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Show ina7 abvehtioe lng powder cans are as large as other ceverVbody guilty' or a similar kinds, contain as much In measure, bCerxse wilTmake similar pleading?. BylraidaBhouid gonmocratla the the powder Is pure and light, and If pesoi pleads r,Klsnonuloe-0wjMlbe apt to thlak the repnhllcatrs ' ), People from the coahtrywho 4 vVvX4 as two teaspoonfuls Is as effective the law.'flrst offense, never do in nrovldentlal "chasteninxs jratber com to the city to do business, T as three of most kinds, it is nny i arainc.."ine can. scarcely i pienv other visitants, the jcltisens a per cent cheaper. lgnonirioeof doing grosk personal j generally, who may want. to know wrong to the parties in front of cu3fr::33 noTrcis. special where basinets Is done, will be able' : nilWith .JkA UtMlaa list of Southern .ODutrageat 4llh and to find out by reading the following Which, fne tialeteafrofi Al&bnk) Opkczd Freer TmaJtfoBjefra! NEWS. EVENING THE v An invoiee Texas, and Georgia cf me Interesting column I pf .NATURAL ZJSAF sireeis Arkansas1, ine aebrit upon unloading burdened the , Chattanooga inJ3tone at was to afleot .the vote bf " anu Carl C. Atmusse will supply you TEA ArH--nj packed common, is ouiie uj lavs Tiesdsty, Yokohama, japan.' .Pimest flavored the Northern 6tateBw it. certainly with watches, clocks, or Jewelry. should be enforced in every in' is has notlbns far been" entirely kt Tea the and market, in Strongest JJro. sell dry stance, except where permission P. Aucrbach orthhhas listened Wooris A Ca, L06AL AND OTHER RATTERS. given, for the purpose or niung up with incredulity, and has asked a goods, gents furnishing goods, d280 Star Bakery.) ' " " ' fancy dress goods, 'notions, orna' a hollow, etc. . ,lgreat many jtroublesom questions ' IS Al no answer. to which there has been ments, hats anjl cabs. TmcKJcoicETzs 48 degrees F. in a bad What mem- Congrees 'an Jo Barker-wi- ddsharpen saws, re- Uavs you under-an- d the shade, at 1 p.m. Cludy Disgraceful Conduct. Wo ...... .,.,,,. all cutlery, lock ir, so, wr.u ;v. fuiggizif vqugn and dtf .for; the 8oothin ,4heray bt f7 I i r ' i.:... y 'i f pair stoves, ttidwolk. .,ji rainy. that while Mr, Campbell, penltjawa is notexplaloea. Vl hete and gunsmith Drops will core yeof 11 per bottle. - is noJaelCof meav of and Ststa a emeloy'boUr of Line will Cottonwood foreman gang Uwj Sure cure. Try them. OfUce one Stage Big There was a pretty ed Stormy. ,rtoc0ver'eferyjcrl me which the grade of Uie Federal carry youlf you are going; In that door north of Walker House. in building direction. heavy fall of rain last night. This lilnVham Canvon and Camp Floyd haa ever'beeu alleged agalntT the ! d2Si White Le&irneiff. and no legislation Blurnenlhal fr Zfo's. will sell you morning the higher portions of the railroad, and his hands were a can assistlhe SoutbertrSepnUlpari for Gko. W, Davis announces, the mountains were partially clothed an elegantly embroidered corset work in the Canyon on Monday, a party; any Turther ' unless ft under-Uk1.50. arrival of fresh stocks of ch6ice In white. Winter is at the doors. to wweefrDencTatIc1 number of men commenced rolling Brother i want logging teas, coffees, sugar; "hamS, bacon, out ef existence and nrrenv Bryant ' lC-r. U QOWn ' ine htora boulders ranks and III', u teams. reverse the results of the- - elections v - t.u- At r; it. o jU be cheese, lard, eta batter, ;mll ' .the towards V -iaenslbleV mountaln American : '-of the Careldss will sell you sold at reduced Carder r .Everv.t prices. This store chelrs