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Show SHOP AND SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPHI SAVE IN NEPHI Volume 41 Naphi, Juab County, Utah, 200 Expected At District Olub Meet Enrollment Activities Are Progressing "World Citizenship" is the them selected for the third annual spring convention of the Nebo First District, Utah Federation of Women's clubs, which will be held d at the ward chapel here Saturday, May 6th, according to Mrs. C R. Lomax, district president, who will be in charge of the sessions. Featured speaker of the convention will be Selvoy Boyer of Springville, who recently returned from England where he was president of the British Mission, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints. President Boyer is a forceful speaker and will give a discussion on trends in England today. It has also been announced that Lloyd Whitlock of Provo, of the Provo City coordinator schools, will give a report on the new detention home at Provo. Approximately 200 ladles rep33 ladies clubs from resenting Central Utah will be in attendance. Nephi clubs represented at the convention wil be Ladies literary, Fine Arts, Beta Literary, Ladies Literary League, 20th Century and Delphic Literary. Also in attendance will be club representatives from Springville, Spanish Fork, Delta and Fillmore. The schedule for Saturday calls for the opening session at 9:30 a. m. when a board meeting for district officers and chairmen will be conducted. Mrs. Lomax will give the address of welcome at a general session at 10 a. m., and also on the program for the first gen eral session includes reports from the district treasurer and auditor, and a message from the State President, Mrs. O. J. Kingston of Murray. Departmental meetings from 11 a. m. until noon will be followed by a luncheon in the amusement hall adjoining the chapel at 12:30p. m. Mrs. J. E. Andrews of Nephi is chairman of the luncheon committee. ' The aflcrnoon general session willbegin at 2 p. m. Mrs. Lomax said today that the general publc is invited to attend the afternoon session if they care to, to listen to the message of President Boyer. First-Secon- e, n, Pay-so- . At a meeting held last Wed nesdav night, April 26th, directors of the Levan Lady Lions club were elected: Virgil Chnstensen and Gertrude Shepherd were elect ed for two years and Nina Taylor and Vivian Mangelson lor terms. The remainder of the time was spent sewing, cutting quilt blocks, exchanging apron patterns and id eas preparator yfor a bazarr at a future date. Plans were discussed and form' ed for entertainments to raise funds to help the Levan Lions with their civic projects. Each Lady Lion has received a beautiful lapel pin, presented to her by her Lion husband. one-ye- ar club enrollment began in Thursday, May 4, 1950 SINGLE COPY 10c Former Nephi Happy Birthday! Our bejr. v.ishei, for i birth "lay, nid many Man Died In Logan Tuesday more of them are extended to Mrs. Unity Chapuell, vhowill .i the 93rd milesto e on Fr'day, May 5th. more Despite harJships than wo present day generations reilize, and with many griefs frini loss o loved ones, Mrs. Chuppeil has maintained a fine outlook on life. J fnr sense oi liunit r. like her body has remained strong all thc-.years. Although no ven house is planned, .Vt's ali ;oin in spyto Mrs. ing "Happy re-c- Aaron Parley (Chris) Chriscommun tiansen, 60, district forest ranger of Cache National Forest in Logity supervisors and leaders were selected in the communities of the an died . suddenly Tuesday after noon at a J.ogan hosptal. He had county to begin the years work club boys and girls, ac been 111 since Thursday. with Cht'is was very well known in cording to Ray Burtenshaw, Juab s Nephi; having served as range- - in County agent. The selection ot leaders is not complete as yet but this area foimr.ny years. Fuij-'ra- l services have not been plans are to have all clubs funannoAiced, as far as is know-- i at ctioning by the time school is out " The S'imes-New- s, this month. Many of the boys and pending arrival ;; ; club for of hijon Don who is enroute from have up signed Chappell girls work or contacted their leader oi Europe. ! MM . TT Mr ChriUansen was born July last year. .Those who haven't yet Mr. C. R. Lomax . . directs Nebo signed up should do so immed- Nephi-Leva- n 17, 189 at Ephraim, a son of , umsuan-sen- . District Club convention here on iately. iJaney ana uortnea have Alice He Eureka Micklson at married The , Saturday. supervisors been busy and some of the clubs Juney.7, 191b at Manti Temple Halbntered the forest service in there have been doing club work 194 ajpd was ranger at Nephi un for a month now, Mr. Burtenshaw said. - Those in charge of the4-The Nephi Baseball team has til he moved to Logan in 1939. club leaders and club enrollment scheduled its opening game of the Mri Chr'stiansen recently comat Eureka and Mammoth are Mrs 1950 season here on Sunday, May plete! 