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Show f ,3 I - . . . - T r, , Tr i C- - ., DESEBET EVEHING1 NEWS. September 14, Monday, !. BE3IIS A ABBOTT, Manufacturers of V leg" Ah!" said s. !. 1.95 ; iuwincHmti (!' WIXES I, "how was that?" Then MQrOBs; Bole iinnfactareT and j. ' . . anocrniEs, r . " .1 PMJT, DRUG, uqvobs, IG AUS, TOBACCO, PROTUBIOXM, ' ' " WOODEN WABE, CORD AO E, Ae. OIL - r- 'pis rifits ' S, , Chemicals Dye Stuffs? Sponges, - i Fancy floods, Perfumery, i 4.' And ' Importers and JobbcrTof D RU G Wholes als OMAHA, NEBRASKA, TRADE H. .Schieffelin & Co., VT. TOSCHAACKr BBB1IHAMS STRKCT, between 8th and j - j 10th STHEBT3, ; - ; WEV YORK 4 HlTS.JACKSOX&(Do.V WHOLE GALE GROCERS, FARNIIAM s ,6s f.S a . PP. AH A TRADE CHICAGO" HOLDING DEATH IX CHECK. A TOUCHING SCENE, XOO lSthSt OJIAIIA, WEP.. . if I waa conversing not long elncor with BOX.K Aoen-t- firm cut. chewiho 'ud a returned volunteer. fob Tliomac A oilrra 'I was In the noapital aanuxso for a long time," Bald her ;'and Assisted In 1 taking olf limbs, and dressing all aorta IIJCITA Co., of wounds, but the hardest thing I ever Warehouse Owners, Import- did was to take my thumb otT, roan's PUtill era. Bonded . wi uu oi j ; CIV t. 4" r 176 & $: &c., &c.: " ' ... r, ' "Grand , CIGAB8, 17 ST., DEAIERS, he told me: .;!!;;..-:- : Proprietor of 'C New York. Speeial attention fflven to ORDERS It was a young man who had a severe AMERICAN LIFE BITTERS; & RANDOLPS 1 3 Nos. ST., i S33 uraam S t., OJIAILi, irom wound in the thigh. The ball passed UTAir. Keb. fitoeka bf Old TVntyrvoTi' 7Ar.nvcompletely througn, and amputation ITeftry (Corner of Michigan Avenue J WMskiea always on hand. . . i U2i5 6m was was The limb' cutoCP necessary. JB.dK: XT. T. AKTnOJTT A Co., . I 1 W I - 4 tiuao up m ui tuuujrf ui9 ' urieiies lajcocl 501 Broadway, New York, - ILLINOIS. ; DEWET, TRIABLE Co., up, and he seemed to be doings well! H&COBUCiesj Bcapiiis & Kawla Machines I CHICAGO, t Mannfactnrers'of Photgraphlc Materials. " Subsequently one of the' small arteries Greatly improved for Dealers In ... offered on and iL Albums, Stereoscopes and Views. oft'. j i An incision was made, Liberal Terms to Farmers, a liberal discount sloughed of French, English Geman Chromos. Importers t and it was again taken Up. It is well to Dealer. FURNITURE AND BEDDING, dl7S-6C.ADDIS. General Agent for . Nebraska. it is not th main artery," said the sur- Western and the Wt. 1S7 nnd 1H9 Farnam Ntrett geon as he performed the operation. Orrica low LA ft Htreet. (between No. ITT DOUG "lie might nave bled to death. beforei 8th and 10th.) OMAMA, EHIt ASH A. A.. CnRISTIAN, OMAHA. KRRItA SKA . we coum nave taken Hup." "But Char- r's. D. ADDIMTraTeling Agent. d239 6in Manufacturer of lm&C23mt ley got on lineiy and was-- a favorite fllIT.fuHPcorBPalxscumUnUyonband. Christian's Patent Spring Horses, with us all. was I passing through the ward one PERAMBULATORS, CARRIAGES, CABSi W. T. Wilcox. about mltlnlght, when suddenly, Wm. Stephens. night was COUNCIL BLUFFS TRADE asi passing Charley's bed, he STEPIUEXS & WILCOX, spoke to mei itliarry, my leg la bleed ' Wholesale Dealers In ing again." I threw back the bed- COUJifCIX BIYUFFS blood and the In clothe, spurted aid i' me air. iue main artery nau siougnea Staple, ail Fancy DRY GOODS, oil! irt