Gulch," Helena, Mon- workmen, thereby endangering! undentanuthtrooj3 Mason & nambllu and other oran excellent reputat!ori.; Call tana, Oct, 20, John Weatfall fatally hat gans, pianos, and ail kinds of musi-- i mupuDarautuuK OLD AND REI.IABUB FIRIX HAVE RECEIVED THIS FALL THE lives and limbs. A warrant l mvenerence,j-o' cal instruments arid merchandise, and see his goods. W. Hall, with a rifle, in a theirbeen Issued for tne. ariess shot .. i mtAhas pi and take your second hand pianos kj. cuarcei over me water id a mien. Read estray notice, Moronr thofee - parties, that they may be paid , counsel at Washington'.! and and organs in exchange. r. i rj for tbelr cowaraiy other Government advocates on the answer to attend to nade Davit, Howe sr Qo. will Horticultural Society. The mem- aud evidently wantonly malicious other, lies, at: the bottom of. the all kinds of milling and .mining of j the National bers of the Deberet The Surgeon cast iron Horticultural conduct present distress of the South. The and wrought machinery, Iron JnxiitxUo will does not purpose to" have visit country Surgical of work brass again and are requested to meet at work, and I i moro of AfrSeiifjYrk:XriAk any Sa!t Lake City, stopping at the Society all descriptions. f : ; the offlce""of Messrs? Stout and Weather. -- Heary falls of raio, I . ... a i George W. Davs will sell you Tuwrfend House, on the 10th, 11th Burmelstei, East Temple Street, '..., ana OF uireawnri rqixed with nail, choice teas, coffees and family gro- and 12th of November, 1874, where ( Wednesday) evening, overhanging clouds have prevailed ceries, and buy dried fruits and they will expect and! be pleased to The P6tIwri;OE;fd7iXV. tukt at seven o'clock. They are' request- - tidav and last night grain of all kind. Poland's life is afnresent unevflnt- as we old their all and v I patients & . Ixt I ed to nunctual. S'n wi)l sell you Estey Day re iuu iit is writing a .volume enu- and several other kinds of iorgans, many new ones as may need treatued ;u'n MlstaJter his pen to "The Political Crisis. but occasionally of rauul in ment. They will have a much finer drops plauos and all sort) BainsI. Mrs. If Mary Satinsbury. of the garden, or, a drive out' and braces of than ttrumeuU and merchandise and outfit pig I appliances Atrocious mlwEovernment and woUod a neighbor- - boy fot getting take second handj organs In ex- - heretofore, and will' be especially 1 bury, wbe came to this clty with near trees. Borne last irnrananv, of emigrants. flatrrant violations of plain law too close change. to treat all surgical cases : the' iiirl hlu Attnrnev times strangers come to the gate "... fiT;sr iLwnia 'tti li . v. lo vuariea i .nnhiaaiDnnt win Deeret National Bank will d prepared all Geueral persist in are not In them- and want to know if "Old Gag kind$r,deforinUitt Sansom, 20th Ward V any banking business for you, and Paralytis; Store, selves reasons for despairing of Law" lives there, but when they see Dis of the Pace, Spine and Limb; receive your savings on Interest. of Lear will she Salt Lake " but lr tne Luke coming, round the. corner. Of City, ' popular - government Dunord fr Sun will sell you eased wes and Potp; Catarrh; something to her advantage. men in power these in his, I withfrshot-gu- n party that put bootn and shoe, Jhats and cape, Private Dieaei Pilp43 Fistula, lc. of the receive support still hamt,i they mevoen" quite yap could, ladies' furs, gents gloves, etc, at These Burgeons have been wonder the Meoole at the polls, i despite I idly.withoutf ever,. turning back 6 The on the wholesale and retail. Way. Emigrants j 'misdoings, the case might I press the question. Brklyn Ar"l fully successful not, only In this was received by such ,. cVSs6'.'i i!.