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Show THE TDIES- - NEWS, NEPHI, UTAH PAGE SIX Thursday, Jlay 29, 1947 SI TOWN Jill McFarlane, whoie father, Richard, disappeared In World War I, if in love with Lieut. Spang Gordon. She la upset to learn her brother, Ric, 1 in love with Sandra Calvert, an older woman. During her absence, Richard visits her mother, Julia, and tells her he is now Captain Mackey. Julia Is heartsick at his lack of Interest In the past. Richard sees Rlc and tells him he knew his father In France. Later he threatens Sandra, but she marries Rlc anyway. He has the boy transferred and Sandra arrives at the farm to live. Julia hears from Richard who tells her he made an attempt to prevent the marriage. She U thankful that he has shown himself to be a father at last. BOBBY SOX vl By RolandCo j y."w- - Marty Links V This piggy bank has a small built-i- "We'll wait 'til he gets to an interesting story and won't like to argue 1IIEN we'll ask him for movie money!" burglar alarm. n pull any Queen of Sheba stuff on ' dren's father had not come back. The man who had come back was "You're being very crude," Julia an indifferent stranger. "Oh, yes, Ricky told me. And I said coldly. "She'll see that it's all a gag. I think I'll take up some remember now that Rod Mackey cold orange juice. After all, she is told me that Richard's father was his friend. But the resemblance our guest at least" is remarkable uncanny, really. "Dooley, you'll ruin everything! Take her up a pair of slacks and You don't know Roger Mackey?" "I have no friend whose name is tell her we feed the pigs at five o'clock." Mackey," Julia answered, calmly. "She'll bust all that red paint off But her hands were uncertain, her finger-nailsJohn I. chortled. and as she dressed, a cold fear But Julia was firm. She carried pressed on her throat. This was the little tray up to Ric's room, but something she had not foreseen, when she came down there was an that Sandra could be a danger. When Dave came he was a little odd, tight expression around her mouth. stunned at the sight of Sandra. CHAPTER XVI "She asked me if there was any "This is Ric's wife, Dave," Julia Foster, she was thinking irritably, whiskey in the house. She said she introduced them. could at least have unloaded that felt faint" "You might have prepared me," Jill's eyes sparkled. "Go and get Dave said. odorous bag of fertilizer from the "After all, my arteries The of corn, Gramp. backl Or was that a part of Jill's Foster's jug are hardening, and the aging should and John I.'s diabolical contriving? one he hides in the pump-roombe protected from sudden shocks." It was too swiftly evident that The old man had been as Impish "How foolish!" Sandra cooed. and secretive as a warlock this Sandra would never be a part of "You know you aren't old, and I to down came Hill. She Buzzard's morning. do hope I'm not a terrible shock?" Sandra wrinkled her nose as she supper, languid and cool in a green Jill, sprawled in a chair, ground In silk curl frock, every place. got into the seat and brushed off her teeth. of Dishes the cushion a bit fretfully with her grits, sausage, and "Dave means you're rather an handkerchief. She asked, "Is it very scrambled eggs were in the middle abrupt addition to the McFarlane far?" as Julia came back from of the table. she said. "Mamie doesn't serve at night," tribe," superintending the loading of the "Did Ric come home, too?" canhas been "She Julia into and the explained. key slipped luggage, "Oh, no, they sent him' off to the ignition. some horrible school," Sandra re"Five miles. A breeze in ordinary plied, quickly. "He's supposed to times. Now we never come in unless learn to be an officer, or maybe it's we have'to. Our tire quota is small a gunner he wasn't very certain In this county, and even with a about it. We hardly had time to priority we have to wait for say good-by.