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Show THE TIMES- - NEWS. NEPIII, UTAH Thursday, May 29, 1947 PAGE THREE n r fat ,ir.r ASBif Easy Embroidery for IMoments of Leisure tt r ' 4 r' i - HICAGO is ff lis - V N GEM OF BEAUTY . . . Once a fiery volcano, Crater lake in Oregon now ranks as one of the beauty spots in national parks of the West. The lake, which jives the park its name, is the deepest on the North ' American continent; its color is a mysterious blue. Sheer sides rise 500 to 2,000 feet to the rim from the lake surface. Llao rock, on the rim of the lake, is shown in this picture, with Mount Thlelson in the background. NATURE'S HANDIWORK ... Dr. Lyndon NEW PREXT f n O. Brown, recently inaugurated as Knox colpresident of lege, Galcsburg, 111. Dr. Brown, 44, left a successful business career in New York to become president of the college. - - w involheavy cash. Then the r ving r ball gameh e arrives,willw be ran there (: n Grantland Rice VEGETABLE GROWERS SERVE . . . Five hundred pounds of seeds donated by National Junior Vegetable Growers association are destined for the youth of Greece. James Spell, 17, Columbia, Miss., president of the junior growers organization, presents, in the name of his organization, the seeds to Jason Dracoulis, Greek vice consul in New York City. National Junior Vegetable Growers association played an active part In garden work during the war. -- t:- - Zale-Grazia- LXiJ& Zale-Grazia- - WAR . . . Gen. Kanji Ishihara, chief of staff in Japan's Kwantung army, who gave the signal that caused the Mukden incident of September 19,0.931, when STARTED Japanese troops attacked the Chinese garrison of the Manchurian city. been dormant, steam still issues from vents on its summit, and several hot springs are found nearby at picturesquely named Ohanapecosb hot springs. From the lofty central cone radiates the greatest single-pea- k glacier system in the United 8tatrs, with 28 active rivers of Ice. On of these, the Emmons, which starts from the summit of Ire and snow fields, Is 5 miles In length, the longest glacier In the United Stales. Most of Ihrm extend far below the I Af fv 1 it e. John Muir, who perhaps did at much as any one person to further the spread of the national park idea, considered the wildflower fields of Mount Rainier the finest he had ever her "ears." The amazing thing about the two animals is that they have been trained in the universal sign language of the deaf. There are no spokm commands In Mrs. Gooding's home. Her hands do the command-kg- . . Star Conch Missing IN THE SPRING A YOUNG MAN'S FANCY . . . Young Bobby Horan, 7, yearned for a bike ride, but does not have a bike of his own, so he is seen trying to thumb a ride from Elsie Malcolm, 5. Elsie's sister Beverly, 8, looks on. The late spring arrived in New York City as this photo shows the kids eating ice cream. 5 An MOTHER FOR 1947 . . . Mrs. Lucille Herman, wife of a G.I. and mother of a daughter, who was chosen "Pin-u- p Mother for 1847" in contest conducted in the Bronx. There were more than 600 candidates. Darner, V i-- -- r ' rtl b.-- ' '" 1 . V-'- ' .'i- for his fV-,- . TURN PROFESSIONAL . . . Pauline Bctz, Los Angeles, left, shakes d back in case he decides to take up professional play. In addition to strong intersection-a- l competition. Tommy had to battle his way through a circuit that included such stout opponents as Tennessee. Duke, Georgia, L.S.U.. Tulane. Vandcrbilt and many others who always played for ... . Realistic Acting . r 4 La Molne Wall, 1 15, 4 f. J i. keeps. One reason for football strength In the South has been the quality of Its roaches, with such leaders as Bob Nc land of Tennessee, Frank Thomas of Alabama, Wallace Wade of Duke, Wally Butts of Georgia, Bill y IV was rehearsing for a school play, the script calling for him to be "knocked out" in fight. He didn't get up when the rehearsal ended. He had bumped hla head a little too hard when he fell to the floor. First aid treatment brought him around. f IT 13 JUNE DAIRY MONTH, SHE SAYS . . . Little Margaret Mary Blackaher, New Y"ork, turns to Ice cream to do her share during June Dairy Month, and shares America's No. 1 fond with hi r Great Dane. When the U. S. Junior Chamber of Commerce srlrcts the dairy queen, they might check on Margaret, who would prove an Ideal one. hands with Mrs. Sarah Palfrey Cook, New York City, as they start professional tour. Thry were both former U. S. amateur tennis champions. working for the State School for the Deaf and Plind here. Her husband died In 1937. Needlecraft Dept. San Francisco 6, Calif. cents for Pattern. Circle Sewing Box 3211 Enclose No 20 W , - .V) I i Alexander and Bobby Dodds of Georgia Tech, Red Sanders of Van-- I derbilt, Henry Frnka of Tulane, Carl Snavely of North Carolina and many others who knew their stuff. With hii former aid Red Drew at Mississippi, Thomas made a brave attempt to leave a sick bed and coach his team from a tretchei last fall, an impossible assignment. Dixie Uanfts On ji NAVY NURSE IIF.AD . . . Capt Nellie Jane Hewitt, Susqoehannt, Pa., who has hern appointed