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Show PAGE SIX THE NEPIII, UTAH TIMES-NEW- Thursday, May 11, 1944 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT ror the W ho e Family SPARKY WATTS "V"T CHIBE, WE'VE LOCATEP SPARKY VWT-HTOOK E TH' BALLTEAM OWNERS PICK JIf WIM UP AFTER HG TAKE HER HOME -- AN' NO VJA TO PAUGHTER PINE I f -I- F V-'- HE 1.--1 a woeuv "?Hs T PON'T pitchf; YJjt Iftifcj Il tWJtS U"V"irtr'JJ'lS. " Jw M! MHiNb unih rklanp i fr'tilJw. mi n'K.'mwv -- 1 WON'T KISS you goodnight, :a1! i ) 1 HEPY HONEY f I'M STILL SO. ) ;M x rrT DOC STATIC V STRONG MY LIPS WOULP HURT you i V - BEST BUYS By BOODY ROGERS PSfTT 5 TART TH' S Fl THEN WE'LL BOTH 5E STRONG ANP YOU rrf PKOMISEP TO CHARGE ME WITH THE COSMIC RAYS, ALSO, WHEN HE AUTOMOBILES K7 MOTOR-HE- REAPY TO LEAVE LEAkN5 TO CONTROL THEM BETTER Check for yourself and fame of Babe THE glamour 60 cars to choose from All males, career began In 1914 when all models Trade and Terms he reported to the Boston Red Sox. The Babe Ruth that almost everyComplete line house trailers one knows stepped out beneath the and Finance Co. Morgan Motor 714 Sl Hill St. bit Uki City trait Una, U-great white spotlight at that date. But how many know the story of the Babe Ruth between the ages of 12 and 19 when he was a kid at the St. Mary's Industrial school in Baltimore? We happened to run across Brother Gilbert who knew the Babe in those early BEAUTY SCHOOL and far away days. "I was the baseball coach at Mt. Investigate the St. Josephs, around SCHOOL OF 1911." Brother GilBEAUTY CULTURE bert told me, "when Babe Ruth I first ran into the It Pays to Learn the Quish Way Send for Fr Catalog Babe. He was then 16 years old, a THE QUISH SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE tall, stringy kid, well built, but in no ass So. Mala St. - Salt Lak City, Utah ense bulky. "When I first saw the Babe play he was a catcher. He CHICKS FOR SALE wore his catcher's mitt on the left WHOLESALE PRICES on CHICKS swifthand and I was amazed at the ' After May 6th. All lDTer hatched, ness and the deftness he employed In breeds. A A Ursde 1U96, AAA til. 96, tossing aside his big mitt and throwHOP Slrudll2 U6. Seied chicks also. per UK). Writ ing to second with his left hand. It COLORADO Broiler Cockerels HATCHERY, 141 Lariarar, Deavaf was easy to see that the Babe was oo catcher but it was just as easy WHITE LEGHORN SPECIALISTS to see that he was a natural ballOver 30 years' production of superior chicks. player who had the winning spirit. A 100 pure, top ranking, money making The Babe just thought he had to win. LeRhorn strain. Straight run, $14.00, or Even as a young kid he could never pullet chicks, $28.00 per hundred or cockerel chicks, $5.00 per hundred. Volume discount. understand defeat. Order now. Write for tactual folder. "I watched him from that time PULLET FARM on. In one of the first important GRAHAM HATCHERY & Hayward, Calif. games I ever saw Ruth play he hit three home runs. He was a fine TJ. 8. APPROVED BLOOD TESTED hitter when he was only 12. There extra quality chicks from prize winning Leghorns $14. heavies $15, Legused to be three or four teams play- flocks. horn pullets $25. TOWLER, 1628 Third Salt Lake City, Utah. East St.. ing at St. Mary's and everyone wanted to see the young Babe swing a bat." G)nich OM3 rrrt No Impression LALA PALOOZA THAT WASN'T AT ALL NICE ITO Jf B5 TAUGHT 0 ' LOW- - ' OUT OF MY WAY, YOU BORN LOUT BEFORE I'M FORCED WA JW CXJT OF MY