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Show 1 1 THE Thursday, May 18, 1944 NF.PIU. UTAH TIMES-NEW- PAGE THREE Hitler, Rommel, Visit 'Atlantic Wall' Kathleen Norris Says: CLASSIFIED Just What Are You Doing? Ben Syndicate. WNU DEPARTMENT MEM-GO-ROUN- D DREW PEARSON Feature. HEEEgN niCCAlA-- I $ BRUSSELS ' jT' Washington, D. C BIG VS. LITTLE FARMERS Forty years have elapsed between the battles of Teddy Roosevelt and Cousin FDR, but one Issue which plagued the former is also plaguing the latter and is now before congress. It is the question whether government irrigation, government water, and government reclamation shall benefit the big landowner or the small. -s. Bsa-The issue is now one of the hottest fights both in California and in congress, where Secretary of the Interior Ickes has been called to testify on a rider which Congressmen El liott and Carter of California have skilfully smuggled into the rivers and harbors bill a rider permitting big landowners in California's central valley to benefit from government irrigation. The question in Teddy Roosevelt's day was whether any farmer holding more than 160 acres should bene"Atlantio known Wall" of Axis Eleventh-hou- r as vast coastal defenses the tours Germany's inspection fit from government irrigation. The are being made by Marshal Rommel, according to news dispatches, which say that Hitler has made personal Issue arose when the land kings of on tours which of shown areas the above Rommel Is reported making map, visits." the Far West wanted to develop their to line "Rommel's as referred indicates territory provides a general .picture of the coastal fortress. Broken ranches and speculative holdings defense zone." Swastikas indicate points which have been mentioned as "Rommel's command forts." through irrigation at government ex- aS8'''? Rommel s :pi; coastal fortress JSF CHICKS FOR SALE WHOLESALE PRICES on CHICKS May After U. 6th. All lHiiTer hatched, 14 8. Ajipn.vrd. Dmtas. A. A nitle f 10.1(6, AAA 111 96. KOPHlrt-dlliiUf.- ......... , . vzJ UroilerOcsinn.8te.M6 COLORADO HATCHERY, chicks Pr UU. Iho. Wrxtm S4ie Larimr, Dwrnr pense. The West was for it, but the East objected. Eastern states claimed they would be footing the tax bill and that Western irrigation would come out of their pockets. The West replied that the irrigation projects of that day would provide benefits tor small Eastern farmers who mi- ... 1 RyAN Moan tain grown and acclimated for health and production. V. 8. appruTed, U. 8. Voilorum tented stock. Hearlea. leghorns. All popular breeds, nezed or straight run. Capacity over 76.0U0 weekly. Call or Wrttm st day-by-d- Reconditioning Program Reclaims Wounded POUGLA'S WE BUV AND RE'..L Office Furniture, Files. Typewriter!. Add-ln- g Machines. Safes. Cash Registers. SALT LAKE BKSK KXfllANCiK SB Went Broadway. Salt Lake City, Utah. X low-co- "pre-invasi- ss OFFICE EQUIPMENT WHITE LEGHORN SPECIAUSTS Over 30 yrars' production of superior chic km. A 100 pure, top ranking, money making Leghorn b train. Straight run, $14.00, or pullet chicks, $28.00 per hundred or cockerel chicks, $5.00 per hundred. Volume discount. Order now. Write lor factual folder. GRAHAM A PULLET FARM Hayward, Calif. HATCHERY AUTOMOBILES BEST BUYS grated westward tomorrow. C&acfc tor yourself After a terrific battle, Teddy 60 cars to choose from All males, out. won ruled Roosevelt Congress all models Irade and Terms 'Nothing but soup, crackers and cookies, but how those tired men ana that government - irrigated land women flock to the counter after work hours! Complete line house trailers tracts must be limited to 160 acres. Motor and Finance Co. But RepubThat still stands. law NORRIS Morgan KATHLEEN By 714 S. IMi $L. Silt Ukl tltf Cull Bart". M(T. A JOB! GET of Oak lican Carter Congressman WOMAN asked me the and Democratic Conland, Calif., other day if the letters I Get into some useful war gressman Elliott of Tulare, Calif., have ganged up to change it with a quote in these columns work, Kathleen Norris advises are genuine letters. I could all women who are alone berider exempting the central valley answer her truthfully that irrigation project. sons or husbands cause their huTheir amendment, already passed every one is a real true service. Even are in away by the house, would mean that big man problem, but that I genwomen who have a little spare ranchers in the central valley could erally shift about the exact time can do something useful benefit from the new irrigation projdetails, change the locale, and at the same time occupy ect no matter how extensive their and substitute for the real their minds, and calm their holdings. Even more important, it PLANTS names other names that nerves. would mean that a lot of new land, aren't particularly identifinot extensively cultivated at present, 1M TOMATO PLANTS. Assorted varieties. There is no cure for war jitPostpaid fl.M. Reduced prices on larger would be subjected to able, like Brown, Baker, rdera. Lai. Mead Farms. Overton, New. ters like hard work plenty of speculation. Davis, Smith. In the fifteen work. People who come home Ickes for Small Farms. years during which I have too tired to do anything but HOSIERY MENDED of the Interior Ickes, been answering letters in this Secretary bed don't into worry drop Mak. y.nr atoeklnKB last longer. Use who has supervised the expenditure weekly article, I have never Postpaid 25c Icoin). Meyer. much