily ..T..8C0pn Ophlr, Tooele, EtsckiOD, Ja- oob Clty, icVdaily.....8 30 a m 6 30 a ru BlDfbam Canyon, daily Beaver and intermediate points, dally... .......... ..030 a ni For .pJccfce, Btar afcd 8an Francisco dLstrlcts.daily 8 30 a tn For St. Oeorg-- and points' Bouth of Beaver en alter- nate days..- -. l;....,.....630a m For Fanr ete and Ferler counties, daily, except Saturi. e so am days...., For Cedar Valley, Fairfield and Tintio rolnln? dis trices, Tuesdays, Thnrs- - ; days and Saturdays-- .. . . . 6 30 a m Parageenak. & 8. Smith. Parowmn, w. H. Dame. Bnjamit, 8 Q Bulst ! , .i.. rMkeT' Wroartat 8araul Abny, . -- v .,. . . tar This route especially desirable for buslneaj teen, as it sires them an opportu O'NEiL & CO. r . ., gam e 'f MaadotcvOteji Joslah Tofts, SHatenoiesw KanaoiDnHtaaavi. oi ::-- ' . - risa aesa, ByrumHicb, Lak Ttnrn. Ira Neoeker, Bear Lake oo,rjUh JOO.OOO yr-il- : - ' on t ilrst-iNera- da, IBON COTJNTT. - dlrpUndbd wlllifojifke and the western horizon, beauurui Haa xako lie DasKinr m the morning anarwitk: not: a ruffle a ua. I Its peaearuii repose, . .to disturb i t Deunir es III!. jL shrub-bry,Wh!le"- ICneravlUe, LewkHBearLakeco.IdabeMoore. -' WTm VisAFiejsj sjaajviitaaajaJia i , . H DalrriiiBifa. 8. "l r lterJenseoa n blv a .i H. ., Horns. PorU, J. t ueorge Wmontli ... , enn a. rtunu u. I Bishop. , B. Mnrdook. . ''Bearer, JobaJames sinKnla-ht- WILLIAM BUDGE Presiding i 11 Bishop. T , , ; i 'i j tbe SCeOe before tiS full of grandeur i ana suoumKy. On tbaone side of the divide lies tialt lAkeo.Valley, with numerous towna and TkroiliCantiifasMiitottCily. stkidded harm and them a etraealiniz: farm. .f J0LN, R. MURDOCK, FrWidiug EDWARD HUNTElt Preeldl g Bishop of the Church. st It CAR LO A D Blri-ka- . 00a tu Sun- -- BEATER COUN TY. I , cfUtab. if this fa atlreary dale lu p. a Box, see. di7 .winter, nature indeed aaems4 to delight in lavishing npon it tbe run tbe Celebrated choicest guts in summer. Three crystal streams, having their banks PALME CAES lined with the cottonwood- and willow, course over its bosom, disrmoM sparkling Juice to tributing theirflowers ana tender the fragrant '": 3JkT O: while the 'Chicago to! Baltimore rays, morning Slants, on the OF .perfumed breeze, glaglitter from the surrounding cial peaks and shed av glory of the CUTY, WASniNOTOX richest hue upon the Sabbath day. -- GRATES No sound Is heard save the. sharp hl mine nf iha snnlrreT. srTilfth naw ' 'BAB . ABRXVEDT AT. :Q , . lMvta:CTaleace OaOr i WB OIL nji. me xus oyer Sarbita, BtapheM. lhpor BUwanl Partrtdtre. Meadow Creeki W.H. BtotU Oak Oreek, P. D. Lyman. Kanosh, Culbert KJna. . ,. - ll, TtekforsaietoaJipoinU Ins House rof MoCorntck Ce., Salt Lake nsnn Blear aural rusk aiuav oab moadan. at whichomoe berths on repaired, and Pump Flttinc oa hand. ! Fins 'and Carefully Selected Stock, . dmiuwuvv I 1, BUCKSUIII1I11G vi aava a. 7 daily, except 7 (ffl am day. Summit and Wassroh coun- - ' Ues Mondays and FrUays S 30 a m Rich county, Mondays, Wed- 6 30 a in nesdajs sod Friday' Merrari county, dally..: 6 30 a ui Krth- - Davis county, da'ly.. 8 3) am Weber county, daiiy..r....L..B 39 a la Ct?,len, scraKdairy i 30 p m l 6 30 a iu Cache and Box Elder coun... 30 a ui ties, dally Corinne and KeUon,dally-...