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Show Thursday, May I The Ith, 1944 WELCOME To Fifth Annual RAMBOUILLET and SHOW EPHRAIM FRIDAY AND SATURAY MAY t9 20 & Sanpete's Only Livestock Show During 1944 SEE CENTRAL UTAH'S BEST LIVESTOCK WORLD'S BEST RAMBOUILLET SHEEP PARADE, SPORTS, BOXING, BANDS ENJOY A FREE DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT! 11 For Further Information or Premium Book call or Write Glenn L. Bartholomew, Secretary, Ephaim, Utah . Seats are now avilable on Santa Fe Bus Schedules Leving Nephi SOUTHBOUND 8:30 PM. NORTHBOUND 3 PM lt'41. ;it A. M. on May, CARTER CAFE "x 347 - 1939. Con. Mng. Co. care of Jas. Morgan. Lot 75 blk 4 pint B. Eureka front door of tfve County Court House in Nephi, Juab County, Utah, I will offer for sale at pub1939. Raymond lic auction and sell to the highest Tax Sale No. 350 C. Pike care of Mary Ann Potts. biUdet for cash, pursuant to tha Lot 91 blk 4 plat B. Com. at pt provisions of Section which is S 5 deg. 26 ' E from .Sia.utes of Utah, 19.53, as tor No. 9 U. S. lot 231 N Ext. amended, the following described Ridg. 79.93 ft. N til deg. 30' E. real estaie situate in said County 30.38 ft to NE tor of lot 91 S and now liId by it under prelimin18 deg. 35 E 81.02 ft to SE ary tax sale. No bid for less than cor of lot S 71 deg. 47' W 30 the total amount of taxes, interest, ft N 18 deg. 32' W 75.42 ft penalty and costs which are a to NW cor of lot 91 to be,;. charge upon such real estate will Eureka be accepted. 8. Junior Livestock Nephi, Utah s, Page hvl NOTICE OF FINAL TAX SALE Local and Notice hereby given that Social News Saturday the 20th day of ax Sale No. Chief ten o'clock at Ihe is Sanpete Times-New- Re-vls- Be Mrs. V. F. Lake and son are visiting in Nephi at the home of her parents, Bishop and Mrs. P. B. Cowan, prior to their leaving for Portland, Oregon to join Mr. Lake. Mrs. Florence P. Kendall left this week wor Boyonne, New Jersey, where she will join her husband, Dee Kendall to make her COOL this summer in a New Seersucker DRESS New Stock Just Received! SIZES An announcement of interest by Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hanson of Blackfoot, Idaho, former residents of Nephi, is that of the recent marriage of their daughter. Miss Nelda Hanson, to Private Elsmere E. Brittain, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Franklin Brittain of Enid, Oklahoma. The ceremony took place in Enid with immediate members of the family present. After spending a short honeymoon in Oklahoma and Idaho Mrs. Brittain accompanied Private Brittain to' his base at Moroc, California. 9 TO 44 RED, BLUE, BROWN, STRIPES AND CHECKS home. 2-9- 5 and 3-9- 5 1939. Wilford Tax Sale No. 358 1& K. Redmond & Mary Redmond, Joint Tenants.. Pt. lot 22 blk 5 plat B Beg at SW cor of lot 22 th N 63 deg 48' E 51.33 ft Thomas Tax Sale No. 91939. to SE cor N 24 deg 42' W Vickers, Sarah Vickers Hall, & 10 A. M. to G P. M. Kxcept Store Hours 135.02 ft to NE cor S 64 deg Wednesday Winonah Miller Shirley. Pt. lol 33' W 53.47 ft to NW. cor. S 25 when we close at 1 P. M. 2 Blk 20 