- - "! C. B. Durst will Sell you lumber, dispatch be bad ror government ..by gvu following then of but part throughout lhecountry wood, cedar posts, chimney brick, the people. Xew torn xicrata. WiS'SBSBal " the whole United States, benefit- President Young last evening ;,' etc. r from AND ARE SELLING AT renorted is Chattapooga It 1874. Life. in Oct. Points 2Gtb, "New Physical Turning felYork, to a said The First Natio ial Bank will do ting and curing thousands hereto Powell ' that Clayton '?,. t h ".r r. i it fore pronounced helpless and hope- - "President Brlgham Young low delegate to the rogues' conven any banking buin ms for you. true for 85 25 time is the From ta oA Salisb try' stage line ess. The success of their former all the enleyment ef man's best W. N Fife A. B. Taylor,TJas. tion, "Our only nepe is in Day will carry you wh sver they run. visits here is sufllciut guaranty of Bv water and Volney King have netet ;W must have bayonets jin Dovsnwnan Dh vslcal viser iaver or the South .before the elections. . . . . at will sell you thtir ability to do all O. Icibercr A its highest. During the last half arrived with a company of emi we we are promise wuit they ruineu. wbh ' this decade man should be as of 160 souls. They will leave Fall clothing, gents' furnishing ' grants. Remember the time an l piece for ia Jjayonets bayoneta!" ' siduous to construct a system of I will leave on Mon work good and hats, made at their own i '' -..; !.:...;..:'. r ; Ex. his to rule which well. New York manufactory, at low All 2nd. philosophy by Nov. day, term with Is Third nlavingemash construct of rat-s- . a to ehsin and life, . .. Waxtku Immediately. Two W V ' !.. V . XK' habits intelligently; so that .they f C I "W. C. Staines. Kepuoncan crocKerjr iu new :r'rf jfc, J. Qolding IwIH take your smart young Ladies to learn hair I mw other bhiu too not iron should sit upon him, tighUy Fig i.eiiey ar to is territoilal for and The expected county company money work at the Standard Hair Store. httrht In a srjeech that it ne vei cauiiouBiv. so niat nor taxes. rive in this city on or about the 4Lh likn a drlDDinK cloud over Ohio mb j "slave be 3 d279 their neither should l SSBsl iliSSSs'SS Mr.. JZ. Ji. arumdu will ttend eB5 SSssSW BBBSSSSBlS'VSSajBlSS of Nnvmlr. aSBBBSS aod Indiana" in tbe late contests. too easily cast them, aside. The BSSSSSS in Ladies' to bad eyes and cancers. I nres. .Hair ranuc r Kvcrytiiino of Dlx Is between two and exact physical proportion C. JF. Higghvs will cure you uuwutti vuw utnuaru xyair own. confusion . prevails in rew xors, Intellectual strength should 'be lr: Death-Under Sad Another, tr--- . or to ffcr6 suix or chronic almost any and vet Uran t continues of (its J '. constitutions! .:i:''ar.v tv;.'- ' ."!; d270 lm . j the and fry gauged, the the preceding heading, Ogden j andwnoke with the stupid serenity weakness, or, in other; words, the .1 Other disease. Ciikap Buildixo Spot for sale, Junction of Oct. 28 has the fol-- 1 of a man who doesn't care a contl-- - deeease toward which a tendency LiddeU fr i?roum!wlll sell you nental about the whole business,- exists, should be ascertained". Preand orov boons. Including 20th Ward," r Apply t this Offlce, 1 owing omana iterator "i serve, if possible, the absolute . iScotch oatmeal, herrings, Finnan dew tf 22nd Inst, last.the Thursdsv "On had die, marmalade,' lime Juice the in necessity for exercise, and have IThe supremacy Oiegro