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Show DDlou.Ydio.Saie In reference to Congiesguian , 353 Confidence, S6; 25; SS, b A western exchange thinks that Sener tUTZT wMtarwas correcxeo Becsrxor there doescot Tu?peartofce lUi; 11! w Other words of an lot isoa'ConawVa,ai; Etouglas. current by flali ald lit tf and chance for ; 114:113 Tiosrb is much were interchanged 1110 S IUpubllca. party su ltlhg character r, V 6; j the South, at Nevadaaijd;; to gain a member In jany or those when D jzln threw, $k followed. The and fight twehf y0hreer; pUterf-nex- ti week, Sener they ore almost jnrarUbly 'chargsd IK T'xphenuer. 11J crowa rusuet wwn u to federal authoHtieB, ir thtse who 1D5 fr2Befche,lM: J25; 127J fieTiert Tprelred truffle the Id and of sure ItoHgalii' from SO TJanev. II profess to be jryresentatlTes fortyte flflyftha lruriefhientIohea; 101 y. Drartntn. 72:73: 71. S 10: some 'inere is members. ABEESTS. reiusau 'AT saccsreitep SCVaATS VOTS" CCU. arWtrxry-arrestsln- V" , federar-anlhont- Jt. OALDEIt, WAT S J ; v-- ' reason to suppose that these charges -- t 0 f i , U uGauatlZidflell -- 5 Money ? L BrovsnU Sdotch Btore. north of th B F'o'sf Office, and buy your if- f. e?5 jrrovisions, etc. Besides their large and carefully selected stock 0 Groceries and Provisions, they keep the nnest natnburgh UaU meal, Loch Fine Herring, vtTvcrriG31' yo;- - in 3; 421 42 s 3i0 Justice, T2; 42ft of arbitrary official condaefare not Reelsxned. 20 succor, u CarH Fokmesl THK Death of Herb Bei- - 600 Lady Bryan 2; 6 all got up for political effect, but rRAitljrcisOo;27.Jukis' tpet-atlbasso wonderful the 1 for Formes, Oft' at Sacre of 250 ton. France are 'good 3; there grounds Julia, 'rr'.jj: NEWS 0 THE DAY. that rytM S34agtp''j""111' tendered his reslgnauon 1 tsiKstwmrx? Genuine Dundee Marmalade, singer. Is dead, aged about 56. mentobas nunr of the chanres. if ot all of . ... 27. Oct. New York, vo do iucyiiuucu w ta tne was luso consul, H etc, onLemperial primrt lAtsar Lsr Jiose .& Co's it era at Cayn.r;Testraay: home government. the daU 1843 he Govts in in 10 ffe'lOlr 1844, Vienna at Hosed noM TMrnvfMl a fldurioc mill, brewery Lime Shave Opera the appear Juice, Cordial and Arrests which f. Stoftks and steady: Moner, Zf for 1some and other buildings, low $40,000; ance of arbitrariness are made In went toXondonaod ' n:i8t.sSe on Champagne, entirely a, free .cnoeertv worth .mi little lower at NtiwhurtDorL also He State. to United the fed' Panaof from BRITAIN. alcohol,excellent tonics, GREAT nan we birned. and. 'at Mans this city by representatives botlk FrontleV. iopentn WoatArn Hnion. 79i: New worth bene $15,000 end authority. jJut these U which possessed - greet taleaias SeilePon French Held a planing mill the 4 J -as & '' Ia 'K S: Kewt? tragedian and a comedian, wastlestroyedJ we now reier .are 01 a very jwn.y 27. The Daily Leirooir, ficial in Ilhmmatism, and , The carbeUTjagrers" of the-- kind. lljaat night, for Instance, a "Marcel," " Bertram," and 'FaI; special-- ' from''' Paris says that a Pacifies 51: 'Union jaciHcs, .or Pacific 681: nrorigljrecommended as Central Bonds. tjonas, . oath sewn i te be 'working :ylgor-ouslBiminiac. aeieBoinir juanuuu stafT," he was without a rival." - - ""-for thels own downfall and number of citizens were arrested M. Resrnier.nd supposed SZf. cooling urtnxs" for heat tn calne and HMtnMtloa ther are. said to be on a charge of eaTesdropplng, list blood" and skin, Alls ootids has been the from emiinate to latter, quarter h l?a3i'nearbi frontier. LovcHep-wortmaking nuineijous midnight arrests ening at the window of the grand seized Free a kronen on.the Dixon AD pf k fln. purcndseadf their store war- without warrant, tcsunnir iurw Jury room. It is presumaule they IvZre h some gubof iterriflc ceurse in the Dixon, Art Abbess on Trial for Forgery a mile away ftom TUTIACI Unheeded aUb IMCCIVCTCU. lied protests from jcltizeni. WeUChtv ' Evidence oieeov Kwder