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Show Page Eight The Nephi, Utali Times-New- s, r 3CT LOCAL Allen's Cash Store BETTER We have tweet Mixed Candy You'll find It to your liking. Made of the hloheit quality sugar and flavor. BARGAINS DECEMBER 3 AND 4 BANANAS pound CHOCOLATES 5 pound box purest 5c FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BARGAINS 1 lb SWEET CANDY cellophane bag SWEET CANDY 2 lb cellophane bag PASTIC FILLED CANDY 1 pound OLD ENGLISH TOFFEE CANDY 1 lb 1 lb boxes CHERRY CHOCOLATES HARRIET CLARK ASSORTED 1 lb box CHOCOLATES 98c HEWLETTS TEA 15c package MINCE MEAT 2 pounds 5 to a jar TAMALES PEAS ROLY POLY 21c Large crisp heads ORANGES 200 size dozen 29c 20c 25c 25c 29c per jar 22c 25c 9c 20c CAMPBELL'S SOUPS (Except Chicken) 3 cans for 25c BAKERS CHOCOLATE SONNY BOY SPAGHETTI packages Rice Krispies, pkg Krumbles all for 26c Half-poun- 25c 15c 15c d 2 cans I SPINACH Texas Curly Leaf, pound ORANGES Medium Large, dozen GRAPE FRUIT Texas Pink each YAMS Louisiana, pound SWEET POTATOES California, lb 10 lb Mesh Bags ONIONS No. 1 2 pound bricks DATES each HARD MIX CANDY 25c pounds CHORE GIRL each 8c BABY BEEF POT ROAST 18c pound LOOSE LARD 2 pounds 35c SHOULDER VEAL ROAST pound 15c Sperry's PAN CAKE FLOUR 28 oz pkg 21c 2 PEANUT BUTTER 2 pound jar HOYT HOME The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Will L. Hoyt w Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the County Commission ers of Juab County, Utah, will be held at Eureka on the 20th day of December, 1937, for the" pur pose of adopting a budget for the year 1938, and that a public hearing will then be allowed on said budget. NEW BATTERIES IN YOUR CAR ARE NOT EFFICIENT UNLESS YOUR CAR IS VERY THOROUGHLY CHECKED FOR Fred PA. "Prosperity PITTSBURGH, It making Pittsburgh 'the smoky city once more. Steel mills and industrial plants throughout the district have thrown their keys away, and are going wide open twenty-fou- r houra a . day. Thousands of men are being put to work, in three shifts. Instead of two dinner pails, as has been the rule for several years, there are now three, and In each one Is an orange, apple, pear, or some other kind of fruit" This optimistic statement concerning business conditions in the Pittsburgh district was made today by W. M. English, president of the Union Fruit Auction Co., this city. "The tremendous buying power of the legions of workers now back on the job In this district Is being reflected in the fresh fruit markets," Mr. English declared. "Their families are large consumers of fresh fruits of all kinds, and now that the men have steady work at good wages, they are spending appreciable amounts for these necessities. This la assurance of a steadily increasing demand in this market for fruits from California, Florida, Washington, Texas, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, Arizona and Georgia. IGNITION POINTS L. Gadd CAP AND ROTOR : fSI ilii LWJ it A BLEND OF STRAIGHT 1 WHISKIES I 90 PROOF IS HERE LET US CHECK AND ADJUST ALL OF THESE POINTS FOR EASY STARTS AND BETTER JT , - i X. ; : jf iv 14 X k aidorw "v"; 1 pints CODl S' )ji I n- Thanksgiving visitors at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Bowles were Mr. and Mrs. William Garrett and family of Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gehrity of Ely and Mr. and Mrs. George Kelly of Salt Lake City. W. L. Mildenhall, Informs the Times - News that representatives of the Reemployment office at Pro-v- o will be at the Juab County Court House Monday December 6, to take care of all persons desiring to for employment. CLASSIFIED 3 acres of farm FOR SALE land in South west field, now in Alfalfa. Mrs. H. E. Black. 