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Show e r desebst;; ViSMe slaeeeaaanaannnBnaaaaaannasa VIII VOX.. SAXX j( LAKE CIXY, XJTAII TERRITORY, SAXtJMfLX EVEKiJTO; BUSINESS Patterns Spring Calicos New K RE M DIBEEOT ELDER GEORGE Q.C AM OH, BUTIUD Annual General At' (lie Forty-fift- h L Conference of the Church qf Jetw tn - Christ of Sells watche, aloofcat aJerlry. Ihe New Tabernacle, 'SaZt Lake OoTl City, Friday Afternoon, AprU mnh. Mnte fnrnlahlns rood. aaoy 4ress roda, aotlooa. orcatncnU, hatai 9th. 875, 4 Barker AVID W. BVANS aarwar Wata ateaai ADdHtoea ,r BEPOBTEJttT Sbarpena f -.Jt i 4 V 'iJ v au cuuexxi ocx am runauma wn in our Wti have provad abundantly Kiaa Varr H. Baarkar sua-tai- n we not do il that experience Praotiaraai jhyaclan 4a4 adrtOd. 1 will Ho other baraelvee,' people aVewta Bi ustaln us," and that' we must be Practiaes as an attorney -- at lw, and united, as was said this morning', in a1vs special atteatloa to collections and our as well as in our splr mlntng atljtil. temporal Itnal affairs; and that if we would CalaW ACareieaa .''Tr Sell Haaoa a Hamlin and other orranS build up aud strengthen ourselves pianoaf faner roods, iiolidajr presents, and in the earth, it must be by union of all kinds of muaicai lnatrataanta and mar effort and by concentratiBsr J our pianoe and': means chandue, and take second-han- d a in K way that shall produce orrana la azcbaace 'iof-me Deal results ror tne work with Dr. A. W. Calder which we are identified. Practteea In dentistry. or a union of effort, has been D. O. Calder Sells hardy grapesi fruit trees, and Kitta-tin- jr proved in our experience, when blackberries. properly carried out, to be most sue eesafui-vWit-h Charles Caatstaau amall means and LaUer-dojtTSain- PULt dF STOCK DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, although we do not alVertiae to 8RLI. AT Aid at we wilt iell COST WHOLESALE' OR RETAIL AS LOW AH AHY IIOUSK IN UTAH. Does all kinds of tallorimr. cleaainvsadrrepalrfsr! TAYLOR & CUTLER, TAYLOH'S TWeCa-aperat- lT f ; ; AfforJ?l: lu uiiuk uvut gtoAWf uiuHni?.r tnuiw, ef4 union should be our continual : Blaefcaaallaa fort. r Aa has been said, there may and noraesnoeinr. be failures and mismanagement ocl cav Daria, Uewa Jt the principle itself Do all kinds of milling; and mining- ma- caaienally, east iron work, is a true one, ana it recomraenag chinery work, wrought and and iron and brass work of all descriptions. itself to every reflecting mind. Wei however, in our mercantile opera Oearge W. Davta Sells choice teas, coffees, family grocer-- tienaUin this city aua Trritorjr, lea and provisions, and buys artea muts an grain of all kinds. Dayaiea A iadulged In, bf rather TeflecUonft Sell New American sewing maohlnea, Ea- - cast, upon our general kinds of several and organs, other tey institution; Z think: It nas been pianos and all aorta of muaioal Instruments and merchandise, and take aeoona nana or- one of the most successful estabgans in exchange. lishments and institutions that we ever have had among us, and I de P seer as WaMeaial Bsak Doea various bankuur business anl re net know that it haa been equalled