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Show I Clbxt WAR BONDS it- Nephi, Juab County, Utah Volume 35 News of the Service Men Poppy Day In Nephi Set for May 27th Mrs. Lucille G. Brough Heads Committee Mrs. Lucille G. Brough has been selected as poppy day chairman of the Nephi Post of the American Legion Auxiliary, according to an announcement made this week by the unit officers. Poppy Day will be held in Nephi on Saturday May 27th, at which time volunteers will contact each and every person in Nephi, selling the little memlorial flower which is made by veterans of the First World War. The idea of the poppy as a memorial for the World War dead sprang up as naturally as the little flower Itself grows in the fields of France and Flanders. The flower was the one touch of beauty which survived amid the hideous destruction of war. Along the edges of trenches, beneath the tangled barbed wire, about the ragged shell holes and over the fresh graves it raised its brave red blos som. It seemed to be the one immortal thing in that region where death reigned. The soldiers of all nations came to look upon it as a symbol of the sacrifices of their dead comrads. lt was a poet wno rirst gave- expression to the idea. Soon him- self to lie beneath the poppies, he The following young men left recently for service In the U. S. Service: Donald Bowles, Nephi Koscoe Garrett, Nephi. Lovell Squire Brooks, Army. . These three men were inducted into the Army, having left Nephi on May 12. The following were sworn Into the Navy earlier this month, each ot them having requested immediate induction upon completion of their physical examination: George F. Beckstead, Nephi Ladd B. Broderick, Eureka Eureka Elmo Roland Ray Adams Richards, Eureka Wallace Robert Naylor, Eureka Fred H. Tomlinson, Eureka Robert Joseph McCormick, Eureka. Bos-well- , Lt. Dwane H. Brough flew from Stockton Field to Salt Lake City to spend Mothers day with his mother, Mrs. Hyrum Brough. Lt. we tsiougn is an insiruuioi Army Air Base at Stockton Field, Caliiornia and was accompanied by three other air corps Lieutenants. They also spent two days In Salt Lake. They were house guests of Mrs. C. A. Kimball, aunt of Dwane who lives in the Buckingham The Lieutenants took off in two silver ships for Stockton Field Sunday at 6 P. M. Levan Ward Awaits New Bishopric Nomination Petitions Are Filed by Candidates Nomination certificates were filed last week by W. C. Andrews and Earl F. Dunn, Incumbent county commissioners for their names to be placed on the primary ballots for the primary election to be held Tuesday, July 11th. It is understood that a petition is also being circulated calling for the placing of the name of James P. McCune, incumbent county attorney, on the ballot to succeed himself. V Thursday, May 18, 1944 Outfit Is Chic for Farm and Saves War Bond Dollars! Double-Dut- y Special Conference Afternoon A special ward con LEVAN Terence of the Levan ward has been called by the S'ake Presidency of Juab Stake to he held nt the ward chapel at 2 !'. M. on next for the purposa "f a new ward bishopric. E;ishop Erastus P. Peters m, who has presided over the Livan ward for the past 21 years has recently moved to Salt Lake City where he hus accepted employment with the Salt Lake Mill Companv. Counselors to Bishop Peterson are H R. Francom and Niels Lundstnen, the latter of whom recently moved to Portland, Oregon where he is in war work. Elder Fiancom has b?"ii coun- nmaiiing An anouncement IUUI tJ Graduation Exercises Next Week To Hear Address By Dean de Jong Commencement exercises for th Juab high school will be held tn the school auditorium on Friday evening, May 26, according to an announcement this week by Principal T. E. Rigby. 