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Show u Bombers Keep League During - 8, 482nd Sof tballers , - TUESDAY : ' .7' n 5vl 1 MAY 85, 194i Hill Field's baseball Team Makes League Debut Tonite Defeat 89th By Score of 10 to 9 Baseball Openr Tonight vs. Quartermaster In one of the moat thrilling and spectacular softball games ever witnessed at Hill Field, the Flyers Win Both of 482nd Bombers edged out the Pre-Seas89th Depot Repair last Thursday' Tilts; night, 10 to 9 in an extra inning ball game. The win gave the air Rule as Favorites base squadron undisputed posses If ion of the league leadership in The Hill Field army basebtf' the Liberator circuit. eighth-innin- g Jesse Bennett's team, one of the six currently conJ I line single, scoring Kauffman from peting in the Ogden Service leaW will unveil it's talents tonight u I second base, broke a ft to 9 tie ' and John AinecK parte in ugaen. T gave the Bombers their hard- Soldiers tangle witn the Utah qui 5 , earned victory. termaster depot, a V The 89th squad scored first when scheduled to get underway at eigh! Holland's double " Weisman's hit, fifteen p. m. ; and Evans' ' single combined to 1.. ' ' The Flyers have been conductim mm: produce two Repairmen tallies in 1 the initial stanza. Holland, who daily practice sessions, and havJ I UK" looked very impressive in their preJ ; pitched a fine ball' game for the season games. Skipper Lieutenant urlr losers held the Bombers hitless Richard Pickens, states that the tbei the first two innings. " kneelto team in scored of has shown remarkable im 89th their RULE AS FAVORITES . . . Favored to win in their first go, the team consists The (left again "Bt, - half of the third, when successive oen, Corporal Taborn, provement during the past two Staff Sergeant ing) Sergeont Stilner. Corporal Smith, Sergeant Koylewski, , Rud-Private and and considers his squad! Totn, Private Deal, weeks, Birch, Evans, by bingles Smith (standing) Lieutenant Pickens, Staff Sergeant Venstone, a top pennant contender. nick produced another counter. The Sergeant Lieutenant juazrcri. ueuienani, liutcninson, '" Bombers, too, came to life in this Defeated Civilians Inning when Manager Silvio Mon .' In the Soldier's first pre-s- e Hill Field's Enlisted day slashed a long triple, and Ray Enlisted Men's . mond's screaming single brought game, they handed the practice 1ft a J IT: Men's Sof Hl aIsJ IJimIiq faa m him in, making the score 3 to League 3 defeat. The boys were hitting1 The Repairmen's big bats were League Week's Softball in silenced in their half of the fourth, form, with everr ' , Results TEAM STANDINGS for at least onr but Priazdiats' hit, Mead's line player connecting aafctvt TlPA.1- Dorden and Rpnnett' been double, and Lunday's blow scored have appointed Managers TUESDAY Fortress League another Bomber run, bringing the split the hurling chores in the en for five teams in the Hill Field 4B2nd ABS 19, 368th AVNS 7 : w. l. each .working three inJ score to counter, All other games postponed Men's Softball league' which will 0 31st Head. Squad. . . . .2 nings. THURSDAY Holland Triples 0 319th Repair Squd. ..2 TVia A rm v sinimrl nevf nssanltal play at Affleck park, Ogden, twice 9, 11th 89th 0 1 Rep. 2491st C (Forfeit) T QM found 1. the 89th the naval supply depot, drubbinr1 The. fifth frame June weekly, commencing Med. Sup. 0. 0 99th Repair Squad. ...1 11 to l; Dorden, Frew . Sailors the will Hill boys on the rampage again. Holland Field .The play league 2 , All other games postponed 308th Avn. Squad. . ...1 their slants W combined . started it off with a triple, Burch Deal ' on and and nights. Thursday Monday FRIDAY 2 Det. Med. Dept. ......1 lone tall;' and Purvis struck out but Evans to Gobs their limit affairs be the will All games twilight 1 482nd ABS 10, 89th RS 9. 32nd Hqd. Squad. ....0 . walked who haw and Rudnick's long home and at Vanstone scheduled first Traborn, the with, games 2 308th AVNS 18, 905th QM 7. 905th QM Plat. .......0 veterans dm run cleared the bases and increased con like been 6:00 the and second m., p. performing AVNS 307th M . AVNS 0 12, 368th 32nd Rep. Squad. A .0 the Repairmen's lead 6 to 2.. test set for 7.15 p. m. Games will hind the plate, made up the other Hoi ' 0 11. 