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Show News Deadline Next Week 5 P. M. SHOP and I El SAVE Wed. In Nephi,- Volume 36 Christison Christmas Honored on Week Activities the Anniversary night - Juab County, Utah, P. P. Parley P. Christison, pioneer resident of Nephi, observed his 81st birthday anniversary at a family reunion here Sunday. Mr. Christison was born in Moroni Dec. f6, 1864, a son of Peter and Maria Dunstan Christison. The family moved to Nephi when he was four years old. During his early manhood his summers were spent on a ranch on the Sevier ilver where he engaged in farming He married and cattle raising. Harriet J. Adams in 1888. Mr. and Mrs. Christison were parents of ten children, two daughters having died in infancy, and one" son, E. Leone Christison having died in 1930. Mr. Christison ha always been an active member of the L D S church. He served as first counselor of the Nephi L D S ward bishopric for 14 years and president of YMMIA of Juab Stake. He was a missionary in the Northern States from 1903 to 1905. An active member of the Democratic party, Mr. Christison was el acted to the position of Juab county sheriff in 1901. He was also deputy sheriff for a number o" years. All of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Christison were present at tie reunion: They are as follows: J..hn P. Christison, Mrs. E. F. and Mrs. Raymnd W. Baldwin Mrs. B'ick of Salt Lake City; P lyllis Martell, Helper; Paul M. Cliristison, Mrs. Vernon Butler and Ir Mis. Wanda firridge, addition to the ons and daughters thi. Join holiday crowd at the Christmas dance, is the inofvitation of the Stake ficials who are sponsring it. The dance is one of the budget entertainments and is free to the The Nebo Knights will public. furnish the music. All between 12 and 100 years are invited to be at the South Ward Amusement Hall Christmas night at 8 P. M. MIA A Christmas cantata will be presented by the Juab Stake M. I. A. Chorus on Sunday evening, 23, at the Juab Stake tabernacle, starting promptly at 7:30 De-emb- er P. M. The cantata is under the direction of Emma C. Harmon with Ellen A. Garrett as accompanist and Louise Chase as reader. The cantata tells the story of the birth of Christ in music and verse. The music of the Christmas time as sung in this cantata is hard to equal anywhere. The cantata is presented for the enjoyment of all. Come and hear the cantata Sunday evening and once again begin the Christinas season with rejoicing and singing. Stake Primary childrens dance Friday, December at the South Ward Amusement hall. All children of Priiiiary age are invited to attend. A will be held 28 at 2 P. M. Ladies club Social News sons-in-la- w Chris-tense- n, t, " day of last week and Mrs. A. F. Thursday, Doc. 20, 1945 Service Men's Clubs Plan News Column Meeting at the Moab Soon the Levan News Tiimble entertained on 'Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Christensen December 10, for the young couple spent a few days of last week in Fillmore. in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Davis and The Service Men's Wives club children of Salt Lake City are held their annual Christmas party visiting nt the home of Mrs. Delia December 15th at the home of Mr. Tunhridge, mother of Mrs. Davis. Lt. fig.) and Mrs. Basil Beneand Mrs. C. It. Jenkins. Hostesses were Arta Brough, Mrytle Davis, dict visited recently at the home Oonna Hiatt and Bernlce Archi- of Mrs. Helen Benedict. Dennis Christensen, Carpenter's bald. During the evening games were played, with prizes being Mate 2e who is stationed on the won by Felma Chase nnd Norma USS Wisconsin docked at Long Little Miss Margo Bench, spent a short leave here Christiansen. Brough, acting as Santa Claus, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. helped distribute Chriftmas gifst James Christensen. Mrs. Audrey Hansen and Mrs to all guests. Refreshments were Nellie Stephensen entertained at served to June Wilson, Ruby Renee Guymon, Marjorie the former's home Inst Thursday S(;'nf.bury, Marjrie Bailey, Reva evening for the club members and Redd, Enid Davis, Felma Chase, their partners. A delicious lunchAfton Shaw, Norma Christiansen, eon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sorenson Marie Butler, Lucy Boswell, Christiansen, Helen Pay, left Tuesdny for San Frandsco Elaine Garrett, Maurice Parkes, to meet their son Vern who la In the Navy and Just returned from Florence Olpin and Grace the Pacific. Number Local News Fountain Green News Happenings Mr. ami Mrs. Don Gadd and family were visiting in Provo on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stephensen