65 Seniors aro on the list of prospective graduates as released by Principal Rig-b- Sunday Marriage Announced lull High School Graduates To Be Held Sunday Is I , y. Dr. Gerlt DeJong of the Brig-haYoung University will deliver the address to the graduates. The list of prospective graduates includes: Anne Claire Bailey, Mima Jean Belliston, IThema Ruth Bedliston, Lawrence E. Bird, Rhea Back, Val E. Kathryn Joan Brough, Christensen, Willis Homer Christensen, Llla May Christensen, Carol Cox, Donna Ruby Cooper, James H. Crane, Gertrude M. Duckworth, Calvin Ellertson, Lucille Ellison, Robert R. John Alan Francom, Gadd, Imogene Gardner, DeWayne Garrett, Ralph. Clark Greenhalgh, Glade Leo Greenhalgh, Robert L. W. Jarrett, Jackman, Thayne Donna Louise Jenkins, Marba Jan-Ic- e Jenkins, Miriam Jenkins, James C. Kay, Myrtle Rosetta Kay, Fred Kendall, Glen C. Nelson, Nila Emma Newton, Blanche Ockey, Delene E. Ockey, Marcus Neldon Olpin, Nell Denee Park, Ray S. Powell, Hannah Mary Elaine Paxman, Geniel Pratt, Evelyne A. Ruther ford, George A. Robinson, John D. Roundy, Dorothy Shepard, Annie A. Dean Alieen Searle, Shaw, Glenn William Shepherd, William Russell Kay Stuart, L Sperry, Burotn L. Taylor, Fern Taylor, Maurice Tolley, Melba Tolley, Myrle Jaunita Walker, Lee Wan-kie- r, Robert Cazier Warner, Elaine Wilson, Ramona Winn, Vera Winter, Lillis Wood, Fern Worthing-to-n, Blanche Yates, Marjorie Peterson, Raymond Peterson, Marvin J. Mortensen, Marcus B. Garrett, LaMont McPherson. m of interest to is that of the marriage of Miss Priscilla Wilson, and Daniel C. Nielson. The marriage was performed in the Salt Lake Temple on May 3rd by Charl- selor to Bishop Peterson throughes Jones, former president of the out his term as bishop, and has served as counselor Arizona Temple. Following the marriage a wed- for approximately 15 years. ding supper was enjoyed by members of the immediate families at Hotel Utah. The bride is Juab County Clerk, having been appointed to that position soe months ago. She has been active in various church organizSgt. Keith W. Kendall is home- ations for several years past. on furlough, visiting with his parInstallation ceremonies for the ents, Mr. and Mrs. June Kendall Nephi Junior Chamber of Comin this city, and with his sister, Save and for Rags Paper merce wall be held at the CC camp More r.nd more women and girl, will fcelp Mrs. J. E. Forsberg in Salt Lake sa tka homo front (hi. in Salt Creek canyon next Wedwrote: i.v the crop corp.. The Event June City. of elotlilnc for Salvage jc.r.mg Tn Flanders' fields the poppies; to officers v i i of the nesday, MjJvrd i5 overan. according t, Is stationed at Camp Mrs. Gwen by these of mtmrdf deoim.pr.rticl Sgt. Kendall Ther are .moothlr head of East Miles A. Downs, n"-c local group. blow, coast on Anderson, ither 'i the ,:. wi,h or "id"" Y McQuaide, California, frt. D roar (hare for v Between the crosses, row on ,r r.k.n?V'?1 t.ietn yonrielf and barlag nor War Bond, with your of Monterey Bay. He is engaged Juab Salvage operations, requests mortician will be installed as pressuve.1. A cuitable i...:i-.row " in personnel and morale work in that housewives began collecting ident. b aotaiaoal at Tmir loral .tore. patterm naf and tieing all newspapers and magEven before the men had return- connection with the Post Chapel. Other officers include J. E. U. S. Tnattuy Dtfrrtmtnt azines now in preparation for a ed from the war, the perfect little vice president: Clvd'3 on is the Christenscn, secretary and treasur salvage campaign which poem of Colonel John McCrae hid GREAT LAKES, Illinois Among schedule for about the middle of er, Clair Acord and Elmo Haynes, winged its way around the world June. Mrs. Downs also states that directors. those graduating from an intensive ueraia Belliston, recarrying ihe picture of the poppies. course of basic engineering train- all rage and old mattresses will be tiring president will also become Returning soldiers brought 'the colected exerat this time. vision of the poppy fields back ing at recent Service School a member of the Board of Directwith them, engraved indelibly in cises here was LaMar C. Paxman, ors. Clarence Mr Mrs. son of and their hearts with the memories 21, of the comrads they had left