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Show jsr: Speclalnainesa'NoUces. EVENING jpiW&j Housekeepers who have used the Chaktxb:oak for years say Ufa bettwulDg stove they erer uw, hakes ctalfckljr arid Tenly with little fueJcleah as a pin., dl83 Tacaday. .jWrrMPfV orrMtedckJzli .A 91, tie gresiat tneu ucxets Local and . Qttr Hatters, ' , weeisSnaSsaaasain) .eja-;- . .pDUIr,b LtXSOK fcrey Mvertiaeel ay la BozotoST, and 1 you use It I to be tha reclplentof abenaflt a of the dally, the! white fleam rubles 16th the District school rooms, on pearls oetweeu the paired The enter Wednesday evening. Denas a will pro re Its excellence tainment will be ntoslcal aad dra of the and triflce, t matic J i. -- ! A breath will attest its purifying pro y XflBAw . L Tor UrexiKBiftiUirwa perties. William ,6tf A ssnr like monumental alabas-Elders Jwldtos and XXtf tor ma ie attained fcr, ueln -frel sailed fiomi35jTTokA3fc Gutsirti Bvtrmvwk . Boar, which does away with the necessity for Liverpool, June 20U. 8ulphur lBthsV Try It, ladles. It Elders Ernest I. Expected. la a fehu(nebeajtifler, and rery James and s. . Young Sharp were ex-ddew economical. nected to reach NawYorV last Run- kTa.e Chea day; we presume-therefothey or Fri will be home the-sweetnes- s i'.-5- ? j inlMJp 1 ; re y si sir Trl. ? Tickets to be had of the Superin tendents of, Ward Schools. This excursion is expressly for the Superintendents ' andTeachers of Sabbath; Schools and their ,companion: also the Blshoos. Tickets mast be secured of the Superintendents ' ' by to - morrew that they can (Tuesday) flight, report the number sold to the com mittee 04 Wednesday morning. 1X' A. C Pirpsm, Wm. dlS3 tuc Aster. i us is f?teaiuanial 1 complimentary Social Out door f!rrfjr4 ,Fnpert UI1I, JwpeZS. Dancrnz o y. tu. vosauMieeT uee.juissr. W. Bart, and E. Case. wy , t- G. OODDAKD, nrcmuiii day.? .w Lllf Bocial Party. Xhs, dsxkahip Cbtef, Jasttos Schaefler has appointed Mr. Chas. mil, of Illinois, clerk of the Third District Court. P. Mo-4he Bride, t the late Incumbent 'M0 111 111 l. .. cufuoe ixwuao, win imua jn'itas 1 s as deputy. ! Mr.'-Willi- s , ! raiB, - 1. Ails 1 . Harrison Carter, shot last of July! Thursday by James; Cain, ohe of the escaped convicts, is dead. Car the glorious Birthday of our Na ter was formerly 1 tesldent tf tion, the I Women's Centennial rroTo, and, whenshot,was serrlng Territorial Falr will open on the a term of ten years for the killing Fourth of July, ' of Chief of PoIImu, Bo wen, of tha Oone. Ix honor ef the memorable Fourth -- -- at 12 mi. In the "OLD CONSTI TUTION "J Building, a few doors Booth of Ci R- - Savage's Art Gal ,r. ,. lery. ,;,t . ,continue four It will probably wseks, opening at 10" a. m., and closing at 8 p.m. . oucs i ne memoers' of lae High Council are requested to meet at the City Hall, la this city, Wed nesday, June 28tn!87V at4rt o'clock a. m. ': PRICfiS OF T tin 1 - 25 cts. For adults, Children under 12, - 10 cts. Except on SaUutdaysV when each admission will be 10 cents. " I E. B.' Bjiow; Prest. : dlSO Ik A. AgHBT, Bee.1 At Mom-o- VresJd'en e. osBt partyreeirhlo;BeI5 and County, last eTenlnjr.The f dent and thiaccbaeanTlnir are all well, thonjh oth tdtrelers and animals are sqmewhat weary. forget the Ladles Excur Individually the President stands sion to Lakeside July 4th. I the iournev remarabT-fwellTkr- i ' Po3T Omct . Box Rxsn BK-- I roads ant moluii ,ufiufw.''Bi and after J uly 1st the 1 u,e company expctoifficb'lhjs DUCE0.j-O- h Boxes will be u- - irltv riATt. narnnlaw mtjuIaiv MoT Call Glass trr pensed with, and the price of Lock dol I The WsberPalltax- - Wa teaxn Boxes will be reduced lar