ceives savings on interest. anywhere when we reflect that in SHekl the abort apace of ..three years those JUaelakaM r. , Are ezefualve aranta for iTltao's Hair wno inreBtea tneir means in that one hundred per Producer, for 17 elk Wyoming, and Idaho. inetitution-mad- e tut - DODD, BROW & I ...i. iteTOf'JfA'fwi .,y includlnc (Malqptet, Cottle, and Bundqnlst) Do all kinds of blacksmithlnr carriage and war STREET. EAST TEMPLE HOTEL, C. -- Boots, Shoes, Hats and Clothing,. &c, j li, rr J. A Blon l! 1 Keep Them Before the Public. Just Reoeived at WB IIAVB a discussion on thlssulject lasttes-remarked .that the suit of ciotbes he bad on cost him but a sraan ' amount, aud comparatively t hat he bad them sent from Canada. fefemi eae replied, y : way of joke, that he had prebably bought a sec ond band strit;UiUlere h no doubt the. ciotbes were new. But suppose they cestleaaJn Canada than the same aultvould: In the States, cannot you and every body see, without Jengthy. .reflection, that that money all went into foreign hands and did not benefit the poo-p- ie xf ihlg cpuntrtt4!'Theproaucer of the wool,' the manufacturer ' of the 'cloth "and the maker tW clothe In Canada received the ben-- i eflt. But supposing 'that' tiiirty five or forty dollars had been paid for that suit of clothes in --the Uni ted Htates ,or: In .the community where the purchaser lived you can readily pereeivWthat by the circulation of that money in his imme-- j diate Ticinlty,hehlmself, if he were in any bu&i neat: wou Id receive! the benefit of Che expenditure, and that the extra cost would not be an entire loaa to bins ii&e pay taa; it but Aad no it toaferetjrd community;ia with, our own tnarmracturea. We talk about brooms Aad about cn wtt d ether which can be brotrgbt from thing the iast aft tower figures thai we can produce them but it is .better for us to pay twenty-five per cent, more, and I do not know but even a larger per centagej foroor:home tooductlons', than to send that money away to a distant community where It- is circulated and we receive nn benefit from it.' If we bought heme' made cheese, and had to pay tea or fifteen cents a pound more 'for It (which, how ever, we . are not required - to do) than if it were brought from abroad, it is not an entire .loss tor the "com munity, for we all derive Sbmetbenf efit from the means' so spent,' be cause it Is circulated' amongat xi and if we have aaythihgftd Sell we get prices in proportion for It, an A RICO ive l WHOLESALE led their original i(ockl when the financial crisu oame findthe eat the It was panler'ast ' aiearae IMtafsrd, aeM, houses and termed, strong many Sells boots and shoes, hata and cans, la went down before inatitu)-Uo- n our it, dies' furs, gents' glovee, etc, was able to withstand the dllaeer 4k aJlsfeeurjr and' tide over; and has met storm,' WiU carry you wherever their stage lines dollar of .ita .iadebtednei every " ', run. v at least tar the K uaaiaaa jekai A-n- d f lta credlte-rt-;' We Wants to buy 100,000 pounds of wool. Emptlybr ' to a great deal 'Ireland Jt Wataeav J" Sell china. erockerT. arlaae and bar ware. of expense in various ways; but lamDS. lamo