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Show Official Diary Kept By U nit Section One Of Few AU Military . Serves as Nerve : prepares to leave the field. This office, which Is one of the few on Hill Field comprised entiremilitary personnel, is the ly of center nerve regarding transfers,payroll, retirement, discharges, insurance and family allowances efin the 4135th AAF fecting the men .Base Unit. , Every' man's service record is at the fingertips of the clerks for reference when the need arises. If as to an in- there is some question ' correct payroll deduction,- it hein his inwishes to make a change - surance allotments; - or if he has Just been married, or has had an all addition to his family these problems are coped with daily by experts in each of these - - ... - 'Specific departments. Veterans Interviewed - For instance, in the service ord section, overseas veterans who are checking in at the field, in addition to other enlisted personservnel, are interviewed. Their ice records are checked to see that-. are in order. Upon complethey of this "processing system," tlon all service records are filed away for further reference. This particular office serves all rec-- " " .. ,. ".""yi - rw h Center for Every Soldier Dy Pvt. Elizabeth Depew A new chapter is written I. daily in the life of every G. - the Joe who passes throughUnit Personnel Section of Military Personnel whether he is being processed, for a new assignment or clearing up last minute details as he , N . , Sulfas t-- rit w tf. i G. ; ' I Train Service Bond No Accidents Here ofhe Shov Merits Lauded for Perfect Record Certificate Given for Transports 465,000 Passengers 95 and Without Accident - - ... When a passenger train travels passenger miles in one year transporting a total of 465,000 passengers with no loss time accidents . . . that is a record well worth mentioning. At a special meeting held in supply division Thursday afternoon with Lt CoL William H. Shields, supply chief,, present at the assembly, a bronze trophy was presented Capt Arnold J. Larson, chief of the traffic section, as tangible acknowledgement of this outstanding record. Some time ago, before this convenient civilian passenger train service was inaugurated between the deckhouse and lower warehouses, employes were forced to secure their own transportation. After civilian passenger' cars were banned from the 'field lt became necessary to use the "elephant" trains, which in the winter tune had to be closed off to keep out 2,092,500 It Medical Palters Burned One soldier felt as though he WORK . . . Alighting from a civilian passenger train at were carrying the weight of the OFF TOnunoreos oi worsen are transported daily from the clock-houworld on his shoulders when his uabv, to lower warehouse During the entire year from June medical discharge papers burned of 1943 to June of 1944, not areas. e one accident was incurred. Durup along with his home. What this 465,009 period, in ing approximately lieu A passengers have taken advanof . certificate happened? his former discharge paper was re tage of this service, traveling over a total of 2,092,500 passenger miles. Quested for him. Perhaps the most important sections from a soldier's viewpoint and the most newsworthy from a reporters' are the furlough and correspondence sections. Many amusing incidents happen here. For instance there was the ease of a G. I. who wired his comollcytslmiIar matters directly ! J11 officer requesting an ex- relating to manding on . service com- - u ,nU , his furlough because (of the air all tension cuow wii any peraugui be that jw, employes mand) fairly "his clothes were in the laundry treated in every respect and that sonal problems concern over which nd he couldn't return until they those who believe they have been may be interfering with the effiwere rerreiveo. unfairly treated shall have the ciency of the employes. Carte Side On the more serious side there right and opportunity to discuss It is the policy of this command, - was the case of a soldier who had their grievances. Brig. Gen. E. E. personnel, training said Gen. Adler, to grant all emused up all his accrued furlough Adler, chief,services division at tune tor toe entire year of 1844, and base the privilege of interviewreiterated recently. ployes which included a ing counselors. Counselling servfurlough Wright Field,such matters be will ice will, therefore, be made availNormally extension. and a able at all times to all personnel. It seems as thoush his wife was discussed by the employes with he theier Immediate supervisors, critically ill while, he was on fur said, whose responsibility it is to and it was necessary for him lough to give several blood transfusions. attempt to straighten out misunIf the Upon his return to the field he had derstandings or difficulties. immediate supervisor cannot lost 25 pounds as a result the difficulty, be may refer New His case was placed before the to the next higher ofautnoruies four times, but in vain. the matter