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Show THE Pago Two urmmrAssocuriOM il ATIAM Al C HITDD I Mrs. Foote is Hostess To Ladies Literary Annual Club Recently Reading Club April 19 Held by Shorthand and Type Teams To Party Pot-Luc- k Lit-a-Lu- re The Ladies Literary Club met The club held at the home of Mrs. Harry Foote their annual PotReading on Luck party on April 23 with Mrs Marvin An Thursday evening, April 19, at derson, club president, presiding. the home of Mrs. Gayle Yorgason. Litany was read by Mrs. John Mrs. Ray Worthington acted as President Anderson chairman, Robertson. Mrs. Yorgason with recannounced the result of the and Mrs. Eugene Beck assisting. ent Heart fund drive, and dis The theme Showers" was cussed plans for attending the carried out "April attractively in the state convention to be held in table decorations. Daffodils were Salt Lake City April 28. Reports used as centerpieces with miniawere given of the district conven- ture umbrellas filled with candy tions held at Fillmore April 14. and nuts as favors. Plans were made for the cancer Mrs. Clyde Shaw, club presid- fund drivce and members assign ident, presided over the business ed to visit various districts. meeting. Officers for the coming iMrs. Byron Howard then gave were selected with Mrs. W. a very interesting and education- year Lee Bailey as president; Mrs. P. al review of her trip to Aus- L. Jones as vice Mrs. tralia recently. She told of her A K. Johnson, president; and secretary exhibited and pleasant voyage treasrer; Mrs. Gayle Yorgason, re and souvenirs and gave pictures porter and Mrs. Devon Anderson much valuable information of the historian. visited. countries Delicious refreshments were Those present were Mrs. Mar- served to Mrs. Worthington, Mrs. Lit-a-Lu- re Al n Published every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County Utah. Entered at the post office at Nephi. Utah as second class mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 8V. Six months. $2.25. Subscription rates: One year $4.00; advance. in Advertising rates Subscriptions are payable on request. A. B. Gibson and Roy E. Gibson Publishers Gibson Roy Editor Manger Office: 96 South Main Street, Telephone 196, Nephi, Utah mf' W&'f,v- tip - - vin Anderson, Miss Mabel Sper-rMrs. T. W. Allred, Mrs. A V. Gadd, Mrs. George A. Sperry, Mrs. Frank P. Greenhalgh, Mrs. John Amos G. Irons, Hershey, Mrs. Mrs. John Robertson, Mrs. Jack Wright, Mrs. T. H. Burton, Mrs. Mrs. Joseph G. John Cotton, Irons, Mrs. Don J. Eyer, Mrs. A. LI Garbett, the special guest, Mrs. Byron Howard, and the hostess, Mrs. Harry Foote. y, Primary Groups' Dance Scheduled SPRING IN HIS HEART George Maynard. chairman of the British Marbles Board of Control, is 84 years old in body. But he's no older at heart than ilu lad:: at his left, who are taking a lesson in knuckling under duririo the World Marbles Championships at Tinsley Green, Engla. . The Nephi Garden Club will WALL PAPER The new 1956 conduct a plant and shrubbery paper has arrived. We will supsale on May 5 at Balley-McCun- e ply free wheat paste to apply your store. Anyone desiring special paper when purchased in room plants or a large number of any lots Chapman Furniture Co. one plant may place their orders now by balling 46W or 174J. Bak3 bedWANTED TO BUY ed goods also will be on sale. room home dose Into town Call 87. FOR. SALE Giant pansies, Violas, Delphi neum, Pyretheum at ome with us to TEACHERS Roy Olsens, 212 South Center, HAWAII Attmd six weeks of . 9913 Phone Santaquin summer school at the University Haw fun, and inof Hawaii OUR NEW WALL PAPER is Write Mrs. experience!. teresting in Chapman Furniture Co. Alonzo J. Morley, Tel. FR FOR RENT Three unfurn- 387 East 3rd North, Provo, Utah ished rooms with electric water heater and bath Mrs. James FOR THE BEST in plumbing Andrews, 258 North 2nd East. and heating, call D at 306. - 4-- Primary dance for the Stake Home Bilders, Trail Builders and Pilots groups will be held Saturday at 4 p. m. in the Third Ward hall. Come prepared to buy your Hot dogs with all the supper. triirarungs will be sold. Levan, Nephi Young Ladies Selected as Thursday, April 26, 1956 NEPHI. UTAH S, -- asVocIi-atCgl- M&sl TIMES-NEW- Merle McPherson, Mrs. CI eon L. Mernxnott, Mrs. F. H. Beckstead, Mrs. J. M. Anderson, Mrs. Beck, Mrs. P. L. Jones, Mrs. Lee Bailey, Mrs. Irel Chase, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Lewis Beagley, Mrs Mrs. Fred L. Udell R. Jensen, Gadd and the hostess, Mrs. Registration Of Kindergarten Children Scheduled for May 9 for all Kindergarten registration kinder-arten next fall, will be held on Wednesday, May 9, between the hours of 9 and 11 sun. at the Central School auditorium. The community health council is in charge of this registration. It is hoped, Supt. DeVon Anderson stated, that all children ex pecting to enter kindergarten next fall will be registered by their parents at this time. children who will enter Compete at Y From the J. H. 8. CLARION Have you seen those gals busily engrossed in writing shorthand in every class? They're really not doing their homework (maybe); they're only taking down notes from the class, practicing up for the big Commercial Contest which will be held at Brigham Young University on May 11. This is a regional affair, which the schools of our area converging at BYU for the big day. The main purpose of the contest is to have friendly competition between the schools for honors awarded for the best speed and score in commercial subject entries. This year Juab High will have as participating entries, teams in Shorthand I and II; and Typing I and n. In the test for