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Show ' TUESDAY 6 QCDQG3 - jAY 25, 1943 ; fi "7 ,;,' "-- 'v' 1 ".w Get New Pass Class 'A' Masses on Field Aids Move - For Uniformity List: Qualifications Needed to Apply As Warrant Officers 'A Men "' raj Passed By WO Board They're Married, Seven 7". Wed in Chapel '' Enlisted i L jaw Effective last Saturday, May 22, leaori all forms of passes for enlisted siasitt men at this air base were discon finest tinued except enlisted men's pass Ibe's new and the WD AGO form 7, Seven HiU Field enlisted men now pigbt are in which class A passes have passed the warrant of To Lieutenant Colonel Major LeooiM? Arai n.-now are Mator . effect. jr. Carter, civilian personnel: ficer examining board and ,' xnomas, uuuiies. with This standardization has been f, To awaiting temporary appointment as Captain Robert R. Rai Major warrant officer, junior grade,- in tndtl general's office. about by order of the com- inspector brought of Lieutenant Norman l wbich To States. United the the army Captain service Ninth general, nammanding Master Sergeant Victor 2. wide A intM iinnni.irv de- - tion hospital. s.in.w.o.tt ik. administrative clerical, and Pri Second t.i.., To First IJeatenant v.VuUUu.w, w All vate Thomas C Sorenson, admin-- , Private Richard F. Pleadwell, of lays in handling of passes y mui- - ant ooraon l. Tayior, 3ana air de. eroup. In beautiful double ring cere- istrative-supplof the 482nd Air the 482nd air base squadron, re- att to Master Sergeant William to tary police. mony performed by Bishop G. Hen- Base Sqdn.; Technical Sergeant iantiv imarriMl -Mlas a Jackson. A I Vera auna- n .oana tti! l j a i -- my run r iciu vuhb t Syracuse ward, Alma S. Reynolds, administrative- - markJ of S Pam at tne vi... ry Hampton of the c;nap- 'fluesti used at Henry o. T3SZSTm " Corporal Paul R. Rusnik of the clerical: Staff Sergeant Reginald el. Technical Be T .Hiacarruu Rochelle JOSepn Sergeants marChaplain was Air Base Squadron, 482nd W. Furlow, technician ceremonv. Miss Fort Douglas. ' The pass 1S in tWO pratt, Jr., Robert T. Conner, Robert th 1tit,11 ried to Miss Irene Barber Saturand Staff Sergeant u JjUl John and Olson Sergeant colors, a buff color for enlisted wnterbottomT Edythe day evening, May 15, at the home George Cunningham, administrative-cl. , in xo attendance. Be were C. dance Lawrence staff Sans sergeant and three first grades Of the bride's parents in Layton. erical, of the 31st ADG; TechMrs. Rusnik is the daughter of nical Sergeant Karl E. Lingwall, plus a White COlor for all Others. Floyd, John J, Koden, Paul Stadwlier T. Johnson, Fred V. Jackson, Paul Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Barber of technician of chap class A pass itt to ho issued Edward The HN ZahoPa Martln Raiph Larsen, Layton and has been employed at the 32nd ADG, and Technician 4th Brill, John Hermansen, to Jr., George a all commanders organization by two the post PX for the past years. Alfred Alder, administrative-supplenlisted men who Have been on Adrien segu.' Her husband is the son of Mr. of the 805th have met all re3rd Grade Edward a good behavior for at least 60 days, To- Be Tech.Montgomery R. Rusnik of Detroit, quirements for appointment and and Mrs. or no te?aI with company Be To Johnnie F. Robert Mich. Sergeanta have received certificates of eligiDanfleld FereuwJ punishment during that time. Peterson, Chancey The bride wore a beautiful" rose bility. Will not Morris King, Hiltoi F. Charles A be Class Handley, passes kept orchids. carried white and to gown Now Transferred In the permanent possession Of the hite, Jame. I. Leach, Lawrence M. Elian, The couple was attended by Pfc. Board Meets Monthly men, but Will be drawn from the Mann, William F. Montgomery, Herbert a ban PaulMiss Homer Romberger and For the information of those who Enlisted Reserve; Day, Irving J. Murphy, Edwin w. stoker, orderly room and immediately re- - 10,118 ine Williams. are interested and feel that they p- - Aikman, Charles Georgldes, Prm rnrnpH thprA when the individual T Smart On last Thursday evening, many may have the qualifications for Jr wuiiam a. Wank, Landi d. 7:0 1 Deadline Is July Comes oaCK. Henderson, Anthony F. San Giovanni, For. olose friends and relatives held a warrant officers, the examining 8:0 rest p. stntner, John h. Miner Jr., Paul to are new limited The passes . . J&ersbermi reception for the bride and groom board meets once each month to James Txm oravis. ieon jnuuk. j!..