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Show SPECIAL BUSINESS NOTICES. trouble, and if there are two or more roads leading to the same point, to decide which is the- safest All collars not made of lineu can and to travel. lx washed to pieces. Wear the Wepleaaantest take pleasure In stating, that Klmwood, which will keep clean the Chicago A Nobth-westb&- x longer than" any; other without Railway is the oldest, and several miles the shortest, route between ; .; washing. Omaha and Chicago. . Within the two years the road, bed has Last appearance of the Jackley put in admirable condition, family iu - their wonderful erm and almost the entire line has been naatio auU acnbtio faU at the with steel rails. Theatre thid evening.. The Depot In Chicago is central ', and as their trains arly rHEH'3' 81 Calico has arrived, rivelocated, there thirty mtnntea in adand bis large' . stock of Hummer vance of all other lines, passengers can always be sure of making East"dI-5Dress Goods. ern connections. KfcK notice of commencement of Close connections are made at term in School of 15th District. Chicago with the Lake Shore Michigan Southern, Michigan CenHead the new advL of Z. C. M. tral, Baltimore dc Ohio, Pittsburg, I. They have on sale wall paper Port Wayne dc Chicago, Kankakee rrom l. cents to $2.25; borders and Line and Pan Handle Route, for all points KAHT and SOUTHceiling decorations in great variety, EAST. a full line of floor and other oil If you are going to Chicago, or clotha; Chinese matting, Notting- East, you should, by all. means, your tickets by 'the Old ham, SwUs and Tambour lace cur- purchase Pioneer Route tains, window blinds and fixtures, and house furnishing goods of every, The Chicago and Worth- - Western. You will find on all through description In endless variety. trains Pullman Sleepers, new and TiiK CrUmou Coal Company an- magnificent Day Coaches, and the nounce that they eupply their ex- best Smoking and Second Class cellent and popular coal In any Cars now on any road in the United States. quantity and at the shortest notice, with Particular Information and they claim that it la the clean- maps, time tables, etc., may be had est and brfghtest burning in the at any of the Through Ticket Offices in the West, or upon personal g market, and the best or written application to J. W. coal in the market. Take a Irons, Ticket Agent, Salt Lake look at their advU ji City, A. H. Earl, Ticket Agent at or to J. H. Mountain, WestOgden, Mil.ek, Dye, & Parkek, of the ern Traveling Agent, Omaha.Neb. Occidental Shaving; Saloon, give a or to W. H. Stennett, General Pas uol good easy shave and cut hair fash- senger Agent, Chicago. ionably. Read advt. ft ice or sold. Wiua Women and children t t lie a "Where re's .say, Will there's orrecUfi daily by Octertt Xational Bank. a wayj Be fortune ill or gay." Call Salt Lakb Citt, May 22, 1875. on A. Pratt, opposite N. Groes-beck- 's Buying at tl.lt; sOttng at fl.18. dlw residence, 17th Ward. ; ; Kt re-la-id : steam-producin- r . THE RETAIL DEPT. OF Z. C. M. I. IS NOW OPEN. EVENING NEWS. 1 KflilGaS COAL AGAIN IS TUB Mr. Harvey Uardy MARKET. having had repaired the breakage in the machinery at the mine, is now prepared to supply this most excellent coal by the ton or car. Person dealing with Mr. Hardy can always rely upon having full weight and a good clean article of fuel. Oilioe stud yard at the old Van; Dyke Stand couth, opposite dl52 theDeppt. .V Rejle't fashion letter from the French capital details at length the sensation created there by Mrs. MacMahon, wife of the Marshal President, appearing before, her guests In' calico, and ntw all Paris will follow this lady's sensible lead. Hat I us and silks are thrust aside la snubbed at on the Bou levards, a ud calico reigns supreme. ENGLISH , F R E N C H, AND AMERICAN CALI-- May 23. 