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Show SlSbtc nwm- - PIon"r Paper of the news. - JMST w k - t S 60 three months. ; ' 1 - .M.CA.V 11 I JOB PRINTING OFFICE UV , - T " HOSE A aplndle, and O. - S OLl4r ; : D. IToff. aV. I. ' a - i JOHNSON j UA1IN IlllO-S- silk paper lu fraie instead or glass, ""and a iriu opaque substance of the same, :itlon frames a partitions inside I ' - , was iu the Lab-- f to cracker in tha the tin litl plunging ' ial mto the stono and for them. jar lie Went aftAr n omotrar nnrt , )tne noise that li lmHnMl tro. ieby raU, he rushed hark tn th ruir. vaaJ with flushed face said: Muz- r. t r. . I ol wats, out. I'so so ff CouMut lift tha lld' . y otherwise good apple orchards Mweti to become defaced, as well Piously injured, by allowing a pro-Qof suckera to grow at the base of are aometiuies unfi. nf them bv cuttlncr tbem te to rlilAttempts ld fitpr-lif- t Ung Ml 1 m a w , dlSl-S- m , !?atothe surface of the ground, wins; considerable portions below jut form of short These iv. m. van. Corrall. lartlcaLar attention paid dlUOiU John McAvoy. TCLL1DUE 4c MeAVOY, Are prepared to execute. In the- . finest style of the Art, HUILOINU AUAINI GOOD AND FAT, and PLENTY OF BEE, determined to bell Cheap. Come one, come all, to C. . separtely ia the hands and upon It near the iuey are quickly, separated. Jr thU time of the year, they will a thick, boot West side East Temple Street, Retail, dltt-t- l AT dlVkly CARRIAUE, WAGON and BLACKSMITH BUOI. South Tempi Bk, Block and a naif West ol ti. " 111 C - ' SMITH'S. IYIRS. JA'MES HAGUE, Gun and IcksnxUli, wltli - And Tor Hnlc at IiOivcr Rnlew tlinu ever! .. if ; UNION StC. the greatest variety and quantity, Wholesale and Retail. dl93:U H. SCllldiclin :. I L. Blote, Jonathan Janes. SLOTJS j?, STATIONERS, . r 172 nOOKSJlJiDE TO OIWEIl, FINE ASSORTMENT OF Boots SiStioes, Printing, Engraving" and Lithography SUGARS. N.B. The new issue of Salt Lake City Corporation is a Specimen of our work. dl82;6m REFERENCES: W. C. Staines, Esq. WILLIAM ST,' s BlANK-BO- O j"f y rar exx bo. 3E3 -- ;o:- I' E are constantly receiving New Supplies of the i. 1r 1 all;ox the premises. ' oy j SUGAR" OF LEMON, TIIi ELOQUENCE OF HENRY WARD BEECHER ; Candies, Fellies, Which we offer at & CO. FELL DEAD i ENGLISH PICKLES, I i I Upon the ears of the Deaf who did not use I which fl U Into the ear, is not perceptible, and removes ringing noises in the head, enabling deaf persons to near distinctly at church and publio assemblies. A Treatise on Deafness, Catarrh, Consumpand Scrorula in all its forms, tbeir tion, Cancer means of speedy relief and cure, by causes, and a pupli ot the Academy of Medicine, Paris, sent free to any address. 