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Show THE TIMES- - NEWS, NEPHI, UT Thursday, May 4, 1950 O American "going JOE MAHONEY is industry rural" PAGE and for The prin- Tray-Paintin- dustry reversing its Fishing Safety one- time policy and now locating in rural centers. To build its new lamp plant at Richmond, Ky., the corporation bought a 14-ac- plot. Here employee Robert Moberly (left) stands on the porch and gazes at the plant which now occupies what was once the "front yard" of an old mansion. INDUSTRY 'GOES RURM' 'I'THrinmininnr n auminfa Avmwjwg - W ': :''?:?::: Viinirirt y.S Fishing is America's Number 1 sport but far too few anglers take and the necessary precautions safety measures while they are participating in the sport. Time after time safety measures are stressed in an effort to make fishermen conscious of the perils they risk. Tragedies of the sort that befall fishermen can be prevented if certain fundamental rules will be observed while the angler is in or near the water. Here are some of those rules: As with many other things, liquor and fishing don't mix. Make sure your boat is safe and. if it is, make sure you don't overload it. In most cases, four persons to a boat can be managed, but three is more desirable and two is always best. Use caution when taking children on a fishing trip and remember that if you can't swim, you'd have no chance to save them from drowning. Knowing how to swim is, of course, the best policy. Therefore, never pass up any opportunity to take a course in' water safety. Even if you can swim, remember that many good swimmers have drowned. So, don't take unnecessary chances. Some boats are made so they won't overturn easily others are not. If you aren't a good caster, get yourself plenty of room and be careful. And a boat decidedly is no place in which to practice. Hooks can put an eye out, or snag an ear, and your antics may upset the boat. Last, but not least: If your boat has upset and thrown you in the s water, keep your wits. This is of saving yourself. Even the inexperienced can keep themselves or turning afloat by on their back and floating. You'll get water in your eyes, nose and mouth but that's a lot better than getting your lungs full. Take it easy. Threshing about won't help. . nine-tenth- AAA Employees begin to stream out the front entrance of the plant (above) as the first shift ends at 3:30 p.m. They began work at 7 a.m. Most employees live on surrounding farms, drive vyy High "Sea 'lMM)'ji!l'rii'.iippiwl work in their own family automobiles. This cor- to ner of the plant houses the offices. Photo at right shows industrial relations man Richard Smith, seated at left, discussing union contract provisions with Mrs. Marie Whitak-e- r and union chairman Robert Moberley. iimwiiiiipiii wm nTmmyrwwwmmmm' mn rivt ' nnirriirtrrMftiriiTfiiliTiilnmiftTmifrt-i'lli- i rjpiinyiiiiimi mm mmm mm mm -f Lauritz Melcbolr, Weagnerian opera star, warbles an aria as he holds aloft a couple of sea-ru- n fish which should have known better than to tangle with such a warrior. He entered the catch in the Miami metropolitan fishing tourney. n O This husband and wife team (left) has found the new plant providing them their chance to buy a home. They are Leslie and Mary Allen, ages 22 and 19, respectively. They live just a block from the plant and hope to buy their own home within a year. AAA Worms for Profit "TTTT I? fit O Shown below Faye (left) and Roberta Pearson don't look much like factory workers. Age 20 and 18, respectively, the two girls live 12 miles from town, get up at 5 a.m. to make the first shift. Brought up on a farm, they nevertheless have developed into capable workers in the plant. Faye is taking on a night business course and hopes some day to take over a secretarial job. g At present she runs a machine and sister Roberta tests completed bulbs in the engineering section. lamp-makin- fel : f - r TEST 4 ; w . " 'f 111 O The work force in the Richmond community is remarkably young. The aver- age employee age at the plant is about 22. In photo Chris- above, tine Brown (left) and Betty Locke test flashlight and auto light bulbs. Christine previously had worked in an office in town. Betty was a farm girl, still lives 10 miles from town and helps with farm chores. i Add business statistics: twice as many fishworms were packed in tin cans in 1949 as'in 1948. And, from all indications, this is only the beginning. At least that's the feeling of officials at the Bios earthworm hatchery in Boulder, Colo., where Professor R. Forrest Davis and the American Can company have collaborated to produce canned live worms for anglers. The worms are packed in cans houseabout the size of large-siz- e hold spice cans. A mixture of peat moss and earth makes them feel at home, and small perforations in one end of the container enable the worms to