trimminas. ohimnevs.ooal oil. the experience of the past few years petroleum, fluids, etc, wholesale or retail. enables ni to tee' now how this exWan. Irvlae pense can beurtaiied aud proflb-ln- g CCD Sella combs, brusbee, French ornaments by thia Wladorm ana experience, i for the hair, and imitation bain as a community w should take the . Waa, JeauBjaunteas Hadler , necessary steps to establish,or rather eH,' whoteaaleaBd retail, stapto and fan- - to arrange, It so that' it will give cr dry aoaaiadlea' uad 1 wtan wn'a satisfaction- - A good the ladies', misara a nt children's deal greatest be, said on this subject might saoaa, notiona and dry gooas, greoertes and i; in this connection,' but as we shaQ merchandise general THE d. ooopjsm have a meeting Tory shortly in reATTORNST AND SOLICITOR, SoUa all kiadaJ.of furniture. business lation; te r our ' OESERET NATIONAL BANK afiaira probably tfcati would je the Over Mrs. Ooiebrook's MUUnary Store, Sella beat Quality qaUfdrata flour and proper place for remark or mil daastf xaaapia atraac character, i.liut I would, ayras enj best brands Utah flour. Of Salt Lake City, Utah. individual; te all' the SalntIo UddeU A Brown JOH7I. II. McGXTTCITEN, Sell Aberdeen Sreah Herrings, Dundee ut Dy every means in our powei - $200,000 Marmalade, Finnan H addles, Yarmouth thar.te by eoilectintr the little meant Paid up Capital, a Bloaters, Edingboraii Oatmeal. Oatmeal ttauWwe have; seek to buUdiup and J Grits, Lelth ume Juloe, etc Authorized Capital, - - $1,000,000 riBte at WasaUsgton, D.O. strengthen these institutions' in our k. B.aaleesa frwr asoii north of ana they wul prove prontatOOeaoa,KaIa tbm Utrwt, midst, Bb-Uraau rcstoffloe. WJI. ft. HOOPER, PresWenl, afanafactdrea Kaioem's Fateo Die U us e " groa ana uietuiiK.M H. 8. B LDltB DO avV'loe-Prto tne rator, and pars particular attention nn be en are community e 1KIOHAM TOCTNO, ereouon or oooi rooms Jrrr wim O. oarmoa o. or tn xaiB arter session noon's Ai mtk breweries, .private stores, nM. JKNNINQ3, rruic markets, LaU r areiitt JuiiS, XViUd Statu etc JOHN BHARP, CdhferehdeVihe author! resldenoes, tlei of thi for Utah. . rEKAMORZ LITTUt, ' Jaaaea MeOkle be chhrch will and Jt'li presented, 9Cashier. HILLSt U Sella airkinds ef Wasaiol' woolen mOai Sutherland A. Sates, woou nome-ma- f iiMweatfey ,f eent-4oub- Sells the verv bast Ureaeeaa feathers and walnut hiaabaiv ' ISTotions, j "ttj ix i Attorney-- - - J t-JL- air, - a- . ... - $ . . 1 -- ,' . . I W ...... -- j m ' .' M 1 ; -- 10c. yd. at Standard Prints, liOQ pieces "I Choice Shirting Prints. 1,000 " " Standard "j 1,000 100 Sacific Arm u res, at -- 20c. yd. 100 Choice Grenadines, at 20c. yd. too a Dress Goods, at 20c. yd. 11 may say that such and such thing can be bought cheaper aoroaaxna fen they can be boneht at hohJe, therefore it la bBtter to nurr t nam but I say that It is suicidal, for any and we, with the . experience that we have had in 'this, country en these points for upwards or a quar-te- a of a century', - should begin', te learn wisdom, and: begin .'to foster nome manuracturea ana noma in stltutlons. Our catronerati ve Insti tutions should takjEr Into