as the first director of the new navy nurse corps. She will serve four years. Her big problem will be t- - secure mor nurses. r , hairman J. Parnrll Thomas, seated. Rep. MOVIE PROHI RS . John McDowell, left, and Chief Investigator Robert F Stripling of ubrommitW-e- , who are investigating the the house possibility of Communist Influence In the motion picture industry, trading stars, directors, bit plairrs, motion picture union nfTlrials, producers and others connected with the industry testified before Ihe , Udcommillre. C It has been a matter of 19 year since a kid ballplayer by the nam of Fred ("Dixie") Walker reported to the Albany, Ga., club of the Southeastern league. Dixie blew in from his home hamlet. Villa Rica, Ga., at the age of 18. Ills record shows that In hit IS years of wandering Pixie has been delivering base hits for 13 different clubs. Hut, with such hitting stars as Stan Muslal. Joe OiMagrJo and other far down the list, Walker Is still baseball's leading tion hitter, meaning ate and rons batted fcy . ifSy TZSnttG GETTER FAMOUS FOR FLAVOR GET THE ONE AAD ONLY KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES ' IN THE WHTH, RED, AND GREEN PACKAGE. REGULAR OR FAMILY SIZE. CO&mH big-ti- g No doorbell warns of impending visitors. When someone at the door presses a button, a red light comes on in tha living room. If Mrs. Gooding doesn't notice it, Impy or Inky do and notify their mistmss. Impy awakens Mrs. Gooding every morn-In- g by patting the bed covers. Mrs. Gooding, who lives alone. Is looks like applique. Pat 7364 has transfer of 6 motifs averaging 534 by IVt inches. Our imnroved pattern visual with easv- e charts and photos, and complete directions makes needlework easy. To obtain this pattern send 20 cents In to ins. Send your order to: Cross-stitc- tern Thomas was short and stubby with a pair of keen, alert eyes and a thorough knowledge of football in every department. Alabama couldn't have picked a better man. For in Thomas' 16 the Crimson years at Alabama, Tide from Tuscaloosa won ill games against 22 defeats. Five games ended in tie score. In seven bowl games, which Include Rose, Sugar, Cotton and Orange bowl contests, the Thomas-Alabarecord is five victories against two defeats. These are pretty fair marks in competition. It also might be added, that in this period, Thomas developed such or near as Don Hutson, Jenkins and Don Whitmire (later with Navy), 1 Johnny Cain, Hupke. Dixie Howell. Bill Lee, Riley Smith, Tarzan White. Holt Rast, Vaughn Mancha and Harry Gilmer. He rates Gi- I lmer, who has one more year, ai the best college passer he ever saw, and predicts a brilliant pro future --.1 OGDEN. UTAH. advantage embroidering these sunbonnet girls. They're lovely on cloths, towels and other linens. ) SMALL FRY Spring football practice, which draws little publicity despite the many thousands getting ready for next fall, has an absent star who will be missed badly in the home of the Crimson Tide. His name is Frank Thomas, Alabama's able leader, who has had to retire because of illness and now is the athletic director of the southern institution. Red Drew, who happens to be another coach of class, is in charge of the squad. Sixteen years ago, back In 1931, Thomas succeeded Wallace Wade at Alabama, when Wade left for Duke. 'S R' "rnals Aro Tars' for Deaf Woman Deafness hat GvjODIN'G, IDA. proved no great handicap to Mrs. Violet Gooding, for she has Inky, a cat. and Impy, a dog, to serve as ,' if' l : ts RIVER OF ICE . . . Msqually glacier flows down the south side of Mount Rainier, focal point rn Mount Rainier National park In Washington. CPEND leisure moments to good all-sta- k-- multi-colore- HIGHEST OF ALL volcanic peaks of the western United States is Mount Rainier, 14,408 feet in elevation, which is the central and dominant feature of Mount Rainier National park. Although it has long place, taking Tonv Zale and wasn't Louis' fault. It belonged entirely to a pair of palefaces known as Conn and Mauriello. After the melee Is out of the way, the $100,000 Arlington classic will arrive. This may be one of the biggest races of the season, coming along- at a high spot of the racing year. So her we have Chicago crowding in golf, baseball, boxing and racing, all in the championship mold, stretch. through a three-wee- k The meeting will be the standout. It should be one of the most dramatic middleweight contests in the long- history of the ring. It may not carry all the fury and destruction of their first meeting, but it can't miss as a thriller. There have been some great middleweight fights in the past, but none had the color this pair can take into the ring. And you can wager a few sesterces this time that the National league isn't going to concede the r game in advance. seven-year-lon- ranger-naturalis- Jfc X Rocky Graziano will begin the final stages of their training, for what should be boxing's best show in many years. Certainly Tony and the Rock topped the book last summer, including two heavyweight championships. And the flop thera Volcanoes have been a dominant factor in shaping the