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Show cese B LTE V , NJJK . G- . Auput 11. 188. " , " Mr. FEED. ,.CCa for publication are ' .kuwSMSTSonwriting of the paper only. side one write to Hta Mrt notice cn be taken of anonymous com. exits' name aoit In urtestlons. Correspond their conimunlca-riV.- n accompany intnee for but as a publication, J not necessarily BABGAIHSH BARGADIS!!! WILL, lht 1'. "Announce . OTHER CUOTCTIS j, f.'f &. T. PEBRIS to purchase I And will fill B. Shaw "V - . I : PURE LEAF LARD 3pyy.3a:xxs-- Packed in Patent Air Tight Caddies of 3 lbsj,' ' lls.,;7 lbs. nnd 10 lbs. each. This package is entirely new and found tho most convenient ever introduced, botlj for dealer and consumer, j Tho tmde are invited 'to glvo it a trial. j Also, Manufacturer of i i . . s t ': ;;, . i Ilarclwnre. WEST! 1.1 Tax I t Salic .Street, CHICAGO. IIX. ;iasHvr. Vf., Arc the results of his labors Which we are selling at PrivaUahd rublle Bale than other House in the Territory, Congress from the Territory of Lower the entireany snnat to e!oe4l ont Im Which will bo fhl very ('heap, hr KonUy Pay Sfeli luh. The Captain's health has. not been the as be Is looking much better than we e- the NEXT THIRTY DATS. best. xited to see him, from account which we had rwlved. His health Is much Improved of late, CA8H OU ITti EQU1VAL nud he t.i looking very well. A respite from the Itegul&r Sale Days, 11 arfs which have pressed upon him, and an p- Saturday, o'clock.swtaoity of enjoying the society of his family wl Mends, breathing our pure mountain air. triti enable him to recuperate rapidly. Ills nu OUR WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT stieroua friends wilt be glsdtohearof at safe arrival and to see him. Tueclay, at, S. W. JOEL STAKTiso ot Tbaixs. The following nam started from Laramie City at the named, with immigrants: Uitt-- s dU 2Sth, with the tptuln Ilaight's on the 111? I . T STAIRS, that came by the Minnesota and in number. Captain lhightt Sctky s train left August 1st, with tho Williamsburg passenger, and freight. The first f tB strain may reach this city by Saturday or Sunday, though It is difficult to say am. are In receipt of a JiKAVY AORT-- l TlfK MEST of lv J. It. ss thl ?race nd 1 FORKS, MCBDCCK. , SHOVELS, Iks Ixuiuratiox. We have been favored tte fallowing telegram to President M n- Table oni momIuy New 12. TorlcIAng The ljit ktitn Euwralti h&a arrived. i bere have the deaths thlrtTowTen beu ncl forty bT nt todnrlng hospital; wwuy u&nuh children, witn raeasiee. fatte. 1- - iirau the kindness ss.--Throu- sh Uio. IX Lang. ot the 10th Ward, we are placed tn possession of the following: Yesterday after- noon the obsequies of Bro. David Fisher, who .. flnn . worn ran. vilf jut tn th mvwucu..... .ui,fif.ii. School-houstaeted in theWtnWard by Bishop 1. Procter and Counselor A. Prlers. After sing- ins by the choir and prayer, isisnop i rocror Mvoke of the upright character of deceased. imrtng the six years of his residence in the Ward he had lived the life of a Sale t. Of a mild Mia gentle disposition, be was an affectionate hubnnd. a kind parent and a good neighbor The BUhop's remarks were full of sympathy sad condolence, to the bereaved. Counselor spiers followed, corroborating the Bishop's re marks with regard to Bro. Fisher's character and gtve utterance to eoiae timely reflections, I - i dJl-2- v e, r ; jtt n vxMfA. ." t-- i. . ait vmun,t t; vi j. Iff i5.D CDMISSI G d222;6m CHICAGO TRADE. t V E N D I COTT, And 7T.Sr.7 Jllclilsait Atimic 4; Goods to the Terrttorles e. Of COLORADO, UTAH, MONTANA. For; Btonge nd s Csargeafor Jidvaaclnf, warding at reasonable rates. 1 . 1 AuilIVAI.S AHD . 