explosion iushock. In time, were- arrested for contempt,' the remarks at a recent dinner at the a bottle. may be followed. "Buster; protest' mah!too Bug try the the New 'York Lotus Club, is reported TYIOm rlffOrOUS.' contempt beinx obstructing byTilnte -M?tery ; lk. 41MtU Jueal elt 'Z1 set In classy h!,!r had better court, or the Jury, la the; perfor- to have said ' An Abbess Is on trial In Mopcowi wooaen iranes Then the is receiving and opening v.i. of $40, a. for forarertea to look out and run. mance of their duty. The marshal kin trio Dane ot iuuxuv , wyf- at sen me causes a case let 000: famous say the tl "Truth truth, beii'g profound iAo.Tf. in foAd rims, was inlUtea Elihu Bunltt,' . .? .... , as. the appeared te. be 14 one of his paroxonce that the booK called opmi.. sation in jsuaua.,.. y., Hogukt, popularly known or of one tno ieau nwu moods, and to . ysmally exam ma happy was Wivefi' written prove nai says tne The saanaara w".p"ujfr' "learned blacksmith, Is danger : Free ti6n of Uhe German Legation at '" ously 111 at his home In Connecti- the deputies stated that It was the that the aberrations called "'";',T Paris has r failed to' discover any "!-- ' cut. order of the court to arrest anybody Love, the Higher Law, and other Co. Offlceof the ""Working-Men'- s names, arose in Germany and bad wfelghty ' evidence against count -- In a speech at Bordeaux, the found ' the at grand Jury listening ADVERTISEMEI1TS before Association. in existence HEW a brief operative England French minister of war said that room. thev attracted notice In the united emlarsrtldn: to Wlealsslppl in th Prtwldent ef the Reaubllo had 8 ALT LQUCR.CrTV, Tbattheso aberrations ex t' Undes -- ? Oeellnee Bubaonp- , . entrusted hirri with the duty of The grand Jury room Is on the States. America I suppose iat in AItBlVAL8hardly of walk. side to close utakTtr floor, the peace maintenance the j ground guarding V anvbodv in his senses will with foreign pqwers, and he should The persons arrested, - several of that . committeeriThe" of for OF n t .: asks who Dxaji , PrxBiac : . editor au Leamington To .1 denv. sea also not fail; he would that, op them, stated that they were pa :'ArrienltuialIiaborers1Unlon V the on the information my subject, We " ., otoe you our thanks, and re- the part of France. International Brook- received a deputation from Missls-sfnnIs in atton ami answer their the ooservea. 8imply,Inquire walk, tag along treaties were faithfully " spectfuVy ask govt to accept the and listened to their propo and applause. of arrested sound Laughter was tion lyn." the Lais have by Another tody of Carl tome,, for the generous patronage gais Tot thw emigration, ora a large &ral txar. it.a ifc iswall of the farm banas jsngianaokle, given u which 'has made 'us, thus Korernment If jan amnesty grant tlon comlnr fr&m the window, and to that State: tbe committee- reeol'in- bur nMe' enterjr far, svecessfut vKt- tA eend a Union delegate to a topped a znlouto to "a they.aturally to recent ' we In a letter invite rwnnrt a eonttnu- 'ion vUlft md on Ibn firat unit the Fope, prise, it was, noJknow!ng the Ens peror of Germany i protested learn what inro8t)ectsi made an annronria. and of your patronage, assurittg you Tbe little Creek EIomof German that.it was the grand Jury room, meet of the I to'' against the prosecution the tion xpehses entfemwra Catholic bishops: to which. the but thinking it .was the court in Editor Deterel Ifew$: We bad noyr goffer to the wo, ling wlkea they were Immedi-aWl- y Emperor replied that Germany Bazalne has' arrived m I send you partlcul a " J" elastics done all In her SKjwer to beat peace session, nitre afli'cularfy, the rem ,IHuncedrr upon by.', deputy rible explosion of the boiler of the London. with Rome, but he must protect a t Head 'James Stephens.' i formerly maining shares of our Capital Stoc k l, is." known as Fish A Centre of the Fenians in the U. conspi- marshals, '.taken" Into the court team Germany from kttacks and k I 8., at fab, $10 eaeh',not exceeding fifty situated in ' Warren's Little L mill, J room for confloemenC. and charged racies. ' has written a letter declining a na-about ten miles Creek sjhxsrts to osjperson. 