1873. Katardajr, Local and Other Matters. Thermometer the shade at 1 p.m. 67 deg F In Cloudy. to-da-y. Meetings at the Tab ernacle at 2 o'clock afternoon, and in the various Ward meeting houses in the evening. done. Tommy Weaver, a rather eccentric character, well known to many citizens, left for England this morning. Meetings- - Body Found. The body of WG. Thomas, killed by a snowslide, in Big Cotrtnwood, last Winter, has been found, and will be brought to this city next Monday, for Interment. Went for His Head. Last night COES IN ENDLESS VA- John James was in Shiogleton's RIETY. AT Z. C. .M. I. saloon, where he. amused himself by aiming a tumbler at the head RETAIL" DEPT. of the proprietor. The missile hit Human Hair. Very Best Paris-mad- e the mark, Inflicting an ugly gash, Ladlta Fronts, $5.00 to $14.00, for which James was fined $20, in at the Standard Hair Store. the police court, this morning. Wm. Irvike, Proprietor. More Rain. It rained ail night, Horrible Sacrifice! Plants at we believe, ' from between eight cost without freight. 8. . MeKay until-nearlo'clock" the Ulne and wells Cabbage, Tomato and other came The hour this veg morning. Plants - cheapest In town. looks and will look greatly counterfeit! None genu- etation improved thereby, and the atmos' ine without my brand. Is rendered exceedSecond South Htreet, 11th Ward. phere cooled and ingly pleasant.- Showers are as IT HAS GEEN SAID Z. welcome as flowers in May. . ball-room- s, y, Be-waraT- of ! C M. IV DO NOT RETAIL; City Pottery. Yesterday our reA MISTAKE. porter looked into (he City Pottery, THATVI THEY RETAI L ALL KINDS Messrs. Eardley Brothers, Croxall and Cartrigbt proprietors. iTheee OF MERCHANDISE. ' gentlemen are turning out a large "Comptojt'S 8tJRPBiSKw'potatoea amount of brownware, especially Slbs for 25c ta. at Crocheron'a flower pots, for which there' Is a demand this season. Some great THE FINEST ASSORT-MEN- T of the ornamental 'ones are" very Kl E R neat, OF 8 U-being a great improvement RECITY, IN on THE the ordinary flower pot for the PRINTS window sill. I. TAI LI Experiments are 'made in the Bweet Catawba Wine, eight yeara white ware line occasionally ,whlch :r::Z. : old. ".' . shows that It only needa an acquiDUl Wine, five years old,. sition or Increase of facilities to proOreen Httnarlo Wine, very duce excellent goods, of that class treet. fine, at""! IstekJuth: as well as the brown ware. I I NATJCl. Theatre. Owing t the itis tlte Theatre was not crowded last evening, but the performance was very superior. After the farce by. the dramatic company,, the Jackley 1 their extraordinary Family-ga- ve by those present, "Immense," affording a great amount of pleasure and satisfaction to the audience. The somersault from a pyramid of six tables was .a wonderful feat, many others also were really extraordinary, and all were 'coolly, confidently, and neatly done. This evening, the last of the appearance of the Jackleys in this city, the performance commences With the farce of " Betsy Baker," in which Messrs. Margetts and Wilton, Miss Cogswell and Mrs. Douglas appear, after which the in tholc Jackley Family apbeart iJJ-iIU- a feab Wing "The Funny Three Clow us," uy Sam, Nathan and Joe Jackley. "Grand Contortion-Act,- " hy Law rence, Charles and Johnny. "The Games of Ilos," with double and triple somersaults, by Prof. Jackley and Bros. "Horizontal Bar,"by Lawrence and Joe Jackley. y "Japanese Ladder,"by and Charles. "Great Somersault Act," by Nathan Jackley, from a Pyramid of six tables. "The Egyptian Pyramids, by the entire Jackley Troupe, 10 in number. The Camp Douglas Band, under the direction of Prof. Le Mar, will discourse musical eloquence. As this Is the last performance of tkis talented troupe In this city, all those who wish fo witness some really skillful and extraordinary gymnastic and acrobatic feats, should not fail to go and see the Jackleys, for they are very superior artists in their line. The Jackley Family appear at Ogden on Monday night, and give one of their entertainments. . Cfa-tha- n, Prof-Jackle- -- Another Garrotting Oase.V-'A- t half past 9 o'clock last night, : Mr. J. A. Stromberg, tailor, of Com mercial Street, was pursuing his way homeward, from bis place of business. When he reached the Second South and Fourth of corner East Streetshe wai suddenly pounced upon by a couple of men, who each took hold of an arm. Mr. Stromberg, being deaf and dumb, was o" course unable to tell what either of the men said, and he