11 n WarA"" v. aw. W U m t ruui tit Ktif. Ka'.t.John ,To the West.-Joe- eeli W.Haakins, , O. A. Kurg. Tatsy, F 1 j -- J Ir. U. Uawley, T, u 1 tl '" .,V.tt : -- hern of American Cottons. v. Gloves i ncirr, I CIIICAU. j.r f.HAKBOUK, R. W. HALE, r. a. MtJJtT, xi; WTORK. , aame wir.T.KI) with . the Boivs, ! well as a Com plete Assortment of AS i GENERAL Jdkc St., CHICAGO. T of Megeatn A T1IP0RTEE3 and Maxmfaftnrersof TVe k m. osiir titotk raiBhieaud In Dealers and 1 Brsrt a wis irmtna: u Ana iau rr. thlsarteet , other Uln 00.. want the CM19MS.M-t or WATEB8TBKET, en land Montana veers Ca pastvwaaw ' - I if. Kad of Track, U. F. R. R . bvjh eeanta. hetac ter i 11 'crimAttTsv 6m dC;em TsTW TOBK.' Street, v.-w.bvw- ! Care twTO w p -- 1. -"-- - trfo? x. . ; S ; : MERCHANDISE including fetaple and Fancy mm mj . mw East Temple Street. t fr i " 4 .. ' ; m ? ,o. : , " ;. I I r the best, only $3,50, BEOGANS, BOOTS OF ALL KINDS At LOW PRICESi "X 's ChiltlrciV'tt Nhoes. . - ProTisioiis, Tiawarei Hardware, ' A R I C U lit U R A L'jl I M P LE& E NTS Q - ' - ? i T'DT'TaWT ; Wonien'H Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery. 51 GO atOthb D - and Chains, I TT ! Yokes. 11.T.IN01M. "TTTvrja care ana a a -- Keep Money in the Country IIORSFS. Hosier Importers and Jobbers of BOUQHTIX FERwJN, - dSlfclm! ( o: -- - ALSO, liln-cii- t - ; , 1 . ' dia&iy V fBress Goods. Job?t, Importers and White Goods and REFERENCE: A EAST TEIV1PLE STREET, BRO., ) j ; rwaj-'sr- lic in general, that I 1 1 :s: rjmrr Good Pasturage for Stock ...J, within the City, HOME MANUFACTURED d222:3m cmcAcao, & inform the inhabitants of Salt Lake WISH toand and the travel'n Pubvicinity, we nave 1 WATER IFTREET, .bl. Nil Call and ee tliem! roesbeeks Corner, .' ! i 7Hi A tM. II. KOVEY, NevrYork. 'GEO. J. DOCKET, Bostov. dl6:6m 7 X1IE STREET. antlXotions. WHOLESALE GRO'CERS, I. W. SHOW ELL 4 W. HOUTII COOKING, PAR LOR 1nror1n and N AW TlfnrV VrAt.rt.t fnr WESTERN DESPATCH," Mexico, "GBEA'f For Utah and Care otMegecUh & Co., Cheyenne. o U. P. R. Montana, Care of Megeath fr ., JEVid ' I X. Txtle. Salt & CROJTTjr PERRIS, Agent, .9IEOEATII A Co.,i Cheyenne. Dry Goods,Jobbers, anil Prlvatcf families in and aronttd SALT LAKE CITY. , OK jm-tm: BARBOUR & HALE :t. X U. their. I STOCK LA1UM It. It-- is the aame as chrccd by ail the principal Itailroad Line. raxitA aid Forward eeelve 1 . &C MONTANA, United States Express Co.. for transporting Merchandise from New York and Boston west that will not bear Express charges. Onr Tariff1 from the East to the end of Ihe ! SIB LET it irehAnU and Bankers of Omaha, Den10 iu rer, and Salt Lake: City generally. piams n.euirwwiiw, jonnoD,MOTtmoer w. tiAntlzexl ne ittu. hand-ca- rt COLORADO, ool-vinnnol- M. JIEBCHANT aad emigrated In iseo,erossinf a company. Bro. Joseph nnri.o ih. fnnnnou vesterdav. A. Youn vilted the family, ana alter expressb aim sorrow at t TZrVtTJZl trtliarst.wtUithe wi,iaft i,rtrH V b and her famuy wf "i I v n Have just receive WESTEItX DISPATCH TIIK a ORKAT Fast Freight'Llne estabiiahexi by the e AnatMt lOth.lSTt. in STOVEj STOREf TO dU2Jy ' (iencrsl Agents for I'taU. I New Vorlc antl Boston Ortlcrs flllcd Promptly aiitl JLowest Jlarlcet Kates. CEO. CODDARD'S , . j;m. allenco., 'r 2 :o:- - & CO., LIE theim. lKrtacce of being prepared for such a change. trressiogbJs confidence that Bro. Fisher pawed from death to life, and that he win in herit the promisee made to the faithful. Kldors Joseph Taylor and B. Lang, close naign- tors to deceased, also spoke of his many good nuautle,andexprested their condolence with the bereaved family. was filled with many friend Th School-bouswho came to pay the last tribute of respect to thunm.in.nt MuiM(L Bro.Flher was bora n . WALKER BROTHERS, ; d211-a- m Bespatch. I UTAH, AT Jii FKO.M JifflM,, OiMlers reieetiully olicltel r Eldrcdgc it Clawson. from Hotel Keepers, Itefttau 1 m the uncertainty of human life, and ILLINOIS. mm j r.f ... T o'eloek; A.M., AH of which will be sold Low for Cash. txti O t;a kqu I Pocket CuUery, 6c Ii.B.tXAWSOJ. 