-m.u etipti ow mus irom nut oi M. Mullendore. Edmond L. VLeml At the Syracuse ward amusement process those who have passed the The deadline for men over 38 mViirawus all man nnaipmry ta ctr mrA Jogepnbv.... a itaImb a.... tti ball. written general education test. Jx to apply for release from active than w. Kwiatkowski, Arnold M. Louis, Donm field the mie3 from 7:0 examines their adaptability in the duty to work in industry or agri- - AGO No. 7 pass will be used. The Buckf orge" JzJEFJ$Sr refand military service with particular limit on' the latter is 100 miles, Haynes, Paul c. Mohr, Edward l. Phiiiim, erence to the classification in which culture has been extended from and a this form wiU also le used in overseas men 1. 1 to and exam The July May seek appointment. they 7:3 I u. HumiiceK, JacK L U. 1 wt Cory. Koy mr fnmp and is oral and practical, ination i nave umu August i. xrauA fm vanr m meet oavmAn ir.aoa a:a vss sc7k) vt sf.Ai-Muwuwf PhsriA. w, designed to . test each applicant a, JVien rewjaaeu are nut uuuucu ocnuier, hniira James L To Be Tech. 4th Grade thoroughly on his technical knowl straight discharge, ibut are placed Beckner, Charles P. uoncz, Johnnie H. Hall School and edge. Physical Daniel E. Herrmann, Marcus J. Howei, m ' v Eligibility for warrant officer Is III UIV Aiisssrai.va vv v ww,e neinhardt W. Kruse, Harry C. Sontag, to that gives the war department the pow- - JLlDeral in similar William K. Howard Jr., William L. Sprue, UrlOUffll respects Are many Requirements Edward R. Vorderkunz, Arthur P. Jenklm, for OCS. ADCT scores of at least er to recait tnose who uu nui ui-' A Francis iu Mornssey, Albert J. Marnett. 110 and ages between 18 and 46 To Be Corporal- - Ben JCirkland, Rlcharj Once More eslOUCV contracts in and fill their stay Tightened Braxton. are mandatory. The physical exam Joseph Owens, Buster Purdut and Wilford Squires, 8am Whitley, Oscar I ination is the same as that required sential work. U Strafford Christopher Cherry, Bynea, flnmmntlfltrfi Tnlfl "Rv Under the new aviation cadet for commission in the army of for release and Applications Jame, A. Nichols, Golie Roblnioo, My Polnt( Daniel V. Speakman, Claude W. JalUrt, (procurement program, Hill Field the United States, but commanders transfer to the reserve corps are Joseph H. Braun, Sydney Folberg, Ai enlisted men are now required to authorized to appoint warrant ofColonel Berman to O. Gahn, William D. Holland, Dan to the following require pass a more stringent physical ex- ficers may grant waivers for minor subjected Knowles. Charles Ffeif fer, Harry V ments: acthose . heimer Jr., Leander M. Weismann, Ron cunination,.and applicants defects. tka physical Leaves at must soldier 1. have The Encourage J. German. cadet eepted for An applicant must, on the date tained his 38th Bap Olaf I Noble Horan. F. or Hunt, James J. on be birthday 10 training"' are required to complete of his application, be on active duty fore 1943. - ring, Emmett p. oallagner, William r. February 28, wave a five months' course in one of a in the army and must have com itiiu taoeriu nuriuufeva 11 poi2. Must have enlisted or was number of selected 12 colleges pleted at least three months' active William J. Williamson, Edwri on or before rather than inrrequent Wagner. 