the first year shorthand, the dictation will be given at 80 words per minute for five minutes, with transcription in longhand. In second year shorthand, the dictation will be given at 100 words per minute for 5 minutes, with transcription on the typewriter. The First and Second Year Typewriting evenjwill consist of a timed writing from straight copy and a letter test. Speed and accuracy are the two main assets of a participant in this contest. We were rather disappointed to learn that, due to the tremendous amount of work involved in correcting contestants' papers, the participating schools are asked to enter not more than four students in any particular event. This means that we will have to cut down our teams to the bare minimum, and take only the very best contestants. An awards assembly will be the highlight of the day, and at that time the winning students will be honored and given certificates of awards. We are all hoping that Juab will come home with some Loessa Shepherd and Shirley Anderson acting as hostesses. Delicious refreshments will be served on beautifully decorated tables. Honored guests who will assist with serving refreshments will be Mrs. Theodore Park, Mrs. Heber Taylor and Mrs. James H. Special guests will be Ockey. Mrs. E. Alton Ellertson, Mrs. Earl F. Dunn, Mrs. Oinn A. Morgan, Mrs. J. Gayle Yorgason, Mrs. Kenneth Nyman, Mrs. DeVon Anderson and Mrs. M. Clark Newell. Girls Day Tea To Be Impressive Event A Tea is to be held Friday, April 27. as part of the Senior High School Girls Day. The tea will be held in tne HamemaKing partment of the High School with Lefs wish of the high honors. all the contestants the best of success. ' m The Standard Man helps me get peak power, longer engine life i . Get more power from your trucks, quicker, smoother response from your car with Chevron Gasolines. All the benefits of the highest octane in Chevron history AND famous "Detergent-Action,-" that cleans away carburetor deposits to end the biggest single cause of engine trouble. Improved Chevron Gasolines control a major source of to extend engine life and harmful combustion acids power far longer. So, get the gasolines with every performance benefit your car or truck needs . . . for your next delivery, order Chevron Gasolines, Regular or today! Supreme on-the-j- For Information on any Standard Oil Company of California product, coil . D. C. BOSVELL PHONE 83 NEPHI. UTAH State Delegates Girls Three Junior girls from Juab high have been chosen to attend Girls State in Logan. The three girls are Bessie Man-gelsof Levan. sponsored by the Civicettes; and Mina Lou Broad-hea- d and Helen Sparks, sponsored by the American Legion auxiliary. The girls, all active in school functions were chosen from a list prepared by the faculty on the basis of leadership and scholastic -j standing in the school and community. Chosen as alternate was WiLma Tolley. on For Ma DDI est Motoring i- -f 1etCS5m. Tires ' Gfi. Ptm.. UTOCO DEALERS totre the Ifgood look at this one. market far a real buy, take a In It's a II- I- j"" I -- f - 'i -I- I m- i- ii Mini iim--- 4 - ' l- i- There are no finer tires in the world Drive in soon your Utoco dealer will put your car in top condition for warmer weather. There's a heap of know-hobehind Trade worn tires now for summer. Make your vacation one of pleasure and safety with no Are worries. Ask your Utoco dealer about his extra big trade-i- n deal and "pay as you ride" easy payment plan. Atlas Cushionaire tubeless and Atlas Premium tires are guaranteed in writing and this guarantee is honored by 40,000 deateri ia the United States and stop ft the service he readers. LHoco easoJin tkm UTOCO and metor oJU aMmtraomi Sfwclatlxml lubrication Mm Wrs bottrl Mv ond occ.MorUs your ear tha care It dos orvos at Utoee doaUrt or yov bI mor and yow tptf j s Special which means, of n that, though, doesn't completely explain Buick outsells every car in America except why n the two smaller ones. To understand the big reason, you've got to know something about how much pure automobile you get for your money in a 1956 Buick w k prorf.cfi, ff fbtif Mflf $Tfif ni "fojw" tlm ch course it's a big car. But look again at the price news it carries. It tells you this big Buick Special can be yours for only a few dollars more than the price of the smaller cars for even less than some modeh of those very same cars. (And the price well show you proves how true that is.) The gospel truth is this brawny new beauty is the biggest bundle of high style and hot performSeries-Eve- n ance ever offered in B nick's lowest-price- d well-know- -- hi 1956 Buick well-know- urn x (utoco) The extra satisfaction of commanding BuickTs V8 engine walloping new The extra joy and comfort pf Buick's new buoyant ride, Buick's matchless new handling ease, Buick's extra solidity of structure The extra thrill that comes from the world's most modern transmission. For, at your option, you take-ocan also have the new double-actio- n and the extra of Buick's mileage advanced new Variable Pitch Dynaflow.f ff gas-savi- ng Those are some of the things we'd like you to know, firsthand, about the 1956 Buick. And well let the car itself-a- nd that low price tag do the Will come in real soon this week talking. you maybe? fVo Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflouo U the only Dynafiou) Buick builds today. It it standard on Headmaster, at modest extra cost on the Superand Century-optio- nal MEM, 'AiAmwLomnjci t Umt k, y,m mtm tmi a mm nuonAutieotmrtONtita 7CT3 ' wihh m- una automouu r . Ml MC It If Street ' am sum tuicx will iuiio them MIEIPUnn M(D)IXIDjK CCD. 05 West Center OUASON Nephi, Ufa. |