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Show r i j k , jsbbbsbsjPIBBBMBMBBBIBBIJ jut jx m September 1 i. 186S. rocix. and oTjra;wATTi:xa; ...HDKjiTsTwrltlni for publication axe wTite on one Bid orthe paper only. tetl coin--o can l taken of monymooi . nrrMnnniicuta' cllv" mast In umei r,Uliiv. wininanT their communlca nrT ..rtt necessarily lor publication, but as a t,R iw t- - of reliability. OTAmr ah inriTi oj.uva ar i.a wjiiuuiu and in to all. Miss Iric I'ujVatlon -- well-kno- Comprising . - -- - (Established In . , HIGHEST WAGES PAID ! In C(nht Mouthly. ' s' - Table and Pocket Cutlery, And Cotuplets AsseHment ,.r be sustains tr Adams as I'irarro, v mw-!- "AJ'o. ! FAfJCY GnOCEfllES! r -- in. thj.'. 1. . ' d2371m:s59 8m - s HICKOUY, TICICING, DEXI3IS, We have been favored w ;i ttecpy of axelegram to President Young, Mnmtord and Captain Holman, rn CaptainIUhs suth City, Uth. which states thAt v.Kf trains passed that point, in good order, on when t be alxpaich was sent. Cue iMMfQRAftoN. 1893.) u - "lit;- oa . rvroaxATiox Wanted Of Tnoicas Oakkt, eralsrated from Frogsaiarsh Branch. Chel t 'Lihaai Conference, England, to this Territory. .Vhnit 12 yenrs since. Address: Esthkr CTL.L, 3. sr.rT.ili Mtreet. O!oucster. Kngland. AiThomas Dtcue, who sailed on the :i '. i j, ofRvydi. in lsCO. Address: Mrs. Maria, r;io reinest the lVboIcsalc nntl Kctall Trade to sire u a call. MCES TES LOWEST LOOK TO YOUR TEETH! . -- call on 1 fHSES, BROTHER &CfO. 142 Lako St., Chicago. THE r.LEVKN COMMANDMENTS! rornx. The District Court for the Agents for National and American Watch Co'a, and American and French Clock. W. H. H. SHARP, Dentist. AJf-AEG.V- 3I. to gire sstlalactlcfn Loth i in quality and price. TEETH Extracted with Nitrons Oxide-Gawithout pain. Also Electricity, Chloroform and Etherlal Spray, or Freezlufi: Process nsed. lint I recommend Xltrons Oxide as tho most pleasant and surest way of havlnfr Teeth Extracted WITHOUT PAIN! s, HALL; Kir.lBARKC & CO. IJZOK MERCHANTS, -- 80; 82 and 84 Michigan Avenue. Orders. Surgeon A Mcclianical Dentist. Office Uaiavoi CONSTANT F0CM1ED OYER A QUARTER OPERATION diietr EAGLE WORKS I i s T. & W. TAYLOR MANUFACTURING CO., TTAVE Jhst received an excellent Assortment I. W. GATES, rreitlent. of ; 1 FAiRBANIC,PECl(&CO. Ko. 14 Ia Salle St., - . . CHICAGO, IXTaEWOI.- Mapufactare Portable and Btftt!on4ry Consisting of Steam uiiics and lioileb, ? - SFGAR CASE HILLS. Itock IlreakerH, Stamp EvapratorH, 31111s, 311 ui Sloebinerjr,' iarI Patent Itrick Maeliine, Lather, Planers, Drills, Screw Cntters. Hay and Cotton Presses. Saw f Mills, Floor 31111, 'Mill CASH PAID FOR CXOTIIIXG BEA1T-MAI- E j Furnishing'. Paokers or ZXPBXSSX.Y roir - - , l- - iaea:ed In Patent Air Tight Caddies of 3 lbs., lbs, 7 lbs. and 10 lbs. each. This package Is entirely new and found the most convenient erer Introduced, both for dealer and consumer. The trade are Invited to give It a trial. 5 Al$ot Manufacturer "DtxtE Items." ii to hand, with qutto an improve nnt in ita appearance. From it wo (glean tb , followiug items: wmt of the 2d , A conse-inence- of to-da- y. Teams. GOO , , Fruit Grower's Convention was held in it. George on the 29th ult., which wasatten 'led ly delegates from rarions towns and settlements in Southern Utah. Thelspeci-ni- t ns of fruit on exhibition wero very fine. We rattst defer publishing the minutes of in proceedine nntil the lare quantity of telegraphic Thero were over thirty dispatches Varieties of crapes on exhibition. The grasshoppers had stopped four or five data eating lueerno, carrot