7 Canyon, v v Le JvorxL a Brussels newsl for the purpose of south' of tlonajjmbs(;tlptl9B for NEW AND ENDLESS VARIETY. MI ljTU' Aragoonabf does believe France that not, paper, "Information to - the ent at the time. conyeylng Russian to is willing policy MormaU? support convinced that there, is "nothing Ou the-- 22nd, of .Ot,, at4 o'clock! Kullmsnn G0FFE??' papfefs,. or the:' Morlnthe j la the east. idatant-J bxtihsr to fprotet? thU sTloded, tite O. m., thlMller ease is tot be Insanity. A Roman newspaper. Urges mon" authorities. m. Oscar , 44'-- ' ' '' tbe :i engineer, killing important portion ofjour A. person passlbg along tne side .j 'the government to make another gUCARS, 14 FRANCE. 5." Lvman. tearing his right Jeg en bodjf the feet. and attempt to Indue - Garibaldi te ac- walk eottkf hardly "help being atq tirely off) also fcreaklng the other, ami. on RRUITS Alarm Bourse. the y are,rtc(s-sicatlinitiation bruisflesh and UalKerluppers the cept a pension. tracted jby loud and boisterous besides scalding 28.- - The government has terrlDlamanner. a A pampateV defending Ba- noise Crora a window close to in his and Paris, out? body speaking, Splayed him, ingFrancis Westbrdbk;- -' wlio was issued a note to allay the dlequiet-lo- g ca! n and Regaler,' has been seized establishment ' Is jsmKpkice our gPICES, would and few a stop rumors on current naturally the Bourse was from the saw, ,? on the French irouUen carrying lumber where good, durable, handsome, r, . feet, both his and elsewhere In connection with An Abbess boa trial at Mos- seconds to" hearwbat It was, but thrown about fifteen one Jams; arm. memorandum. The the S?toc His and Spanish" cheap, npNEST Boots '"' and amount the idea of making him an offender legs were broken cow, .Ruiwla, ' ' f' note a refers and the memorandum, was says bruised, gash 1 chest badly WKnCflAJfT TAJ be FOR can x' procured" ing io. aAfraaaai ia on foot for against the dignity of the court for in ihn tnn of hln head. He lived more to past - than to present I BACON, Ihmiteu-ffkmthe the this aofc Mm to.u to be not only about A JXTh0"poot, of and attitude his! the that . three matters, hours, " retaining . .... I .''i.:: ''I i ea aHanre scale, of arbitrary but preposterous,' and de- senses to the last. JWf. middle-aged ih noncof each tbe rich; Justifies have poutfypthe great powers' ,Tney CHEE8E' Knglish agricultural laborers, to the Soc wa acltcled from the beei Eevticm Markets urtth tne alarm felt by Spain, aud which and the old , cidedly small' business for United' a wife and two children. . ' otaio or luus.ifs.pj'.. Three other persons were siighlijrl served saga pretext for sending the reference la the want$of all dauee, and urtU 64 doted out en the Let those now com who MarshaX tBasalaa i in Lon States officials toi bo engaged In. " oayer eame be- Mi-.tm-rHoltrewueorge msmorandam; injured, namely, lowest , ' 'should margin. l vj 1 court of the 4aii,u..-i. f TbVdlgnlty j man, sawyer,M- James Clark Aad those whe always cams now come otace -John - Outer, ogelter; rnvzl iis-Stephens, the former head be maintained, but there does not more centre of the. American fF enlane," aeeni to' LsLinuclx. dignity in' this. The boiler, saw, and Relnforoemente' tor . Cuba 8er -' litwere mill e the of one! .deoilaes aaubscriptloa (or Ul Pene- - It appears tosm'ack 4 portion and Winter. rather of the every torn prepafyrfIiU,' to fragments. awkrShdes'wUt fit "your erally 27.: Booti "land Reinforcements t)ur absurd ; ludicrous te than' . Madrid, the he n Respectfully, An examfnatfon-oftfor Cuba. ALL AT REDUCED PRICES. head, feetr-dnT podkets, in fct P, 8. CIjA bic. i; sailed ) serious .Admiral Legation, kt Parts, alls, it is dignified. is Topete again A better way to have the grand tHoe'lgiye you fits' and prqve that said, to reveal anything weighty ' r n ly Ul.!r;c- vV-we are, as ever; be made' viU as secure from heretofore Inadvert Thii listeners, t Jury .. v.'