7: throughout the country. Only those duty, or have a minimum of six inducted inzo,the army iuriougns Q Herbert, Leonard E. Miles, Georg a ao. lenethv ones for officers and en- - Alien. Rudoioh J. oeri. Chester F. Koti men who are exceptionally well months cumulative duty within the reDruary sic lioteH non nnHr rhia ski, Albert W. Bradt Jr.. Arthur M. Hunt, from an educational 12 months immediately preceeding 3. MUSt have evidence in the qualified Kuther endS!S .i.f,?rd form of a letter ors statement of- - have been announced ay .unml Colonel William standpoint are excused from the the date of application. Panciyszyn, William in- essenUal in Jr, employment v. fering Woodbury Herman. . (College training. Bemam p. ira white, Limited service men whose final M Joseph G. Bryant, John Burton, James a nmon The college training course con- - type physical examination indicate dustry. or agriculture. rv.l0l enlistTo for release the 0""aiT": ri . , r ii .mif ,mn.gnH. apply 60 hours' credit in each they are not qualified for general t ,8P.' J?!?. Bi p. Bo of five academic courses: Modern service may be accepted and ap ed man must submit an apphca- -- courage leaves of absence and fur- - Jones. Jame. d. strange. Chesterpmiiip 5. em evidence attached of ienski. with tion ho.io Bucitstein, Henry ha maana it matheiovoti,n' Wehraann, Robert A. Williams, Jamei n. history, English, geography, pointed for limited service only. T as beneficial to health matics through trigonometry, and pioymeni to his immediate com- - and. and Brown, samuei b. Christensen, Eiwood it CI Thomas McMillan. 180 hours of physics; Additional mandmg officer who forwards them morale, and states that it should hraPr' courses cover drill, military disDe tne poucy or all commanders H.hehB a. Beciiw, . .John t i ; nker. J. cotter, ah to approve relatively frequent Edmund j. ciow, wuiiam cipline, customs of the service and man to become enlisted proposes Favero, wmiam f., Dossey. wium short ieaveg rather than lenzthv Dai physical education. 20-3- 0 Ernrt B O. Halliday, Byron Lunday, employed, for the State director's infpeauent onM Volunteer Are Eligible " t recommendations for the release. 5"!?.e1' T"",a,"V"BT" ?"oS5i The applications will be prepared hv m ai97 Robert h. piumb. Thomas J. Simons, BeriSelective service eligibles between Hill Field soldiers have been ,,t,ik" .ffAa . fne ages of 18 and 26, Inclusive, Invited to attend Thursday night as1 follows: A. Beiden, jonn J. " Harold ffo- - t. rrir,nnl w o vmnnfi fi h, emer. ill " T of the Ogden rrlad otc na HAtriA etrifri Auf a may volunteer for induction un dinner meetings w. vvf J nnlv va oi Kunich, 0 der the new program after being Rudolph Houghton, club, a service organization . ;.o . ... , QfIC. . wo. o n.intnol t EVoHoriolr r Sloln. James 4..., nnnn " .nv.M an the men for business of mj training by composed 'qualified younger ' wuof written request forms that have IV .. v7 I oottotw. aviation cadet examining board and of Ogden. v a. Ham P. Fulglnlti, Harvey after passing the cadet physical The invitation was extended by been prepared by this headquar this regulation. Charles R. Kailing. examination. James Gaskill, president of the ters. The original is forwarded Adam R. Kochinas, rxiniel J. McBTOTi Enlisted men in other arms of club, who requests that soldiers who with the offer of employment to Wlldy C. McKeel, Allan W. McPhaH, -U rence R. Moe, joe is. moots, the service of the army of the wish to attend the weekly meetings the director of selective service, Charles is Raymond, Kdward L. Schwinn,Edward 8t United States also are eligible to get in touch with him at Morrison The second copy is retained by the B. St. Clair, Sllliker, Percy ens Jr., Thomas H. Capel. Floyd A. apply for air crew training un- Office Supply in Ogden, in order organization, and the third copy is Alfred W. Dunagan. Floyd A. Gralek, It will take no great diplomacy der the new program. They follow that arrangements may be made given to the enlisted men. L. Shaddix, William J. Tobin,: ThOmf the same procedure as air corps for serving all who attend. The Acceptance 01 tne application toy Ana very little tact .