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Show Mews, Nephi, Utah Thursday, Nov. 27, 1947 Page Rve Social News MA IT AT mm 45 large poular prejudice the the Tom is just as good 1 of the hens if not better, e fie total weight of the is a higher percentage of ii mant on thA Timi nH t hn approximately a dime less tur-fcr- rund. se a large turkey at one small families who cannot Itrge turkey at one time it fcgested that the turkey be half. One halt can be used lie other half can be put in fciorage for latre user or if Hon t have a cola storage go in with a neighbor and Ptake half a turkey. do have a co'd storage lou er now is the best time to buy supply of turkeys for the Iter. They are plentiful and price is comparatively low. co. is NORTH MAIN Tc t'.is Fsip'e ci t't's rcrrt!.;i:nrt' o it our c; .!if.i;;s win Chiiuii.an Charles Luckman ol iiS Fond Comniiltce ex(he Cil plains t.ie rciiinremepts for i KurnprHii cMelet'L Mona Local and Mr. and Mrs. Ileber J. Fowkes, Thanksgiving at hand it's Kathryn and John Carter motored talk turkey and the best to Salt Lake City on November turkey is the Tom, says 15. While there they were birthvrence Morris, State day dinner guests at the home of The WATCH FOB OUR ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT WEEK e. n. 3- S- EXTENSION SERVICE COMUMlUf BUMS fieauty this way. Hid We A ha ve an of 470 Tr, f:w). excess millionbushels -J 4 Vvf - grain Our export for mmmum world relief needs must of yr- -' - be 570 millions. That 100 million CHRISTMAS SPECIALS bushels "Our metallic min- erals are almost DECEMBER 1 THRU DECEMBER 26 $15.00 TELEVISION PERMANENT 12.50 $12.50 TELEVISION PERMANENT : 10.00 HOT OIL MANICURES FACIALS SCALP TREATMENTS TREATMENTS wholly the product of changes which took place in the world forming period. Such will not come again while man exists. Hence we must develop and guard our mine- differ- ence must come from what you we need during the and ihink next few months We can help save on bread. s But surprisingly enough, of all of our grain goes 'o feed livestock and poultry So you see the need for keeping di)wn our production and consumption nl meat arid eggs. Th why you must observe 1 three-fourth- Tucday and eggless Tliursday That's why we must Miii) wiis.iiig toco ai.y i.iou. u s -- challenge to the hnmemnker? the Cooks ol tins community's families. You v. iimrh can' do it. Just people are desperate they'll r ;iit to get food. We've had eti.'ugh of fighting. Save heat save meat save the pen t. a v Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fowkes. The guest of honor was Jack Fowkes. Miss Ruth Sperry is her Thanksgiving holiday visitinsi at the home of her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Asa ii. Sperry. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sorenson and children of Provo were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elgy Ellertson. Maurice Kay. son of Mr. nnrl srx-ndin- c TO. THE BELT COAT OF COVERT CLOTH BY STEVENS i I Mrs. Claude Kay, is confined to the Payson hospital following an emergency operation lor n:. Miss Beverlv Whitf. of visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Don Newton. Miss Elma Carter, an pmnlnvon of the Beneficial Life Insurance Co. came home Saturdav Thanksgiving week with her fam ily nere. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Roun-d- y are the parents of a spn born November 8 at Mona. Mrs. Orson William!?. Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Stanlev and Miss Elizabeth Stanley Were Provo vis is The Covertable 3 IN THE NEWEST VERSION OF THE HOLLYWOOD WRAP WHETHER YOU'RE BIG OR LITTLE, SHORT OR TALL, THE COVERTABLE IS THE COAT FOR WINTER SIZES 10 to 20 FALL COLORS itors Saturday. Mrs. Lottie Kay is recuperating from a recent illness. She is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Floyd Cloward of Santaquin. To commemorate the birthdfn anniversary of Mrs. Julius fj ney, her mother, three sistt their families visited at on Sunday. Dinner was 18 guests: Mrs. Magjie ana Mrs. lorn Pugmorc r Exclusive Ladies9 Shop iteudy-to-Wo- of Quality ar at Vopular i'riees 1 ny, Mrs. Don iYeilseL children, all of Bingh; Mrs. Leonard Bill and ren of Tooele, May. i Stickney and the host Mr. and Mrs. Julius 1 TODAY'S r Til . . . For no:,;r.: Potatoes are a good tive workers, and grov. because they are a go calories. Potatoes des place on your menus contain goodly amount C, appreciable amount mins, iron, and ether fo Citizens I r-' NOTHING BOTHERS THE BOSS SINCE HE CHANGED TO KELLYSl 1 IP iws:'",,,'i - METAL t "."""-'r-i- m j I SMITH -- HALVERS0N MOTOR GO. 9 70 South Main s ( ROYAL SLACK Oil Treated Phone 312 1M ii iiiirMM f!1t-- J J SPARKS - SPERRY - WILLIAMS PHONE 35 or PHONE 171J c Hcre'i freedom from toil modern heat with oil. Standard Stove Oil for circulating heaters, and Standard burnFurnace Oil for furnace-typers. They're distilled 100 to burn cleanly and without waste. Every drop's full drop of heat! There's for you with uniform Standard fuel oils and it's trouble, e 4 Jv' MUTUAL LUMP Prompt Delivery invited to this house warming every day!" r i Ton or Truck Load N3 "You're INDUSTRY OF UTAH Mlwrr-i- home-heatin- g free, clean, economical oil heat. Ask about it today I D. C. BOSWELL 6th North Main St. Telephone 8? HANDY GROCERY STORE We're open from 7a.ro. to 9 p. m. to fill your emergency food need . . We carry a light line of It will be a groceries pleasure to serve you . . . The stage is set . . the tents are up . . the cast is won- derful . ..and they're all playing a limited Christmas en- gagement in our ToyTown! V FREE CANDY CHEWS A BAG OF CANDY CHEWS FREE TO EVERY CHILD (Accompanied by parent) VISITING OUR TOY TOWN SATURDAY AFTERNOON NOVEMBER 29th 150 LBS. TO GO COME EARLY ... CABINS For Rent Reason By the Week able Rental VARIETY STORE NEPHI TIDWELL MODERN CABINS 4 s&Tkt X |