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Show THE SIX PAGE TIMES-NEW- Si Thursday, November 26, 1936 NEPHI. UTAH lalUilUaLaUAAlaUJlaLI OF INTEREST TO THE Ast Ale Another General Quiz w ORLD'S BEST COMICS HOUSEWIFE Print your child's name inside his rubbers when he goes to school. This will make it possible for his teacher to Identify them, which would otherwise be Impossible to do where there are so many rubbers of about the same O e BeB Srsaicsts. 1. In court procedure, what doea 'In camera" mean? 2. Did Lincoln's assassination aurren- precede or follow Lee'a Lighter Side of Life as Depicted by Famous Cartoonists and Humorists derT 3. What element size. l When making the beaten eggs and when it is curdle, as may eggs are added mayonnaise, stir into cold vinegar boiled it will not be the case when to hot vinegar. To remove the feathers from wild ducks, dip them in boiling water, then wrap in a thick cloth. The feathers are steamed loose in THE FEATHERHEADS nope tou -- A GOOD KJ mad PAt Money Matters Br Oihsra ALL. DlrJMR VEAd.AlL RIGHT AMD REAPV WAS dcwJkitovJkI 1 yj really" ?n E I ALL saw well, Tub cutest i 6owm l onlV fBECAUSE BUT MOW DiD V rr LET MG OUT TAKE A LOOK AT IT a very few minutes and the "pins" little or no trouble. was William Harvey r Who was the first president of the German Republic? 10. What is "turbid" waterT Answers ALL 1. Not in public court; privately. 2. Lincoln was shot April 14: the surrender took place April 9, 18G5. If cinnamon toast Is served frequently, it pays to mix some cinnamon and sugar and keep it in a shaker so that it can be used 3. Nitrogen and oxygen. 4. In Boston. r A o telling Borax whitens napkins. Use a tablespoon of borax in each two quarts of water used for rinsing. 7. Nephew. S'MATTER POP Sure! When You Shiver. You Mutt Be Cool p- A teaspoon of granulated sugar added to the water in which turnips are boiled removes the strong turnip taste some object to. O Bell Syndicate. mlivnl German poem. the Nibelungs, a super-- . natural race. 6. In the South Pacific. quickly. Before storing winter cabbage wrap each head in an old newspaper. This will keep the cabbage crisp and green much longer. Napoleon fi. MUOJ AT relation was 8. Who CHAMCE OF GBTTlMCr iT will give 4. Where Is Faneuil 0. What is the MiDeiungeniieui are the Society . Where III to Napoleon I? VOULDM'T ha-j- make up tha dentist's laughing gas? HallT 7. What vou 7ou DiDr4T, r-- 1 VoJ if KMEVM J HAD BROUGHT 1 IT HOME "Z WNU Senrlos. J 3ETecirATiv m.A mv WNU Service. Dr. Pierce's Pellets ar bent for liver, bowel and stomach. One little Pullet for a laxative three for a cathartic. Adv. i 7 Jf MyTiAj4t! A h ' 77 4 -- I f J 4owak S" 1 - tr- , t Most of the St. Bernard dogs used by the monks living in the Alps for rescue work now carry drinks in vac hot. uum flasks attached to their collars irtead of brandy. ) JI Ml X)t ) eifAV J Prederlch Ebert. Water cloudy or muddy. No More Brandy You Vfee-- p x Qi blood. fl. I 1 , C M. PAYNE 10. L 1 V - . - By n An Knplish nhvsician who dis covered the circulation of the non-alcoho-lic X J I Firm Answer short and firm answer gives one a rest from long annoyance. A How Many wm"r '' Now Ease Neuritis Pains Fast MESCAL IKE 11! tT HCSCA-- ume; n I I 1936, by Tha BD 0-- Irndlett, TT Asleep on Duty BSAI-I-- MISS V COCk-rc- do a. (Oyngiit, Pennies Your Child's Life? 4 wOUJ BOUT BA6V TOR TUG SOUNiUKI TWkW HIM SkFTEWsJOOfl. VlXXADiTO VOU WKTCM HIM fOR MS (JJMIUE 1 Bayer Tablets Dissolve Almost til Br S. L. HUNTLEY SJ . I'M sf eV I j a. i. ' mil trK'M ' LuATtH l" V. ?SL II nitTT II I 1 1 ' ti I m I'.llll ti-- a OV1 1 1 Instantly In 1 seconds by slap Don't Try to "Save" on Home Remedies Ask Your Doctor a fennlna wateh, BAYER Aspirin Ublot starts to disintegrate and go to work. Drop a Bayer Aspirin tablet Into a gSaM of water. By the time it hits the bottom of the glass It is disintegrating. What happens In this glass happens In your J For Amazingly Quick Relief Get Genuine Bayer Aspirin If you suffer from pains of neuritis yfcfe IwSgss DOZENS Ji No Admittance 1 ... A DOZEN sp" BRONC PEELER Seems To Be A Job In Sight 'J CAN YA TIE tHAT Pick Th' viocst hoss Of fM' (?PN6E , rN' That ecvci.t-p.ioTRAMP MA,KES A roou oui of ric io6 om This iSasch. Keep this in mind, and say "PHIL LIPS' MILK, OF MAGNESIA" p By FRED HARMAN BRonc PltlEK'S -- Ar4' LlKS rj060OY5 BUNflS. LOOKS LIKE HE. feET VOEXL, lf A -- S2AMCH Virtually lea tablet LOOK Marie Bts. P. B. Pat. Olllce) FINNEY OF THE FORCE what you want is quick relief. Genuine Bayer Aspirin tablets give quick relief, for one reason, because they dissolve or disintegrate almost instantly they touch moisture. (Note illustration above.) when you take a real Hence Bayer Aspirin tablet it starts to dissolve almost as quickly as you swallow it. And thus is ready to start working almost instantly headaches, neuralgia and neuritis pains start easing almost at once. ' a That's why millions never ask for aspirin by the name aspirin alone when they buy, but always say "BAYER ASPIRIN" and see that they get it. Try it. YouH say it's marvelous. 