per quarter. Those holding Call from Brother E. R. Young; that th Boxes are requested to max selec- Weber river is gradually receding tions of Lock'Boxes before Jpjy 1st. i The parties who have 'been 'get J M aioobk, r. ox. ting out railroad ties, about fifteen fdrget the Ladles' Excur to twenty miles above Wanship, are, throwingtbemJuto teWeber, . ? . to Lakeside July 4th. sion to Echo, where a floating All those "boom" tbem MowxHO- Macbxkxs. has been constructed to who want to buy a flrsUclasa Uaw-in- g catch them. Between two and Maehias should (winM hi mIthreetadmIltbfuWJ call and set W. Awoa the atreln?thi present lor Bros., These! roved" " ' machines are of the lightest draft, 1 I Information WantedU , are the strongest and cheapest In iLucy the market; and can be got on easy I Blair, care-- , of , Mr. Norman Sim-- 1 Doi M te-on- e ; s Doi ; - vjii ati-Na- Inlrwr t y -- We hive also the largest stock M I County New Tocki fa'desTrous to a seasoned dragon material In', the (obtain information whose name was maiden as as the cheapest. lady cheap Territory, Maria Majllrlala, who 'lefTOswego Msmm. dill , .v County, New York, in 184T, to Joip Z C. her motherj-who- ; was Just rpoelved, latecity named M. L, Shoe Department, and the wife of agentleman Cloth, Coat Tox Ellsworth." Miss Blair Is desirous of Boots for Summer, wear. coming to thl Tar) tesy.andl would Price 83.0O, srelllns here- like to Join the parties of whom she dl67 desires .Information, Address as tofore at 85. -- -- :itw at eent" I- - fofget the Ladies' Excur 4173 sion t Lakeside July 4th. Do-H- r - above. Oood Sidewalks During , the past day ' or "two Mr. Charles" H. The Sa&Lake City Asjlum and Bassett, recently arrived from the ilosslUt is now open for the recep- - east, cousin, to Mr. Royal tiouof losine patients and InvaPresident of 'the Utah" Northlids. All communications should ern Railroad, has 'been engaged in be addressed to Doctor. BeymvUB down, opposite .the. .office putting O. Yovtiil Proprietor; Salt Lake of Mr. speclmen dl63 of Downe patent edncretsr City, Utah. walk. , J t , which he AoENCVi Brother John G. is authorized agent' for selling frost and damp, and will, endure the work entitled Gorrepondeisoe for many years without being 1m 1T use, --W, .believe the nf PJLeatine TourUi, In' all of the paired materials used are gravel tar and settlement South of Salt Lake and a patent' dryers, which sand, ' :148 County; Utter causes the concrete, after .the What sj beautiful lot of Baby first summer; te stand the1 heat of CArrlAges and so very cheap at fhe sun without. any tendency to Diuwoodey's Furniture Store! dl2S soften lng. "The, walk preeen ts M.-Basset- John-Wounr- it sjsurea-uswillreeiB- Col-tr- in . smoom, soiiu surrace. RED CAN VON COAL. Still he old reliable $3.73 per ton at the vrd, $7.56' delivered. NO EXTRA CKARQEj FOR DELIVERY in .UfflouU places. Full weight and iuatity wf coal guaranteed. A last-n- -r aud trtie friend for the rich and por. Try it one and alL ' Orders always meet with' promptness and care, t !' RoBSRT.SJfrTHj iH OfTlcw, bo Alalu Street. . Agent. EST 11 1Y NOTICE. r HaVB in my pnsssssioa ulasals 1 deaoritM ri : the tolbwtnr ooo ax. or --yes oWTrMtS "BO ana eiMsrjsws. erop ana uailer-li-c Tornai la wsk car, bo braada rlaibl. Oim black OX. tarSrsars oU. star la TorvbMMl, whtt brlakss. branded S on rtbi Ulevtbl left 5 tight fca4 oa boulderi as I andsrbtt In rlssl ar' ttodtr Oos rd Vt g KB. or I yars old. whtte on tali, Jegs, aad hip, braastd oa !