cofjisidera tion the people's good, and, If there is ink, matches, cl6tn." leather 'or anything else to sell that J9.maiiu. facturea in tnis country, , iney should give the preference) every time te the home manufactured ar ticle so far as nosaible.and endeavor to stimulate and faster home and not ODerate against it By this means we build ourselves up, ana me pwpio aenweiveai where they are iKnerant," will soon perceive the propriety, and' the ad vantage of taking , this ; course!; whereas if we.purtuo the old and onosi te course we shall be im o vt erl&hed and stripbed of eur, means. and, having no branches of home we suaii continue to manufacture be- - a poor, dependent, helpless people. pro-ductlo- .. : - l CO., - ' s i peps : ! SllFfa WBmm We are SELLING CIEAP Sheet ings, Bldach iVIuslins, Denims, Check and Per- Cheviot fehirtings, cales,Cldths, Cottonades, Jeans, Shawls and Dress Goods. n ! , es n . DISGQURSE Mm At-torn- i Oeala 1st rlf,ee. Callea COUNSELORS Gala. Oald Exekaatgre, ' j CtMections made and promptly re- -' i ' - -- nftk Boor Saat of Descret salt un crrr, Doea business as attorney and Bank, vtabi ... FQBSION KZCHANGB WOO. 8AXJK. Tntsraat mU M gasamgs JkpoatU. Omoe ef the Real Batata Agency of atake !DiYIS:tCOl. DIUTKBID Cltj, f,..; , I'" . : No dealer should fail to look through our Stock before b Large arid sibly General Confer the Forty-Fift- h To refer again to this subject of Atence . the Church of feme JL7Ar of We have seen its Do anything In the tin, sheet iron and XtcOler-daJLVew Saint, Jn tko, good effects in the settlement .to O0fpar-einl- tj I Tabernacle-- . Salt Lake City, Fri the entire throughout Territory Well-Selec- ted Meaaa'jEvana,,. uyconsider tnat f It had not bee 1875 9, Deal la mantea and grates and flue stone for April day Afternoon, our Institution regulating prices s work. 1 4 mi.! i'ujij and governing and controlll ng the kepoktbd? BT "DAVID s w. XVAN: Sen sweet CatawtahbOde aiaXgtaeaHun-- mercantile , , interests or mis lerntoki r v. r -garianwlae. ry. we afaofrM1ave lost,-b-y having I have beerr much delighted ii ,l tol pay bfirbtfrifote.Hhousands and liatenltiifo ther tektlrnonies thai caestnterea. card. ha'a, Se'ls broadcloths, y as well si nmbrellas, aatcbeawgentB' furnishing gooas, thlusands of dbliars that we feavi jhaverbeen given v , t ... .S f i saved. In Brigham City particur t on the preceding days of this Conj tallerulnunlart,a, W. T. IRELAND. the-diaatr' f.rifiaaiieesM'keri Vrnfjcerttla ' ' W.Basnael K.ewteai Jadgimr by accounts that wference. and especially to larjy, Uive-near- d, ave the prlaclples of course on prophecy by Brother Penj. his rrpatrworarin Liie iaa uavH; iu Curea the sick on the betanloal system. ' ce-- o Deration been Are 1 espee exceedingly beraS rose this afternoonr ;It often think he 'willtbi-pest"prove- rri th future, as he i ft t tltif: WO I fke g ! , because , aja" to ef .the the people, L6rd baa cboserj this peol has in that those who preDoes an kinds of planing and sawing, eficial them" to do labors dict the downfall of this work bear and paoklna;-b- perfection, to whieh they have been pie ITT, nnn makes doors, wood-t- u