- 3 SO p in Idaho andlontana, daily.. 6 30 a ra Boise City aad Idaho City, , ".V TieTTarw its, o merit a onntlnnsnoeof tbe patronaae so liberally bestowed upon tbe late firm. A full line of Black and Galvanla-- d Iron Pipe and Flttinj-- s kept In stock. Hose Pipe aad fittinn for same. Arent for Bumsey's eelebrated Force and Lift Pumps. Pumps 1 Frlijaji...... Pari City, a . 4 - - CLOTHING Left-atlo- muea, anq JMDI L.VI,f : ' t SiTof ratoTaU WtiBast- II twenty Wasatch range. After a Journey Sottta. atBankf 0( about twelve miles we IM street, . Ope sat te City Meat Market. ' Trimmed and Untrimmed; BONNET AND HAT SHAPES; French and American FLOWERS t ORNAMENTS v in Pearl, Gilt, Steel and Jet; . TORQUOISE in Black and Colors; ; SATINS and CRAPES; Brussels and ChantUla NET; f. FEATHERS In Great1 Variety ; a Complete Stock of RIBBONS; Guipure;, Yak and Blonde IMAGES. p.m ata;f5 ww iymn s;, HATS AND BONNETS Kyr-T.- . p-- wood and Wanshlp, Uod- -. days, Wednesdays and ? : Shctt Iron Comic Hade order I Soldered Top Fruit and Honey Cans a Specialty in their Season. Warehouse and Workshops, Wast Temple Straw, Chip, Braid and Paris' S:1S : 40 - 'rraxiczwoiK a xoonxo, to GeJrantsfd rnx stock or; Tle- y? misslonerrof PatoMs. Clereland, &, O. H.'l his winked- ironically at him of t r r. MILLARD C0UNTT. r infton, D Cand to beOanfcbandJ Swedish , I . mortar and pestle, and walked out. - I Hwrrlrn D. C. Wsablnrton. at . 11 ' Pfji. l or Bend Stamp foreurGuida tor eb THOMAS CALLI8TER,Preidlng i v.,it, mine rafenw." Aoarsss .. Bishop. Botpioi Daiilet Thbm'peoV. . sancttors ei jratenta, Oadar alias Holdan, Darta u. u. lil w- ! I strict attention to Murines aad smaU prof-- w mAT a.m. ! I Over Use VaaustaJjaa--rasi- d Ogriea T alley --,S eh eel Ex i tlee, Ese. OQDEN Citv, June 24, 187G. Kisp.tn. TDallr sonnectSons made at OtHen with Editor Deierct Newt: OnR. with Utah and Central Paeino wasninaton, w ,iT r tral road for HaM Lake-Oty au4 ai potau , i ,1: in company wim some el tne ; in soutbera Dtaa TAt Bryan JwwaterT Eiders of Ogden. we set mit early '." llJj'He jl (i road Wcaoet I PBESIDI5G ELDEfiS AiB EISIBFS 2ni OEEDB Denrer WARRANTEE Padfle with .n5TO'm?,"?i-lATcw.joa . . . . w a m v Tin rwv n A n u B r. . ... sob i DmTCr.uotrti urf.usormown aod New Mezloo. all points b distance to this Settlenjent, by the- I approve! irm, vu'i wsiis Deids mu C KU IMU MSta.. In M)nM- II MlBlllK Of the VninrrJk ef JeasM Artist el IOVDBIIS 'I ' y UeeUS, .. nfMnt w I K iMitinA n a. .t I 4 sm, C sioajro. koc T 1. 4 K A I i f r. i 14 ter day Salasa..: , otOi BurHatton no aunw, Burnaros mueaw vt w uucwtn tutvues uw i es, uiuuisi j hiuui, i nowrnjta Bcspectfullr aimounee to the rublo that r 'Vi 8:30 D.m. rralght Qat, Water and Steam Fitter, LIILLIIJERY ft: 00 Mlxed SOUTH TEMPLE 6TRET Bhop and Victoria I. AWNS; rar bsu Basa.erjsrav CAMBRICS, PIQUES and MAR- RTPjT.T.TO Tflttoer, fajk'fr mtr dXll all TARLETONS la colors; TABUE UTTEJ5S; NAPKINS and DO XJES, white . FrelybU aaaiTa. ' Paily Express A SFBC14UT. ' . i Wtnwt. -- -- l-'- H-m- frr . 1 ,ta Traav-Ji.i- 3 a r - Sr.si-ispstau- r 0 1 iu. EAST1 TEOPLE" ST cioin. ton, x reek c a, j.auuavuu www ii nZljCTOVLpZC y r-.r- ri ; ! r' J ( --- - . frAtt&t&ili-riDel.3 ff - 1 - (J1 - 1 ( 11 -- i i; . |