(( rias.au In mswMIt, forahaad. braadad T oa rlA-, halo In riCht ean . O09 red aad whltoOOW, S or t rears eld, peck lad aaek and ondar belly, braadad n atdo of aaah triaasie en light oa H4-, 7 aar. 4 . , erop bST thisa, Ooa aaifawepaaish OOW, ass a eatf, lmt. aar. we onriita aar, bramf--U4 aC B 00 iutt Hbs, 11 wtiia naitor rlrht kip, Spaalaa brand on left .boa Mar and talsa. f On OUW, 4 or yesrs old, has a oalf, orop aCtisht, -nnSsrbtt In kft ear, no o braa l vMbM. une btscr three yesr oaf fJOIT.basa calf, wfejt4Vnsr bally, swaOow fork tn each sair.brandsd JPeoaibliMd on fett ribs. One Sor S jeaseM STEKS, whits Vas and under bally, branded B an rwht kip, in tort ear, ani hols in right. and crop hj aM xiw. d . ;Hit 4Ja9Wrt ear, ao brada rtafblA.wka ao, One i44arniia HEiFSR, wane' fses and noder beity, and waits alps, boeodo TTT r. ptreo One red twe year obi 8TKEft,sUr in feral sad npperbtt la iikt head, nodsr Blapa bo U lfW- - buk U uu off, branded eomblnMon teftshuldW. rear cm 000 tanad VIS Kit, Ctos it? oa left 'braoded J $. combined saro under elnoe m tem orop see - suto tn rlskt aar. old red yeartfia&i One 13ht wkite bally . aodenlit m right enrt fnoe and uB'r t .j o4ot brcke 1T both horns. Wh)cH ewe otals4 wl4 bsso4 Monsart anr slopf-tnlette- a. bl ri-- la Italy. Xo; SLatutot news-pap- er published la Palermo, the chief city of the Island of Sicily, anneuncen the) .presence .there! of Elder Joseph . Toronto, new on a mission to Italy. As an evidence Of the lntaraet. eraatad 'RIHav Toronto'i arrival may be mentioned iav. .ua. miaMmiiiH uuca commenced a history of "Mormon lsns,1wbichJs eroUnue4 frons day to day la iteiagesV'7r)t tbUqwJng Is ah excerpt from that paper of b. "fn Mot iitens' a on mese a Da FWsmtS. queala parte trovasi in Palermo un Jl ermeae, rl tomato In patria depo 40 ahnf, e dopo 2S annl cbe aepartiene taqnelter setta. Essendone statOvdicbiaratq degno dal sommo pontefioe del Mormonl, 11 lamoso xoung,- u quale juignam at e proclamato oesrno da se steseo dl poseeder 25 mogll; a tante.na hn tJU dl fatto. - -- ht vs-dars- lit la-te- br ht rd re ' -ft -lli tuh, t 23d, Xi.it A - ; ' Cala.TSs Justice. 22j TTnlnn 1 eit.Li 'i-.- 1 - that favorite resort abounds. I i .!.;.- - in tit u u ( ) I ,;,X0SHZfit . There are good roaaena for believing that three Of Uje' escaped conricts twent in south-westedirection and three to the Officers are oafe. ja seasch In. each of those ' directions. fThe Oonvictsi i ' "0 1 lranctaoof June ,JSoh 49'''48 1 b3 12:05 ' ST. stw-- d. Av a r ' a Work on the Temple. The work on the Temple In this elfy U going forward nicely, four m car loads of rock rolled Into the block this monU8oVadiibtreut-terto, large force, , s, an Yesterday the wotk.e Uking kown the shed covering that has ?PnaedJb courses of rock WUsuBfftQieitet were laid, was com menced, preparatory to beginning to lay mate reekA I ts expectsd the wsJlsWllI; revtil:srip a con- siderable distance during' thsi present seasoa. Ths work is tinder the general and able supervision of the h o .i fxaxmels aiid FliLiixLel Underwear, i ' J . ! ui. : - ,. .j d;j-.;-- ' . .' I - V (Or If placed I .It. in a lias, evor) . LBen Ta5kar Ar&la- - Bet Tasker 51 is aa industrious - man ar Jus bnii nf as horse, aid cattle steallag. lie 870 1 & 91 arrested this ..Jacket.i, 30: 29i; i?9l .. til;ttO,t)tUett were ox mornistef enarge oollectlng 60 kentuck, 121; 12, a herd of cattle and some horses, Ulonglh lo tome cartlesi in the j620 Alpha,..47i, 47J; i&k&lyffl ns(gaWiiiood of Tlntltf aafd Anier 14, oajj..j wK,MiTUU uieai norm. 6ii $ Nev, ni; mi ward Sod ,enrer!ng'" them for sale. Between 20 and 80 head of the ani mals frer ' reco verd this morning, 5 Overman, ,7? 5 Sheriff'-TkyJor- , 255 Jones Justice, 22; 22i by deputy 100 Union, 1J IOi . , TinM Miw aqd Joseph clntyreof 1360 L BryaD, 80c tie, who tracked Tasker to this city. 380 Julia. 