V rnWrn-werEk-tha- t ss es, also doea will mlng, eto. out. Tne carried aimcuit anTtd aaq ."' ifoMlFaoH?':.!,,l jsreat r it" :i ,iioiu ') 1 Uilll VSDiriaiof with us heretofore' has been thai dirate the trunr.Xf,all that he h ard VibC4nfereJ L trareu dt cewhile the aneken kbx lUie. month bA ins' hoi revelation aha vwati h1hIum aaekrrlaw work. as a people, we have not bad cap propthie I1? Wholesale 1 and Retail Dealer JT-fwTAfttr inspires his 1 -bawkamltamg. car riaae paint lag" aa trunr proprteta wniMir " i tai toacnieveany very gret te fufnlled tov Huh mio(.1iaiMboaiiae. lt&. falsi Servant to makejwilljbe lei btnadanuntl quite receni tfolv Qhesfc'feha baa had ufflcient "means to ca air ilia nredietiuni Bi inone wno-ax" III '5 the. very and sboea, Sells blankets, and who speak by their roll fortn.W,jmM in uninspired - onkBy great undertaking, but b. mignxytpower. fovea, mj ,speoauv )owciry, bats, table linrn, furs, Amen, own wisdom and by their own the masses of the people unitiu God grant it, fjf 1 tacks, IS one pecuiiamj under a there du If plau.and thbrlty." . Beedan 4b Darllai . ting thetr fands in the .hands ot that h9 been more prominent thai Steam Cracker Factory) Make and tbeee who Are Judicious at4 good another connected wu5r this church (Utah i 8! A S O L Commcr- article or eraoaers. sell a ant-eiaBetween East Temple and frcan the best rmlnir.-I- t la the- many inPM-HLraii-ns business 'men 7' we can establish 1,1. .wi. efol of the wicked aleld A aUaaey 6reee, every kind of masufaoture- that Is times the predictions 8eD coal oil, lamp and lamp goods, neceeaary In this country to makt have been falsified concerning usL AM now pwpaced tafilj- Any amouat of , M aalfJiuataibsAa m The manufae: It was said almost as eoenras the j; And keeps en banda Fine AaaorUnent y. I j' 3 ' orders With thT-'- f hollow-ware a and Iron Cnuxctt&as "atverafdt Jew that into ture ef organized. only i Sell wan paper and do all kinds of house every thing of this character thai few. weeks, or a. few months at trimming. manufacture of mestl toreltl the would; made is iron; beecessary II. Kleer of rails for our railroads, of t woollen thls'elusldn; for It haJT no foWdaj 1VM pr ptirposevsoi 4tHnti via'' n .iv:W eaJ oJ bn Aim Repairs watches and clocks. nas pee: AJiaTttuu goeda of the best character, the eel UonJuLtrhtp,. VmtU oae-tlnato kbotberi tot frees and cattl of. sheep, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Sella and delivers the Robinson Weber tablishjnent hftoiahf eheeae factories and tan 4 dav we are 4nr these, mountains In neries and of every branch of mini the UDehldh'that'WQ bdWbccrryCj 1 . . Airo vnxi. The Beat Lake I load fee oash. and aWvery cheap at ufacture that la adapted to our cllj in Tv. ail kinds of Iron and listening je l'reeiaens x oung By the .Ui and teams and iirn.niir kii. mate and Territory J can be carded yeeterdayra fwasf ntucn tmpreseeoi . see what f wiinaoor forking, turning, boring, fitting, etc. vejrenjrpraers at Sell as Cheap as any House Agents !llnlUtahi " on upon this principle, and efforts wltn tne power ana energy-wi- in r. Kkwarta : .:i T"l discOUTSel his Deala In