236J. LADIES ALLEN A HOSE for CHRISTMAS The Toggery. WILSON BROS SHIRTS, SOX, PAJAMAS Make good Xmas The Toggery. Presents 2 room apartment FOR RENT Partly furnished. Bernell Gowers, phone 354J. FOR SALE I1 11c 5c 25c 23c 5 POUND XMAS BOX CHOCOLATES 98c 1 QUART GRAND SALAD DRESSING 27c 10 BARS WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP 29c 10 POUNDS SUGAR 59c SEE OUR DISPLAY OF QUALITY XMAS GOODS XMAS Doll DOLLS Buggies Now on Display 49c to $3.98 $1.98 ang?nS Tricycles $3.98 $4.75 $2.50 Game 98c to $4.95 Wreaths 98c "- -' $1.25 ch 29c Boards 49c rains Xmas Electric Window Mecanical $i.98 $3.98 MnH,n!cil I 47: Steel Coaster $2.98 Bath Robes Give Lorraine Childrens, Misses, Ladies Underwear SILK GOWNS and Mens Xmas $1. $1.98 $2.98 $1.25 to $6.75 $5 45 ... fr CO PRATT MERCANTILE One circulating Apples. -- - Delicious and - Clearance SALE Jon-Stephe- n Boswell. 1st Grade Barley FOR SALE Russell Hawkins, Phone 77. GOOD PAY STEADY WORK RELIABLE MAN WANTED to call on farmers in Juab Co. Make up to $12 a day. Write today. Furst and Thomas, 426 3rd St., Oakland, Cal. WatarIM A tmmkj Frafer DfertManr C. tadarva. Ky. StraicU feartoa VUskayaM tnU AT FROCK AND BONNET SHOPPE Watch for Handbills MONA SOCIAL NEWS range Sor-enso- OF COAL FROM THE CARBON COUNTY MINES - FIFTHS CODE No. 309 GRAPE FRUIT CALIFORNIA HEAD LETTUCE 1 POUND CHERRY CHOCOLATES 24 Oz JAR PEANUT BUTTER Mr. and Mrs. Glen W. Steed and three children of Salt Lake City visited in Nephi Monday and Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs! George McCune. DeBeth and Ruth Steed remained here to visit with relatives and friends until Sunday. 27c 4 Miss Phyllis Green of Salt Lake FOR SALE Good enameled is spending the week at the In use only 3 years. Mrs. City home of her mother, Mrs. Annie Thomas Vickers, phone 84W. Swasey. Miss Katherine Kay spent the FOR SALE cow, Jersey holidays with her fresh. Mrs. James Garrett Jr. Thanksgiving mother, Mrs. May Kay. Miss Elsa re18 month old Dur- Kay accompanied her when she FOR SALE turned to Salt Lake City. ham Bull. Cleo Malmgren, Miss Elsie was hostess to Utah 2tlp the Gleaner Kay girls last Saturday Refreshments were serAlfalfa Chaff for Sale $4.00 evening. ved to Misses Ruth Sperry, Mary L. K. ton. Webb. per Neilsen, Myrle Roberts, Dorothy Newton, Faye Nielsen, DaNelda NOTICE OF ANNUAL Young, Nellie Evans, Lael Ellert-so- n and the hostess, Miss Kay. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Miss Ruth Warner of Salt Lake NOTICE is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockhold- City spent last week end in Mona. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Kay and ers of the Nephi Irrigation company will be held in the Juab county 2 children of Lark visited with relcourt house at Nephi, Utah Decem- atives and friends in Mona last ber 6th at 2 P. M. for the purpose week end. Miss Lael Ellertson had as her of electing two directors for the n term of three years each and for guests on Thanksgiving Wayne of Provo. transacting any other business Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Kay and that may come before the meetchildren of Salt Lake City visited ing. (Signed) Nephi Irrigation Co. with relatives in Nephi and Mona during the holidays. By L. K. Webb Miss Zelda Newton and Carl Secretary. Newton who are living in Salt Lake City spent the holidays at their in Mona. ilBlh home Miss Reva Shepard entertained a group of friends of Wednesday evening of last week. The following young people were present: Miss Fern Topham, Hary Nielsen, Annie Garfield, Douglas Shepard, Reed Houghton, Newell Kay and 'Sam Newell. The Daughters of the Pioneers I HAVE TAKEN OVER THE COAL AND conducted a very successful bazaar on Wednesday evening. A program, 1 including 2 one act plays was enDRAYAGE BUSINESS OPERATED FOR joyed by a large group. A program has been arranged MANY YEARS BY H. D. GOLDSBROUGH for the M. I. A. conjoint meeting to be held on Sunday evening. An out of town speaker will address THOSE DESIRING TO BUY COAL the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kay and son LaVoy spent Thanksgiving In IN FIVE OR TEN TON LOADS Mount Pleasant. Miss Betty Lou Houghton enter WILL NOW BE ABLE TO GET IT tained a group of friends