struggled fiercely to free himself from them, when one of them drew a knife and aimed a blow at. him. He warded the blow from his body, but the blade of the weapon passed through his right hand. He also received a severe inj u ry on the left knee, which causes him to be very lame. Luckily for him, a wagon drove up to the spot, which had the effect of scaring the ruffians, who then ran away, and frMr. Stromberg made his way home as speedily as he could. . On reaching his house he discovered that, his watch and chain were gone, they haviag been apparently wrenched away, tawing the hook and key in bis vest. He arose early this morning and went to the spot where the struggle took place,where he found the missing watcn ana cnain lying upon the ground. The night waa, very dark and It was raining at tne time, ana jar. Stromberg was unable to see tb scoundrels sufficiently to Identify either of them, although' he could distinguish that 6ne of them was rather tall, while the, otherwas very short. Mr. Stromberg is satisfied that but for the timely arrival of the wagon he would probably have been kill ed. His clothes were very much torn in the scuffle or struggle. - Conference at Herthyr Tydfil. According; to the? JliUennial Starj ' , " F-ml- tb TTENTIVE fr tail: t lTMIr?M!l ; I ; v " J I - rf- TO-tiAr- -- r'CaywfJT4iEfainrjl - L vi.r dewrloVy - ,a ge At-Mrt- . u.it. f Lias. TsxsoaAPH DISPATCHES, S entertainuiont, which JsipojByin-ced- , afc the: Welsh CdAferepce-wiiAe- l on Sunday, April Merthyr Tydfil 25, Elder L. John Nuttall reporter. Meetings were field morning, srter-noo-n and evening." r: i.v; Elders present on the stand: . John President Joseph 1135 MoRToy & Tufts. Nuttall, JtiUetmial Star Office; Svatciies AJtd Clocks repaired Accident. At seven Henry HngheeJ President Welah Sad Very at kw prices by C. Asuiuesen, op- o'clock this morning Charles D. Conference; B.H. Watta, President posite Post Office. lis Is the best Crouch, twelve years of age, met Bristol Conference;' B.t:W Morris, dl21 watchmaker in the land. with a very severe accident, at the President Birmingham Conference; H. tot railroad depot. The lad, whoie M. EL Hardy, of London Confer Walitot Lumber ' tale by ' d99 bright, active and intelligent, goes enoe; Jos. H. Parry, of Leeds Con Dlnwoodey. to the depot every morning, to sell ference; Miles William a, ; Thomas Great Reduction In Lamp Goods newspapers before the departure of F. Thomas, ef Welsh 'Conference, at Reld dtKineey'e. the Utah southern early train. This knd Wm. White, President of Pem tt,AMW and Lamp Goods at panic morning he rode down on a itreCl broke Branch. k. car, and on arriving at the depot hel The ' Con ference was addressed prices at Reld A Klpsey's. off, when the mules gave a by most of the above named xy-LOW PRICES, CHOICE Jumped forward before the bolt was un- tiers. pull v. fastened to enable them to turn GOODS, A The statistical and financial re SALESMEN, AT Z.: C. M. around to be hitched to the other ports of the Welsh Conference from dl5l end, which caused the vehicle to DEPT. i !87 ApriUeL The forward.. bounce tripped boy viz: and were read, pretested Don't b8.Impoki Upon! Jin trying to get out ef the way; and BTATISnCAU OfHerald the ll. Reiser,- opposite him. wheels both oyer passed 18: Elders, 140; Priests, fice, has Watches and Clocks for his right leg Is 19;Branches, of The thigh bone 6i Deacons, 15; Mem. Teachers, reliable timepieces. ' all who want ..II ' very mucn cruanea, ana mrea bers, 634; Total, 718. Baptized 103; notice. short on done Repairing 4; large, vgly gashes were made In Emigrated, 80; Excommucated, dSO Kverrthlog warranted. 7. , Died, vi. the left leg USITWtSItT ttlBRAKY AMD The unfortunate lad was carried acc t. 300 2 1 BuUd-- 5 to his 'heme, irer souw mreet, Received en Tith. readl?i Boo. University 72 7 8 Book near BL Mark'e'Church, on a litter, FREE. V: "..r 4l S J) Ind.Em.De. ing. till 10. and Dr. Anderson, who was sent Open every;' evening' from nfer, soon' arrived and attended to d320 ... tUSBIiaSXMKKTa. 