25 years of membership in Ruth Walquist and Mrs. Albert 7th when Levan will meet the the'ffiwarus club, having been a Carlson. A Callao Club with e'ght locals in an exhibition game. Game member here and in Logan. He members under the direction of time has been set for 3:00 p. m. was fectiv in the LDS church, Mrs. Gertrude Tripp plan on comThis game is not a regular having server?1909-1-on a mission to secKe was tt.e and first clothing year pleting league game as Nephi is an en- Denmark ;r, Dr. Daryl Chase, dean of men ond of the foods this year. Some of trant in the Central Utah league first ? counselor Logan year at the Utah State Agricultural the members are also carrying a and Levan is a member of the Fourth Ward bishopric at thetime of his death. He al3o was College at Logan will be speaker beef project and will exhibit a fat Sanpete-Sevia former uperintendent of Sunday at the annual commencement ex- steer at one of the shows during Central Utah league. will league play ercises of the Juab high school on the summer. Schools and was a first counselor begin Sunday, May 14th. maintractor a Friday evening, May 19, it was anMona Nephi-Leva- n tab- in the - Neohi center ward whil At boys is The game nounced this week. The thenw of tenance club of nine members un- bed to be an interesting affair living here. are v. wdow. a son the exercises will be "Mid Cen- der the direction of Claude Kay with each team in surviving top was organized last week. Several form. Although the weather has and two daughters: Don P. Chris tury Half way to Where?" A list of the prospective gradu other boys will carry crop and either team from get- tiansen, enrouo .V."home from Eurates will be published next week. livestock projects. Mrs. Ina Kay prevented An in many practice sessions the ope; Melbi ( hr ansen, Los ting is supervisor of girls club work keen rivalry which is always pres- geies, Call: rria; Mrs. Bernice Ai.n there and already ha leaders for ent in a Nephi-Leva- n game will Baugh, Logan; :wo sisters and five girls clubs. add greatly to the interest of the three ' brotnprs i A one grand Leila Wilkey is supervisor of gans and to the play of the game, child. Funeral arrangements will be clubs at Nephi and is and a large turnout is expected. girls announced 'ii me ftate papers. in the process of getting leaders not be valid Season tickets will outlined for project work. Eleven for this game. clubs were organized here last League play will start on May All members o fthe Second ward week. We hope to have even more 14th when the Nephi nine will are invited to attend the Second this year, Mr. Burtenshaw said. travel to Heber to open their quest Ward Primary conference on Sun- Boys clubs are in the process of for the 1950 Central Utah League day evening at the Amusement organizing under the direction of pennant The following Wednes hall. In connection with the con S. P. Nielson. day, May 17tti, Provo will tangle ference will be the graduation of Boys and girls of Levan and with Nephi. on, U?e "teal . fteld to Seagull Girls and Guide boys of Mills should contact their leaders inaugurate league play in Nephi, Jones L. P. Mayor clubs today an of last year and get their the Primary.. The Central Utah league , meeting on Recstarted. Leaders in these com will see some close and nounced thatbe aconducted reation will Tuesday munities have not been contacted hard played gajnes during the but will be ready to go before coming season, with strong teams May 9, at 8 P. M. at the Blue the week is over. Any boy or and keen competition. The lague Room. will be primarily girl between the ages of 10 and is made up of the six strongest The discussion recreational pro 21 years is eligible for club work. team which participated last sea on a long-terIf they will contact their leader, son: Heber City, Provo, Spring- gram and what future develop wll be necessary. and ments supervisor or county agetit a club ville, Spanih Fork, Payson All those interested are urged Connie Marie Gadd has been se- will be outlined for them. Nephi. Each team expects to field to attend. Mayor Jones stated. lected by the American Legion strong and experienced nines for 1950 the campaign. The league Auxiliary to represent the Juab play will be divided into halve: high school at the fourth annual with each team playing 15 games Girls State to be heldat Logan June 25th to July 2nd. during each half. The winner of the first half will meet the winMiss Gadd is a junior at the high ner of the