- " months." "He'll probably make a good "I hope Ricky's tires are good," gunner, and I can't think of any"I'd rather Sandra remarked. thing more important in a war than counted on joining him soon. It's gunners." absurd to be separated uselessly, I Sandra drew her lips in piteous-ly- . think." "But he'll be in danger! Gunners ride in those planes. They're "Ricky's tires?" Julia repeated, a bit puzzled. shot at. I can't bear to think about "Ricky told me about his red it" roadster. He was so sorry to have "The thing to do then," said Jill to give it up," Sandra babbled on. curtly, "is not to think about it." "I'm sure he'd expect me to use "This is a war where anybody can be shot at," Dave remarked. it." So, Julia thought unhappily, Ric "The army and navy have no monwas turning into a McFarlane liar, opoly on danger." too! How was she to explain to "It's a war where almost any this eager, greedy woman that the thing can descend on you," drawled red roadster belonged to Jill? John JilL "And not always bombs and I. had bought it for her, had rethings in parachutes." sented it whenever Jul loaned the Dave said, "How about going to car to Ric. Ric had had a car the a movie, Dooley? I've got six gallast year he had been in college, lons of gas left and a new ration but he had traded it off, impulsiveticket coming up Monday." "Go along, Dooley," prodded Jill. ly, to buy a quarter interest in a had Julia said, "You go with Dave, plane that one of the crashed and burned soon after. JUL You haven't had any fun late"Ric must have forgotten that ly, either." I I refuse, definitely. "No, he disposed of his car last year," wouldn't try to fix my hair and wig she said. "So much has happened since he enlisted that it got out of gle into clothes with only one arm to see Clark Gable in person. I his mind. There is a red roadster on the place, but it belongs to his picked corn today, Dave. In a splint Tell that to the Russian worn- ister, and it's put up, too." en." "Oh." Sandra was obviously upSandra sat with her small feet set. "He talked so much about it "This is Ric's wife, Dave." crossed, a watchful look in her I can't understand it" Julia was grateful when at last the ning peaches today, and she's eyes. "You must scold them for work gate-post- s and white pillars of Buz- tired. Will you have buttermilk. Sandra? Or perhaps you'd rather ing so hard, Mr. Patterson," she zard's Hill came into view. said, sweetly. "I'm sure it's quite "Oh," breathed Sandra. "That's have some tea?" the place, isn't it? I recognize It "That will do If you haven't any unnecessary." Jill's feet hit the floor with a from the picture Ricky has. It's coffee." Sandra sighed. thud. Jill's eyes were the eyes of beautiful!" "You Jill said. "Rationed," bad filly. "It's very old," Julia said. "The wouldn't remember that, living in "Sandra is a very naive person. house was built by slaves, the brick a hotel." she drawled in a deadly lev"We could make Sandra one cup Dave," was made right on the place. But el "Ric told her that we we like of coffee," Julia said. "After all, werevoice. gentry, and she becountry on a were bard had the she's The others trip." waiting it." lieved lawn. (Oh, Jill, why did you have She went to the kitchen and Sandra narrowed her tinted eye to have on those dreadful overalls? dripped some hot water through lids. "Oh, no," she said, coolly, "I Julia was thinking.) Her broken fresh grounds under Mamie's dis do not believe all I hear, Jill. arm In a grimy looking sling, her approving eyes. Sometimes I do not believe anything a in a hair tied bandana, up "Now I got to use them grounds at all." pretty feed bucket in her hand, Jill came over for breakfast, and you won't Antagonism crackled like static in forward, grinning. like it" Mamie grumbled. the air, making Dave definitely unshe shouted. "HI, Sandy!" Sandra murmured, "Thank you" comfortable. "You're Just in time. We need an"How about it Dooley? Are you faintly when the cup was put before other hand with the pigs." her. coming?" he asked. Sandra said, "How do you do?" Foster had been bullied by Julia "Go along, Dooley, don't be such nervously. Shook hands with John into carrying the trunk up the a stick! urged Jul. "Buy her a L, appraised him briefly, and then stairs, and as soon as the meal hot dog afid some strawberry pop. ignored him. She made a little ges- was ended Sandra went up to un- Dave. Make her relax. She's been ture with her tinted fingers. "My pack. strung up like a fiddle ;'or days." trunk" bet on one thing," Jill said "If this is a therapeutic treatment, "I'll JUL muttered gosh," "My I'll bet she hasn't any I'm not going." Julia tried to laugh. grimly. "There's nobody here to carry it money. And how can she go to Join "But if It's supposed to be fun, I upstairs. Foster's away over the Ric, when he'll be sent off to war? might be tempted." hill pulling corn. You'll have to un- Are you planning to be patient