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Show DRIVE CAREFUL AND HELP PREVENT DRIVE CAREFUL AND HELP PREVENT ACCIDENTS ACCIDENTS Nephi, Juab Co.. Utah Thursday, Dec. The Times, Vol.28, No. 48 NAME OFFICIALS OF Team Ready RETURNING MISSIONARY For First Pre GIVES HER IMPRESSIONS Season Game OF FLORIDA'S CHARM To Be Cut To Ten Players This Friday By Coach Elmo Brady Squad CHAMP CANNER 4-- H The News, Vol. 18, No. 48 CHRISTMAS OPENING ON Thursday For WEDNESDAY EVENING John Cooper The annual election of diiectursj for the Ute Stampede Association.! Inc., was held Monday evening at the Juab County Court House, with the reelection of Gilbert Bailey. E. II. Steele, A. L. Garbett and Max Thomas as directors and the addition of Herman W. MeC'une as a director. The hold over members of board are June Kendall, and 1937 PLANS ARE COMPLETE FOR Services Held UTE STAMPEDE ASS'N. Many Industries And Attractions Add To State's Climate 2, Santa Claus To Make ' PRIZE 4-- H COOK Pre Season Visit To he Dr. Toy Town P. L. Tones. The board will meet selin the very near future and Santa Claus will turn on the ect a president, first and second Christ mus lights next Wednesday vice presidents, and secretary and evening, December Kth, at 7 P. M. treasurer for the organization. Last Year Nephi boasted the t Nephi Pioneer Hardware Merchant Dies At Home Mon. tvening November 22, 1937 Funeral services were held in Mr. Abe Gibson, the juuo SluKe lubernacle 'i'nurs-uu- y Nephi, Utah uUfinooa lor John CoopDear Mr. Gibson: er, 8(i, pioneer hardware merchant most beautiful Christmas lights of I have so much enjoyed receiving ot isepni, wuo died at his home the Times-New- s Here momlay evening. any city her sue. This year those during the time same lights and in addition many that I have been away from home. Mr. cooper was oorn April 30, new features which will make our It has kept home and home folk l&oi, in uiusgiow, Scotland, and Christmas spectacle one to behold. closer and I want to express my joined tne L. L. S. cnurcn in his very grateful appreciation for it. Nephi City is furnishing free eleuuiive country, lie came to AmerI had intended sending a little ctric current to all business houses ica at tne age ot 21, lust settling write-u- p on Florida to the paper, on the two blocks of the muin m iew ucuiord, muss and later in a district out am to for the I business let have but very lighting sorry suit Luke City, in tne eariy 70's. life Interfere, however, I am side of the buildings. Practically cm December zl, mil, he married Kathleen Graham, 16, of Eden, busy now sending some little information all, and possibly every store front .nzauein Kea Mctwun, in tne Old has earned the Utah championwill be beautifully decorated and about this very interesting southern endowment house in Salt Lake ship in food preservation on a three State. attthe This feature plus lighted. City. South Ward Has year record in which she canned "Florida, land of the famed founractively decorated inside windows lie was associated with the Dav 1028 pints of fruits, vegetables and tain of is new one of discovered was the features this Phyllis Worthington, 17, Nephi, id James tin snop, being one of the by youth, of Sunday Charge meats. On 15 exhibits at county and Ponce De hisUtah named to Leon, according year. champion in food three men called to the roofs state fairs she won $23.00. She gave tory, when seeking that magic There will be other attractions preparation, has completed seven on the Logan and place Manti L. D. Program Evening five demonstrations, winning counas a a must club member. of life. It was established as She years just as interesting, but you ne later moved from ty championship in 1935 and ent Spanish colony In 1586, by Pedro win second prize in a state foods Saltiemples. Lane to Tooele, establishing a The regular Fast Day conjoint come out and see for yourself. ered two judging contests. As the Menendez, and sold to the United The Junior Chamber of Commer- demonstration and third in judging. nardware business. From there he will be held in the Juab state champion she receives a trip States by Spain in 1819, for five meeting Tabernacle Sunday evening, ce boys have visited Santa at the She also canned 480 pints of fruits moved to Nepni, establishing the to the 16th National Club Con- million dollars, and was admitted Stake with the Nephi South ward pres- North Pole and he and his rein and vegetables. Each year she has first hardware store, .and continuin her local club, and gress in Chicago, now in session, as a state In 1845. in this business until his retirethe program. The outline deer promise to be our permanent held office enting and wil vie with other1 Western served as assistant leader for one ing Its specialties are climate, breezment at the age of 80 years. the evening's program is as guests during the holiday season. states winners for sectional honors es and surf. Its climate is tolerable of Merchants are urged to get their year. She receives an all expense follows: Selection, Carmenia chorHe became very active in civic and a $200 