Plat A Beg. 107.25 It 37' E 135.65 It to beg. Eureka deg N of SW cor lot 2 th N 40 ft E 13 rds S 40 ft W 13 rds to 1939. Richard Tax Sale No. 366 -- BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS- beg. Nephi. Lot 3 blk 7 plat Jr. Eatough, Eui-ekB. 26 No. 1939 Mr. Sale L. and Mrs. Fay Morgan ';xSvedin & Edward Wilkey. Henry announce the birth of a son on SW'.i FOR SALE 27. Felt Golden of Barstow, lot 3 blk 10 Plat B. Nephi. Certified Bliss 1939. Mrs. M. Thursday, April Tax Sale No. 371 was a visitor Sunday at the Triumph Seed Potatoes Also 34 L. 7 Lot blk 3. 1939 Edwin Garrity. Tax Sale No. 44A ssiplat in choice law and his of brother club home 20th on The met eating potatoes. Reasonable Century Eureka. A. Baik'y. Sec 32 12 S 1 E. Beg Mrs. Kendall. June Mr. and 4 prices. ter, at the Ray Strate, Sprang City Thursday afternoon, May 60 rd. 2 lk E & 53 rd 6 lk N Tax Utah. Phone 4J3. 1939. Mrs. Ella home of Mrs. J. L. Beliston. Re-- ! Sale No. 373 of SVV ';or of SEU of sec th N con-of The issue on 1 week's In last and state the 12 district B 8 Noiman. blk ports Lot plat 19 rd 10 lk E 21 rd S 32 rd W Beg. at SW cor of lot N 24 O1 SALJ; 2 rd N 12 rd 15 lk W 19 rd to Six pairs of men's N 44' 25.30 ft 72 deg Jones, Mrs. Wilford Pratt, Mrs! C.'cf a "daughter" to Captain and W deg Sizes beg. Pt Blk 41 Plat C. Section It has been Slightly 08' E. 15 ft to E side line S R. Jenkins, Mrs. Bent R. Brvan Mrs. Dennis Winter. worn. Non rationed. A real 32 Township 12 S Range 1 E. bar 20 deg. 27' E 20 ft to SE cor. and Mrs. J. L. Belliston. Refresh- - drawn to our attention that the Christensen Shoe gain. Inquire Nephi. boy. We lot S 66 deg. 32' W 40 ft to beg. ments were served by Mrs. Bellls- - new arrival is an Shop. ton, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Bryan, apologize to Captain and Mrs. WinEureka. 1939 Thomas Tax Sale No. 66 oflicers of the club who acted as ter (Eunice Irons) and extend our C. Iliff. Trustee. Pt lot 3 blk Tax Sale No. 374 1939. Mrs. E!!a hostesses to the following mem- - j congratulations to them on the new PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP 30 plat A Beg at NW cor of 18 8 Norman. blk Lot plat B. bers ; Mrs. Thomas Bailey, Mrs. C. "Captain" NOTICE. Consult County Clerk lot 3 in S 100 ft E 100 ft N 100 Eureka. R. Jenkins, Mrs. C. R. Lomax, or Respective Signers for Additft W 100 ft to beg. Levan. LAUNDRY Mrs. Wilford Pratt, Mrs. Earl Reid, HELP WANTED ional Information. Tax Sale No. 393 1939. Elizabeth Mrs. Max HLPER. 2 days per week. Good Thomas and Mrs. L. J. 1939. John L. Tax Sale No. 86 18 blk 1 Plat Wade. lot Hassell. Pt HOTEL NOTICE TO CREDITORS pay. FORREST Ellertson. Pt lot 4 blk 4 Plat C E. Sub. "E" Beg at cor No. 7 Recently the club met at the Beg at SE cor lot 4 th N 16 5 U. S. Lot No. 231 th S. 74 deg. home Estate of Lorenzo Pace, deceased. PLANTS TOMATO SALE of FOR Mrs. J. Walter Paxman ft W 13 rd N 12 rd W 6.5' 40' W 11.3 ft th S 40 deg. 44' where Creditors will present claims with Mrs. A. PLANTS, CABBAGE W. heard Peppers, they ft S 215.4 ft E 221 ft to beg. 7 E 15.6 ft th S. deg. 