.. s:,i Is statement AND 8EF that made Your devoteaifaithful servants. The CALL ient or jde8lgned,woUld be to put 'Tad Wreck of. Radtcaliimj theGermaa foreign minister dls- - the jurOrs In' O'Bt a or an !t! Is 9di room, upper The rafivc AssociatioTi. WorkingMen's the tone of Spain' last room remote fro 01 the i ..... il The correspondent of the Cincinf , .appros, Ite A puhlio .note to France, j rea wasinur trirrow TxuaaAPBt txncm nati Cowintcroitd. at iwho JK (nil.) conven 0203 DAVIw. and then pa,sslng: pedeatri&us forget imi? tddressj The U. S. (Supreme Court has tended i the 3 j Main St. ' ' If you cannot denied the motion - to advance the would not be- involuntarihr con T0DAYS DISPATCHES. tion, writes Chattanooga that the civil rights send your ' . orders by And remain under the immediate supervision of Mr. McFABLANE. syWcaU, bill has killed the republican party ' Granger s cases, which are said to strained to etopa tecond or two mail Boots Sioeal T.m. for Involve) the eonsUtatienallty the hear the boisterous' r t 'i a ..rtv m yawrurtwo w utwwwrs. iu. Tennessee. In Texas, in Georgia, ivfivoQ .: iiai cacbluuatory thefFindingtttc,to' Wisoonsin rallread law, and this in Aiaotma, in rsortn and the Obtained Ball ilard on Shanks lniftrsansas, the of to not be explosions Jurors, decided is likely and has Carolina in .'.Virginia,. and aoestlon spring. j . Democrats Likely to be crippled it tn every deputy marshals could spare, themsouthern state. f WHOLESALE conseauenee of selves and the pounced upon citiA mass meeting of the , I He Dredlots that in sea '.- wiu. gain twenty New York, 27. Dr. Alvah BJals. it, tne aomocracs d28a IT. II. HOOPJBR. SUfAt. Memphis, Tenn.,'ls to be zens these farcical arrests. Aaro dell,-- whs has been confined in the members of the house of represent the beld tkey do notL like Toombs for- several months on 'a atives anda four senatdrs....this .year, presence of U. H troops in r that HOTSB, trst! halts east RETAIL DEAL fill a THE tbeJtoCH City .Hall. two stories aid bue. charge of being concerned in the ana ne aaas City ee near: th4 election! land will ment. ooatahiliia .fSt. roatne. Ga In tbe President of the Unit.nr 'Ih Georgia last n Week, in the stupendous forgeries 'of the "New CUTLER petition the remove TAY10R & bouse, ai .d a well of rood water aljoiotiw. ! (Nil I Buffalo leffls York themJ . and Erie election for members of the Central and SSJLftfc suck. i ed dtates to will rent all er Jpart, apply on tin yremiaue, il'Ul f Lr -- A. meeting, was held; in New IR.B.iondvthedisoovery-o- which lature the republicans carried but! flTTTlT 1 liTI rt flTTTlTITT Iniorm uwir.vwwitiwi mm vna were' takeu with the view of fur ingnpou'lucUrcolTert-an- d wpula -roblte toorallytbai?. v: Atl persons Icolioed fosustabi released. a 01 the .nneen one. Interests of wool the aoout to ts thering r'J majoniy , with' special reference to Colfax's In the'ease of F. G. Shanks. Next trade or. tne united States. will carry every monthlhey late at Tribune in editor of wherethe which he city speech Denver, GLASS and BAH WARS, congressional oisuics in tne state. striking coopers of New E. BeWn, ISTDirSTllY AT lTOSI one1 nave appointee: a committee feebly, endeavored to put himself in an appeal had been taken from Joseph NLABGED THEIR STOB to inform the Board of Trade of upon the popular side of what the decision of 'Judge 'Fauchett, heretofore the ablest lepublican in Shanks from the cus Georgia, adylsed every white man as a SJi the clrcu instances ef their strike. is , cauea me railroad war : or discharging of the sheriff of King's Co.; In the south to ' get but of the re- tody A2TD MADS IT Aad to patronise the a At Bepqbllcan ratification