7; 7; 7, t 5; 7J, b 30 50 Caledonia, 8fr AdeecripMonbf the , stocky will be 250 Balto, li; 11 ad vertlsed" In inkws. Tasker ' and his confederates are 50 R Island, 1$ ni JalT awaltln? preliminary ex 220 K.oesuth, 50c: 75c ' r'!r.'..-i- . ) ' 120 Andea.121: 2 amlnatldb .)i ' flOO Ward, 1J I iUAt. "1 ' f it 100 Prospect, 6) , , City Council. The City Council 100 ' met last night, pursuant to adjourn 675 Morn Star,2J4, Virginia, 300 Monumental, 15c ment, Mayor Little presiding. consideration" of the ordl- The r New York, 27. nance in relatlom to waterworks, closed Gold & 12; Money, 2 Hi reported by the committee oa mu 21; Governments dull, steady; ntclpal laws, was resumed. The Stocks dull,-bettefeeling; Westem ractnc Council, in their deliberations on l5nloB,wfUUuloksUver, Bl:1 Va. Mail.! 24fTrWr1eVa. J4ji eribject, got as far as the 20th Fargo W.,9ir New - YbrkC5en btidh, when an adjournment was 105; Erie, 13j; Panama, ISO; tral, ken till this evening, at half past Union racinc. Stocks. 59: Union Pacific Bonds, 106T; Central Pacific seven o'clock. liu, iJonds, The subject of making a law to regulate waterworks In the city is one beset with great difficulty, and requiring a great deal to AX ahd care, and the Council Powder OJWACreUfjUjg the Kagiziocs, Storsge an therefore wisely taking time to and Sale of Fowder and Other Ex weigh the matter InalHts bearings, ploiWel CbmpoUol OOCHHi Efen with the greatest care in its framlnit, when the BbCTION 1. Be It ordained bv law ieputia eneratlon circumstan that a portion of the east half of ces will be likely to arise the and si nor- sitate? its acnendment. In'a city tion,nortbeast;rttarter, of th east half of the! south wbere irrlgstlcuis unnecessary the east, quarter otectlon fourteen. township one north, ransre one Is comparatively easy matter es i of the Hot west, lying north-eais and designat-e- di be, Spring, hereby --Thirty-twoyears as a for location of AjmlTersary. the erection ' ' . V W Mal a ago to asyj'juee . xzin, . josepn maguu?, to do dqiis or aaooie or WcMfbDth.ifor::lhe itorsge It Smith, one of the the greatest pro- - explosive under Snch regu DhetS that ever lived, and his'bro- - lations as powder, are Hereinafter provided. ther, Hyrum Smith, were. murder Aonlications for the rrivllern of ed, in cold blood, by an armed and btdldiDg magazines on said erounds mast.be jmade,nj writing, 4o the painted mob, in jail, at Carthage, CityOOOrrcttr' trot toothing tierein the At Hancock County, Illinois, shall beaOjQoneiruedjxs to prevent same time Elder John Taylor, who the wf tfVthe martrrs, was severely the place of location of such maga or aS gtantlng aDy interest to wounded.receivingno less than four zines, or parties In the lands any party President Inthe late ball above W described, Willard Richards, who was an eyeBECnos 2. It Shall ndtbe law to e jtness of the horrible scene, ful for any person J This event will keep, sell or give awsy gunpowder, unhurt sscsptng Giant or Hercules? nitro be ewat rememberSd by the Ijatter- - glycerine or dynamitepowder, in quan any day Saints, who cherish the mem- tity witnouf permission or the City men sacrificed who Council;' Provided any person may ory of those keep, in a canister or flask, for his yieicllves for the cause of the great own use, not to exceed five pounds Utter days. of gunpowder. wrk of the Lord in the , Section 3. On application be-n- g Joseph Smith has left the scenes made to the City Council, in efl earth for a season, having sealed writing, permits may be granted to but his blood, his testimony with sell gunpowder, Giant orHefcuIes ths which he was, work by the powuer dynaMessing 01 iue uoru, iuiuuuwi mite. Said permits when granted a founding still lives, and, in spite shall ftate te whom granted and ef! every opposing power, flourishes bis place of business and shsll be i by 4 the .City i Recorder. and increases, having within It the registered No shall keep at his place of person eodnring elements pertaining to busfneaa to exoeea. 