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Show Two Hill Teams Enter Tournament I FrlJrgn8tlJ ' TOP TIMES HILL Pag 4 4 Xr'sW Entered lh the Davis County basketball tournament scheduled for March 21 thru 2 at the Davis High School, are two teams from Hill Air Force Base, according totourMeade, director of the be ney. Representing Hill AFB awill team a team from MATS and I K With thirtv m ao now half thin archives, four teams find .weSli selves tied for tv, o.u uupuouucu seC0nd.h.r ul scramhle. A scant three points u uic msi iu.iu Tin Twisters, led by smonn,.!. 1.1. - i Ev-eret- te 1 . -w very much in the munaeroous; wwu ft entered is under i f vyi 1 in the casaba contest. It u the joint direction oi jvieaae In taken funds All Rich. Orrian iUiti 4i unamont j, mi IrOIll ttUIUIOOluiiw will be used to help build a new chapel for Layion m ""! e on-da- Enter State Operations Men Take Up Collection Bowling Tourney Feed Deer will par- To Maintenance Again Gives Workers Cash For Ideas JC duuua in rs $6681.70. ' Nine of the ten employees were of Colonel C h nfficA w- present in directorate of malnten- B. Root, - wo wn a fn receive checks of ranging from the top award D. Wm. $98.75. shared jointly by Rlgby and Neal W. Black (recently . retired) to $io eacn ior aaie. w- Johnson and Phmp u. Clinton M nimMM wpn! Anderson, Merle J. Page, Earl I . oop Bouch, Floya T. Pnu and Wm. A. ACM w rwj rr....l A Barnes. rri Mira will be smiled upon favorably by headquarters, but, just as1 in horse-racinthere is a small chance you might lose. However, should the transfer of a building be approved, a great deal of money will have to be raised by the club in order to remodel and decorate the structure into a suitable club house, complete with dance floor, snack bar, lounge, and etc. That's where your dollar membership fee will come in handy. The club has about four grand residing in the Clearfield State Bank, just waiting to be spent. When each of you dig down and kick in with a buck, that fund will be upped to about 8 grand only two thousand rocks short of enough to do a pretty fair interior decorating job if and when the building is okayed. The "amusement devices" owned by the club are turning over quite a bit of money these days . . . and you have no doubt been wondering where the moola has been going. The machines cost the club more than 17 "C" notes not counting the nearly 400 smacks for federal g, maintenance are $300 In cash almost richer by awards received lor suggeawuiw make the wheels of their division move more efficiently and safely. that as a nnut of It's estimated frh.t.riill .Ideas. Hill AF it Base will realize a yearly saving and equipment of In man-houm XCIl Membership Opens At ' that two heads are bet' ter than one in making an Idea pay off, Clinton M. Anderson and Merle J. Page collaborated on a amtn avatem for i i.... completely checking the 17 Items In a radar system. endeavor Another two-ma- n r and Koal W. Black XJ Dl.l. W III. n forth with a suggestion came iuu; xor an ou irauer w wracu Earl L. Bouch contrived a Jig for locating hinges more easily and quickly. A safety suggestion for the relocation of a switch on a saw table paid off for Philip a oiaaie. combination For suggesting and flanger, Floyd H h alceixMe check. - muiinul tt decided that Johnson R. Perry para- unit his in the employees helD In doaerved .tii. deduction their out payroll making forms for withholding bonds. His suggestion for making It easier to accomplish paid off. A shop bulletin board, adding to and dethe efficiency and morale,confusion and creasing duplication in her unit, neea jir. ...mmHihf th imp or a lack cradle, used in the a--Installation of dome ana cups on Col. Root commended the group - u iuuh. un uiu uwib suggestions and encouraged It and others to continue contributing devices and time and money-savin- g laeas vo xeep lue icvci ox punorm ance of tb'vbase at its optimum. so-call- ed SSsssssasBSMSSSsgsisssitsssssssssisississiMiiim mi in iww.iMr Help bowling girls a bowling scheduled in Salt Lake . state-wid- 20th, at e 7 p. m., in the Temple Bowling Alley. Competing for top places in both doubles and singles will be: DAR-LEMOSS, LILLIE HAYASHI, EVELYN DE YOUNG, MARKE CHECKETTS, DOROTHY KUr LIAN, LA VERNE SWAN, ANNIE REID, BETSY MIKESELL. First-priz- e winners will receive trophys. tax. Then $111 was donated to the Christmas party, about $650 has been spent to publish this rag you are now reading and have read every other Friday for the past five months, then the cashier had to have a small salary, insurance had to be purchased for Club property, and a donation of $75 went to the March of Dimes. All in all, the Club has spent approximately $3800 since it began operations in November. At the present time, it has a little more than $3864 cash on hand. So, when aproached by a sales team offering memberships in the Civilian Club, dont make them twist your arm too hard. Buy your ticket early and stay late. Yours truly, John Dooly, Office Boy. Y M,utninrfiYl8sr-- - on topi Fc High Individual Games: Morris 210 . E. Henderson 207 O. Klevjord Series: Individual High 565: Hank Deboer. M E. Rosenau L. Taylor & Hal Francom & High Team Series: Marauders TEN HIGH BOWLERS 1. Chet Mahoney. 