dress roods, shawls and staple should be made by us as a peopty which he delivered IatTewn. Cense and See., rortbeaaleof and taw y dry good- to establish and to make them snoi While labeent atiWiuhlngCcAiirel A Ce. ceaifuIT I' took down with mei oently.jeporta reached there by went to Washington last Are aucccaaors o Soott, Dunham A Co. wbeni. x !., Taj . Las Im proferi i!eai Holders left that he was on FLO faD, a snit-e- f clothes rAanufectured fore-l here In this Territory the wool vWget the grave, nod I believe it .? V . t. ; ;i J iS; tils T 1111 call TflAlmrAii'5l was grown here, the cloth was made wai ptiBftShed of the Stock- cltytttd "Very Beat taalUy, llerrn HevadA laaaer AaalaCtfi at thai a and cubxled. Don great VBanjr i)jra President factory, Young's Sena aaaa.tBaouaflauraw shsakwa.i dnori thefeto4heevwere made paction that by eur tali aoma asolokioal b Hilda, lath, wood Damns and Itu made .concerning nig CkKasarSksetknWf OHae6,.wai ba held lore. There was a good deal of dlsf had been cheap, at wholesale or retail. .4rder jrtmiheiCouniri Kami rata sea htirth eestfeto In the early part ef the r r J .J 'awl 21 t rJjSAW tlSUVUeAJMS Ml , CoaipaoiV OTSce Tyt.TAke 'CMjn promptly fUUd sliiailra nrrflas alon .mnoarnlnir the resumption 91j Tnat preuicuon was w uie enscuj aH.h- iimliii Ca XewOs Joet Keeelved. Twree - ami u and rawru tbst dn the, 8 th .JfeceA fJ; T--, oaToeauay lune at 10 specie payments. I: remarked to a; beUgve, n r37t--ichandkabuyaB-ifnUtw- r on wnicn aay JvMxlvmanyxf my Iriends that it i per." i! v . also CL W. atayner 1 were a believer. aT some of them itianstt or v enna ayag lm oecur n aa. uU jparU.of s xsarTni. .: la Free delivery I Deeabelness as notary pualM, Irawspp wavaw iuf , the newer al the Oenaral I wouid pasaaway and 614, and &e ttntUl .ntaaettUT: iheCity. U eptiT U I to make lawa reerjectl I hoeea 'were nasea upon wis asuon t,e. nnrnmrit CnUer dt reznemoer aes DteuiciiDn.' Taylec I., t '). ,,f ..i.,ri Sell dry gonda, elothmg. boots and ing Preaideht Young sa,ln the el dJ no t.sey ver or . noaaing g i euei a .r oounae.or-WtekealdsJaa- I ! -r- . -r. -r--. -- TXVtatBlSrBBTa: BAST :x:.. r Attorney 'and Counselor. ; the church, as far as they can pos comW ' y: ' milted, tSSSSSSSSi EIDEEGEOEGE0.0 mm ciota ana ouys de AT - LAW, ) to-da- O. U. w. H. ToiaoM, Gao. Boautav. Tatujs, tfaTTy'-lnronne- ; - txsQCweaou ' rym to - .:.r. ) under the firm name f LATIUEil, TAYLOR Zl CO. .this day dlMorved by mutual OOOMOt, kind of inoinsr nd JilMtna rutaoni haviaMaaia hie aatereat In CitULt UWuILf awl Drn to Machinery Arm of Latimer, Taylor A Co. asm me all Ironwork, manufactured the llabUltiea of the late Arm, sndaUoub-- 1 same. Ts u. to order. lUndlng debts are lobe paid to toe -- XAirMgBrTAYLOa - TTJTBSj atrr POTS AND CAtfrSt .1.0Jackets, ; tUMSTINO-MACHHrBST- T. tatimer, O. H.Taylor,' F. A SALT LAKI CJTY. J ITCXT1HMR9 j.MTMnk1tii. G- rinli to ptracnAst ItaM paomrrtKinKa rtag the W t. t niakaaS tree f ny aoooiaawdatioa ror the better . ' ! f'-- ' Jf 1 jrjctft-books,e- "T7f - And IL SOtTTH-DS- TiIkSo. T aEYtCJL the northern ter-- cfa5aatJ4i-a?a- S r--r ri... - - T ; -- i CAR LOAD 10 