scholarship, provided by in summer, and balmy and delightto Chicago to the National and church affairs, prayer, Marjorie Olpin; duet, building fronts decorated Immedia- trip serving two Keer Glass Corporation with other ful beyond compare in winter, the us; tely. All equipment for decorating club congress, now In session, and terms as city councilman, and serLawrence Memmott and Jane awards. If successful she will com- only other country in the same mission to Missionary experiences, El- can be purchased locally and a she will compete with other West- ved on a two pete for an additional $200 which class being Egypt. It offers health der Ralph Garrett; "Why Should store can be decorated for as little ern State Champions for one of the Great Britian. Atyear of his the time National to the two Servel Electrolux kerosene op- death he was a member of the goes champion. to those who are not well, and Gleaners and M Men participate in as $2.00 or as much as he wishes. A few suggestions for the busin- erated refrigerators. Their Activities Together", Miss pleasure to those who are. high priests quorum of the Juab It has an approximate population Cranney; M Men Chorus L. O. S. Stake. Following the death selection, ess are: A Clarence and Lawrence Brough and of one million people (1925-26- ). (1) Colored light festoons drapof his first wife, he married Eliza large percent of the citizens of Lawrence and Byron Memmott; ed in attractive patterns across the beth Nunn in 1909 in the Salt Lake Florida were born in other states The Living of the Master M Man store fronts. Temple. conststars of the Union (2) More light Brilliantly Me A Suitable Code Makes Surviving him are his widow, two It Is bounded by the Atlantic on for a Gleaner Girl" by ructed of press-woosons and two daughters: Robert M. over trees the east, the Gulf on the west and Companion Christmas (3) Lighted EksAyn Anderson; "The Living of Cooper, Salt Lake City, Jennie C on the south by the Gulf stream, the Me To doors and windows. Gleaner Sheaf Winn, William N. Cooper and Irene the mightiest river on earth. The Be Worthy of an MHelps and decorations Wreaths t4) o' ComMan's Cooper, Nephi. He is also survived stream is ninety miles wide where panionship," June Ellison; Carmen-l- a pine boughs Interlaced with colored by 7 grand children and I great it comes out of the gulf and one M Man lights, Chorus selection; grand children. November Bills May mile deep. As it turns north along Howard Belliston. prayer, (5) Press wood cut outs, made the Atlantic, it has a current of with Jig saw and nailed on a To Be Exhibited Cattle Be Paid With Saving four miles per hour. At Miami board, may be lighted from front At San Francisco It or made Into silhouettes by lightonly three miles from the Until December 12 coast. Its warmth Is a great asset ing from rear. These cutouts may Livestock Show to the state. be Santa, Reindeer, Xmas Trees, Florida has thirty thousand Nephi residents will benefit mat etc. Letters .Comics, An experiment to determine the erially from a recent decision of lakes. There-l- i scarcely a - like Any onejr a combination of the the Nephi City Council, in which area on earth that has such an above suggestions may be used. It best combination of feeds Tor Tatt they increased the discount rate outflow of water from springs. is greatly desired that all mer ening cattle to the best advantage for payments of electric light ac- Eighteen of these are so large that avail themselves of the city's of the feeder and the livestock chants counts under the given time from each one would furnish water for offer of free current and owner is being conducted in Nephi generous 10 to 25 per cent. To some, this the cities of Tampa and Miami. as elaborate a display at by M. M. O'Gara, and Roscoe Park, up put Thousands to Attend the latter working as a Future may be a saving of omy a few Three of these springs have a com this time as means will permit. To Discuss Matters cents but to the many heavy users bined flow of a billion gallons a Santa says hell turn on the Farmer organization member. Los Angeles Annual The stock for the experiment is of power in Nephi, the saving will day. and then make his way Of Importance During lights furnished Max P. amount to quite a sum. Cowan Exhibitions being by The agricultural possibilities here lights and then to show his love of Salt Lake The Nephi City Council and the are excellent. Two or three orops City and Warrilow for all will toss the folks a kiss Sessions servhave Wilford can Bailey, be Mayor, as he makes his way down the Brough of Nephi, and the 30 head grown during the season, LOS ANGELES Complete in in their posts faithfully for the with cheap transportation through new brilliantly lighted arcade of of baby beef are being fed on chop Its application to the meat animal Actual Procedure To ed The 21st of anmial convention efficfeeds to of their and two all determine years, ped types, past the seaboard to the principal mar main street. industry, the Great Western Live Fed- Nephi's ient handling of city affairs has kets of the east. Over a hundred