breathe. In perfecting his product for the market. Professor Davis, who operates his business as a sideline to teaching biology at Boulder high school, deftly overcomes one marketing problem. The worms persisted in working their way to the bottom of the can, but the professor outsmarted them by having the can labels put on upside down! So when the fisherman opens the container the worms are right there, ready for the hook. Thus may pass soon another practice of the good old days, that of waiting for the full of the moon and the right amount of moisture before venturing out to the garden, armed with a spade, to dig for night crawlers. eiFLD NOW. -- PLAVERS j 1 lP.AND- - EARlv AMERICAN MERR LED CROWN. A-- sTHEA& 5 FOP A ROSE DESIGN RECTANGULAR OR THAT5 OVAL SERVING 1 BIROS FOR ROUND LAP TRAYS ? WITH HAND PAINTED PATTERN 329 Painting: Designs for Trays t"VEN IF you have never tried your hand at painting trays you will find that the directions on this pattern will enable you to decorate trays equal to those you see in the expensive shops. " SONJA OVER How to choose the right colors and finishes, and how tomaterials, transfer the designs are all on pattern 329. Prica 25c. WORKSHOP PATTERN SERVICE BOBBY BROWN Whas NEW YORK YANKEE THIRD BASEMAN, IS A MEDICAL STUDENT UNIVERSITY DURING THE 27,0OO WORTH OF FURS IN HERV WARDROBE! Drawer 10 Bedford Ulll. New Vork. AT TULANE CLASSIFIED SPORTLIGHT- - Davis Ranks With DEPARTMENT Sfars All-Ti- me FARMS AND RANCHES OB -- By GRANTLAND INFORMATION Ranches. Large or Small Buy or Stock Sell. RENO REALTY Reno, Nevada RICE- - It will be interesting to see how of Glenn Davis to THE RETURN action brings back an far Glenn Davis can come back Nevada POULTRY, CHICKS & EQUIP. QUALITY CHICKS absence after a three or four-yea- r who is the greatest California U. S. Pullorum Controlled. hatches of New Hampshires. athlete of all time? It from competition. At 25 with all Weekly White Leghorns. Austra Whites and cross e is his natural ability he should be breeds. must be admitted that Available on short notice. Write or telephone for prices and available quite a spell on the calendar. So able to make it. Our dates. chicks are better our price is lower. we'll add "since ADAMS HATCHERY records have been Section old argument kept." The argument returns in force since Glenn Davis is among the leading nominees. He was Red Blaik's choice time I the talked with the Grantland Rice Army leader. How good was Glenn Davis? Well he was a star at football, baseball, track and basketball for a starter. He wasn't merely good at these different games. He was among the best. "Glenn has the finest mental and physical I've seen anywhere," Blaik said at the time. Davis broke a West Point record at body lifting in a certain Army test. Jim Thorpe? Jim was a star at football, track and baseball. He wasn't known as a basketball player. But the red man from Carlisle was a pentathlon and decathlon star at track and field where Davis was only a sprinter. What about Elmer Oliphant, another famed West Pointer with an assist from Purdue? Oliphant starred at football, baseball, track and field, basketball, boxing and fencing. As we recall his day and time, Elmer won seven major medals at West Point. "He was brilliant at practically everything he tried," Colonel John McEwan said recently. The colonel ought to know. He coached Oliphant In football. "He was an amazing product. Maybe be was also a fine skier and swimmer. I've forgotten. At the moment I can't remember any game that Elmer couldn't play well." Barry Wood of Harvard was another powerful entry in these stakes. Wood starrji at football, baseball, hockey and tennis. Jackie Robinson, the Dodger infielder, ranks high at football, baseball, He basketball, track and field. was U. C. L. A.'s challenge to the field. My favorite entry was Harry Fisher of Williams. Fisher starred at football, baseball, basketball, track and field, tennis, golf, swimming and squash. He bad a record of success In 10 major sports. last Leading 330 Pleasant St. Petaluma, California is Football's spring practice under full steam with an abnormal number of candidates on hand to fill a long parade of gaps. In this list of missing stars you'll find such names as Doak Walker, Charlie Justice, Leon Hart, Emil Sitko, Arnold Galiffa, and too many others to mention. In the 1949 scramble the Mide west again led the pack, an custom. Notre Dame, Michigan and Ohio State were the three spearheads who took charge. The South and the Southeast were several notches off. The Southwest was in back of the Midwest. I'd say the East was close alongside the Southwest in front of the South and the far west. After all, the east had Army, Cornell, Princeton and Dartmouth, a good match for anybody. The west coast had improved over past years, but the improvement wasn't too noticeable. There were