7-- CURES GUARANTEED on the plan NO CURE NO PAY. No Mercury or Arsenic used. OILS, VARNISH, Ac, Ac, r. STILWELL, WALKER Bro's. d21-2- dlShly BLANK-BOO- X. AXTHOXY A Co., l 601 Broadway, New Yorar, Manuraclurersef Photgrapble Materials, Pb olographic Albums, Stereoscopes and Views. Importern of French, English German Chromos. E.IA I f Farmers, brine: on your Produce and anctj printing ceive IT4 ON HAND, KS Or Made' to any Desired Pattern, at Short 'Notice. the inchest Market Price, In Goods NOTES, DRAFTS, ETC., t First-Clas- s Style. Lithographed ill ROOMS, 193 BLEEKER STREET, o- . NEATLY EXECUTED. NEW YORK. w -- Allk!nd3of 3lain and ALL KINDS OF GRAIN ON HAND. i.i, S ! CHECKS, i Our usual LOW FIG VIMS. ' 116 FULTON STREET, N. Y. ; CONSULTATION ' Manufacturing Stationers, Dr. Stilwell's Patent Organic Vibrator, EXTRACT of LOGWOOD, n ! re- at the Lowest Rates. Stayner & Cunnington. dl42:ly PEOPLE'S EMPORIUM THE ELEVEN COMMANDMENTS! 1 -- MAGAZINES, MUSIC, ETC i Thnn ehoit not make use of any kind of roods, unless they are bought at Auerbach A liro's tore. BOUND ANt) G. T. Mulford. s Q IF. Oary, 2. Thou shalt not use gloves, nose, nanaser-chiefI CART 4c MULFORD, come from unless they goods, and fancy r Auerbach & Bro's Store. LEATHER and Satisaction Guaranteed in Importers and Dealers In and DepartEvery William Sts., 8. Thou shalt not allow thy wife or daughter FINDINGS, Corner, Spruce unless they are tnent. New York. to buy dress goods orAdomestics, i Bro'p Store. Auerbach Reference: Messrs Crony n & Peirls. Merat bought da4-lr- a chants, Salt Lake City. 4. Thou shalt not walk the streets, unless thy Itefer, by Permission, to boots and shoes are bought at Auerbach A Bro's Store. Mr. GE(fRGE Q. 'CANNON, and 5 Thou shalt not be allowed to visit ladies unless thy clothing comes Irom Auerbach A Mr. JOSEPH BULL, Salt Lake City. Bro's Store. a Tbou shalt have no covering for thyA head IUOQIUOB TO Jolm St., N..T. unless W. IL MILES, Esi thy hats are bought at Auerbach Bro's Store. HULIN & CORNWELL, . u i' daowy 7. Thou shalt not walk into thy house, unless carpets, ruga and mattings are bought at thy MANUFACTURING STATIONER. Bro's Store. Auerbach ... d73-6- m HATS for the MILLION! j RE-BOUN- D. t 5 - GEATJLEJIIiX HATH, ! j mJLIIlN'S IIATS, OF THE LATEST STYLES in 1 1; And in GREAT VAUIETY. 4 I Wi ! . i 1 'VP 1 g , AT g J louest prices i, 1 f. , . fine wall iwiJJiroomvalU are covered with covered with. SeOilifornia blan'kets, purchased at AnerbacH WARCT SPRIfJG A Bro's Store. ;. 10 Tbon shalt not make thy toilet In the Z3Y SPZtXZ70 ZZACS 4 ' ' T morning, unless thy soap, perfumery, tooth and Will leave the Salt Lake House every morning hair brushes are bought at Auerbach A Bro's. " at every HOUR through. Store. at EIGHT o'clock, andthe I mlnrlneiMl of at not all roods Hotela., shalt that Thou any ii buy the day, calling uI A .... i Proprietor. Lithogriaplier ''and' : I &,.4i S0WS DUKF0RD ..... , .... , aViuerbach A Bro's Store. SKi arSurSSed Bh< not go to bedat night unless r TO AND FROM THE I tub 1 :o:-- BATHS: " BY ' 4" Ton GENTLEMEN, LADLES. BOYS, MISSES and CHILDREN, . EO 1 BOOTS AND SHOES, ; . .. I . ' FEASL mt Hi.. i . dl42.1f '. I K . . gmver T0&X. fTRSST. ... ITEW : and ompjjte R. J. CTJaSTON offers aj AasortmenK 01 jltus, 3d Adviee SoXCharKO. V. ill r . Spongk FOUNDRY, j II. B. ClaWson, Esq. 1, 1 General Agents for Ulah Territory. y STEREQTYPE AND ELECTROTYPE Promptly Executed. j d208-l- Printing Establishment, And every Description and Style of i s g Stuffs, AND ! LIABLE. WALKER