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Show AILStars Provide Tough Opposition for Santa Ana Nine f 0& w I i?ir v-li- $ aL Q ; K Q' I Wednesday August 4, 1943 t;:" 11 Friday Battle To Decide Base Champs Army Tangles With Civilian Team In Crucial Contest 1 ) r 'hS r-- t t' ? jM ?&rSTD5J! S L U 1 r? S Friday night, August 6, on Diamond No. 2, at Monroe park, Hill Field Army tangles with Hill Field 1 Civilians for the Base Softball championship. Friday night's game will not only decide the local championship, but have a direct bearing on the season's league winner since both clubs are in the upper division of the flag chase in the Ogden Industrial Softball association. For the first time in several weeks, the Aces, Hill Field Civilian softball team, took both games played In the Ogden Industrial Softball association, by defending the touted Bank Smokery club They also jumped on Ogden Arsenal for a 2 victory of the final r Si ifc. iimfimn ii.ii in n iiiuijiii. mi .i jfc I besi Voted the OF THE CROP Plyers inithe Ogden Service League, these men kept pace with SAAB nine for eight and one A? riBt: Crd LaU, Fred Fry, Forest Stiltner P.ner 65- - Front row' le,t Coffin, Joe Velopocak, AI and Lt. Richard Pickeno. rWfc wt t rfH. nAw.i n...... ' coach; Bud Branch, unarles Johnson, Bill Morris, Vera Gale, Ross Burnett, Dale Laybourne, Leon Theobold, and J. & Chtam. '"' ii mi B1J - - : i Wng Bouts With Salt Lake Water Training Bombers a Cinch ir Base for Week of Aug. 23 Of Instructors To Be Contender In Final Play-Of- f Lake Air Base ring carnival definitely Is Progressing but week of the little "world series' yet Tony serve as been signed at the third of the the ring, I Ike Bin Field-SaM for the 3tleato has not is Two-Ton- " as August 23, to the man in I ww announced yesterday by Lieut. Richard E. Pickens, base ipfesl training officer. (VCafento, the human beer barrel, has signed for a series of Ypsiuees on the Pacific coast during the early fall, and Lieut. Aseas is still bidding for the heavyweight's appearance here the Ogden meeting of the two teams. Hffl Field and the Second Air Base, who have closed for a mm and home boxing program, were previously scheduled to W earing the week of August 4, but due to the Intensified train's prtrrsm here and the inability of field sluggers to train for k cersrement, the Ogden slugfest was postponed until this later Swimming Program Of Bed Cross Taken By 35 Men . . Picnic Civilians Take Up 7g August 28 Weekly Swimming 'I Field Fun Program Weber College Pool ides All Scene In Warm Weather Surprises Field's gigantic annual p!c-tw- ill be held on Saturday, Aug-- 1 21 This date U announced 331 by Vial committee which met with officials to make final Members of the com-- P are Henry H. Fisher, Ron-- I J. Inches, and Ford Thomas )T (Wji a huge including fun for Fun program sports, games, refreshments, and many the iton, picnic will be an that nobody will miss. "And J5rlreer ays Mr. Fisher. ' Beginners and swimmers participate in the popular Hill Field Swimboree, which is held every week at the Weber College pool m Ogden. Swing shift workers can enjoy a refreshing plunge every Friday at noon, and day shift and graveadvantage yard workers may take of the opportunity to swim every Thursday evening from eight-thirt- y to p. m. It's free. Each week during the warm weather months approximately 50 t6 75 Hill Field employes arid their partners have been swimming in the white tile pool, or relaxing in nine-thir- ty jJWders and their families ttoe living in the vicinity the steam room and showers. used Many departments have Lorin Fair Park has Bade available. Salt Lake the Swimboree for entertainment j and fun after working hours as will have their pic-a group. Those units interested Uberty Park. emfollowing schedule Is for should contact Helen Blood, .nt Mt ploye relations picnics: -- 8wing branch. Shift. lt!,.?'"i;raveyari shift to be an event that nobody will Shift. want to miss, and "any man may which is ipon-- C bring his miss," adds Paul West, C k?C..ffaIr' the Hill Field Welfare president of the Welfare is unHouVifoHiu M vJDay fun. Individual To Be Awarded Trophies WKWMmwiiK",, ' '"WAtojmi rirtrg!yy?jW urn Stressing the types of skills most warfare, the functional and water training proofficially launched early at the Ogden Municipal pool with Bill Blau, Red Cross instructor, in charge. field soldiers are enThirty-fiv- e rolled in the special 45 hour course and are being drilled in the techniques of water safety every morning from nine until twelve. Upon completion of the course, they will in turn teach the remaining soldiers here how to take care of themselves in the water under almost any condition. The water training will be compulsory for all military personnel