Fortunately I knew juat what to do. Maim for tnrerw or auu iu nu iusuub x prvsseu NOTIONS & INDIAN GOODS, inuiD on the place and stopped themy bleeding.' and at Orders UileU ifromnily Also all kinds of was so close to tbe body that there It ENGINES, Tftrrott llnffxi. llnrirot BOILERS, was barely room for my but I FURS & BUFFALO d222;6iu SAW MILL, ROBES, succeeded in keeping itthumb, and there, Rocking Horses, Propellers, Meighs, of the convalescents, seut Xo. 239 Fa mh am Ht OJfAIIA, XEC GRIST MIUL, WOOLEN MIIX, arousing one ...... i AC. mm lor me Burgeon, wuo came on a WAREROOM8.-- 65 MAIDEN;LANE, rua. "I am sa thankful, Harry," $pccial Attention given to Orders from LAFLLN, BUTLER & Co., ISachine. General. Bttid he, aa he saw me, "that you Utah. (Cor. William 8L.) were Dealers in Wholesale Manufacturers and G06mdi:S)2m and' 87, 89, 91 & 93 MANOTK STREET, knew to what Manufactory: for he must up do, have bled to death before I could have NEW YORK. A C. F. llendrlr. President. ) CMXHl Kirm rflMMM JT. Messrs. 1U here." Fine Reference, ClUU got Cronyn & Perrls,Lake Corx,S.fmtTrea.; IOWA. vUttluv Papers, dUNfcly Salt , But on examination of the case he aty. S0 3md2JSlm S2ITCZXA&X & looked exceedingly serious and sent for Btruns, Of Every Description, othr surgeons. All came that were Importers and Dealers In BXL22WOTX3H &. CO., within reach, and a rnnmiltntinn wrw BINDERY, BLANK-BOO- K, TWINES and iPAPER BAGS, held over the poor fallow. One concluWHOLESALE GROCERS, AND sion was reached by all. There was no Nos. 43 4S5 44r Htatd Strooti Dealers in place to work save the spot where my f Opposite City Itote), " Iff IT A , OUTFITXIXG GOODS, etc. etc., Printing Establishment, thumb was placed; they could not wortc o. 415 LOWER BROADWAY, under my tnumb, for if I moved It he CLASS AND PLATED STEREOTYPE AN D ELE CTROTTPE . CHICAGO ' d237 3m would bleed to death before the artery WARE, V. Ilrew tor. 1 y could be taken up. There was no way J. llrcwstcr, VCOUAC II. IJ LUFFS, IOWA. WINDOW , FOUNDRY, LAiira, Ac, to save his life. t.wiaoiiei. j aS9ly A itoTEY The Demand for Ticket, tnereases niciios,:t; AXJL ON THE PREMISES. Poor Charley! He was very calm . 2 37 FAR Nil A 31 STREET, a st II greater Impetus T M PORTERS and Dealers in all manner of win w be I norkslntbe Fine Arts. OIL Pain tinea. when they tola him, and requested that NEBRASKA. zes. Bros Ware.!t ass OMAHA, Parian Suades forCloeas. his brother, who wad in the same hos& a Chofee and well ffe!ec(eI ??ork W straroxiD Figures, etc, Swiss. Chinese and Japanese be called He came and . Decalcomonlcand Goods. pital might Dtonhonlc Materia Acw York, Chicago or St up.. Conuctl Bin Os, Iowa, Artltlclal Fruits and Vegetables, Anatomical sat by the bedside, and for three hours Duplicate Louis Bills. jtTeparaiion.. I stood, and by the pressure of my SCO Sm d230 2w H end for Catalogue. WHOLESALE DEALERS 1 IV thumb kept up the life of Charley, 'No. 57 Rtot Si rent CHICAGO. while the brotnera had their last cond 218:3 m IKON, NAILS, NTEEL, versation on earth. It was a strange F. . COOPER A Co., . place me to be into feel that I held CLASS, PAINTS, OIL, the lifcrof a fellow mortal in my hands, as it were, and yet, to feel that E. FRAXKEXTIIAL Co." 1 1 AN1 an aet of minestranger must cause that life to and Manufacturers of T fMPOUTERS Manufacturing Stationers, Loviinr a.nr1 Uonler. In oil Irlnrf. n Choice the poor fellow as I depart. was v r Hirni i AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Generally. 