tors, leaves from iho apple and other trees, ana then, with a few exceptions, bad mounted in mid air and Tvlaway. Some corn and cotton crops 'vre injured alon? tho Clara. a i."rpMUentSnow iud gone on trip to the vetern settlements. The editor ays: VWo picked a Ward's mi freo peach the other day that measured rltxm inches in circumference, and weighed l iifce ot a pound. We should like t tienrquarters from anv one In the Territory (or nt that can beat it." Will Bomebody EXTRA LARD OIL Choice Apples, &v, SXrSXfSLT YOB BY ! FOR IiUBRICATTNO, Flouring' liHIs, Saw Iflh j ; and Woolen Hills, He says aain: t... d? ? "Wehafo a patch of rice seeded PTTRE KEATSFOOT OIL, SMip lo2.ks The wan . SIBLEY BRO'S. vailed STAND3 at the present perfftly TJnrl for its and durability fetitchlnz equally Ranee of Oreat Work, rwell on the ttiicliest or finest material. ; y Being NEW, It combines all tne desirable with points of the OLD Loclr Stich Machines, many valuable improvements not on any.; otner. thlsomce. of Work may be seen at Samples ' Sold at Chlcaco prtces by i BOBCBT G. SLFATFK, Ar Utah. I A Cow, Agent ' ALDEV, THOMAS General Northwestern A (rents, . v ! - ? 'M CIIICACJO, ILLS. d2371m:s5a 3m dllftly i f AKO j "' MElMitEIViRti i ENDICOTT, AT THE SIGN OP THF WHOLESALE GROCERS, ! MEW. WEED SEWTVG MACHINE!! CARPENTERS IT Wm. SLOAN & CO.. & - THE . t .; INEBS, Manufacturers of ' Ststs Boad, Half Blosk Wortti ef SB'O'OWi IBS A 60, SOUTH WAT Ell STREET, O Eml-gmtlo- , j j j Plain, Stamped, Japanned and n PLANISHED TINWARE, Square to Oontraet for BTJILDINa and ARE prepared the work: eqnal to the best and Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers and Dealers In as cheap as the cheapest. Having CHICAGO, IIAIXOIft. Central Pacific Railroad, i. r On : I' WEST OP THE fROUOXTOIlT, the NORTH 1IDE OF HALT LAKE. AUD LEATHER, BOOTS, SHOES 8tock of OROCicRTES always on AFTXVLi and ORDERS FILLED with the earns cars and at as favorable prices A3 IF BOUGHT IN PERSON. hand a Lan?e Btock of Leather HAVING onown Tannins; and from late Importations, we are prepared to . FTHX1SH CITY AD X DXTDEl HL - OF, THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. COtftTRY DEALEES J wtablns? Centraets Prtleat the rate of S3 to 37 Centsliava them cable yard, aeeoraMns; to the natureter ef to re measarea ana the dljrfrtnjrto worst tea per be made paymenli nntil the entire rent, only to be reservedMsnthly, tentrsct is muj sccrpini. Applications must be made io A. d21fc2m earn EZRA T. BEXSOX, IxKivn, Cache Conntj. ILORIX FAlill. Ogdcn, Wcbcr County. ClXATJXCOTjW.Tt ORtlcn, Weber County. FOR r We keep constantly on hand and Make to order, at the Shortest Notice, DOORS, SASH, BLTNI)S,M0ULDrNG3,Et.,Etc. Boots' Sfiioes, B AG S, Grocers, Dnifrssts, Baiters, A. ill o" l WZZ23TJZiHZL 2ZZZ7LXAZ7, Manufacturers of. . i PATEXT MACHINE MADE PAPER SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF.OTJR OWN MAKE, And in any qnantlly, at very Low JBatea. i . t . ; ? j TERMS to SUIT CUSTOMERS. dlOfcly and JFlux.jyentery C&olero, Diarrlicea, i - lJSwmSL? , IXBm am Alir Goods Shall that is ripening, heavy, and In PRICE mad fino." - That's interesting. satisfaction rive botn -. wtc, vrt CITY, csniarawn Z thsNOBTH HUAUTY, In OXLT KANTJFACrtTREBS prnpc crop was ripening at date, . and wuw. fiu uenw, iw Ad ' ' alts, I WEST . vbm Wfvn ATI VAUViiouw v buiq um expected to be double that of last year. EZRA T. BENSON will be on the RTOund to ; i a core with thla Medicine, IIOX3 A complete wine mill of i CAX.F BOOTS eflect neverkiled to FRENCH flEffTS' Men