second half for the school and is in the upper third of her class scolahtically. She league championship in playoffs A big time with plenty of laughs afte rthe regular schedule. An All meet, the other requirements of courage, honest and cooperatlve- - is planned for Saturday afternoon Star game will be played between Democratic The Juab ness and is a leader. She will at Levan, when the Legion and the the halves with the "North" meet- Convention willCounty be held in Nephi baseball the match is "South". their will Lions It back to the the ing planned June bring community All filings for county interest and sense of responsibility and "horsmanship" abilities in a that this game will be an annual offices3rd. Democratic ticket on the Game". wit Baseball hthe proceeds going into must be affair in government which it is expected "Donkey 1 P. M. 13, filed by she will gain from Girls State. Donkey baseball has become a fund to pay medical expenses of 1950, according to countyMay Demo The game will cratic Miss Marilyn Keller has been well known all over the United injured players. officials. States for the fun and activity be played at Heber City this year. selected as an alternate. from Juab county to Delegates First-half ride the creates. The Central Utah attend that it Players Democratic OrState the well-trainanimals which surely schedule follows: in Salt Lake convention ganization do just what the players don't Sunday May 14 Nephi at Ida think they will do, to add to the Heber Provo at Payson, Spanish May 6th are: Paul Kendall, MemCleon Walter Vogt, Harris, fim. Fork at Springville. C'ark Provo at mott, H. O. Christensen, The game will begin at 2 p. m Wednesday May 17 Carl at the Levan ball park, and a Nephi, Payson at Spanish Fork, Newell, TedE. C. Corensen, Fields, Hayces, Ivan Chris moderate admission fee will be Heber at Springville. tensen and Bent R. Bryan. Sunday, May 21st Spanish The shortage of student nurses charged. The Levan Lions and the levan Fork at Nephi, Springville at has stimulated the scholarship opposing Payson, Heber at Provo. fund program of the Utah Hos-pi- American Legionaires, Wednesday, May 24 Nephi at Association, according to hos teams, extend a cordial invitation for everyone from Nephi, Mona, Springville, Provo at Spanish Fork pital executives. One of the most liberal gifts to Fountain Green, Levan and the and Payson at Heber. Payson at this fund in recent years is the other neighboring area to Join Sunday May 28 John Ernest and Ruth Eleanor at this game for an afternoon of Nephi, Springville at Provo, Heb er at Spanish Fork. foundation fun. Bamberger Memorial Heber at A meeting is scheduled for Sun anon Wednesday May 31 which bequest Wednesday nounced nine scholarships of $430 Nephi, Payson at Provo, Spring- day at 3 p. m. at the Lounge ville at Spanish Fork. d Room of the each for applicants interested in ward Nephi at chapel, to perfect a permanent Sunday June 4th entering the profession of nurs Provo, Spanish Fork at Payson, organization for the Nephi Native Three scholarships will be ing. Springville at Heber. Sons and Daughtr organfzation. given to the L. D. S. Hopital school Wednesday, June 7th: Nephi at of Nursing, three to the St. Marks Iempoisry cha'rman Joseph H. school of nursing and three to the Spanish Fork, Payson at Spring- Greenhalgh invites al) who are el fiocond Ward "Young Marrieis" ville, Provo at Heber. to attend igible for membri-shiHoly Cross hospital school of nurshave scheduled an evening of Sunday June 11 Springville tliu meeting. ing. Nephi young ladie interested in dancing for their 'course of study at Nephi, Spanish Fork at Prova, The party held by this grup last Saturday evening was very trying for a scholarship may ob for next Tuesday evening, it was Heber at Payson. 14 Wednesday, June Mildred announced today by Bill Howard, tain information from Nephi at successful, with e large number of Payson, Provo at Springville, Sp. Wood, R. N., director of nurs'.ng of the officers of the group. residents who are eligible atthe L D S hospital. Salt Lake The Young Marrieds also have Fork at Heber. fv membership joining their Sunday June 18th Nephi at and friend in Nephi for the City; Helen M. MacKrill, directoi charge of the program of the eveof nursing at St.Marks, or Ka ta- ning for the opening exercises, and Heber, Provo at Payson, Spanish evening's entertainment crine Mainwaring, R. N., director have outlined an especially good Fork at Springville. Provo of Nursing at Holy Cross hos- program. Wednesday, June 21 All members of the ward are en at Nephi, at Nephi, Payson at pital. couraged to attend M I A on Spanish Fork, Heber at Springand a special ville. Tuesday Mrs. Rowene Di Flore of