the railroad : question! indulges vn auucBoie Tor he' says the rorm, genenu cuuii,iu party. publican weraioa In New last .York, meeting uB wiiiI passage or mer' elTll ngntS" YAM vpmiuu viuto the Governor Dlx said he was night, In the following sharp strictures, Shanks be committed Conve, ex Cusmeana absolute anrf daafcnitlnn ,$nor the a third term bf the Presidency of not very flattering to the great oay or me tensive business. rwing s jo. snerm. The ruin of both' races. We see the i MEN OF THIS TERRITORY, smiler rnraiErt, case originated m rtne .refusal , of I effect rinlast week's election." HUB. 'i f.. I" The French government has ; "Colfax . me Of! xav .; to a class j enanastogiveio granajory of belongs Issued a note td poll the alarm felt GOAL OIL &ETROLEUSI, on the Bourse allay W, busioees from. In relation ta the tlciansInwho never risk their own of certain alleged libellous 'articles They have purchased Should call and examine the are never scalps cause; any recent Spanish hoi e. ,r 4 ' . pio "4 .th lUoefc cf i s a.m. ie4 p.n.; 1 z n the Tribune, upon which Infor- C:tl!:'l JTEUJlJIiaS ' in any rerorm: prefer sub In X.' A Datent for thet 'TtatfhA neers a mation libto be person i mission to know. Is elled proposed toclaiming FliUID3, ETC. lad, m aiiruon, en ' they STuJunga, containing 6,660 acres, in wrong ratnerwhat base an action ef M Oi ford. Oneida C, X. October Tib. dansreroua than the oM was 3A1TES of law. LAKE. ace, juee uAonm . ui., ijai. - - laaued - ri path of duty In ah attempt to The Tribune? special says "The .Saceaaed was born In the town of Wsite WW.MAi IMWW VIUW III lytmj . new remedies. '1 If be had apply been specie, atteotlon aiven to ordere one or Creek. State of Jfew Terkt October .Tib, of the' return-of Eew The EnteeeDaJ Convention atl created a horse Instead of a smooth prospect ;.Vl,JX fromtbeCountfy,, r. 1788. more Jtij : democratic b walls quits young t father removed On trial will convince Congressmen xork have set a Dart of Call demagogue, his horse sense would from any person that I I Mass.. this Fall.' attracts to Canada West, where be married and bad can f ornla as "within their rolaaionarv have all run to the best means 'of BU.ordors In n?y iloe j "?t H ;.t two children bora to mueh attention. He almost appears lurisdiction. lost ,1SAHK '"A H his then It his at the shirkingof ' blij duty wheel, -Vfcw' consul at awing-- uii aaouiaers rrom tnat gal certain that Cherry' Pectoral Aver wife, and shortly prerious be met with an The I'lreich TlU1 It IM if .TKJI. PES T 1 1 will be defeated by Tar box. a dem accident, "by Which be lost one" ef bis legs Cheaper than any House W' . wnich results from well- - ocrat CSLBIT. pacran ling Keweas band ta thieaitr aaiaiaiBa. aJlwdT 7th In Dry tae eased o aa the cat and artor a the time by ex, District; at traeesi wben 1' thea lead is remibllran' rnnrt lr!ato i "Teat the laflia abkds n- - taatoMH on aireccaea Kavotwa a Javataavry tn aMfl 41. a married asala aod bad Are sblklren ai(wkarf ouu DOI ird the new Steamer. Citu of Tn-tun or rvuie up nil Groceries, ...,jr tne mud, and how r? to throw Dawes proves extremely 'unpopu bora sa bha. Us again was tort a widower, mi i i were en us lea msn for the borougn "o, oe attar b watch a n ne 10 is saiu Pbuotnsla married Stolltlj, wnnia purasn Of It on the rest lar, cautious, u. tiarmy., OSXXOJOXl.aaSl Clothing;, sort of a fel- who Srevtaadr was a WUow. bavins' five TAYLOR & Cheap John the team. By and by: as hone packing, CUTLER'S, - During apolitical discussion of OLD E.REESE& COS STAND, PassTDawtt ..!".or mail; such animals are sure to low, who' is verr f objectionable to Mldrea, after wbtob thev had harm to Hoots Shoes. and 5 CIKOKOK Virginia,-(insultinA. atSflTH. i the theai tea decent ebndeesa ,in Jceaed yesterday, of the Church the district. me lasn and be obliged to pull people They ieei ' worn V. General Bankta Jiberal republican, early m isa. brtaa- bapUaed