15C FOR terVtBmlir. Tra Coi2lsjit; rait THE BATE It CROSS O v-- r? A. Til i ii . i srT2 ii vi j :4 :s WtSTtRM U a? was Iws 15 A ?foui? MOLO wnt ONCE TOO OFTEN L 'iJ Bet f (3 womanhood. girlhood paring for motherhood. - I iSSfiii I, o life- - i! r I' ll ii u 6N& --1WIBTYOENT5 a pcxxo Reni. h1 ' fi l k; throe-quart- WNU W Tl ''"') Defect Noted "Have jou any complaints to make?" asked the prison governor. "Yes." replied the prisoner, schooled in architecture, "the prison walls are not built to scale." - 4833 MORNING DISTRESS isdue to scid, upset stomach. Milnesia wafers (the original) quickly relieve acid stomach and give necessary elimination. Each wafer equals 4 teaspoonfuls of milk of magnesia. 20c, 35c & 60c, Bww w. a sit . Phillips' no fcPwiuipy I ifcll - III II III II ii i MILK OF MAGNESIA DANDRUFF She Uses Glover's! She used to be a victim of Dandruff But no morel Her secret is tegular use of I overt ij Medictoe and Minn Clover's Medicated Soap fot tha shampoo. That's what YOU .herald ba doing for YOUR hair. ask your Hauare sue aaows. oAim" At mil Dntsutt IN UTAH AND fai-ther- ." They walked on another two a fine miles in silence. "It's day, faither," repeated the boy. "And it's not the day to remark aboot it, Sandy," said the father severely. I Ap- proaching "middle age." Don't be a wife,' take LYDIA E. PINKHAM3 VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go "Smiling Through." lui of genuine Phillip' Milk of Ivjaxoesui. No answer. mm 2. Pre- 8. bbt 6aa Pink-ham- to e&o- ALLOlOUT' &?ZZgi Si3Sf Lee Br CLUYA5 WILLIAMS TRADING STAMPS .. -- teaspoon- - PlMl.fHOLSfrt OOWN Observinf the Sabbath three-Quar- ter a os0 5ss!aEaaa3sa" Copyright, morninc a sturdy "auld Hielander" and his son were walking to kirk over the Scotch moors. After a long silence that seemed to the laddie unendurable, he remarked, "It's a fine day, of ACtiOtt ffere aabono Si To IN HIS FACE One Sunday Rach tdnv tahlet la theeauivalent cannot fVpr Hotsiwi A StMGLC The Curse of Progress IN TABLET FORM: ALSO HOLSTER YOU CAN THROW CARDS TTTHEN you have those awful IT cramps: when tout nerves are all on edge don't take it out on the man you love. ' Your husband cant possibly know how you feel for the simple reason that he is a man. wife may be A no wife at all if she nags her husband seven days out of every month. For three generations one woman has told another how to go "smU-ln- g 's through" with Lydla E. Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure In the three ordeals of life: 1. Turning from when you buy. Comes now, also in tablet form. Get the form you prefer. But see that what you pet is labeled "Genuine Phillips Milk of Magnesia." 251 for a big box of the tablets at drug stores. QUICK DRAW -- . There is one point, on which prac tically all doctors acree. that is: Don't give your child unknown remedies without asking your doctor first. All mothers know this. But some times the instinct to save a few pennies by buying "something just as good" overcomes caution. When it comes to the widely used "milk of mag children's remedy nesia many doctors for over half a century have said "PHILLIPS." For Phillips' Milk of Magnesia is the standard of the world, bale lor JUL. Always in the Way She (gushingly) Let's play some tennis I He Can't The net's broken. She Finel The net's always in the way when I play. 6V Ml& 00f 60ti CI MO) 1WO (TO BKKS iUr t- HIS OlK HIS WPUAll ONt CHPOT OlHER W - e0$ 100VIN6 "TO M.r CVER h (two ECDII'i llWrslssifii 401(4 HE SWltS SW1I fODi SWAP Wajfft aMffiift MaP-iS- STAMP f rr. fjU the HOTEL BETt LOMOND Ogden's Finest . , One oi Utah' Best 350 Rooms 350 Baths - $2.00 to $4.00 Air Cooled Corridors Grill Room Coffee Shop Spacious Lounge and Lobby Courteous Service Every Comfort and Convenience will be found at Delightful Rooms Nt60iMiOK& EriHfe Rt- o sumep fppir 1HE --ifeAPt, BlrfNn-lVltNOW B STAMP D'SPARAGr 0H BUI?, FOUND IN SwUfrif IN6 COMMENT eEIMi nowhere, rum woks C OlHW'6 (II- OICR HfacrfierfiONS (DarrrVM. ink. hf n a.n kkk srt. If " ) 6PfNT PitKiK6 HW.r UP HM flt Heo STAMPS 0B BOMC, HAVINft tl TlWAKT CHDINd IN JPIfWED BMflS AlWitlUltb EDDIE WIR I04SfV)lON Of ONt fHlVU HAVE "(0 6ET H0 MW 61AMP.' UNO fOSETHERTO-fRAD- t MAJI 500(4 WEHf THE HOTEL BEN LOMOND OGDEN, UTAH "COME AS YOU ARE" CHAUNCEY W. WEST, CiN'L MOB. |