at Hill Field. Swimming is being increasingly recognized as an important phase in the war time conditioning of troops, and it has been shown that approximately eighty per cent of all wartime water casualties could have been avoided by proper training. The training will be conducted in a progressive, systematic manner through which all men, irreuseful in swimming gram was this week 6-- Raymond Freeman, Supply Receiving unit, hit a home run with the bases full to lead the Aces in their unexpected victory over Bank Smokery. Freeman was responsible for seven of the nine runs scored by the Civilians. George Bowman of Ogden Arsenal and Paul Kingdon of the Civvies hooked up in a hurling duel won by Kingdon, who allowed but four hits and two runs while Bowman was being nicked for seven bingles and six tallies. The game was closer than the score indicates. The civilians scoring three times in the last two innings on only two hits. When Is staged close Ogden Industrial Softball association season, Hill Field's Bombers will be one of the contenders. The association season is divided into three rounds, and officials have decided that the top two teams at the close of each round would stage a "round robin" play-o- ff at the close of the season to determine the Ogden champion. The second round was completed this week with the 321st M.P. 8. leg. lt i --Jses, 9-- Escort Squadron in first place. Hill Field Army was second. In the first round the M.P.'s finished first with Bank Smokery coming in second. Hill Field Civvies Outdoor Films for Lose Two Games The Navy Supply depot basebnH Local Hike Club team routed, the Hill Field Civilians Four reels of techni-colore- d film will be substituted for the excursion of regular the Hill Field Hikers on August 13. The Hikers will meet in the semi-month- ly to 5 last week. The Civilians were off to a good start with a lead of 0 going into the third inning, but Navy then took advantage of wildness and errors, went on to win easily. Thursday July 29 a disheartened Civilian team took the field Army. This against the Hill Field for game was just a walk-awa- y the Army, with a score of 20-- 0. After these two defeats, Manager Howard Braun went looking for new players and came up with Willhoyt, Brown, Workman and Hooper. 15 Auditorium of the Forest Service Building at 25th and Adams in Ogden. The intense summer heat has caused a marked decline in the number of participants. The films will show local places and also other parts of the their of swimming ability, United picturesque spective States. Many into will profit Divided four hikers may see country surroundphases it will follow the same ing their home towns. as the procedure course now in progress. The first phase will teach those men unable to swim how to float and elementary backstrokes which will enable them to stay afloat for long periods of time. After they V S' have mastered these basic steps they will be taught variations of these strokes. Included will be swimming with bead high, swimswimming with ming silently, splash recovery, swimming with one leg and arm, etc. The third phase will be the application of acquired skills to simulated combat conditions. In this phase the men will be taught to swim fully clothed, swim with equipment, swim under water fulleaping from ly clothed, and heights fully clothed. The final phase deals with givof ing aid to others in danger e drowning,, and applying resuscita-tivmeasures to the apparently out-of-sta- te 3-- Tags 9Em Out at First 0 5 v.v. vyvv XV. 4 "t . ' s" ' v if-'-?'."',,,"- " drowned. The men taking the course and who will be in charge of the general course to follow are: Ptrt Rrt a. Pedersen, 88Ih Supply; Ar r.,. navmnnd J. Carrier and Ptc. Tech. thur M. Pair, 2400th Qm. Trk.; Thrid Grade Melbern Samuet, and Terh. Harold Hchwederitty, 805th A,y Pvt. 8mith Qm.: Pfc. James E. Orlm and Pavne, 93rd Supply; Cpl. Leon and Pfe. John Semerjlan, Hi. HqU31CHffordS. Vincett and Put. Cleve Mth Repair; rm-- Tl lam; E. Hopie, .11. iT aand ADO.: Cpl. Richard J Lowe and Cpl. John B. Pea.le.. 304th lT .'..... a wiiicma. 2491--Tech 5th . Heath and Pv. Lee Sher- nr.l. a a . ''fa! TEAM iTTlNG HRIieit! M s - ' " " rt ri. I uomm. iw tne Army-nav- y Craved, then formally awarded. mrrctu m Pfe. William Grade 432nd; Tech. t Th.il and Ptc. Toy L. Noonan, 1718th rr 3r Pvt. DavM C Anderson, Pvt. Kenneth L. Jarrett and Jamea B. .... ... nr. Nnrtnan M. ,nr.c... Mitchell. 89th beo7 T. Sawyer and P 125-oou- nd a at boxer, UmaI "i"v fttMka J. V7ohn rcan"a'han. 3rd Pnunn, 5?."' JTri" Lata- -. CpL Fred O 9 v,''s? ': '', 9 0,r FORMER OO DEN tVSD . . . Dick Adams holds down first base for the SAAB baseball nine In addition U taking Ms torn on the His brother, Bobby, handles assignments arenni the keystone |