arrived in Produce,- - Dbikd Fbuit and a man named C.T F. Neal cordial, bed bug buster, etc--t your place of business two or three " l .11. nK WU'Ul 'UHWV miles away, over which let nothing measLima vou can ee at the Empire Famii,y J rocekiks. Q. W Sears .tl reconstruction ebnsideied inweuy - -- t intne House wiin the his you to an omnlbuss or car- In" constant Bearasiey tempt takes nleasure necessity informing urea, creates a -nere f a Tor tentlon-osave rain. xiie uay vu wuitu remainiag i ror federal jnierierence to presort iiage market. friends and the public generally time, in order-to eflect of the man gives up riding to medical a try civil nnhold order; and rwAiA .a aaB umfur nnd Skinoles can bex bad that he has purchased the Produce ths clisMte UDorj his nasi iu, which ; or the use see his made is country patients, local tranquility at the Rocky Mountain Joi ara Department of Z. C M.' I., and Is had been verv Door, iie compiam and when to see his own his of on legs patients central dependent JiiAn IT. McCutcAeon will attend close of feelicsr very unwell ana permanently d ; town,-- and. takes to in of substance "to the the imperipay hlghestj)rlce much exhausted with his journey, authority n business for prepared to any attorney-at-tafixes the is horse The brougham, established. Is alism in Cash for all kinds' of prtdtleeknd but arose on Friday morning ap are set up you. only sedentary diseases his dried fruit. "A full line of family pearing much better. But on Satur sadd.eda and bridled and urans MoO utilize if. while to sell hie will James leisure, he . awaits tlder, his eyesight bekinds of WasatchI woollen mills groceries and provisions for sale at day ne sunereaa reiapse,auu y esior- la a mere bubble on tne surrace 01 reads as he drives,affected. - From 35 comes seriously home-mad- e cloth and biy your the old stand, next door to Deeeret day he died. politics. New Yor k Herald. man a for 45 a man should arrange with was to young "Ha looking wool. VI 2WHf. Bank. Charles A. Dana says of the late his food and avoid hypochondria. a friend, to come and nurse him A. jl7tMtArill attend to any at last and Be cannot, it is true, change bis his evening political cyclones in the West: Illness, Anctitet. Great BiftdAii In during torney or on the arrived friend but he can manage it evening the J has been i given, diathesis, "Tbe answer; for you. character of food, 90 Corsets ,. opened at ,31uuathal train from the East, only to find and The habitual is defeat it the crushing, do MUcheldc James will any thing Broa less than its quantity, begins to tell embroidered his ev nested nat lent a corpse. mere la not a cnange, passing In the tin, sheet lron and, copper"Deceased was about twenty-si- i - d8S lm to tbe ordInary whether it charges the system with smith lloe, also in the gasflttlng Corset for veara of aire. The cause of his attributable curoa fat, muscle, sinew, fiber, or watery sometimes causes whicn line. death is sunoosed to be rheumatism a ; continued career of .success particles. From 45 to" 55 the recu- JI. E. Fhelr will sell you blan heart j The body ws burled powers should be eneourrevolution wuwu perative Chicago; ew SfYotk5,; Boston,, OMha after- - but a sweeping In this and Ozden kets, clothing, boots and. snees, For ajged developed. 