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Show The Page Eight ti Nephi, Utah Times-New- s, Thursday, Nov. 3, 1938 UTE STAMPEDE ELECTION OF OFFICERS YOUNG AMERICANS ALLEY'S Notice of the annual election of officers under article 4 of the bylaws of the UTE STAMPEDE ASSOCIATION, INC. is hereby called for on the second Wednesday of November, 1938, the same being November 9, 1938. All persons interested in the association are requested to come. The annual election will be held in the Court House at 8 P. M. on November 9, 1938. There are seven directors to be elected at this meeting. These seven men will have charge of the Ute Stampede for 1939. In the past only a few, and a very few, have attended this meeting. If any person Is at all interected in seeing the continuation of the Ute Stampede it is earnestly requested that they be on hand at this election. Signed: E. H. Steele, Secretary Every day after school thousands of young American school children come to O. P. S. Stores to buy the family's daily food. Mothers send them with confidence and we do try to merit that confidence. 1 SUGAR WILL ADVANCE IN PRICE MONDAY. BUY YOUR SUPPLY FRIDAY OR SAT-DA- ' 100 lbs FINE BEET 25 bs .... 10 bs SUGAR POWDERED SUGAR 3 bs BROWN SUGAR 3 bs FLOUR Golden loaf 48 lb bag COFFEE S. & W. or Folgers lb SOUP Heinz 3 17c Y. $5.39 $1.39 56c 25c 25c 1C 12c a 89C 27C MC 10c cans POLKA DOT The 15c Bluing plcg ,Peets Granulated FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BARGAINS LIMA BEANS Large and choice 2 lb .... GREAT NORTHERN BEANS 2 lb .... IOC RED MEXICAN BEANS 2 lbs ; MACARONI 2 lb FIGS Fresh canned 17 oz can H0C Ig plcg CAAD Crystal White 6 bars .... HAND Soap 4 bars CORN FLAKES Kelloggs 3 for RAISINS Blue Ribbon Ig 15 02 pg 3 for BEANS Navy 4 lbs for MACARONI Fancy cut 2 lbs for MINCE MEAT With rum flavor lb .... wyr 17c U FANCY No. 2 cans 3 23C 19c 17c 15c 12C for 25C IOC ORANGES Fancy Sweet dozen GRAPE FRUIT Fancy Arizona 2 for PALMEGRANETTS Large 2 for LETTUCE Large solid 5c 5c 5c In 18C es one-tent- h Irish 5c 5c 5c 5c are sev- but not as weigh considerably less, writer in the Washington says Post. Giant dogs, like runts, "just happen." They may be born to any large breed. However, dog of they are much scarcer than runts. eral inches larger, chunky, NOW: Avoid This ilJS - I.I FOOD J Put in Anti Freeze Install Radiator Front Overhaul Carburetor Clean, Adjust Tappets Check and Adjust Plugs Clean out the Carbon Grind all the Valves Check, reset Timing Tighten Bolts and Pump 4 A Tka mt 300 V. Tta a--4 POST BRAN FLAKES Silver Maple Service 2 $1.09 .09 3kgs WHEAT pkg CANNED ORANGES 5 cans . RED ALASKA SALMON tall can TUNA FLAKES 2 cans CRISCO 3 lb can 0 BARS GIANT P. & G SOAP 5 BARS GIANT IGA SOAP IGA OATS Large pkg MOTHERS CHINA OATS pkg OXYDOL SOAP POWDER pkg 3 pkgs 5 oz Seedless RAISINS PUFFED Mrs. Edith Allison was hostess to the following ladies at her home one day last week: Myrth Oldroyd, Etta Rasmussen, Delia Robertson, Etta Hansen, Ida Oldroyd, Rachel 4 Coulson, Beth Nielson and Devona Crowther. The Home Economics club are sponsoring an Armistice day dance in the Fountain Green Amusement hall, Friday, November 11. 