1T the at Injuries. Korta OTt SOcts. per gallon T Remitted fto" UverpooTReld and KtnseyJav Beleases 'and Appointments. Office: Tithing, Booke .. pjL?ta(rucmUfofiKrW-tH. S. Gowans It released from Elder .. money, and ,Liw,J?e-.0U3 Id 11 wholesale purchars 1 1n Latopft, the PresidencyCJlhe Mnchestes posits ; Coal Klnsey's. rhnferance to return home, and is Hall rents, incidental Oil, etc., at Reld and. ttrayelUgexpen 170 5 105 rasa to take charge of thecom- appointed withdrawn 1 16 10 rtf AirsKs'a 'EOXCUJma. psnyf v. I. E. Depositsi St&iai whlctr'wm leave on Oarrisflretof Messrs. J. B. LIpplncott A Co., of Xe . DoeksHL . .n 7 , V , , a uaznes reieaseu is dec. toy v.ider Henrr that, Phlladelphiaannouiics) 4 6 of the Welsh Cash on hand racent Durcluue, they hare become from the. Presidency uomo. to return Conference the sole proprietors of the --Amerit?aa ifthn Xuttall la released can ZevUed Edition or unam from his labors tin the Millennial IiThecTi'olrJHngneToIkwlnl and an Star Office, to retara home. . , EncyclopeBdhu brethren are ap- hddL . work offer the The last named enabled in thereby to Elder as counselors to act wc MewQrysahIalTynV'at much lower rates than hitherto. pointed In tne ot wv vu iJowana, charge cxuut iran uuwri In the ccHirse of iU recent thorough compaay. tr.s ftVbvd." traTelwas edition P. American Thomas, Thomas revision: the eiluon awr I Daeth DtT3r yr in the Welah Conference. "Y Bardd riH the kbedal .YiewV of i yn el awen." ' also reieaseu Is sunolvlnir the wante of AjaaerieaB .,, 4 .... ...rJ, ira-- Fel" rallwyrreaders. , It also pcustssrs a epeclal Elder George recently Wele ' Selori ' 7awadelyttas -, attraction in eontalnlnff a series of Teling iA tneLiTeri--".MwvS tan' Balnt." fc t. i r full-paover seventy-fiv- e engrave Is alga leieaseu. as per ap On ,A evening, Monday . wttw company above the not. contained in any .other anu uuers ings t'reau smitn pointment, Elder Joeepn n. jranr - dW e, Ilagbeev Mdirlsi edition.:1 ' tCoa-ferencjUanbf jus$TKt from hia labora In the in tall held a meeting at Canton, naar and. appolntedto labor (Honferenee, as Tra- - Cardiff, at which a Tory agreeable IUiseyiibpposlte Walker House, re TIng'Elundex tha direction time was enjoyed. v vi During the meetings duced Co SOota. per gallon.. good spirit was manifeet Jwth irmpi the Elder EdwaM Snejgrore the speakers and 'consres with A Mvwari Elder JMreBTABTT TO TO TmATltlVv muuj hall was weUf01ed,arj- saPrealdent of the . Hancheatet tlon,the 1 nnmUr rn?era in atundOonlSsrenee. VV'l! ance at eachnf meeting: V:" :' tb5 sintlns Is . :! IC 1! thdutrof alllpetswbfr Eld Miles Williams appoint n snooeed Clder to toascer-taied Ilngheaas tore startlag oa a Journey in v1a aoDear alive Pieeldent. .of .Ihe. Welsh Confer- - Th. by what route they can reach Work. 8. In the Qi Starj May their destination with the least ence-lftf- rFtf -- ran wsitssr cs.'oe On May 20th the Grand Jury came Into court and reported eight of indictment, whereupon piua werB tben dismissed until the ihej 13th day of September, 1875, at l p.m. a meeting of At , - ! JCBT RECEIVTiD, at Liddell & Brown's Scotch 'Store, a fresh n "t v - . ji$ 'tis ' . - i, v -- . : i- ........ Lbhl I" Wall Paper at Z. C. M. I., frma 15c. to g2.25 perBoU. 5 Draper Arrive Sandy, Leave ATIONS In CfiBEAT Z. C. TAMTETY Oa tt---- KE7 CO-OPERATI- I'i A FUJLL WBrE OF FLOOB AND :OTHEIl Tffnr' fto Caysvflle. TOT" Arrive at ' JLXI. CJLOTnO WIDTHS, AT Z;!c II. I. -- 7if"T ChBMST mml ii o CRBAntn ciric, Judire Keoen, oe fore whom the Morris elecUon petition was tried, has. decided that the late John Mitchell was dis- inallflad from holdins? a seat, be mam snDrSBrsuiww pm mgfrlmff motion for an appeal te tneThe Court ol Common FleasTIwas grani. comes-ep,-feVndthe -c ;.; xt week, sppusue we trpn vjjice, You will find the . Ttl" 1JK GENUINE ELGIN AXD jWaltham ,Watcb, H" . He has the most flattering Testimonials from the hlr best authorities for the excel-len- oe of the Watobee eold him. lie has aa the Finest Assortmentbyof LTi .t- . . i.00 S SS Will 1" ftjijDt If. WESTERN! M1LVAY. . -- Ceatri. p edbyCX. C 1.' i Taney and attlllaa ry ileeda.Staple consaitf nff of Flowers, colored and black Crapes. Velvets, Velourw Ornament, Hat and,Bnat pet Shanes ef the htteststrteaj Laoee. t in the cse of Margaret divorce granted. .. i etc Ribbons, s. Ma-one- d2aa t Btoppinc a-n- v 11-0- Is required at ."" V" ceo-ne- fr . .... i.u . .. rj -, ! Salt Lake City, April tSth. x it AJiD FIXTUCtiS dn On aAd after Wav 10th. EII,ES3 VARIXTT at .'