and "It's for fun," Dave said. "But pack it out here, I guess, Sandra, sweet with her for the duration. we'll miss the last show if we and carry the stuff upstairs." Dooley?" spend too much time talking about All my "Oh, but I couldn't! "As long as she's Ric'a wife and it" dresses and shoes and things!" "I'm sorry to leave you, Sandra." under our roof, I'll be kind," Julia some "We'll manage way, said, with firmness. "I never had a Julia tried to smooth the troubled mother-in-law- , but I know what I air, as she prepared to go. "But Sandra," Julia said. She led Sandra up the stairs to would have liked her to be." there are some good programs on RiC'f old room, noting instantly that the radio." "Don't start making company out Jill had removed the good candle-wic- k Sandra Presents of Sandra," Jill protested. "She's counterpane and replaced it with a faded green madras thing A New Problem family. Family don't rate any spefrom Mamie's quarters. wouldn't cial consideration." "Your mother-in-laJulia slumped in Dave's car and like "I hope you'll be comfortable have had a daughter-in-laMrs. McFar- let her shoulders droop. here," she said. "The bath is next your daughter-in-ladoor down the hall, and we have lane. Every time she passes a mir ror she stops and does something to Julia Goes supper at six." I think I'll lie her eyebrows! Some time when "Thank you Show she does that I'll start screeching To a down." Sandra looked wan. "l shouldn't go," she said. '"The at her." Sandra was wandering around girl's strange and a little edgy, and Some Coffee the upper floor when Julia went up. Jill has been acting like a fiend For the Guest There was a trace of slyness In ever since we heard sheI wag cornhad been r Julia heard the old Sandra's eyes, a smug expression ing. I feel as though riding a bomb ever since the train squeak, bpfore she reached the head around her mouth. of the stairs. She was a little angry "I didn't know we had mutual came in." Dave said, soberly, "So Ric with JiiL There was no point in friends, Mrs. McFarlane," she said carrying this thing to absurdity, "1 knew Roger Mackey in the is dumped another package of trouble in your lap! She's older than he is, tut when she found the two of them lands." on the screen porch, drinking from Julia caught isn't she?" "Roger Mackey?" "She looks older. She must be. c!d billies of pop, she knew by her breath and fought for a casual She's been married before. She and th giint in Jill's eye and the attitude. "I Just happened to notice his Jill won't get along at all. but what torching of eld John I.'s mustache she could say would picture there on Jill's dresser. A can 1 do? I can't turn Kic's wife thl onanything much younger picture, of course. out of the house." f3 dert eais. she w n't get sc "Don't worry "Ycj rauW have thought a tittle but I'd know Rod anywhere." venomous that Jill can't t;ike car abo-.the reputation of the house. "That" Julia had control now. of herself. Odd that Ric, who wai t leas.." te complained. "That "is a picture of Jill's father. He went to France in the last war. He always so fastidious, would be at horrible oil cminlerpanel" traded to a woman like that" did not come ba?k." "ron't you weaken now, Ixjlfy to true: had it chil JlU warned. "She's not goirg to Her be True (TO BE CONTUVftO) us." to-d- ," ." NANCY GET ME A JAR OF AND VCOLD CREAM i A L BUY YOURSELF ?V A I COLD CREAM AND A V tU& A STICK ' JAR OF I WHY DON'T yOU BUY THE LARGE ECONOMY SIZETi J rrS LT-TA- Jf ST,CK OP I By Ernie Bushmiller VCANDy LITTLE REGGIE 4G05H ( THAT WOULD COME iN HANDY FOR I 'KiAU I XTanV Lf ERN1-- Vf,K, f WILL You CHARGE ftWABlE S MUTT AND JEFF SIMPLE OOESTiONlT HOW OLD IS A HOW LONG DID THE TEN YEAR OLD THIRTY" YEARS' WAR ITS A" r J rJoV? A V Jt Vt X S WRAP SSU SSV t WELL. THEN, ) I I HOW LONG XB-PS- - t , CALL. YoU A r By Margarita $ S."-- i YoU LITTLE IDIOT.' J Do YoU KNOW WHY J THE .WW (fe ii III" By Bud Fisher WHY? ' f or.A,Kr ( ....-- p 41 JITTER By Arthur Pointer if 5S REG'LAR FELLERS By Genr Byrne VIRGIL W&0&&X5vivS -- I EMPTIED ) TH' 6AQBA6E -- CUT TH' LET'S SEE 6RASS-P1- 0 E.VERVTHiN6 By Len Kiel I BROKEN ANY WINDOWS -H- AD ANY PI6HTS OR TEASED ANY NEIGHBORS') HAVEN'T " T J ' V IC FOR LIPEiSn ( NMV COME, HOME 1 KNOWINtb WONT T 6ET A SPANKIN6 ) I K HAPPY JMRTHDAY) SsA A-L-TV- W 1 1 ' four-poste- SILENT SAM W'';V.'W)J)'J III) II " Uli I ..Mil I By Jeff Hayet JMIMIIIII. ' i' Iff JJ v |