11.1144 a it hard CUT TOBACCO. and but there No., did, BOUJU W AEK STREET, CJUCAgS, ME.'' was no alternative. thought; 116 FULTON STREET, N. Y. Carefnl attention siren to Order from uooas soia at new xqrjc Wholesale Prices. The last words were spoken, Charley Abroad. TSL Ii; HCIirnART.' had arranged all his business attairs, Manuractarera of KEW TORKl Co:5."14ffWstv em Street, and Wmxn Wun and seut tender messages to absent No. 382 BEOADWAY. of tOi kin da. JNo. itjil Habkky BTRtrr, All kinds of d2l9 3m who little dreamed now near their dill one, 6m loved one stood to the grave. The mi anrg Jlam granting tears filled my eyes more than once as I Co., S. A. MEGEATII & CO., II. LTOXS, listened to tnose parting words. All ... , . NEATLY EXECUTED. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In ;; was said, and he turned to me. ".Now Plnmber, Sieam and Gas Fitter, u hd Jobbers of Importers Wholesale Dealer In PUMPS and PIPE, Harry, I guess you had better take oil AXD IXDIAX OOODI9, your ihumoJ 'Oh, Charley! how can SOS FoartceutH Ht.p OMAHA, rbniika. 419 XOnO.S CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS, ETC.J BROADWAY, Opposite Pacific House, "But it must be, you Public Buildings. Churches, Dwellings, Stores, I," I said. Conneil VlnO, Iowa. vntU Gas, Steam and Water Pipe, Cutlery, Lithographed in First-Clas- s mtd up best know," he replied cheerfully. "I am etc., Style. In tee very manner. Orders from filled Utah Water Bath at Louis 8t. Tubs, carefully thankful to you for your kindness, Ctosts, Hut and Cold Shower Baths. Marble qzjz) em very lutes. Wash Basins, Boilers. Lilt and Force l umps. and now, 51 rikoSf.icHTCjjGO. BLANK-BOOON HAND, me sizes or Lead, Wrought various1V.ln aud He turned away his head. I raised wiin . . Ymn i st fact .nit my thumb, and once more the life ' on nana. dU45:3m Or Made to any Desired Pattern," at current gushed fbrtn, and in three pinuuy minutes poor Charley was dead. We keen the OXITHtocIc of Mlnlni? and Short Notice. "Great Northwest Stove Store." Toola in tbta Market, adapted to oilier torlea. bavins: for Jonathan Janes. v.me want or tne xemuiera Henry L. Slote, ax. cixuz&cxttxzm "nppiiwi iarc;eiy, ana MAGAZINES, MUSIC, ETC. SLOTH einr amillar witli tbeUr wanta. ALL THE NEW KINDS OF PROGRESS OF MACHINERY. JJ.VHS, BOW. & - G1UASS ' - WILLIAM it.. ' Gommer cial - I 1 . 1 A ; Fboto-graph- lo k m : . i Enterp rise fff d-- :. ; ; -- t ' . . PROGRESSING. I - CEOOKEEY, I : ' i ! ' : GI-.- S3, - . t. j. nnA sue, . m nn. f, t I -- -- GOODS : Mtt-teri- al. t Miuunnv, Aiiina j GROCERIES, ; . . Hardware and good-bye.- " KS X NEW YORK TRADE I r. ft j I COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, 1KUJ 1U, 6Ul.tr sal lUiTiKWAKE, Scarcely a century since the coarseat cloth couIU only bo obtained by the iiajidu are a?C ctrruEiVr. o. SW DOUGLAS RTREET, OMAUA, NEB. middling and wealthy classes, bat since then the looms, jenniea and cotton gins have spinning contributed to reduce the price of cloth to ao low a figure that &. tho poorest can now be comfortably OMAHA, MDRASK A, clothed for less than the