...j rKsrr jj ni. - i. jt .a .v. I .3 " ,..'-r- ,l ii Franknn....-.:..- . T t.i.'lii'.T i'"" .0tst Oowlar 1 m . V. Every Xe I r m --A- - iij.'ii: .1 . I dnt'fi : ,r " j i;vtS0. i .A :arn?ft.f- ,;j - ,;t -- V;,I Steani, f: Planing MiU, SASH, DOOR AND : jco. s Passenger. e 4ss ,1'Mura ax s i "r60Aid fe&CTORY. . .v, Koi 4 5 r n . ' Gn. IVelffit a Ticket At - Proprietor. AC&01tFirst past Street; 6e rrfwe' Third tend FntrtA South " Post Office Box WLhm 141 llll 'l ivi olT , t. r StrtW:SaKLcte Cit c 4-- d Stove d rietyjKmdlins-anVfood eross-cu- - .... . i twn naOy.' Kos. H.aKeal aadJIwraOfdea and 4 will run bet1 and Loraaas followmf Wo. S will run northward every to i ana y sad Tii nay. nirhta. No. 4 will run eoathwar Saturday Wednesday aod VrWay airhtav BUsaer Sf Bausonrrs etareJUne to at4 a witlTtealos at ... ciit-tln- a- 'Hiei.i.'i t.m - , Floormr Vaking' Feather Bds-ePhtninr, Bid in-- , Kippras Spllttins aod Cioae all bixe. at Lumber, Door and Window Fraates at Cheap Bates, WMTumlD la verv Va-- . Srankna. !.rr J l i Aaarra--, U' . OorUMBeMv.4ff.Mf . ...... v 4 Trains Urns th no. 11:10 TrankIln.':......J. i one-four- -- "'jer-'- f ! t7 ;! ) 1 til 1 k Aaarra at - if and cannot be beat, privilege of using given to return it after tne Dotue, it not eunea tor ins or Diueuuj otothee. 3TMl Und$ pay taten. W. SHELL. Home-mad- e, 6:44. lft Osdaa. ........ . Uurlape. TifTffsn il For.' COARSR 1ND FIXE SALT. Six Seooiavhaad Wairensme Mule, two Horaee. Closln Clatk), aIotaiTt Lime, Cedar Posu, Wood, KindUnr Wood, Groceries, sine aJtcnen HangeyAiaarcoai, eta. t i lfn. - n ysatlaawAaXaV,y. c SYofe iadML ........ A 'iAu9p SOSTHEBSMMOAD UTAI1 IU . i'f. "I I nca r:i :U2 Villi v. pacific imnbiLD "noshii ell J ji Lijr.;.; ia aldl ill . i . t t s V - ! 'f' .i . ' ,' i. J X !j Great Central Short Lfne Over 'plla Msoonneonnns Waif a ' una aatita wte lows aad.esWSjtae ijrt u.o. op srxaser smcEirriz wabd, rpBB to tne puDUo a A Salt Lake liiniu .jciiiio of jt..ijin!'l t'l ThoxaauB Castile, ,Ts ewl rmfi mm threixj tntf JHpitn &UacMsnhani Cannot Kt Oat 18 TTest 26th St., KE1T T02UC mJAB. Ok WILSON, ZTanaffer. " ' - - . M -- J , - mxura1 "Cur-sosp'- arirrrrssj hi t "' oicaed r t3oii Dfx 116, a proiraueBtH Secretary, P. tp: t it .r vlf 'fT -- ' U t to - II .'t'juiv i Ad-- oi nr-nts- r-t I 1 xs - "; ' ueCb-eMrstf- . ve the Faotory StomtbeTerritetrsndat I Crue addressed South, Assistant ten try diet itatw"' 'T'ri"l OllAlLA A2TD CHICAGO. i;uj M: beet; i .:: Patent. Soap, Vsa tMlrtaiira' a. .re faS WOB9ai'V "uir.tifi gosaa, includlos Crfriuix; or .TiUer!a. Soap. W ' will receive A. B. ltlLT?I(5H, Prest. A. Tf. CARLSON Booty u of. . .. . 2e. U4 and ZLZlZDArZ.ti: if 1 ty AVo APaKaHTTfg etr KIVIBTa which are rnaranteed to be ca&BUaa, L!:or armsadt; wai to any in tne market. V lo Grease and Tauov,iid abo .tuth paia rwsM hum uimaf tie wsss ey CamteaiaBd L'akm Ka At i.snnia.1s, and at for txes retvreed. v., M..tvsold M aa cvr; r i'X City, ai TTalnnt Oil Sharing, . Tftriezated ToUeta, ,,r a HEYOLYTXG - flrat-cla- va-rle- Pale Baron, rt ' In the First District dourtDy Livic ' - , try breakfM at CUatoa's, and lor wan-wa- y xicwiew at era at arrive Leave Halfwav Uooea at an. Lake Salt Ardre at City at tWaa. ct The stares of the WrtrB Stare Co. House with trains at Half-wa- y Tooele, Stoektoo. Ophir and Dry Canyon, aad street oaxsat Salt Lake City- Paaaenrers will ptoses, pnreaase their Ueketa at the oOoem. rar All (relrht for the West srost tie at the 0.C. Depot aot later than (o'clock p.m. M. JP KIMBALL, Sujpi. T-J- fer "the past oecu- - M.' I. CI they will continue to keep a WHERW stock ot and run daily 'trains fee ysasasgais ai freiffat, betweea .i ail Eall ay Hnse j Leave Halt Lake Cltv at IM a.av v .. so't pj Ure lAlleea veara... AUEI13ACH & BRO. blatb aavoTaD To (lie SUr Xormerly and 1S76, , IT inOlDilLlQlB! OXH. BTPXRnrXXZCDXxrT. Salt Laid Cil ;U ;''Ts,Hi.,itt.,5 In thU ridnitr and all ? Utah. County we near uw news thst.there is a better rreejwct r7w:r3Hi trtu traf i Crop ten - be'dis-- - Great .Sacrifice and without . CirP'GOOIli G, - v. jr every style, which win all posed of - OurCcuntry Cd wp:fcii: BIXT-COILO- r. 5 DAILY, Sundays " Xz-seDtsd. 