BRO'S, Salt Lake City, d205:ly .O ! Co.; New I York. BINDERY, COMPANY, Insure against Loss by Fire onlerms as favor- -' able as any other First Class Company. Losses promptly and equitably adjusted and paid. Far.f v. Goods, Perfumery; 170 & INSURANCE STOCKHOLDERS PERSONALLY and Jobbers of I) dl20-.6- STATIONERS, PRINTERS, L1THOGRAPH-- : ERS, ENGRAVERS AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, 1 . is. porters u d; Ci!K:icki.s, J. 0. SEYMOUR, KENNARD & HAY, No. 9 fc 11 Naasan St., New York. Sheetings, Blenclied Cloths, i OppoalU Salt IaX Home, . Of San Francisco, California. CASH CAPITAL fully paid in Uold Coin, 8750,000 " I i j FULTON ST..i. NEW YORK. Blank Rooks made to any pattern. Checks, Notes, Drafts, Certificates or Stocfe and Bonds, lithographed and printed to order. General 93 : . ' F.TRACY,-Agent- i I j i ( - ? I TIX PLATE, SHEET IB05, WIRE. ' WHOLESALE & RETAIL. ' - avui AC. Assortment of Ofllce Stationery. ; la THE COJIPAXY RUN AN OVERLAND EXPRESS! "3 RECEIVED THIS DAY JL.ADIES' HATS, S uYr-xar;io- n. M CARRIAGES, CABS, WAREROOMS.-- G Mrs. At th4 Sign of the IS NOW OPEN Cat., and Intermediate points. Stages leave SALT LAKE CITY dally for above points, and on alternate days for VIRGINIA CITY, and HELENA. MontAna, BOISK CITY, Idaho, and other points In those Territories. SAMUEL McCAEraEY & Col rrnOLESALE GROCERS, and IMPORTERS l or WIWES, LIQUORS, and TEAS, In connection with their Stage Line and are ' 413 t 117 Xorth Second 'Jstreet, Saint Lmnf , Mo. to carry PARCELS. BANK NOTF, Srepared GOLD and SILVER COIN and EX,d77-l- y PRESS FREIGHT, to all parts of the world, at COLLECTIONS and reduced rate. greatly COMMISSIONS promptly attended to. Particular attention paid to the delivery of EXPRESS BRIDGE, BEACH & CO., LETTERS at ail points on onr routes. For particulars apply at office. East Temple Mannfaclarers of Street, Salt Lake City. I ! - nlananntll e 8toinach, consequently m Rocking: Horsfs, Propellers, Sleighs, " i?ioivii:ii:rt cooxjbik, THE LAST ARRIVAL! OoDoaita Paciflo Telesranh Ofllce, keeps con- the cotn!aiQa undigested, ferments and BPU innTi iwea tne siomacn, ern8ement and disease of the IOE CREAM & SODA WATZB, mSS 0rau3, and, through them, of ' . Bt 1fy care ran. v.8y8tem ny wealth and comfort, never sit KELSON & FIELD, Sr?.!w while tlther or hnin "oarL JAS. B. rb&BIS. PEAB, ! dsrtf M. DONELSON, be-equali- zed ynailibrium lias been established, WM. 2 Importers and Dealers lh " txV. ntmsw bO.V'a PREMIUM WlilPS. ' Sit down, anrl rinrrltllv iftt n STRAW SPLITTERS, for Braiders, made to aruuea anaau iu w Sewing MaciUnea, JJ ihealt and; then back to their la- - order. soove Una repaired. Mtoclc sad Predaee taltoai la Eaeliausc. rgaa of th i ua&iy II wJ,the whole system requires rest so thAt tlie nervous influence a tl ; circulation of the blood may THE COLDEH GATE tab--a MCW AIR, i ' nilRXSWOOD. UALE OMAHA, and the CENTRAL PACIFIO ROAD of CALIFORNIA.. Pawtengers ticketed from OMAHA to DENVER, SALT LAKE CITY, AUSTIN, VIRGINIA, N e vad a,S ACR AM ENTO, m THEO. At Ernst Temple Street, Salt IsUe City, Mti will nmM from tHAflTda