10 no hundred as wn as Mm. That pounds of gunpowder, which" shall eternity a . aa a work will eonunue 10 live anu ex be In canisters and placed In i position from' which it can be pand until the great object of its removed In case of fire. ,Nefiadilj Giant establishment is accomplished, and or llercules powder, nltro-glyeethe circumstances surrounding it, ine or dynamite shall be stored or as; well as the general condition of kept at any other place than at the magazines; Provided, that mankind, are all clearly confirma powder a sample not to exceed ten .pounds tory of the fact that Joseph Smith of Giant or 'Hercules maj was Indeed divinely InsDli ed. 1 he oe ,aepi 1 No irrsedbkLilell or prbphetiq .predictlens uttered by therefor. eunpOwder weigh by gas. lamp or 1dm when hla mind waa illumina candle cans unless liht, r, ! i' n inx sealed ted with the heavenly gift are bo or canisters, ai u uttw 8CTlONje4.-.Gia- nt or .Hercules ng literally fulfilled, and will con - ehall . in, all cases be .cap powder, and the rolls as to be time on, tinue kept separate from any kind of ex consummation of the purposes of plosive powder; if kept it a powder the Almighty , in . relation to the magasine, it snail be in a separate vault or. jsafe:. It keDtatA:nlaee affairs of men are accomplished , a ,vault business, it shall tie Introduced a- - work.wnicu is of; or all from other safe, away the forerunner ef, of rat her In elves. v' lexplo hlch will be eompreheaded, the Section 5. A violation of anv this ordinance' shall sub gathering of all the tribes of Israel, clauLeof to a fine for each the offender ject heaven from every nation under not to exced .one hundred wherein they have been scattered onense, dollars, or imprisonment hot to exto-- ' their own land,. the gospel com-in- s ceed six months, or both fine and jfortb first unto; the Gentiles, imprisonment at the discretion of . on this landi theace to the rem me court. bv .J All ordinances, or ejection nants of Irrasl on- - this Continent, parts of ordinances heretofore passthe Indians, of the history of whose ed in relation to gunpowder, or in conflict with progenitor the Book Of Mormon Is other explosives, ordinance, are hereby repealed, an abridged account then does the this Passed April !Sth,lS76. '. C work of the Father oommeBce FeraUorz Little, alajor. among all nations, preparing the Way whereby ail ltrei may come Ten!or$oVt&n?iJ')lfOg to a knowledge of the Redeemer, oertines that too foregoing even the Jews, for the Father, who is 'Tkis m true copy of the Ordinaneei en Is has covenanted, with Israel, pre? UtledI'An Ordinance, o relating oarinr the way for the Jews to uii Baoragvna gather to their , own lands; there. sale of pewder and other explosive passed br'the City forelet those who desire to under compounds,' CeuncU of Bait Lake City, on the look stand the signs of the times ism usy or Apru, A. JU. 1876, aa ap arid see if the,; leaves of the fig tree are not shooting fctb, Indicating i witness my hand and thw near spproaeb of 8ummer. And tne corporate Bos 1 or JSait Lake City, this so also will vthe; lost tribes of the i 22d diy of June AS D. House of Israel make their appearJ 1S78. ance,' IritbeMae1 time bf the Lord