Rich. invitation evening, is issued to all "Young Sunday, June 25 field has been a guest of Mr. and Marrieds" to join in the square Fork at Nephi, Springville Spanish at Pay-soMrs. Dean Johnson recently. Heber at Provo. Mrs. James R. Stanley of Mona. dancing. Wednesday, June 28th: Nephi at Juab County's representative to Week-en- d Mr mnA Mn cupt Provo at Spanish Fork the Utah State Poetry society, urGilbert Bailey were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Worwood Springville, and at Heber. Payson ges all poets of this area who sons ixonnan iorgensen and of are parents of a son born Thurs 2nd Sunday July Payson at desire to, to attend an organizatSalt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Mont day afternoon at Payson hospital. Nephi, Springville at Provo, Heb- ion meeting on Saturday May 6 Bailey and family of Ogden, Mr. are Mr. and Mrs. er at Spanish Fork. at 50 North Main street Salt and Mrs. Maynard Bailey of Pro-- uranaparents J. A. Burton of Nephi and Mrs. Sunday, July 9th All-StLake City. If you desire to go, vo na iviiM iro irons. Wm. J. Worwood of Levan. North vs South contact Mrs. Stanley. game at Heber 4--H earnest this week as 4-- H 4-- H B.;-ihday- to c Play Exhibition Game Sunday Dr. Chase To Be Speaker At Class Rites er pre-seas- Second Ward Primary Schedules Conference 4-- H Meeting Tuesday To Discuss Plans For Recreation Nephi Envoy To' Girls State Is Selected m Lions and Legions To Play in Donkey Baseball Game Sat. Delegate to Attend Democratic Convention ed Drowns In Accident Nursing Scholarships Available For Nine Off Coast at Utah Girls San Francisco Word has been received in of the accidental drowning near San Francisco of Malen son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mangunj, former residents of The accident happened Nephi. when he and two friends were in a boat some distance off shore and the craft apparently capsized. N-p- hi Man-gu- The meetinv of the new Junior literary club, the "Delphic Literary dub" washcld last Friday at the home of Eileen Bailey. The evening was spent in talking about the Federated club convention to be held here Saturday. The new name was also selected. Members present were Eileen Bailey, Helen Barnes, Beth Christensen, Carol Crane, Florence Davis, IrisFerre, Jean Foote, Valene Judd, Elizabeth Kelson, Doris Sowby, Marba Stuart, Joey Vehawn, Elma Wank-ieEmma Wilson. Also present were the club advisors from the Beta Literary club: Florence Powell and Ruth Cundick. The next club meeting will be held May 11 at the home of Elma Wankier. r, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Coleman and Miss Anna Coleman of Provo were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George A. Sperry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman enjoyed the party for Nephi Native Sons and Daughters. Mr. and Mrs. R. 11. Stuart were in Salt Lake City during last week. al Native Group To Meet Sunday At Lounge Room Dance Night Set For Young Marrieds First-Secon- Next Tuesday lel-ativ- State Poet Group n, ar To Be Organized Number Wasps Baseball Players Win Region Three Crown Juab high school baseball team captured the Region Three base ball title at American Fork on Monday, when, led by Reeve Fow-de- n of Mona, they batted the Lincoln pitchers from Orem all over the park to win 21-Fowden, besides holding the Lin coln high sluggers to three hits, collected three ihts in four trips to the plat, including two booming horn runs that sailed far over the field fences. The Wasps will play the region five finalists at Nephi Saturday at 1 p. m., weather permitting. 3. - A representative of the Utah State Department of Veterans af fairs will be in Nephi on May 9 and may be contacted at the Court House from 10 a. m. until 2 p., m, Garden Club Meeting Set For Saturday The Garden club will meet on May 6th at 7:30 p. m. at the Cen tral School auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Nuttall, gladiolus spec ialists of Provo will be the speaker and should have very splendid information for everyone. Come prepared to join our fine club so you won't miss any of the future good things in store for you.. We need information on any "garden firsts" in Nephi and also a name for the club. Come out and everyone let's make this club go over big. Garden club officers SOCIAL NEWS 1 8 Rye School Scheduled For Near Future A district Rye Control confer ence will be held at Nephi at 1 p. m, Tuesday, May 9th, at the Blue Room. Those attending the conference will include the county agricultural agent, a representa tive o fthe County Commissioners and a member of the weed com- mittee of the following counties: Sevier, Millard, JuaD, Sanpete, Utah, Salt Lake, Box Elder, Cache