by attder Jtlea- passea Between uener.and w unucr ur 110, B7vM I Hats al seems and iney nearly aav Caps, to MulAr. be The Sonowiaa "0 headwav Father XxMglas,' the former republican and ways ao it with dui in OaStai. n.'WaSJi'aU ,! WitJiantrmMm.. lake year making a bad Now grace. V rs the latter, Conserrattvs Candidate ana men if j itare his caavosagainit.Ckoch, the reg-la- r aawediwtthr fcta tamily to Klrtland.Ohlo, it' k m. ' CrocIter3rSrc, - , VXf J. J only do we see a Carpen- A fight easued la ier wno, as and astisted ta rearmgf the Soueeof the H.jcirai. Is stated that republican. It roruongreea.' i.iV"" 'SOailWSn' eureeia tne souin touch of the silken Speaker Blaine will make aevaral LeTthere. 4ttbs which Sener had his arm broken cracaer or Xyrtstor: J 4 - Oi -; ezpalsloaot the Sainta opinindignant public Which Mass. and was otherwise badly hurt. from marked laovedthat bs down in before hare plaesv with the elec tbe of they body ion. ivwuo uis wore witn a stood speeches UAMT. H. WIU4 JOS. A. the chares, and was la theJ anormfs, JohnCroBsler. a.British M. Will, and snows W. WuODBVrflVhe T?ll. TwiOt STRAYED. a' nower and arils. tion comes pit Uytiw Establishment. Win. ProvaTailorinz perseestions SDd aatctions. He assisted la fnos. n and a4 member of ths LenAon position oh tbe home stretch to hn mrRGt(XClo. A Missionary Jurisdiction. Wcilums, JIT THE SIXTH K JOBK W. TotTBa.' I. an VmA k ana. s MACS a the XtVra llsslsslppl BoctBty.had reception the whole load and make up for his jianvoa 3mp!a snl NUITOO V Ward; one wrret HORSV white strips J reariog P. Khttb. convention Jo. Enisconal Jons the T.Caiaa. t?AJJll the In House. in: J fao Paint two and au vrieau whit apoU-othe .At.UjexpwUka;atah0 JOIiaaa V" TJAVTBTHoKaMia. back, la tinraa House of Blnbops concurred in the from TtllsMslel he MtsMnM --4f li tlia oe m no brands rtoiblA Tfc o awnor oan havetsho iviuiar lmuw.t t nigni. 4f T7It will be - re mem bared t or jess nonesty X TTT C . . . .. I Animas. . Hr m and JOITES, huvfnir than this. j Supt. rj , or damaffesspirit t. itu the House of- Dele Some that Mr. Shanks,' ue only even now on tbe homo. reseiution 30 SST Cttve tlAem a call before buyFaD. Lewis. mr . citywaseditor . settlor oil a part In Callfor--1 Xr A . Win the month ofFery. dSMLa i:h a vr l amrustvtBj im- suetcn makes a thow of work. Af galea, as a ula JurlsdlcUon. ngKtuewhtr missionary j stay el at CouooiuS. tbs fonewina; prisoned some months since for re- ter the load has been carried a ori Cone Men. annmvea RELIABLE HOUSE! fusing to give to the grand Jury tbe through 111 nf . . , . . ESTOAYXOltCE,1 .T mow 01 w anuKjr or cettainjibel- - uiwr PUiJinir. DULIS lust aa unw . Rufus HatchCbshi lousarucles in the Tribune. Mr. ung. as ever, to undertake a pew Treanor Park.oabriodfirBULL,5 elrtt years B hanks was released by Faw-cet- t, a. has a brand aoaavmAM. reeembUDt-A old, cares on of con. f. J left tbe.Pacilo Mail aoout nis Judge hip, "wfi the victories that have -and tke case was appealed aw ear, ESTABLISHED .V1880. to sent tolooooy been yesUrdayaia the- - CV of Tokio. r ZTJ.,..L AmUtant tioekfaa. . C. V. HICCINO. r.l.D.a the SUte Supreme Court, which won in spite or hlnx and his class. and will A Bald animal la nal elahaad V. cro!? tb PU,n- it go BattoO. fx. RonifM. has Just decided ! k. way within teri dm mm tata. Caw.,3wnat is demanded is that he haln Ban: rarugaooi o& a Inspection Ji, ordering Shanks tor J at tne win new oneari .c:. . tour: the steamer elan tonkVuTt CUAWXf oi. iae eaerJC. HT2.ea b TV" "X a V SXt& iKsf Uoroal? Cltr. at S n.m.. N.w. artray rouod. : be There Is 'VYe nntn to resided said bat makes rBr some a r xoes that suppose braver when enlisted of f?T' prosOtsrtaefollowlasr TTTS, EL fot U.'Sr the specialty fT? f annr. DURAT. i C. DB.B. . .af k . aA Oesfne. Sore etm and Tana ur I nsTPuir i hau suecuouaorA one or two men fight out these questions to all ll Worma ct Worms, rA caasswaV siais j iatr)arcb until olaBjfe and Inflrmitr ren democratic Cengmamen in Mata- - success and bear all the burdens of raieni iuuea nuuea. ur. m SAaaaaasDsalaitvaf 4 ,Wr Wm I For r4 cnusetts this aiv ' the competent. the desperate, wari Colfax and his but flvt WASOTNOTOX, for patent CHRONIC DISEASES or BM '4 $. . A. class will see tbe- good of it, after tnaiKanolw Tulanfl4L:ODtaidlns I t had: the entire W 9t And br a Iflmmaannlaal mntMHo. 