2. Hal Francom Not to be outdone by the rest of the sports-minde- d people on the fellows the dispatch the in base, office of Flight Operations took it upon themselves to collect money to purchase hay for the starving herds. Over a period of two weeks any one making a mistake in the of fice would be required to put money into the "kitty". To swell the fund, every character, tran sient or based personnel, that would dare walk through opera tions would be approached and wheedled into dropping their last cent into the bucket. . Not taking "no" for an answer, one dubious person was stood on his head until money fell from his pocket. At least, that is one way of making sure your deer will be fattened for the kill. The salesmen were: Verdi Powell, TSgt. Edward Miles, Brooks Whittler and Edwin Watson. Capt. WillardHeed piloted the plane that dropped the nay to the deer. C. ! at 281 3. Jack Stokes 4. Hank DeBoer. 5. Don Sparks 6. O. Dunn...... 7. Al Agee 8. R. Allred. 0. 10. W 1K I 1KI Vern Gale.- .Rocky Killian.. TEAM STANDINGS high-pressu- re Small minds discuss people. Average minds discuss events. ureat minds discuss ideas! ,, j 1. Commandos 2. vTin Twisters 3. Security Five. 4. Lightnings 5. Air Installations... 6. Metal Maulers 7. Marauders J. 8. Skvmasters ..- 9. Supersonics 10. Black Widows 11. Superforts 12 Rrpmlim 13. Thunderbolts 14. Thunderjets 15. Inventory .. 16. Mustangs .. 17. Jolters 18. Flight Testers W. LI 28 H 26 M 26 26 W M .......24 15 2 M 1" 23 20 201 a l 21 19 -- 19 21 & J 22 .18 M 22 1 23 .17 J6 24 " U.nu.. 9n . SI 9 Supply Employees Receive Cash For Suflacstions hole-punc- 1.1. T7i " fill ) kJ" I me c lossef the four period i oo time and equipment, in supply division receiveu oivonla nn IbTaroh R PresenUlH"1 was made by Lt. Col. Hyn1 suPP1'director ofOUrATfll Shachtman, A TO In tl n. iuuu ui i o.xtt gw distributed, with top honors wfl.reD0UI 1 - 1 r it t section, who received x, -- Ccn where we intend to stay." Hank Deboer, Tin Twisters, "If I can ten ninj only knock down that we'll win in a waiK." wait Nevilles. Security Five, "As representitlves of the provost marshall's office, II feel we can handcuit any title con tenders." Jim Hogge, Air Installations, "If Air Installations doesn't win I'm going to take my sllgshot and break every window on the Field." Stars That Twinkled Monday Nile to Hill personnel and visiting dignitaries. Work nn h now nnntmn was accomDlished by both Air Installations and contractors. Hill personnel are invited to patronize the canteen oh their lunch and rest periods. Open house was held in the new y, located in the Base Operations nangar on March 7, realizing the dreams of Lydia DiUier, PX manager. Brig. Gen. William M. Morgan threw the doors open declaring open house canteen-loung- Cramer t rto.tnin sfii.rt Drive Girls Robert are team civilian On the Grose, Floyd Dansie, Jimmy Lou Hill Norman Herrlngton, Adrian TarmtiL ta ncomb, Hill Field www (Continued from Page 1) oonuiuui George in Del Bench, Parley ticipate Mor Draayer, It is anticipated by General tournament and Orvllie rucner. a for the that building request gan to be used by the Civilian Club City, March - oW HKymasters Killian, Commandos, "We're --- -- w, remii Shutm Maintenance Service and ..Ai i.l Mil me security IVl siuitaiiuns over ii. wui. urn; woaiao vijl nie Dig SIX bug. ketball race just completed the Whitewashed Quints are very cap. able of turning the tables on r ture rivals. v With just a few more weeks J competition scheduled this correj. pondent contacted the captains o! those teams apparently most likel to win the "Little Brown Jug.1' Their comments follow: Roekv .wi said. Hlllf lelders who will see actio? In the tourney are: MATS, Capt. Joe Walker, U. Gene Harre, L. David Tllton. ag. 7 Sgt. N. Munie, jp. am A, civilians: and Pfc E. Berber una running. Lightnings over the Joltera xrZ Mauler3 over Mustangs; Marauds over xiavocs; ciacK Widowg ovei basketball watch fobs, i llaa1a and thf Sec- team will re- - ji won over the tW performances were commn. T week. Teams slamming the "honuJ m ond celve silver DasKeioau ucuwr, xj.otn. their team strength." to m i. to- - uriti Via nresented X nJU nA " 3rd nliLce tourna urifh a. anecial tro t team displaying to the going phy most sportsmanship.onIndividual the the first to be selected players iem ... eiE-n- composed of civilians. the "The MATS team is one oftourthe four best teams to enter"The civilnament," Meade said. they ian team Is a 'dark horse as much haven't played together very and not a great deal is known of gold-fille- d By Hugh Stewart m ... I .j I 4? a Aiainienance divUIon ruNnnnoi i i.. cash awards for suggesUons they turned in as a part or tne U. S. Air Force program to improve effic-. Saty,Jn the latert check Presentation the office of CoL C B. Root, directorate ceremony or maintenance, nine employees received checks I totaling nearly $300. Left to right they are: Clinton "X "zlr JL. Bouch. rnuip IX noonarnes, VT." Flovd tZw.. It P.m " VIIIIWII, mcno ' .Z lfby and Mr- - Hannah Ik t, ' Wm,P Bote. V M Vx" picture was taken was Neal ii vV wag bm renrea irom uvu service. to: Mrs. Marlon E. Stauffer, sanj; and control section. R. M. well and Elmer J. Love of mP uon ana inventory. w Mr. Lavender designed a bench for carpenter craters, well and Love shared jointly vr idea for replacing conveyor atanffer ...11., i wim cans, unu mia. for gested a revision of WDAGO R-51- a |