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Show i I Vol. PUBLISHED FOR HILL AIR FORCE BASE, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1 $ - Maint. Supply ta s B Conference Sot March For 30-3- 1 OOAMA and Maintenance conferslated for March 30 and 31, fifth mu. SuDoly ee is New Fuel for Jet Aircraft Developed To increase tne U. a. Air t orce u. uvian, emurmim. nf the meetine will be nkwuro yujcthe discussion of supply and main ana proDiems tenance procedures v- personnel representing u states coverea ay uu uum- - key eight conference schedule includes' a. i meeting on March 30 from The m. in the Hotel Ben Ogden. At 7 p. m. on the con day Wednesday : will attend a dinner at the a to 4 p. me ferees hotel ' . of 31, to be followed by inspection of Hill Air a. m., 11:30 - a tour Force Base. attend this two were extended to and maintenance represen Invitations to day conference supply from all OOAMA bases, Wives tonal B-2- Na Guard and Air Reserve in itallations, AMA in the zone of in' terior, to the numbered air forces B-2- and MATS, et al. Assisting Chairman Oviatt in planning the conference are: Mrs, Cleone Chase Brian, Whitman, wo. van Leeuwen and John Davis, m OOAMA the remain!) nf crashed 9 and hauling it away turned OUt to hp a relativalv aaav job once the men from aircraft repair section put their heads to-according to Pat Buller, ud B-2- rr ui me section. However, sheer ingenuity only thing made P0S81Dle. The YyA that "Hill ency an Both the landing. was the job whilegirff making emergright-w- o SSd right-about-fa- ce nuc. o-- operating anoroil reclamation prugiaiu . : The task coordinating a fnw-nf v.nth maintenance and sup Aviation Section instigated out Q , re-1- d gund-controlle- 10,000-gallo- T K0 nr CnTnere r u illb w l !aowTT on i n, m tne Ending gear one nf th fn.M on was lifted and rm- ,- ""pp"" me leit siae. We nfto Sher P.9 ,Was, suPP"rted by the r. "iecKer. mZ I?! two Powerful Win. hSdrom Jo the Wlna meTl. fuller Mid wreckers sim-n- f National Vittles Supply Conference Set 1949 3 oi rec'amatIon branch. Arm Twisting To Start Early Next Week ... Dear fellas and gals Next week is the week when vnn are cninor to have your risht arm twisted until you reach down in the wallet and extract a reasonof the ably accurate facsimile Treasury Department's engraving of George. (For you squares, that means one dollar, American.; uor this picture of a dead president, memDersnip you get a one-yein the Civilian Club notbing more, nothing less. You must have faith that everything will be for the best. And in of smooth talkers, this traveling salesmen and CAF-12'- s, our faith is an important part of lives. You see, wnen "xne ooy does something that makes but' tons pop off from shirts and blouses, Ma and Pa stand there y look and say to with a themselves. "That's my son." When Ma says it, that's knowledge; but when Pa says it, that's faith. ar ge think of it. Besides, 9. - there! ZMmemm wheel ws uu f Moving a 0 aio huge trailers. ,ne,Xre it will be disaWnW the salvage yard B-2- . s, - B-2- This dance is being given iree of charge because the Welfare association wants to see all Hillfield-er- s get together and enjoy them selves, Seidman said. So vou've eot a date Friday, March 25 at 9 p. m. we'll see you ed salvaee area. foreman of the figured out llthe LlZXf the Helping Person ? lon were Arthur R. if 'ee s Russe" F.iewman, !ld0 Neilsen, t ber v KUPe", Ruland D. Fllnt- Preston R. a partner. far-awa- .aIr.plane out of tne Wng it under such itions was a very accomplishment," tn' Drancn- g. All civilian emolovees of the field will be treated to a big, free dance next Friday, Marcn 20, sponsorea by the Civilian Welfare association, it was made known by president Carl Seidman. A corsage will be presented to each lady upon her arrival at the dance. Other surprises are in store for those in attendance, Seidman said. The dance, which will be held at the White City ballroom in Og den, will begin at a p. m., wnn ten- dancing until 1 a. m., to theWest. Roval of nrrhfistra rrof During intermission there will be entertainment by local Hill Field talent. Admission to the dance will be by identification badge and each employee of the tield may oring day-and-a- lamln?: B,rown- ay a ltd and rVimmeneine March 23. fnr reclaiming used il Tt was a some continuing thru the 24th, and the25th if necessary, a "Vitties aupwhat simpler process, nowever, auifoolf tnainlv with puri- ply Conference" is scneduiea at of Middletnwn. Pennsylvania, accord fication, or merely the removal ing to Capt. Chas. W. Fatzinger, dirt and grit. Today's processing nf the tirioritv handling unit. r.hcf