on. so and However, the fifth time the case ficial, The employe unit - was appealed, his furlough was However, he continued, there formerly under transportation the traffic section an to and able under was he which circumstances return are granted supply division, has been transhome and see his 2 ft months-ol- d employe may not wish, for legiti- ferred back under the employe rediscuss to mate his griev- lations first tune. reasons, baby for thePersonnel civilian personnel Office is un ances with his immediate super- section, branch, The Unit MaJ. S. C. Campbell, civil- der the supervision of Lt Annette visor, and in such cases should be personnel cmei, announced it? this week. Ilann, Chief of the Enlisted able into go directly to a service the personnel section orBranch, ably assisted by TSgt unit Si!Lunlt .h2? been ?nder ""attic Jesse L. Bennett Personnel Ser- - ganized specifically for handling cvuwii ior the D&st and for the such With problems furnishing !?vtf ai juusuituon n.ths- , n the Ireant Major,ofalong L Joes O. and service and counselling the guidance wTUMut iwiBuiuiei ouiiaing it handles-ride L to O. Janet that make this departemployes. sharing all rationing This unit should consider it part (food, gas, tire) ment function with the smoothness -- all items requirwell-oiled ma of its functions to advise employes ing war production board ..and efficiency of a not only about pay, promotion or Supervisor is Laura SchiU.priority chine se loss-tim- Gen. Adler Cites Employes' Right to Discuss Problems .y3? ... - 15-d- v i The enlisted man's branch of the military personnel division is the proper place to clarify problems f which may arise regarding any , phase of army life. The division is under the supervision of lit Annette Mann, AC (center). Service tecords, payroll, retirement, insurance, allotments and furloughs are handled by the all-I, office force pictured above (left), TSgt J. I Bennett (upper right), personnel sergeant major, Is in charge of all military personnel working in this division. Sgt Johnson, who recently returned from overseas is shown (lower right) accepting those long anticipated furlough papers from Pfc. Ellena P. Tremblay, furlough and correspondence clerk. rrrr---' j, ' if L, v;w j, ', 4135th AAP men ' enlisted Base Unit, First Weather Squad- -' ron, 708th Army Band, the 101st Army Airways Communication "A,"B, Squadron and Sections -K" and "BG", and those men attached to other organizations. Without the payroll section there be no "Pay Call". It iswould : the payrolls for approxithat here mntelv 700 GI's are Drenared. This also includes flying pay, partial payments of all types and per diem vouchers. When two women make applica- tlon for benefits from one soldier and each furnishes evidence that well, that is she is his wife Just one of the unusual problems that crop up in the "Family Al- -:Another pelowances Section". in cullar incident which occurred this section was when G. L Joe's former wife, who had placed his -- children in a home, was securing Hon fits from, the soldier's Day without his even. being aware of . ' Feom ay 45-d- ur ad-Ju- st Rationing" Unit Is Under Section - - E 12' Participation j ' The Service Comar Bond Council, Army 8w Forces, Roll of Honor i signifying 95 per ess an vm. ior participation tion of 12 per esi I1 " awarded the Ogden MC Service Command, announced this week. The certificate, J this station by McCoach, commandinl f the Ninth Service . that: of the civilian Air Service Commsal P?", Ogden, h utan, reservation armv pay per cent or mow tow Payroll is being savings Donu. Workers nerrj-- --. than a miuion r-- v the cold. For approximately a now, civilians have been ableyear to com-mu- te by regular passenger train. The safety award was made by Ronald J. Dyches. William Chase is chief civilian in the transportation section, which is now a part of the supply division. Engineers on this important line areJ AIch,e Jones, John Dwyer and Oscar affairs chiex. awsrl Acepting the CoLPW ' is Bike Party Slated This Friday Eve The date for Few men tow the armed MtofJJ, remainder of YTgf Xeesling. Jr- - 2 Cwnmittee recenfly., ; imated .rmedttj Is now ll.V7,0Vi Sosit kept at that current draft Selective Servlc Keesling said. TSgt Medlln. the biking party scheduled for last PrMa r, Septern ber 22nd has been changed to Fri day, September 29th. ine group will leave Covey's shop at 7:00 p. m., pedal up Ogden canyon for a weiner roast Tickets may be obtained from the recrea- JVl" Svmm Pronnel. Miss Kay Olander, phone 010. AHena safety Convention MaJ. Affiick, OASC safety "u"tr,1 Ronald . Dyches, safety engineer, and Sylvia Stewart, woman safety ensinoar f.01; phcago where they will ?y ATSC ?!i!d AAFt and Me.,hcl? ln conjunction with Safety Congress from "vwuw a to October 0. ,a... S5-.Vatio"- al ATSC commandKI : thChonor wasa deti sonnel with the record awain Few Men 0k Face 1944 fcf u" Bi wj Field CoupM At Base 0x The marriage of Roellcr, PfJJir i of OfJ Magnan at solemnized vision, A. |