22. ft ' XM HXtWm I hftlfSonth cf t! 477 tip s6p 19, .t.. ; lJO. ; Carl C. Asmusseii'g, t.00 Utah Western Eail way Co Ii SjiottMUoli tJi-. I Gen. rreiffkt aa4 Tloket AfftaL Tint aSait St., one Ztldei'tad a ; siA:-- . At , - ! WBLL-KNOW- If JaaTJBTJCaT sTJSLaTJUP H .- ho aro' sal Otroot. IS A FACT THAT ITrreat many Imitation Watches aro iu olroulatioa at this present time. At 'TIS" AND AVTRS MAT rN vr unmranwr nwioe,toe1st, 1 11E- - re- - Leavtn(laltLake CIt at S40 a.nu and aDauffaenatB.su p. , ;;v. , Delay, War ait tetarmatiaa ooooernlns erelffct To close out business. Purchasers will sure orpasaage appty so secemnMdated. f ' UTAH o wp noc-- paired, anus Jtt . fiUSSMITH. SJLWS 8fLA.RPXSXK ' STOVES TIZ JMJJVS WILL RUN dll-- tr . Alf ktsMffe et Bleasnstfaieg i Cao suae. aih.laa;. , Mage 22. the A dispatch iq LoKMnr, o tne Standard. fronv Jtome, aya tlTlIiKl JOHtl. SHARP, JU VE . 1040 " JU1 XJE J . . "' Arrive a I 6 40 Mo. 4. .. MOk 10 IS Asent. Solo llItEIt, JOE U SSOnt Salt Lake. at Z.C.Hti.1 " 1 40 AX Woods Cross. A Full Assortment of Ohinese iljatting IM Pastr. i aaJUBtaN, ,: 4SS . tSl SU" dlO Tar. .TI Trains leave Osden txn CeatrevUe I 1S ...... farolng- - fiaUer,ore's . U74, ' Jfa.. eamtr. KaywlQe, ij i 4 OS" 7 60" I Ogden. - datvemf. the Car Load. Special Rates w Orderrf Drometlv attn1w1 iyv Tjtairu Orders at Teaadel a (in'a. HavurA'i Phsitn. Barber Shop, and Post tlOPs . S3" . Kaadonist. Afa. S. Tomtr. i OentrerlUa 'I Oil. Utah. r'i Jvo. L. Pam'r. I 00am 00.00 BAMO AC BEWARE OF IUITATI0I1 avs Araa jAsrcAaT 1st, Station. Trains leave lt Lake. 08.8O d4 ; . ,- Italian srovernmeat has ordered tne removalof an bUnops1 who have not reeeived the endorsing of themr the Archbishopof Palermo, Jai aueaay nesB roufled to leave his see. ' SHARP, T2?ains Daily .vom I C. 4 S7 Crom! SPRINGBATOSr CotUe, 42 at qf . the California Sacramento agent Co.. died this Navigation Steam, Hotel In this morning at the Grand j; Cityi J;Ivr 9ti J ; ni l;al e'rjugrj;i-i--!- S 10 S SS S 76 ' I'' t Of k AS S SO SS ..4 Pioneer Line o TONSCOIIN w is dow a 100 Sam Francisco. 22. General A fred Bedington, for.manrjrears the J.T. Kalqaist, Oral 1 UTAH CEHTML PIE Hunes Bathe, Veto is tfte Best - I i haadaetaely ' ta. ic, Ac. femefftoer ffte place, north of the Post Office d0 4 00 ' f. little;' Qmeral Superintendent. JAM1E8 -- ZANE8VilX,E,Ohio, 22. The body CKLKBSATCTJ BATHS AM of Mrs. Jackson was leeevered this the pubUo at all seaaons. Their open toBromrtias morning, leaving one child yet to mHcieuU are so widely known recover from, the late boat disaster that It Is ae dices to enumerate taenu on Muskingum river; Besides the rrtrate Sntu, the terse and foralsbes 4 00 ' ay - ' I 160 - 4 47 S SO 6 00 S 00 Sandy.. Junction M 4 51 B 40 t 10 S K Uttle Oottaiw'd...... IU1AU 6 40 SW Arrive at S 40 U 00 S IS 4 00 Salt lake. 1 S Nos. and win be rna daily. Nos. s. 4, 1 and 6 wfU be run dally. Sua says exoepieov Tor all toformating " aoaoeralaa; Frel-h- t or Psinare. apply to j - Private and Plunge. S 00 113 001 fork Americaa -- V7AKH 23 t1 : B.ese V' Oo'a j Ieiio Cimo Juice, r.a ..... fTby tlie KOBIIVSOI, ol p.a IS 80 i.a 25 IS 67 course, everybody ac17 60 , that. 140 160 knowledges ftpaoiah rrk . 1 SS Bprinsrllle,............. SS 06 ton 85 at Depot Prove.... 160 per S 00 Pleasant Grove....... s 1 anyaexiQua.iroubieironatnenw i 61 'i oo 1H IN THE MAEKBT f . .".8; V. s Sdinbnrfb Oat ZiZeal and fiZeal Grits, f. as " en ISO . . , WM under-Btandlngl- y, . 1 SB 1 TS J. - ri -- i: i U 43 it. ......... Saotaqaia. Payeoo, to-da- y, - 100 Trains leave Terra tnins - ay 40 4 00 - . - ....SO n. 