capacity let Contracts on and after the 10th lnst. large J SIXOES FINE INDIES' and 13 Sallo route fn t0T n tL Street, St. George, and was expee-dsoo- must be prepared to go to work forthwith If 1 llads to nsaanre. ; to arrive, when f . , CIUCAGOAIIX. it will find employ- - tney wisn cxuuroci. ' , j iwton snd imigxlets supplied r. : dMS lm I now i 1 GE0E1GE GODDAR To WORK on the GRADING of the I ( ; t ' dai3&s61lF dlkly Special attention given to orders from Utjuz. a i ro-"pon- CORN ef . Iw CALL AND BBC. i Tho Jlio Virpcn Time I Thos Chalmers, Superintendent, f D. R. Fraser, Assistant Supt. and Draughtsman, Gates, Secretary and Treasurer, l i Ralph . W. L. Chase, Gen. Agent, New York Cltv, Maebs fc Bro., Agents, Lnfeo Superior. FOR CASH OR GRAIN. r ! . TTbieh we will sell Very Pure leaf lard hi-- hall-stor- , 1 " l j . OIE3n:C-A.C3-0- ; s - Offieei No. 4 Canal Klreet. w. , " i i ! wn ( EXTCRY. 0 V bal-mor- al 05 A l HEW GOODS, One Door East of "Deseret Evening Newt." d222m to Ma it. j- W. Hr H. SHARP, S.D.j SAFES. . d21S:6m j TLty are 1 iM attention Warranted to civc satisfaction. ; JsdkUl District, is in session - tr.e frost. r j ; TEETH Inserted in GOLD, SILVER, sua RUBBER PLATES, at Prices from LABGE AND COMPLETE STOOK. 8100 down to 840, per SET. ! 1. Thou shait not ime nse or anv xma oi his goods, unless they are bought at Auerbach & tolay; l? ij' CiUef Justice Wilson presiding. JJro's Store. 2. Thou shalt not use gloves, hose, handkergoods, unless they come from .MivroNaRiEa Ritcrsid, We had a call to- - chiefs and &fancy Dro's Auerbach Store, IIo-Un H. tUf irru Hid era Joseph Home and John 3. Tbon shalt not allow thy wife or daaghter travel-', who arrived this morning, having to bay dress goods or domestics, unless they are liaua lntou with Captain Gillespie's train, bought at Auerbach & JUro'ff Store. w&.cU they left at Coalville yesterday morning. 4. Thou shalt not walk the streets, unless thy T:.y started from this city in May of INw.for boots and shoes are bought at Auerbach A Bro's were appointed to labor in the Store. Tfuy over !.ur.j.mission, which Klder Home presld- 5. Thon shalt not bo allowed to visit ladles f fr a of the time. They left England nnless pirtion 1' thy clothing comes from Aucrlach & t.hetr 1th on of the (it rttnrn the June, are crossing Store. Bro's Atlantic in the Contiiutton. Both enjoying 6. Thou shalt have no covering for thy head i' vi fcealth and spirits. They Informed us that nnless thy hats are bought at Auerbach A Bro's ii t. t;iiiesple train will be In Store. 7. Thou shalt not walk Into thy honse. unless ARaicvLTraAi. Fair. Throngh the kindness carpets, rags and mattings axe bought at rrresUlent oung we have received thefol-"wir- s thy Auerbach A Bro's Store.,; s. Thou shalt not allow thy female household telegram recelveil by him, per Deseret Ttilr-ipto go walking, nnless tbelr shawls, cloth or silk Line: fans, cloaks, sacks, basqnea, furs, parasols, St. George, 12th. of trim, v. skirts, embroidery and all sorts huTo had a grand agricultural fair here s Bro's at Auerbach Store, art purchased mlngs was of finest fruit the i.vduy. There display 9. Thou shalt not go to bed at night, unless m enr "Ptsie." wails are covered with fine wall , Operator. thy bedroom and border, and thy bed covered with paper California blankets, purchased at Auerbach 5cth coTToswoon. Klders K. Btevenson Afine Bro's Store. A. M. Cannon visited South Cottonwood 10. Thou shalt not make thy toilet In the nir.i jterday, and report having had an morning, unless thy soap, perfumery, tooth and eic&leut time at ineetlnr. They speak In high hair brushes are bocght at Auerbach A Bro's. Store. tra-.