they're too exhausted. of $150,000,000 on central valley irri ISlVfc Wlle.x At., La Aaselea, California. been or a confidence betrayed are everywhere not only gation, is determined that the bene accused of publicizing what Jobs but in restaurants, fits shall not go to land speculators in factories inconvalesof N. is the was meant to be private Atlantic at General reconditioning the function J., City, of hospital The England and big ranchers, plus some of the Blood Donors in 1492 hospitals, Red Cross canteens naVio former at In back to sent Ghezzi, officers formation. top, Sergt. cent soldiers and before being duty. picture even your own home! big liquor companies which have Two Lower left: So when today I quote the letters exercises. clubs for soldiers, Sacrificed Their Lives tional PGA champion (1942) instructs a class, using golf bought up California wineries. sure with decorabe woman One of other and the Heart women married was of several you may Purple both wounded in Sicily, exercise on the pulleys. Each recipient to The womissue, Secretary according American of in The abdominal exercises. current interest in blood soldiers two children cares for two or tions. Circle: Sergt. Sam Goldman of Cleveland, Ohio, leads a class they are real, live Ickes, is whether the U.S.A. is going doning recalls the earliest aten who have handled the difficulties more children of war workers. to become a nation of large landof war times, each in her ewn way. tempts to save lives through Another runs a "soup bar" owners hiring Okies and tenant blood transfusions. First recorded In every case, they are women who near an Many factory. will or the nation whether airplane farmers, blood transfusion was made in have discovered that the only cure women are making a tidy infarmers oper 1492 when a vain attempt was feature medium-size- d for nerves and sleeplessness and bit come serving in some useful ating their own land. ter anxieties. In these days, is work. made to save Pope Innocent VIII. NOTE Business men in the cen All those hard work, and plenty of it. way. The money can go into blood, plus the tral valley are split over the issue Pope, died.givinr war bonds, or a savings account There is a job for every one of us medithat merchants believe in Many now. and the only happy women for the time when HE comes I, At that time many recommend .r- um-sized farms rather than poorer ed that the world today are the women who home. husbands and wives mix or farm labor make for better business transfuse their blood to are busy. Get absorbed In some equalize in neighboring towns. The Fresno helpful activity, get yourself so tired their tempers. is at 60 to into space of calls Living Commerce apartments. Chamber a light a S smooth . bed, reading that r nt B0 acres of figs an economic unit for and a book look like heaven to you a premium in that city and herseven house made a family, or 80 to 120 acres of al . . Protect and ease abrased every night and you'll get through fine F fiats, in one of which she lives falfa. The Chamber has sent out alan wit Biexsana, tae this crisis successfully. To be idle, Makes to Money settlers take Bar booklets soetkinc, aoedisatea pow- uy Soup urging PUnLp reading the papers, listening to the 1 Ala relieve ser. wllfll burning, is Mrs. woman Another smart small land tracts. radio, brooding over . ANNOYS itdiiac ef irritated akin. Baker is the shortest way to a breakdown Baker of Houston Texas.-MrsFOUR-F- s. lives near a big plane factory; she Mrs. Brown Boards Children. Despite all the army howls for Well, then, here's Mrs. Brown of had opened a soup bar. Penguins Handicapped to get into war plants, it re Nothing but soup, crackers and Kansas City, aged 29, with two cannot fold their Penguins men and the how tired a but fact examina that boards mains Brown cookies, physical young children. Mrs. birds do, but must as other wings, after counter to so the flock women stiff in is that tion : many plants children at one dollar a day, keeps extended. them carry hours" She "rush has the work hours! they can't get in. In fact, physi them overnight for two dollars cal in some plants is stiffer than in course, but also she has a steady night She has four regular little of 10 o'clock the army. customers, whose mothers are war trickle of customers from i 1 Many a patriotic F has worn out workers and find the comfortable in the morning until she closes the shoeleather making the rounds of Brown home and garden a miracuv bar at nine at night. She has two war plants, only to find that be can't Many lous help. They call for their chil girls helping her; serves two soups i . jf -i . Ti for get in. A punctured dren every afternoon. Other young daily. One a cream vegetable soup, Insects like ima as regular meal, instance, is considered just mothers, who need a day in town, the other portant in a war plant as in the or a day weekly for the Red Cross, Italian minestrone. Beans, peas. army. gladly avail themselves of the onions, noodles, macaroni, tomatoes, In recent weeks, belated steps Brown nursery. Two little brothers soup bones everything goes Into it. Vtgitablet have stayed day and night for a She charges 23 cents a service and Miss Linwood Gisclard, Louisiana have been taken to relax some of foweri S who holds title of "Maid ol these physical restrictions, but much month; Mrs. Brown gets $65 per free helpings are taken for granted. belle, Shrubs