Guns,' Pistols, Ammunition, HAS for BaleHaddlea. BrtOlea. aud HUeKXN- and f their with their shops counters, Or Kmlna Question cannnf d!99-6- j CIII1I8TIAN, M tMtJncturer of ERAMDULAT0RS, Jos. J. Btarruwood. iiifu. throughout the body be- made upon the uv Diumacu is ii lieu i ;a iood while the Vital fortM are now. y directed to the brain or the mus-- Louis, Olesectee, ) to and from the BAILY STAGES the UNION PACIFIC KAILROD of RAIL- of OthJe, SAINT LOUIS. Cbr. i CANDLES, COAL OIL, 11AKMETT Ac ROBERTO, Dealers In DRY GOODS. GROCERIES and UKXERAL MKKC1IAX4D1SE, Wholesale and hatdia aQother demand is C.Voorhls,i' ; than the common one of filling i- aCHellmers. New York. U.Hart, V8U AND B. Robert. II. BaueU. hkeiy to sprout again. "ere are f :o:- i dl4-t-r Jiobert Gale. -- Wm. 8PEAB A Co r' UFA CT ETHERS of all Grades CHEWING MAN and Dealers In FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CIGARS, and General Commission 119 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo, dll0-6t .i. Horses, Merchants, ' MIL L I NElt Y STRAW GOODS, PAINTING, GRAINING AND MARBLING; One door west of 13th ward Assembly-Room- s, diS7:tI Salt Lake City. stumps. on tne most reaaon-aoi- e on hand, lor saie or ragaiu, and they soon become as suuiuy COOPER WAKE a terms, good supply evtr. A better way is to wait ox tne uest uwu ana variety. evtry quality t'uey are in leaf, at which time 'we loosened more readily, and tak- each YOOR1TXS, f Ilobe. SECOND SOUT1I STREET, adjoining. Deseret vo iione-ahoein- g. HI OVERLAND MAIL - l , SECOND 80UT11 8TREET, flgn of Q IX) VE. USW:2m BIaACKSMITHS, sv-- ; ; Christian's Patent Spring j Express Forwarders, OF THE m 12, BARCLAY STREET, door brtoto A tlor Ilovse.)i.NR W YORK. CHAP. A. JV. General Wholesale; Dealers In , n. WELLS, FARGO & Co. 306 - I n : taree-year-o- 6m U 120 uiKf-u-n f .t5 0 - 3 00 r s Johit Tullidge. 6 eo AND IIVXX, a. jt. pendleton, yr, lx months,. three month,. AND SHOJES, BOOiTS No. MAIN STREET, 8T. LOUIS. m fjllovin? incident, besides the Illdes. truthfulness, possesses a pecu- - ; 3 DRY 8 AND NOTIONS. GOOD ' I No. 222 MAIN STREET. , s j ARTIST -- D.B.UndtUjf, HURT, HEIUIIXS Fur Cloves, tancy uioves, Plain nnd Cloves, I Boots and Shoes Cheap lor Cash, ITodace and helping himself . 1 A. ANDERSON', ,. Vit:tIe . - S8 0 six months...... three month,. No. J200T AXD SHOE: MAKER t, i.-ou- "taus you know dere' . , ( Fourth JOHN SWENS0N, f v. ilatiisoa, ., f.t ORR 4k IOJIDSIXY, Bncceasora to J. Ri Llonberger A Co, New York. j r marking ink take one MATCH AND INK MANUFACTURER, j .nofuitrate of silver (lunar caus And Dealer In PROVISIONS, FRUITS and tool re it in a glass mortar, In V X.U fctrt tit .f.