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Show THS Page Eight, Section One TIWEJ-NEW- NEPHl, UTAH possibility of a pardon REGularly Speaking - "IC""" , nui) : - ; . II Mom DHv, Owdrlv., wNl ildtwoll Htm oprtool ol xtro eort. fqu)pnt, ocmuwIm t 10 ehongt without notfco. mt Mm f W" I w8' - l, r. wsizJ . TWO DRIVIS IH ONI Fordomatic gives you both Fluid Torqu Converter and Automatic Mechanical blended into one. You get the smoot! ness of Fluid Torque Converter plus f "Go" and savings of Automatic Gears! Gea-drive- s You can ; i . rr... f I ,7, ffinO-t,- . f ltrt- j - 1014. Wlwy Moktr ilide the selector to FORDOMATIC WITH V- -i OX SIX Whichever you pick. Ford 110-h.- p 8 or 101-h.Six, Fordomatu aakes the most of your power, 'oth have Ford's Automatic Power Pilot. V-- 'Lo"), makes all Iriving easier on our engine! power-boostin- : : ' r - - jt. v ; ' - , disabled camel or an elected official. This buinsess of voting is referred to as your right, your privilege, your franchise, your duty. To atl Americans it is duty, above all else. The final outcome of any election depends on how many other individuals voted as you did, if enough of them do then the man or men of your choice are elected. You can then throw out your chest and say "I put him in office" ' i - , ' '. .' """ ) red-blood- .!. i You sure did, little old you can say that with as much ego as anyone alive. It takes all the grains of sand to make a beach, all the drops of water to make a lake one equal to the other. . . . is just the same . . all having equal rights and all the same duty. With the vote it Cast your vote for GE or Hallicrafters TV . FOR SALE Ahardwood kitch en extension table, and four chairs Also a studio couch will sell Call 411M. cheap x;P.0 Beggin' your pardon, sir! But there' room. Would you like to take a crack release the cat?" BAHDQE)Alf ST YOUR FRANCHISE'! BUT VOTE THERE'S A PRICE TAG ON FREEDOM TOO! First lime, HUGE ASSORTMENT! for sewing fashions! ANYWHERE! i ,Z2 sa s t home-decorati- th K00M 10 (HOOif WY I ' - h f soupspoons knives ; dinner forks ' salad forks butter knife ugar shell itsi 1 1 - I t- "- LUXURY QUALITY SHIRTS OF 'i 2x2 Pima Broadcloth THE XX silky Pima broadcloth, Sanfor-ize- dt for permanent fit Buy all need now, at Penney's senyou sational price! They're wonderful for Christmas giving, tool Sizes 14 to 17. A tSbrinkage will not exceed 1 pairs for just :::: 1- - J" 51-gax- ie JT m slisc NOT SECONDS, not irregulars, fee Penney own, famoos perfect quality! Yours (if yon hnrry 1 ) , wof a&hioq Sixes 814-l- Lj Quality considered, THIS IS THE MOST OUT- STANDING VALUE PENNEY'S EVER HAS KNOWN! Exquisite service for eight, made by the world's largest manufacturer of silverware ... offered Saturday at an incredible low price! Stunning "Jubilee" pattern! Chest witfi" lining tarnish-resista- . . nt S1A)0 . Women-dark-eea- 15-deni- er PLATE n SHEEH LUXURY NYLONS " SILVER UP ALL YOU No seconds or irregulars! These are quality shirts, tailored of soft, 00 Origins Rogers OF THE SHIRT-VALU-E YEAR! SCOOP NEED NOW I 2 for hade. HI AMflKAM ( r per-son- al s, I 1 6 teaspoons florals, nov- elty prints, smart designs for sewing everything from tots' clothes to kitchen curtains! Hurry! These percales are outstanding at wide. this price! 35-3- 6 e SL mm h to save money on Your xx this grand opportunity exciting group of colorful American Liberty was bought with men's blood. It has been retained through sacrifice and struggle. It will be passed on to your children, only if constant vigilance, and wage the continuing fight against Government encroachment or. individual life. Slick salesmen of foreign ideas, imported John G. Steele, M. D. Wm R. Worley, M. D " nnts No one can give you something for nothing. Not even your freedom! The proud heritage of from bankrupt countries, would have you believe the Government can give you "free" medical care. All they ask is that you give up your personal liberty for this promised "security"-th- at you trade your freedom for the "safety" of State Socialism. America has not grown to be the greatest, healthiest country on the face of God's Earth, through Socialism. Unfettered by political controls, American medicine, operating in a free economy, has given us this progress, Government control of doctors and nurses, hospitals and scientists, would be the first step toward control of everyone else. Remember nothing is free. Not even freedom. Join the fight to protect your liberty. Keep Socialized Medicine out of America. 1" FINELY WOVEN QUALITY! erca tt ? New Wrinkle transparent pressing cloth lets you see what you're doing when you ron darts, pockets, and pleats. A 1 feUr-ii- at COMPANY an array of beautiful Christmas gift suggestions to your home Call Donna Beard, 28W your new Avon representative. ; a mouse in this at him before I . BASLEYcCUME A TELEPHONE CALL will bring PHONE 312, NEPHI il'80-sa- . ''!'u One rain drop, one grain of $and, one straw, one vote . . . add one to another and you have a lake, a beach, a ' , tion. VOTE AS YOU PLEASE iii ' - TALKING TURKEY How much turkey can a boy eat on Thanksgiving? This is an old question and seems to be popping up in the minds of many American kids this Thanksgiving. The lad seen above Is giving his bird an appraising pat Or could he be practicing the proverb about a bird in the hand being worth more than two in the bush. At any rate, the hungry gleam in his eye is a clue to his hopes for a good Thanksgiving dinner. pay more DON'T LOOSE mm. r " - lite' j (just down-grade- s 4 J" t !. . l nakes rocking out of ;and or snow simpler, ,'ives you safe engine braking on steep 70 SOUTH MAIN STREET KB CHATTER MMM$Jl rills USE BAIMAC by beorge but you can't buy better! r.D.A.F. MAN OR WOMAN WANTED for 1500 family Rawleith business in Juab County. Products on credit Real opportunity. Write immedia-el- y Company Representative M E Walton, 320 S E Main Street, Blackfoot Idaho or Rawleieh's 1514 23rd St., Rept Denver 2, Colorado. v Swillnar UhittralM avaKabl wHk V--l wily. Fordomatic not only does your "shifting" for you, it makes all landling easier. It 1952 30, ev- brings to all involved another heart ache, another of all the facts concening the "case Mr. Isom and his committee want to' remove from the cases that needless rehashing and to get to the final disposal, whether it be capital punishment or parole, without the long, needless bickering over superfluious findings. We hope he is successful in his drive to "hurry up the wheels of justice". tickle? 'V ITS taken and and ery Continued from Page One by counsel without consent There has been an appeal to the U. S. Supreme Court, an appeal and one other hearing before the Utah Supreme Court, and one before the U. S. District court all of which have considered constitutional questions and yet the case is far from concluded It appears that the swamping-- l down of the cases comes after the conviction, as we stated before, by ithe trial court Now there's too sides to look at on behalf of the persons adjudged guilty In the trial court, every delay means another day of life or perhaps the J and yoct' never s6rft again! 1 October Thursday, iat h RAYON BLOUSES WHITE AND PASTEL SHADES Sizes 32-3- 8 1.00 5 |