6.660 acres, in Los Angeles w muawiig uuf w ann oniyos -'i or ana resistance maudlin i500 years y County, loMlay. PttO Blankets, whiu aaw eaooaaopaln on a im nnoa m will tii mn a im Ik. wltb the aldot the wrongdoersnd D. W.: Alaaandar etial MnflmaM ,sosts,i.. ox your aiaeaaa. , vj ttiea. tr you Is agaXi serY sympathy with wwa Tppete f' J was been used Issued an frdm i to $15 pc jwfr. to xne We.. ways or comet active sent to and will wteiwia in anu at tv deal emi nut tne Hedle4 oredj the surveyor as be bad F..'i tov, Brmw, struggle oiudyllU t la entuaremadlm. AND VEGETABLES. t in tavor of the wlnnlnar side. In general ef California; gains, twlored by M All who lived, a falfhtal A London 'dlsnath aratfia any UhIkji and leavi&f real a kaewhlm, reform a of best fced Woe abuse ftKff nunieroui) Fleklea, JeHle, Weaerrea, Jama, the car publlo The ' Naturalization Ooinion- -a la the trial ofKallmaa thedefence such men are not worth COO I load Onhr. at thmLnmber, ""' Inwnat by . V" an ' cents alnUuL, ten an Men's ; i rants, poaceniy pairs afarartlai iSBTaBUSaaTSB,'.'British 11 do mat he was ratemOeodandJJoyS, seaaoned ' wood un for exxemnvs eawed '' an urcieor rriends. Com. Insahsr: acre, and the people thanks to llth WARD.' Salt 'TakA Cih& kindling- purpose for Beetaurunts. Baker NEW: OTULKAKs; 27. Thomai JTJ iem. eee. oniTer men, are Degtnning to un fnrnlaliaal Oar lnaf. in a AtBrlgham Oty,Oet.C3Bd,et dJarrhea, '! Uoe and at tow ratea. deratand their value; 'J w 3 v .a Semmes, J. H. New, Judge Collins HENRI danfhter' Of Bobert tTand INoxEa, , !. '.1. ' and Albert Voorhees. DrofoJnent usa P. ETTK, lTotOtBe for Co j9rdSTi rrw'dpromptly. will be fllxxt C i AXES WOODS. ATTENTIOH! iiV iftn's andBoys WjMng; 7T4 awtabara. acsd l year, 1 month and J. JUiCOfiaHT.i have given opinions ad attorneys, SUnley Africanos,, has reached yard and offlos auuta of lpot, nrr he verse to that ofAttornev Oenenl ' at ana tmwartu. intibar on his Tvav to lose him. i Tickftomoe. v. U. llUltsl. it r- CO.. VOODG self whew hd fsnnd Llrlntone, u Zl.Ecn0JiVrrK. Next wee Fields, retrardine the second di. a;iAJ W 'ft pi Good. jsas r'""J'r ''"'t";:l';,1' will be a week of ;ereat Inte'rest to 5" .poorttuwaiatlpn. . It is J At. Ifaotoa Un BdsCCCtf'.tae rd a prew trwJf'A Borer. 1000 ssoe ' v theCICnRArNCVADA to lWiroqfeA vet TOlltfcal ; wut. of tha r ie,a PPi neas, XLSB MARIA pair Boots, from $2 tlK i"J! - " nee erxanfl. sieo h, 21 II It trvely remarks, aprepoa of .the thrbngheut,the Unio0.in'con aew 4 taeu avraa r i " .11(11 " L'lllf I I JMartx If dsyef iuence of wnak la called the iNo- be 13 will UtlgaUons iAtsakwr, Bhila:. cere renewed Vfesu' eifcuer LUL1DED USSOCIilTlOO, juugnKnt Manuf acturcrs. and WltoiesaW an4 jBetall iOCOJrat,rom $l tofo. fitroff.! Jurorata. wh tried the wbJcav come off Zhet rS reasayfwayssala ' Ilnse, .t. axe. ornotvery embe r .Dealers la atakA SZm4 .ftwv vuv ui male V iiersons o o tM j tq rJn anylllslga, Jionday and ! Tuesday, the 2nd I ural tzed j ine steam carnal boat VUj of on the second district leallkladsof ftuaor--t snd other Gsneral Mer- by and 3rd v iraW. It Is stated also that several uwuv iuo iuu. uf iu aj uaa 10 oyra-- estates ?proir r' pnMonday two court. onlelals Monmxo) Arkansas and" XouisIana will be disqualified. i parian nw 4m O.randeV V'tfcaatTaNW ewiSaaaia a aa. laeoaa,. 