re. . . goes a step or two further water, Rnresentatives of all specialized tv, dirt nlus free and air material areas of and other impurities. The depots sludge States will attend this United n. tbia second refining the from conference. a oil in highly T41U ATT BaseRepresentatives the LeithG. procedure, leaves W. be: will APnQnhlp condition. of director used iser, assistant deputy proximately 85 percent of the is supply, Richard Tingey, civilian So you see, you have just got the refineries, at received oil unit and to have handling chief, priority faith, friend. class comparable a into which has The board of guv-norCapt. Fatzinger. to or better tnan new un. the job of trying to build the club intn a thin? of refinement, said A And going to they are definitely not aoouc Prayer Wheel One ciud make a lot of promises houses, bowling alleys, mountain re treats, free beer, or dancing gins. They don't believe in promising you Katz the moon and tnen ena up by just giving you a big cnunK of green cheese, .They wouldn't tne daner area fP..,,auled Su 'jet-propell- ed s and nose wheel were ply divisions at Hill Air Force base entirely and the re- is under the direction of D. of-C. of the Superfort were just Oviatt, liaison oil reclamation ctos runway bogged down in ficer for Hill. . "kw and mud. dram It's maintenance men who ill!!?ause the wreckage was block-- 2 the oil from the aircraft, and keep a constant vigil to see that its m?w&y used for all instru-landings, speed in the 2 free from contamination. Supply of the hulk was essential. crews see to it that the oil is stored underground approach radar in the could not sa'eIy "e made storage tank and in readiness for Cth to its final trip in oil tanker cars where oil company a commercial pway. the actual process of refining takes WnA!ircraft rePair section crew with two C-- 2 wreck- - PlIne1918 the Signal Corps of the gear ashed 9. Reclamation Project Saves Many Gallons of Vital Crashed B-- 29 Poses Removal Problems Pickine combat potential in event of a national emergency and to conserve the nation's natural resources, a new fuel has been developed for aircraft which will make more jet tuel avauame per barrel of crude oil than the old used in type of kerosene (JP-1- ) jet aircraft. The new fuel is basically a gasoline-type fuel with an octane rat inevarvins: between so ana oo. The fuel was developed by the Air Force, Navy, NACA and tne pe to industry. When drained, a 9 will add 80 gallons of used engine oil to the troleum Bv ehanefinar the process of dis the 10,000 gallon underground storage tank in Hill's contribution tilling crude oil and blending the types aircraft Air Force's national program for oil reclamation. All distilled products, a hitrher per conserve to or small, help great yield their proportionate gallonage, centage of usable jet fuel is proin truck, national crude oil resources." (I: to r.) Harold Luddington, duced from a given quantity of Kenneth Mortenson, manning the hose, Kell W. Eives, Sr. on truck, nil than with the Drior meth of maintenance division drain a od of producing kerosene. Despite nn increasine use of jet aircraft by the Air Force, less crude oil National Shortage- will be required to supply jet engine fuel than would have been re quired using the, kerosene-typ- e f hpI. A program of modifying all USAF airplanes to Oil use the new gasoline iuei nas peen started. Modification or tne inaivia con i ml airnlanes will be slieht. w it was d scovered tne unnea this fuel of pumps modifying oil requirements behind daily sisting crJde barrels about 100,000 of and relocating various items oi and became an .importer country did a rate electrical equipment. at the that estimate The experts of the "liquid gold." w?re expending our crude oil supply we have approximately 25 years tn before it Decomea i nnuua of the nation s To assist in the national drive toward conservation ed another lession will convene in the Hotel Ben Lomond from 8:30 a. m. to March Thursday, On d semi-annu- al unounces D. by IF i? Corsages To Be Given To Ladies; Floor Show For All Oiled G effing No. 23 1949 -. ;- fSL tne 0ther two points were supported on it had crashed to a point near aninuiiy where reclaimed. i,n General Morgan told them they couldn't! But here's the scoop from that on tne group on what is cooking " burner nearest the front. Bill Leithiser and Ercil Henderson asked General Morgan about the possibility of obtaining a building for use as a club house. The General was genial and thought a club house for the civilians was a fine idea. . . . The only trouble being that permission must come from topside. (Cont. Page 4, Col. 2) |