the Utah State Farm Bureau New-houBe Announced Soon The Junior C. of C, the City their value. stock show will draw western stock The is stock made it possible to make this re- thousand carloads of fruits and eration will be held at the for fattened being Electric light department and the men to Los Angeles from Decemon Lake Officials Salt hotel, State of the City, exhibition the in San duction at Francisco the By payment American Legion have worked hard vegetables are shipped out each ber 13 to 18. cattle and November bills. All members of year. Irish potatoes head the list December 8, 9 and 10, according to and long to wish you a Merry Livestock show which is to be hogs, fat stock,Breeding feeder cattle and EllH. an announcement James of by with held the or winter the the late the range bulls will combine to form exception Council, with five million bushels being during The actual procedure for the local bureau president. It is Christmas. holdover-councilmC. W. John- sold before they are early spring. a show that has been designed to planted In the ison, payment of unemployment comover two thousand that office at Is expected corThe stock from located are at the retiring north, also four million winter tom farmers and their wives meet the needs of all operators in pensation benefits will be announc- son, of Johnson Mr. Mr. belonging of this rals atoes and three million sweet pot- to O'Gara, and an inspect- the meat livestock business. year. ed to the public in a short time, the end Bureaus the Farm and serve. County to more ion of the is years feeding experiment atoes, besides celery, cabbage, let Increased has been laid according to Ray R. Adams, exec- has two invited by the owners and feeders. on the feederemphasis City Recorder Albert C. Starr, In tuce ,beans, peppers, egg plants and Cooperative associations will be in utive director of the State Industand range bull divisattendance. of the decision Farmers and stockmen interested ions of the onions. The orange crop Is the most announcing the rial Commission. approaching show with has been received by in watching the results of the ex- the Mr. Adams also announced that Council on the increased discount attractive to visitors. Grape fruit theAssurance of stimulating wider purpose offiUtah Bureau Farm State to apply brings ten billions a year and Is the periment are Invited to visit the use of good registered bulls and E. J. Burnett, chief accountant, and rate, stated that it is H. cers of J. that durbills 1937 King, president site. best grown In the United States, E. C. Howe, newly apppointed chief only on November, production of easier-feedin- g, o the Wyoming Farm Bureau FederThat the proper feed for live the resultant of the benefit payment section of ing the regular discount period, un- according to Florldians. The earlier maturing cattle. T. E. and on ation, Howard, Agricult stock development is raised here is the best fruit Florida raises. the unemployment compensation til December 12th, and only stockmen still have western That ural current has long been known, and the ad- far to Others are pineapple, guavas, limes will beAdjustment to Administration, division, had been at work for some accounts that are in a in up their go breeding in residpresent participate condition. In other words, and mangoes, tangerines and lemding of certain concentrates to that herds forcefully impresses the vistime on this procedure. Ralph Garrett Tells feed will naturally increase its itor to ons as well as many other of the the convention activities. Topics of A. A. Kimball, of the Federal ents of Nephi have a twelve-da- y or to the stock yards, In value. Chopping the alfalfa and western any Of Pecans are vital importance concerning every Social Security Board, spent several period to obtain 25 cents discount some variety. While Germany country. range of the to the another crop grown extensively In phase agricultural industry other materials fed will further herds have been graded up by the days in Utah recently, reviewing on ever dollar they paybills. Talk of will be discusof Utah the State increase its effectiveness and for use of Interesting this state. Florida raises cotton, city on their November procedure proposals. registered bulls, until they by prominent state and nationthe purpose of showing what this are but as a cotton state it is not sed "Utah is one of the 22 states The regular 10 per cent discount purebred, many al Ellison said. Mr. leaders, Ralph Garrett, who has been lab can do, this experiment is being scrub practically which will be paying unemploy rate will be back in effect for Jan- to be compared to several other of cattle are still being producBoth inspiration and entertain oring as a L. D. S. Missionary in carried on. ment compensation benefits next uary payments of the December the Southern states. Tobacco is al- ment ed. has been provided for those Germany for the past two years so grown but it is not a specialty The tremendous increase in dry January," Mr. Adams stated. "The readings. who attend the convention, includ- returned home last week and has