93rd r Squad. Sup. .....0 Faced with overcoming a four half of the battery,, be in progress on two diamonds at j 32nd SupS 7, 880th GS 00. run handicap the vaunted Bomb still on sak to! are two same tickets Season the thus time, completing All other Liberator League games postponed ers "murderers row" suddenly came and offer a bargain to all. Costing did; full rounds each week. No ad . W. L. , to life in the , last of the fifth, be will mission made. only $2.25 the ducats will entitk charge 0 482nd A. B. Squad. . . .4 Cotter was on by an error, .two the bearer to witness all 45 leaEw 3 Teams and Managers 1 89th Rep. Squad. Repairmen inrieiaers collided on games, thus costing cnly-- jxif) 1 3 32nd Sup. Squad. a pop fly and Raymond was safe Teams which have already en per game with a season tic 1 Co. Tk. 2490th QM ...1 also. Adams grounded to third but tered the league and their mana men's price has been set Service 1 2 11-- 0 11th Med. Sup Millhouse's throw to first was wide are: "Cub" East 30 cents. Warehouses, gers 3 1 880th' Gd. Squad and all hands were safe. Bennet No. 4; Inspection' Warehouse Bair, 3 307th Avn. Squad. ....2 flied out but Priazdiat hit to Rud Receiving, Sid Johnson, Warehouse v 3 368th Rep. Squad. ....1 Adding 12 base hits to the Aces' nick whose throw to second was No. 17; Hangars, Don Gidley, Aero 2 0 311th Rep. Squad of seven errors the Utal total not in time to get Adams and Warehouses-Civilian Repair; West 0 0 32nd Rep. (B) one Bomber tally scored. Paul and depot civilian base-- 1 quartermaster Blood, Personnel, Payroll Kirkhuff popped up to Evans team ball "Bottle roundly trounced the Hill Bowman, and the Bombers hopes were fading Utilities, Tommy Phillips, acting Field Civilian Aces 11 toO, Sunday as there were only "three minutes manager; Planning, Angelo Mar- - afternoon, at Affleck park, Ogden. to play. However,, with the left A trip to Eagles' cave, located rachini. Playing erratically all afternoon " sacks bulging, Johnny Mead, BombEngine Repair, and the New and able to garner but one hit off the mountains east of Ogden, wi er twirler, smashed one of Hollands d slants oi big enjoyed by Hill Field hikers Warehouses are expected to enter the fast ones intodeep left center, teams to round out the league. Jackie Card, Quartermaster mound Sunday, May 23. and when thy dust had cleared star, the Hill Field civilians showed Everyone who took part in The powerful 482nd Bombers con Plan League President ,three-.oT'e Bomber . runs had of practice, caused by not first hike became a charter mei lack the scored and the ball game was all tinued on their winning ways Tues Managers of these teams will having a suitable playing field ber of the hikiner organizatioi i tied up. day night by ' trouncing the 368th meet in Monroe Park, 29th and which has hampered the local boys Charter members are extended tb( Aviation Squadron, 19 to 7. The Monroe St., Ogden, on Wednesday, the entire spring. privilege of inviting a guest Agree to Continue pla locals was eniov future club activities. 1 ,3 26, at 6:30 p. m., for the pur the 1.. r i. .1 lone The May bingle by n.c Bai.iC ,cu pose oi The came was called heraiise in this a of the plan was instituted at league presi- an infield hit to the right the allotted one hour h.ifi Avr.irn.ri Tuesday, as all other scheduled dent and electing to draw up and third baseman by Allan Taylor, Hill hike. It is anticipated that a con a schedule. however, by mutual agreement of games were postponed. Field's first baseman. Taylor had 'Dotn teams it was decided to play All softball players from Ogden his cheek bone shattered in a the group to conduct the next m, Douglas Foster twirled steady out the lull seven innings. ball and was credited with the vic who have already registered for practice game against the Arsenal ing expedition. Bee, center fielder for the Re softball will be assigned to one of Thursday night and although play Margaret Smith, one or u pairmen started me six witn a tory. Godfrey suffered the defeat the above teams depending upon ing against the doctors orders, in- foremost women climbers, directs scorching double. Wiseman ground for the 368th squad. tneir place of employment. sisted that he be permitted to play. Sunday's hike. During the ed out and Birch flied out, but Mead led the bombers' seven years, Miss Smith has scaW Johnny with two away Holland hit a hot! two out the majority of the peaks intt attack, batting cracking one to Monday who juggled the Softball Schedule . This Week for Teton national park, wM Grand ball and Bee scored, the 89th tak homo'uns, a double and a single is as the American aip. known liberator Fosto the plate. League ing the lead again 7 to 6, The in four trips Miss Smith's accomplishments GAMES TONIGHT Bombers were retired in order in ter, Adams and Cotter also circled the first woman K include being ' 1943 25, D. May, chance at Time bat. their ' the sacks for the winners. Rode and one of climb Mt Wister 311th vs. 3 No. 32nd Repair (B) 6:15 The Repair squad started where and Godfrey led the offense for Repair the Tew climb women to four 32nd vs. 11th Med. Supply No. 4 6:15 Supply tney icit on in tne seventn. mvans the losers, ' a male without guide. 