50' E of Provo talk on Poetry. Cauliflower plants and others. vouchers to the undersigned at Mona 55.9 ft th S 9 deg. 42' E 8.6 Clyde of P. N. Anderson, attorney Mrs. Clyde read poems by modern LeRoy Olsen, Santaquin, Utah. office ft to pt on E bdy of Lot. No. 18 & and for adminVtrators, Venice Build1939 George writers and parTax Sale Mo. 115 contemporary place of beg. th S 9 deg. 42' ticularly enjoyable were the verses FOR SALE E. Kay. Sec. 19 11 S 1 E Beg Collapsible Baby ing, Nephi, Utah on or before the E 24 S 63.4 deg. 13' E. written day of July, A. D. 1944. members in the armed at pt on W side of SL RR R of 8.6 ft th ftS th Carriage, with springs. In good 12th 87 deg. 51 min W. 30 services by L. Alen Pace and Alfred W. Pace, of our country. Mrs. ClarCondition. Phone 232J. W which is 1320 ft S & 527 54' 11 N ft W. 69.8 ft th ence th deg. administrators of estate of Lorenzo a daughter of Mrs. ft W of NE cor of SE4 of Sec N 88 deg. 50' E 29.0 ft m or 1 Clyde, Gowers, size Pace, deceased. read several of her mothers WANTED TO BUY th W 551.6 ft to old contour Large to with a Rt. cf poems which were greatly apprecbeg. Together line of Ut. Valley Land & Water tricycle In good condition. Mrs. Dates of publication: May 1, 18, Way through Lot 18. Eureka. iated by those In attendance. and 25, and June 1, 1944. Merle Garbett, phone 155W. Co. Res. th following Res. S 24" j 15' E 60.8 ft S 18 dez 35' E Tax Sale No. 395 1939. T. Geo. 4 235.3 ft S 4 deg 35' E 36.7 ft Castleton. Lot 9 N.' Ext Zulu leaving old contour E 418.6 ft to I ode, blk 3 plat E, Beg. N 2 THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... W side of RR Rt of W th along deg. 17' E 1031.6 ft from cor RR Rt of W N 4 deg 44' E 329.3 No. 1 U. S. Lot 231, S 42 ft to beg. 3.61 ac. Section 19 39' E 83.7 ft. S. 47 deg. deg. 11', Township 13 S Range 1 E. W 16 ft, N. 42 deg. 39', W. 83.7 tl I U- p- ,i . rJ I UcHV-- a N 47 E 16 11' to ft Eur1939. deg Thomas 225 No. beg. Sale Tax eka. P. Kendall, Adm. Est., toward Kendall. Sec 36 13 S 1 W Com Tax Sale No. 396 1939. Western NW cor of NEVi of NEtt th Amusement Co. Lot 23 N Ext. W 160 rd th S 80 rd th E Ridge Lode, blk 3 plat E, 4 132 rd th N 19 deg 18' E 84.7 int Beg E bdy line of N Ext. rd to beg. 73 ac. Less 9 ac for Ridge no. 231 N 5 deg 26 ' W RR & Co road. Section 36 Town705.52 ft from cor No. 10 In S. 1W. 13S Range ship 56 deg 31'. AV 62.4 ft to SE cor th N 21 deg 38', W 36.8 ft 1939. Erastus Tax Sale No. 245 h N 32 deg 56' W 62.5 ft. S. P. Peterson. Sec 30 T 14S R IE 57 deg. 16" W. 23.7 ft. S. 30 of cor NE S 60 fr rds Beg deg. 14' E 98.7 ft N. 56 de?. NWV Sec. 30 th E 20 rds S ?1'. E. 20.6 ft to SE cor of beg. 20 rds W 20 rds S 1V4 rds W Eureka. 109 rds N 21V6 rds E 109 rds. to beg. 13.34 V4160 ac Tax Sale No. 399 1939. Dora Duncombe care of Amelia D. 1939. David lax Sale No. 253 ivey. Lot 42 Last Chance blk 1 Lorin Turner. Sec. 18 T 16S R plat F Com. at pt on E side line IE EVi of NW1 80 ac. of U S lot 261 at N 6 deg 28' San 1939. Tax Sale No. 290 W 57.50 ft from cor No. 4 of j Pedro Oil Co. care of Henry M US lot 261 th S 82 den- 2fi' W ' Doll. Sec. 27 15 S. 1W. NW Y.3 ft N 5 deg. 43' W. 61.64 ft N. of NEV; Ett of NWV; SWV 82 deg. 32' E 6.45 ft S 6 deg 28 of NW',i; NWVi of SW14. 