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Show Tg THE Egfrf TIMES-NEW- Thursday, April 26. 1956 NEPHI. UTAH S, OLD AND NEW WIRE MACHINES SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPHI Penney's. l.'l i f-- ODDS & ENDS -- NOT ALL SIZES - SHOP EARLY FOR REST SELECTIONS - TREMENDOUS SAVINGS OI0 ONLY O 10 ONLY Mftii: LiTb ill;-- 1 22 -: O SPECIAL PURCHASE MENS SPORT JACKETS - - 3.66 each Q BOYS SPORT JACKETS 2.44 JR. BOYS SIZES . . 1.88 ea. O 24 ONLY W0MENS HOUSE DRESSES - Broken sizes 2.00 O 10 ONLY WOMENS WOOL SHIRTS - REDUCED TO 3.00 ea. .- 1 -- - 4 ! AT SHIRT STRONG ENOUGH TO HOLD CUSTOMERS In our window you'll find proof that Stedman underwear is strong. It is made to last ... to wear and wear . . . without shrinking out of fit. Come by to see the graphic demonstration of the Come strength of Stedman underwear in our window. in and stock up on top quality Stedman underwear at these special prices. fST Gwara4 by A STORE TAILORED T SHIRTS 3 for 2.69 BRIEFS . . . 3 for 2.39 WORKMEN FOR AND ll WOMENS BETTER SHORTY COATS 16.00 ONLY TODDLERS SPRING COATS Reduced to clear 5.00 O40 021 Q33 - Nephi, Utah - - 0NE GROUP BETTER QUALITY PIECE GOODS -- 2 yds 1.00 200 YARDS ACETATE & COTTON PONGEE Reduced! 77c yd - area. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Tolley and Fred Chappell of Salt Lake City visite don Saturday and Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Archie Aiken and day with his parent3, Mr. nd Mrs. three daughters of Spring City Hobert Chappell. visited last week in Salt Lake City with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Tolley Sport amns Supply has an unus- and Mr. and Mrs. David Harrison. ual window display they want you to see. It shows a large concrete block hanging from a single Stedman tailored T shirt . . . one of these T think of it . shirts holds as much as 360 lbs of dead weight. It's your guar anty that the Stedmmn tailored T shirt is strong and will wear and So drop by Sportsman's year. Supply and see this special display. They have a special on Stedman underwear all this week. Three T Shirs for only 2.69. So come by nd stock up on Stedman wear at special prices . . Rem ember, that's at Sportsman's Sup ply at Carter Cleaners (adv) - 66c yd THEY LAST - - 88c ea. 180 YDS Printed and Plain BUCKER WEAVE 16 ONLY RAG RUGS Only WITH TRADE NATIONALLY PRICE Many passenger-car-typ- e engines have to strain at the job of developing power to pull a normal load. They have to "give it all they've got" to move their loads and keep them rolling, cost big money in & wear, repair and shortened life. International Thick engines built for trucks turn at relatively low rpm deliver high usable power at normal road speeds. They are part of the engineering that asks no passenger car component to do a truck job part of the thinking that builds trucks stronger, to last longer . . . save you the BIO money in operating and maintenance costs. Come in and let us give you all the facts! WASH FRESH, SWEET AUTOMATICALLY! CLEAN, in the "o) P 13) LS IllTlt ' I "" rw" """"VlftX "''TSZZA tpigiJh Plus Today's Mof MocUrn Truck Uatvrt I L FmbcTIoikiI f J moMy-tarln- jmtfi JjC" K I VaHMfnV f W jM Your trade-i- n ( yni wb3 C amou I Comfo-Vltlo- fc - jfcj m ubii availabU far mart mocUb aptieaal om MAIN STREET 3 Huff Muf a IT I the " ii.iiiiritrrhffflfir WASHES btii, cleanest -i rfi w,rh most thor- ' ' cii an BuOi to save you IT DRYS quickly, com- pletely, gently and safely with famous Bendix FLUFF N TUMBLE ACTION. kINDIX HOMI AfPUANCiS DIV. AVCO MFO. COtP., CIN7I. 25. O. money t TELEPHONE 528-UEP- HI In use in gas or electric. Bendix, the world's first and finest name in automatic home laundry, brings you the " All-Tru- ck Uio UFO NE era (CixtrKt tA DICK'S SERVICE INC. SOUTH cpv K B lcmy wo dill WASHER-DRYE- R R. ough and gentle action the world has ever known. INTERNATIONAL' TRUCKS ULi 876 L Automatic tranimlnieN TTinr may cover th down payment. Convenient terms arranged. M 1 -j fj The only home proven WASHER-DRYEover 1 34,000 homes. Your choice of I cab - - I B drtvr-dJgna ALL-IN-O- 1 practical, ttyllng g "f jJ DUOMATIC ALL NEW 1 Powm denims ... or grimiest garb, . . . your fanciest frillies AUTOMATIC All-Tru- ck $499.95 ... or dirtiest Your delicate dainties all-tru- WI ADVERTISED I Rated horsepower figures don't tell the whole story of truck performance I -- N FROM Aim that counts I vHlJ RAYON WHILE OF OTHER BARGAINS TO CHOOSE DOZENS (Fd. It's usable horsepower U - ONLY WOMENS NYLON SLIPS Not All Sizes! 2.00 ONLY-ONLY GIRLS DRESSES -NOW 3.00 PAIR ONLY WOMENS SHOES CLOSE OUTS 3.00 pair MM CARTER CLEANERS and SPORTSMANS SUPPLY 'nfXteJ 15.00 . SPORTSMEN Phone 280 " - 10.00 ONLY or A t .j-- l iM., .iSifilt liTTai There are 125 years of advancement between these two wiredrawing machines. ABOVE is the first wire drawing frame designed by Ichabod Washburn who established the first successful wire drawing business in America in 1831 in Worcester, Mass. It was considered marvelous for its ability to draw 2,500 pounds Of wire from sunrise to sunset. BELOW is a, wire drawing machine recently installed by American Steel & Wire, successors to Mr. Washburn's firm. Its six rotating blocks draw wire through six tuagsten carbide dies at a rate up to 850 feet per minute 20,000 pounds in an eight-hou- r shift. The inset of six cross sections shows the successive reductions made by this machine. They total a 70 per cent reduction in WV Gvarant - SPRING GOATS Reduced to clear WOMENS SPRING SHORTY COATS WOMENS ONLY Money Balk 6.00 each WOOL SKIRTS BETTER ONLY 06T ONLY O 075 1 Plv boys. Combined weight, 360 lbs. WE SELL MENS CORDUROY SPORT SHIRTS . . .2.00 each BOYS CORDUROY SPORT SHIRTS.... 1. 00 each PAIRS MENS NEW SHU L0K OXFORD Black, Brown 6.66 pr I new Bendix Duomatic . . . automatic all in one. In one handsome cabinet a completely automatic washer and a completely automatic dryer working together in one continuous operwasher-drye- r 36-in- ch ... ation! You set it . . . then forget it What's more . . . Bendix famous tumble action washing principle uses up to 25 less water . . . less soap . . . saves wear and tear on clothes. And Bendix Fluff 'N Tumble drying uses twice as much air and less heat That's why it's so safe for every fabric . . . endorsed by leading garment makers everywhere. |