and Tooele. Representatives of the Extension Service and experi ment station of the college will also be present to discuss a program fo rthe eradication of rye on wheat land in the above counties where this problem is of greatest concern. Rye in wheat has cost farmers in these counties thousands of dollar in past years. In Juab County alone it is estimated that the cost to Juab County farmers was between $300,00 and $400,000 for the year 1949. This cost is due t the reducation in yield on land and to the difference in selling price of milling wheat and feed wheat. All rye with over 2 rye has to be sold for feed purposes with a reduction in price at the present time of 40c per bushel under milling wheat. rye-infest- ed Named Head Of Annual Poppy Sale Mrs. Beulah Irons has been as chairman of the American Legion Poppy Drice. Mrs. Rene Hansen will act as and with the assistance of all members of the Auxiliary .and selected junior girls, the drive will be held on May 27th at Nephi. . - A goal of 1000 poppies has been set by the local Auxiliary, with funds going to help the veterans in the hospitals. Remember to buy a poppy on May 27th. ap-poi- On April 28th,Mrs. All an Tol- ley gave a birthday party for her her 11th birth daughter Wilma on day anniversary.- - The table was decorated in pink and blue. Games were played and lunch was served . to the following:' Carol Louise Nan Jolene Gadd, Anderson, Christensen, Myrna Haycock, Gail Mrs. Ethel Tobin of Salt Lake Worthington, Myrna Lunt Judy Everts, Ceciel Gowers. Lynda City attended the party Saturday Jackson, Joyce Tolley and a spec- evening and was a guest of her ial guest, Mrs. Elfie Jones and brother and sister-in-laMr. and the guest of honor, WilmaTolley. Mrs. George M. Pay. w, NEPHI MAN ENDS FIFTY YEARS IN MISSIONARY WORK FOR CHURCH; HAS ENJOYED WORK By John L. Kendall ... . When the Stake President, a few months ago, asked the saints in a conference for a sustaining vote and a vote of thanks in releasing Jesse Pay, they brought to a conclusion 50 years of missionary work for the Church of Jesus Saints. Christ of Latter-da- y Elder Pay, onw 79, was born it Nephi December 11, 1870, and at the age of 11 moved with hi family to Leamington where they resided for 10 years. It was during the last couple of years at Leamington that Mr. Pay began his missionary work. His first assignment was to labor with the Meadow in the 68 miles away ward work of the Mutual Improvement For several months, association. once a week, he hode horseback to Meadow. Mr. Pay recalls now that it tookthe greater part of two days to make the round trip. It was shortly after returning to Nephi that he married Lettic Sidwell inthe Manti Temple June 12, 1895. Following three years of married life, Elder Pay accepted a call for a mission to the Northern States, leaving in July, 1898. He spent the greater part of the 26 months he was away in Southern rrr? mi nn hi I il nil . tmm 1 Jesse Pay . . "recently completed 50 years of missionary work for Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saint. of this mission he was again called to the Stake Mission service and was again made president of this group, serving in this capacity for many years. Elder Pay has a testimony of the work, and stated "The Lord has greatly blessed me in my efforts. I have enjoyed beyond any measure the spirit which has been with me at all times, and I still spend by spare time studying the gospel that I might be able to understand and more fully explain the work of the Lord on this earth that I may help people learn the way to eternal salvation". Plans for the future: "I want to continue by church work I love it." In addition to church labors, Mr. Pay has been a successful sheep man and dry farm operator. He has raised a family of three girls and two boys: Mrs. Roy Bowie, 'Nephi, Vera E. Larson of Perry, Mrs. Allan McCune (Zel-m- Indiana. He had not been home many days, he recalls, wtien he was called to by President James W. Paxman to act as a home missionary. He labored at Juab, Levan, and Mona, and did much work on the West side of the county, where at that time there were no organized wards. This appoint ment lasted for ten years. Shortly after T. D. Rees was sustained as president of Juab Stake, Elder Pay was again railed as a stake missionary. He labored as a member of this group for two years, then was set apart as president of the Juab Stake Home Mission and served in this capacity for another three years. At this time he was recommend ed by Bishop C. It. Grace and called by the authorities to fulfill McCune of Compton; Califoranother mission. He spent six nia and Jesse Eugen and Richmonths In Kentucky. At the close, ard Raymond, Nephi. a) ' |