Is being given as a rate The on law five) (Continued page Unemployment compensation lot feeding of cattle In the west ing the Annual dance to be held in been kept very busy since arriving is extremely technical, and it has Christmas token from the city ofhas been a most Important factor the evening of Wednesday, Decem home telling of his experience in been quite a task to evolve a ficials to residents of Nephi. In encouraging better breeding of 8 and the Annual Banquet and that country. ber be which would FORUM TO START ON program to be held in the benefit procedure range cattle. While good breeding ada fine Mr. Garrett evening very gave the at the within law and is desirable where grass Is the sole entirely of Thursday, December 9th. dress before the members of the WEDNESDAY same time not be cumbersome. We food, It Is imperative where catThe Home and de club Kiwanis Community noon, Monday Nephi we have accomplished this, believe tle are put In pens and fattened BurState of Farm the on address a detailed partment very in we now giving are right however, and Wednesday, December 8th at eau federation, will feature the on expensive concentrates and on in as found he them conditions M. the process of drawing up the necin 7:30 P. the Juab high school roughages. Feeders have learned session begining at 10 A. Germany. The speaker made a building will be the opening meet opening essary forms. that poorly bred cattle require t M. on December 8th. in conditions of the careful study "Part of the procedure will call ing of a community forum. This quantity more feed for 100 pounds to guide the destinies that country and his talk was very for the benefit claimants to report forum will be held once a week, of Officers Fine Play gain than do well bred cattle, and Progressing Bureau 1938 the Farm to the educational and through interesting to an employment office once each each Wednesday night. while they never develop carcasses an will be at elected annual meet Kiwanians. For Presentation week. Professor Elmer Miller of the Special provision is made that are desirable from the standof the Board of Directors which He has also talked at several for those who live a great distance To Be Awarded B. Y. U. will be here to discuss some ing Radio point of the packer. M. Thursday classes at the Juab Stake P. Next 4:00 will at be held Evening Friday seminary from an employment office. Actual In dry lot feeding, the one limmajor political, economic and soc December 9th, Mr. Elliston report last. Monday. ial problems which promise to be To LaVonian Home payment of benefits will be made factor is the original animal iting ed. One of the most successful events' of interest to all. by mail. While our first registratits conformation and its ability to orResolutions the embodying Science Group ion for benefits will probably take Members who attend can deterof the year Is to be the production utilize feeds. A comon steer will AND of the anual high school play. mine what shall be the program ganization's ideals and purposes will LEASES COAL place on January 3, it will be very never choice, no matter how be considered and adopted The title of the play Is "Girl long itgrade close to the end of the month beThe La Vonian Home Science for future meetings. There are so th afternoon session on, during DRAYAGE BUSINESS is fed. Because of this InesFriday, fore actual benefit checks are in club of Nephi, were successful In many Important problems which December 10th. Shy" and will be presented under capable fact, the spread between the hands of the claimants. being Utah state winners In the we should know something about in and Improved leased the coal the direction of Miss Virginia Riv- the prices of Linton has Willis "The claimant will probably not 1937 Social Profress contest, which order to function as Intelligent citfeed er attle has widened with the and drayage business operated for ers. are and need receive his first unemployment gives them their choice of a $100 izens. A course of this kind should LEADERS IN LOGAN If you shy your girl In dry-lIncrease finishing. many years by the late H. D. check until almost four weeks have RCA Victor Radio or portable RCA be rich and interesting to any wide solved attend this play At the Great Western Livestock Goldsbrough and recently operated problems FOR SCHOOL sol- Show will Be herds of will a not find and you elapsed, but after that his check Record player with records valued awake citizen. only registered by Charles R. Jenkins. Mr. Jenkins ution to your problems and trouble, will come fairly regularly once at $100.00. The members were conAdult education In many parts County Agricultural Agent A. E Herefords in prime condition, inretain the mail transportation will each week as long as he is entitled tacted, and the majority of them of the country Is becoming as In Smith, together with LeGrand will but enjoy yourself. really the potentialities of well-bre- d contract. to the benefits. Can you Imagine Whltworth In- dicating chose the radio. A. E. Smith, county terestlng and as Important as the Mangelson of