iroN" 'i'n.'f! :. ;;i!')'ftU.?!! l waV a wm DR. A. YJ. CALDER BI2JVTMST few doors tsorfA o WedjterMoute- T ESTIMOMI AL. eeaWrs ! Wm anasin. w.. a I i awn aassMtvcetajaiUreSiV jv. We, the' ' nndersigned, take great eWatfre n recomniendlna'jPtvA. W. CALDka to all .. tease who may need taeeerrieee ee a en--. skllfuL oompatwv and iaa, as a thoreughiy we nave ra- 'yeerator, am on w .mw vaam . oalsaje,aaB ,"--- : t ' J - mr Vr. Mno?CALJ at CO mrnar a.wm and pine Streets. .id - 1 i t . . .",' jf.i - . e a A V ( .U.tefawtri l '?-'- la lh-Ch- 3 -- -- --?.. a-- isW-US- v ne jr 1 - i k.fv..liian llil. I.li.i.nr.l.'ai JT..r,L V' .u.I that we could country of any thlqs; 1 believe that and n.i;iMr Sells family grocer, parasols, anmmer menu win pe posipweu pooaa pay pecie sronds. rent! OotUlng, nrinta. dreaa ndren s aaoea. iiatUi there Is a stop to thextravai ana ttosraam iim wlrt Tfc?nttrroUzhout the idiy guooe anar aaeraaanai gwaeeauw. TJaUrenttr country. The stream of gold whlcl Ught Id t4 setting In the direeuoi of the unltea Btates,in coneequwv Is open every evening. ef the multlpUolt y ef our pmna I tions and In Utah potota aafbe greatBea Otour arauo. Toward aeeda and a" I Is constantly n ewmg OTax.uivr band la, tampie,and Aoataem Nevada,as a bullion case w- - erected,--1 a: rather think- aemeagh wnen .rg - 1 ufT UTAH FL0U no.;87:rasT;03?M JAaty Qnantlly. thit 'dav tea the Ir Henry Bioaton, a-ic- aad aasntry ano .are. ageaUJtoa. tea 1 ! -- - r -- v Ist i1?" 'Pi A .BILL. sirapTiTT r- rivinVtriAatti Price S3 J.' who-TJTeaid- a 1 rxll r"nUrnd -- M -- tIJ--.- w,w f , , . ii? a". Arista oT Awte. Shoe and f to$2&00 anodVmf3.00 1 -? SVS enaaaairi ii m --a. a- tqrmiP.1: im ft. 1 - o' l.ili cf A ei thr - weii'oP -- FtPoagoia V1- COn H ;; I mWhaned and taken Ctafe Cracfcer 'jioaarwion of ago asxroioger ory, msary ewaed. AtuaAeloiarl&XiifiJ H. BARKER, MART a We ajroaktvanwctfoliy at nonnoa.te UM par. '..',J f, "S cbasera and eonaajnera ti juracxera m eaa Ity, and were, making a Laae City and .vicinity v that we ahaB eon 07. knsaMiisS a Weets Beana.aam la rouia concentratealf their aatroloi Unoetb- of avfewMeeka wtliadk,lto. NOTICBvOPTJISSOMTIO; OrttdttaU Wimmu'B Vadkol CoO? maehlnery, togit-- , .ik etimrord PstaiwyltpaMta. bieam Power, Eevohrmf Vrq and a ar liieata tan iifii' fiw ninnlnt rt Saal -- Oal A few andf her would commence making Crackar froduo. rima ' PASTJTEasnTP ef ftlaiAuactprypable A e5ktlHrndarthe tt liameof OliS predctlDns mg as rQOriQai Muxm(J'rw4ru bend bryonr VAHW the last 1or tan TVancwocf a iroalitjMSltr? maae ana day dlalredyaa.I preaicuon uiey wroiaBasimii 3Bi-lfAKV'fcPi nrove them-ttartdrvoyvrHFteewe Tiila ninn ti i specialty, tnaleetl A JJSBt.lNa, jBfcaAXAV ), and VMifunr vt tne uwj forcibly to i sj; j zHtron Asiiasqgc rr aay MindyWerdayoldin .i? : topa 58a rCHy, Jamaary Mta,lIa.3;ii Slipper wiiiilj iitsjt luaum in C if mow tnataeat Intaraaof i I witt aonttane tlia 1 1 think that we should be, thank oa '3J in etmaafiOtatwitk Essry WeaworUh v& Jor thebl ful)U);Ull . .' , HU at' ..w trrj ear the saom) ef. IL tLMAB& QQ or aimers' Candka, aad buy aliJuadS r.i. TiiAUMnAdlarj fll atUU ana uauu vnai ne nas riven 5e1 btukUng afaaa 'Stresft Wells, Pargo m . thOSei J Vtwriiaanr f Inxmr-mldat,c"n dance Walfcaar greUiere s s Sf Mi ? AtAM. "dsS.'