-t- KM VOM, ueor luwai. personnel, obtain a birth certifi weekly meetings are held in the the commanding officer does not To' draw up an armistice To Be Tech. Btn arsMM Victor W afson. Jess E. Hoffman, cate, three letters of recommen dining room of Dick's cafe on constitute a promise of release. It Between the AEF and WAAC. Thomas E. Hoover, Edward J. SiZ. dation, and complete application Washington boulevard, where din means only that the request will Sergeant Walter Stewart wlcs, Edward W. Jobst. Avenu ner is served and various types of receive prompt consideration. form No. 60. Charles L. Lowry, Eugene Chester E. Myxter, josepn entertainment are provided during Harvey a To Private 1st Physical Exam Is Rigid . Be ruwi tne evening. a ntLtifmn. (jimc"1 With the necessary approval of Lemon, wuiiam jr. """' J " V the application, plus the birth cer .m Mortimer, waiter19 1 Robins, VirgH C. T. vacil, Harold tificate and three letters of reo Harold ir- - tw ti i ommendation, the enlisted men is Henry F. Webber, Frank sent to the nearest cadet board W bmer H. Romberger, Alexander J.' All military personnel in need for his mental examination. If C. David Anaerson, uiiar. T( of shoes for the current shoe ra he passes it, he is directed to a Leland L. Bergeson, T. "nI1. qM tion period, as announced by the I C. James Ralph Burkhart, physical examining board where he V Hartman, John Kaussh. OP A, may now obtain a shoe pur must pass the rigid form 64 physJ A. Cscll ; aj. th " ,,h.ii I Kelly, Charles k. ical examination which replaced chase certificate from the Special Tom mond H. McFarland, B re Wilbur 1 Molt, Walter s. ""i," the modified version of form 63 service Section, room 108. Base fLSweemj John H. Arthur Rost, Robb, -3 test formerly used. Headquarters building. The current A. Tart, Lamar 1. ixf snoe ration period ends June 15. When the applicant passes the A timely furlough will enable Ser- - Albert a. Van Wagner, Joseph F. wn is new O he shoe The wiederhpid, ration forms have geant Charles I Crittendon to take ready for transfer physical to cadet' training, just oeen issuea by the office of his bride. Miss Ruth Fnwr. of 11 price administration for use in this city, back to Richmond, Va., 1 sTmmm me snnra services oniy. juaqn alter tney are wed at the home uaavA man i entitled to one pair of of the bride's parents on June 1. pvT 5 Otf . I - y, th Be specialist-engineerin- specialist-engineerin- g, y, ' -- ' I g, Men Over 38 Get Reprieve - -- court-marti- al I I x ma . Cadet Program Made Stricter . i w . YiJU VcSj v, Tk s i I AlinOUnCett 7.G - "pre-aviati- on ii I I I TTi Soldiers May. Be Guests of T 1- ;ir:"r .J t, 20-3- a.nit. I Oifl-lo- T? Ts-t- 4 - . jU; I f: - Encirclement I I Takes Bride Wedding June New Shoe Ration Coupons Arrive trr-nl- y Xh-- pre-aviati- " ? d- A 0 on Lt. Henderson Wed at Chapel DV Shoes durlntr parli r of Inn mere oeing tnree periods a year, Only one shoe purchase certificate Corporal Victor I. Ritchie had will be issued to an individual for another induction recently, into each period, and the certificates marital life, when he married Miss w ovi UBV only, rne Anne R. Leasure of Hillcrest Vilftnywhere the at timS Base Chapel. Corporal lage ei,!ta.te8u Ritchie is from Florida. The couple . .... . were attended by Edward E. MorF?e gan and Ruby M. Lowman, as In a ceremony at the base chapel recently. Miss Bar bara Clawson became the bride of Lieutenant Franklin D. Henderson, attached to an air depot group at Hill Field. Chaplain MacCarroll Officiated while Lieutenant and Mrs. Arthur D. Street were best Chaplain Joseph MacCarroll read ml iffeSf. man and maid of honor. the service. this card. double-rin- g tatte ZJd vtlm. V I j l. nographer in CAC the Oeden faualn ... I Hflfi miT TT X.ri She attended -- -- Af member of Alpha Iota and 'presi- - Carter; 482nd air base squadron, " dent of the Ogden chapter of Beta the NCO PX council increased WtlO lOta. dn Technicn.1 U Rvrmiinr rut. l .....u.i nna UJi military representative, to meet with - tenant Newton and work out AAB of unit headquarpersonnel I make t before the war- All men are privileged uple expect to make their suggestion, 'and lu ? n "aen uPn return Xromlcerning the PX to their sq ...ww.m representativtb SSfSSfL V. W..1 S 1 |