The December meeting of the Associated Civic Clubs or South- and daughter Carol are enjoying a ern Utah is scheduled for Decem- vacation in Los Angeles, Califor. ber 29, at Moab. This announceof Mr. and Mrs. ment wis made this week by T. Manti were guestsRaythisDyreng week of W. Jensen, f Mt. Pleasant, Secre- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. Cox. tary of the association. Alma P. Burton of Paris, Idaho Plans for the meeting are under tie direction of the Maob Lions is a guest of his mother this week. club and Moab City officials who Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Howard are making elaborate plants to at dinner Sunday for entertained make the meeting successful. Mat T. Howard on his birthday anReports will be made by the Guests included Mr. several committees of their act- niversary. and Mrs. Jack Howard and daughtivities during the je.:r 1945. It er Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Willias anticipated that a member of Morgan and daughter Nancy of Fred J. Chapman, son of Mr. is and Mrs. Fred C. Chapman, and the State Road Commission and a Goshen, the guest of honor, and the host and hostess and family. husband of Ruth Paystrup Chap- member of the Publicity and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Anman. Fred has been with the Air ent to commissins will be presdiscuss road and develop- derson were in Moroni this week Corps in China as a photographer ment programs. the wedding of Mr. and for some two years. Dr. F. R. King, president of the attending Mrs. Mont Rasmussen. association will turn the gavel over After a week spent in Provo Lt. (J. G.) Frances A. Jones to his successor, J. Walter Pax-ma- n with Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Keeler, Mrs. or on terminal of Eureka, is home Nephi, and the new board Alvin Bowles has returned home. teave from the U. S. Naval Hos- members will be installed to take Daughters of the Utah Pioneers Miss Jones caie of 1946 activity. of the Fort. Wall Camp entertainpital at San Diego. It is expected that several Ne- ed their partners Friday evening will be dischaged on January 14. Miss Jones was the Seniori chid phi business men and others will in the South Ward Lounge room, welfare worker for Juab County be in attendance at the December with Capt. Alligee Anderson in Department of Public Welfare for meeting, inasmuch as plans for charge of a program with all of five years prior to being called making 1946 a banner year in the guests taking part and singing to active duty in March, 1943. She Utah wili be made at the meeting. Christmas carols around a beauIt was also announced that S. tifully decorated Christmas tree. enlisted in December of 1942, and received her commission in June, .1 Stephenson of Salt Lake City Mrs. Bessie Nielson and Mrs. Amy She has been on active will be speaker for the evening Warner were in charge of the 1943. on Saturday eve- games. Delicious duty at the 11th Naval District banquet-meetin- g refreshments since that time and has been as- ning at Moab. were served by Mrs. Celia Briggs signed to special duty with the Mrs. Eva Powell and Mrs. Delia Decorations were in Navy Relief. Tolley. keeping with Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ostler, James Merl Greenhalgh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott, MildMr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Green-hlg- h red and Lila May Scott attended of Nephi was recently the funeral of a niece, Mrs. Thel-m- a to First Sergeant in BatHope, in Orem December 6th. tery "A", 147th Field Artillery, Mr. and Mrs. Riissell R. Bardick, now stationed at Utsunomiya, Hon-senroute from Los Angeles to MiJapan. Sergeant Greenhalgh lwaukee, were guests of their aunt to the unit was assigned part and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. James 158 of the famed "Bushmaster" Funeral services will be held in Bean Tuesday and Wednesday. Regimental Combat team, as a private in New Guinea a year and the Levan ward - chapel . Sunday a half ago. He was awarded the at 2 P M. for Anna Maria Christen In a sparkling Yuletide setting Bronze Star Medal early in 1945 sen Bosh, 85, who died Wednesday of lighted Christmas trees, the for his work as areconnaissance morning at her home. The servic- Junior Literary club held their artillery es will be directed by Bishop Jas. Christmas party Monday evening sergeant with forward observation parties in the Dutch P. Christensen, and burial in the at the home of Mrs. Allen BellisNew Guinea and Luzon campaigns. Levan cemetery will be directed ton. Mrs. Belliston was chairman by Anderson funeral home of with Mrs. Clair Acord, Mrs. Bert Powell and Mrs. Ray Cundick asNephi. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ostler Mrs. Bosh was bom July 19, sisting. As the girls were relaxing were pleasantly surprised Sunday 1860 in Denmark, and came to after a light lunch in front of the afternoon to receive a telephone United States with her parents at fireplace, a jingle of bells was call from their son, Private Donald the age of 15. In 1879 she was heard and Santa Claus rushed in S. Ostler, stating that he would married to Delbert Bosh in the with a cherry hello and a gift for leave Camp Roberts Dec. 19 on a Old Endowment house in Salt each. At the end of an evening furlough for the Christmas holi- Lake City. She was the mother of of pinochle, two well filled stockdays. 12 children, seven of whom sur- ings which had hung n the hantle vive: Ella June Taylor and Floyd were awarded to winners. The Sonia Brown, daughter of Mr. Bosh, Levan; Hilda Hansen, Lehi, following members were present: and Mrs. Howard Brown is recov- Merie Bosh and Albert Bosh, Salt Mrs. Clair Aeord. Mrs. Allen E. ering rapidly at her home follow- Lake City; Ellis A. Bosh of King Belliston, Mrs. E. R. Brough, Mrs. Hill, Idaho; Mervin Bosh of Mid-val- Paul M. Christison, Mrs. E. Ray ing an appendicitis operaUon She is also survived by 33 Cundick, Mrs. Milton L. Harmon, recently at the Payson hos43 great grand- Mrs. Geo. D. Raymond Jr., Mrs. Sonia is the daughter of grandchildren, pital. D. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown. children, four greatgreat grand- DeVoe Lambert, Mrs. Fred Mrs. Lawrence Olpin, Morgan, children. Mrs. Bert Powell, Mrs. P. V. Redd, Mrs. Zelma Memmott left last Friends may call at the family Mrs. Therein Synder, Mrs. Milton meet home Sunday from 10 a. m. until Shaw, rs. Earl Warner. Mrs. Max Wednesday for San Diego to her husband, Byron Memmott. time of service. Davis was a speciil guest. Among those discharged from serthe various branches of vice during past week, according to information received up to Thursday are the following : Earl Ballard Hoyt, Fire control-ma- n 1st Class, discharged from the Navy at Shoemaker, California. Ballard is a son of Mrs. Eva C. Hoyt of Nephi, Utah. T4 Roscoe R. Park, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Park of Nephi. T4 Park has served 15 months in New Guinea following some time in the States. He has also served ir. the Philippines with the Service forces. Funeral To Be there are 20 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Mr. Christison has also one brother, Peter The Booklore club met at the Christison of Canada, and two sis- home of Mrs. James P. McCune ters: Mrs. Charles Tolley of Nephi Friday evening. Mrs. Clyne Leav-it- t and Mrs. Henry Kay of Mona. was in charge of the meeting. Nine grand sons and two and educational An interesting the in been have serving talk on "Veneral diseases" was Armed Forces during World War given by Mrs. John Harmon. Thru-ou- t II. the talk, questions were asked and very ably answered by Mrs. Harmon, who stressed the importENGAGEMENTS AND ance of educating the public, esMARRIAGES ARE pecially the young people of high school age, before any great strides ANNOUNCED can be made to effect a control of After the disMrs. Jennie L. Warren of Salt these diseases. Chase made Mrs. cussion, anRalph of Lake City, formerly Nephi, nounces the engagement of her assignments for the annual Christparty to be held on December daughter, Miss Helen S. Warren, mas to Howard K. Lane of Phoenix, 21. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Joe Ariz. The marriage is to take Mrs. Carlyle Braithwaite, S. Mrs. Alton Mrs. Gadd, Boswell, future. near in the place Miss Warren has been employed Ralph Chase. Mrs. Lorin J. Mrs. Theo Westring, Mrs. in Salt Lake for the past two Mrs. Clark Moryears. Mr. Lane is an operator for Farrell Carter, gan, Mrs. E. LV. Richardson, Mrs. Santa Fe Trailways. H. W. McCune, Mrs. Clyne Leav-itMrs. Fred Morgan, Mrs. John of A. J. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. the hostess, Nephi announce the engagement HarmonP. and McCune. of their daughter, Miss DaNell, to James Corporal Dale M. Worwood, son The home of Mrs. Max Thomas of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Worwood was the scene Thursday of the of Levan. annual ChristCorporal Worwood is stationed 20th Century Club's mas party. Arrangements were in at Fort Konx, Kentucky. The wedding ceremony will take charge of the club officers. Mrs. C. W. Glazier, club president, presiplace Dec. 26 at Nephi. ded. Litany was read by Mrs. C. Announcement is made by Mrs. R. Jenkins. Two violin and piano selections J. E. Morgan of the recent marriage of her daughter, Laura, to were given by Misses Marilyn "A Benjamin A. Trimble, son of Mr. Thomas and Joyce Downs. Dinner" by Margaret and Mrs. A. F. Trimble of Fill- Strange more. The marriage took place Cusins was delightfully reviewed Gordon on Tuesday, Nov. 27, at Salt Lake by Mrs. J. H. Keller. Thomas favored with three piano City. Mrs. Trimble is well known in solos. Dainty refreshments were Mrs. C. Nephi, having been a beautician served to the following: W. Glazier, Mrs. J. A. Burton, Mrs. here for the past six years. Mr. Trimble was recently honor- Gerald Cazicr, Mrs. Max Thomas, Mrs. J. L. ably released from the army after Mrs. C. R. Lomax, having spent 33 months in the Wade, Mrs. George Belliston, Mrs. C. R. Jenkins, Mrs. J. II. Keller Pacific War Theatre. Mrs. Morgan honored her daugh" Mrs. P. L. Jones. Mrs. Herman ter at a tea on Sunday, Dec. 16. Mangclson, Mrs. Spencer Forrest, Miss Eleanor Burton, Mrs. June Mrs. Bent R. Bryan, Mrs. WesWilson, Mrs. Elva Davis, Mrs. ley Dickerson, Mrs. Joseph F. Bessie Paystrup, Mrs. Zoe Gibson I'atrish and Mrs. Wilford Pratt. and Mrs. Marjorle Morgan were at a shower on Thurs- NephI u, Sunday for Levan Lady e. per-frm- Mrs. Zoclla Gee has announced the marriage of her daugrrter Beth, to Arthur Nekilick of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The marriage took place Saturday, December 15 at Nephi. Tcy will make their In rue in Milwaukee. The bride is a Moroni !iiiTh school graduate and the groom nas recently iieee released twin U. S Service. 51 Kiwanians and Wives Enjoy Yule Party Members of the Nephi Kiwanis flub were honored guests at a banquet and party Wednesday evening at the South Ward Amusement hall, with the Kiweens wives of Kiwanians as hostesses. Miss Paul in'; Ma.'sen was eki-c- d Mrs. Ellen Wade was in charge to be Queen of the Fountain of the evening and introduced the Green ward MIA Gold and Green toastmistress. Mrs. tha P. Gadd, Ball held Thuisc'ay evening in thi who took charge of the program. amuser.'.ent hill. Singing of "God Bless America" The Ward Pr mury organization started the entertainunder tl.e direction of Supt. Doro- ment, followedevening's by Pledge to the thy Oldroyd will p esent the i'i Flag led by Mrs. Coquella Mc erctia. "Rag Doll Christmas' cn Pherson. Grace was offered by Mrs. Elsie Belliston. Saturday evening. A novelty stunt was carried The Ward Ke.ief Society c.n-- t out reiice was held su 'Cay, Dec. 16 Helenunder the direction of Mrs. Jones, and the Kiwanians under the direction of Mrs. Id.i became living examples of ridiculil".nsc:i picside,. ous and sublime when each was d Mrs. K.ite Arderon enter; linwith a hat of feminine ed at a lintrl iv dinner Saturday charm. Lute Wade was awarded evening in honor of her husband's a prize for the most artistic a clever bonnet of white sproutbirthday anniversary. a silver Christmas tree. Earl ing Glade Lund, son of James Lund Reid's hat topped with soda crackhas recently been released from ers and stalks of celery won the service. He has spent more than prize for the most ridiculous. three years in the service. Two violin solos were given by Thomas followed by a Marilyn releasAnderson has been Gloyd brass quartet composed of L. Dee ed from U. S. service recently. Mangelson, Bob Beekstead, Bob Dee Hansen and family visited Tolley and Berta Jean Bailey of in Salt Lake City on Monday. the high school. Mrs. Irene A. Hansen of Salt Poor Pa on Christmas was the Lake City spent Sunday with her theme of a toast to the men read mother, Mrs. Ada C. Anderson. by Zoe Gibson, and The Night Before Christmas was given by n Bishop and Mrs. Gayle Yorga-so- Evelyn Lomax. Jennie Steele were Provo visitors Tuesday. made a wonderful Santa Claus as Mr. and Mrs. Roland Goulson she passed out sacks of candy and children have left for Illinois and nuts to the Kiwanians. where they will visit with his par- - President Max Thomas read an nts and spend the Christmas invitation to the Associated Civic clubs meeting at Moab next week, and invited Kiwanians to make the Mr. and Mrs. Welcome Chapman Max was also in charge trip. have announced the marriage of of a gift distribution, with each F. Carol to their daughter Perry Kiwanian presenting a novel gift Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry to ihe Mrs. J. Hall of Nephi. The ceremony The closing of the evening was was performed Tuesday, December the singing of Silent Night with 18 in the Manti Temple with Pres. Gertrude