Levan, and Mrs. Nora cattle. Range, bulls of the "Partial unemployment compen- agent will report to the Logan off regular schools. We are waking up Reid of Nephi, left the fore part gram as girl shy, and Howard right type of sire desirable feeder sation benefits offer more of a ice and the machine will then be to the fact that to function Intel! of the week for Logan, to attend RED CROSS TOPS If not calves, will be exhibited and sold at Pratt composing poetry. come and see them in their roles auction. The feederj steer division igently in this complex society, we the annual Adult Leaders training problem than benefits for those the forwarded to this group. as Tom Arsdale and Alfred Tenny- will show the result of the use of This group of girls are anxious to must take advantage of all the op course. They will be at the Ag- QUOTA IN DRIVE problem than benefits for those son Murgatoyd. Don't miss the keen good registered bulls, while in the find a place that they might use portunities afforded for improve ricultural College for about two who are totally unemployed." for a club room. The radio would ment. weeks. Upon their return to the The officials of the Red Cross competition between the characters auction sale' of feeder calves and In our community there seems to county, they will be expected to organization wish to thank the of the play and the jealousy and yearlings, feeder buyers will evalHarvey, Kay pleaded guilty to a then be placed In the room, tO' charge of possession of deer meat, gether with pennants and other pri- be a great deal of interest on the train other people in the line of residents of Nephi, Mona and Le hatred which exists between Babs uate good breedings Loads of fat instead of killing deer as was stat- zes won by the girls. Their meet part of the ladles, but no so much work which they nro (pursuing at van for their fine cooperation in Sanford and Sylvia Webster, play- cattle, forming the final link In the ed In last week's Issue of The ings would be held there, which on the part of the men. Better the college. ' ' ',( the recent roll call. The chapter ed by Margeta Ellison and Florence chain, will represent the objective Times-New- s. club watch your step, men, or we will would solve a great many Approximately 100 leaders from went far over their quota as set Crane. The looks they exchange In western cattle production. be taking a back seat. the various counties of the state by the Pacific states branch offic are enough to keep you laughing t-problems. to be presented In the high school P. J. Sanders has moved his ofwill be at the training school to ers. The workers, and the people for a week. These girls are meeting at an on Friday evening, Girl Shy is a hilarious 3 act com auditorium A baby girl was born to Mr. and take part in the activities offered of Nephi are to be greatly com fice into the rooms above the early date to discuss ways and i Mrs. Elmo Starr on November 30, by the Extension service. means of building a club house. Ord and Mangelson Drug Store. mended for their cooperative spirit. edy with never a dry moment. It Is December 10th. The busketball team of the Juab high school will usher in Its 1937-3- 8 basket ball campaign Friday 3, with a game with the Manti high school. The Manti boys won the Sanpete league championship last year and have a very scrappy organization again this year. They have a line record in pre season games so fur and will be a real test for the Nephi boys. Coach Elmo Brady has been working his basket ball charges hard for the past two weeks which should put them Into good condition for Friday's game. He is build ing his squad largely around Jun iors and Sophomores who he hopes will provide the nucleus for next year s team. A tough pre season schedule has been arranged for the players, the highlight of which will be a three days trip to Jordan, Tooele and Grantsville. This trip will be taken on December 16, 17, and 18. The schedule for the entire pre season games follows: December 3 Manti at Nephi; December 8 Manti at Manti; December 11 Ephraim at Ephraim; December 13 Hinckley at Nephi; December 16 Jordan at Jordan; December Tooele at Tooele; Decemb 17, Grantsville at Grantsville; er 18 December 23 Ephraim at Nephi; Jordan at Nephi. December 29 Members of the squad are Dee Kendall, Tom Harrison, Marion Wankier, Jack Shaw, Maynard Bailey, Howard Pratt, Willis and Wal lace Bryan, Verl Sudweeks, Glenn Francom, Newell Shepherd, Jack Howarth, Wendel Sanders, Robert Stephenson, Lorraine Tew, Gordon Pay and Glen Wilson. This squad will be cut to ten members by Friday. Prior to the Juab high-Man- ti high school game, the Juab Mill will meet the Manti Lions team. Harold Olpin. Dee-emb- er Conjoint Meeting On Sunday 4-- H 4-- H er Bur-ridg- 25 Per e; Cent Discount Being Conducting Experiment On Feeds d. Offered Annual Farm Bureau Meet In Salt Lake Compensation Payments To Begin In Jan. Plans Ready For Great Western Show -- ay se an Missionary Is Kiwanis Club Speaker ava-cad- semi-tropic- CLUB WINS FIRST IN al . School Play To Be Glamorous 3 Act Comedy STATE ot ' 4-- H |