strong signs, however, that the California sector, plus Washington, will be more formidable this coming fall. The Southwest expects to have strength, although greater few coaches will make any such claim. As spring practice begins warming up, the early signs favor Notre Dame, Army, Michigan, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Pittsburgh, Princeton, Dartmouth, Cornell, Texas and Southern California. No other squad could lose as many good football players as Notre Dame has lost and have such an excellent autumn outlook. Notre Dame is still an odds-o- n choice to remain unbeaten. Frank Leahy's spirited competitors may not have the depth to go all the way unroped, but who is to head them off? Army's two main tests are Michigan and Stanford. Army again will be a fast, powerful, sqnad, provided Red Blaik can dig op a few deIlia offensive replacements. fensive strength Is already In ' order. Pennsylvania loses many good men from a thin squad and the present outlook isn't any too happy. But the Red and Blue has the habit of having good teams, although her domination of the Ivy league was checked last fall by Cornell. For Your Future Buy U.S. Sayings Bonds BUILD YOUR OWN CAMERA Ansco "CRAFTSMAN" home construction k i t. Complete instructions. Only $3.50. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Send today. Only old-tim- $3-5- P D Q SERVICES DeDt. S Pico, Los Anfeles (it. Calif. 12331 W. WHEN SLEEP Use Chewing-Gu- m Laxative REMOVES WASTE...N0TG00O FOOD When roa eas'l sleep feel Just awful because you need a laxative do aa unxioNs do chew rax-A-MiN- T Is wonderfully dlfferentl Doctors say many other laxatives start tbelr "flushing" action too soon .. . rischt In the iioHirk. Large doses of such laxatives upset digestion, Bush away nourishing food you need for bealtb and energy . . . you feel weak, worn out. But gentle raN-n-Mur- r, taken as recommended, works chiefly In the lower bowel where It removfRonlr name, sot food I You avoid that weak, tired and feel feeling. Use nxH-A-uiN- T n fine, full of life! 25. SO, or only I U t FEEM-A-MIN- rrfv fAMOUS T CHEWING-GU- lAHATIVt MX FLASHES? Are you coing through the functional "middle-site- " period peculiar to women (38-5- 2 yearsir Does this make you suffer from hot Bashes, feel so tired? Then do nervous, high-strun- g, try Lydla EE Plnkhams Vegetable Compound to relieve such' symptoms t Regular use of Ptnkham Compound helps build up resistance against thta well-coach- ed annovlna LYD1A mlddle-air- e distress' E. PINKHAM'S com Personal To Women With Nagging Backache B HaroU Arnett PLACE RAFFIA IMA PAN OP WARM WATER FOR A FEW MINUTES. THEN STRETCH IT SLIGHTLY. USE BENT Doaii's NEEDLE. Pills .NU-- W SHRINKAGE OF THE RAFFIA MAKES PATCH MORE SECURE. 13-5- .til) YOUR KOMI, US PROTECT LEVEL GAUGE in' PREVENT BREAKAGE" OF 0 off INSECTS Prexi th butt oft and the handy diipcnser ejects a cloud of aerosol fog whkh k ills flics, mosquitoes, roaches, anis, bed bugs, moihj and silvei (lift leave no unpleasant odor and it harm-tato human and pet when used a Sold tt drug, r ' As we ret older, trem and (train, over-sxerttoexcessive' smoking or eiposure te sold sometimes slows dows kidney fune tloa. This esay lead many lolks to eora-pls-ia of osteins barkacbe. loas of pep aad energy, beadscbes and ditxinear Getting ap Bights or frequent passage may reouit from mtoof bladder Irritations due to cold. dampnaas of dietary Indiscretiona srs sua to these If your discomfort wait, try Doaa't Pills, s mild niiM, don't diurrtte. Used successfully by millions for ever M years. While them ymptom may of tea otherwise occur. It's am. ting bow many times Doan's give happy nrilrf help the It miles of kidney till- -, and Alter flush out waste. Get Doaa's Pille today I REPAIR BR0KIN OR FRAYED FtBERStN FISHING CREEL WITH RAFFIA, OBTAINED AT FLORISTS'SHOPS. SAILNAKERS Ig -- HO sh& CREEL REPAIR GLASS GAUGE IN LEVEL WITH CORK GUARD. CUT CORK SO IT WILL NOT PROJECT FROM EITHER SIDE OF LEVEL. YOH'T COME AND YOU FEEL GLUM all-ov- 0ETx3S AAA Worm Care Angle H you use angle worms for bait, they will need careful attention on your fishing trip a fact not generally recognized by fishermen. Take a box without any cracks and cover the inside bottom with sod taken from black soil, soil side up, grass side down. Put in a little dirt, sprinkle on some worms, cover with black soil, mix in some pieces of tod and so on until the worms are ir. the box without touching each other. THWPANCW, Can Be g Fun, Productive Hobby many reasons. cipal one, however, is that many crowded industrial centers offer no more room for industrial expansion. The Westinghouse electric c o r p o ration experienced that problem, and its reaction was typical of the national phenomenon of in- THREE directed hardware and firm tupply stores I TOIACCO ORPOSATION t PRODUCTS CHEMICAL RICHMOND, VIRGINIA |