Kim JouaT.fcAiBrE;;i; v wbence they were hiiup by the iteoorUer. a rT if rAZty i,Ti "were led: eat' of Lord after-ihi- y not wiU ihW Jerusalem , . for t fal to fulfill the covenants he made J with his peopled ThlT 1 ths cbaxicter of ;the work Qns aar iron rrw MiU, S or T years which Joseph Smith, the jgreaipro One bsv MASl, years oM. rtsr lu a. rosi JsitaJs aaU ctrels phet of thavc'alnateenth ceniory, over itIvaaaeS oa leri tbTf K. wis the honored Instrument of es One roan. BOitSB, S. ysart o!4r ac ltttls la totvaead, branded, jrtoartsat tablishing in this gieat' gathering while u . and restorlsg dispensation oL.the taish. S years eU,-- star YyOT-T-i "SfffT FTy kind waftaTbrandai fact a in:foraeas, fulaess of UmeaV wheathe Judg- aw w-- mi ouwn oa ten snouilr. f mants and lndlxnatlotj of the Lord nang over urasawn rebel against and talk: no brH rWble. 777 him and walk In wledntss, both wltasome whlta la tae fsoa, aome rod spot Uthls nation and ;ln the nations onbojy ana leps, erop and !lt to left aan nlca la rlsbU branded a abroad, for a consumption has been wtoe rlas oalaft T One fas J r u cU rIaTaaarS wtfts decreed upen. aHLrisUons,v prepara- oabel'Tt whit not la forabaad, both o( ' Of the tory to the ncdOoaleftsld.-i- ' Ons S year ctd rad 8TEXR, whlta spot la gtana erai rnuisnaiai peace. 0 t m 16 f.HLES OF t HUllir . utder the Teeth on ami UlcrKUAliliS. at Manufacturers Prices. uo-morro- EVERY STOVE 13 imilUpiT WHrilTM fore-thoug- ht v r st v KOW Our' Mew Sizes US i liRTELDUS CCKIIir.CI OF ! WTiolesale, Grocers Convenience, .pp'EBIxa Omaha, Keb Iron. TVprks . Halls. Aceutn for Sablo ... diio-.jr.-i- WM. M'CULlf '' Urutr-rlst- lvi;: : t PENNSYLVANIA. ft , 4... kase 4mr bt EXCELSIOR MAkUFACTURIKS ' & uou, eservasa adL Yen-chagl- - ' The Largest Stock in the West including " the Favorite- Brands. Aj(ents for. the. oolebrated brand at Gtolden Harp Fine Cut Tobacco. Vanity Fair always bn hand. 3 I Mereantito Inctitn j' - LOUIS i; Co & Gutter Wooiaa Refrigerator ST. 2Tt '",; 1 FULl A 4 N r other Spices, - Mustards.; sln Great yarlety.' ; r 1 ..... - . VASflTG I! or-pers- a J. etv "; -- ! T EioOOIbs,. .. MILLS. T ra 7MT.H IWIOO-TTIII- , XjiOSSI , II . ;-.l- 5 ip,4ll i . .relets 48'. 10 qt, : - Pressed A .13 Dt L 81ODV0RB,' i rw-n- rt isa-wkk- t) It it': K qt Flaring Pans, x MMancliard, Churns, Butter Moulds I & 1 lb sizes ivvjjz .5 Butter Pads i WooPails.- i ' i Ladles, GEO. i j. CLARK, T-PBICEU" Hade. It is tha Best. ''.H urn J ! o 1 y - t A Complete Assortment HARMS,., FrestsiTreas. WESTERn OIL COMPANY, aurswxusanw Ind Branch More throyghoidjlhe VsT RlttffATnlll 1UCHH1RT, OnSj ! ev Cochran ft Co. CAR and AXLE GltEABS; . Mini' rrm. -. V7HOLES mwO a aZZ aIma. JimJcoA GlDBR Btf lilI,LSCorn Shear Ma Y Wheel ..... ffj , . 5S)j.l!l J rx trif vu-roirSMj- 4 L 4 u . L. n.Rur.icEY a l ;. ?! ITiinp3 j j -- , tt ivpowtitKS, A siyosrs S asxatx saAxxas josssas - Ass aamraa : jest 112 ABarvxB Street, llisrand - ; a ma saxsonox or e- , w . ' m NEW YORK. 9 i tf ,l ire;;'. .f-i- J j ImpiamanU, 1 ur rtmaRtiF-"Is aneqaaaedi aa i m w ar w s.wmw auiii .ml -- r-w- JTa It, and, U Coarlnoed. T .Wroos-a- t I larftAassvrK tATjg, ,eo " 11 Steve sTaaesttsia .CIaara ChereatSfSsaoaina Teneeeea, Oesne a. . sTnr- aan iitvoaxxas or ' DfTnij4hniBoUlest Flask, Peren- j 1 IS Won Crri; Qermcn HQtkUl Tia , v i J i I tfAstraAonrnxn ns i ' wap' r! incn rcc:iTa:fcr;triii:i:::x rdac;a Twttifayy. Pelisla, Brwabes efeverr do crip. Ilea, Stationery of all klstda, , r' ajki 0 Dealers In ea . Price Xkts and Quotations mailed d 140 e to any address. co. l 7X9 and v! MlEN'SeiiD fJEtOSii SUMIUEn HATSI 3 t imarir4hingino i d & JCO., IHPOBTEBS.f I 4? 