SAD WAY, T WHt-- j left-hand- By RUBE GOLDBERG i; OUCH 111111 l..til )( AS SAID WASN'T NE lOFS J , . The Earlier Years REG'LAR FELLERS BUMP HUDSON f SUR.E. is Dufna f yeah? ) .SITTING! OKI TOP OF "THE WORLD RAISING KANE I HE SHOWED UP AGGIE'S COSTUME PARTY DRESSED IN A NAPOLEON YEAH X ) (he. did?) TMrteS S4mcs By About the National League sure, 1 ( SUIT AN SAID HE WAS SEQRGE. WASHINGTON jjgOr 5N T SUCH A HOT AMBITION H H ASK THE ESKIMO Reunion it is ffli ! EVRYBODY KNOWS HE SHOULD 'A' WORE I JL mm iwh By J. MILLAR WATT I By FRANK WEBB Gee, it& eeev OVW TOWN By GENE BYRNES It's a Chilly Spot for Anyone POP "The time came," Brother Gilbert said, "when the Babe was ready to get his chance. So I recommended him to my close friend. Jack Dunn, Baltimore's famous manager. In the early training season Jack used the Babe at short, where he did all right. d But Dunn knew that a shortstop just didn't belong, so he moved Ruth into the pitching spot In his first real professional test he shut out the 1914 Athletics, American league pennant winners, 6 to 0. "He was then 19 years old, weighing around 185 pounds. Later he beat the 1914 Boston Braves 2 to 1 and as you remember the Braves whipped the Athletics four straight. The two pennant winners that season got just one run off the Babe in 18 innings. And he was then just a kid. The Babe's curve ball was just fair, but he had everything else, Including a cool head and a stout heart. Plus fine speed and control. "There was another time that spring where the Babe started a dou ble header. He was knocked out in the first inning xt the first game and then came back to win a shutout in the second." Brother Gilbert was a close friend of Jack Dunn's and Connie Mack's. I asked him why it was that Connie didn't get the Babe. "This is an odd story," Brother Gilbert said. "Early in 1914, the year that Babe started with Baltimore, he was offered to Mr. Mack for $10,000. "But it so happened at that time that Connie had too many good ballplayers. His Athletics had won the pennant In 1910. 1911 and 1913. They won again in 1914. They had been so good that they were beginning to draw smaller and smaller crowds. Early in 1914 when Connie could have bought Babe, he had such pitchers as Chief Bender, Eddie Plank, Bullet Joe Bush and I think Jack Coombs. He had a likely looking lefthander coming along by the name of Herb Pennock. He had one of his greatest ball clubs. 'I know this boy Ruth is a great ballplayer,' Connie told me. 'But I already have too many great players in my club. Why should I add another?' "I remember one game at St. Mary's when the Babe was only 17 years old. There was another ball game going on at another spot in the same field. When Rutb came to bat the other fellows stopped their game. " 'We'd better look out,' someone said, 'or that guy will kill somebody.' Ruth hit a low line triple that just cleared thrlr heads. "Ruth was a Rroat kid," Brother Gilbert said. "He was a kid who loved kids then and has loved kids all his life. We'd get him a few Jobs, but he'd never hold them long. He only wanted to play baseball to catch, to pitch, to play the infield and the outfield to knock the ball over some fence." A Matter of Dress WKCKS S eMAov I, I asaSUCH wiff1 'vY - Cee mm AND n fe W4S J Wv- t i could s(mi .ON tlKeTHIS. 