Not the least contribution to the month each for this care. of the preliminaries of Health day, the healthiest boy and girl Cotton," shows her dress to Mrs. still remains to be done. So you one As if and order of postwar from the Children's Aid blame a lot of the can't Does she get tired? Oh, yes, too safety canteen e the were Roosevelt at Eleanor centers York) (New society's tired to do anything but drop Into America comes from these women chosen and crowned at the society's west-sid- e center. And here they fashion show in Washington. The they aren't in war plants. Ttrr sjl nraa. A Cn Another difficulty which the War aiarj bed after small boots have been who are proving their Independence, are (left to right) with nurse Odalovlch.' Viasro Cardoxa, BV4. king; dress is made or some $2,000 worth t f ''. kantiXfcr n well commission might cleaned and small clothes laid out who have struck out in simple, Manpower bonds war and children. of stamps. Marie 5V4, queen; Hilton Douglas, 6, king of Negro Romans, grooves to establish themdig into is the fact that anyone can after dinner. And what does Mr. Brown think of it? He likes it. His selves financially. Perhaps the mil quit work in a vital war plant but. g Whale WAG without a certificate of availability, last lions of magnificent nurses and Red salary hasn't gone up in the was A blue whale puts on who are the women young Cross to war another cannot transfer workers, plant years; other expenses have. It at least, not until after a y weight at the rate of 220 pounds a Mr. Brown who recently said to his giving their whole lives in the army day. wife that ber nursery activities had or navy services, are showing a period. ? i In other words, you can step out removed the last gnawing worry higher type of patriotism, because of an aircraft factory or a synthetic 2044, WNU W that he had, in making him feel of a completer sacrifice. But there rubber plant and go to work in that should anything happen to is many a man out on the battle barber shop or at a bootblack stand. him the spectre that haunts all fronts now who would be glad to or just loaf at home. They are not husbands and fathers! she could receive a certain type of letter from '. little worn the moping, essential industries. But if you want tai;e care of the children. an he left at home. A letter saying to switch to a munitions plant, you Then there is Mrs. Davis of Oakf can't without a certificate of availland, Calif. Mrs. Davis' husband and that she has waked up and is busy Ueip Them Clranne the Mood both sons are away In the services; and absorbed and that when he gets ability (which you probably can't f Harmful IWr Waste a be will neat there home little or the without a meditated waiting she required boarding get), opening Taw kfday are constantly Skertns nest-eg- g a for But celebration. 60 ooling-off of Instead mat. sutter from the blood atream. ready days. period house; changed ber house work A cut-thro- 'Fashion Note' Kings and Queen of Health fJ yh world-madnes- Pf, ! s, t-- .. i i A ' n v5" KILLS 4-- ear-dru- clty-wld- '' well-wor- Floods Sweep Mississippi River Valley Summer Gear Fast-Growin- FIB II self-pityin- -- CANTEij f i i Halp in a Rtd Crott canteen , . . . Eggs are Protein Food Unrationed eggs are a source of one of the best protein foods and so take the place of meat. In addi tion, their present low cost makes them an excellent source of practically all the known vitamins ex cept vitamin C and of several mln erals needed in the daily meals. Those who wish to buy eggs now at law prices can easily store IS or 30 dozen or more in crocks or wooden tubs or metal pails, with the us of water glass. Such eggs iij keep for many months. MERRY-GO-ROUN- as he is, President Roost velt will soon be called upon to settle the problem of whether rail worker's vacation week is six days or seven. Railroad workers were granted a week's vacation as part of the wage compromise last year, but the railroad executives now contend that FDR meant the vacation should be six days, not seven. If the rail road workers get seven days, they can stay away Sunday, which is a holiday anyway, plus Monday, or an ictual total of eight days. 0. Busy it". - f loods have bcro swerpins; the Missisiippl river vatlrr, with the e water at an high in the St. Lonls terrain. Inundating great stretches of agricultural land, making many homrleoff, and wreaking untold property damage. Here I water flowing ever the chain ef rocks oridge highway, where a break In the Chouteau Inland levee loosed great Hoods of water. LL122J "G. I. Jane" proudly exhibits a new summer uniform as an enlisted member of the W AC The blouse and skirt are of the same tropical worsted material as that worn by officers of the corps. D d. kiaaeya eMnetiae lac ia thou fail to re ot act aw Nature latended latpuntias taat, 11 retained, may aoieoe the eyateai aad apeat tha irbola bady aiaehlnery. aiay be nenrlne barVaehe, eraietaat kMlirat, attarks ef dinmeaa, fatties a aifhta,a ewrlliaf.at puffineea aerona feetios ader the eyea and etreatth. aaxtety and lorn ef Otar !" e( Irlda.y ot kladder disorder are aometiaoa boraiat. seaaty mti 8yp.aa as Teore ea.ald ee a deaat that prompt traatataat ki wiser taaa Reflect, lea I fill. IKM'I ears bee. WlBSIBf IM for aere taan forty yeare. av lrte.de repirtattoa. Taoy kao a elio-wi- d Are reeaaiaieaded by (rateful people ooaatry oer. Atk year atworf te r |