- of the singing, and. say the choir under 11. Thou shalt not bny gooda-o- f anv that Imi direction of llrother Gilbert is a very efH tates Auerbach & Bro's. ift:! one. While the people there suffered vey much from tho grasshoppers, those who F. AUERBACH & BRO'S, the advlco gtvea In the News early in the Opposite Wells, Fargo A Go's Bank and Express and ptantod peas, have realized the Austin, f of ss doing. I'eas have flourished and Office, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City. . hein comparatively uninjured, when PA Particular attention paid to the Wholeh n.x t everything eise that was planted early .tsi l,wa destroytd. One man raised over 400 sale Trade, at the lowest figures. Come and see reeis satisfied he has done n wlae for yourself. . snd dl81'3m r. rz. some The heavy reported vctvs rko as having passed over Mill creek 'v.i iJ. must have done a great amount of dam-to- r trees were stripped o? their foliage, and vurt.uij kinds of tender vine were atmost "WASTED IMMEDIATELY! itestroved. Tnose who had faith to plant cor n, have prospects of reaping a good crop, if utet,rritots do not come eariy to seriously injure it. Honrte slight damage has been donealreaJy y s leading Merchants of Salt Dealers supplied on same terms as by Importers and Mannfactnrers having 'offices In New' York. Especial oflce, and will be disposed of to tee ' to Orders front VUth 2Vrror., tQi tn GOLD & SILVER SMITHS trsds to or FIRE-PROO- F and resident public at reasonable refer Uaao:oui SALT LAKE CITY. Thobe wlRhlng. their Teeth preserved should m EMPORIUM : I AGENTS FOR BURKE & BARNES PEOPLE'S attention tritv Bptlal MilaeeS I ' EAST TE3IPLK STREET, And respectfolly call the attention of ths S. ".i.t ir .i " Cordage, Sc. i TEETH plrtgrsred wltlt GOLD, PURE XVyi. II. II. SHARP'S d2H lm UKsLcxt'Btis."-Und- er this heading ;ne Montana i5?of the 7th saya: "We refer to !P?'.. A wagon load arrived yesterday. Two thj,ind pounds were de post ted at S. B. Ilolx-st- a r DINWOQDEY'S IHli SILVER, and IS THE CIH! KAHN BRO it'ui, 61, ur eat freeman street, Nottlnghiun, b.-rmr- Wooden Ware, ESTABLISHMENT, ths excloslf sals of tb We bsT TVo Kugland. i'ri'e." Cigars, Tobacco, The old and best known bouso in Chlcogo. Dealers in "Watches, Gold Jewelrjy, Silver and Sliver Plato Goods, Wholesale antl Retail. ? 35 IE ULa lESiSH BOOTS & SHOES, - r.' ivrLti: "027 jHT ; ! for Etan. a Ag-cnt- 1 1 on Saturday morning, Ralph, son of Anule Oodbe, died, aged 17 months. And 1'nll Assortment of Fine f.ui Tivl services were conducted yesterday i nii at 11 o'clock. Ye.oterttay mirnlngr at 11 o'clock. "Warren K'Ui, Kon of Jotm if. and Kllen Latey, also DRESS GOODS & NOTIONS, dkM, Mcd 1? laonths. inerr tis Mirnethiag remarkable In the between the two departed little were cousins, Mrs. Oodbe and Mrs. itt. iTr.er "Laty ttt: sisters; th,ere was about thirty iiourt tftwen tbe time uf their birth, and the between the period of their death, llro. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY ; Mit' rhtld, the older' born, being the first :.n:t diet!. la. r. In Heth!, Maine, on theSTth of Aug. Mrs. Anne Hartlett, mother of Mrs. Patty s, f this city, njcd J 00 years and four ; General I : IiIQTJORS, FURNITURE MARK TRADE t life-..r.rnct:- i .President WALKER BR0JHERS, d211-3- ."Y I ! W ! 