1840 Cemetery of aanUiilatlns; recalls that by Phlladelnhis. and all "Twint East BUUU- -" of There is nothing use worx to Keep linen, etc hats, table In the possession the mu Is party the route oads ait nest m ry c. rj. rxrmvrttv Stmns money atf bid horse sound.; Sporting dogs should be thin, but obesity Will Bet Justice- Pypex "Mandamussed." tro backward, urns of $50 to $1,000. and popular? Chicago j arid Northla swell will It j In. Anxiety ought to be staved off, on." The Provo TuUbring JEtablih-men- t western road. M,t 1L. Davis, at Last evening an alternative man volume as It marches m in A hope encouraged, sordid cares agents Qutler, & McCormlck's Bank, will damus, issued by Judge McKean, (Taylor fl White f 1 ne avoided. If a ief exists It should good Hell this city will supply you withClothts-- be .very general -hrnnrinH nv. hut talked out ) ".."".. home-mad- e youi tickets by; this route aid was served upon Justice Pyper, FaU aad Winter d55 ly commanding him to issue an ex country and this of itself will go with a friend, gauged, estimated at give yeu all information. far to make "good the prediction dismissed to absorb ecution in ' favor ' of Dennis J. that the. revolution in Ohio and its worst; aand Eecdatt & Darlngt of tbe Utan man at this time is itself. If to or EiotEtiTAKY AN JjGemaji Toehy. against J. H. Beadle, go nacRwara. much' occupied outdoors, and Steam Cracker Factory .will supply Indiana pqt wjll of Class will be organized at tbe I swell) In volume as it lives you with a flrstclasB article ana temperately appear in the District Court, Tt will on." This, Department 0 the Institution is displaying the .fi-ir- r j Omaha Jlerold, :; he iswnoiesomeiy crackers. Monday,-Octobe- r 28, sure to be clear of h day of November, and mrcn?f, on the pretty University, will! sell more cable than you family at S. W. Sean disease. ng. dep t 7 Rheumatism, jThose w Iahing Lh0W cause why he should not be of front in the sedentary roceries and provisions, or pay you change and diseases, coughs inflammatory there. be should fhe highest price In cash for all to loin compeiiea to ao so, vj perempboijf mote' vicious of 'the administration from 'exposure to wet orj arising O- J OCa rITG M Abseb, Octonews dried of a. the 4J'w11l hsirA 2t' to con. mM. man nf d83 kinds of produce, including organs, since the writ 3ssssa3 TK3k I ber elections, It would be Impossible taT remembered be iQ blood will buk some fruit. be nl witn will that, It LOOK-FOB- , . I ' 4 HMD the OF Oft and open 1V read, t , or iMifBgM-iouP. Schwartz wll supply you a I1.9 I.. Mr. Beadle brought if th rT ' W U time since. were aoonuiuon of this to erate their 7" ' xnr. 1 . hardships, T iney exrjosure with ladies' and gents' underwear.- letter' In another column. w w oony, ueiwre w 1 foll of tnij term talk. suit kind never harmed man yetPa3 dress goods and dry goods gener14 the Mall OazeUcA Oct Sttuatiox - Wawtko as Book- - tlce against the for the recovery pf Since hvt Wednesday A Pyper, young amount of a note, held by the com- Ad ministration papers have gene sa kebree & RoberUion will sell you keener or. Sales marl, by athedretlfound out that they were the Bain Wagon, or wagon mater--1 man who has bad feth a' against the. defendant It rally' ln favor of the Third Term plainant nAr sev of ial. Faith n Southern eutrages Is the cal and practical experience Vuli" in which the anvwav The nolitlciahs werennly same was the 1 of republicanism in these: days. test A Sierra A e vada jLttmor Aesocia-- erHj years. - n ci y 5 counsel on each side .besmudged .. rone does not believe that an tne If. A' i ViUltv. But that j darall T the men are Q V TAH, the opposing clients by dousing BItOTJGH white shooting not what the people want 10 kles the republicans of the pure THE ABOVE LINE EVER er a KnoW.T AfteT ;ead log column "S"' he is a democrat. . This Dlpes cheap, at