American landscape', especially in many parts of the West. Three of the major volcanic exhibits of California, Oregon and Washington have been incorporated into the national park system. It was 40 years ago that Theodore Roosevelt, using the authority granted by congress the preceding year, established Cone as national monuments. Lassen peak and nearby Cinder most extensive and colorful discontaining 103,269 acres. Greatest single distinction of the plays are found in the mountain park is the fact that it contains the "parks" which lie between the long only recently rivers of ice and above the dense forests which clothe the lower elevaactive volcaNational Parks no in the tions of the park. The forests themUnited States. selves, virgin stands of gigantic Fourth Starting May Douglas fir, western red cedar and western hemlock, are a distin30, 1914, a seIn a Series ries of erup--' guished feature, particularly attlons contin tractive to eastern and midwest-er- n visitors. Most ued until February, 1921. g spectacular in the series were Kie 1915 eruptions, which ALL THREE of these are were accompanied by extensive almost as popular duringparks the winof hot lava. These created ter as in summer. All of them have flows the "devastated area," which still very heavy snowfall ai)d all have ranks as one of the park's points open slopes that offer the skier every of principal interest to tourists. variety of skiing experience, which The great cone of Lassen peak extends Into late spring and even rises 10,543 feet above sea level. As early summer. Roads are kept open in the "devastated area," the Cin- in each park to permit winter sports der Cone, which was last active enthusiasts to reach them, although about 100 years ago, and its imme- the expense of plowing out the roads diate surroundings are almost whol- after every snowstorm is. rather high. ly devoid of vegetation. Underground fires have been acIN LASSEN Volcanic National tive in this region for a long time there are public accommodaand they have exerted their power park near Manzanita lake, close to ir variety of ways. This is sug-f- , tions the northwest entrance of the park. a colorful Hell, by Bumpas At Crater lake, similar accommodahot springs area; Boiling Springs tions are within a short Red Cinder Cone; Crater distance of situated lake; At Mount Rainthe rim. sulbutte, and the privately owned ier they are found at phur works, which lies within the about 2,750 feet above seaLongmire, level; at park. Paradise valley, 5,557 feet elevation, and at Ohanapecosh hot springs in AT CRATER LAKE National park, southeast corner of the park. in southern Oregon, on the crest of the Public for which no the Cascade range, Is presented the fee is campgrounds, are to found at a be charged, spectacle of a lake of deepest blue number of points in each of these in the crater of Mount Mazama, an extinct volcano. Many geologists parks. As in most of the other national have concluded that the basin occuNational Park service proparks. which the has neither lake, pied by staffs of inlet or outlet, resulted from col- vides whose job it is to help the visitor lapse of the volcanic cone of the an- gain a better understanding of the cient peak. and animal life of the parks The lake is supplied with water by plant of the geological phenomena rainfall and snowfall as well as by and found in them. snow which is blown into it from the rim. Collapse of the mountain's 1 summit did not mean the end of its volcanic activity; Wizard island, a cinder cone, was symmetrical farmed later and rises 780 feet above surface of the lake. Covering an area of 20 square miles. Crater lake is 6 miles across; it has a shore line A Jf d of 20 miles and the 500 to of the cliffs crater's rim rise 4 2.000 feet above it. The park contains 100.290 acres. 7364 While these maneuvers are -r WNU Features. seen in all his wanderings throughout the mountains of the West. The different on the part of the National league for a big change. .W-.W.--' Pacific Coast Parks Show Results of Volcanic Action .Nine years later these two attrac-stions of nature were incorporated into Lassen Volcanic National park, ey nament, , ' , up for the entirely attitude M ld " S steaming hottest midsummer sport in recent history. First, there will be another open golf tour combina- batting aver In. pwmlL n To hold your loose uppers snd comfortably secure all day and dentist's amazing disevery day, try STAZE. Not a "messy" covery called 6TAZE is pleasantto-u- s powder! iudc at arugist paste, oei aoc do sudsuiuuh loaayi Accept low-o- STAZE ?r y All Dir tr Rs ' California Minion AID-TO-HA- GROWTH IR "Tha Oil ff tha rHm" of Growth, ShanifioonrHl SrnlpTonT $7.ftO,f'mrilHt. Satinfactioa Guar, or Money lU'f untied. Kit ramiifit.inir ir Writ to CAIIFORNI. PUNTS DISTILLATION CO.. Im. r. O. Box 26S Halcyon, Calif. OPERATORS ATTENTION 5 Increase Your Earnings in RESORTS DRUG STORES TAVERNS CLUBS CIGAR STORES BILLIARD HALLS GAS STATIONS WITH THE WORLD'S BEST C0IM OPERATED MACHINES Sand lor Catalogv BAKER NOVELTY COMPANY 1700 WMhlnoon Bavttvord CH1CAOO 11, nilNiVt |