880th Guard Squadron .......vs. 368th Avn. Sq. No. 3 7:25 poked a long single. Rudnick was 2490th QM Truck Everyone Interested in mouni vs. 482nd Hq. ABSQ on bv a walk. Millhouse anrl Mc No. 4 7:25 the R climbing is invited to joininter Carter struck out, but Gosielwski "RrkYi GAMES THURSDAY Tc ' Those X hikers. Field ' Ct111 xs . May 27, 1943 Repairmen left field-- r, slapped a t,u.A,1I1& should contact Miss Helen Blooai 89th Repair vs. 311th Repair double into right field and Evanj C 6:15 No.l LJ the special projects office. X 307th Avn. Squad and Rudnick scored mittmir the OCclklllll UlCIll vs. 32nd Repair No. 2 6:15 32nd Supply 89th team ahead 9 to 6. vs. 368th Avn. Sq. No.l 7:25 The call is still out for pugilists, 11th Med. Supply , The Bombers, however, would still vs. 48 nd Hq. ABSQ No. 2 7:25 so come on you leather pushers not admit defeat. Bennett started GAMES FRIDAY tneir nan or tne seventn with a and start working out. Lieutenant May 28, 1943 walk. Priazdiat was on by an Richard Pickens, base physical 880th Guard Squad vs. 32nd Repair (B) No. 3 6:15 error, but was forced at second training officer, has .scheduled a 307th Avn. Squad vs. 89th Repair No. 4 6:15 when Kirkhuff grounded to Rud- fine program for the boxing team, 2490th QM Truck vs. 311th Repair No. 3 7:25 nick. Mead singled to drive in Ben- - one which will include matches 32nd Supply Vs. 482nd Hq. ABSQ No. 4 7:25 Tentative plans were comply mi nett. Byron Lunday then stepped with such teams as the Brizham this week for the formation l hi Fortress League up and slashed a line drive double general hospital, naval supply de- in the enj fast softball GAMES TONIGHT to score Kirkhuff and Mead and pot, Utah quartermaster, marines. r i i - league In nnrdinSU", . May 25, 1943 D. Time the score was knotted once again. land several other teams from the with the Ogden city recreation 99th Repair vs. 32nd Repair (A) No.l 6:15 . nn rrmont Kauffman Score surrounaing depots in this area, 32nd Hq. Squad vs. Det. Med. Dept. No. 2 6:15 ii you nappen to drop in to 31st Hq. Squad. The meeting in the USO con) vs. 1003rd QM ne uepairmen were retired in Bui dins 7:25 No.l some time in the once room was attended oy 93rd Supply No. 2 7:25 order in their half of the eighth, afternoon, the smell of rubbing i....vs. 308th Avn. Sq. tenant Richard E. PickcpsJO nowever me story was not quite iinament, the staccato beat of the GAMES THURSDAY tant special services offiCWT the same for the nombers. Adam3 punching has, and the shuffle of May 27. 1943 Hill Field; Ray Goates, civu 905th drovo a single into left field, and lesin vs. QM 99th No. 3 6:15 canvas are familiar. Repair scraping recreation director, Ogden Arses" 2191st Kauffman was tcnt in to run for The boys: are working out in earnQM vs. 32nd Repair No. 4 6:15 ii Lieutenant John Smith of tne 32nd Hq. Squad him. Then Je;;se Bennett after est now, and with a few more men vs. 1003rd QM No. 3 7:25 oftt Knodcr ternment camp, Earl Det. Med. Dopt :vs. 308lh Avn. Sq. w No. 4 7:25 tt working the count to three and to fill in the various weights. S. P. Shops team, Donaia two. rapped a hot liner towards Hill Field should have a to GAMES FRIDAY strong L'c.utf"S school, of the industrial third base. Millhouao deflected it team to represent them. May 23, 1C43 with his glove' and the ball Lloyd Shanllne of the 482na So remember, you pugilists, there Slst Hq. Squad vs. 32nd Repair (A) 6:15 No.l and air base recre It quarters off into foul territory end is a new gym, a fine schedule, and 2491st Hq. Sq vs. 905th QM No. 2 , 6:15 civilian Kauffmnn rneed in fmm inrnr.l the t! Fisher, Henry 93rd vs. 99th Supply No.l 7:25 Repair opportunity for splendid opL to store the winning run and give 32nd Hq. Squad 2 308th Avn. No. .........vs. 7:25 portunity. for the Sign Sq. up t today of the Ogden city tt tno Bombers the league leadership. boxing team in Taylor Building tion department. ng on 1 I . f , , . t .. Managers to Form League tball' " 11 mid-seas- on - 1 3-- 2. 1 :.. - : - . , Aces Humbled Game In , ; , , ' . a. Hikers Take Trip ers Bombers Win Second Game ,' ii right-hande- n 1 -- 1 by-la- 1 . TPnm TilrM ) Plan Softball - League Here j E-2- j , car-oom- ed 3. |