wholesale or retail. I Box 2T3, City. 3 Mr. Toohy shewed two of . late election returns, any Mood sav TAe Assortment consists, sUntlal slops. V" ef number the the increases believe in largely John W. SneU wfll sell you lum i body can say he doesnt style at that he had a claim on the other the democrats Jx. Hair made up In any d2T0 The give people rhIrf"Tei ber, shingles, ceda posts, cnarooai, over tbe considerable to im amounting l credit for saying it only lime, wood, salt, aad general mer- lira Standard Hair Store.; sued for, and judgment was when you nave, amount iu-chandise, and buy (dried fruit in Bwmnuupww and Orders, Blank Rjscuptb for amount favor the In his uus rendered clean will to it by defeat suppose your The Standard IlafrStor conveni- of the note in and a hun tardy rePnfcee houldnot pre- - qfQ and make up In ariy style switches, books of 50 and 100 each, question a;;V. success of the eubrt Oen. curls, puff, frtrretta, etc.. jand sell ent slse for Ue pocket -- For aale at dred dollars and Interest and cost of KHt thecontrols! or tbe Grant Imitation j; and hair machinery of kinds NKWS. all I you the office or tha DESKairr m'4v Wvi met limit. Mr. Beadle, gave notice or the Republican pany, ana can hair goods, com be, brushes,' etc v- -, . T'JcCn"-.ne wishes. renominatlon mr. if, now a force anu an appeal, twuj Sutherland and Bates will attend 11 menr AA she Vew.Tersi Pty stisi aoouc ao would you LotKafO.TpArs.WATEp Mr. What Lilma an execution asalnst bualne for to any couuselpr-aO-lag t lees pie tttgee, eppeslte lis nominated for a d.278 ir nn. Grantwill , Bryant Bros. i Beadle.onlhe grounds that the time Third ihe Waeateki BessI, j ' .o..'i you. him support you Term, V ' . . vaa Va aWA.A&A aS :lof takiniran anneal from the Jus-- Hr Will you 0011; t a "a a is m Obed Taylor will furnish iplan, a '.a,.Xp i ui 3aj;)C'''?.i jrsetlve a taiWstoWetttrttf quw TT ASGoods, ,i' 1J! Blankets.I'm wVil1i tVia tiArtrIn want answer Shawls,. ytADQtr Is,ana Kspeciflcations and details! for all WHERE BUMESS'E DONS. WH 1 nd byiarnecefiC. 'tmmmsm9mmtimmtsW mv wm9 T bwTKS. . wm s.r ; coh-ventio- .iAii t.U, w.. n. i Tb -- Vi ! " ! -- . - eougb-o9old- 1 5 - to-da- y. ! - t -- A - " p , 4 j . ;- er -- ''1 - TJ i.ir.1...'. TT- t a ! . lis-tri- yrr . sr t ' w . : . , . - - . . o , c-,- ct. t : . I ! Largest and Best Assorted Stock - . - .. . i 1 - : ' a4-.iretiose- j ." : -- I 'vt-'lL- r-a- Co-o- s to-hi- t. -- - f - i - ; p. I tbe.-hous- THE EVER; BROUGIIT :T0 e j TERRITORY, . -- . Gi-'me- ''r.'., 'ip'' ' -- : r a - 1''". ' . '! : '. ' I T TkT ' - 5 . " '!'. ; : . 1 X I - :J-w:- ' I , ? Ti.'-':.tt-- j, f' ' " 1. gro-.ri- ta . . , se : w - 1 ? ., w date-whe- SPEOIALTT. . - ! counseloc-at-law.busine- ea An-elecan't- lir $1-5- f 0. CARPETS;! x i , , x-- - 1 1 1 ', I nt - - : 1 1 half-pas- j1; P-- I JLsBssit sss I I ..-..- " western-UisasMsr- 1 ssbb. ! T a, u-- . TIT . mm - TO mHfi I mm 1 s m. j -t 1 I . t' ,T. ' 1 . ; 4 T 3 r-- - --- you-smal- i W TaaXCS;d V ' . w , a m kinds of buildings. Taylor A Cutler jwlll supply you with dry goeda, clothing, booUaad shoes, haAs, and jCamily grecertea ery low. a sa rwi m wir . Ulredand xZL. , .u. ,j A ... :V iuu . sTA ja srv evenflUMMAti Damasks, Towels ... I. Quilts,,Linen v, TJrT (Ooods line, as wau i.