on Sunday, when she observed her 12th AT A LOWER PRICE PER TON. birthday anniversary. ALL GRADES RUNS. WW Friday and Saturday Grocery Specials DOZEN NAVAL ORANGES LOCAL - SOCIAL NEWS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Haynes, a son, on Saturday, 27. Carl Nov. Good Talker Can Fool 'Em "Regardless of what he happens to ba sayin'," remarked Uncle Eben, "a good talker kin make you mlitika deep volet an' a solemn fac foh genuine wisdom." Peculiarity of Fungi Most fungi thrive on rain, but an exception Is the powdery mildew so common on red clover, which im a variely affected by rainfall t y i.jiajna Announcement County Clerk and Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners Dates of publication, December 2, 9, 1 1937. BATTERY CABLES 2 WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Clocks, and watches in Nephi. Mills Jewelry, Repairing and Jewelry SEES BIG DEMAND FOR FRUIT IN PITTSBURGH BUDGET PROCLAMATION SILVER MAPLE SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ord and family of Evanston, Wyoming, Robert Bergen and John Ord, a student at the U. S. A. C. were Thanksgiving day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George V. Ord. FOR SALE 19c NOW THAT COLD WEATHER Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Paxman and family spent the Thanksgiving vacation in Rupert, Idaho as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vaud Peart, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Carter. athan LADIES LITERARY CLUB MEETS AT See Us For Toys, Gifts and Xmas Presents Heater, medium size, call 210J. "A 8urety of Purity" CHILI BEANS SPARK PLUGS COIL AND CONDENSER CARBURETOR 20c &R SKAGCS Monday evening. Mrs. William Bailey read the club collect, and Mrs. George A Sperry gave a report of the Red Cross drive conducted recently, and also reported on the work being done by the Red Cross. Little Miss Barbara Hoyt, accompanied at the piano by her mother, favored with a vocal solo. WE WILL BUY YOUR BEEF, PORK, VEAL An interesting paper, "Utah's Sculptors and Painters" bas presLAMBS AND EGGS ented by Mrs. E. R. Forrest. Those present at the meeting besides the hostess were Mrs. T. H. Burton, Mrs. E. R. Forrest, Miss Neva Booth, Mrs. G. R. Judd, Mrs. TrlaJa One Wei ai P. B. Cowan, Mrs. Roy T. Cowan, Mater Alma Formerly It wti against the law The expression alma mater was Miss Bertha McPherson, Miss Lula (carpet bag) In Loulilana for any adopted from Latin, meaning loiter- McPhersen, Mrs. M. L. Sowby, Mrs. criminal or civil judge to try a treed Alberta Belliston, Mrs. Ernest ing mother. man for any crime. Brough, Mrs. William Bailey, Mrs. George A. Sperry and Mrs. A. L. Garbett. DISTRIBUTOR 7c 20c 5c 5c 5c 25c BEEF POT ROAST Young Grain fed lb 18c PORK SHOULDER ROAST lb 19c VEAL SHOULDER ROAST lb 17c VEAL LEG ROAST lb 25c OYSTERS New York Select, 1 pint 55c OYSTERS New York Select, half pint 35c 25c 4 pounds Mr. and Mrs. Rex Kendall are boy, bom Monday, November 29th. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY the parents of a baby there. 15c large cans Mabel Sperry visited in Salt Lake City last week end with her brother, James Sperry. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. C. Pexton and family recently returned from Santa Monica, California, after enjoying the Thanksgiving holidays Maid In Idaho, 1 can Large package 18c Quick Quaker, large package TOILET PAPER 4c Zee, 1 roll BUTTER SCOTCH PUDDING package 5c 5c 2 3 CORN RINSO OATS LETTUCE n - SOCIAL NEWS ASSORTED CANDY Dec. 2, 1937 Thursday, 3 I Phones Office 44, Residence 244 I 2 WILLIS LINTON mm ""'Sc. ' lS" School News A very Interesting assembly program was given by the speech department Wednesday, with Miss Rivers In charge. A program was given as follows: Prayer, June Ellison; talk on Safety, Student Body Pesident Dee Kendall; debate, Marjorie Olpln and Melba Jones vs Howard Belliston and Val Anderson; skit, In charge of Miss Rivers. Lynn Jenkins, Reporter The Toggery |