-ieit weight of pure water; this 5 doors north of Kimball A Lawrence, East' dl21U Temple tttreet. it!ie ink. Then dissolve one v:iaiofaU3 of tartar In one ounce AnctlonX Auctlenll Auction!!! niter, ia another vessel; this is the wmcn XJjr J. JC. TROMBO. .iwitu tne iiueu must be ously wetted, then allowed to dry. OOODS at your own Price, every day. except one door Jiortn or Halt Ltiaie lioune, Mb Hunday. (..if;rwards to be written on. 10 u'ciocX a.m. dlJtkU lyoivld composed of the following rnovisiox STORE, ajweuwwill prevent the hair from IL W. Statk Road. By aud promote its growth and Ilaii a RlucJcMCALLISTER, Exolaration Square. North ol soft and glossy: Two ounces of lrovUtOHS a rut Grain Houyhi and ikUU. (;t A Quantity ol Kerocine Lamps Very cheap, :i wax, halt an ounce or oil, palm ik t the best olive oil, dissolved uluxtt rtjuzbly over a slow fire, then stir it w. J. HOOPER A. Co., Iwarlv cold, and add one ounce of m til and a small quantity of per 2d fibuxVi StrttL, Teia i '? i One Copy one year. 2k; 1 CROCKERY, CimrA. OLAM WARE, W are and Plated Ware, lier. nrltannlas aeno Lnmp and Fixtures, Jan terns, Ac, -- make do-"""- No. MAIDEN LANE, TINNERS STOCK, &.C, (Cor. William Ht .) shop. 91 dr l M A X G IX STREET. 87. F9. Manufactory: UVIjT,9 Block, and half south of Theatre, on State Road, NEW YORK. ; 120 North Main Street, hand to exchange lor produce. lth Want, thrte doors IZitf of Union Academy,) j Refcrerice. keeps a stock on Messrs. Cronvn v lvrrln. dlUOlf to Is be elsewhere. found than Cheaper Salt: Lake City. $ Teaohes the Art of Cnttlmr everv Artlels of:' SAIXsT:i LOUIS. " dl90-6Wearing Apparel for Ladltxi, Gentlemen and ' JOHN SQUIRES. ?urtls' Msthmatlcal nm r Bradford, Children, by the late Mr. Jno. E. Cowlet. ' Models. SOLE A GLWT FOR VTA II. XI GEO. 1 BRADFORD Jk Co., Two doors north of Post Office. Manafacturers of and Wholesale Dealers lni Aien-ana ooys' Clotblng. 41 and 43 Warren 8t., i A Private Room for Catting and Cnampoo- -' between Church BU and West BroadwayNew VV . 11 Ladies' Children's and air. tC log jttleTomciy' I SEMI-WEEK- TERMS FOR THE WEEKLY i FIEJUD. BAHrOltO sB. . i dl99-S- IMPORTERS and DEALERS In . CALIKOItNlAimKVEHY and LA dl21-t- f QElBKER DElOT. .rivrellinss. at the present time: went with his mother jitaauciein Madison, a minis r. At the minister's house, twice a i.nalt bowed in family devotion, while ewy meal grace was asked. Tommy wd ail this, aud prayed as devout lv j the rest. Oue dav his mother found m a!oae upon his knees. "Why,O a.aiaj said, she, f'what are you mamma," said the little boy mast ail pray all we tan while we ....;,T . William Z Orr.! ' STREET, Bpruee, Cfmtf '.dl876m Clenfs and Ladle' Fine Boots, Usltrs and Bun made to order, of French and American talfttkln. teejiMM-losnd upone Workniuunblp, KewMonableTTernis. Large enpply ut ready-rnsxlBbots and 8hf s constantly on Imnd. r It Uaaranteed. d77tf f Ilie rit of ir signiacance TERMS FOR THE t)vtm r ' ltassla Leatner, Cbamols, Ac., No. 180 WiLLfAM Lake- CVy. COMMERCIAL BUILDINU, Dry GooJm, Groceries, Clothing, etc, eta, etc., IXut Tcmjl igreel, UtU Lake Ctyl d lao-.t- f band. coornn italic transparent U :i.oj. Secottd South fitrtet, Cbrwcr of Oecileti(alt Salt - j Their looking glasses are buraished steel. They use a 1 I ''j One Copy one i , - Vrejsure. . i . TIIOMAS GAItNAB, Boob, IMPORTER and Dealer In Pocket St BOOK Nnspender 1IINDERH I.UAT11EB and MATERIALS, ' Beeond SootU Street, ' 4 ENGLEBRECHT, Proprietors. The choicest kinds of Llqtiors constantly on . CJ. Y. DA VIM, and act a part Dealer In not at