1 rll sizes, IZOJPEj which announces the arrival of the JEVWe, the last ship of the season. We are ?:::;onotlh Xr tk1SAWS, Hill and Circular, uag. I GREAT WESTERN 25 Cts. per POUND, Mlt& Y - " Policies issued, payable either In Gold . Cnrrency as may be desired. All I.ocn ndjnsted andpniil ni eral Agency. FAST FREIGHT LINE : Bet ween ad- - by leaving his win Mnd for (Corner of Michigan Avenne.) 1 Every Thursday the following: "Ttje pvrson who took away the Dinner Jacket, this morning, containing a tolerably !xi Dinner, will oblige me RANDOLPH ST., FRESH TROUT FISHI Sizes, One of our compositors hands it Back. & 3 n Insurance effected on Farm Properly, WHt And It to their advantage to give us a call. Mills, Merchandise, Risks and Dwellings at Reduced Rates. dl29:ly L. HUNT. A. J. RALSTON, Ircileiif Secretory. -- W. JENNINGS & Co - ltl. 1 CHICAGO, oos, rriee, U"'y PLOwis, - Fort Bridger, Aug. la, 1S6S. t'resident 11. Young:My tram is on the war in g od contlition. Be at Salt Lake the -- No$. j ;DALRS, GLASS well-know- 1 4 'Mnrdock: ! . ! dvnttf JL ASS all ' Ana I i ASDMARIfiElfSUBANCE! INSURANCE! COMPANY" riiHIS X has establishetl' a General Agency in Mslt Late City, for the Territory of Utah. or Country Dealers j Dealers wlibhiK mud and Fm KTOCKt DRUG, PAINT, OIL Country City Uoods are inviu to pnrelaaMi la this m t glvo us ell. m weCity n Isre et Ht mc and nr fnllr irenired to oiler In Low xtnuirdliiiirv Induce nacnt r. J jrMf.h btatien is; and the first they would fuie to, n the road they will most likely travel, would be at Hear Itlver. sinco writing the a Vote, tho following telegram ha been received from Captain PKODIK m HARDWARE! IE Wholesale j r pas-H.a- er FOR BURHHAMS:& VANSGHAACK 1 Is Blocked with full lines of Staple Uoods suit the City nnl country Trnue.; able Captains liV and Loveland'a trains left Jnly rth; Captain Murdock's on tho 27th, and Itav 1m k CO., Capital & Assets, Gold, $1,433,03781 CASH. to-da- y well jutt i fled with Of San Francises California. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES QucciiMware. I , Suited In lii, market, ni in tlicXORTlI OXI.Y MAXITACTlTtERS ! Thursday and INSURANCE COMPANY, T bt - PACIFIC . I Clrocorie. TAIXOnS TRLWIXGS. CIbTIIINtt. SHARP & YOUNG - ' -- fiumedlelely nt the JtonUir Kauyon. l. t; KAI..K Merchandise Staple DrtigrKiKlw. IJakei'M. Av. m:gat to -- BRO., All the Varieties of Kon Jroccr?. r I'" ly NOTICE OF U. S. RANSOHOFF & CO. ; IT MAY COJUEllJM we nour.v; ALL WHOMthat our rartnershlp will expin' onthe First of Jnnuary next, and we therefora request anv and everybody knowing tneiu; selves Indebted to us, by note or otherwise, setUe within (HQ) sixty days Irom thirdate. nave expensed, as at that time all claims niutl-bof our attorney for given Into the hands N. S. RANSOHOFF Co. collection dl5:sK2me Salt Lake City, July 0, IrtiS. WHOLESALE & RETAIL, PATENT .UAl lIIXi: JIAHK LIXEXS A 3IlSI.IN.S. our old friend, lion. W. U. Hooper, who is saisns ns once more, radiant with good humor, i & Keep Constantly for uinivrivra'. wheeleu Munufacturcrs of I from iul attention given to orders from Utasl PAPER. BAQS1. SIIEETIXCJ.S. ' WORK ON THE RAILROAD! 4S-Aii- U222;tJnj El-Irwl- ge, received a call TO TRAINS from of tVeter 3Ht wlU have In ofFIRST GOODS, which will thn KAST. n nan title by make our Assortment Complete in all KINDSW Of BTAFLES. dl5tf d2Wltf May 30. 