at Paxman, 46 East Second South, Red Cross Room Honrs Set At elections held last week, the Utah. the battle front. Spontaneously, Kephi, Commencing May 22nd, the Red following were elected as advisory This bluejacket was selected for Cross the poppy took on a sacred rooms will be open only on It became the flower of his specialized training on the basis Monday and Thursday evenings committee of the recently formBooks have always been the prlce-le- s Juab County farmers were ed Nebo District under the Taylor remembrance for the men whi of his recent training aptitude test from 7 to 9 o'clock P. M. hertiage of a free people., When today by Wilford Bailey, H.. NeGraduates from the 20 had poured out their life's blood scores. J. program: Grazing Lunt, Mrs. Louise C Vlckers, Mrs. beer-a. ..new. added volume AAA around the roots of the little' plant. specialized courses taught here at Elsie SidweUL phi; J.- D; CoonYbs" and 'Kalph Cook to our shelves it has. means that chairman of the Juab county simply committee, that only 12 days reof Fountain Green; Dewey San-for- d Memories of the war dead always the Service Schools are sent to sea, is all and stands it for a for main farm plan for signing Junior High Exercises and Lawrence Christensen of democracy Mr. and Mrs. Alec Cowan and bring '.houghts of those who did to shore stations, or to advanced still work. Take away our participation in the 1944 program. not d:e but came back doomed to schools, for active duty or further Mrs. J. T. Stimson of Ogden and Delta, and Wayne Gonder.of Gar- books atand un- All farmers must sign up by June we become slave Be Held Next To Miss Betty Cowan of Salt Lake rison. years of hardship and suffering, training. 1 known and unknowing. 1944 if they are to be eligible sometimes worse than death. In City were Mothers day guests at on practices carried Thursday Evening Several thousand the poppy was found a way to link will bel Thev hurnpd thp Wk in that for payment AIR the home of Bishop and Mrs. P. distributed to local dollars GREAT BEND ARMY the of the dead with ser- FIELD who dark land of oppression and cast out, Mr. Bailey said. farmers B. Cowan. The following is the list of pros 2nd Lieutenant Carl J. this year are being Payment own stock in the old Levan, or Ne-- j into the flame not vice 'for the living victims of the only words of made exclusively for soil building pective graduates of the Nephi Loan ae- -i Farm war. Soon after the war patri :je Taylor, has recently arrived at phi Associations, Mrs. C. and a but Wanda had as symSeveral of beauty knowledge Buridge Air Field, The provision which lim- Junior high school. the Great Bend her mothers' day guests Miss Bar- cording to H. R. Francom of Levan boy of liberty. Man's right to read practices. organizations in different countries Kansas, where he Army ited the amount of payment under the students listed have work to Is a Bombardier-Navigatwho as sales of been selected a has director must of books of his choice. We conducting bara New the poppies bgan Newark, Burridge previous years' programs to an make up before receiving their made by disabled veterans, to raise ment unit. with aheavy bombardand Jayne and Kathryn of the newly formed Central Utah never let that happen here, to Alonzo allowance based on the acreage of certificates according Upon completion of his Jersey Farm funds for relief work among suf- combat Loan National Association. Here two new are of Lake at books Salt of n Junior the Burridge City. f,, High, and Ingram Great he Bend at training men and the'r uuu you wiu lnated. Individual farmers will be j 51 y"-- n George W. Brown secret ary-an- d fering is not completed they your puDiic iiDraxy overseas will a to area combat go families. A double significance betreasurer of the newly created enjoy ?iven diplomas at the limited only by the State allowance win not came attached to the poppy. Wear- to do his part in defeating the en Returns Home Prom Trip Central Utah association, recently