the bot- Ac ue XYt rture will always Gxrocerics, euueavoring rally Fancy arUtamI will peep out anu nezray AndM r auother. wietim Provisions, drain, Flour, Ac. All of Best Quality and Lowest Oods to two send want you Fitiier yards dZXUl Prices. tw?d eioth; he don care what he kills his pigs In'i ami when NATHAN LANQ iie'ii pay yu what yu owe i?a'ife scissor are in the shape of f steel and sever ,i!irr tonic bladea approximate as the treely Cortland A. Spraaue. ilylford. f rroprletor. WAG EKE It 4hirdtl personate !, fr where truth is 2'" .A i m A J' " . (Published every Wednesday.) C : dlllhly Wollolto '' friendship in erain stored in Chica- .ifclIOW8. UVWWV unit (k busnels: oats. 833,000 and of lit t Office, FEKAMORZ LITTLE, & Uonoral at LawKxatci. Attorneys Oollootliitf .Tinunt of rn, . The DESEEET NEWS, W. tiEKJ f ,,,. J.., :L:. . ).. YlrpORTERS and Wholesale Dealers In Hard. X ware, Cutlery, Cinna, Nails, 4Le.,No. M lORTH' main btrket,- Wo. iiin.bers Street, and 67 Iteade Btreet, (near iOid I!etuxenP(n4maorive xOItK. liroadway,)NEW 1 Al VflT. rtn hand nmvrn Ar' RnrarnAa Wm.W.Sanford tOUIS. alfflsa Celebrated Miners' Khovela, tjeythes. Axes and Rodney D. Wells. I t . Co FZIISTCLASS ACCOMMODATIONS. - ' OFFICK at the ueddental Hotel hnmbW reprouate was lately arresiSalt Lake City, Territory. r dlU nearwas he that . savins: , ..! thouzht It was his wife. Z. KNOW. e ATTOltNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT nlm iloes not mate new acuualnt-.hLAW, advances through life, he AND BOLICITOU IN CIIANCEKY, dl77-5find himself alone A man Salt Lake aty, Utah. 1 Stage j ' W1112flnd tTU- - ITlaJk EOQE but alienee, and very always Keep Haute to Trent, Fargo & Nearest ' Travelers and Permanent Boarders TOUT, Xo.w"Sfc AttorneyTll obstreper- a BLOUSIE ju3ge TJ Strickland. STEICKLAHD ft E0 BEST 8 OH, m eiW Jtobtrt EAST SIDE EaIsT TEMPLE ST. X. IT. BoUrUon. dltf PTvou ? O. I ui IrLh Justice to an . Sc Oottxxsellor at Xw Attorney OFFICB-N8, CITY HALL. dltf The The clrcu- ralnary revolution . , i . ! II,. d!3tf .kit type ot manhood Proper ttern. beat dance for surgeoni . v m&JifiZ r all has 433,413 I , i I Semi-WceU-y, . (Published every Tuesday and SatJarday .) - Warren Hnaaey. Frank Palmer, Chaa.I.Iahler r t i? i Bait Lake City. Denver, yirginiauiiy, ' & Co., DAHLEB BTJS3EY, e4of a traveler Tne UDineso IN-- GOLD DUJiT BANKERS and' DEALERS KL Lake City, U. T Bait XCUANU COIN, AND Montana. Helena. and antl at Vlrtn themselves lCXly eaolies drown neie Warren Homy Co., Banker, Denver an1 $ t the rate of twenty a day. Central City, Colorado. , t of metal. .... . - TRUTH AND JIIBERTY. ; - SALT LAKE CITY, THURSDAY.; EVENING,, AUGUST 13, 1868. VOL.I. . 4cn.ms ro rmi racrmos or au. .V". lUII 1 DESEEET : NEWS, : 1JIloJMlJIM', JIM JIldMiTU In JDjvv Editor. Rocky Mountain Region - it ill u tates Auerbach F. Bro's. , , AUERBACH & BRO'S, Opposite Wells, Fargo A Go's Bank: and Express Ofllce, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City. PA Particular attenUon paid to tha Wholesee and Come aale Tradei at the lowest figures, .profseslonsi Ibryourdfeir, , . dl8L2m,;, it |