1S6. Oil.1; 170QDL1AIISEE PtJRE NEATSFOOT DRY GOODS, CLOTHS and CASSIMRRES, r Welcome Homi.-- We anil Xaborera, Kails, ': Slone ?Insoiis 1 ' ; I AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES rvi'itiii OK DRESSPATTEnXS. : Ml Coal Oil, ete., ete. FOR LUBRICATING, ofv magnificent s'ikok ; Ferrin, Farr and Petersen sailed for Liverpool in the steamship JVance, on Sat urday, July lth; and on Saturday, thO II. Clemons, Farnsworth, v.th. iuw 4ud Glossop, who had arrived the j.reviouH day, took i passage on tho g.'wt. Elder Teasdale having been detained iy KMer Clawson to assist in tho emigration i.iHines in New York. n-te- - i; Flonriay Mills, Saw Mills and Wcolen Mills,; rotuphniug, T f EXTRA LARD OIL vrllh! replenished use, y ; - Fine Y. IITe Flue G. I. Tea, Soda mid Saleratiu, EXPHESSLV FOIl ! ' I Brown "Sugar, 'i Clarified Sugar, Cnisliecl Sugar, Coffee, Packers of EAGLE EMPORIUM Ik Rjtaln HIGHEST WAGES PAID TTZVtt Pg"g Jrii '" ' SpecUvl " I n. Clawson, Y. C. Ktainesi, 1. O. Calder JLlders Grant, Heber J. Kichard.-- noti r is rapidUy approaching pl7nTaVm win M frelaht this rat of and as we Idnoed. Qreatly to benefit oar Customers and but at large tn every way labile, them in furnishing Qunrry-itiei- i. at the IXJWEST PRICES, we wllL date. Sell asv tiii: ClattTHING, 4ce, by steamer to St. Iou!, en the way to jeo lhr friends, thence on to Kevr York. i:der Iladen W. Church, T. B. Lewis and Hell left for their fields of labor in the States; arkl iUders Teasdale, Kdmund Kldrwige, .Farr, J. W. Ferrin, I. M. Grant and I tans Petersen took the ears for JCetv York, l y way of Chicago and Suspension Bridge. They reached New York after a ride ofthree and nights, and found the heat very in4t tense and enervating. Hero they met Kldors wt-n- t , 1 i this , O. G IMMEDIATELY! r ND to all others who wish to be benefitted. A , J UOT ARRIVED! : aint r; 11 UAH after-restin- Olos.sop 1 i PartietUr Kotlee to tHe Customer ot OUR TSXRD TRklM Yonn J. t'i T j ,'',-- (120661 . anw worth, 0. For Machinery and Fam tlx Bupplles to be this Fall, f Freighted through - 000,000! - -- Furn-Hu-ofth- p. COr.lMIGOIONORDERS THKATRICAI-.--Wexpect there will be a L housethts evening to see the tragedy jtxl roo.' with Miss Inco in the title tole; VIP , All who love n J her sifter aClemanthe. the poetical, the classical and the beautiful in language, will find much to exelte their juituiration in thia great play. Give the fair ' tnetioiaire a bumper house. The, Missionaiuki, W have )oen fa- -. roredwith the perusal or a letter to Elder f are now opening at the OLI Teas-.late, tieorge A. Smith, from Elder George en route to England on a mission, dated New York, August 5th, from which we irlean the following: Tho missionaries with IIBV7 STORE, whom ho traveled reached Platte City on the Mh of July, in Captffln Mnmford'a train and a day were sent down to the railroad with a couple xf tea msT i From NINETY THOUSAND DOI.IAIIN the end of the track they rode to'lJaramio WORTH OF ' rail empty trucks for ten cents a mile! Tfcero they met brother A. C. 1'ynor. They aiHo wei x.uct wmaiow jfarr, Ferrin, uioasop, Shaw, Lewis and Bell of the missionarios going east. At Omaha remained a day, having met Bishop vly i.Iders II. B. demons, F. John Brown. , m fy- - FALL STOCK OF GOODS, 0 , I FAIRBAM(C,PEC!(&CO Ko. 14 JLa SaUo St., again start East about the lUh or - I c CHICAGO TRADE! E.W S.. -N j we will And, In fact, almost eTerythlng, which i Sell Cheap for t. I JritOUtCE dl24-l- y ' ; AN1 a AUT - - CASH I ; 'i LEATHER'!!1 LEATHER! WE TAKE rilODtlC! Wm. SLOAN 3Co. d!23-l- y ' rO!T ? f i K CVt . : ' |