'biW. f i s duoe HtKj rv&y Will held . their eleeHonal a nd . An oi?. ? S!?leT member of the hxm . ,San Francisc. Oct 27. Pilot. . pplea, Paaeaee. Piumi. dW. .i",, fa BLINDS, British rnemfcvranam. a and Parliament, . . l : Tuesday taty-on- e other Btatea .Water, I ' that-the --J. of Mtd wiU held 'theirs. On those two Ixndon, wMievedaftheChitS: toaV bWYZZllW 0HU CZ2LL. !W" Mi I325-Bts-- a, cotctinallonvof high: aayai In those, twentyrthiee States, At wic.iora SntNGLES,7 - WOOD PUMPS Butter', ten-- H Va ? 28f 28h the C,'2S; , b 6:2 night JSf by falutln talk, daalwdwith a shade of 2U menber cnaaasw J member, of the Chamber Com- of Hhe Forty-fourt-h meroe and Valley Society ofof New 1235 Sava, T9, rowdjism, is not to be surpaaeed--' X Jbia. llL. air? Confirwaa.axe to choeen by the sfTbla la iict var diy" aaj-- the Up tfc C. PHZLPO, air POrtfoned ad follows J"onrnl IndlaiMpelk further obeervee, .TCQerlasao a ta be learned Ei ; UVaa!.V'-flffpTO .Tuasdaj's election Is that the irf Arsanw Common rLumbcr."r 4 . , atissaarluJlj' rcjt-iicaDnrin-. a AllfL.' patty loeeds to ptbiIi . HeVSdaL-- ! l! ; w,rea aiOotoftSf lfc.win be rraded. andrepalrju.ojrganlzatlon, TTorW I U1 lUDsr JackatKM: 103: ia: lfVl. m- vr jiiimin vvan uonu, I MtweenJ.,1 Siwlng machjoeaarej opposed In b o 104, SOjIOS, 6; 102; ibli aj j B. Sener. the Republican Illinois TeonaTlwanla rt for ratletloB tn nn n JlO-iv tr.flUt COAJU first district, and B. , . 'iirfAI!(L.ti) li.Vik ZZiLl ili'.rlt 1100 KmpIre-Iiai,;i- o Douglass, Kentucky 10 ATeAaeasssAA. M01?10l.t them- were jmotbed. , InAmeSca the Conservative candidate, an afor the Finest Qn&ttty always a SatUsf action enerweaat in miarmtttd aaUa. ' in m. r v or money nruaaca. Tlrsvoa, t fray occurred which resulted in tevh a t nons injury to Gener, who had 'his pEentaci,lSlr'l8 sjoonsla.,...,,. J I y t BsrnrstaTrirrrioMBrta nt Arm broken and was nt Ka. badly Mttachlnsry-iforcibly, repndK KWrsTi .,- - s a Total -- ,.ni sraciAUT. thatthedia: ZZarrlson and Csotte I' ' SQaaesota.w S j t.:kt aurm. AtoFAltltAKTX cnlty originated In some remark y 70 FI173T GOTJTH BTI2X22T, ZSttshan ACa. 64, bsesf- - rtrsMsasak;"- octosua - 4 f-- MrtrsxnnanHdd&tes c vice-cons- ul . La,-aaiBfctrcai5- JO - 1 a. -- . .38 -- anti-swoutlblMg- r ; m i f 4 , jr , - - ! I t- j!J I carpet-bagge- J rs the-amou- - I. O. Ze li - , TlflfWocK of - naDT niBi - -- ! : . . EioTnitie 1 " - . f.' m 0000$! , i 1 i -- - DAVl$Si --T- - . msas : . 1 saw-mil- CHOICE i hneflt. w4tb-listenin- g J i -- . mam i;i:iiLlVrn- - . Sept-i'lSl- : Men, Youtlis and Btys. : ? . - - , wt "... e-Tdefena I. kx-7BEK- IY .-. j- -- , - apr'tes ' -- Cassimeres and Other Piece Goods .. ; , - -- ' 1 d exala-raUo- . ' ; h- i! H -- yrr . j . . . -- . - - -- -- 1 ; - . . off-bear-er, 1 Fresh. "Btlttei t t mill-buildin- w g, MERCHANT TAILORING. - , Ger-ma- to-d- ar .-r 7--- j - , i i -- " aide-wal- I Teleg k, ; S , rafehJ : . ! , j 1 t x . Specially In oil c. w. i Co-e- pe T3rnnclie, S.-Do- n't f - -- ft - , citl-xens- of A to-nig- a - ht - . a i $ Desperandum . 5210 iisrls . . -- : 'The I ? Ex-Govern- or 1 " I a a m SOTfJGSI AM ; I TRUST CO. - 1 ' 1 . - I ? ' - i ILILIGUSC STOCK -- OF GOODS ; , CLOTH ; - A. a 1 Fall mid Winter, 1 -- NG -- . dootl, . r . a . f ar - L I ; g . - ! "r . -- r SM ; t . 1 . .. - r- -J X - . - r ,JnuJ .r-- I rtEJ .,. er-'w.- ;: . ' - . I 1 f 4 S ai lr 1 1 - - OUBED. . Z' 1 - '! - Trlp-Entlst-ed ra-l L - hae t7-Othe- 1 VJra5LJjL 1 e i . - 'ai ; I'finnill-se.T- a 3! LoiviaEnimoQD, 1 P r;- ; W olherrf-:Beaad- a I ' v tr. - ! I '- il-i- . Chlmnr,jJEi&.i:te. 1 -- - r-1- - - -- T i.-- ; Iri:?! st en "' uU ?"TThe-Blehmw- XWni7r'4ahsv jrjn elenl, te I SS a S aS snriif ui avea a. IJ i u - aa-e- J lit s' -1 a : "4 -- . .a- -" . : .,.-. one&rd8"15 Nsah-iUetW- at a aof J ; "- -. : : , ..... M a -- f -- P0!' J . a w : " r s -"f , -- 1 1 ?:fs- ' tjllJ JWMIr Sf?rati p;?s.a'sas .u ,.--o 37&rMi SLaSI B "- G ,'lggg fi ; Mtteha Him B a UJ i- -' , I 1 ilJS2'fl!.;a?WT.TOiI37 1 ri aSfflSS! C-r- 1 . ' .'l;tated SfeBA.n... rr, . .. ' Corner Merchant's alley. . aatttSm - ' j ! 1 i , It 1t-- "J nmaEZjCOJV Supertntendent. sa t |