'F V IXeller's Xnndee StZarmalade, afinnan ZZaddlea, ' ITarmonth Sloaters, SO t 86 Oedr . t IU S SO ; sat 1ft 10 10 10 11 8prinrTll)e, .. Bpaaab Vork Parma, Santaqntn..,.,, rrireat , Tprmlnua...... ;S first. wife. Cable Seerly Complete. ket. Mr. Jones will be here in about two weeks, when work on the Lo Angeles road will be driven N. H., 22. Col. forward Manchester, in earnest." Oakland A. M. Eastman, of this city, of the direct U. 8. Cable Co., is In receipt Transcript. of news that the completion of the line may be expected at an , early hour. The Faraday is at Sydney, "Phoebe Couzins do9en't dress taking coal and waiting for the ice like her brothers of the bar," says fields to clear, away. Not more the Chicago Iribune by way of than half a day's .work remained an item... .That's unwhen she put. into Sydney, on ac- commencing true. She dresses by doubtedly count of ice. her clothes over her bead, putting while they don't, and what's more, He Bey. can't. But what business is they WASKUidTON, ,22. The Sioux It of the Tribune's any bow.-BBrchiefs now here sent word to Com' Union. lyn missioner Smith, that they had noftaked among themselves be able to hold a enough yet, to LIST OF LETTERS council with " him te-dand requesting that the BMAININO In Wstxs, FAROO Co'f . IV Office, May, 22,175. council be postponed. i .f Oseeela utterly Ieare7d, e. A Crowther MtesB Williams Mrs AlinfftonH rej t TTBONar;' 22. were Reports M O ceived here, last night, that the fire Curtis T Murphy O W Welter sc Anderson Z was approaching Phlllipsburg, and, H. Wadswobxbi, Arent. In order to save the town, Mayor Burgees ordered, the brush around the place to be set on fire. About two hundred and fifty men were JVew Goods sent out to fight the flames at the to Inform-th- e public most danger was Wewndesire points from which axe now receiving our new Im o- that to be feared. Q-lllprl of Spring Clothlnsr, consistdebris Stock and the smoking thaMod, of the Uv test styles and patterns, are an .aa is jeit oi me nouses. ing manufactured by ourselves, which Neighboring towns are sending enables to sell from 15 to 20 per money and previsions for the relief cent lessus than any other house In of the unfortunates. this city, we have constantly on ' the largest stock and best vaAjrma. Both houses hand furnishriety of clothing and gents AlJarrYN422. of ' the Legislature adjourned to- ings in this Territory. Purchasers will consult their interest by examday, sine die. before our stock and- - prices ining se Testate Ee fer JIms; Treepa elsewhere. purchasing rmp Unmkippcr Mrpmrtm. L. GOLDBEKQ A Co. dl06 ' CaiWQO, 2. vA special from Dubuqee, Ia says that a company of the 7th Cavalry, from Alabama, llimtiivri aIIw eaataaflsw svjdv suivuau lusts vwwiuaji Firrsnrni Scbool Drarsicr, 187&. en route tot Yankton:viy Salt Lake City, May SZ, they are well t to a in this district equipped, and Jbateijd keep vig rrms School . . . . . . will oommeoee a r A... .1 ilant eye a movements toward Tba aorvicea of Mr. Jobs Blaokbura hare the Black Hills. The Tribune's Washington spe Dsca socurta. n. GRKNIO,- I T. howeua cial says the President has ordered f. Quartermaster- General Meigs ' to d!5t I i f. on to be ab special duty, Eaiope sent eighteen montns ; the pre-ofcise nature the mission Is not ICE GREAHaM CE0E1EEH known, but' It Is understood that he is to make observations on EuAT J. HAQELL'B . ropean military establishments. It is expected that- the President will MEAT STORE. Install Rufus Ingalls as acting General during Quartermaster BeSUea WmMI. Qaert Meigs' absence. mall advices ' and Telegraphic from' thoe portions of Nebraska. Kansas,; Missouri and Minnesota, J--f wmen were oevastaiea dt grass which last and have season, hoppers VUeUili VTholeMle been isited to a greater or lees ex. thefame insect?, this lent hy that but little :dl42.. spiiBgJndlcate SEARS, j aone. exeent tn damase nas-nepartp eOIksourl, land that the in? sects are diminishing in number, St and but little apprehension Is felt of ... " rroro. to-da- to-da-y, . U Draper........ . .. . ... . ...... S 06 Oaal.... ISO AmerieanVtek town-ship- . TB v wdi Safvly ......... ........ s OS .. H :!' ,i '1't 1 T 4 Saady... Leave i. , 4.M. P.M. SO f 60 f 10 .... IS (ii Arrireat : I A. a. TraJaa leave SeR Lake..t. Uttte OotUMweod Juaetloa : - f Ji .imrm. XZerring' if I rresb 4s if : . H errin. shipment ofJIolr A SonVAberdeen estimation in which. he is regarded by the company could Jiot receive1 a stronger testimonial. While the deplorable results of the late accident, the company have every confidence in the ability and faithfulness of Mr. Fell, and desire to continue to have the benefit of his valuable services. Mr. Fell still wishes for a full and complete investigation into the circumstances of the unfortunate affair, that his hitherto unblemished reputation, may, not be marred even by a shadow. We congratulate Mr. Fell on the position he holds in the legatd ef the com nan v he has served so efficiently, and hope he will long remain in bis important office In this city. ,4 ( New York, Here Jast prominent importers,reform in the bight, the question of revenue service at the Custom House was' discussed, and a '. committee was appointed to report a plan for permanent organization. Gen. Cus tar, who is in this city, says ;that his expedition to the Black Hills will leave Fort Lincoln, June 1st, and if the miners are going into the - HUle la large numbers, as western papers report, it' will probably take the whole summer to drive them out, The committee of the Board of Trade sa postal tiffairv, having received 'information from a large number of merchants in this city that the postal expenses on news- letters, under, the new epers anddoubled, will, next week, Senator Jones in the Bailroad confer with Postmaster General Business. Jewel and the postmaster in this city npon the measures necessary The Post, which speaks as an to take for the repeal of the obnox- oracle on relatinsr to Sen ious law. ..'4.. i., j ator Jonesanything and his affairs, has the "A. dispatch from Mllford, Pa., says that forest 'fires are sweepings following: over ten out of the eleven " Colonel Crawford. Chief En in Pike Co., and unless rain gineer, and Mr. Jas. A. Pritchard. comes soon there will be great suf- Secretary of the Los Angeles anu fering and loss of life. ' Independence railroad, sail y in the Orizaba for Los Angeles, to JSeeUag erCrie BfeekaeMers. push forward the wotk ef construc . At a ckhold-en sto of Erie meeting tion. This road Is one of the most held at Delmonloo's ever pro important the ew York jected in thisenterprises J. L. Brownell, of was State. Senators Jones choeen pre- ana Stock Exchange, btewart - are ueterminea to sident. Resolutions : were introat the earliest duced and passed,, protesting cerry it through not possible,' day only for the sales of any coal lands benefit of their against the mining interests and other property of the Company at Panamlnt, but also in the wherewith to meet the bond interof effecting a combination by hope was est in July, and a resolution route mav be also passed to apply for an injunc- which a direct rail to Ogden, inde tion to prevent such action. The opened through of the Central Pacific. Jay stockholders voted to pay all the pendent Gould and Senator Jones have been legal expenses incurred. in close consultation recently on L Arrive. the subject, and it is more than The steamer Crescent Citj ar- likely that somethlnsr mav come ef rived this morning from Havana, it, as Mr. Gould Is particularly anxhaving on board Detective Davis, ious to reach the Pacific Coast but Sbarkey Is still kept in the without coming over Stanford's common prison at Havana, the line. The idea proposed la to ex chief cause of his Incarceration be- tend the Los Angeles road from the present projecting a threat to kill the captain Of Independence, ed terminus, through ImDortant the Crescent Citj' the camps, and mining ar4r mm Staid. Utah Central Railroadtapping or near at subJacob Young, living in the Beaver, Southern Utah. Mr. Prit urbs of Brooklyn, last night, mur- chard says there are vast coal beds dered his second wife by cutting at different points on the projected her head off with an axe; he then route, which would prove a mine of went to the cemetery ana dashed wealth could they be opened up out his brains on the grave of his and their treasures brought to mar. 22.-- 4: ' ExpeaiU FereeS Klree. ; - f . 4.M'-- Pelf, the train desmteher at point for the C P. R. R., is to be contlaued in his position. The EASTERN. ' Caller UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD I . r |