-- t "uv ta. mMm mm. Ront.' ITlMtnrwnar. Which DS IS in 7thW whole business. New I and Nw Goods. Tha pob!l avsjre-- 1 I Pmh octfuilT taTitra to. can a " Th 'vintihllcaiL'':iartT would SfoeW. East Temple' Btieeu'waers tbey or tne , it.i no noUce of appeal hd j been served upon him; alo thai VT 1" m.; I the Justice should h.T. usentto the th, seem to be in tne ' and universal confidence I original paper, in the suit or Wa can save noaey, by paroaaaiag their Pit The T'ltrnMnd Ifoue is the lead-le- g nf f h whereas only copies frenchlfmy at theposition District bailie Court, VHAUSS as ranidlv as Mhlf bote) inUtahJand has exten9 mgbest Price paia ror reacnea, terloo after the arrival 01 we jrrus- ifoWiriiorTvn amd tab. I bad been sent up. 27 if..vw iccommddations. arand sive uperqr The sians. Dguung compact, Central, Utah Southern Although it has only been.a: few refused to issue tbeexecuUono5Lthe; ray that seemed strong enough to Thp Utah - Wort Arm and ttahsave .France suddenly yielded to a It R will en yeals uenre ui an of despair. arose in . i panic. The crysoldiers supply you with sill the ridinghere rushed here the served on been the had rails that youwll; bring you ranks; noUce of -.- 1 appeal al rtlsed -remedies for Coughs, . . . . for w 1 j home and take and there; etrivlng or safety, but 55 Xiast Templerrtr'efcf. agaiu. you air. toodt: ana oecause 11 uau sabred by to be captured Th TT. P. J?,7twiUtake you CoHs, audlactpieutOrisasnption 1 eoiyallied - SALT JJiKR CITY, horsemen. without. are yestersales the Only annual ami down it it up the Weber or bring you seemtho up iesandnok original papers day and the republican party ef tisollowlag: auierjirQinKrtTiiuit jw -,j to the higher court in oases 'of ap. ed defiant and irresistible; .nic-It Make a BFECtitTT gfHHlji, flothlng; hat, dress goodtbe claimed 'to rule country, ribbons, hosieiy, tarpets and genlnil jumopc J7.r? 'r- - r: 7- 4.1137" tate the measures of reconstruction Pikk's tootji-acot- b eral merchandise I of all sdescrlp of the the and 1 acquiescence compel tlons. em leaned however, i metelv tech ft lea! ks people in a. violation of the spirit ruudM & . Co. Vnanufacture foF AlaSets Cape, serve to iVWDBTRBtarrasi s constitution be the could of had the simply DooLrt tDe yeastkinds originals by all retail trade wholesale and of family and fan- - uneeuaied for; making llghh heal-- i ..t whenever desired. It aDDears tne amoiv'uu, Retain at At' Yhclssals aoo '' thy and nitrlcious:; royf,MsdnI lhat; Mr. Beadle transmogrified The democrats were despised cy groceries i ne state; oopperheads"oriebeia. Prices Low: Give ks 1 etrft Ter anxious only iddh cakes&cThUxredlets hiBiaelf Into a deputy sheriff and men in power seemed : Grant General -l this wealth. powused in the msnufactureof lie WorlinsmXts leeappeKtaJjidge tn rln ail tne irauiuons 01 will furnish.; you ejtt I der are. not only chsnlcalty pure, 1 THby 'B fQce and handed 1 It to a v4socaOM iXeCUUVe uluvtj, uu wmit) boots and shoes, Dut 80'pf0porti6ned that thertesulu penon In the letter's employ, but tbe lent home-mad-e command of an chief did as the he the iu sell the-wmand you,ahareeach time, whose head, the Judge ys, ta not armv. as a e Juidness. produced are .i.rit simple military post, with 'the omccbo!dera is in army, i I" 'bis respect it to the Cabinet as his staff, all bent Mtlt mi rrcrtTlnr remarkabl execution! of hie wUl- - Notthe I KKRT BOTTB, of tbe tOta Ward.' 8-- JL. amount of are required absence of the required ., and wttS these cheap boots and shoes, andi leather I Only two teaspoon tyls chaogea CIU lw teen far tests sencteg Crova withstanding diffusion of wom n nMMdlMrr and sko& findlitgi, and wUl.Jwj. for sale by I mental uu.tiM?a4f tr MnsUtutkor not uart .of flrftVJn4 MW. eanrs exterior OII came lbLKa.txn - Use uoxhjyb i the connecUon wim mejuuge. withstanding the misery thatrecon . I erocers ' a riant ysivnv . ZZV i te 1M s wa nnon o the making tbeuse South, tw 4 n - . -- generally. Mion s caving uian rasssdlate rUef civeaer A Dm- ffly." Dooj struction a dlsnraoe and a crime; hta invaluable raedlelars, when DteraUy Lom patty win taxe gooa care ; caps. notwithstanding subsidy, schemes taousanas mads tsetr your savings and (pay you liben J.TX BOSS. Witness. financial0 1 28wild on And i experiments, Sairraaa cny.oasoa xu interest them, Also Co any kinq y. d nnr this ttorning Vati nndir othar clr- on State the rubhiah Twar.