200 E 61.63 ft to beg. Eureka. ac. Section 27, Township 15S Tax Sale No. 401 Range 1 W. 1939 Aug. A. Wetters.trom care of Claus Ros-tro1939 San Tax Sale No. 291 Pt lot 5 blk A W',4 of lot Pedro Oil Co. care of Henry M. Robinson Townsite. Mammoth. Doll. Sec. 28 15 S 1 W. NE14 of SE'i 40 ac Section 28 Town- Tax Sale No. 402 1939. Elizabeth Annie Champion care of T. W, ship 15S Range 1W. 4 lot Pt blk B. S 93 Naylor. 1939 San Tax Sale No. 292 "Glad yoa dropped in. Judge, I wsa just stock feed. Only the starch is remove i ft of lot. Robinson Townsl'e, Pedro Oil Co. care of Henry M. to explain to Mary what you told us Mammoth. trying during distilling... the part recovered is 1W of All 32 15 S Doll, Sec down at lodge last night. ..about all the highly-prize- d concentrate containing valu sec 63291 ac Section 32, Tax Sale No. 407 1939. Angelo able proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The not really grain used to distill Schennu. Lots 27 & 28, blk B. Township 15S Range 1W. Middle town Mammoth. being used up. She didn't realize it, either." ' distilling industry really has taken a leadir 1939 MargarTax Sale No. 322-"It's true, Mary. Wherever the govern part in the development of new cattle a;, i 1 Tax Sale No. 408 et D. Shea. Pt lot 25 Blk 1939. Steele meat has permitted distillers to purchase Sorenson. Lot 7 blk F plat Middle Plat A Beg at pt. S. 29 de loultry feed products from reprocess - l the equipment necessary to reprocess t!.e 08' E 8.01 ft from SE cor Lot town, Mammoth. products rich in vitamins Bi anused grain, at least 50 of the feed val 5, th S 29 deg 08' E 82 ft essential to satisfactory grow: B2...80 Tax 411A No. Sale ' 1939. 58 Ada E 14.82 ft S S 30 deg 16 whole grain is of and (25 the And the recovery of gra .ii weight) by production. of lot 5 E'4 12 blk Silver 65 S Peay. deg deg 06' W 71.01 ft recovered like will to returned farms and also to being the making of whicy 29" apply E 58 City. 15' W 116 ft N deg live-- . when production U resumed." youra in too form of premium-qualit- y 186 ft m or 1 to beg. Eureka Tax Sale No. 416 1939. Willis Robinson & Genova L. Robinson, 1939. Lester Tax Sale No. 326 tenants. SEVi Joint Sec. 16 Tp. R. & T. Sterling Taylor. Pt lot 10 S Kge 3 W. 160 ac. Thin 26 blk 2 plat A Com at NW cor of lot 26 N 26 deg 28' E Tax Sale No. 422 1939. Jaa.H. 79.16 ft N 42 deg 10' E 37.94 ft Gullmette. Sec 12 11 S 17 W. S 36 deg 6 E 87.14 ft Wly SV4 of SE 80 ac Section 12 to W fide line of lot 26 N Townsh.p 11S Range 17W, 36 deg. 15' E 38.76 ft S 55 deg. 3' W 48.61 ft to beg. Eureka, Tax Sale No. 427 1939. Milan' .. 1933. John & Packard, C. A. Starr, A. L. Starr Tux Sale No. 327 2 & W. A. Starr. Good Luck. Sur. Minnie Davy. All of lot 31 blk No. 4481. 18.082 ac. plat A. Eureka 1939. Hannah Tax Sale No. 428 Tax Sale No. 331 1939. W. A. Samson Lot 17 blk 3 plat A, Et al Champion & ChamStarr All of lot 17. Eureka. pion No. 1 Sur. No. 5969 & 6080. 