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Show Tho Page Four Nephi, Utah Times-Naw- s. Local - Social TIMES - NEWS News THE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL $32.50 SPRING FILLED MATTRESS 17.50 WITH PAIR OF PILLOVS FREE Mattresses Remade without Springs $4 up We call for and Deliver FREE. Time payments arranged. No Extra charge for crerit. Write OVERMAN'S MATTRESS COMPANY 54 No. 4th West PROVO, UTAH "Where Better Mattresses are Made" Box 115 Nephl, Utah Thursday, Dec. 28, T939 Local - Social News He Works Next Door to Eternity Published at Nephl, Juab County Rex Christensen of Cedar City William a student at the Utah, each Thursday. Entered a U. S. A. C.Jarrett, at the home of his father, at Logan Is spending visited e the Christmas holidays with his J. A. Christensen on Christmas day. second class matter at the at Nephl, Utah, under the act parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Boswell of of March 3, 1879. visited with friends and relaMiss Marie Kendall and Norman tives In Nephi Sunday and Monday. . Editor, Manager A. B. GIBSON Mastro of Salt Lake City spent Mrs. Kate Bowles, Mises Gerald-in- e SUBSCRIPTION RATES Christmas at the home ot Miss Bowles and Miss Catherine $2.00 Kendall's mother, Mrs. John One Year Bowles spent Christmas in Provo. Six Months Post-offic- $1-0- Miss Florence a student Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Belliston at the B. Y. U. atCrane, Provo is Miss Ruth Lunt and Miss Francis ing the holidays with her spendHaycock of Salt Lake City spent Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Crane parents, Lnrisimas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lunt. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Christison and Joel Christison of Price are Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Winter mH spending the holidays at the home baby of Tooele, and Miss Norma of Mrs. Mabel Christison. stepnenson or Salt Lake City are Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Butler of spending the holidays at the home : ' I- i of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dividend spent Christmas day in f.- -4 W. Stephenson. Nephi at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Christison. Miss Lola Nilsson of Ogden is Miss Fay Bailey of Moroni is visspending the Christmas holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and iting with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mrs. R. F. Nilsson. Mr. and Mrs. Christensen during the Christmas Joseph Roland of Montana spent holidays. Christmas day at their home. Mr and Mrs. C E. Horricks and Lawrence Memmott of Veyl, and sons Richard and Marian of Salem Byron Memmott, a student at the spent. Sunday at the home of her U. S. A. C. at Logan are spending parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Christhe Christmas holidays with their tiansen. parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clyde of American Fork spent Christmas at and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parker of the home of their Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mar-to- n daughter, Gowers. of Logan visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Nilsson Sunday. Rex Hawkins, who is attending They were enroute to California. the Utah State Agricultural college is spending the holidays at the Mr. and Mrs. Monte Bailey of home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Logan are spending the holidays Earlus Hawkins. ilmiiiA fcflliiLi'iiillliiiilBililil'llIii with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. iwi Jfei&:iB& Gilbert Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Miss Geraldine Cazier of the U. Tather" Divine, hand in Docket, strolls from the New York Supreme court after his initial appearance Lynn Jackson. S. A. C. at Logan and Marsden Caz as defendant in a suit brought against him by two of his disappointed "angels." The suit was brought by Miles Romney of the U of U in ier of the B. Y. U. at Provo are Mrs. Verinda Brown, right, and her husband, Thomas, for the return of $4,475 she says they turned over to him. Lake City and Wayne Rom- spending the Christmas holidays at Salt wonderful." is to that find the failed down "peace Even with this payment they home of their parents, Mr. and ney of the B. Y. U. in Provo spent the Christmas at the home of their Mrs. Gerald Cazier. brother-in-laand sister, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Oran Foote and Mrs. Raymond Bailey. children, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Kay and children of Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Beck enter- spent Christmas at the homeCity of tained at a holiday dinner Wednes- their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel day. Those present were Mr. and Nielson. Mrs. C. Willardson and daughter Melba, Miss Margie Anderson, Miss Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Knight of Flora Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Salt Lake City are visiting this C. Willardson and family, Mr. and week at the home of their son and Mrs. J. Wilford Anderson and Boyd daughter-in-laMr. and Mrs. L. M. Knight. Berry, all of Ephraim. and Jay Gowers of the B. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Anderson en4 Y. Don U. at Provo spent Christmas at tertained at a family dinner on f VS. it , ALaT the home of their grandparents, Christmas day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gowers. Don Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Anderson and returned to Provo Monday, and family of Spanish Fork, Mr. and re- Mrs. Miles Anderson and will remain " 1 for the here . Jay i daughter, mainder of the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips and children and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ockey and si and children. t son of Salt Lake City spent the Lyman week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Ockey. They also had as their guests on Christmas day, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ockeyof Salt Lake City. Rebel 'Angels' Seek Redress From Father Divine fr c :i l ,i Vi,: ft ' .i . i ikbMmmmJL A Huge gains in manufacture of munitions for domestic use is evidenced in busy munitions plants in the United States. Here a worker in a Dover, N. J., arsenal rivets the timing head on the end of a 75mm shell, one of the plant's most dangerous jobs. Workers are so busy they have little time to worry about the shadow of danger which hangs over the factory where death is packed into steel cylinders. son-in-la- w ;: France's Heavy Artillery Trains on Siegfried line y0l:y-'y e J t , i ' - i , Vi- - ; , , r...il..,yiJlB . Our ',.r ' ' . "Wjfc , H t Mrs. Unity Chappell will leave on January 1st for Los Vegas, Nevada, where she will visit with her son Mr. and Mrs. and daughter-in-laLawrence Chappell. From there she will go to California and Join Mrs. D. K. Brown. They will go to Arizona, and work for six weeks in the Mesa, Arizona temple. WHITTLING THE NEWS DOWN TO K' J.' 4, Humanized discussions on topics of the day, written so every reader will enjoy them, are presented regularly in these columns by Joseph W. LaBine, popular feature writer. Keep abreast of the times, keep informed on vital subjects in the public eye by following LaBine't weekly stories. J V'O' BIDE 1 & DR31CE in the miRROR Roam ' 'SUPPEr SHT CLUB , My wtft It o oil of th . i wt IIys loss. pays smart Sht rtadt thopptr. WORLD.. 1 . . m AN UMP I HIS DOG AND St Fl Iff A . tW T J i Ads and btttr for Advertising - YOU1 exception-- , p ally moderate prices. EXCELLENCE -- . vT' - nf six this no,ed Am8"can art- ist created, exclusive- Her First ', it',-- , tI J i ' i '. ! W . f 1 iff-'. I f i Christ-ai- : ' . ; -- 1 is'l i I ; -- ly lor Arnold Constn- - I oldest partment store Note the eleven yards of Dink net Bwnnni n ri out from just above . me Knee ' - f- black crepe evening I gown, one ol a col- Ftlth Avenue P'e. New York's de- American League Umpire) Georqs Pip-gras at his home recently with his dog just before the Florida Hunting season opened lor duck, deer, and turkey 1 "GAY TWENTIES" is I the name Russell Pat- - Iterson. (insert) gives ' to this P"c.l slim lection "vs 'ViVX" .t-- - ys7s I '"J tXit. , I' Ts I1 ' V ai Tree Snapping the lights on and off is great fun thinks this little fifteen months old miss IN EVERY ISSUE STANOARO . -- JMVM S at food LAKE'S PAR Superb Cuisine - Scintillating Music Mi I Vf i yA j,, P.t.r.k.rf SIZE IN Tri i .j Cafeteria Embassy Buffet Oak Dining Room V raw L.'i HIGHEST WA(?ES AMD HIGHEST LIVING ( Visit our famous Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stimson and son J. C, and Mrs. Margaret Stimson of Ogden, Miss Nelda Cow-i- n and Mr. and Mrs. Reid Hoover if Salt Lake City are visitors at the home of Bishop and Mrs. P. B. Cowan during the Christmas LITTLE MAN WHAT NOW? program, now in progress, makes avail. able the finest Hotel ac- commodations in the Wesl a' ,he POP"" w V I'll Shown here are the more powerful guns used by French troops' in front line combat. No. 1 shows machine gunners in action, preparing to back up the Maginot line. No. 2 is a huge railway gun, run out on its spur track and aimed at some point in Nazi Germany. No. 3 is a trench mortar in action. The missile resembles a smll aerial bomb. It is fired from the mortar on a high trajectory to drop down upon its objective, firing upon contact. No. 4 shows the interior of giant tanks carrying field guns, preparing to bore toward the Siegfried line into German territory. ' - 000 modernize! S200 tion It , . Chicago Ldson A Smith ol Detroit left lor second successive yar captures title of World's Champion Truck Driver by d footing entries from twenty states at National Truck Rodgo, Chicago He is being congratulated by Harvey C Frue- laul, commercial railer man u f a cl Detroit Trank Steed of Jsorgia was also lor the econd successive - y x GOWN OF COKE, SAIT AND LIME- (left) lane House, New York City model, dressed in a gown made ol a new material known as won a prize at t h Second Annual Rubber Ball held In Akron. Ohio, December 2 Koroseal is manufactured of limestone, coke and salt and was discovered in the laboratories ol The B F. Goodrich Company. STONE run-ier-- A f ft. |