-evleel aloadof filthy anmatancee would' have brought . v-- w " 1 assuredrr . tn th gth Ward,.' directly in shame . and cenfuslon upon any RemarkablR Cur0afJ2tgivorm ver Using columnaJ Z" in that locality. the- - leaders, arrogant with Uttjpww--- their Tfiotlc I1 front of houses LTr. as iwr and war DOWerS. COU Tha. am 'of a totweaiaeBt eHisea of Saltr v.i xr ain.t,r followed him rr'Tt Z T was entirely ears of the sborecoinoa. . and - bollsved lake and on tinued TO THE TUBUQ. the rubbish h.t tm-m- hal onlv LL him in, tares wesnrtsewsex, to go to the Bltlnt I 1 riant s ueroai aieaicuia. I haul away ... e j it aad WiratedlnDon Tor . New his waffon f ha r: Prtvata Mfaraaoe. llr. B. It. Plant. i iJ win ivlctor. v: I -- VI Iln mflM aultaolO JOCaUty Tha pollalo .t . uesiro i AAn liindaftill sets. . . n Ha. to be arresUd f After tnuch pondering the Cin- -o7airC and comr tlnmrflM MmM tO the COBdemocratic cluslon that the iecent Indiana-tare and sayui own our to M.Mwrtnnhta the regulauons, manufactory from them ltary commend community, applied Tbosm That,ot tse .ltet oCenco and tht b .would proviiential dlapensatlor - des. been InewYcair.whlfiiahusto under taemrscf ttsn 15 : fcned lUrihii Iff? that cenUtss the to and party Pafffjf! to per 10. froai wll glte makeltth. no ears bains; sfiectai aoi Ut, w I how.toehlMt to f Tteed other honseiauus cisy. T". swsral rlrads The sy necaaaity, sumptloaienocshr 5iilv:.ia 1 to1 tho; - Amort K.rutr amor strict enforcement - M Ment 1 xdT cans Ihem toin are rscommet .3 to, BT ws aa Ua mstat nuisto van-1 down . . . to fc.mlof the ordinance) relaung find it their ad by an In aplkatSoa to isr.fi. T t1 rise npand put it au. rennbUcan triumph If to Vrra Ppnnga, Salt Laks V. f; be must apparent ances election. Presidential next tha .1 r OatommAOi Innlar ffiVO them triaL Thebak- - psoplecan escape by making. I at T-?- 1 k.xk.... 1. -- " nUr. t: 'iv ill-- -- S-e- 1 - .4.-- , vur u' 1 1 i- ::i"uKAl.;Vtfd. iii. rnJCa i - -- - nd P!y.n"n" T Hit illSHESf MnHllET PfflCE PAID r l$302Dl?nUiT8i to r ai Stock, &:onrld X HOME MANUFACTURE &4 7 Pperi- fipurF. or!..,n iuirwnvr, r-- 1 Jb2m -- rrrWe w v?vm "LTi-iT- r art, - !liaAiT5 "e.,.1.?. . " lbtrrrytex trnt iI'Felf ; ptjbciiasb ". 2m ?3 id teas trsi S ?SSS. hSSVDouble ' aad TOPwill rto rI to sett Pa an Cuwa ipe. aiwSimwm dtf JAMES ?MT .gpiiaattoa. NOTICE. : ra-lo-ad TO i - sjlaertdl. r -- -- 1 .h.H:ui ikt Aji!rrnnrnio ' - ST i ""LJua s .,2 Haa twee, LTolWn a ii?lJS otoJ Tl TiTt ! ! flptSAfrAaylRfc 1- ii Sri -- : ( 1 i I II (I Attic;., r'is1 - 1 ir jo -- if i O fi. Si V f'J V - 4 L. r"i aoV; I k MViuui. tateaeH te reader i aeatanes.wn ef altsa4 .ma&nJ a agrafe: rt. ...I... . ate wvuli bmo I srUlew,lBveisjT"a (- lsaterwSa? r US I li. stte med se isMr of avjaJ orer-JtT.im- gf - rcoisj si RjOt.-A.rjDnCa.'- Sixl taken taw weeks asMurssot a waebSaarTt MannntetoesWe til- aiaf utJSowd iWHenryBitoa. tenaneei for rumuaf s r percsael CrackerWao- tbiCtab TTATTSOthlS r s 5 i Ooiititution. BuildiriiS I nt-iw- it J'r.lZ ifMnaa Call and. examine th 1 !J wasatf |