25 681 ac. Leone 1939. 336 No. lax Sale A 7 33 blk Plat lot Tex Sale No. 429 1939. Mary L. Campbell. Pt Criamon care of D. S. Spencer. Beg SW cor lot 33 N 59 deg 04' E 149.18 ft N 30 deg 32' Fish Springs Mining District W 176.5 ft m or 1 to pt on N interest In: Nevada, Lot No. 51, 19 61 33 S lot line 15.35 acres. (15 Interest In 15.35 deg bdy W 128.54 ft S 58 deg 47 W 16.59 acre). 16' E S 29 cor NW to ft deg 1939. Joseph-- 1 Tax Sale No. 431 181.54 ft to beg. Eureka. let your car become a war casualqp. Ine Kelly. H interest In: MargarDON'T 1939 MargarTax Sale No. 339 No. 19.233 6039, Acrei. its mileage with (request inspecet, Survey et Harrington. Lot 3 blk 1 plat B Vi Interest in 19.223 acres.) actd with tions timely atteoiioo to oesded adEureka. 1939. Frank Tax Sale No. 436 sod repairs. justments 1939. Mary A Tax Sale No. 342 N. Spencer Jr. Red McGlynn, You can 3261. PotU Lot 25 blk 3 plat B. .066 No. acres. upon your nearby Srodebfcr depend Survey Eureka 1939. Jcne Tax Sale No. 437 dealers' mechanics for good work. They use Sullivan, 1 3 Int. Mamie, Ag'lc wartime serricing meth1939. Sarah special factory-devise- d Tax Sale No. 344 & Shelby Sullivan 13 Int. car B. 54 blk 4, plat ods that save your time, your tires, your gaso Arrigona. Lot of Mrs. John Morrison. Damflno, Eureka Lot No. 262, 13.673 ac. line, your money and your car. 1939. Thelma Tax Sale No. 346 IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have Griesra. Pt lot 64 blk 4 plat B, hereunto set my hand and official IIP YOUR CAR U t TO PAR Beg at pt on S bdy line of lot seal this 14th day of April 1944. WITH ITUDIBAKIK SERVICi 64 at N 65 dog 48' E 48 ft from PR1SC1LLA WILSON SW cor N 65 deg. 48' E 33.54 (Seal) Auditor County ft to SE cor of lot 65 N 5 leg. Juab County, Utah I 3T W 11734 ft to NE cor f nt 65 S 70 4eg 21' W4859 ft Dates of publication: April 20 and to pt. S. 14 deg. S3 E 11& ft 27, May 4 and 11, 1944, la The Ttmea-Newto b Euraka Nephi Utah. Tax Sale No. 81939. Spencer Forrest. N of Lot 3 blk plat A Nephi. E. - MLvlusitJi IauUvs Shop a -- I 1 V I'm bugs on UJ cars- - war-alcoh- ol A I'd hardly think I'm a real American if I didn't always hanker after the latest thing in automobiles. Most everyone feels the same wanting a new car. So even with Peace, is some new car with my number on it coming right off tha assembly line? Who knows? I'm well off, though still riding handsome because I kept thinking of all the different oils to help a car. And I noticed ad after ad agreeing that your engine always forms acids inside... Risky... Bad danger of corrosion. But a station man showed me a can of Conoco N" motor oil, and it said that a modern synthetic in Conoco N'A furnishes the like a special working parts with surfacing to resist the acids; not letting them easily eat metal away. So you needn't fret too much for a new car, when a switch to Conoco N" e oil will safely your engine right now. Let the future car improvements try beating that I oil-plati- oil-plat- CONOCO 2 MOTOR OIL Tiffyour csrh sfip sfepe forsumner. ifudebaker service is t3 More Mileage service E. R. a, SHAW |