4. 3 lam j' ".minw, Beltlnrtloee, Pack tar n 3 U-aa- eneral v Ca) a i twwsumvMMJ dlawitfoetTrs 0. t atft l VV- "y Broadway a vt NEW YORK. BAKER, PRATT . m? MID RETAIL. OV aeoa. Eoabralderloa. Lace, Dry naailB. Craneav MaBtillaa. Cilwrea. IlTnlte Goods, Hosierr, afetionsWee 1 I, GUTTERS," narrow, sro&m Tit UUJlS md generm jigriouUural JmplemenU. I . LODIStcMO, iiz.. &T 'Send tor Olustrstedcatalorue. am. .. ,w. IXD uSBKBS TMPOBZXBS jaW- ThreAhina l Jlaaaiftes McLean & Stotetbu 17 Cochran, Mclean & co., tons. AT LOU mhoJkHT9' lsTs. NEW YO R ; and Cast Iron Sasb, f butters. blotch brand on rlaht bUlrs. andOau Vaults.: iKalUnra, A1 f I taa Jlstal- U.DOt cbUnteS they wltf frasoU Jlt-rsarlal( La, at lelot p, m. O Vt TvTZJ a A a I Rentes. eeei iaijiU u Draper, 8. L. Co. U. T.i June COVLES. fch. a. . ttf COWal fPnesttl Of lerWn aeertant' etaataa Is naa rwV evwi imH t Mvwliv1ai .LUrivwbaad Is llrlax, that t-be sever oooms hosts eatU puanlght, charge requiring the exercise JJ 8 Jt - CLOTHING i ' Flour baa printed to ordarot a -- t5 andrGroopra. , V WSwhonseil and 10 N. Mala ST. T7, Street, L0UI3, MU. , ,,. r tUT, -- -- uk i - . Pans,-- , DAGS OF ALL IIIIIDS, nilkiSMmers,i:?r-wutaJ4jsj a Seamless. Gnany, Burlap and Cotton Bags Bran, Flour, Ora, Salt, Hams, forGraln, t Wool, Dried Fruits, Vegetables, to. - OT 'Xs- - . .Ililk Buckets, , .to ii, SH, asdvsis Bf SS iEQ Men Churns J Uanufactunis and'' Iaiportert. jrr.-,4ij.' j: Hllk Strainers ,4121 . . ; ss y &irS,l j Plfcffit9Roo i KVERDE, ST. L001S for docripMps, circular aa w aa.Srietara Backlaca. aa.. i fore-bea- e, TCT; e.qCHilkPansaperMoz at aw . , 'I'As and BOYS' & 7 M.niif..tiiMM vf PatMiftflawM Solid Wooden Gutters for ears troughs star oooducUrsi So, They are six time! leak or rost tbaa Ua. and never nouaa cheaper n wnica ana wtu last as nag as tae . 1 Ua V a UAinTVACTCBEBS duo Fullf Supplied r- a H O'with 1.J!a. Gc TLi E. 72s P1M Corner Crosby 1 " Send, .. ' . ' t ;' i CVT. . HeaISS at.lSrOrand Ktree. : JOHN FACTORY CO., Pittsburh, Pa. BOOTS & SHOES ofrWOOLtf ba 0101 - t lis i mm tbree-fourt- e,..i:--- r BENEDICT, HALL & CO,. : , or .be-.Jn- , ; Vatantad hlAreh 2.1. 1875. The Beat and Cheapest Bsf rigerator made. Guaranteed to bs free from sweat, and te be perfectly oold. dry and sacat. Buy no thar until you navs seen taarn i ,4 ? - r UKJ3, VY A N Fee which I wUl navy tne SUabeet Piiewl Caate. Stere.nay ssd Aense. swas Oats, feeialetlna of DoeaSUaa, TsfeehV Jeans, FlannelstUnseys, nlata nax ftmey. slsAlaevTarnw, rqliain, ; IfaytojrirtesFecUUarpxngeTnent with some oy As 6e iuHort in the frtffl X aprepared wjvrnisti Suits to order, in any $tyfe, costing ro 30. r; ' ; ''I from Office of the Ulita First South 6treet, opposite Towoaend Bouse, and at tne Factory, MEN'S of a mile Kast ot Penitentiary. ,,. ,3 fj h;, CENTEtlHIAL REFRIGERATOR, buUu- - tuiilt csz, NEW YORK TRADE. WHHT Ollrr H 17 0 - :f . T - .. WniTEWAAHEUS, 140 Crosse. BlpckweU's Pickled Catsups, Stc. ,C el atl fie. Oatmeaji Coleman's and & T . r Brothers. ler walser BihWAKT , ii a 4 1 4 SSal SI i if. I., Messrs. God be. Pitta-Co., S. P. Teaadel, Messrs. Ktmhall Liwranee, Messrs. Day a Wm.. Jenaines, Sons A Sadler, G. w. ImitIs, Taylor Ss Cut OF , ALWAYS ON HAND thayara v - ajro csaKaxi. MASCrACTCBESS OV IKS . ; . ..oV-- .. IAIJTEIsS,' f 1. his-bod- nttro-giyeenne.f- :. . . ' "i'i ' ng , Dot- j I' I : . Clty-Couoc- il' t CSLIBttATED Ca vur, Utah. THE -- tUls and 8L-- AB" We are oflerlnsr New Japan Teas in packages of all slses VERY our prices are tke lowest ever known in this country; CHEAP, We shall receive this season new Teas by every Steamer during , . " 7 , the Season. sUIt St., 