1 A, . HUNT, . at the Mouib SHARP & 70UN d201tf . Li:ej. ;m ! I ai Fancy Groceries, Staple BOMESTICS, role. i-- ? V. - HAll.KBIBMK&CO PJUINTS, T PEAL LAKGELY IX . (Established Pieces of THE RAILROAD Xonc but Good Men need apply. dr. Chain, Ae., j. ,i ASfSc;Oa A. J. RAiTON, Secretary TO "WORK ON W. H. Sc. Co. have the iArsrest Htoela Apply Immediately West of New York, and raarantee prices of Weber Ksnyou. : at Eowest Market Rates. Orders by Hall filled promptly. ,Ala Opened. lOOO to-morr- ow ,r(. ef to-morr- evening, i Krastns 8now as V;, Sorter 'olym k"l mas as DAvlila, M.Lyman as Las tieonce A. Smith as the blind man. Frank v. '.i Ley the boy, Mrs. O. U Adams as Klvlra. o l ilisa Margaret Adams as Cora,nnder the as am-nameol Mrs.Town. This was the first ver perlormed among the Latter-da- y Viuita and trjLretbren named, with others, ;,taitled their parts at the request of the i'roi.litt Jtxneph Stclth. who attended every This historical n;.'tii t.'ie piece was performed. rvEunisceuce throws an amount of interest and the part of Holla, that runt Sir. Lynecrowd the house !iu:t helpiaetaoccasion or his last appearance ve!.uuoa 1 iIye, -. ',. Axes, Kalis, - j I CHICAGO. Mills, Merchandise, Risk) and Dwellings at tWUUWU Aheir Hardware, i 1: ' 8 BivenStreot,1 A All Eosses adjastd and paid at the Gen erai Agency. and laborers, WmAJLS,'':y: f Japanned and Stansped Tinware, Tinners Tools and Sfachines, Sheet IrenSheet ZlneASheet Copper M ire, RlTets, Ae also :; f t H- WHOUBSAIiE - has estabUslied a General Aency In bait AjS lthor in Gold OT Prlt1M e.nAl Mnhl oe as aesireuwurreney my Stone Masons Com Importers and Dealers in TEX IIATE AJH SOAP, tM actor among- oar people. About twenty. - ..ve year ago, before the Masonic Hall was fin. uw luwnioi ixae inree i.hwi m storeys twuicu H consisted was turned into a thea- second a tli the third gallery, of forming the re, teH'Jt rrf play -- Plzar-.' w,.s prmlutHHl, Mr. Lyne appearing as Holla. s 1 170 and 181 Randolph Street, CHICAGO, IlXS.f CADIES, ie Qtiarry-mei- i, 1312.) Wm. BIuOlK & . iiice, !'r' A. Smith related to tae snowing InteresUn little bit of to- i ry conn ected with Mr. Lyne and the per- :..ruiaceo l'larro." which proves him a vet-- : !iiHnRirAi-Hon.Oeor- - cor.iPAUY, I. UH Gapital&AketiQoId, $1,433,037,81 of Bretts, Coaches, Phaetons, all kinds , Barg-lese., and Worse, aJfht Top Open . . CHOICE TEAS, SUGAll, , , : nr COFFEE, SPICES, wn u- ; - insunnucE FAMILY CARRIAGES, v CUlBEXCES, BAItOUCHES, lareeyleldUf. made a most drama of that title, the Mde!aine,tn f ebiESwen supported. mjra advertise-- nl teseen by reference to the vlltnat a fine entertainment Is proTlded for burrow nicht. on the occasion of Mr. Lyne's rne play of "Pixarro" performancem with Mr. Lyne a reRolls, Mis ioiw.woo YPiuuif Mr. imujy nrvi, pi a Flzarro, Lindsay A .torn aj - . .1,aiElTtr, t - A Iauva Ulan (Vm f i'ilnam Almagro, Mr. llardle the hlzh priest, - tram lte old blind man, and Miss Dellle with the other charac i wiiQ th ly. This makes a very strong cast, , 'rs attributed il ss CUT dances a sailor's hornpipe. In the ."araffcr ot American tar. after the play: and tn rcwiriost fare of Mr. and Mrs. rter v !vt.Ue rlone the entertainment. fun-muk- H& j. performance on Saturday tt8u "uare much satisfaction, petit ttmeir, dxtnnA m . Of San Francisco. California. Tte . .t2L i&fjrl i CHICAGO TRADED TAYLORS BBS es sj ABBIA6E SmSST '3ni(S)'S, ' e? $ .. Ia , cuu'astir. lnMl Westlokc'o Patent EaiiteniH, Loose Globe & Detachable (With ; - Guards,) " ' Dealers in Wholesale ' J Stoves & - i Mollow-war- I i ? 1 f ; e! ti ft No. 95 Michigan Aveniie CHICAGO, II.I.INOIS. t ' r - Atrenta for the Celebrated j d237 lm Cra ? s : : - 1 - t t r - 4 . . r f. I -- 1 |