next Thursday evening. exercises of $859,374. emy. The Way of the Eagle by Sonla announced that he is in receipt of T ing the little flower came to mean The prospective graduates: T"., . .1 Is J .. To Washington, D. 0. $65,000.00 which will soon be dis- Daugnerty. honoring the dead and helping the' Eldon Carpenter, Alfred Ander- ires carried out excevU thA etnto living. on Newel Bryan, Kenneth Riddle, Mrs. Susie B. Worwood return- tributed to local farmers and stock allowance will a and uniform in be there enlisted of In the One the the Logan figures Army greatest ' . . . Tva rl Rnpprvrf, Rpy WnHhinfHnn The poppy also became the mem-cri- Air Forces at Bakersfield, Califor- ed home Sunday morning after a men who own the capjital stock of i V II ffl I . ' story or our country Is Thomas oujuatjiiciii i ajii, J ti IC3 til ilower of the British Legion. nia two weeks trip to the East. She the old onticello, Moab, Green Riv- Jefferson. Mr. Bailey said. The list of prac- Melvin Read, Richard Smith, Kent 1943. We as him know the August er Other American veterans organizaClark Levan, Price, Valley, visited Nephi, Into went Ostler, Keith Worthington. tices available Buffalo, for Chicago, to . . his enlistment in the Prior payment has writer of the Declaration of Intions followed the American Legion . . ,1 T7 Spanish Fork, Canada and returned to New York Lehl, Strawberry, been simplified for 1944 and only Kay, George Crane, Allen Gardner, ,k. Pacific those practices which increase pro- Don Yates, Grant Nelson, George i" City, and then went to Washing- Pleasant Grove. SpringVille asSOC" duction and conserve soil will be Goble, DeVere Barnes, Alma Winn, aPredenfo0 the rniiiiTnc It Vho little brakeman. He is a son of Mr. and ton, D. C. where she visited with he Hal Memmott, Duane Memmott, ...3 paid for. her son, Milton, who is a student irany v.. ti.,T,.j c3.. Mrs- - Joel Taylor of Nephi, Utah. hl All flower e being worn eacn year Ward Ben Bush, Kenneth Allen, Erma "uu,,l --TTkI.VJZL at the U. S. Navy School of Music. parents of the ".," of Monti designer In al parts of the Eng'ish speak'ng! are Invited to attend Primary on Clarice She spent several days visiting with Chase, Georginia Ockey, rothe th? celo, violinist, young worm war tne tc Food honor War world, Administrator Marvin Gowers, Jeannine Cole, Lorraine CASPER, WYOMING Cpl. Du Milton, and was a house guest of Tuesday May 23, at 3:45 p. m et husband and the teacher Jones cead ana to aid the war's Iivi.ig wane Marvin Park, son of Mr. and her nephew, Ensign and Mrs. Don the tabernacle. A special program manticcareful points out to the nation's Hill, Marilyn Knight, Delia Chrisand father, in this victims. Mrs. Edgar Park of Nephi Utah Is Gowers In Bonnie Junior has been preared and light refreshWashington. us. We ree the gen- livestock producers that they are tiansen, Barbara Jones, alive for sale of memor- - a gunner The i:atIon-wId- e ments Thrs be ones who can accomplish Vogt, Elaine Orglll, Vera Dean the served. will officers tle, home on a 2 24 Heavy Bom- Reld, son of Mr and Mrs. J. E. Reld loving, happy person the only lal poppies was made by the Legion bardment crew now In Its final of this city, was also In Washington and teachers of the organization whose liveWorwood, Dorene Sperry, Helen adjustment of vision of democracy and stocknecessaiy ana Auxiliary in 1921. At first silk stages of training at the Army Air durin? the time Mrs. Worwood are very desirious to have a good whose faith and poultry numbers to the Johnson, Janiece Sudweeks, Clioma in the essential right available I In French made crowd France feed attendance. in by poppies was there and she enjoyed a visit Sanders, Karma Rowe, Velda Field, Casper, Wyoming. supply. of man will not let him diaw from widows and orphans were used. In Ranee Jarrett, Joyce Cowan. Following completion of this with him. life. public The nation's livestock and 1922 the first popies made by the training he will be sent overseas