618 N. ; - P. deWorfptCS tles mad to order.: . ! -ws . ! ..J ST. LOTJISWO. Zion'a .V.; .V-- , to Uae pjnblie. ' Vos. 61J, 611, 618 feO., Manufacturers of the Standard Brands of Wlt.dow aiass and Whiieand Oreen s' G:a8ware. also Wine, Porter aud Mineral Water Bottles, IS and 20 Wood Street, IMttabnrg-li- , ITBWISil euera ' ' EstsbMsbei 1?S2. ' - .1 i. St- - PITTSBURGH TRADE. lad alt the essential points that go Ter FourteoatU 533 . AT i ueatness tonaie tp tb aal KJB Clearance during the Beason. "Those wanting Bargains should see our Htocs. To effect B. JOHSSOK, Omabs. Keb. S. . STEELE & JOHNSON. kTOGSCjQV at WHOXJBS AIJE BJETATL . St. Joseph, Kor; k ffos. 37, 38, 39, 47, 48 and 49 'i ' dls-Dlav- ed tS-nec- 0XS0LDiO it D. H. STXBUC SUMMER CLOTHING Without'a Fault fts Absolutely r ENTIRE OTJlt e cl OMAHA TRADE. ! EECOKIESDSI; TJSE9 ' Of :o:- - THE TEAS 1875 . DR. W. H. H. SHARP, We are thus enabled to sell these piod to the Country Dealers SOLD EUBIN& EIST OF ! DESERrTF ' NEWS, t . .1 ftm PMaared toaio-utwork follow: beads: d i -- MY TO paaSaa teeth on rubber baae.le'IU ouifd.mimtlne base, teetb on rontrnnmts;niii work ' on aettl and ilatina plates, crown fitting with and other material. CASH, STOCK and PRODUCE taken iu exchange. We also handle for the Manufacturers a large line of the Territory ublio' and tbo I 1- . ! DDOR lOV- .: : i ; 2nd South St. y fr!en OLD PKE 1 HVNTlifG COATS, J 7TJGI . H ; oorisiisTiifa .of . in t i f - - -: . . each. Grocery Dept. I heresy sqiify . ' m 50c. SPECIAIrj H0TICB AM) ! Handles Plough dl California Rjeted Goods, A B, 40; 46 i" 47,,b0j:46i, ,. f ,. u .OVi i, ' 460Cala, 7?i; 721 r;-1- BLANKETS, !.Oi 27., 77leavafee, Mij lej; 19 ;i , 180 Chollar.74 . 680 Con Va, 57; 57J; 57; o7Ji ius tAint, , . 200 i ARYSVILLE p. im. 440 ; & I - - OOO Four, TUied f Digging WK ABE THE AGENTS fOK THE CELEBRATED LOUIS TRADE rly north-eastwar- MKER BEOS Sarmv: L'arnent-r.- Melbourne, AuRtralla' E V Thayer, Chigo, Ills Ui JRHGrlftln aad wife. Wesierler, R I; G C Louis Dfgenhsrdt, New York; G C Larbfels, Erfurt, German v: F H Myers, J Fordouski, ttand; II O SoreuMm, Mrsteusou, South Cot4 tonwoodjMcartd Mrs V S RlcA-arasou, nyao AustralU .nj, Vl!t IT K 8 .. v p, ' f CPt J f York: X H Jonep. B VJ3uit. ?m li lidrjf grffiajfo;i W .NY Win-sliiAustralia; F ll douch; Mrs Gpucb Victoria; T G Woodmaucye dnciunati: Mr ded Un Ed Ktn. - ni Jtl ".,' : J-or- arphec Broe&TruTaaaqAn-- ; JntySrtftlf:S,atteo aua., at the dJtoi tosft f r. ge.who;.4s.ffsxa4iy,ept pouil"s JsWi1 -HAirrar. Ctlveiy enrased, th.'Wk,.tijirT . J v trtct roundkatper. Vtoti Jsae ; PUrnosn of picnlcing, and,en- giztag'ial lac.; Tarions recreative sriorts wit the facilities for which jf Caerkcs'IIIgh.CottnclCti ) is. W AlMIi8I9. s Jacket, 6ts ... impl, . Alpha. 46 b Con Vh, 59 s S Nor, 13 b : t H 5. : ' I .: V.' t' - A McKePzTe, VtiMe, riot-lie-- 29 T - t. Choliarv2a(iv H AN. b i. r.. hone strayed from fTHZKicoiaexxa: 83 .deewTy.!) SOOjMrtiesei spend I njr Thwraday the shade atl jxmVto-daj- v Pelican Pi'pint. 8m adrt. Fto. Spring X,ake Pleasure Grounds, for ni J a.' i: , 4 st &J5b.,iout Sad lwTha peopki of the 14th WaxiTtolliVnamber of about OoT3 '- V Il.lo n.m. ... AllHIVtIA wi fj. - 1- San Franciaco, Jane with- - ' S A Miwinc ftTOCKS. dIU- - Mcoiapanytbf txcaraioir of and Teachars and Uielr friends to Lakeside, on Friday, cuassr ponies lost. .See adtt RcAii '"filmy notice, Draper di- . UlTand care, and Jeachexs. jfjerJsteMffata aareW lested- - te seate that it U deWiiletiJa those ifitanding to B?AK S I I Vo SUtArjto Quality, nnd UIIU USla Sa ?otal,pome9Jn. vrxxoixsaxB Chamber tbasx snaade oarxr. ,pswTorlr. LORD A ROBIN8OR1 . - |