-- t is : m sure is am the It ... andfaith of Sell dry goods, clothing, ba dreaa good. the strenavthat la flowing froantbe RCX-baaTJ- D aoe tregrayer or eurfTeeiaamt, UlCl as jbrav xWnr;' an every dollar tbat we mt teave- - te ... Territory, a It it w 'in'rn waiia'i -t MAsV all dMMntla. VUf IVWaVlV1 rlaU 1 home .k.ra md TiS 0( aristiirJn S9 kia aaeoyfrwods tafern l rrm-ABOTI is a BBQ the Pul 'ia In nerat testaem -hag The Waraa Kartag aTarrgy " TtlrTiTirr rQT mkInT clothes. At antte.lifa otBrother i t kmnmht 15? &jmrmi i iwv niiiu Private and plonge, tor IsmagSiTg eft .1 --t a0 two doorS eortaJ of X --d lOThaat Corwrt at ar a - ea . Mm tlnnwm- - arr onsn at all aaasons Ti ii TJ wool-growpreserved maytje iur h - uiaut v- his ckHhjthe T" V AprMa,vntg dvtv aa vcrj Selects Jure aad a aloe t Wather.or ano! 2j3a tsekof his earaataea? wobirthe taamerTor Caasliaeiea, etcr ai.-a ane aawirtmntf of siStersTlet InVwlckwr-pre.c-t . fi the abet BU tag-Farrdsatna- - Goofr, Hats, Cape, Uaaf ce nee raio .ziojrtf theywistt Oenta evil I w iaaiaar'awi anoea sell hktea. and breltaaaad Satekek UN bnv VwMP' ffWWWrWlyj .and sSrite.. into eafaadw fadaaay fMeM' dbo.comma-tra- d todose,we toewTthAt.Uodlwill muchWred to tbe entire m r:lr-rm rt f r .ir. preserve, bless, unhold. aatahllah knowulg taa enoAaiataae aua. SleeVa sjvlBaavk SeoAM" fiutkl between,? r fch jf "yTjf lends for their past Thanking and redeem Zion weight to pass pateeaage ami twaa fce a eoatlnnsnoe of "umtw In ai greater nrtmbsr efo,rfaliaa,'ncia Al il l ! eive small gums at interest. 4 cienblTharSSi awaLkomSBV .1 -- , e-a- pltci First SoutK Street, 1 I tj Crocks jJMnia, - I Y I have opened aa gL2?ji? eustomera,awe ... or ine Uie norta Lake Qty.waere I will try and ksepen hand Daaakine; Jaaaa, Flaanela, BlMketaTlirpeV kaas,Tweeda, afeltona, Unjeys. Sbaeafog, aKOXxWOtTll BOSn INXTa3-T- O Double and Triple arpa. H1M 4A Waaraaaczeaneated ta-- tnakt PlrrtTi ImvW WUOL. to seU wUfdo weft and examine our Cunrn aadXafGaa. payment al odea avxaeorgs M. Scott Co. to rail - 8anW mailed on appltoattao. jpoql oki arta aaar be lliaiTkr nesanwer-the-l i eacka furnished. - : 4 T." apeedllrefciBeeerleasee. A VrUUlK. J lata 4351 tf cTaeae aarur elafii against 5oott,TJun-ta- n Co. are requeate ta proaoat taeaj I IpaanTrsTitl for payment. . OBCX X. 80QTT CO.. of Scott. Doaaasa a wo. A I . minneof - N. B. It., oaiy,. running- w toTVirginia City, Helena, Fort Brnton, Drer-- Lortjre, Cedar Creek Mines, and all the priuoipei towns Sea; t i e' HOMI MANUPACTURaTI ivXsATcH vooioi s v cl ill' n ss Near North Temple Street, JltfTIr ' 4 ? GlLHERv an eeaettpoooa. rirat West Street, i 71 whole-eleeadreW- L. AXJLettr-nXiaTXiX of ! aua.-- CO. Armat wonr, Qee. Bomney. 41&3 Salt Lake City, atay 17, 175. t'OKNACR PUATB8, . CAS WHRILA and ,, - fabe-witne- . Nathan SarU A Bona. , Iha d-' aifd-cane- oi sasa-fram- ea - d ?!)!i,fai c3tiSuArtXf Fet If-?- ' T vir- t ltjf r goCJ, has .n ake .ma imi..44 ? 1 1 OO u oer et. ? MI- - . u Vee Jreeewrw rTmurr-m- . ? 1 . |