Tranter directing and L R. Anderson officiating. The Anderson accompanying. Evelyn some bride has been employedfor Mrs. Anderson was also accompantime past at the J. H. Still well ist for other musical selections. store and the groom has recently ben released after a long period of A Deputy Collector of Internal overseas service. Revenue will be in Nephi on Wednesday and Thursday, January 2 Nephi City Corporation will ac and 3 to assist farmers, stockmen to and cept applications including and farm laborers total December 31, at 5 P. M. for the income was S500.00 or more for following positions: 1945, in preparing and filing theri Justice of the Peace declaration of income, which must Pound Keeper be filed by January 15. Meat Inspector Fire Chief Chief of Police Students of the Juab High last Two night policemen one of the Wednesday enjoyed City Electrician most interesting assemblies we Foreman of Light plants have had this year. Salome Risk, Three light plant operators author of "Syrian Yankee" was the Assistant City Electrician speaker. He told many interesting Street Dept. Supervisor. things about his life. He told of City Librarian his childhood in Syria, and then Janitor told how wonderful it was for him Sexton to come to America and take adCollector. Tax Dog vantage of the many privileges which all Americans enjoy. He left the high school library an copy of his book autographed Syrian Yankee. His lecture was appreciated by all the students. Reporter, Anna Julia Hoyt. For unto you is born this "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. day in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord." This was the message of the angel who appeared to shepherds as they watched thei rflocks by night on the plains of Judea nineteen hundred forty-fivyears ago. It is the message of Christmas today as we celebrate the birth of our Lord. What joy comes to those who have faith in that angelic proclamation! What hope and peace comes to human hearts when we realize its meaning! It tells us that we have a loving and omnipotent Father who sent His Eldest Son to earth to be our Redeemer. It tells us that through His sacrifice all mankind wiH live again after the passing of this mortal breath; that through repentance we may have our sins forgiven; that through obedience to His laws we will have eternal life in His Kingdom. It tells that regardless of strife and commotion in the earth and dark clouds threatening the nations, there is hope and peace for everyone who truly loves God and his fellow men. Let us therefore at this Christmas season look upward to God with hope and faith. Let us be grateful for the blessings He has given. Let us cherish the good tidings the angels brought. Let us remember our prayers and the great commandment: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy might, mind and strength, nnd thy neighbor as thyself." If we do these things we shall have strength for every day and courage for every trial; Christmas will be a joyful season and the coming year will be a year of growth and happiness. We pray for the blessings of the Lord to attend all our fellow laborers of Juab Stake, We pray that our young men In the service of our country will be protected from harm and evil and that they may know that they are remembered at home and their service is appreciated. We pray that those who have rt turned to their homes after weary months of hardship and danger will find peace and happiness in mingling again with their loved ones and friends. We pray that comfort will come to those who have been called upon to part with the companionship of dear ones. May the Spirit of the Lord abide with them at Christmas and in the nrw year We are grateful for our association with stake officers and officers of and members of the wards in Juab Stake, for their willingness to devote their time and talents and means in service for their fellow men. We are grateful for the cooperation of public officials, law enforcement officers and civic organizations. May friendship and goodwill continue to prevail In our communities and may hop?, faith and charity abide in the hearts of all the people at Christmas time and throughout the coming year. Your brethren -- mis-fitte- e jr. . m - -- ' t f;vt -i , 4. t. v . i 1 .: ' - ; , - - S r " K'C f ,, - . ' Nt ',.' ( iI l1 . 3 fJ ' - An-deso- n, Mar-gnr- et v-- : 4 . 'on Juab Stake Clerk Official Juab Stake Presidency Ntrr Photo tfclp for Australians, U. S. Amphf. bious units that War Eonda helped to eauip put these Aussie ashore to drive the Nips from Tarnkan, Borneo. V. S. Tnamry Dtfnrlmt |