poulElder Verl Sudweeks returned She made the return trip via Betty Salisbury, Evelyn Blackett, in "he whether Always, tragic try population on January 1 gives Patsy Carter, American veiems woe piwiurea to a combat area where he will bus, stopping In St, Louis, and Den home Saturday, following two years Carol Lee Pickering, of the Revolution, the years a graphic explantion, com-are- d days when in Elthe me Eastern mission. vane States McPherson. Katherine me ver. ,i A,i..,,,ciwi.c, o'i'j neip iiuimui Margaret up uie as In a or ngni against France the (1933-42diplomat to the ) Ostler, Erma Tew. average der Sud weeks was met In Now this worK nas steaany expanaca enemy. of conflict Hamilton with is period of hy there still not enough York by his sister. Miss Beverly ho until tne poppies are Deing maae in keeps bright before him the - feed to funply the numbers on more than 50 hosptals and disabled Here Sudweeks, who had accompanied l Visiting of and When hand equality justice. increased feed pro- Word has been received that Cattle and calves, 82.200,000, veterans' workrooms In 40 differmint, Mrs. Susie B. Worwood the bitterness of the struggle be- - auctiondespite Mrs. Frank Lechleldner of Port- her and Imports to the limit PFC Allan P. Haycock who had ent states. hogs 83.800.000, 51,600,000; there. to Utah return The trip too for him come? he finds Is a visitor week or this land, great s avauabie chickens selbeen Oregon stationed in Camp Adair, 572,500,000 424.000.000; The crepe paper poppy was transportation. Here vas made by auto in eompnny solace in his books, his music. He nt the home of Mrs. her the first the mother, story( ected as the official poppy of The Oregon has arrived safely at his figure being the turkeys, 7,500.000 6,700.000; sheep with three other returning elders loved and his John Also Pitt. on with Mrs. Virginia 1, daughters. farms numbc be51.700,000 visiting and 52.700,000; horses. 9,300-00- 0 ovtiseas destination. American Legion and Auxiliary Verl reports having had a wonIn times like these the stead- the second In each January Pitt Is Mrs. Charles Booth of Too- derful mission, instance the ar 11,100,000; mules 3,600,000 and cause it provided the maximum of a with great many fast nature of Thomas Jeferson Is ele, a granddaughter. Mrs. Booth 4,400,000. pverage: work for the disabled men, with Incidents occur-ln- g a Lt. ((J. g.) Weldon O. Shepherd has also been visiting with anothNow as henrtenlng example. the miniature expenditure for he the has hem time during then, the cause of democracy needs "VASSAR CLASS Or" 1333 Mrs. Hannah Shepherd spent a few er grandmother, The fabric poppy was and Mrs. THANKS TO GRANDMOTHER'S WAS BOND!" of last week visiting with his Bale. The ladles arrived to spend laboring In the East. leaders like him. considered but It was not selected days Mrs. mother Louise of Mothers' will and leave here, Shepherd day would because making this poppy Rita Andrews was hostess to the and his sister, Mrs. Gerald Sunday for their respective homes. Deep Summer by Gwen Bristow not provide sufficient employment Levan, Reading club on ThursBelliston of Nephi. Lt. Shepherd for the disabled veterans. Deep Summer is not only a day evening. May 4lli. President has been "The Need of the Hour Is the Gertrude last few romance but also a Tranter By 1924 it was seen that the months atstationed for the stirring Litany presided. Washington D C He Just topic In a series of lessons on was read by Mary Jensen. A fine of one of the most enthral'ing story epi- poppy program lent Itself more nat- left Thursday to report to San "What America Means" will be Federated proeram was presented sodes of American history th urally to the work of the women Francisco. given next Tuesday at the regular by Rita Andrews, Edyth Beckstead transition of Louisiana from a wll-- i than of men and The American or-pof the Re'lef Society meetings The subject dernes into a feudal empire. and Alden Beaelev. Legion gave the Auxiliary