1 2 lb jar PEANUT BUTTER 0 lb SUGAR CLOTH BAG 1 Miss Alice Smyth of Mt. Pleas- ant visited in Fountain Green with Friends recently. 20c Mrs. M. A. Hansen of Bingham is visiting at the home of Mrs. H. C. Hansen. 25C Mrs. Euleda Cook entertained the Stake Primary Board at her home Wednesday evening. 20C 35c 1 79c 49c 49c Mrs. Velora Collard was hostess to the Select club at her home on Friday evening. 25c 5c 23c 22c y 23C 1 Mrs. Jean Aiken and children of Salt Lake City visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Anderson. 18C 37c tC 19C 29C 20C 19c 25c 55c BANANAS Firm and ripe lb CELERY Crisp bunches 2 for 15c YAMS 3 lbs 16C C Pratt Mercantile Co. 2 VP , Mrs. Arvilla Jacobson spent in Ephralm visiting with Coast's Prize Rhode Island Reds Rubbing f J. N. Thornton, president of the Utah Teachers association was the A. meetguest speaker at the ing held Monday evCg- - Following his address a very good movie was shown to all, free of charge. Mrs. Emma Seeley received word Thursday of the sudden death Mt. Pleasant of her aunt, Mrs. Emma F. LaMont. Mrs. Sarah Augason was hostess to the Literary club at her home on October 28th. A fine program was given and refreshments were jf -- - Foe tootti fHorf Shlno lilt Hw Stan' ytsif 4lf wWi purchase f 4 ox. far Calox Tooth Powder Albotae Soid rasa f"3 M M. Mi iMnl Maori Tooth Paste 4 Value 100 'SuccattM Formula McKctien'i Corn Remedy - 1 7 Si tub fil 42m ton's Mi ntf Citrated Carbonates CUinsborMgk DtUis i ' OLD QUAKER NOW 3 YEARS OLD A Tho Ordinal MaOKinrt OH Whiskey of Ripe Maturity Full-Bodi- ed Pun toothing McKotton't Liquid A!tc!ene ix69 WHISKEY NEWS FLASH! Yodora WcK Mmftd Photograph shows George Cvetcovlch with his two prize Rhode Island Red cockerels, which won high honors at the Pacific International live ttock exposition at Portland, Ore. The two birds, first prize winner, right, and the grand champion of the whole show, left, copped for their owner more prizes than one man ever won before. McKmn'i Aspirin Tablets 39 r 27f Smofx Milk of Magnesia yj Theatrical Cold Cream AT NIGHT. 11 Just received direct from the makers When a good whiskey gets even better that's News! Old Quaker, COME IN AND GET OUR HOT WATER PINT No. fii QUART No. " al- ready one of America's largest selling straight whiskies, is now a year older a year richer. Now, at 3 yeara it has, i. we toeueve, reached its lull maturity for it is aeed in temnerature con- trolled warehouses the year round, checked for quality 51 separate times from grain to glass! , You will appreciate the rich flavor of this Bound, whiskey. Today try Old Quaker. ....... KEEP THE KIDDIES WARM PICK UP AND DELIVERY! CALL US AT NEPHI 246 REGULAR WE FEATURE BALL BAND RUBBER GOODS Mrs. Ora Mayer entertained the Gloom Busters club at her home Tuesday evening. STORES St Rent Y"- VatiM A thorough check now it advised if you want to avoid delay and costly repairs LATER. We have experience and equipment to give and guarantee a satisfactory job. IES FOR .... CHILDRENS SCHOOL DRESSES 2 or $ MENS WINTER WEIGHT UNION SUITS BOYS WINTER WEIGHT UNION SUITS MISSES UNIONS Several Styles LaVere Hoiman of Ely, Nevada visited over the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoiman. caopMiM