sum GENERAL SHELF HARDWARE, which apparel then coat. Then comAt WboleaIe'and Retail. pare railroads and steamboats with WUIKell At CIIICA0 or XEW TORK coaches and sailing vessels;, when we A'Jdcx.. witn addel. used to rely upon the latter we used to w?J?nJ 8X1 our OOOD3 direct of Manufacturers auu importers. go creeping about the country at a five Bi9 w 4wr, aim as an enormous waste of ; one-four- joildtj th oiiArr, ht S TATI ONERS, d2-6- BOUND ANt) FULTON 8T. NEW YORK. tiauK jiooKs made to any pattern. Checks, otes. Drafts, Certificates of Stock and Bonds. lithographed and printed to order. General 03 Assorwuem 01 umce Ktauonery. dl2U:6m J. 0. SEYMOUR, KENNARD & HAY, i ; White Lead and Axle Grease, 17 aoath Water Street, CHICAGO, , I '' i 1.... -... tnent. j PermlMion,rto Mr. GEORGE Q. CANNON, and Mr. JOSEPH BULL, Salt Lake City. W. H. MILES, Esq. 117 John St, N. T.i . ' -r , nOOKSJUMDE TO O III)Ell, CHICAGO, ILLS. time and money. Now behold the dif3II1.I.S A 3IoALIISTEn,J nLIJS'K Rami. M. Nlckemon. President. ference: where one man fnmerio ., And every Description and Style of Wholesale and Retail Dealers In veled there are now a hundred. Ho L. J. Gage, Cashier, Printing:, Engraving and Xdtfcegraphy Ch.5. sreat has been the Increase of travel MEN'S & BOY'8 CLOTH AssUtan t Cashier, Frompilu Executed. INC, d2l36mfichmltt, that there are now more extra railroad and steamboat employees than there REFERENCES Ooods, II. B. Clawson. Furnishing have been coachmen W. C. Staines. Esa. Esq. and hands of sail- Qentlemen's 2 DOIOLAH OMAHA, 2SEB, A. nESLEB dfc.Cwi; N.B. The new Issue of Salt Lake City Corpo-ing vessels displaced. Indeed so manifest are the advantages of ration la a Specimen of our work. 182:6m QTREET,.CHICAGO, machinery Dealers la put kinds' f as an aid to travel aud transportation that it Is rare indeed to hear at this day PHOTOGRAPHIC STOCK. any objection to its use. Besides the & Co., WOLCOT7 . . . ".V" '" construction of railroads and the build-- u Collodion. AiDums, ko., c, iieaiex Wholesale Dealers In succEssoa to All Chemicala.warrantivl nure. of cars, tracks, Ac, ' Alt Goods sold atNewYoik Prlcei.and the wpalxing work connected with . steam- i'Aixt. : HULIN & CORNWELL, nnrsiics, vaumshe-sazij imrsui em boat architecture haa nnltt C4IAK.H. WINDOW quisitiou more manual labor thau MANUFACTURING STATIONER and ha obliged tho laborers to And all Articles nsed by incorporate skill, as an element to their BCUIVTT, avocations, wfclch skill elevates t tho PAINTERS AND CLAZIERS. in enables them to rank laboring classes, higher, and to change their. occupation OILS of nil both to their own advautage and to kinds CO.tX OII that of the community in which they J in Barrels nntl Safety Cans, o J reside. ' We might go on and show1 that maitosix, TAR, Ete t we Which offer to the Trade at New York and chinery continually contributes to rePrlce Chicago duce the price of the neces? aries oflife Freight added. and by increasing the demand therefor 229 TAIWIUM ST., OMAHA, XEJ1. to give additional employment to man- d2393m ual labor. Such being P the it would be well for all to reflect, case, and then we dom,he?r aQy denounce the :?.aUoaof. eience to manufactures BOOT & SHOE STO&E. the useful arts, but on the LifliograpliiBr and Engraver EXCLUSIVELY every improvement,every new contrary addition And 134 PEAHL PTEBEI, 2TKW fv will be comr a7lne machinerywith I dlta-t- f the firm BRANCH OF, ALEXANDER STRONG W CO ihwQ experience of the 4 - t BOSTON MASS., ATAnnn. past, respect to MANUFACTURERS OF usifulSsTin theafuUtnrgUarAee fop Calf, Kip, and cniOAao, H.L. Thick Boots, .Flaa Skoee, .... a ,, t j..'r I STORE, Borne graceless wapr h Brorana 4c Plonab Shoe, 'j XXlnera Boot and Drofiaand Ladles. 