complete jationse Ladles, you are was the American Indian. (From time to time we will pre- Mr. and Mrs. Murren H. Worth-Ingto- n charge of the national program. invited to be present. Buy a Poppy! Wear a Poppy! have received Edyth Beckstend gave a review sent rf views of late additons to the word that of the history of Indian Literature I.Vphi Library, written by Mrs. their son, PFC M. Dean Worthing-to- n and gave four very interesting! Thelma .Hansen, a member of the has assed all required tests Coming Told Marriage legends, one of them about Grand .Lift ar y ooara.j Lsst Thursday evening, th Fine and has received a medal which Announcement m made of the Canyon. Rita Andrews gave a Arts club held their meeting at now makes him an expert infantryPFC Worthinsrton is with engagement of Miss Mary Olpin, history of Indian music, and to add the ome of Mrs. V. M. Foots. man. Rita Sperry Mrs. V. A.Beck was In chargj. The a division stationed at Camp Clair- - daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn to the enjoyment, Olpin, to Corporal Julian Overman played two piano solos, "By The pledge to the Flag and supplication oorne, ia. of Spokane, Washington. Waters of Mlnnetaunka" and the was repeated by the membership. Miss Olpin Is a graduate of Juab "Flute Song' an original Indian A splendid program was given by Mr. and Mrs. Owen N. Gibson high school and attended Weber melody. Verda Beck snnij two In- - and family of Preston, Idaho werr Mrs. John Richardson, "America's college at Ogden, where she was dian selections, "Pal Moon" and in Nephi over the week end. They Most Beloved Letters". A report elected president of the W A A Tand of the Sky Blue Waters" on Red Cross work was made by with their parents, Mr. and My BOSS SAYS JHt 2 and affiliated with the Whip club Alden Beagley presented an inter-- , visited Y the ladles. The following enjoyed Mr, jos(.ph H. Greenhaleh and MOST IMPORTANT SOINTS and Tau Iota on She estlnif and Arts Kappa review Indian Sorority. e A. Gibson, and with oth- Alice Mrs. the j enlng: i i has . been living in Ofrden for the CraftV nd- haA inmp" bountiful . :v"--- ;it Mrs. John Rlenardson, Mrs. v. nnu iiirnus. relatives umps yi'Hn at inr nonic 01 iavajo rues, wan nansnngs, nas- n AROUSE INTEMS7 A. Bck, Mrs. Earl H. Stee'e. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Olpin. At j kets and pictures to illustrate heri I Fred Wessel, Mrs. R. H. Stuart, n HOLD ATTENTION (J1 the present time she Is employed at stories. Ladies present were Lorna Compete Information with Mrs. Clyde Shaw, Mrs. Reeve G. AND F01KS nil It Utah I Supply Depot. Several Worthlnirton. Lpila Wilkev. Orscna card to the Commodity Credit Richardson, Mrs. A. L. Garbett, honhave In been her Loa .Corporation's 1944 Wool Purrhaese given parties Warner, Gertrude Tranter, Mrs. Ray Gndd, Mrs. Qiarls IT. or by friends In Oeden. Marv program has been received at the Oldroyd Marian Memmotj Foote. Mrs. John Ellison, Mrs.Ed. The are be to married at Jensen, Thelma Hansen. Itha Oadd, local orirce or tne AAA, according couple V Downs, Mrs. Warrillow Broush, ED RELD Ran Mateo, California where Cpl. Genevieve Belliston. Edyth Beck- to Wilford Bniley, chairman j o? the Mrs. Thomas Bailey, M s. Frank wen. Is as Overman an 1 I Instruct serving stead, Verda Beck, Alden Beatrley. local committee. Brov.gh, Mrs. Gilbert Maliey, the or at Fort Ord. California. Cpl. Gayle Bailey, a special guest Rita Wool BTowers who wlsn comnlete Bf.ftffk, Mrs. V. M. Foote and one 111 I M Overman was wounded In battle Sperry and the hostes, Rita An- - Information may contact th local' I visitor. i cfflM or Mi. Uallr, iiaiy. their many friends u - Anderson Heads JCC prllt fn:-;i.r.r1 v Wor-thingto- n, Review Given Farm News Of New Books From AAA At Library Office or rn -- - TaTS al 1 1 1 2, A 2 cX A V, i Shern "ES.d Provo-Timpano- VeorlySo g- ratlin11 w-r- N-p- bio-hi- m I ' Ol-se- n. 10-ye- ar i 10-ye- mat-er'al- s. re in i cor-din.- ly ' News of Nephi II I j , l". ' |