UP ALL LEADING HOUSE DRESSES $1.00 VALUES NOW KNOWN i. 9mm 10 Antiseptic i IN "WE SELL Mrs. Devona Crowther entertained Sunday afternoon honoring her son Doyce, on his eleventh birthMr. and Mrs. Theodore Allen of day anniversary. Twelve of his Santaquin are the parents of a friends were present. son. born Friday October 28. Mrs. Mrs. Rena Crowther entertain Allen was formerly Zola Hoiman of ed a few friends at her home this city. WINTER TUNE-U- P mm MAGAZINES. The time Wednesday afternoon. was spent in chatting, after which a hot chicken dinner was served. Ft. Green News YOUR CAR NEEDS A WINTER lb BRANDS ADVERTISED The Social Hour club entertained Sunday evening at a party in the form of a Housewarming, for one of its members, Mrs. Lena Livingston, who has recently moved into her new home. "A SURETY OF PURITY" mwl A COMPLETE J J.jJ Milk of Magnesia TUNE beef LOOK FOR THE NATIONALLY 20C Wolfhounds -- U gP.SKAGCS 1BC ( Do This LATER YAMS Louisiana lb LETTUCE Solid head BANANAS, firm and ripe lb GRAPE FRUIT Texas Pink each 35c Heaviest of Dog-- Family Heaviest of all dogs are St. Bernards. But they normally average from 125 to 135 pounds in weight, have shoulder heights of 28 or 29 Inches. 1C 1C 20C We BUY LOCAL BEEF, PORK, VEAL, LAMB AND EGG8 United State Owns Many Islands The number of Islands owned by the United State's outside the boun-jariof the United States proper Is estimated at more than 9,000. "Island" is not easy to define as frequently the larger oceanic islands are surrounded by innumerable islets. There are about 7,000 In the Philippine archipelago alone of which have an area of a square mile or more each. 19c 7c SQUASH Banana or Hubbard lb ONIONS No. I Spanish lb BETTER VALUES Ft. Green News IOC COUNTRY SAUSAGE lb CHEESE New rineless whole milk lb MINCE MEAT Very good quality lb GROUND BEEF 2 lb Our MEAT Dept. ROASTS Grain fed baby beef lb .... FRESH BACON pound GROUND BEEF Fresh ground 2 lbs for LAMB ROASTS Shoulder lb SAUSAGE Pure Pork 15c 15c POT ROAST Milk fed baby 5C YAMS Louisiana lb MATCHES 6 boxes BROWN SUGAR 2 lb CATSUP 2'2 size cans COFFEE Blue Can Hills lb ORANGE JUICE 12 oz cans QC 19c 17c 17c CORN PEAS BEANS 25C QUICK QUAKER OATS Large plcg .... 1 8C MILK Any Brand 4 cans 2rffC BLUE SUPER SUDS Large plcg PALMOLIVE 3 bars CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP 5 giant bars PEACHES Mission 2 large cans .... 2fiC CORN Maid in Idaho 3 cans . .r 25C PEAS Davis County 3 cans 2fiC 23C FRUIT COCKTAIL Delmonte, 2 cans BUTTER Brookfield, Grade A lb A Dependable Guide To ni' Whl,i"' y 3 ."t.v "x CIIOCOATIiS America's fittest catidy "The Front Page" bines com- the newsiest style feature of the year: Tyrolean crown and brim braided band Authentic brush feather. Colorful 085 HAND FASHIONED IT 10 UUS Sictutive Portta full-bodi- "5 wmntbme PROOF Wtmrpraot k ' finish. "Protth" pmr. mpirmtian-proo- f oil milk inmmrl. A SPECIAL PRICE of only 69C Ord & m I A great variety at 2 5c to $7.50 the town with a NEW STYLE Old BOTTLE at J We've Scooped Mangelson STRAIGHT Bourbon WHISKEY AI A vmiloblt In Kjt NOW 3 YEARS OLD COrR. 193, THE OLD OUAKI.R CO., LAWPF.NCF.BL'RC, IND. THE TOGGERY |