1 TORT BENNIN6. GA. c i -- x r . ov . ' ".' i Li nTTr riUVATE KICK CROSS By Clyde Lewis , Roland Coe 'When we Jump at night. Sir, I like to tee if my 'chute opens!" nights ago I had the privilege of facing a group of wounded soldiers. They wanted to know who I thought would win the National Ion cue pennant. Here is my opinion: The Cardinals fcave a good prewar team. Billy Southworth has a big jump on hit league. The Cardinals may run away with the pennant before mid-JulMany managers rate the Reds, Pirates. Dodgers. Giants and Cubs in a compact bunch, giving the Phillies and Braves a chance. A few "Vnur son has an eee!lent touch when he's angry. I'nfortu-nateljhe's usually TOO anry to do anything hang J" r, i MonQtalnTTOwnandaccliniated for bealtb and production. U.S. spprored, C. 8. Pulloram tested stock. Heart es, le glioma All I popularbreeda.8exedorstra.ieht J run. Capacity over 76.0U0 weekly, J1j $ ' CHIROPRACTIC r CAN CHIROPRACTIC REALLY HELP YOU GET WELL? i Resul ts in Chiropractic a re baaed on two thine?: (1) is your condition recoverable, and (2) positive accuracy in securing the correct adjustment. By the new, scientific use of Neurocalometerandot her scientific procedure, a Precision -- Chiropractor determines if he can really help you. And then by this same scienti lie method , accurately adjusts misplaced vertebrae, definitely removing the nerve pressure, the primary cause of your sickness thus restoring normal function and health. This applies not only to stomach and heart trouble, Deuritisandlumbago, but to most all ailments. reveal the cause of your trouble. Let y See and judge for yourself. Only chronic or problem cases invited. Or. Roderick . Ross. Exclusively Precision Chiropractic Health Service, 235 South Main St., Salt Lake City. Pbone By appointment only ... Nurses' Training Schools MAKE UP TO WEEK as a trained nursel Learn quickly at home, gractical free. CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING, Dept. CW-- Chlcmco. OFFICE EQUIPMENT WE BUY AND SELL Furniture. Files, Typewriters, AddMachines, safes. Cash Registers. ing SALT LAKE DESK EXCHANGE M West Breaaway, Ball Lake City, Utah. Offle PLANTS loo TOMATO PLANTS. Assorted varieties. on larger Postpaid $1.00. Reduced orders. Lake Mea4 Farms,prices OTitlts, Nsv. Sprightly Hare The Jumping hare of Africa can leap as far as 20 feet. NO ASPIRIN FASTER pur. St. Joseph Aspirin. World', largest seller at 10. None safer. Bona surer. Why pay snore? Why aver Ch&n genuine, accept leasf Demand St. Joseph Aspirin. Acid Indigestion stbtd in f away badi m, la stoabla Whast 9mmm totoaet, arid cantM painfnl. nffnraiV war Kommrti and hfttvUmrn doetora oauallr mltlnia known r for prwKTibt tha f Mtrt-vcir- n thoaaln ftll-meHrinahb mrmptnmmtie a No luatira. brlnira comfort In a Trlta. or Arabia roar mnrf back oa ratara of boUia tfy i as. Sa st ail draggif. fna rtt1 WNU W 1944 May Warn of Dinordrre-- i Kidney Action Morlsrn lift with Its hurry snrf worry. IrTetrular habit. Improper eat in ami of cxtKMur and infecdriokinff its tion throws ba.vy strain on th work of tha kidneys. Thy ara apt to Iwnmt ever-taxr- d and fail to Alter fxrfm and snd other impurities from the rik blood, Toa aisy suffer aagtfng backache, hcadarh. dlszintus. fcttinj up niKhtn, lel constantly pains, swtMhni UrM, nervotta, all worn out. Other atfina of kidney or bladder diordr are mmp-tima- e burning, scanty or too frequent ar i nation. aa's Pflls. fwin'i help the Try trndy kidneys to pm off harmful waato. Thy havo bad more than half s eawtury of public approval. Are rernm mended by fratefuj users svarywber. A pmr neighbor I lf iri |