51. B. CAEA IT A Jf, Proprietor, SXlseea, nnd Claildrenji Sewed and ImporlcM of Brcss Goods, Idn. Deader in , , Pocket BOOK-HINBook, Bossla Leatner, cnamoia, 180 f., New York. for-inerl- Corner of Spruce, d!07-6- S . I'-i'- .'- Geo. , GEO. P. BRADFORD & Co., J M'iiucuiEan. , inn r r" " Wa intend to keep the beat f Gooda and a wl!ur. '. - I "OV FELL DEAD -- l RAY'S ARITHH1ETICS, Upon the ears of the Deaf who did net use Dr. StilweU'sPatent OrganioVibrator, aW and U?3l u tu PereepUble, neao. enaDllne ueai persona to near ilia tin ctiv nt hnnh removes ? -- 'T. -. -- Vv NO fTTTR v. ciBAd add1 wn Vi v r f ana means of soeedw causes, ana reeloany ens. and WbitAdwwia V . ?.1? CONSULTATION Cottons,14Wool. loves AAosicry, : t; :: 3 "V?Q. e.arth than heaven. inOX, STXTCI, TEff MATE, and Motions. whleh you have taken awivT'7, bread Mlneri and Arrtenltnrml Parliament for fS1? ' "x,yT Lowest Bates, and gumran-L- - StoresjAlso UlMrksmttb's and Car Teelg. w we M toprica andqoalityr : De4dwrtjsta Renter's Implements, ifH.0? rrTrrr, Soldth.l.. to eail Inrltcd eSamiaetf and yield no more to MAIN 8TREKT, Opposite Bait Lake House; 'l x. r. In CESTBil. nutrv rTTTKrr, unity, but diiV; tne temntAttnT. of BJkXT TiAKK CITY. Alio at 77 and W Faari Btrt. Boston, Man. Orders promptly attend! to. ! F. A. HUTTkCW YORK. inilJ.9 r HEIIR7 17ARD BEECHER TIIE ; ELOQUENCE Pinnco's Granmars, fficl , rnr ft. mv 'V . w V."" - "u mo pia-niu ui Arsenic r I , mT JouAlngdom U .iherei will be no more dnn !LteD' Rn.d yoor In orv HARD WARE 1 A Dry 6 oods Jobbers, fP Elementary Spellers, Jno. E. Cmclet. Manufac TWftlr in Wholesale . bu a tnrers ,of and . . L. VT 4 auu 'Aj warren ou. huu ouy' viuiuioic. 13 ew Kuu thi runaway, xsew wiwwu virafu E HALE, 11 , AND SPELLERS, and DEALERS In r. Bradford, t' BARBOUR. fPlti'd. WILSON'S READERS No. 12, BARCLAY STREET, (Fourth door bel&w Astor House.) NEW TORK. aizortm ' HOLESALE. , Ware and Plated Ware, Kero Britannia sene Mmps ana Fixtures, JLantrns, &e. L - 1 wel-execLfi- nn j m IMPORTERS y, sin) WILLIAM STREET, No. ; D - ! ' J Comprising Saddlers Snspender Trnnk, EKS' LEATHER and MATERIA I H9 I AKE ? fa school noons, THOMAS GAKSAB, r TMPORTER and Dealer in f ? "by d20S-l- y i'trst. national Hank of CbJearo. (-- Beftr, ; - JjMUe9 & CliUclren's Shoes, i 1TI iAii ix catiTaIh w,Roa.pi. United State repository. ... D. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every fieparU I ; OILS, PAINTS, WINDOW CLASS. Xo. 9 A 11 Xaaaan St., If cw York. HTATIONEUS, PRINTERS, i LITHOGRAPH. EltS, ENGRAVERS AND BLANK r.OOK MANUFACTURERS, CoJ CHASE, IIAXFORD Ileadqnarters for ? RE-BOUN- . . ; Xotert UMvZfordy t! w.m ROOKS, 198 BLEEKEH STREET, s - nrxroriD S er'V - t Cort6wd-d- iSdgaTosls. . Prague. a gpRAcm; ax;: v 67 Broadway,) NEW TORK. GAIL AND SEE TIJEH BeadVUeet: (Sea? i r' BhoTsls, Soytlie, Axes and At,;, J- - UfiE mum. |